
Yogurt from sourdough in a yogurt maker. What is the best starter for yogurt

Yogurt in our understanding is a dessert, a delicious sour-milk delicacy, which, however, Lately ceased to be available to all categories of consumers. At the same time, for example, Greeks or Bulgarians use yogurt as a dressing for salads, cold soups and other dishes, since this product is like a base: you can add fruits and make a dessert, and if left in its original form, it will perform the role of sour cream.

Traditional yogurt: what is it and how is it prepared

Yoghurt is the result of fermentation (fermentation) of milk by lactic acid bacteria, as a result of which the product gets its density, color and characteristic taste. Even doctors often recommend it to those people who have certain problems with the stomach or intestines, as yogurt stabilizes their microflora, improves the metabolic process, improves work gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is well absorbed and digested by the body, so even those with allergies or lactose intolerance, who are contraindicated in the use of milk and dairy products, can in some cases consume yogurt. But before that, you still need to consult a doctor about this.

Natural yogurt should not contain any additives in the form of preservatives, sweeteners, colors, flavors or stabilizers - only in this case it can really beneficial effect on the body. In addition, it can be stored for about a month, but not more, since over time the number of vitamins and live bacteria decreases, and the effectiveness of the product is minimized.

For the production of factory-made yogurt, live fermented milk cultures - bacteria (thermophilic streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus) - are introduced into milk, after which fermentation begins. To do this, the required temperature is provided - within 45 degrees and about 10 hours of exposure. After this time, the resulting yoghurt is cooled to 5 degrees, and thus it is possible to preserve the bacteria, and, accordingly, to obtain the best quality product.

The process is easy to repeat on your own, at home, both with and without a yogurt maker. Such yogurt is more useful, because it does not contain sugar, and is allowed even for people who are forced to give up sweets for a reason. diabetes. sour milk product home cooking contains a much smaller amount of fat in its composition, therefore salads and dishes seasoned with it will not cause any harm to the figure - on the contrary, yogurt tends to speed up metabolism, so the process of getting rid of extra pounds can go faster and without any harm to the body. In addition, within homemade yogurt there are more sour-milk cultures, and its usefulness significantly prevails over the properties of the purchased one. The latter, in turn, contains a lot of preservatives that allow you to store the product for months without compromising on taste, but at the same time - with a complete loss of healing.

Sourdough and milk for yogurt

One of the most important and responsible stages in the preparation of yogurt is the search and selection of starter. By itself, it is a substance that causes fermentation. So, sourdough for bread is yeast, and for yogurt it is a fermented milk culture that contains all the necessary lactobacilli. This leaven can also be used in pure form, in itself, it is also very useful for the body: it strengthens the immune system, creates protection against viruses, especially with the onset of bad weather, improves the digestive tract, speeds up metabolism and helps to normalize body weight.

There are several types of yoghurt starters:

  1. Live acidophilic cultures - they stop the inflammatory process, remove toxins, help cleanse the body, relieve side effects from taking antibiotics, normalize disorders after eating food.
  2. Live curd cultures are based on bifidobacterium bacteria, which are invariably found in the human body, support the intestinal microflora, break down proteins, normalize cholesterol, and have an immunoprotective property.
  3. Live yogurt bacteria - such starter cultures are dosed and completely ready for home use.

The necessary sourdough is sold in pharmacies, as a rule, a jar implies obtaining several liters finished product. You should not buy store-bought yogurt to use as a starter, as it inevitably contains pathogenic microbes (most often E. coli). In this form, they pose a minimal risk to the body, but when fermented, they can multiply, and then disorders, infections and food poisoning are possible.

Next, you need to choose milk. The amount of yogurt obtained depends on its quantity; it is recommended to use from 1 to 3 liters at a time. The ideal option is a pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized product that is not subject to long storage. Better - homemade milk, fresh, the quality and reliability of which inspire confidence in you. It must be boiled for a few minutes before proceeding with the preparation of yogurt. Pasteurized should be heated to 90 degrees, do not bring to a boil; ultra-pasteurized can be used immediately, without preparatory measures.

You should not prepare yogurt when using sterilized milk, as it undergoes tough processing, all vitamins and beneficial lactobacilli disappear, and properties are lost. Plus, during sterilization, salt and stabilizers are added to the milk, which will subsequently affect the quality of the prepared yogurt.

Preparatory activities

Preparing dishes
First of all, you should take care of the cleanliness of the dishes in which the yogurt will be prepared. Even spoons that will come into contact with sourdough should be subjected to the strictest measures, since a change in its microflora can lead, at a minimum, to a loss of taste of the resulting product, and at most to the multiplication of pathogenic microbes and poisoning due to the use of low-quality yogurt.

So, the dishes must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water, as well as jars where yogurt will be poured, and plastic lids to close them. And at the end of the scalding process, immediately cover / close the jars. In addition to this, aluminum appliances should not be used, and the thermometer should be wiped with alcohol, and in no case should it be poured over hot water. During the process of preparing yogurt, it is strictly forbidden to touch the inner surface of jars and lids with your hands or consumable utensils; .

Milk preparation
You need to open the package immediately before starting cooking, otherwise later you will get not yogurt, but yogurt. Pour it into clean stainless steel pan and heat (how to deal with different types of milk - described above). Do not use enamelware - the product will quickly burn in it. If you boiled milk, then you should cool it to 38-45 degrees (in the case of ultra-pasteurized milk, immediately heat it to this temperature). If you don’t have a thermometer, try to determine “by eye” - firstly, tolerable heat should be felt through the glass lid that covers the pan; secondly, put a couple of drops of milk on the inside of the wrist, as the most sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, it should be hot, but not burn the skin. In their own way, both overheating and underheating are bad for yogurt; But last option still more acceptable, because in this case the product will only turn out to be not very thick (although it still depends on milk - choose the thicker, the richer in consistency you want yogurt). In case of overheating, if you add the starter to too hot milk - at a temperature of 50 degrees - the bacteria that contribute to fermentation will begin to die, and then all efforts will be in vain.

Each sourdough is accompanied by instructions with a recipe, which indicates how much to use for each liter of milk - focus on it. The most important thing is to mix the sourdough well with warm milk. To dissolve it, pour about 10 ml of milk (depending on the amount of starter and milk in general) from the pan into the bottle, shake several times to stir, and pour the resulting mass into the pan with the remaining milk.

It is believed that cooked homemade yogurt (if, of course, it is cooked correctly - not viscous and not slippery) can be used as a starter in the future. So, it can be re-fermented several times, but it should still be remembered that at home we cannot ensure complete sterility during storage of the product, and it is still better to prepare yogurt using the starter purchased at the pharmacy. Especially if it will be part of the children's diet. In addition, such manipulations can affect the taste and properties of the product.

Making your own yogurt

In a yoghurt. Not every home has a yogurt maker, but if your future plans include this fermented milk product prepared at home, then it is highly recommended to purchase it. Why is a yogurt maker good? She supports desired temperature throughout the entire fermentation period (meanwhile, milk should remain warm from 6 to 12 hours, without any special drops, which is difficult to control on your own). If you have a yogurt maker, you only need to mix milk with sourdough, pour it into special jars that come with the kit, and turn on the device. After about 10 hours, you can already take a sample.

Without yogurt maker
This is more difficult. There are several ways to maintain the temperature of milk:

  1. Use a thermos for fermentation, which retains heat well.
  2. Wrap the dishes in a blanket or cover them with a pillow and place them by the hot battery.
  3. Pour the future yogurt into jars, cover cling film, fill any flat container warm water, put the jars there and wrap the film again; after that, put in a warm place - for example, in a preheated turned off oven.

If you want the consistency of yogurt to be thicker and more dense, put it in the refrigerator for several hours. In addition, this way you will extend its shelf life and increase the benefits by preserving live cultures.

Video: how to make delicious homemade yogurt

Sour-milk products are recommended for those who want to lose weight, get rid of digestive problems, strengthen immune system. Valuable properties yogurt owes sourdough, which consists of a culture of living organisms. However, not all products are equally useful.

How to make sourdough yogurt

Thanks to the unique ability of lactic acid cultures to absorb lactose and create lactic acid, we can carry out the process of milk fermentation. So, the production of yogurt is carried out by adding live fermented milk cultures to milk. The most common among them are thermophilic streptococcus and Bulgarian stick. To start their life activity is created optimum temperature- about 43-45 degrees (when the mode is over 50 degrees, beneficial bacteria die).

Milk must maintain the specified temperature for 8-12 hours in order to get a tasty and useful product. During this time, beneficial bacteria ferment milk sugar. How to make yogurt from sourdough whole milk, and from pasteurized, while using only clean, sterilized or at least quickly treated with boiling water dishes. To complete the fermentation process, preserve the bacterial microflora and obtain the optimal consistency of yogurt, the product is cooled to 5 degrees.

Sourdough for yogurt - the benefits and harms

This fermented milk product is popular not only for its taste, but also for the beneficial properties that it has on the body. The bacteria included in it help normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, speed up the metabolism. Because the bacteria fermented milk product provide lactose fermentation, yogurt is easier to digest and better than milk. Indications for its use are:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • infection with an infection, as a result of which the intestinal microflora is disturbed;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • treatment with antibiotics, other serious drugs that can disrupt the microflora of the digestive tract.

Since, like kefir, yogurt bacteria ferment lactose, such drinks are digested much easier than many other foods. Even people who are allergic to milk protein or lactose intolerant consume natural yoghurts. They contain a lot of minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on human body: Suppress pathogens, strengthen immune system, help bone repair/growth.

Yoghurt starter contains two main components that help the body fight various diseases, including cancer. The first substance is lactobacterin, which suppresses the pathogenic flora in the intestine. The second is calcium, which protects bones from destruction and suppresses the action of harmful bacteria, cancer causing intestines. According to research data, daily use portions of a natural, fresh fermented milk product helps to seriously strengthen the immune system.

The benefits and harms of sourdough for yogurt are not equal - the second is possible only in exceptional cases. Harmful sourdough for yogurt will be:

  • after the expiration date of its validity;
  • when storing sourdough in improper conditions;
  • when adding any preservatives, flavor enhancers and other chemicals to it.

Dry starter for yogurt

For the preparation of a fermented milk product, several types of starters are used, including dry industrial. Such a starter base can be bought at a pharmacy or grocery store. The content of the sourdough is standard: it includes the bulgarian stick and thermophilic streptococcus. The taste and fat content of yogurt prepared from this substance differs from the finished store-bought one, it has a more viscous structure. Dry sourdough for yogurt is used exclusively according to the instructions, otherwise the product will not benefit the body.

If you decide to ferment yogurt at home, then if you follow the cooking technology, you will get a guaranteed natural and healthy product. Pharmacy dry sourdough improves the digestive process, strengthens the immune system and has positive influence for the entire body as a whole. The bacteria in its composition underwent lyophilization (they were dried), but after entering the milk, they come to life and begin the fermentation process.

The advantages of dry types of starter cultures are long shelf life, resistance of bacteria to external influences and good taste qualities finished drink. Long term The shelf life of bacteria is possible due to their industrial lyophilization, while the product must be stored in a refrigerator or freezer. Which storage method you choose will determine how long the beneficial bacteria stay active and viable. IN freezer sourdough can stay fresh for up to a year and a half, in the refrigerator - up to a week.

Live starter for yogurt

This natural probiotic prevents the growth of putrefactive bacteria, helps cleanse the intestines, improve the digestive process, and help food to be better absorbed. The most useful is a fermented milk product made from whole cow or sheep milk based on Bulgarian sticks. Wherein perfect option - live sourdough for yogurt. Such a substance is stored for no more than 20 days, which should be taken into account when choosing a starter.

Because of their short shelf life, liquid live starters are not as popular as dry ones. Nevertheless, such products contain the maximum amount of beneficial bacteria. The second disadvantage of such a product is the taste, which is far from desirable: yogurt often comes out too sour and has an unpleasant texture. At the same time, it is still preferable to cook and eat fermented milk products from live starters, especially for sick people.

Homemade yogurt starter

With the help of the product, you can easily prepare natural yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, ryazhenka. For this purpose, you can use both a yogurt maker and an ordinary thick-walled pan (it is important that the dishes are not thin, otherwise the milk will cool quickly, and this will badly affect the activity of beneficial bacteria). Some housewives even use a multicooker, choosing the appropriate operating mode for the device. Starter for yogurt at home must be fresh. On request in ready drink you can add fresh berries or pieces of fruit. How to make sourdough yogurt?


  • water;
  • milk - 3 l;
  • lactobacterin - 1 pack.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat milk to 43-45 degrees.
  2. Pour a little water into the ampoule with lactobacterin, mix the contents of the bottle thoroughly, then pour it into milk (you need to pour it carefully, stirring the contents of the dish with a whisk).
  3. Pour the milk into a jar, the surface of which must first be treated with boiling water, or leave it in a saucepan. Close the container tightly with a lid and wrap with a warm towel.
  4. Move the dishes to a warm place for 12 hours, then move the drink to the refrigerator. From ready-made homemade yogurt you can cook great breakfast by mixing it with fresh fruit and cereals.

What is the best starter for yogurt

Because the shop product has few useful properties, it is better to prepare sourdough yogurt, while you can choose both a live culture and a dry product. Determine which best gas station for yogurt is difficult: the market offers many types of products from different manufacturers, both domestic and imported. However, before taking the package you like, you need to pay attention to the bacterial composition of the product. What is the best starter to use for yogurt? The best option would be a product with the most diverse content of bacteria.

Sourdough Evitalia

The product is dried viable microorganisms of five different types, including thermophilic streptococci, lactobacilli, acidophilus bacteria, etc. In addition, Evitalia sourdough contains vitamins B, A, C, E, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, natural antioxidants. Doctors recommend eating the product as a dietary supplement to your main diet in order to normalize or maintain the state of the intestinal microflora.

Evitalia - instructions for use

Each manufacturer applies to the product detailed description the process of preparing a homemade dairy product. The instructions for using Evitalia are simple and practically do not differ from the use of other starter cultures similar to it. Made homemade drink can even give little child as complementary foods (age must be older than six months). How to make yogurt at home with sourdough:

  1. Boil 2 liters of milk, for which you need a thick-bottomed container.
  2. Cool the liquid to 43 degrees, remove the film formed on the surface of the milk.
  3. Pour dry sourdough (1 pack) here, stir the liquid well with a whisk.
  4. Cover with a lid and wrap the dishes with several layers of warm cloth (it is better to put the pan in a warm place).
  5. After 12 hours of fermentation, you can try the product. Store it in ready-made in a refrigerator. It is recommended to consume yogurt in a glass of sutra on an empty stomach, and then 20 minutes before meals.

Sourdough vivo

Bacteria for yogurt of this brand include lactobacilli of all kinds, streptococci, acidophilus and Bulgarian bacillus. With such a tandem, microorganisms give a large number of lactic acid, which has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. Vivo's sourdough helps to remove eating disorders and eliminate the consequences of infections entering the intestines. In addition, with the constant consumption of the product, the metabolism is accelerated, due to which the weight of a person gradually returns to normal.

Sourdough Vivo - instruction

You can even give a homemade dairy product to children, starting from the age of six months. Due to the content of beneficial lactobacilli in it, Vivo yogurt helps to improve the digestive process and effectively removes toxins from the intestines. Suggested below detailed recipe with a photo of the preparation of the drink. detailed instructions sourdough Vivo:

  1. Boil milk (2-3 liters), then cool to 40 degrees. When using an ultra-pasteurized product, boiling is not necessary, you can only heat it to the specified temperature.
  2. Separately, combine the starter base package with a small amount of warm milk, then pour the resulting mixture into a common container.
  3. Close the dish with a lid, wrap with a multi-layered material and keep in a warm place for at least 8-10 hours.
  4. After the specified time, cool the product with a refrigerator. In this case, you can immediately start drinking the drink. Store it for up to 3 days in the refrigerator.

yogurt starter price

Starter bases for fermented milk products have recently appeared on the shelves of Russian pharmacies and shops, but have already become a very popular, sought-after product. Nutritionists strongly recommend using them for people with gastrointestinal problems and those who care about their health. Where can I get yogurt starter? In addition to grocery supermarkets and pharmacies, the product can be bought in an online store or ordered on the official website of the manufacturer. At the same time, the price of starter cultures for yogurt is democratic: the basis for 3 liters of milk is inexpensive. Examples:

  • "Squash" for yogurt - 65 rubles;
  • Evitalia - 70 rubles;
  • Vivo - up to 80 rubles;
  • Good Food - 80 rubles;
  • Laktoferm ECO Yoghurt "SlimYogurt" - 75 rub.

Video: Homemade yogurt starter

Today modern society experiencing a real boom in interest in proper nutrition And healthy lifestyle life in general. It is under the influence of this fashion trend that KhozOboz today devotes another review to yogurts and the features of their preparation at home.

First of all, it should be noted that despite the fact that natural yogurt is somewhat reminiscent of ordinary spoiled milk, in essence it is completely different products. A feature of yogurt is its preparation technology.

The thing is that real yogurt will turn out only if you:

Add a special yogurt starter with live bacteria to milk
Precisely maintain the required mixing and cooking temperature

Starter for yogurt, which one to choose
The first thing you need to know when planning to make yogurt is that not all starters for making it are the same. If you have specific purpose improve your health, then it is imperative to pay attention to the characteristics of these very starter cultures. If there are no definite indications, then any will be useful, and to obtain best effect it makes sense to even alternate them. In order to make it easier for you to navigate among the variety of proposals, we will now give a description of each of the starter cultures for home-made yogurt:

Sourdough Yoghurt is a very common sourdough known better than others thanks to the eponymous sour milk product. The benefits of yogurt are due to the presence in its composition of the Bulgarian stick and streptococcus. In the production of the final product, they work together to provide more content lactic acid. This acid, in turn, has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. As a result, they are much less in the body. The beneficial properties of yogurt allow you to quickly restore strength and increase the content of amino acids, calcium and other beneficial trace elements.
Bifivit starter is a yoghurt starter that has perhaps the most pleasant and balanced taste. This is due to the fact that lactic acid and bifidobacteria are simultaneously present in it. When testing this product on various patients, it turned out that the starters of this particular group have the best effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also help with allergies, immune and metabolic diseases. Bifilact is also able to fight dysbacteriosis and dysbiosis and contributes to the overall strengthening of the body. And also keep in mind that it is bifilakt that experts recommend using as the first complementary foods for children.
Kefir is another product that seems to be well known to us. But a freshly prepared version will bring much more benefit. So kefir obtained due to fresh fermentation is able to actively fight pathogens of intestinal bacteria, and besides this, it has an excellent effect on digestion and prevents the occurrence and development of oncological diseases.
Symbilact sourdough is one of the most modern and useful probiotics. It is in symbilacte greatest content bacteria that are friendly to the human body, which makes it possible to use symbilact not only for fermentation, but also in its pure form. Its most important functions are to block the reproduction of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as cleanse the body of toxins, increase resistance to infections and minimize the risk various diseases. It is also noteworthy that symbilact is indicated for the normalization of microflora in dysbiosis with a different nature. Simply put, symbilact is an excellent tool for normalizing microflora under any, even the most extreme environmentally unfavorable conditions.
Sourdough Acidolact is a sourdough for yogurt inhabited acidophilus bacteria, which in turn are very resistant to antibiotics and various chemical additives. In addition, they are very hardy and take root well in the intestines, regardless of factors. external environment. These bacteria have unique property produce in the body a large number of harmless antibiotics, which in turn stop the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Naturally, in this way it directly affects the creation of beneficial microflora in the human body. Also acidophilus milk promotes cleansing of the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect and neutralizes toxins. For people host medications, acidolact is excellent tool to neutralize them pernicious influence. There are no contraindications for taking acidolact.
Sourdough Streptosan is a sourdough which includes Enterococcus faecium culture. It is she who is one of the main components of the microflora in the preparation of Caucasian homemade fermented milk products - matsoni, suluguni, etc. This bacterium takes root perfectly in the intestines and is able to actively resist intestinal infections and various putrefactive bacteria. During the tests, it turned out that people who consume streptosan get rid of metabolic products faster and the level of cholesterol in the blood normalizes. Streptosan was especially useful for the elderly. As a result of taking the drug, they have a normalization of lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as an increase in the body's resistance to various infections and pathogenic bacteria. It can be summarized that this product able to normalize metabolism, work of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, and also prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and slows down the aging process of the body.
Vitalakt is unique product, which distinguishes us from the usual increased content amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as natural vitamins and microelements. Vitalact intake is mainly indicated for children to achieve a balance in the content of nutritional and biologically active substances. Vitalact has the most positive effect on appetite and metabolism, and also normalizes the composition of microflora and prevents a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Basically, this starter and products made on its basis are recommended to be introduced into the diet of children aged 1 to 3 years.
Cottage cheese and semtana are traditional products well known to us, which can also be prepared thanks to starters of the same name. The indications for use of the received products are the same as those bought in the store. The only difference is that the product obtained at home is much fresher and contains live beneficial microflora.
So, we figured out the types of starter cultures. Now it will not be difficult for you to choose exactly the type of bacteria that are shown most of all at one time or another or in accordance with the direct indications of a doctor.

Tips for making yogurt
Milk temperature. It's important to remember one thing here. important rule. Bacteria don't like high temperatures, from them they simply die. Therefore, when mixing sourdough with milk, you must make sure that the temperature of the milk is not more than 43 degrees. The ideal temperature is considered to be 38 degrees.
Yoghurt maker. Best for making yogurt special device intended for these purposes. How to choose it correctly you can read on our website in one of the headings. However, it should be remembered that regardless of its price and even functional filling, the yogurt maker is always capable of the main thing - it maintains the ideal temperature for the reproduction and vital activity of beneficial bacteria. That is why yogurt prepared in this way is most useful.
Milk for yogurt. If you use pasteurized milk, then it should be heated. If whole milk is used, then it must first be boiled and only then cooled to the desired temperature.
Utensils for yogurt. Before preparing yogurt, be sure to sterilize the dishes in which you plan to cook. This can be done simply by filling the jar with boiling water. You can do it even easier: pour a little water into each jar and leave the jars in the microwave. When the water boils, remove the jars and simply drain the water.

Natural yogurt is literally everything. He will perfectly cope with the feeling of hunger, help in record short time get rid of extra pounds, ideal as a healthy breakfast.

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Natural yogurt is literally everything. It will perfectly cope with the feeling of hunger, help to get rid of extra pounds in record time, ideal as a healthy breakfast.

If you have dull hair, skin rashes, digestive problems or you are just too lazy to cook the first, second and third - enjoy homemade yogurt, getting the maximum benefit and benefit for your body!

And do not think that you will need a yogurt maker to make delicious natural yogurt. Everything is much easier than you could imagine!

5 important rules:

1. Milk must be boiled in order to kill all pathogenic bacteria that may be contained in it. It is recommended to bring even pasteurized milk to a boil.

2. Do not use too hot milk to make yogurt, otherwise the beneficial bacteria will die. The ideal temperature is + 38 ° С ... + 40 ° С, that is, slightly above warm.

3. Cutlery and all the dishes in which you will cook yogurt must be poured over with boiling water.

4. The quality and consistency of homemade yogurt is affected by the fat content of milk, so choose the optimal 3.2-3.5%. Those who do not care about the figure and just want delicious natural yogurt can use milk with a fat content of 6%.

5. Do not shake or stir the fermented product, so as not to destroy the structure, otherwise the yogurt will not ripen.

Classic yogurt in a thermos

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

What do you need:

1 liter of milk

200 g of natural yogurt (carefully study the composition, yogurt must be fresh)

How to cook classic yogurt in a thermos:

1. Boil milk and cool to a temperature of 38-40°C.

2. Rinse the thermos with boiling water, pour out the water and leave for 1-2 minutes until the steam comes out. Then cover with a lid.

3. Combine 100 ml of milk with yogurt and stir so that there are no lumps.

4. Add diluted milk with yogurt to the remaining milk and mix.

5. Pour the resulting mixture into a thermos, close the lid and leave for 6-8 hours.

6. Pour the finished yogurt into small jars and refrigerate for another 8 hours.

Greek yogurt

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Greek yogurt differs from classic yogurt not only in consistency, more like creamy soft cheese but also the method of preparation. After traditional fermentation, such yogurt is hung in a clean cloth or paper filter to get rid of excess whey, for which Greek yogurt also called filtered.

What do you need:

1 liter of milk

200 g natural yoghurt

How to make Greek yogurt:

2. Yogurt diluted in a small amount milk.

3. Combine diluted yogurt with the remaining milk in a saucepan. Cover with a lid and wrap with a thick terry towel, or better with a blanket.

4. Leave in a warm place for 6-7 hours, then put in the refrigerator. Do not stir or shake the contents of the pot!

5. Line a colander with several layers of gauze and carefully pour the resulting yogurt.

6. Cover and leave for a few hours until the excess whey is gone. As a result, you should get 350-450 g of real Greek yogurt.

Fruit yogurt in a slow cooker

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

If regular yogurt isn't your thing, make a great one. low calorie dessert using fresh summer fruit and berries. Gourmets, your choice!

What do you need:

1 liter of milk

200 g natural yoghurt

200 g fruits or berries

How to cook fruit yogurt in the multicooker:

1. To prepare yogurt in a slow cooker, thoroughly wash portioned jars, dry and bake in the oven or microwave.

2. Peel the fruit and chop in a blender. If using berries, after the blender, wipe the resulting mixture through a sieve to get rid of small seeds.

3. Boil milk and cool to 40°C. Add natural yogurt and berry-fruit mass to the milk, mix until smooth.

4. Pour the prepared milk into serving jars.

5. Place a clean cloth or silicone mat on the bottom of the multicooker. Place the jars in the slow cooker, pour directly into the bowl warm water so that the jars are 1/3 covered.

6. Turn on the "Yogurt" mode. After 7-8 hours, the jars should be put in the refrigerator, and after another 6 hours you can eat natural yogurt of your own production.

What to do if there is no “Yogurt” mode in the slow cooker:

1. Do everything up to point 6.

2. Jars in the bowl, now close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes.

3. After 15 minutes, turn off the mode for 1 hour.

4. Reheat for 15 minutes.

5. Turn off the heating and leave the yogurt for 3 hours. The multicooker lid must be closed at all times!

6. After three hours, put the jars of yogurt in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.


When preparing yogurt in a slow cooker, check the temperature of the water - it should not be less than 40 ° C.

Homemade sourdough yogurt

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Yogurt on pharmacy sourdough turns out with a tender creamy taste and very nice texture.

What do you need:

1 liter of milk

1 bottle of sourdough starter (available at any pharmacy)

How to make homemade sourdough yogurt:

1. Boil milk and cool to 40°C.

2. Dissolve dry sourdough in a few tablespoons of milk and pour into the rest of the milk. Pour into portioned glass jars.

3. Cover with cling film or close with lids, wrap with a terry towel, and preferably with a blanket.

4. Leave for ripening for 12-14 hours.

5. Cool in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours and the yogurt is ready to eat!

Natural yogurt in the oven

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

If you don’t have a thermos or a slow cooker, and you always miss the temperature of the milk in the pan, then the recipe for making homemade yogurt in the oven is just for you.

What do you need:

1 liter of milk

200 g of natural yogurt (you can take fresh sour cream with a fat content of 20%)

How to cook natural yogurt in the oven:

1. Boil milk and cool until room temperature.

2. Dilute yogurt / sour cream in 0.5 tbsp. glass of milk.

3. Combine the resulting starter with the rest of the milk and mix gently.

4. Pour milk into portioned glass jars.

5. Preheat the oven to 50°C and switch off.

6. Arrange jars of milk on a baking sheet, cover each jar with foil, packing tightly.

7. Place the tray in the oven and close the door.

8. Turn on the oven at 50°C every hour for 5-7 minutes. Cooking time for yogurt is 6-8 hours.

9. Put the finished yogurt in the refrigerator overnight. Sweet tooth can in each jar, before pouring milk, put 1-2 tbsp. homemade jam. published

You have purchased a yogurt maker and plan to pamper your family every day homemade fermented baked milk, yoghurts, kefir and narine? Then you definitely need to read this article, because in the process of preparing fermented milk products, you will certainly encounter the purchase of sourdough, without which delicious yogurt unfortunately it won't work...

There are a lot of starter cultures, they can be in the form of powders packed in bags and bottles, as well as tablets and capsules. Especially popular among starters for fermenting milk and making homemade fermented milk products are: Vivo, Ekonom, Good food. These starters contain probiotics - bacteria or other microorganisms that are beneficial to human health and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Various starter cultures contain various probiotics, most of them are represented by two microorganisms: Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.

Starter cultures for making homemade fermented milk products can be purchased at a pharmacy or in specialized departments of dairy stores. Sourdough starters are not cheap in dollar terms, a package containing 5 packets or vials of starter solids costs about $7, and one bag bought individually is about $1.50. Agree, as a one-time preparation of yogurt, this is an expensive pleasure, a liter carton of milk in the store and it costs less than one dose of homemade yogurt starter! Of course, manufacturers advise saving, leaving one cup of cooked yogurt as a mother starter for the preparation of subsequent batches. However, with each next batch, yogurt acquires an increasingly pronounced sourness, which, to be honest, spoils the taste of the resulting product. In addition, in subsequent batches, yogurt (or other fermented milk product) has a more liquid consistency.

It should be noted that some dry sourdoughs (for example, the Italian Good food sourdough) are generally capricious, they may well not turn out to be a high-quality mother sourdough. That is why many housewives, even initially optimistic about preparing fermented milk products at home, later abandon this idea due to the high cost of the starter culture.

How to make homemade yogurt, saving on sourdough? It is very simple - to use store-bought yogurt containing physiologically active bifidobacteria instead. Buy yogurt with a short shelf life (preferably up to a month, and preferably up to 2 weeks). Excellent homemade yogurt is made using Activia yogurt (danone) in classic or any other flavor. One cup is enough to make a liter of homemade yogurt. The cost of such a glass of "live" store-bought yogurt is only 0.5 dollars - this is three times cheaper than the cost of a bag of dry sourdough!

Perfectly suitable as a starter for children's yogurt "Agusha" classic or any other (raspberry, peach, pear and apple, etc.). A bottle of "Agusha" (200 ml) can be used for 2 times - 100 ml per liter of milk at a time, in which case you need to make yogurt for two days in a row so that the probiotics in "Agusha" do not lose their beneficial features. A bottle of "Agushi" costs about $0.9, and if you divide it by 2 (two-time use for making yogurt), you get $0.45 altogether - this is much cheaper than dry sourdough, which is sold in pharmacies and specialized dairy stores.

The classic recipe for making homemade yogurt remains the same: heat store-bought packaged milk (if milk is homemade, boil it and cool it) to room temperature or, if you want, warmer, but not higher than 30º C. In a separate container, dilute the starter in a small amount of milk, after which pour the mixture into warmed milk, mix everything thoroughly (if desired, you can add a tablespoon of sugar), pour the milk into jars and put them in a yogurt maker for 8 hours. That's all: delicious, homemade, healthy and most importantly - inexpensive yogurt is ready!

By the way, when purchasing a yogurt maker, buy a model equipped with an electric timer that will turn off the device automatically. This feature will not significantly affect the price of the yogurt maker, but it will save you from having to turn it off manually (get up in the middle of the night or early in the morning, etc.). At the end of the cooking time of the fermented milk product, the electric timer will emit a clearly audible signal. However, it is not necessary to run to the device at this moment - the yogurt will cool down to room temperature for a long time.
