
Products prepared using acidophilus bacteria. Acidophilus milk - importance and benefits

Acidophilus is a fermented milk product. Benefit or harm. Features and properties of the product. Is it different from kefir. Is it possible to give to children. How to cook at home.

Dairy products are present in the diet of a large number of people. Everyone knows about their benefits for digestion and the body as a whole. There are various types of dairy products. Among them are kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, snowball, bifidok, varenets, acidophilus, etc. Today we will talk about the benefits of acidophilus, the composition of this product, its effect on the body and other features associated with this not the most common fermented milk product. Let's learn how to prepare this healthy drink at home.

What is an acidophilus product? Description of properties

Acidophilus. What is this product? This question may be asked by many representatives of today's generation. He appeared in the Soviet Union. Over time, it became one of the most common types of fermented milk products in all the republics of the USSR. It is believed that this variety is the most useful. To create this drink, milk is pasteurized with the help of special bacteria (acidophilus bacillus, milk fungus, lactic streptococcus), and then fermented while maintaining a temperature of 32-33 degrees Celsius.
properties of acidophilus.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system
  • Removes harmful substances, cleanses the body
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Improves the microflora of the digestive tract
  • Helps fight stress and migraines
  • Saturates with useful substances
  • Helps fight excess weight
Advice. This fermented milk product is very nutritious, and at the same time it is a low-calorie drink.

The benefits and harms of acidophilus for the body

Acidophilus - is it good or bad for the body? Undoubtedly useful. This drink is recommended by doctors and nutritionists for both adults and children. It is also useful for women to drink this drink during pregnancy and lactation. It contains calcium, potassium, iron - substances needed at this time. Athletes are encouraged to include it in their diet.
The benefits have been mentioned above. But what about harm? All studies confirm the benefits of this fermented milk product. There are no harmful properties.
There are only a few contraindications.
  • This drink is contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis or hyperacidity of the stomach.
  • Individual intolerance is also observed. In this case, urticaria may appear after consumption.
In other cases, this product will only benefit. Of course, it is necessary to use it, like any product, in reasonable quantities. For normal digestion, it is considered sufficient to consume two or three glasses a day.
Important! If you use acidophilus in a volume of more than one and a half to two liters per day, heartburn or discomfort in the abdomen may appear.

What is the difference between acidophilus and kefir

What is the difference between acidophilus and kefir. Both of them are fermented milk products with a sour taste. But there is a slight difference in taste. Acidophilus is less acidic and the kids will like it more. The main difference is the bacteria used for manufacturing. As noted above, acidophilus bacteria are used to prepare acidophilus sourdough. And to make kefir, you need sourdough on kefir fungi. The vitamin and mineral composition of these fermented milk products is also different. So, kefir contains vitamin E and folacin. Acidophilus is characterized by the presence of pantothenic acid and biotin. Kefir is characterized by a greater amount of potassium and calcium, and acidophilus contains more phosphorus.

Should acidophilus be given to children

Should I give acidophilus to children or should I choose other types of fermented milk products? In fact, acidophilus is very useful for the child's body.
It is introduced into the diet of babies at 9-10 months.
  • It helps in better bone growth
  • Improves digestion
  • Helps fight dysbiosis
  • Thanks to the use of this product, children's appetite improves.
  • In adolescents, among other things, the use of this drink has a good effect on the condition of the skin. It becomes less oily, inflammation and rashes decrease

Recipe for pancakes on acidophilus

We bring to your attention a recipe for pancakes on acidophilus. To prepare them, you will need directly acidophilus (half a liter), one egg, one glass of flour, one teaspoon of salt, a pinch of salt, sugar and vanillin to taste. So, first you need to beat the egg. Then, add salt, sugar and vanilla, while continuing to beat. Add soda to kefir, mix and pour into eggs. At the end, add flour and mix everything thoroughly. The consistency of the dough should resemble sour cream. Spoon the batter into the hot skillet. Fry on both sides until a golden color appears. Fritters are ready. Serve with sour cream, jam, honey, etc.

Cooking acidophilus at home: video

Unfortunately, in small towns, acidophilus can not be found in every store. But if you want to enjoy this fermented milk product, you can cook acidophilus at home. It's very easy to prepare and doesn't take long. So, what you need to prepare acidophilus: milk and sourdough. It is called acidophilic sourdough, you can find it in pharmacies.
Important! Acidophilic sourdough should be stored for no more than 5 days. Since with a longer period, the acidophilus bacillus will die.
Cooking technology step by step.
  • First you need to boil the milk
  • Then leave to cool to 33-40 degrees Celsius
  • Mix milk and sourdough based on the proportion of 5 grams of sourdough per 1 liter of milk
  • Wrap the resulting product with a warm blanket and infuse for 12 hours
  • For storage, store in the refrigerator.
  • In the next video you will be able to visually familiarize yourself with the cooking technology

Acidophilic milk has been used as a food product for over 20 years. First of all, it became widespread in the United States, where the main work was carried out to study the effect of acidophilus bacillus on the human body. As a result of these works, their scientists come to the conclusion that acidophilic milk can be successfully used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. Scientists have found that in diseases such as chronic colitis and constipation, which are generally difficult to treat, the use of acidophilus milk gives good results, with the number of cases of complete recovery reaching approximately 80%.

Description of acidophilic cultures

In all experiments, scientists received positive results, confirming the possibility of using acidophilus culture for bacteriotherapy in the above intestinal diseases.

When using acidophilic cultures isolated from the contents of the human intestine, the question naturally arises of how long these cultures after their isolation retain the ability to take root in the intestine and whether they lose these valuable properties over time due to the fact that they are cultivated for a long time on dairy media.

Some American scientists give an answer to this question in the sense that after 2-4 months, as a result of successive inoculations from milk into milk, acidophilus bacillus loses its ability to take root in the human intestine, and therefore depreciates from that moment on as a healing factor.

In view of this, scientists advocate the need to pass such cultures through the human gastrointestinal tract every three months and isolate them again.

On the other hand, when such cultures are sauteed through the intestines, they are subjected to the strongest biological influence from the intestines and, as a result, may undergo changes in their properties. All this greatly complicates the requirements of regular passages of such cultures. In addition, acidophilic cultures do not lose their ability to acclimatize in the intestines as soon as scientists believe.

Cultures under the age of 2-3 years give no worse results than freshly passaged ones.

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It should be noted that acidophilic cultures isolated from the intestinal contents of young animals and used to combat intestinal diseases of young animals have given such positive results that at present the use of the so-called "acidophilus" in animal husbandry has received universal recognition, and there are already several production laboratories, producing starter cultures for acidophilus in very significant quantities.

Some scientists suggested introducing yeast cultures into acidophilic milk, justifying this proposal by the fact that yeast activates the development of lactic acid bacilli and, as a result, the latter will develop better in the intestines.

On the other hand, the yeast itself, according to scientists, should have a beneficial effect on the body, and as a result of their introduction into acidophilic milk, its nutritional and dietary value should increase.

Acidophilic milk is undoubtedly a valuable medicinal preparation, the action of which has already been verified by repeated observations.

Therefore, with each actual modification in the method of preparation of such a drug, it is necessary, before authorizing such a change, to conduct comparative tests of the effects of both drugs on the human body, and only after obtaining positive results is it permissible to introduce such a modification into practice.

Sour milk drinks are extremely popular. They quench thirst well, have many useful properties, and are suitable for all age groups. One such useful product is acidophilus milk. You can cook it yourself at home.

What it is?

Acidophilus milk is one of the types of fermented milk drinks. It has a viscous consistency and a specific taste, reminiscent of the taste of kefir or curdled milk. But acidophilus milk differs from them in composition and method of production. Like any lactic acid product, the drink is made from pasteurized milk. Milk is fermented by adding acidophilus bacillus to it at a temperature of 31-35 degrees for 6-8 hours. The sourdough also includes kefir fungi and pure cultures of lactococci.

The starter is placed in milk and creates optimal conditions for the development of microorganisms. During the process of lactic acid fermentation, milk proteins swell and form a dense homogeneous consistency. At the end of the process, the clot of proteins must be mixed and cooled to a temperature of 7-9 degrees. In industry, the product, often referred to as acidophilus, is produced either in a tank or in a thermostatic process. With thermostatic maturation, it takes place in separate packages, and with a reservoir maturation, one large container is used.

All stages of production are subject to GOST. GOST defines the requirements for raw materials, composition and nutritional value of the resulting product, storage conditions and shelf life. The acidophilus corresponding to GOST must have a pure sour-milk taste and smell. Its taste should be slightly spicy, refreshing, with a yeasty aftertaste. The color of the drink should be white and milky, evenly colored throughout the volume.

The drink in appearance should be moderately viscous, homogeneous, the clot can be both broken and unbroken. GOST allows for the presence of a slightly viscous consistency and gas formation in the form of separate bubbles, which is caused by normal microflora. According to GOST, a product with a fat content of up to 3.9% should contain 2.8% proteins, and with a fat content of 4% and above - 2.6%.

Homemade acidophilus milk can be stored for up to a week in cool conditions, and industrially prepared a little longer. The shelf life is due to the fact that the fermentation process continues in the product. By the end of its shelf life, acidophilus milk may change in texture, color, or odor. It becomes unusable.

On the basis of acidophilus milk, manufacturers produce other drinks by adding fruit juices to it. Children do not always like the sour taste of the drink, so at home you can add sugar, jam, vanilla, cinnamon, honey to it.

Acidophilic milk is often used for dough - for example, for pancakes or pies, it can also be seasoned with other dishes.


Like all fermented milk products, acidophilus milk has many beneficial properties. First of all, it is an excellent dietary product suitable for people who want to normalize their weight. Its calorie content is 40-83 kcal per 100 g of product, depending on the fat content. The milk protein contained in the product has the ability to give a quick and long-lasting feeling of satiety, so the use of acidophilus milk instead of dinner is quite advisable.

It will be useful to drink acidophilus milk after festive feasts, when they eat plentiful and fatty foods, as the product helps to improve digestion. The product is completely absorbed by the body and is suitable for people who cannot consume milk due to lactose intolerance. Milk is also suitable for medical nutrition, as it contains a high content of bacteria that suppress the activity of microorganisms that cause putrefactive processes in the body.

Acidophilic milk has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, restores the balance of beneficial bacteria in it, so it is recommended for people who have undergone antibiotic treatment. The drink reduces the level of bad cholesterol and increases the absorption of nutrients by the body. Due to the rich chemical composition, which includes many vitamins and microelements, regular use of the product improves immunity, raises the general tone of the body, and stimulates metabolic processes.

Since the product has a tonic effect, it is recommended for malnutrition and anemia. Acidophilus milk is a hypoallergenic product, doctors recommend giving it to even very young children. The drink contains a lot of B vitamins, so it has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system. The product is useful in many pathological conditions. It can be used by people suffering from diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, infectious diseases.

In some cases, when drinking acidophilic milk, excessive gas formation and bloating can be observed, however, these phenomena quickly pass. With caution, the drink should be approached by people suffering from gastric diseases (gastritis, ulcers, high acidity).

About how and when to drink the drink, it is better to consult a doctor. People who have an allergic reaction to milk protein should eliminate the acidophilus product from their diet.

How to cook?

Acidophilus drink is quite simple to prepare at home. This will require regular milk and acidophilus sourdough. Sourdough can be found in supermarkets or pharmacies. On the packaging, as a rule, there is an indication of how much starter culture is required per 1 liter of milk. If there is no indication, they usually take 50 ml per 1 liter of milk. If you could not find the starter, you can use store-bought acidophilus or even regular kefir for cooking.

First, the milk must be boiled, and then let it cool down to a temperature of 34-36 degrees. Add the starter to the cooled milk and mix well. To make mixing more even, you can dissolve the starter in a mug of milk, and then pour its contents into the rest of the milk and mix. Fermentation should be done in a yogurt maker or in a thermos, where the mixture is placed for 12-15 hours. You can use the multicooker in the "yogurt" mode. In this case, it will take 8 hours.

Readiness can be determined by the appearance of the mixture: visible clot formation, slight whey separation. The resulting product is ready for use. To ferment the next portion, it is not necessary to acquire an acidophilus culture; you can use some amount of cooked milk. cooked product Be sure to store in the refrigerator.

Currently, several products of this group are being manufactured: acidophilus, acidophilus milk, acidophilus-yeast milk, acidophilus yogurt and acidophilus paste. An obligatory component of all these products is acidophilus bacillus. Studies of the action of this microorganism revealed its amazing abilities: it takes root much better than other lactic acid bacteria in the human intestine, suppressing the development of putrefactive and some pathogenic microorganisms. Moreover, acidophilus bacillus is resistant to many antibiotics used to treat humans, so eating acidophilus foods during antibiotic treatment helps restore normal intestinal microflora.

That is why acidophilic fermented milk products are widely used in clinical nutrition, especially in gastrointestinal diseases and for infant feeding.

The starter cultures of some fermented milk products include not only acidophilus bacillus, but also other fermented milk organisms: lactic acid streptococci, lactic yeast, kefir fungi, i.e. starter cultures of one culture and combined are used.

Acidophilus. For the preparation of acidophilus, a starter culture of one culture or a combination is used. Consisting of acidophilus bacillus, lactic acid streptococcus and kefir fungi.

Milk is heated to a temperature of 85ºC and then cooled to 40-43ºC in cold water. Then prepared acidophilic sourdough is added to it (50 g of sourdough for 1 liter of milk), stirred well, kept until fermentation, which usually lasts 6-8 hours. In the first 2 hours of fermentation, milk is stirred 2-3 times. After fermentation, acidophilus is cooled to 6-8ºC.

The acidity of acidophilus is low, since fermentation does not last long. Ready acidophilus is characterized by a uniform and dense clot without a sharp separation of serum. You can also prepare sweet acidophilus by adding sugar syrup to taste to milk before fermenting.

acidophilus milk. It is produced from ordinary milk, heated to 90-95ºС with an exposure of 2-5 minutes. Acidophilus bacillus is used as a starter. Sometimes sugar, honey, vanillin, etc. are added to acidophilic milk. This milk has the consistency of a viscous liquid. Stored acidophilic milk at 3-6ºС.

acidophilic yeast milk. Milk is pasteurized and then cooled to 30-32ºС. The sourdough for obtaining such milk consists of acidophilus bacillus and lactic yeast. Otherwise, the process of preparing acidophilus-yeast milk is similar to the preparation of acidophilus. The finished product has a sour-milk flavor with a yeasty flavor. Its consistency is homogeneous, somewhat viscous and viscous.

Acidophilic yogurt. It differs from ordinary yogurt in that, in addition to lactic acid streptococci, acidophilus bacillus is also added to the sourdough. Under its influence, curdled milk acquires a more sour taste, and its consistency becomes more viscous than that of ordinary curdled milk.

acidophilus paste. This is nothing but concentrated acidophilus milk. It is made using the same starter as acidophilus milk. And the milk itself, before introducing the starter into it, thickens to a content of about 30% of solids in it. Often this paste is prepared with fillers, most often fruit and berries, sugar, honey.

Acidophilic milk is prepared by fermenting pasteurized milk, both whole and skimmed, with pure cultures of Lbm acidophilus. acidophilum using a thermostatic or reservoir method. They also produce acidophilic milk with fillers: honey, sugar.

In the USSR, the technology of acidophilic milk was developed by M. G. Demurov and V. D. Kuleshova (1937)*.

In the manufacture of laboratory starter, sterile milk and separately mucous and non-mucilaginous strains are used. To obtain a product with a viscous, but not too slimy consistency, culture combinations are made so that 80% are non-mucilaginous strains and 20% are slimy.

Milk is pasteurized at 85--87°C with a holding time of 5--10 minutes or at 90--92°C with a holding time of 2-3 minutes. Homogenization is recommended, especially for the tank method. In milk cooled to 40 - 42 ° C, 3 - 5% of the starter is added. When used for fermentation of laboratory starter in sterile milk, it is enough to add 0.5--1% of the starter. After fermentation, the milk is thoroughly mixed and fermented at 38--40 ° C until a sufficiently dense clot and acidity of 70--80 ° T are obtained, then the product is cooled. When adding 0.5--1% starter culture, milk is fermented for about 6 hours. By increasing the amount of starter, you can reduce the duration of fermentation, but there is a danger of the formation of a weaker clot with an inhomogeneous consistency.

The finished product should have a pure sour-milk taste, specific for acidophilus bacillus, a homogeneous consistency, reminiscent of the consistency of liquid sour cream. Slightly viscous consistency is allowed. For this product, the maximum acidity is set to 140 ° T. The optimal acidity, at which the product has a pleasant taste, is 110--115 ° T. With a further increase in acidity, a metallic taste may appear.

* Until 1937, strains of acidophilic bacteria with a low energy of acid formation were used in industry (S. Shafiryan, 1935).

In 1 ml of fresh acidophilic milk, the number of living cells reaches 2-3 billion. With a well-established technological process of production, the product has a high antibiotic activity. 1

Defects in acidophilic milk most often result from the development of residual microflora after pasteurization and the microflora of pasteurized milk, as well as violations of the temperature regimes of fermentation. Of the microflora of pasteurized milk, lactic streptococci and Escherichia coli are the most dangerous. Streptococci can remain in milk after pasteurization at temperatures below 85 ° C. In addition, contamination of milk with streptococci is possible when it passes through the equipment. In the first case, enterococci and thermophilic streptococci predominate in milk, in the second - Str. lactis. Due to the development of streptococci, acidophilus milk loses its specific taste, becomes like yogurt. The viscosity and antibiotic activity of the product are sharply reduced. In the case of an atypical taste and consistency of the product, and in the microscopic preparation - foreign cells (diplococci and streptococci), it is necessary to check the modes of pasteurization of milk, washing and disinfection of equipment.

E. coli can get into milk only as a result of re-contamination, since at temperatures above 75 ° C it completely dies. In practice, E. coli can develop very intensively in milk in the presence of acidophilic bacteria, despite the fact that there are many reports in the literature about antagonism between these microorganisms. Apparently, no conditions are created in milk under which acidophilic bacteria could show antagonism towards Escherichia coli. A variety of acidophilic milk is the Moskovsky drink, which contains 1% fat. It is prepared in both thermostatic and reservoir methods, with and without sugar.
