
How to cook homemade ryazhenka in the oven. Homemade ryazhenka and varenets. several cooking methods

Even 10 years ago, no one imagined that the goods in stores would cease to please us. After all, it was everything! And only after the arrival of such an abundance of goods in our lives, we began to appreciate everything homemade. Now you will learn how to make ryazhenka at home. Do not immediately be afraid that you will not succeed. The step-by-step guide in this article will help you prepare this dairy product without much difficulty. This milk-cream mixture is called differently in different countries, but everyone equally loves “cellar milk”.

The benefits of ryazhenka

This drink was prepared and its benefits were realized a long time ago - the first memories of this product date back to the 17th century. As soon as the time came for store-bought yogurts, homemade dairy products stepped aside, modern housewives practically stopped making them. Recently, however, there has been a revival of home cooking traditions, due to declining health, environmental concerns, and the like.

The benefits of ryazhenka are due to its composition. A glass of this product will provide the body with a fifth of the daily norm of phosphorus and a fourth of the norm of calcium, and the lactic acid contained in its composition will improve appetite, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

For people who are on a diet, this is an indispensable product: prebiotics will improve digestion, increase immunity and improve the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins by the body.

How to make ryazhenka

If you can get homemade milk, that's just awesome. It has all the necessary ingredients: regular milk and unseparated drained top. We need this in order not to buy any bacteria and starter cultures.

First of all, you need to get a sourdough starter. Just buy milk in advance and leave it for a day in a cool place. During this time, two balls will be created in the milk - the lower one (this ball is used like ordinary skimmed milk) and the upper one (this is an inch, that is, the future sourdough). If you look closely, you can clearly see 2 balls of milk in the photo.

As soon as the top ball separates, drain it into a jar and put it in a warm place to ferment (this takes another day). This way you will get homemade sour cream, which you can use for various purposes (for salads or for cream), but you will need to use it as a starter.

If you already have an inch, then you should purchase fresh milk. At this stage you should make baked milk. For this kind of activity, you can buy earthenware, for example, a pot. Food from such dishes is very tasty and healthy. In it you can bake vegetables, meat, potatoes or, as in our case, cook baked milk.

You can skip the process of making homemade sour cream if you buy real sour cream. Store-bought sour cream products will not work.

After that, pour fresh milk into a clay pot and send it to the oven for about two hours. Until the milk boils in the oven, set the temperature to the maximum.

You can cover the pot so that the milk evaporates less, but you must be careful that it does not run away when boiling.

You do not need to bring the milk to boil, for this, after half an hour, reduce the heat and continue to simmer it. A fried film will appear on top of the milk, it should not be stirred or removed, so simmer the milk until creamy.

And so we got baked milk and an inch for sourdough.

Leave the milk to cool to room temperature. If you pour an inch into hot milk, then all the living bacteria that were in the sour cream will simply boil and you will not get the desired result. Therefore, an inch should be added to warm baked milk.

Mix everything well and leave to sour in the warmest place. Usually sourdough is made in the evening so that everything is ready by morning.

After 8-9 hours of maturation, everything must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency, so that no lumps remain, and put in a cold place. If you want, you can strain the finished product through a sieve.

You can pour the finished fermented baked milk into another bowl, but in the photo it is in the same pot, from where it can be collected using a ladle.

For this recipe, take: 500 milliliters of homemade sour cream and 3 liters of fresh milk.

Under what conditions should ryazhenka be stored

Glechiki with cooked sour cream and baked milk are placed in a warm and dark place. In no case do not allow exposure to sunlight, as they can start a chemical reaction, thereby changing the composition of the product. It is very important to put it in one place, not to transfer or disturb during fermentation. Then you can put it in the refrigerator so that it gets stronger.

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Recipe ryazhenka at home in the oven:

Store-bought milk does not make high-quality fermented baked milk. You should buy fatty market milk and thick village sour cream. The recipe indicates the proportions of products for one liter of fermented baked milk, but it is advisable to cook 2-3 liters at once.

Milk is poured into clay pots, put in the oven. The temperature is 180 degrees. You can pour all the milk into one large pot or distribute it over several containers. It all depends on the availability of suitable dishes.

Milk languishes in the oven for 40-50 minutes. During this time, the color of the milk will change - it will become creamy, and the surface will be covered with a thick film-foam. If you leave the milk in the oven for another hour and a half, it will become melted. Rose-brown shades will appear, and the foam will become harder and darker. The first stage of languishing milk allows you to get a more tender fermented baked milk with a soft layer of foam on the surface.

Milk is taken out of the oven, allowed to cool to 40-50 degrees. Put sour cream into warm milk and mix thoroughly. At the same time, the foam is shifted to the side.

Milk is poured into tall glasses or cups. The foam is torn apart, and a piece of foam is placed in each glass. Fermentation of ryazhenka at home lasts 10-20 hours. It all depends on the temperature in the room. The degree of readiness is determined visually, the milk turns into a thick jelly mass.

Ready ryazhenka must be kept for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

Ryazhenka, prepared at home, does not look like a liquid store-bought drink, so a spoon must be placed next to the glass.

Ryazhenka is a fermented milk drink, it is obtained from baked cow's milk through fermentation processes. In industrial production, the product is fermented in 3-6 hours under the influence of pure cultures of Bulgarian bacillus, lactic streptococci. However, you can cook an unusually tasty and healthy fermented baked milk yourself at home from natural products.

You will need:

  • 1 liter of homemade cow's milk;
  • 2 tbsp sour cream;
  • 1 tsp Sahara.
Pour the fresh milk into a saucepan that is intended for use in the oven. Put on fire and boil. Reduce the heat to the lowest possible level on the smallest burner and leave the milk to simmer for about 1-2 hours until it turns a beige-cream color. Put the saucepan with milk in an oven preheated to about 120 ° C for 20 minutes. with low fire. A film forms on the surface. You can put milk in the oven for about 2 hours without languishing on the stove.

Remove the baked milk from the oven, cool it to room temperature (the product will curdle if the milk is hot). Add sour cream to the milk, put the pan in a warm place. Avoid exposure to sunlight, this may change the chemical composition of the milk-based product. It is better to put it near a working stove or battery.

After 6-8 hours, homemade ryazhenka is ready for use. You can add some sugar to taste.

It is better to store fermented baked milk in the refrigerator, so it will become thick and will be suitable for a longer time, up to 3 days.

Homemade fermented baked milk is a tasty and healthy fermented milk product made from baked milk and sour cream.

If you don’t have the opportunity, then we’ll get by with the usual stove with an oven.

If you want to cook ryazhenka with a crust in the oven, then it is best to use ceramic baking pots. The optimal volume is 0.5 liters.

The shape of the pots allows you to make ryazhenka at home without worrying that the milk will run away in the oven.

Ingredients for 3 pots:

  • milk - 1.2 l
  • sour cream - 6 tbsp. spoons

Recipe for ryazhenka with a crust in the oven

1. Pour milk into clay pots. It will turn out 0.4 liters of milk, if you pour it full, it can “run away”.

2. Put the pots in a cold oven and turn it on immediately at 200 ° C and wait until it boils. No need to cover with lids.

It turns out very tasty ryazhenka, if you add a little sugar to milk before boiling (about 0.5 teaspoon per pot).

3. When the milk boils, reduce the temperature to 100 degrees and leave for 1.5 hours. Turn off the oven, leave the milk inside until it cools. Baked milk will become creamy in color and the longer it is "evaporated" in the oven, the richer the taste and color will be, but the amount will become smaller.

A brown crust forms on the surface of the milk. If this crust starts to brown too much, just dip it in milk. A new crust forms on top.

4. Milk in pots should cool down to 38-40. After that, carefully remove the crust, and put 2 tablespoons of room temperature sour cream in each pot.

If your sour cream is very thick, dilute it with milk from a pot. The more you put sour cream, the thicker the ryazhenka will turn out.

A modern urban dweller practically does not see the difference between fermented baked milk and kefir, considering them to be dairy products of the same type. However, this is absolutely not the case. Kefir is obtained as a result of fermentation of milk and kefir fungi, and ryazhenka is fermented at home from warm baked milk and sour cream. How to cook it using the oven or - in a more modern version - a slow cooker?

Ryazhenka is a product that is rich in lactic acid bacteria that are beneficial for the body. It is especially needed for people who suffer from calcium deficiency. The fact is that, being a derivative of milk rich in this mineral, fermented baked milk “enhances” its concentration after heat treatment.

Also, this delicious dairy product perfectly satisfies hunger, helps to cleanse the intestines, improves the condition of blood vessels, and can even become an excellent basis for cosmetic masks. And lovers of drink know another "magic" ability of fermented baked milk - to get rid of a hangover. But drinking this drink is not recommended if you suffer from gastritis or high acidity of the stomach, as well as obesity.

Store-bought ryazhenka consists of milk and pure cultures of lactic acid organisms, that is, sourdough. Homemade should contain milk and sour cream. In this case, both products should be as fresh and fatty as possible. The higher the fat content of milk, the thicker the ryazhenka will be and the more beautiful its color will turn out. By the way, a real rural “natural product” is eaten with spoons, and it tastes much more saturated than the modern drinking version.

And, of course, the home method of production is different from the industrial one. First of all, the warmth and mood that you put into the preparation of dairy food. In addition, preservatives are added to the store-bought drink, which are necessary for it to be stored for a long time.

Also very important is the set of dishes that is used to make ryazhenka at home tasty and healthy. To prepare a hearty treat you will need:

  • ceramic pan or clay pot;
  • a tablespoon (preferably a wooden one - then when stirred, it will not damage the ruddy foam of fermented baked milk);
  • glass jars for storing the finished product.

How to make ryazhenka in the oven?

Homemade ryazhenka is prepared quite easily. The only thing that can deprive you of the desire to eat dairy food is the time it takes to cook. It's about 14 hours. The classic option is ryazhenka at home in the oven. For a liter of product, you need to take 2 times more milk.


  • milk with a high percentage of fat content - 2 l;
  • sour cream (preferably homemade) - 2 tbsp. l.

The amount of sour cream is taken at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for every liter of milk.


Cooking delicious ryazhenka in a slow cooker

Do you want to please your loved ones with the taste of rustic delicacy? Make ryazhenka for them, but in the most modern way. As already mentioned, this dish is quite time-consuming. But ryazhenka at home, the preparation of which you entrust to the slow cooker, will require a minimum of effort from you. The product is tender, very airy and amazingly tasty.


  • milk - 3 l;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl, select the “Extinguishing” mode, set for 6 hours.
  2. Cool the baked milk to 40 degrees, mix the milk with sour cream and beat the mass with a whisk.
  3. We set the multicooker timer for 30 minutes in the "Heating" mode.
  4. Turn off the multicooker. After 6-8 hours, beat the fermented baked milk with a mixer and transfer to a glass dish for storage.

Ryazhenka is loved by both adults and children for its appetizing creamy color and pleasant, sour taste. This is a very healthy product that can be a great option for breakfast or a light dinner. In the morning it can be served with toast, buns, sandwiches or scrambled eggs. Evening fermented baked milk will go well with a piece of casserole or pancakes. It can also be sprinkled with herbs or served with a special sauce of olive oil, spices and herbs.

Cooking Tricks

Ryazhenka is a wonderful dish in itself. But if you add it to the dough for pancakes or a pie, then it will turn out to be very tender, with an amazing aroma. By the way, professional chefs recommend making an omelet from eggs in ryazhenka - it will turn out lush and without the sour taste that kefir gives. But, to make delicious homemade ryazhenka, you should take into account a number of nuances:

  • milk must be boiled over low heat so that whey does not form (especially if it is fatty, homemade);
  • if you like ryazhenka foam, then you can remove them during the cooking process, and after you mix the baked milk with sour cream, put it on top - the delicacy will turn out even thicker;
  • it is also permissible to use purchased baked milk, but with a fat content of at least 4%. Then, in order not to spend a lot of time preparing ryazhenka, you can pour special lactic acid bacteria into it, which are sold in pharmacies. The taste will practically not differ from ryazhenka from milk with sour cream;
  • store the finished dish in the refrigerator and no more than 3 days.
