
Bread sourdough without yeast for bread. How to make live sourdough

Step 1: Prepare the starter from flour and water.

On the first day, sift 100 grams into a deep bowl wheat flour or any other, add 100 grams of clean filtered water and stir well. In the end, you should get a mass of pasty consistency that looks like thick sour cream or even cream. Cover the bowl with a damp kitchen towel and place in a warm, draught-free spot. In this state, the starter should roam about 1 day. At first, the flour will sag under water, so don't let that scare you. Just stir it occasionally 3-4 times a day will be quite enough. After this time, small rare bubbles should appear on the starter.

Step 2: On the second day, add more flour and water.

On the second day, our sourdough needs to be fed, as it were. To do this, again sift through a fine sieve directly into the bowl 100g flour and add the same amount of water. Stir and again reach the consistency of the mass as thick sour cream. Also cover the bowl with a damp towel and put in a warm place without drafts. After this time, we expect bubbles on the sourdough, there should already be a little more of them. It is necessary to stir the sourdough for at least 4 times in the second day.

Step 3: Bring the sourdough to readiness.

On the third day, as a rule, questions should not arise. The mass should bubble and rise well, and a foam cap should form on the surface of the starter. Again, add water and flour to the sourdough in the same proportion, mix well, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for another day. Don't forget to stir it occasionally. When the foam mass is ready, feed it again and leave it for stratification on the fourth day. During this time, the sourdough should increase in size by about times in 2, this will be the peak of her form. It is very important not to miss this moment, because it is then that she is very strong. After that, the sourdough can be divided into 2 halves, add one part to the dough for baking bread, but place the second in a clean jar, wrap it tightly with polyethylene on top, make holes in it so that our sourdough does not suffocate and place in the refrigerator. Before you are going to bake bread, take it out again, feed it according to the technology described above and it is ready.

Step 4: We serve the sourdough for Eternal bread.

To bake one loaf, you will need approximately 6 tablespoons sourdough. The effect of using such a starter will not only surprise you, but will truly delight and delight the whole family and guests, the bread turns out to be simply fabulous in taste. Enjoy your meal!

There is one the old fashioned way how to speed up the reaction. If there are no bubbles for a long time, then add a pinch of sugar to the mass.

It is not for nothing that the sourdough is called “Eternal”. It can be stored in the refrigerator for for a long time. But before you start using it, you need to "feed" it. To do this, you need to get it out of the refrigerator, add a little flour and water (3 tablespoons of each ingredient) and keep it warm a little. As soon as you see the reaction, you can proceed to further cooking.

white, delicious, real bread . Thin, crispy crust, amazing crumb!

Sourdough recipe (see recipe) I have the simplest one. sourdough it's been a little over a month now, already grown up 🙂 It has recently changed its structure, stopped growing in the refrigerator, but keeps stably all in bubbles. I feed her every two or three days. If I don’t bake, then I add fresh flour and, if necessary, some water so that it has the consistency of thick pancakes. If I bake, then I take 2 tbsp. spoons on a loaf, add 1 tbsp. a spoon with a slide of flour and again water. * Simple flour - Sokolnicheskaya, water - from a bottle (for a month, the sourdough drank 1.5 liters).

Well, we continue to bake on sourdough! Today the loaf is on a long kneading with a mixer! + double folding. The crumb turned out just a fairy tale! Does not crumble, thin crisp even when cold, the structure of the crumb will please you, I promise 🙂

So, the recipe for homemade sourdough bread without yeast!


  1. Sourdough - 2 tbsp. spoons
  2. Water - 285 ml. *May need 5-10 gr. less, depends on the moisture content of the starter. I have a pretty thick one right now.
  3. Flour - 400 gr.*I have, as always, flour with 13% protein content. Premium wheat
  4. Sugar - 1 tsp
  5. Salt - 1.5 tsp
  6. Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons

* How much to hang in grams - read who does not have measuring utensils and who measures everything with cups


  1. From the evening mix the starter with 85 ml of water and 3 tbsp. spoons with a slide of flour. (100 gr.) * My dough turned out to be not very liquid, because the sourdough was thicker than usual. I did not add water, left everything as it happened
  2. We remove under the film and leave at room temperature until morning. * You can put the sourdough in the morning in the warmth for 1.5 hours, if you forgot or did not have time in the evening
  3. Pour sugar, salt, butter and flour into the dough and begin to knead with a mixer, adding water. *We start the batch.
  4. In 2 minutes.
  5. After 10 minutes.
  6. After 15 minutes.
  7. Grease the bowl vegetable oil, grease the dough with vegetable oil, cover with a film and put it in a warm place. * The dough is soft, but not runny! It is well taken by hands lubricated with oil and does not float away much
    The dough is like soft rubber.
    We form a bun
  8. We fold 2 times. First time in an hour

  9. Second time in 40 minutes
  10. We take a bowl, cover it with a cloth / towel, sprinkle generously with flour and shift our dough “seam” down. Sprinkle some flour on top. * It is more convenient to form a loaf on a table dusted with flour

  11. We are waiting for a complete proofing in the heat, covering the dough on top with the edges of the fabric *May rise in 40 minutes, may take up to an hour. temperature dependent

Long loaf molding


Bon appetit!

The usual and beloved yeast bread is considered not particularly useful due to the presence of thermophilic yeast. And many people who adhere proper nutrition prefer to use yeast-free pastries. But many recipes cannot do without fermentation - bun or a baguette with a lush crumb will definitely not grow. Therefore, we offer you several sourdough recipes that housewives used long before the discovery of modern yeast.

Features of preparing sourdough for bread without yeast

Sourdough bread is made from a mixture of flour and water. This is due to the presence of bacteria in the air and under the shell of crops. But the cooking process requires a certain time and differs in such technological features:

  • The duration of sourdough preparation ranges from 3 to 7 days.
  • Every day, the starter should be “feeded” and its growth monitored.
  • In the first two or three days, the starter thins out a sharp sour aroma, then it is replaced by a more pleasant one.
  • For kneading the dough, only part of the prepared sourdough is used. The rest of the product can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

How to make classic sourdough bread without yeast

Traditionally, such a starter is made on the basis of rye flour and rice. It makes excellent buns, bread and pancakes. It takes 6 days to prepare.

Grocery list:

  • Rice ―200 g.
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Rye flour - 16 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 500 ml.

How to cook:

  • Half fill the rice warm water(250 ml), add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and leave cool place for three days.
  • On the third day, add ½ flour (8 tablespoons).
  • Pour in the rest of the water the next day.
  • On the fifth day, strain the mixture through cheesecloth, add the remaining flour and sugar.
  • After 24 hours, you can use the starter.

How to make quick sourdough bread without yeast

If you don't have a lot of time and don't want to bake large-pored breads like ciabatta, you can use express sourdough with wholemeal flour. This recipe is especially handy if you use a bread maker.

List of components:

How to cook:

  • Combine all ingredients and knead for 5 minutes until the mass becomes sticky.
  • Cover the starter container with a towel and leave for 6-7 hours.
  • When the starter bubbles, you can start making dough based on it.

How to make hoppy sourdough for bread without yeast

At first glance, the starter from hop cones will seem unusual, but the bread baked with its participation turns out to be especially soft and tasty.


  • Hop cones (fresh) - 225 g.
  • Flour - 100 g.
  • Sugar - 20 g.
  • Water - 0.45 l.

Fermentation method:

  • Put the cones in a saucepan and fill with water. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook until reduced by half.
  • Cover the saucepan and let the mixture brew for 10 hours.
  • Strain the intoxicating broth. You should have about 200 ml.
  • Mix the decoction with sugar, as well as with flour, cover and leave for three days.

How to make sourdough for rye bread without yeast

Rye flour is difficult to rise and very picky in baking. To help such a dough rise, sourdough on whole grains will help.

You will need:

  • Rye - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Honey - 1.5 tsp.
  • Water - 300 ml.

How to cook:

  • Fill the grains with water, wrap the container well with a warm cloth and let them stay warm for 24 hours.
  • The next day, grind the grains in a combine, add honey to them and leave them warm for a day.
  • After a day, the sourdough will grow up and can be used for dough.

Tasting soft and delicious homebaked bread on these sourdoughs, you will forget about store-bought yeast bread for a long time.

Why did our Slavic ancestors attach great importance to bread? If you think - because it was the most easily obtained food product who saved from hunger, then you are mistaken. Bread was given special importance because it was very useful product, with a wonderful taste that everyone loved. It was REAL BREAD giving satiety, strength and health. It was so because our forefathers prepared it correctly. Only right bread can really satisfy hunger and give health.

The REAL BREAD of the Slavs has always been sour. And that's what the sourdough made him do. What happens during fermentation, if our ancestors could not imagine bread without it?

Firstly, cereals contain protective substances (a kind of preservatives) that allow the grain to be stored for a long time and greatly prevent its digestion. For example: phytic acid does not allow the body to absorb the necessary minerals and trace elements (such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc); other substances block the work of enzymes, which causes the body to additionally spend its internal resources; tannins, gluten and related proteins, and indigestible complex sugars can cause allergies, indigestion, and even mental disorders. The properties of these substances do not weaken when grinding grain into flour. The action of protective substances is terminated only when the grain gets into conditions suitable for germination or during prolonged fermentation of the dough with the help of sourdough.

Secondly, at acid fermentation complex substances are broken down into simpler ones (which are easier to digest and assimilate by the body), and in addition, new ones are formed nutrients necessary for the body.

For these two reasons, sourdough bread is very satisfying. In these reasons lies the benefits of sourdough bread.

There is another very important point: cooked bread should be well baked so that fermentation stops in it and the bread does not sour.

By the way, not only black (rye) can be sour, but also White bread, if only the flour for him was real - whole grain flour.

It doesn't matter if our ancestors knew or not that the lactic acid bacteria contained in sourdough neutralize the grain's internal defenses and make the grain's nutrients more accessible. But they always let the sourdough work on the dough (to maximize the benefits of the bread), and they got a refined bread that they appreciated.

What happened today? This knowledge exists, but civilized society ignores it, producing industrial unleavened bread.

But you yourself can bake the REAL BREAD - the bread of the ancestors - the bread that gives strength! Only such bread is worthy of you!

1. Cooking the sourdough

200 gr. water

200 gr flour

100 gr. bran

2 spoons of honey

5 gr. raisins

Mix everything thoroughly and put in a warm place until fermentation begins. As soon as fermentation begins, mix thoroughly and leave for 4 hours. Fermentation can begin on the first or second day ... It is better to keep the sourdough for 3 days ...

2. Prepare dough for dough

1000 gr. water

Salt to taste for the dough

Sugar or honey 2 tablespoons

100 gr. bran

200 gr. flour

200 gr. sourdough (leave the rest of the sourdough in the refrigerator for the next time)

You need to keep the dough for 8 hours ...

3. Cooking the dough

Bread - holy dish sung in legends. It is always on the table in every home. To bake it yourself, not to buy it in a store, you need to know old grandmother's secrets. For this there is old recipe sourdough for bread at home without yeast. And not one recipe, grandmothers left us as a legacy various ways home baking of bread.

Starter should be prepared once, then used for its intended purpose, and replenished as needed. In fact, this is a finished mass raw dough, she slowly dozes in, or confidently rises in the warmth, especially when she is properly fed.

Sourdough is a biological mass made up of its natural microorganisms - fungi, bacteria. The task of the hostess is to give life to these microorganisms, to grow them into an organized symbiotic mass.

All nature is built according to the laws of symbiotic colonies, consisting of micro- or macro-organisms. It is the earth itself, the oceans, the flora in man. The organisms that make up the symbiosis naturally complement each other.

What to make sourdough

To prepare the starter, you need rye flour and water in a ratio of 2: 3. To control the exact execution of the recipe, you definitely need a thermometer, a kitchen scale, a glass pan, a wooden spatula.

A 1.5-liter jar may well replace the pan. The sourdough is prepared for 4 days, on the 5th day you can bake bread.

The sourdough is prepared only from rye flour, as it gives health and strength, and makes the sourdough stable and aged. Microorganisms living in rye grains, successfully organize the necessary leaven well-coordinated symbiotic colony.

The sprouted grain perfectly revives the symbiosis, which, after sprouting, the hostess dries in an oven heated to no more than 41 ° C. It is clear that industrial flour is not suitable for the birth of high-quality sourdough.

You also need to grind flour yourself, at a home miller, in the mode of the smallest fraction. Take filtered, boiled water. You can buy distilled in a pharmacy and insist it on shungite, flint. This will give the sourdough symbiosis additional micronutrients.

    Do you bake bread?

Cooking method:

  1. Grind flour directly into glass pan so that it does not come into contact with metal objects. Measure the volume of warm water 36-37°C. Pour water into flour, mix with a wooden spatula until uniform consistency. The pan is covered loosely so that air enters. Wrap her with a towel from the light. In the kitchen, you need to find a place where the temperature will not exceed 24-26 ° C, and away from drafts. This is where he will live.
  2. Within 4 days, the starter must be fed in the morning and in the evening: top dressing consists of a mixture of 40 g of flour with 60 g of water, they must be mixed in the indicated way, and added to the main mass 2 times. Every time fresh top dressing is prepared. By the 5th day, the total volume of the sourdough will be 800 g. This is how the sourdough is prepared according to the old recipe, without yeast, for.

Sourdough - live weight

From the received 800 g for baking the first bread, you need to take 500 g of sourdough. It must be appetizing, fragrant. The rest must be put in the refrigerator, on the topmost shelf, where the sourdough will live until the next one, that is, until the next stage of feeding.

It must be stored in glassware with a loose lid, but so that the mass does not pick up the smells of their refrigerator.

Bread is often baked at home, but there are times when the leaven must be left for a week or more. Then you need to make sure that someone feeds her once a week, after all, this is a living colony of microorganisms, and she needs feeding.

Important components of live sourdough:

  • bacteria that produce lactic acid;
  • beneficial bacteria that create a living symbiosis;
  • wild yeast, but not bought, but grown in symbiosis, and responsible for the production carbon dioxide, giving the test growth.

Starter cultures are distinguished from grains by the locality in which they are grown. Microorganisms in the grain depend on the water and air with which they are saturated. One thing is for sure: each starter according to the old recipe for rye bread or wheat, baked at home without yeast - unique product with its natural properties.
