
Kvass wort: what is it and how to cook? How to make kvass from wort at home? Kvass wort concentrate.

In the heat, you want to quench your thirst with a healthy and natural drink. Prepare kvass according to one of the recipes in the article.

Kvass is a drink known to our great-great-great-grandfathers. With its help, they not only quenched their thirst, but also saturated the body with various useful substances.

Such a drink is especially good in the summer heat, and for winter, kvass is quite a suitable drink due to its undeniable beneficial qualities.

How useful is homemade kvass?

Of course, home-made kvass will be the most useful, since industrial preparation technologies are likely to eliminate most of its useful properties.

To understand how homemade kvass is useful, let's recall what it consists of and how its ingredients have a positive effect on the human body.

As you know, the composition of kvass includes:

  • rye crackers (rye or barley malt)
  • baker's yeast
  • sugar

Many housewives add raisins to kvass, which makes the drink even more useful.

  1. Rye bread is a rich source of B vitamins and microelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.)
  2. Being a product of fermentation, kvass helps regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system.
  3. The combination of elements in kvass (and these are lactic acid, sugars, free amino acids, plus vitamins and minerals) helps to inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic microbes, which makes the drink indispensable in the summer, in addition to the fact that kvass is an excellent thirst-quenching drink, as well as a drink that gives strength and performance
  4. Kvass improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, increases the acidity of the stomach, improves tissue regeneration, including tooth enamel.

IMPORTANT: Drinking kvass is very beneficial for the body, however, for some people, for example, with diseases of the biliary tract, intestines and high acidity of the stomach, it should be drunk in limited quantities. Also, do not give kvass to very young children and pregnant women.

How to cook delicious homemade kvass from bread?

  • To prepare delicious, fragrant, beautiful and healthy kvass, first of all, we will prepare croutons
  • Rye bread is cut into small slices, they are placed in the oven to dry. You can fry crackers in a pan
  • Crackers should be toasted, then kvass will turn out to be a beautiful rich color.

IMPORTANT: Do not let the crackers overcook, otherwise the kvass will be bitter

  1. Boil water and let it cool to room temperature
  2. We are preparing the starter. We dissolve the yeast (a stick, half a stick of yeast, depending on the amount of kvass you want to get) in warm water and add sugar there
  3. Add dissolved yeast
  4. We put the prepared crackers in a three-liter jar or in a saucepan, add sourdough and a little sugar there. Pour in the cooled boiled water. The container should not be filled to the brim, because the fermentation process will take place and carbon dioxide will come out
  5. For taste and for greater benefit, add a handful of raisins to the kvass being prepared.
  6. We close the container with gauze and leave it in a warm place for a couple of days, while fermentation occurs. The container must be placed on a pallet so that liquid does not spill during fermentation.
  7. After 2 days (or 2.5 depending on the temperature), we drain the resulting kvass through cheesecloth into a prepared clean container
  8. Try the resulting kvass. In too sour kvass, you can add a little sugar or raisins. From well-fried and infused crackers, kvass turns out to be a rich color

Kvass is delicious to drink chilled, so put it in the refrigerator.

Set aside some of the crackers remaining at the bottom of the pan or jar in a separate jar - they will serve as a starter for the next portion of kvass.

IMPORTANT: To avoid the taste of yeast in the drink, it is recommended to prepare the sourdough in advance

VIDEO: Homemade KVASS from A to Z! Fast and Tasty

Kvass from wort at home, recipe

Stores sell a special concentrate of kvass wort. It is a fermentation product of malt (rye, barley, and sometimes corn) and baking rye flour.

Outwardly, in color and consistency, such a concentrate resembles buckwheat honey. It is packaged in glass jars with a corresponding inscription.
To prepare kvass using wort, you will need:

  • purified water and a clean container (3-liter jar, for example)
  • kvass wort (2 tablespoons of concentrate)
  • sugar (up to 2/3 cup, depending on taste)
  • yeast (half a stick)


  1. Sugar is placed in a jar and the wort is poured
  2. Approximately half a liter of boiling water is poured on top of them. The ingredients are stirred until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Cooled boiled water is added not to the full volume of the jar, but so that it has space for fermentation
  4. Crushed yeast added
  5. The container is placed in a warm place for fermentation for 2 days
  6. Next, kvass from the wort is poured into separate containers, raisins are added to it
  7. The sediment remaining at the bottom of the jar can be used to re-brew kvass from the wort

How to make white kvass at home?

The taste of white kvass is somewhat different from the usual one, it is most often used to prepare light summer dishes. You can cook this at home for a change.
In the composition of white kvass, in addition to the usual ingredients for kvass, there is wheat or barley malt. Malt is obtained from sprouted grain, which adds more beneficial properties to the drink.

For white kvass, barley and wheat malt is used.

You will need:

  • rye and wheat flour
  • barley, rye, wheat malt (approximately 80 g per 3-liter jar of kvass)
  • sugar
  • yeast


  1. We dilute the malt in a small amount of water, as if diluting the wort concentrate. The mixture should look like batter
  2. Add flour and stir until smooth
  3. Starter from yeast, water and sugar, prepared 10 minutes before the start of the process of preparing white kvass, mix in a container with kvass wort
  4. Let the mixture ferment for 2 hours.
  5. Next, pour it into the prepared jar and add purified water at room temperature there.
  6. Add a handful of raisins to the jar and cover it with gauze
  7. We leave in a dark place for 1.5 days and from time to time we try for readiness
  8. When the kvass is ready, it must be filtered and put in the refrigerator to cool.

White kvass prepared in this way can be used after a couple of hours, when the fermentation process is completed.

VIDEO: Recipe White kvass

Recipe for homemade kvass with honey

You will need:

  • rye crackers
  • sugar
  • dry yeast


  1. We put the crackers in a jar or pan and sprinkle them with sugar
  2. Add raisins
  3. Dissolve honey in water and pour dry yeast into it. Stir thoroughly
  4. Pour honey with yeast on crackers, dilute it all with clean water
  5. We cover the jar with gauze and leave it to ferment for 1.5 days
  6. After filtering, kvass is sent to the refrigerator.

homemade oatmeal recipe

Unpeeled oats are also suitable for making kvass at home. It will turn out a wonderful drink, which will please the taste and bring a lot of benefits to the body.

You will need:

  • 1 cup unpeeled oats, to be washed first
  • sugar or honey


  1. Pour oats into a jar, add sugar or honey to it
  2. Add raisins
  3. We close the jar with gauze and leave it for at least 3 days (maybe 4).
  4. Oats must ferment, then kvass can be drained

If the first portion of oat kvass seems tasteless, then you can immediately prepare a new one. We use the same ingredients and the same oats left in the jar.

The next portion of oat kvass will be more suitable for taste.

Oats in a jar, which can be used for making kvass, can be used up to 3 months.

Kvass from rhubarb at home

For those who like to diversify the taste of kvass, you can recommend a recipe for kvass from rhubarb.

You will need:

  • rhubarb (about 300g)
  • sugar 2/3 cup
  • yeast


  1. First, boil the rhubarb, min. 5 - 7
  2. Strain the cooled broth
  3. Add yeast, sugar
  4. We leave it in a warm place to infuse and wander
  5. After 1.5 days, filter and send to the refrigerator to brew for another 3 days

Kvass from beets at home

For kvass from beets, sugar may not be needed, since beets themselves contain Sakha in sufficient quantities.

  1. Choose red beets g. 250
  2. Cut it into pieces or grate
  3. Fold in a jar so that the essence is less than half the volume
  4. Fill it with clean water at room temperature.
  5. Tie the jar with gauze and place in a warm place for fermentation
  6. Wait 3-5 days until fermentation is complete
  7. Drain the kvass and put it in the refrigerator to acquire the desired taste.

The remaining ingredients can be used 2-3 more times.

VIDEO: Kvass from beets

Homemade kvass on rye sourdough recipe

From the remaining sourdough (See the recipe for making homemade kvass from bread), you can cook kvass all summer long.
Every time you drain the already fermented kvass, softened crackers that have gone through the fermentation process remain at the bottom.

They will serve as the starter for the next batch of kvass. They need to be added to the rye crackers again laid in a jar, sprinkled with sugar and raisins and insisted.
Thanks to such a leaven, the yeast will be less noticeable in the taste of kvass.

VIDEO: About the benefits of kvass

Real kvass with a cap of airy foam, gas bubbles merrily shooting into the nose, sweet, but with a slight sourness, can be prepared in only two ways: from rye crackers and from must. How? We'll talk about this.

Attempt at writing

If you decide to try making this drink, prepare it in small quantities to start with. Through trial and error, after a few times you will work out your ideal from kvass wort. Why wort? Because it is easier to deal with it than with sourdough from bread, grains and other components. Just note: kvass from kvass wort concentrate is really tasty. It is from a concentrate, and not from a diluted mixture. It lasts for a long time, and the quality of the original product is high. You want and want to drink such kvass, especially when it's hot. So, let's prepare everything you need first: sugar, water, concentrate, yeast. Boil 3 liters of water and leave to stand. In another container of a slightly larger volume (a five-liter bottle, a saucepan, etc.), we put the ingredients in the amount indicated by the recipe for kvass from kvass wort. You need to pour half a liter of warm (not hot!) Water and dissolve 2 tablespoons of the concentrate and sugar in it. Depending on how sweet you want the drink to be, add sugar from 1/2 cup to 2/3. Stir the mixture so that the ingredients dissolve well. After that, the recipe for kvass from kvass wort prescribes adding the remaining 2.5 liters of water (it should not be cold or warm - normal room temperature) and put a stick of yeast (6 g). An important condition: only fresh yeast is suitable, otherwise the drink will not turn out the way you would like.

And one more thing: many people like kvass not in its pure form, but with berry additives: from raisins, prunes, etc. You can add a handful of dried fruits you have to the blank. The recipe for kvass from kvass wort allows such “freedom”. The semi-finished product should be covered and left aside for several days to ferment. You can try it in 2 days. If the taste satisfies - strain carefully, bottle and drink, keeping the excess in the refrigerator. Or leave it for another day or two to “reach”.

Homemade wort

And now the recipe for those who are interested not only from kvass wort, but also the recipe for the wort itself - homemade. It should be prepared at least a week before you plan to start the drink itself. For this, a glass of rye is taken, washed and soaked for a couple of days (no more) in ordinary boiled water that has stood in the room.

Repeat the procedure every day so that the rye does not disappear. When the grain germinates well, it can be processed further. The water is drained, the rye is sent to the oven and dried, then ground through a meat grinder and a blender. Everything, the wort (dry sourdough) is ready. Collect it in a linen rag and use it as needed. What good can be made of this? Well, for example, such a kvass: pour half a glass of rye flour with a liter of boiling water, stir and let cool. During this time, mince a lemon (with peel), a large apple (preferably sweet), 3 handfuls of raisins and a handful of other dried fruits through a meat grinder. For a better taste and aroma, you can add spicy herbs or currant leaves, raspberries. Everything is mixed and laid in a cooled flour "chatter". More water is added (a liter and a half), a tablespoon of honey and a little sugar are placed. Cover the workpiece, let it ferment for several days. Strain, sweeten if required, and drink to your heart's content! And dry the wort again and you can use more! Happy drinking!

With the onset of summer, the consumption of kvass increases. Today there are many varieties. It can be bought in the store or in barrels on the street. But the most delicious is the one that is prepared with your own hands at home.

This drink has been prepared since ancient times. It restores strength and copes well with thirst. This is due to the content. The composition of kvass includes the necessary trace elements and almost all vitamins. In addition, it prevents the development of various diseases.

There are a large number of recipes. The drink can be prepared on the basis of berries, honey and herbs. But most often they use bread. In this article, an overview of several options for making a bread drink.

We make kvass from black bread without yeast

Dry yeast gives the drink a specific smell, so not everyone likes this kvass. But you can do without them if you use a different recipe. It is important to note that success is more dependent on bread. If it contains a large number of chemical components, then the fermentation process may not occur.


  • 400 gr black bread.
  • 3 liters of water.
  • 120 gr of granulated sugar.
  • 30 gr raisins.

Step by step cooking

As in the first recipe, pieces of rye bread must be dried. The main thing is that they do not burn, otherwise kvass will be bitter.

The glass jar needs to be washed well, and it is better to pour boiling water over it. If fermented milk products were stored in it, then it is not recommended to use it, since many microbes remain in the container. In a clean jar, add 0.5 cups of granulated sugar, pour boiling water (80 degrees). Then stir thoroughly so that the sugar is completely dissolved in water.

Then pour out the dried pieces of bread and add a little more water. To leave room for fermentation, the jar should be filled to the shoulders.

When the liquid becomes warm, about 40 degrees, then you need to add washed raisins. In this case, the fermentation process will depend on the quality of the dried grapes.

Cover the container with a thick towel and put in a warm place for 72 hours. After this time, the drink must be filtered through clean gauze.

After that, an invigorating drink can be bottled or decanted. It is recommended to add 2-3 more raisins. Close the container and put in the refrigerator. Now you are not afraid of the summer heat.

After you strain the kvass, the leaven will remain. It can be used to prepare another portion of the drink. To do this, you need to dry the bread, send it to a jar along with sugar, raisins and sourdough. In this case, kvass will do, after about 48 hours.

How to make kvass at home

If for some reason you don’t like a store-bought invigorating drink, then you can make it yourself. The recipe is quite simple, but you need to know some of the nuances. It does not take much time to prepare, so you can do this process at any time.


  • 200 gr rye or Borodino bread.
  • 2.5 liters of filtered water.
  • 1 tsp dry yeast.
  • 1 handful of raisins.
  • 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Step by step cooking process

Bread can be broken into small pieces or cut into neat cubes, no more than 4 cm thick. Put the pieces on a dry baking sheet and put in a heated oven. When it is browned and a crust forms (about 15 minutes), you can take it out.

Prepare a 3-liter glass jar without chips or defects, otherwise it may crack. Send in it, cooked crackers. It will be enough that they fill the bottom of the container.

Add to a glass jar the indicated amount of granulated sugar.

Place a pot of water on the stove. When it boils, pour over the breadcrumbs. It is important to leave some space, as the liquid will rise over time as a result of fermentation. The jar may burst, so when pouring into it, it is recommended to put an iron spoon or knife. Set the container aside for the water to cool slightly.

In a glass, dissolve dry yeast with 100 ml of warm water. Then add a small amount of sugar and wait for the fermentation process. On a pack of dry yeast, you can find detailed instructions. When the liquid in the jar has cooled to room temperature, the yeast mixture should be added to it.

After that, the jar can be closed with a lid and put in a warm and sunny place for 24 hours. However, some people cover the container with gauze so that the kvass can breathe and steep it for 36 hours. This will be enough for the drink to turn brown and the crackers to rise to the top. After this time, the invigorating drink must be filtered through gauze.

Prepare a clean jar, send into it the indicated amount of raisins, which must be washed beforehand. If you like a sweet drink, then you can add a little more granulated sugar. Close the jar and send it to the refrigerator. After 30-60 minutes, you can conduct a tasting.

If necessary, the starter can be used one more time. To do this, you need to fry rye bread again, fill the bottom of a 3-liter jar with it, add 1 cup of the remaining sourdough and pour boiling water over it.

Recipe for kvass from malt

Malt is used not only for making beer and homemade bread, but also for kvass. Such a drink will resemble a store-bought version. The drink is fragrant and invigorating.


  • 110 gr rye malt.
  • 3 tsp dry yeast.
  • 5 liters of filtered water.
  • 400 gr of granulated sugar.

Cooking process

Fill an enamel pot with water, bring it to a boil, then immediately add the malt. The liquid must be thoroughly mixed to eliminate the formed lumps.

At the next stage, gently pour part of the prepared solution into a glass. Wait a bit for it to cool down to room temperature. After that, you need to add dry yeast. The glass should be covered and placed in a warm and sunny place for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, in the pan, the solution should cool completely. Now you need to add granulated sugar and mix everything thoroughly so that it completely dissolves in the liquid.

After 15 minutes, the fermentation process in the glass should begin, so the liquid must be added to the pan. Leave the solution for 12 hours.

When the time comes, the summer drink must be filtered and poured into jars, and then sent to the refrigerator for another 48 hours. After that, kvass will be ready for use.

How to make kvass from kvass wort

Using a concentrate for making kvass greatly simplifies the whole process. Even a child can make a drink. But there is one caveat - you need to decide on the temperature. If it is too hot, then the quality of the drink leaves much to be desired, and in a cool mode, kvass will ferment for a long time.


  • 10 tbsp concentrated wort.
  • 5 liters of water.
  • 1.5 cups of granulated sugar.
  • 1 tbsp dry yeast.
  • Raisins according to preference.

Cooking process

First you need to bring the water to a boil, but only once, otherwise it will be too heavy. The liquid should cool slightly. Add kvass concentrate and stir.

Gradually add granulated sugar, while constantly stirring the liquid.

At the next stage, pour dry yeast into an enamel bowl. The solution must be thoroughly mixed so that the yeast and granulated sugar are completely dissolved. There should be no sediment left at the bottom.

Cover the dish with a lid and leave it for 24 hours in a warm place. It is desirable that the sun's rays fall on the pan, so the fermentation process will be more active.

After this time, you need to prepare glass jars, add a few raisins to each. Pour kvass into containers, seal tightly with plastic lids and refrigerate for 5-6 hours.

According to this recipe, the drink turns out to be vigorous, so it is not recommended to use it for people with chronic pancreatitis and gastritis.

Recipe for homemade kvass from rye flour

A summer drink can be prepared according to a rustic recipe. In this case, you will have to spend more time, but kvass will be very useful. It will provide the body with plenty of vitamins and some essential amino acids. Plus, a drink prepared according to this recipe can act as the basis for okroshka.


  • 7 tbsp rye flour.
  • 2.5 liters of filtered water.
  • 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • Raisins according to preference.

Cooking process

  1. First of all, you need to make a starter. To do this, you need to prepare a clean jar, fill it with warm water and add rye flour. Mix everything thoroughly until a creamy mass is formed. Try not to form lumps. After that, tightly close the container with a plastic lid and put it in a warm place for 72 hours. If the rye flour is of high quality, then the sourdough can ferment in 48 hours.
  2. When the sourdough is ready, you need to add a little more rye flour and granulated sugar to it. If necessary, add warm boiled water. Mix everything thoroughly. Cover the neck with gauze and put in a warm place. This time, you need to wait at least 5 days.
  3. After this time, the drink must be well filtered through cheesecloth and sent to the refrigerator.
  4. Leaven will remain at the bottom of the jar. It can be reused. It is enough just to add sugar and rye flour, as well as warm water. In this case, kvass will stand no more than 48 hours.

Despite the fact that the cooking process takes a long time, the recipe is quite simple. You can quench your thirst at any time or make an excellent okroshka.

The article provides an overview of the most common recipes for making an invigorating drink at home. However, there are many more options. Therefore, you can try using several methods and choose the most optimal recipe for yourself.

How do you make sourdough? Write your unique recipe in the comments below this article…

I always make homemade kvass on breadcrumbs. But sometimes you really want that kvass from childhood - from large yellow barrels, dark brown, fragrant, pungent. There are barrels even now, but to call kvass what is poured from them, the tongue does not turn. I don't even want to say how IT smells and what IT tastes like. Brrr...
Although about six years ago I was in Sochi and they sold excellent real tasty kvass there.
In short, I set out to reproduce Soviet barrel kvass. And in a small Samara market, in a tent with flour and pasta, I found an ugly jar filled with a black thick mass. On the label: "Kvass wort, concentrate, GOST 28538-90".
I bought this jar and have been using it for two years now. Of course, I don’t give it to children, but I myself enjoy the tastes of childhood.
So if you see something like this anywhere, be sure to buy it. And be sure to concentrate, not diluted. I also bought the diluted one, and then I had to throw it away - it doesn’t work out at all.
And pay attention to GOST.


1/2~2/3 cup sugar, 2 tbsp concentrated kvass wort, ~6g live yeast, ~3L water

Pour sugar into a three-liter jar, put kvass wort.

Pour in about 0.5 liters of boiling water. Stir until sugar and wort dissolve.
Top up the jar with water at room temperature (boiled or filtered) up to the shoulders.
Put a bar of fresh yeast (the size of two phalanges of the little finger).
Leave at room temperature for 1~4 days until optimal flavor is achieved.

Ready kvass (without touching the sediment) pour into bottles, cork and put in the refrigerator.

Kvass recipes:

Step-by-step recipes for refreshing kvass from kvass wort with and without yeast, as well as with cherries, beets, rye bread and spices

2018-06-07 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


8 gr.

32 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for kvass from kvass wort

Kvass must has long been used in gastronomy. However, first of all, it is used to make refreshing kvass, which has been known in Slavic cuisine for many centuries. Today, many of us buy this drink in the store, believing that it is unrealistic to make something similar in our own kitchen. But the presented selection of recipes for kvass from kvass wort will convince you of the opposite.


  • two tablespoons of kvass wort;
  • three liters of boiled water;
  • 150 grams of white sugar;
  • 15 pieces of raisins;
  • half a teaspoon of dry yeast.

Step-by-step recipe for kvass from kvass wort

Bring half a liter of water to 35 degrees. Pour into a bowl with kvass wort and sugar. Mix until the liquid becomes completely homogeneous.

Pour into a three liter jar. Sprinkle dry yeast on top. Pour in the rest of the water. Do not stir!

Tie the jar with a piece of gauze folded several times. Leave in a warm (but not in the sun) place for two days.

After this time, strain the actively fermenting drink. Pour into small jugs (per liter), where add five raisins, well washed, but not steamed in boiling water.

Rearrange the future kvass from kvass wort to the refrigerator shelf. Let the drink brew. After a few days, it will be covered with foam, and small bubbles will appear inside. It is at this moment that it can be served on the table.

Homemade kvass is stored for a short time, so do not do too much. As for the dishes in which it must be left for fermentation, glass or ceramic containers are best suited.

Option 2: A quick recipe for kvass from kvass wort

To speed up the process of kvass fermentation, take high-speed yeast. Thanks to their use, the time of the first and only infusion will be reduced to a day. It remains only to strain and cool the finished kvass.


  • a bag (11 g) of instant yeast;
  • three full liters of purified boiled water;
  • two tablespoons of wort (kvass);
  • not a full glass of sugar.

How to quickly cook kvass from kvass wort

Pour sugar into a sterilized three-liter glass jar. There also add kvass wort.

Pour in a liter of warm water. Liquid temperature - 34-35 degrees. Gently shake the contents of the jar to dissolve both ingredients.

Now add instant yeast. Pour in the rest of the warm water. Don't mix anymore.

In a warm but dark place, leave kvass from kvass wort for a day. After the onset of active fermentation, strain the drink.

Pour into a jug and leave for several hours in the refrigerator to cool. Serve cold after a few hours.

Fast-acting yeast will significantly speed up the fermentation process. Also, this process will be facilitated by a warm place in which kvass will be infused. The main thing is that this does not happen in bright sunlight.

Option 3: Kvass with beets on kvass wort

Yes, many housewives know about beetroot kvass, which is prepared with yeast or bread. But this time we will add the specified root vegetable to a solution of water, sugar and kvass wort so that the drink turns out to be beautiful in color and unusual in taste.


  • large beets;
  • three liters of water (warm);
  • a bag of granulated yeast;
  • two full spoons of kvass wort;
  • 110 grams of sugar.

How to cook

Peel a large beet root. Wash. Cut into medium, preferably equal slices.

Place the beetroot slices in a glass jar. Pour in the sweet solution with the wort. Enter yeast. Add remaining warm water.

Cover the container with a piece of gauze. Tie up. Leave for two days in a dark and warm place. Do not stir the drink.

At the next stage, strain kvass from kvass wort, removing beetroot pieces. Pour into one or two containers. Place each one on a refrigerator shelf.

Let the kvass "approach" for another two or three days. Serve chilled with foam.

Since beets are quite sweet, we recommend reducing the amount of sugar a little. Although it all depends on your taste. Try making it once to determine the amount of this ingredient for yourself.

Option 4: Kvass with rye bread without yeast from kvass wort

Do not want to introduce yeast into the recipe? Then replace them with fresh rye bread. The more it will be in kvass, the more bubbles will appear inside. And if you take slices of Borodino bread, then caraway seeds that have got into the drink will give amazing shades.


  • 120 grams of rye bread;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • three liters of warm water;
  • two full tablespoons of kvass wort;
  • 15 medium raisins.

Step by step recipe

Throw the raisins into a sieve. Wash in cold water. Also cut the rye bread into small pieces.

Dissolve kvass wort with sugar in a liter of warm (35 degrees) water. After obtaining uniformity, pour the liquid into a suitable jar.

Throw rye bread and raisins inside. Add all remaining water. Tie the neck with gauze. Leave in the pantry or on the kitchen floor under the table for two days.

Then strain the fermented drink. Pour kvass from kvass wort into clean bottles, where to throw raisins.

Store the drink on the refrigerator shelf for another 2-3 days until foam and neat small bubbles appear. Serve (required!) Chilled.

Rye bread will replace yeast. At the same time, it will give kvass unique bright bready shades, which will undoubtedly decorate this traditional Russian drink. And raisins guarantee the presence of small bubbles, which should traditionally be present in kvass.

Option 5: Kvass from kvass wort with spices

What else can be added to kvass to make it tastier? Let's try to introduce a few spices into the drink. To begin with, take fragrant cloves and spicy cinnamon.


  • two tablespoons of wort (kvass);
  • three liters of water;
  • five carnations;
  • 145 grams of sugar;
  • 11 grams of yeast (instant);
  • raisins in kvass;
  • small stick of cinnamon.

How to cook

Dissolve sugar with kvass wort in warm water (a liter is enough). Having achieved uniformity, pour the resulting mixture into a jar (3 liters).

Throw in a clove and lay down a short stick of cinnamon. Add granulated yeast.

Now add the remaining (temperature - 35 degrees) water in a thin stream. Do not mix.

Leave the future kvass from kvass wort warm, covering the neck with a gauze cut and tying it with a thread.

After a couple of days, strain the drink. Pour clean, sediment-free kvass into dry containers. Add raisins there. Leave in the cold for the final infusion.

With spices in kvass, you need to be very careful. Moreover, you can experiment with these ingredients, adding different proportions and types to achieve exceptional taste.

Option 6: Kvass from kvass wort with cherries

In the last recipe, we suggest throwing fresh cherries into kvass. She will color the drink in a stunning color and add light tart notes.


  • a bag of yeast (instant);
  • two tablespoons of kvass wort;
  • three liters of water;
  • 450 grams of pitted cherries;
  • 175 grams of sugar.

Step by step recipe

Sort cherries, remove twigs. Then cut out the bones. Wash the berries. Throw into a clean jar.

In a separate container, combine and dissolve the kvass wort and sugar in two glasses of warm water.

Pour the mixture into a jar of cherries. Pour the yeast in there. At the end, pour in all the remaining warm water.

Having covered the neck of the jar with a gauze cut, leave it warm for a couple of days for fermentation.

Then strain the kvass from the kvass wort into a decanter, squeezing out the infused cherries. Leave the drink without sediment for cooling and secondary infusion for another two days in the refrigerator.

Fresh cherries should ferment during this time, given the addition of yeast, due to which bubbles will appear. If after straining they do not form, add raisins to the drink (not steamed, but washed).
