
Brisket slices in the oven. Beef brisket in the oven

The baked brisket cooked in the oven is sure to be appetizing: both hot and cold. A roll from it will perfectly replace store-bought sausage on sandwiches. Quite a bit of effort - and they will be rewarded with compliments to a skilled chef.

Making a menu for holiday table at home, there is no doubt whether it is worth baking the brisket in the oven. It will be successful no matter what meat is chosen: pork, beef, chicken. Detailed recipes With visual photos There are many. You can always choose an option: boil the meat first, and then bake it, use a sleeve, foil or baking sheet, limit yourself to garlic or let it soak in the aroma of herbs - it's up to the hostess to choose.

Brisket for baking

Brisket for baking is used for different dishes: soups, roasts, but best of all its taste manifests itself when baking. The meat acquires flavor and juiciness, and to achieve this, you need to make a little effort. The main question is how to choose a brisket so that its freshness is not in doubt, so that it is with small layers, moderately oily. If you want to cook food large piece, suitable meat on the bone, if the roll is without a bone. Harsh can be beaten off and moistened with lemon juice.

Oven brisket recipe

Almost any recipe for cooking brisket in the oven is good because it does not require special meat products from the hostess. It is tasty and healthy even with a minimum of additives, uniform heat bakes it evenly, excess fat is rendered, and the crust that forms is much safer than the one that appears when frying in a pan. In a word, nutritionists advise baking, not frying. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the recipes for delicious meat.

Pork brisket in the oven - recipe

Pork belly in the oven is prepared simply and quickly, because it is tender, juicy product. When buying meat, you need to pay attention to the color: it should be pink, not dark and old, otherwise the dish will turn out tough. Onions and garlic can not be spared, because they give a special flavor to the baked delicacy. lovers meat dishes they eat such yummy with potatoes, another side dish, fresh salad, just with bread.


  • pork - 500 g;
  • onion, garlic - 1 head each;
  • salt, spices, pepper, bay leaf.


  1. Prepare a spicy mixture of salt, spices, pepper.
  2. Rub the meat with the seasoning mixture.
  3. Grease the bottom of the baking sheet with oil, lay thinly chopped onion, and on it - meat, overlaid with bay leaf.
  4. Cross-shaped punctures made with a thin knife, fill with pieces of garlic.
  5. Pour half a glass of water on a baking sheet and send everything to bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 1 hour 30 minutes.
  6. You can cover the baking dish with a lid - then you get a brisket without a crust.

Brisket baked in the oven in foil

How to bake pork belly in the oven? Foil is always a win-win, baked meat is tasty, fragrant, tender. How to cook brisket in the oven in foil? First of all, buy good piece meat, food foil, spices, read recipes, step by step photos and get to work.


  • pork - 700-800 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • spices: pepper, ginger, chili powder - 1/3 tsp each;
  • paprika, suneli hops, coriander, salt, sugar - 0.5 tsp each;
  • bay leaf - 5-6 pcs.


  1. Dry the washed brisket, stuff with finely chopped garlic.
  2. Grate the meat with a mixture of salt, sugar, spices, let it lie down for a while.
  3. Put on a sheet of foil, folded in half, cover with bay leaves.
  4. Wrap in foil so that there are no gaps.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, bake for 20 minutes, then reduce the heat to 170 degrees, cook for another hour and a half.
  6. Turn off the oven, hold the meat for another 20 minutes. After that, remove and serve.

Chicken breast baked in the oven

Chicken breast in the oven can be cooked with various vegetables, fruits, herbs. The most dietary part of the chicken - the breast goes well with broccoli, oranges, apples, tarragon, cream, honey, wine, cheese. The main thing is to achieve golden brown top and juiciness inside. It can be marinated or cooked ahead of time. special sauce, which will soak tender pieces meat. There are many options, the main thing is to maintain the indicated temperature and not overdry the chicken.


  • breast - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice- 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ready-made mustard - 3 tsp;
  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp;
  • provencal herbs - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • black ground pepper- taste.


  1. Mix liquid honey, sauce, oil, lemon juice with seasonings and spices.
  2. Wash the breast, remove films and veins, if any, divide into parts, remove excess moisture.
  3. Pour in the marinade so that each piece is soaked with it. Put the pickled product in the cold for 2-3 hours.
  4. Put in a mold, preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees and cook for 1 hour.
  5. It is necessary to water the chicken with the juice formed on the baking sheet.
  6. The dish is served hot, best with mashed potatoes.

Pork belly baked in the oven in the sleeve

Baked dishes from a piece of pork with a layer are very tasty. Pork belly in the sleeve in the oven becomes juicy, fragrant. If you add other products and seasonings to it, you can decorate the table with a real delicacy. Vegetables are especially good with pork: they pick up the smell of herbs, soak in juice. This the best side dish to baked meat. The process is laborious, but a couple of times a month you can allow your family to be pampered with such yummy


  • pork meat - 700-900 g;
  • onions - 4-5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 3-4 pieces;
  • dried apricots - a handful;
  • garlic - 8 cloves;
  • salt, ground pepper
  • adjika dry:
  • ready-made mustard - 1 tsp;
  • mustard seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix oil, mustard, spices, salt, chopped garlic, rub the brisket with this mixture.
  2. Leave for 1-2 hours in a cold place.
  3. Coarsely chop the peeled carrots.
  4. Cut onions into 4 pieces.
  5. Rinse, dry dried apricots.
  6. Put the brisket in the sleeve, send onions, carrots, dried apricots there, tie the sleeve, make punctures in it.
  7. Cook in the oven for 1 hour.
  8. Cut open the bag, pour over the meat with juice and continue to bake for 20 minutes until browned.
  9. Put the delicacy on a dish, decorate with vegetables and herbs.

Brisket with potatoes in the oven

A wonderful lunch will turn out if you bake a brisket with potatoes in the oven. At first, you can try to cook it with a minimum of ingredients, and when the process is fully mastered, you should practice using marinades, soy sauce, honey, cheese, tomatoes. You can bake a large piece, but portioned slices also look good. Here is one of the recipes with photos.


  • potatoes - 400-500 g;
  • pork brisket - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 3 pcs.;
  • chicken broth - a glass;
  • salt, black pepper, seasonings - to taste;
  • greenery.


  1. Cut the brisket large pieces. Salt, sprinkle with spices, pepper, mix.
  2. Cut peeled potatoes large slices, put on a baking sheet, pour the broth.
  3. Lay the onion rings on the potatoes, salt.
  4. Place the meat on the onion.
  5. Cover the form with foil and bake at 170-180 degrees for 2-3 hours.
  6. 30 minutes before cooking, remove the foil to form a fried crust.

Beef brisket in the oven

Is beef brisket good in the oven? Someone will certainly reject this idea: they say, the meat is tough, fibrous, takes a lot of time. And yet, it is often cooked, the brisket in the oven turns out delicious. So, it is important to choose the right product, prepare it for baking, withstand the desired temperature regime and due time.


  • pulp - 1.5 kg
  • onions - 5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 8 cloves.
  • semi-dry red wine - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - 8 tbsp. l.
  • tomatoes for sauce - 500 g.
  • marjoram, oregano - 0.5 tsp each.
  • salt, allspice.


  1. Finely chop and fry the onion, one carrot. Add tomatoes, bring to a boil, add spices, garlic, salt, boil everything, then beat with a blender.
  2. Grate the brisket with black pepper and other seasonings.
  3. Fry the meat in a pan until golden brown, then thickly coat it with sauce.
  4. Onion cut into rings, fry. Put meat, vegetables on it, sprinkle with garlic.
  5. Hold the brazier covered with foil for an hour and a half at 170 degrees.
  6. Cut the cooled brisket across the fibers, put it back in the roaster, bake for another hour and a half.

Brisket on the bone, baked beef in the oven

There are not very many recipes for preparing such a dish as beef brisket on the bone, baked in the oven, because beef is much more tough meat than pork or chicken. It should be baked for a long time, on a slow fire. A tight foil bag or sleeve will help keep the juiciness. Meat is cooked properly in them. So be patient and pamper your family.


  • beef - 1.5 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • red wine or dark beer - 50-100 ml;
  • spices, pepper, salt - to taste.


  1. Rinse the meat, cut off the veins, excess pieces of fat.
  2. Grate with a mixture of your favorite spices and salt.
  3. Stuff the brisket with some of the garlic.
  4. Vegetables - chop the onion, chop the carrot, chop the garlic.
  5. Place the meat bone-side down in a baking bag, cover with onions, garlic, carrots.
  6. Pour in wine or beer.
  7. Bake at 140 degrees, 1 hour.
  8. After an hour, carefully pierce the bag to release steam. Bake for another one and a half to two hours. The meat will fall behind the bone, become soft, fragrant.

Pork belly roll baked in the oven

The brisket roll in the oven turns out to be soft, juicy, fragrant, spicy. A piece of meat should be chosen not thick, so that it is convenient to roll it into a roll. You can cut along the thickness, not reaching the end, and deploy. Get a long layer. It is from him that it is worth preparing this dish with high palatability. Very tasty with spicy mustard, burning horseradish, adjika. So, the recipe for the roll is offered.


  • pork brisket - 1.5 kg;
  • chicken fillet - 205 g;
  • garlic - 10 g;
  • nut kernels - 60 g;
  • spices;
  • dry fragrant herbs.


  1. Wash the pork, pat dry. With a knife, make deep cuts along the entire length of the piece.
  2. mix fragrant spices and herbs, grate the meat on both sides.
  3. Place the garlic in the slits.
  4. wrap cling film and keep the day in the cold.
  5. finely chopped chicken fillet fill in the cuts.
  6. To sprinkle walnuts prepared meat.
  7. Roll up, tie, wrap with foil, put on a baking sheet, bake for an hour and a half.
  8. Release the cooled roll from the foil, threads and cut.

Cooking brisket in the oven requires quality products and time. Worth listening to advice experienced chefs. It is better to buy fresh or chilled meat, the frozen product is much less juicy and elastic, especially with repeated freezing. To make the brisket juicy and beautiful, you need to bake a thick or medium piece, where there is not much fat. It is best to take a cut weighing 1-3 kg. You can use meat with skin and on the bones, and remove them when serving.

Salt and black pepper are mandatory set spices for meat. Tarragon, paprika, thyme, bay leaf, provencal herbs. Garlic makes the brisket fragrant and spicy. If the meat is old, tough, it can be pre-marinated with lemon juice, wine, vinegar, or beaten off, cut into pieces across the fibers. Cooking time ranges from 1 to 4 hours, it depends on the weight and size of the piece and the characteristics of the recipe.

Brisket baked in the oven in foil recipe with photo

Minimalistic recipe - minimal amount spices and no “bells and whistles” in technology, except for the principle of low-temperature baking.

Low-temperature baking, which is now very much in vogue, can be applied not only to meat, but also to lard. Yes, it will take longer to cook, but the taste, aromas and structure will be completely different, because in a few hours the lard is literally saturated with spices. And let there be a minimum of spices (only garlic and black pepper!), But they give a pronounced and bright taste. The brisket baked in the oven turns out to be very tasty, soft, it is easily cut with a knife, and it is easy to eat.

In principle, such meat can be served hot, as a main course, but still the brisket is too fatty, and is more suitable as a chilled snack.


  • 1 kg pork belly in one piece
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 3 tsp salt (not iodized)
  • 3 tsp ground black pepper

How to bake a brisket in the oven

Wash the brisket cold water and put on paper towels. Blot on all sides with paper towels so that no water remains on it.

Peel and grate the garlic fine grater. Mix garlic with salt and ground pepper.

Rub the garlic mixture all over the brisket, trying to get into all the creases. Grate the skin too.

Fold the foil in two layers. Lay in the center along the brisket. Fasten the side ends very well first so that the juice does not flow out of this makeshift bag, and then connect the foil on top and fasten it too.

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees, no more. Place the baking sheet with the brisket in the center of the oven and bake for 3 hours. Carefully unfold the foil and drain the rendered fat. Cool the brisket at room temperature.

Take a new piece of foil and pack the brisket very tightly in it, as it has become soft and uneven from baking. Try to straighten the brisket wrapped in foil and lay flat with the skin up. From above, along the entire brisket, lay the load. For example, a bag of cereal or sugar. So with the load and put the brisket in the refrigerator for six hours, no less. The brisket will become denser and smoother, it will be more convenient to cut it. And it’s just more aesthetically pleasing, although this does not affect the taste at all.

Hello everyone! If any of you are wondering how to cook pork belly - ask me 🙂 . In heartbreaking detail, I’ll tell you how to bake a brisket in foil in the oven, cook with onion peel, and steam it in foil in a slow cooker. The choice is yours. If someone else is thinking about whether it is worth messing with the preparation of pork belly, I answer - without fail. At least in order to replace on my sandwich chemical sausage natural product own cooking. All the more good brisket- it's really tasty, and if it's a bite with onion rings, with horseradish, or mustard, or ketchup - mmm ... Well, I announce simple recipes cooking brisket in turn.

How to cook pork belly in foil in the oven:

Total time preparation: 1.5 - 2 hours.

To bake a brisket in the oven, we need:

  • 1 kg pork belly
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt (without top)
  • 2 teaspoons pepper mixture (no top)
  • 4-6 cloves of garlic
  • 8-10 leaves of lavrushka (optional - I personally don’t use lavrushka with this method, the smell is too pungent)

How to bake pork belly in foil:

  1. Cut the brisket lengthwise into long strips 4-5 cm wide.
  2. Rub the resulting narrow pieces of pork belly with a mixture of salt and pepper.
  3. Lay out strips of brisket on sheets of foil of a suitable size (I put two strips on one sheet of foil)
  4. Overlay pieces of brisket with garlic cut into plates and bay leaves broken in half (if you still decide to use them).
  5. Wrap the foil around the brisket pieces so that there is a small narrow gap at the top.
  6. Put the pork belly in foil on a baking sheet and send it to heated to 200-220 degrees for 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on the thickness of the brisket stripes and the total amount of brisket. Check readiness periodically with a long knife, slightly turning the edge of the foil. hot brisket should pierce very easily, without a raw crunch.

Pork belly baked in foil is delicious both hot and cold. After cooling, I freeze the ownerless pieces of the baked brisket in reserve in the freezer. They really help me out when I need something quick and tasty to eat or bake.

How to cook pork belly in onion skins:

Cooking time: 1.5 hours

To cook pork belly in onion skins, we need:

  • 1 kg pork belly
  • A handful of onion peel
  • 3 art. spoons of salt
  • 1.h a spoonful of black peppercorns
  • 6-8 garlic cloves, peeled
  • 5-6 lavrushka leaves
  • 1 liter of water

How to cook pork belly in onion skins:

  1. Cut the brisket into pieces 4-5 cm wide and of any length so that they fit comfortably in the pan.
  2. Put the brisket in a deep pan tightly so that it rests in pieces against each other and against the walls of the pan and does not dare to break out.
  3. Pour salt, pepper, bay leaf, put a handful of washed onion peel and pour water. Ideally, the brisket is folded so tightly in the pan that the water covers it properly on top, and the pieces do not float.
  4. Put the pan on the stove and cook the brisket after boiling for an hour over medium heat with the lid slightly ajar.
  5. This recipe is good because a lot of fat dissolves in the broth and the brisket is leaner than when baked. This brisket also keeps well in the freezer.

How to cook pork belly in foil in a slow cooker:

Cooking time: 1.5 - 2 hours, in direct proportion to the model of the multicooker and the volume of the brisket.

  • To cook the brisket in a slow cooker, we need the same ingredients in the same proportions as for the oven. The only difference is that each strip of brisket must be wrapped individually and tightly in foil, and placed on a steaming grate with gaps between the pieces for steam to penetrate.
  • Put the multicooker on the steaming mode and pour water according to your instructions for the multicooker, taking into account the fact that the cooking time of the brisket in the multicooker in foil is 1.5 - 2 hours, or even more, based on the power of the device.
  • Place the grate with the brisket in the slow cooker, close the lid and wait for the allotted time. Readiness to check with a knife, and, if necessary, add more hot water to the multi and let it steam for another half an hour.

How to cook pork belly, you are now in the know. Of course, with seasonings, variations are possible at your discretion, most importantly, do not get carried away with salt. Great for pork belly

Beef or pork belly are budget meat products, but you can cook from them both everyday and festive delicious dishes.

At the same time, baking in the oven is considered the least troublesome, but very correct from the point of view of dietology. The meat is heated evenly, excess fat is rendered, and there is no useless burnt crust on the surface of the brisket, as during normal frying on the stove.

There are many recipes for oven-baked brisket, but in each case, you need to be able to choose the appropriate cut of meat and follow the basic technological principles its preparation and preparation.

General principles for cooking brisket baked in the oven

The rules for choosing and preparing brisket for baking are quite simple and do not require special culinary skills:

To make the brisket baked in the oven juicy and look spectacular when sliced, the best option will take a thick or medium piece with uniform meat and fat layers;

For baking, a brisket cut weighing 1-3 kg and a strip width of at least 10 cm is suitable;

You can use meat with a skin and on the bone, but in this case, you should choose a larger piece, since pieces of ribs and skin are removed when serving;

The preparation of the brisket consists in cleaning the piece from bone fragments and other particles left over from cutting, as well as removing films and washing the meat;

ground black pepper and salt are a mandatory minimum of spices for processing a piece of brisket (spices are mixed and rubbed with the resulting composition on all sides);

In most cases, garlic is used to give the meat an appetizing flavor (the brisket is stuffed with garlic slices);

As additional spices, thyme and cloves, bay leaf and ready mixes spicy dried herbs;

Can also be used smoked brisket, baked in the oven in sliced ​​form or a whole piece with a vegetable or some other side dish;

Raw brisket is baked over low heat for 1 to 5 hours, depending on the weight of the meat and the characteristics of the recipe.

Recipe 1

Whole piece of pork belly in the oven

This is the easiest way to get tender and juicy meat snack or a hearty hot dish, as well as a healthy and very delicious alternative shop sausage. Having this in the fridge universal dish, you can feed hungry households in a matter of minutes or unexpected guests.


Raw pork belly

Spices to taste

4-5 garlic cloves

large carrot

Cooking method:

Stuff the prepared brisket with garlic and strips of carrots, place in a frying pan or baking sheet that is suitable for the size of the piece, skin down. Turn on the oven on a small fire and put a container with meat in it. After 1.5-2 hours, the brisket baked in the oven, flowing with juice and fragrant with aromas of spices, will be ready to serve. The rest of the dish can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days and used as cold. cold cuts or warm up for the second.

Recipe 2

Baked brisket in beer marinade

An exquisite meat dish that would be appropriate to serve with any feast - family celebration or Sunday lunch, meeting friends or to the festive table. Beef brisket marinated in beer, baked in the oven, turns out to be unusually soft and fragrant, conquering all the eaters at the table with its melting taste.


Fresh beef brisket

Cup meat broth;

A bottle of dark beer;

2 large onions;

A little lemon juice and vegetable oil;

Salt, nutmeg and pepper;

A few cloves of garlic;

1 tbsp. mustard and sugar

Cooking method:

Rub the processed meat with mixed spices and leave to soak. We prepare the marinade from chopped garlic, salt, mustard, vegetable oil, sugar, pepper and lemon juice. Heat a little oil in a frying pan and fry the brisket until browned, turning the piece after 3-4 minutes. We coat the meat with the marinade mixture and put it in the form with a layer of fat up, and cover the top with onion sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin half rings. Fill the brisket with beer, let it brew for 10 minutes and add the broth, add pepper, salt and put the mold under the lid in the oven for three hours. Then remove the lid - and again in the oven for 40 minutes, adding a little broth.

Recipe 3

Pork belly baked with vegetables

Spectacular meat dish, very suitable for those who do not mind hearty meal but adheres to the principles healthy eating. Fresh bacon baked in the oven with vegetables can be the basis of a dinner or great option quick dinner, if the remaining meat is heated and served with pasta or crumbly rice.


Pork fresh brisket with a skin;

Spices to taste (sage and basil, parsley and oregano);

3-4 cloves of garlic;

300-400 g of young small carrots and beets;

Pepper, salt;

Feta cheese or cheese;

Olive and butter;

Grated horseradish;

Sour cream and lemon juice

Cooking method:

We mix spicy herbs and chopped garlic, rub a piece of brisket with this composition and leave it to marinate for a day in the refrigerator, wrapping it in a film. Then we clean the spices and send the meat laid in the pan to the oven for 5 hours (turn on a small fire). Wash carrots and beets and blanch in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, then dry the vegetables and add them to the meat, continuing to bake the whole composition until browned. Served brisket baked in the oven with small vegetables, with sour cream sauce. Sliced ​​brisket is heated in a mixture of cream and olive oil with the addition of spices, after which it is laid out on a dish and sprinkled with pieces soft cheese, and vegetables are laid around. Top with a multi-colored still life sauce (grated horseradish, lemon juice, sour cream and spices).

Recipe 4

Roasted brisket with cloves and garnished vegetable sauce

A dish for a complete healthy diet, which can be beautifully served at the festive table and surprise guests with original food. The set of vegetables can be arbitrary, but it is better to choose a multi-colored assortment that effectively sets off the tender white and pink meat.


Fresh pork belly;

Garlic and cloves;

Pepper, salt;

Set of vegetables (celery root and broccoli, bell peppers and mini corn cobs, carrots and red onion);


A glass of red wine;

A little flour and sugar;

Cherry tomatoes

Cooking method:

We put the processed brisket (grated with pepper and salt) on a sheet of foil, stuff it with cloves and wrap it with slices of garlic, then tightly pack the foil and place the bundle in the oven with a slight warm-up. While the meat is languishing in the oven, lightly boil the broccoli in boiling water, and warm the grated celery and carrots in a frying pan in butter, and then add the strips to them bell pepper and half rings of red onion. We also place mini-corn and slices of garlic there, warm it up a little more and pour in part of the red wine. In a saucepan, heat the butter with flour, then add the rest of the wine and sugar, a little salt and stir the sauce until it boils. We take out the brisket and cut the foil, put the meat in the oven for another 10 minutes to get a light browning. The brisket is served, baked in the oven, cut into elegant slices and laid on a dish, we place vegetables around, pour over the sauce and decorate with cherry tomatoes.

Recipe 5

Sleeve-roasted pork belly

Instead of purchased sausage and ham stuffed with preservatives, it is better to feed your beloved household delicious meat melting in your mouth. It is useful, inexpensive and does not require much time, because the brisket baked in the oven in a special culinary sleeve, is considered an easy-to-cook dish, but has excellent taste.


Pork fresh belly;

A set of dried herbs;

A few cloves of garlic;

Pepper and salt;

fresh greens

A little vegetable oil

Cooking method:

We prepare a thick marinade mixture of pepper, herbs, lemon juice, salt and vegetable oil. We coat the brisket, previously stuffed with garlic, with the gruel obtained, and let it stand for about an hour to soak the meat with the aromas of herbs. We put the brisket in the sleeve and pack it tightly, but in several places we make punctures with a toothpick or a knitting needle so that the sleeve does not burst when heated. We put the meat in the sleeve in the oven (2000) and bake until cooked, then slightly cut the sleeve and brown the brisket for another 10 minutes. When cold, you can use it for sandwiches, and when hot, serve with any side dish for the second.

Recipe 6

Fragrant roasted pork belly roll

To prepare this fragrant tender roll, you need to choose a wide layer of brisket of medium thickness. The result is juicy meat with fatty layers, which will serve as the original cold snack- and tasty, and looks great in cutting.


A layer of raw pork belly;

Salt and pepper;

Fresh herbs (it is better to mix basil, parsley and thyme);

Cooking method:

Rub the prepared meat with a mixture of pepper, chopped garlic and salt. We spread the chopped greens in a layer on the brisket, roll the meat into a tight even roll, carefully tie the twisted meat with a strong thread (harsh or special culinary). Fry the roll until golden brown in a pan, and then put in the oven until cooked (about an hour). Oven-baked, cooled brisket, served sliced ​​and garnished fresh vegetables.

Recipe 7

Pork belly baked with potatoes

Brisket with potatoes is a favorite dish of many, but in fried this will certainly affect the figure, and the stomach will not be easy. From a dietary point of view, a brisket baked in the oven with potato pieces is much healthier, and the taste and appearance will be no less impressive.


pork belly;

Salt and pepper;


Several potatoes;

A little vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Cut the peeled potatoes into quarters and dip in boiling water for 10 minutes, then take out and cool, sprinkle spice mixture and spray with oil. We rub the brisket with chopped garlic and spices, put it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven for an hour. We take out the meat, spread it around potato pieces and bake for another 40-50 minutes. Cut the brisket and quickly serve to the table.

Recipe 8

Holiday baked beef brisket

A spectacular and very tasty dish that requires some effort and time, but you can try hard for a festive table. Exquisite beef brisket, baked in the oven in a special way, is unlikely to remain for the post-holiday days - everything will be eaten without a trace.


Fresh beef brisket;

Carrots and onions;

Garlic and herbs;

Semi-dry red wine;

Salt and pepper;


Potatoes and mushrooms

Cooking method:

For the sauce, fry finely chopped onions, carrots and garlic, then add chopped tomatoes and herbs to them. Stew the fragrant mixture for about 20 minutes and cool, and then grind in a blender. We process the brisket with spices and let it soak a little. Fry the meat until golden brown in a pan, then remove the piece and fry the onion rings in the juice remaining in the pan. Put the brisket in the brazier on a pillow of fried onions, cover it with slices of carrots, garlic and cover with cooled tomato sauce. We bake for about 1.5 hours in the oven under the lid, then put the halves of the peeled potatoes and mushrooms, again set to bake for 1.5 hours on a small fire. We take out, cut the brisket and serve with mushrooms and potatoes.

Recipe 9

Smoked brisket baked in a pancake coat

If the family refuses the boring mashed potatoes and stewed potatoes, you can surprise your family with delicious smoked brisket in a fur coat potato pancakes. It is better to cook with a margin - they will ask for supplements!


Smoked pork belly;

Salt and pepper;

Sour cream;

Several potatoes;

Vegetable oil

Cooking method:

We clean the potatoes and finely rub, squeeze the juice a little, add the eggs, pepper and salt. We fry potato pancakes in oil, laying them out on paper towels to get rid of excess fat in the dish. Cut the brisket into pieces and also fry with garlic in a pan. IN portion pots lay pancakes along the bottom and walls, fill with brisket, cover with pancakes on top and pour sour cream. Keep the pots in a non-hot oven for 15-20 minutes, serve immediately.

Oven-Baked Brisket: Tricks and Tips

  • If you could not find the brisket of the desired thickness, you can take two medium pieces, put them together with the skin out, tie them tightly with a strong thread and bake.
  • You need to stuff the brisket with garlic without removing the blade from the meat, but insert slices of garlic or carrots directly into the incision made directly over the knife.
  • As a marinade for oven-baked brisket, mayonnaise mixed with herbs and sour cream is suitable.
  • The special aroma of the brisket baked in a sleeve or foil is given not only by herbs, but also by pieces of bell pepper laid around the meat.

Published 25.05.2016
Posted by: Enchantress
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 100 min

Easter table, after a long and strict fast requires a wide variety of meat dishes. Someone buys sausages and ham in the markets and in the store, but good housewives prefer to feed their beloved household members and dear guests with meat products prepared at home with their own hands. If you are looking for suitable recipes, I propose to find out how the brisket is cooked in the oven in foil, step by step recipe which will describe in detail the entire process from start to finish. delicious dish, appetizing, delicate in taste, very fragrant will not leave anyone indifferent in your home.

Cooking time: 100 minutes

To prepare the dish we need:
- pork belly good layers meat - 1 kg;
- garlic - 1-2 heads;
- Bay leaf;
- black peppercorns - 1 tbsp. l.;
- salt - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. Prepare the ingredients necessary for the dish.

2. Peel and crush a large head of garlic or 2 small heads. Grind a tablespoon of black peppercorns in a mortar, so it will be more fragrant. Mix garlic, 2 tablespoons of salt and ground pepper, grind everything well in a mortar.

3. Cut the pork belly into oblong pieces 6-7 cm wide. Grate the cooked pork pieces generously garlic seasoning. Leave for 10-15 minutes to marinate the meat a little.

4. Wrap pieces of pickled brisket with thick kitchen string so that it retains its shape when heat treatment, and then it will be good to cut. Put a few bay leaves on top of the brisket; when baking, they will share their aroma with the meat. Wrap the brisket in foil and place in a heatproof bowl. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and send the pork there.

5. Bake the brisket for an hour. Then unfold the foil, remove bay leaves, A meat product return to oven.

Reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and leave the brisket in the oven for some more time so that it acquires an appetizing golden crust.

6. Put the finished brisket, fragrant with garlic and pepper, on a plate, let it cool slightly. Then wrap the baked pork in food foil and place in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

7. Carefully remove the threads from the chilled brisket, cut the product thin slices, put on a dish, cook easy
