
Properly stored pollen is the key to effective treatment. What is the shelf life of flower pollen?

The composition of bee pollen contains more of the necessary substances and essential trace elements. In terms of usefulness, it surpasses even honey. It is this property that makes it popular in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Proper use of flower "powder" helps to improve vision, restore strength and immunity, as well as stabilize the psycho-emotional state. Regular use improves the general condition of the body and strengthens the immune system.

However, it has one “unpleasant” feature: even proper storage will not prevent the loss of useful properties. This is especially true for vitamins and amino acids contained in it. This is due to the fact that even after harvesting, the biochemical processes in bee pollen continue, which leads to a decrease in nutritional properties.

Summer and spring are the best times to collect flower pollen. The easiest way to collect is with a special device - a pollen trap. It is most cost-effective to collect daily, and not just during the honey collection. This increases the payback of apiaries up to 130% or more. It is necessary to choose it daily before dark, as it can become damp at night.

Freshly picked flower "powder" contains a large percentage of moisture, about 20-30%. This leads to mold and bacteria growth. Therefore, any beekeeper should know how to properly dry and store bee pollen at home.

First, it must be scattered on paper with a layer not exceeding 1 cm, and dried at 40 degrees in a well-ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight. It will take 3 days for complete drying. If the temperature is at least 10 degrees above the permissible level, this leads to the destruction of enzymes, vitamins and some hormones. During the drying process, bee pollen must be stirred periodically. The humidity of the room in which the drying process takes place should not exceed 10%.

To simplify the drying process, special drying cabinets can be used. In this case, bee pollen is poured into the tray with a layer of 1–1.5 cm. The temperature in the cabinet should not exceed 40 degrees.

You can also use vacuum drying at 120 degrees. This process will only take 2 hours. The advantage of this method is the elimination of pergo moth while maintaining the beneficial properties of the product.

Readiness can be determined in the following ways:

  • To the touch, it resembles separate dense lumps, which cannot be crushed.
  • If it is poured onto the surface from a height of 20-25 cm, the sound will resemble a metallic ringing.

Trash of different origin gets into the pollen. For this reason, it is properly cleaned. The easiest way to do this is with a fan or hair dryer. The second way to remove impurities is to sift it through a sieve with a mesh diameter of 2 mm.

Storage conditions

In addition to drying, attention should be paid to the storage of pollen, because its shelf life depends on it. With illiterate savings, it can absorb moisture from the air, due to its high hygroscopicity. For this reason, flower "powder" should be stored in airtight packaging. A plastic container or a tightly closed jar is well suited for this.

To prolong its shelf life, it is recommended to mix it with honey or powdered sugar, as these have absorbent properties. You can mix flower pollen in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2. This effective method will keep the flower "powder" longer and improve its taste. Thanks to the addition of honey, its bitterness is not so felt and its beneficial properties are enhanced, which benefit the human body.

An important nuance when storing flower "powder" at home is the temperature balance. If you store pollen in a warm place with high levels of humidity, this will lead to the appearance of insects in it. The storage area must be dry and clean, free from foreign odors. Otherwise, it will absorb odors into itself.

Shelf life

Properly dried pollen is allowed to be stored for no longer than a year. After this time, it loses its useful and valuable properties. Mixed with honey has a longer shelf life - up to 5 years. But even under such conditions, it will gradually lose its medicinal properties. After 6 months, it will lose 20-25% of useful features. In a year, this value will increase to 40–45%, and in a couple of years all useful substances will be lost.

The collection and storage of such a valuable and useful product as flower pollen must be taken seriously. One slightest mistake and all the work and time spent will go down the drain. With improper drying or non-compliance with storage conditions, it will lose its healing properties or insects will start in it. But with proper care, its valuable qualities remain for a long period of time.

Bee pollen is known to many beekeepers as a unique and healing product. Recently, this beekeeping product has also entered the medical circles. After many studies, it was found that the pollen really has such a composition, with which you can heal a huge number of different ailments.

Bee pollen is used not only for the destruction of ailments, it is also excellently used in culinary arts, as well as in cosmetology. But it is always important to remember that any product will be especially beneficial to health if all the necessary and important rules and storage conditions are observed. The shelf life of bee pollen also depends on what will be done to the human body: benefit or harm.

You can buy bee pollen in Ukraine at our apiary by ordering it by phone

How long does bee pollen keep?

Before a product can be properly stored, it must be subjected to the necessary quality collection. The product of beekeeping is mostly water, and in order for its beneficial qualities and properties to last as long as possible, the excess water must be dried. For this, specialized drying cabinets are used. The shelf life of bee pollen will directly depend on what temperature conditions will be observed in the drying cabinet. For this, special technical documentation has been developed.

Specialists in their field pour the product into a container, set the required temperature, withstand a certain amount of time for drying. And only after that a unique product is obtained that saves human health. Accordingly, a properly prepared product will be stored much longer.

How long does bee pollen keep? If all the above conditions are met, plus the product is stored in a glass or food-grade plastic container with a tightly sealed lid, then the exposure time will be 2 years. Of course, during this time, all enzymes, minerals, active substances and vitamins will be in the right amount.

But it is important to remember that the longer the product is stored, the less useful it becomes for the body. Therefore, if bee pollen is to be used to treat any serious disease, it can be used for about a year and a half.

The shelf life of pollen also depends on whether it contains any harmful insects. A sweet dish attracts many pests, and if the medicine container is kept open, it is likely that various microorganisms will start in it that will harm human health. It is strictly forbidden to keep this natural medicine in a warm and unventilated area..

You can buy bee pollen in Ukraine at our apiary by ordering it by phone
+38-096-83-44-687, 099-058-51-35

The most optimal option for the content of the active substance is a dry and darkened basement. It maintains a temperature that is desirable for most medicinal substances. Non-illumination also does its useful work - all active components do not interact, but when used, they have a maximum effect on a person.

Properly sustained shelf life of pollen is a quality medicine and an excellent tool for preventive purposes.

He took a course for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. I did it as recommended at the Merry Hornet apiary - 2 courses with a break. In the first month of taking it, I felt some changes in the prostate, but the inflammation did not completely go away. When taking the second course, I began to feel much better. For 8 months now, the prostate has not bothered. Thank you very much for your products and advice.

Ignatenko Vladislav


Thank you Dmitry and Olga for your products, and especially for eye drops. I have suffered from glaucoma for many years. The disease is progressing, but thanks to your drops, I feel that the progress has decreased and my vision has become a little better. It is a pity that they do not cure this disease, but thanks for that.

Larisa Ivanovna

For a long time I was looking for candles from hemorrhoids on a natural basis, since in a pharmacy very often a chemical preparation is included in the composition of candles. I saw that in the family apiary of the Merry Hornet, the composition includes only cocoa butter and propolis. I was very happy and ordered immediately. I was satisfied with the candles - the problem is not completely solved, but the progress is significant.

Raisa Pavlovna

I have been switching to natural cosmetics for many years now. Some I do myself, taking information from the Internet, some I buy. But from your nourishing cream, I'm just delighted. I use it all the time for my face and hands. Yes, and the same honey soap is now constantly available in our family. We will not change to a supermarket.

Kryuchko Valentina


Much thanks to you, Olga, for the garniy recommendations of the product - real wax moth. My child (a girl of 7 years) was constantly ill with inflammation of the bronchi and we often spent a lot of hours at the librarians, in some cases they did not give antibiotics. At first, folk ways to cure bronchitis and know you. My child began to get richer less sick and easier to endure illness. It’s also okay for bjolin bee bread for immunity.

Kanonenko Olga

He suffered a serious crisis and had a stroke. My daughter found information that helps with this problem to restore wax moth. Having called, we received a consultation that it is better to take a course of wax moth with a tincture of subpestilence. So they did. I have been taking it for 4 months now. Face changes. But for a full recovery, I want to take another 2-3 months. Thank you and your bees for good products.

Ivan Fedotovich


As a nursing mother, when feeding a child, there was a problem with lactation at 6 months. I read that Apilak based on royal jelly helps very well, but pure royal jelly has an even stronger effect. We ordered this product from a family apiary. And after 4 days of taking the milk resumed in the right amount, and after 2 weeks of taking it, I had to express the excess. Liked your product very much. Now I'm thinking about the course of raising immunity. Thanks for the help.



Many thanks to the bees and the Merry Hornet. I have been suffering from diabetes for many years. Apart from medicines and special nutrition, nothing helps in life. But I am an optimist and I try to engage in a healthy lifestyle. Buying acacia honey from Dmitry, he advised me to buy a tincture of dead bees to lower sugar. Not very trusting, I bought. And she didn't do it in vain. After 1 month, sugar began to rise less often (more often it was her own fault, because she did not follow a diet). Been drinking for 3 months now. I feel much better. Some kind of efficiency appeared. Dmitry, thank you very much.

Lakuta Valentine

Dmitro, thank you very much for the savory Sonyashnikov honey and for the propolis honey. We lived in the distant past and all winter our great homeland did not get sick. Only onuk is not rich. For the upcoming season, we will renew the backlog.

Dashko Ivan

I have been suffering from sinusitis for many years. As they struck, he became a regular "client" of the hospital. When ordering honey at the Merry Hornet apiary, I saw the Stop sinus ointment and decided to try it, since the price was pretty affordable. And after 2 weeks of use, I saw improvements. With my chronic advanced sinusitis, I began to feel better. I recommend.

Pakhomov Sergey

He underwent treatment at the family apiary "Merry Hornet" for the treatment of prostate adenoma. There was a strong inflammation from hypothermia and the prostate was very inflamed. Yes, and doctors diagnosed an increase in adenoma. After 2 weeks of taking the course, I felt that the inflammation had partially gone. And after 2 months of taking the inflammation disappeared. The adenoma did not decrease after the ultrasound at the end of the course, but there was no increase either. Thanks for the advice and help provided. I plan to take another course in the near future.

Igor Marchuk

After a year of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis and drug resistance in the hospital, the doctor himself recommended trying wax moth tincture. I searched for a long time on the Internet and stopped at the family apiary "Merry Hornet", where I received a full consultation and, after receiving the products, they gave instructions for use. I was also interested in the treatment regimen for wax moth tuberculosis with propolis tincture, since I have not heard this anywhere else. Already after 3 months of taking the disease, the disease turned into a closed form, and by the 7th month, the holes also disappeared. Now, being already healthy, I drink prophylactically 3-4 times a year. Thanks for the second life.


My son has been suffering from psoriasis for many years, and we have probably already tried half a pharmacy of drugs for this disease. Almost all or do not give effect, or cause allergies. I read that propolis ointment helps very well. Having received advice from Olga that it is 40% propolis ointment that copes well with this disease, we ordered and were very satisfied. Now only she can be saved. And most importantly - there is an effect and there are no side effects of this product.

Kramarenko Irina


I work outside and in the garden all the time. Hands are often weathered. I tried to use the Kremlin ointment as a cream. And I really like it. Now I order periodically this ointment from Olga.

Zhanna Ignatievna

What do you think is the most valuable part of a plant? Of course a flower. The biological connection between flowers occurs through pollination. Bees, flying to various flowers, collect pollen from anthers with their shaggy body and carry it on the stigma of the plant. Thus, bees contribute to the fertilization of plants. Flower motes occupy an important place in the life of bees and flora. If you sit down at the entrance to the evidence, watch the bees on a sunny day, you can learn a lot of interesting things.

Returning home, the insect carries pollen into evidence. Bees spend from half an hour to four hours collecting pollen balls. The life of a bee depends on this valuable product. This food containing protein is necessary for feeding the larvae, young bees.

The supply of perga provides the bee family with nutrition, proper development, and quick recovery. Harvesting of the product begins with the earliest flowering plants. An attentive beekeeper can determine by the arriving bees, flower dust, which plants bloomed first. Will there be rich bribes for the near future. By the quantity of the flower product, it is possible to accurately predict the bee strength of the colony for the coming months, to determine the possibility of forming layering.

Well of health

Flower dust is a treasure trove of health. Only one pollen contains 10,000 pollen grains! Pollen makes bee pollen. The second name of perga is bee bread. If the hives run out
The pollen of the queen bee is not interested in the process of laying eggs. Special bees engaged in casting wax do not secrete it, do not build hexagonal cells intended for the development of offspring, the folding of honey, flower dust. Ordinary flower pollen, in addition to the genetic code, has a large number of valuable products and vitamins. In appearance, it is a very light powder of pre-white or agate-black color. Pollen has long been used in folk treatment, cosmetology. The presence of the most valuable products in it, allows you to put it on a par with especially important drugs. Perga is a natural, natural medicine that has a positive effect on all organs of the human body. Valuable biological stimulant. Honey with the addition of perga treats many diseases. The use of 30 gr. This product daily fills the body with the right amount of nutrients and amino acids.

Rules for harvesting pollen

The hind legs of the bee are equipped with special bags, in which the insect collects pollen from flowers. The beekeeper installs a device for catching a valuable product on the entrances of the hives. Pollen can be collected without the help of a bee. Prepare a clean plastic bag, a dry glass jar. Choose a suitable flowering plant: willow, willow, acacia, linden, buckwheat, etc. Gently shake the dust particles from the twigs and flowers of the plant into a bag, a jar. Sift through a strainer, dry. The prepared product without the help of a bee is much lower in its healing qualities.

Important! The raw product must not be stored and taken!

Conservation of pollen

If bee bread is stored for a long time over time, it will lose its medicinal qualities. Special transformations during long-term storage are observed with amino acids, vitamin C, protein. Quantity, quality of nutrients is markedly reduced. To properly store a valuable product, the following rules must be observed. Use during treatment, only fresh pollen. The dried legume must be ground with a coffee maker, sieved with a sieve. It is better to store the finished product in glass containers with tightly closed lids. The storage place should be dark, keeping the temperature down to zero degrees. By adhering to these rules, the product can be stored for up to a year.

Pollen Product Preservation

To do this, the dried pollen must be ground in a coffee maker. Mix it with honey (liquid) or
powdered sugar one by one. Get a homogeneous mass. Pour the product into sterilized glass jars. Fill the dishes on your finger not completely. Treat the lids with wax. To do this, the wax must be melted. If there is no wax, replace it with paraffin. Store at a temperature range of 0 - 4 ͦС.

The second way to save pollen is very similar to the bee technology for preparing bee bread. Take two hundred and fifty ml. water and dissolve one hundred and fifty grams of honey in it. Heat strictly up to 40 ͦͦС. Mix a kilogram of dried pollen with prepared sweet water. Spread the resulting mass in clean glass jars, put in a warm place for six days for the fermentation process. The temperature should be 35-40 ͦС, after which the jars are closed. Store products in a dry and cool place.

Good health to you!

Freshly harvested pollen contains significant amounts of water, easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins, and therefore is affected by molds, yeasts and putrefactive microorganisms. Microbiological spoilage of pollen is associated with the breakdown of nutrients, the formation and accumulation of toxic compounds. In addition, active physiological and biochemical processes continue in fresh pollen, causing irreversible consumption of nutrients and a decrease in the biological value of the product. That is why freshly harvested pollen should be preserved immediately. Pollen from the pollen trap is taken daily, best before dusk. You can’t leave it overnight: it will become damp and active processes will begin in it, which will inevitably lead to its deterioration.

Drying is the most common way to preserve pollen. Most often, it is dried in a shady place at room temperature and good ventilation, scattered on sheets of paper with a layer about 1 cm thick and often mixed. Do not dry pollen in the sun. Air drying continues for several days. The dried product is packaged in bags or bags made of polyethylene film, the edges of which are welded with an iron, or in dry, sterilized glass cans, which are immediately hermetically sealed using a seaming machine. Store in a dark dry place at a temperature not exceeding 20°C. A good result is obtained by drying the pollen at a temperature of 40 - 45 C (drying time of several hours) or 60 ° C (2 - 2.5 hours).

Georgian researchers G. D. Madzgarashvili, D. I. Nikuradze, and B. S. Tsitlidze recommend drying pollen in a vacuum at a temperature of 120°C. Process duration - 75 - 90 min. The specified mode provides good preservation of biologically active compounds and effective destruction of bee moth.

The most complete preservation of the biological value of the product is achieved with molecular drying: pre-frozen pollen is dried in a high vacuum. A good way to preserve pollen is to mix it with candied bee honey in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2. A mixture of pollen with honey is stored in hermetically sealed, dry, sterilized glass jars in a dark place. In the same ratio, you can mix pollen with powdered sugar.

The Czechoslovak researcher J. Svoboda proposed a method for preserving pollen, based on an analogy with the process of bee bread formation in a beehive: 150 g of honey is dissolved in 0.25 l of water, heated to a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C, 1 kg of pollen is added and mixed thoroughly. The jar is placed for 4 - 6 days in a warm place (at 35 - 40 ° C), after which it is corked and stored in a refrigerator or a cold cellar.
