
What to cook for. Cooking festive dishes for the New Year's table

New Year holidays are a special time loved by all people. During this period, a magical unique atmosphere of warmth and family comfort is created. There are only a few days left before the festive celebration, so you need to not only start decorating your home, but also think about what to cook for the New Year 2018. After all, a festive celebration without a beautifully laid table and delicious fragrant dishes is simply impossible.

The coming year will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog. In this article, we will tell you what dishes to cook for the new year 2018 and how to properly set the table in order to win the favor and support of this faithful and friendly animal.

New Year's table setting basics

The main solemn attribute after the Christmas tree, of course, is the New Year's table. Its design should not only be beautiful, but also have maximum convenience.

Tablecloth and decorative elements

It is best to choose a plain canvas made of dense natural material. Woolen or linen fabrics are perfect.

The dog will like the following colors:

  • Brick;
  • Chocolate;
  • Beige;
  • Yellow;
  • Khaki;
  • Sand;
  • shades of brown;
  • Green calm tones.

Napkins are also better to choose fabric. They are recommended to be decorated with ribbons, rings made of metal or wood.

Candles will help create special comfort and magic. They can be placed near each guest or combined in the center of the table, creating a "hearth". In the decoration, you can also use garlands and Christmas toys. This will create an incredible magical atmosphere that young children will especially enjoy.

An ideal place in the decor will be occupied by figurines of dogs and bones placed around the perimeter of the tabletop.


Usually for the holidays it is customary to use beautiful and rich dishes. A dog is an unpretentious animal, so kitchen utensils should be simple and no frills. Priority should be given to items such as:

  • Semi-porcelain;
  • Tree;
  • Thick colored glass;
  • Porcelain;
  • Clay;
  • Metal.

Colors should not be too dark or bright, but should create an effect of warmth and please the eye.

It is unacceptable to use plastic or disposable tableware, things with damage, chips, cracks or an indistinct pattern. A great option would be to place plates and glasses with images of dog faces or footprints on the table.

Festive dishes

Many housewives are already starting to think through the menu and decide what to cook for the New Year of the dog. The “hostess” of the coming year loves to eat very much, so the variety of dishes will be a big plus. Main products:

  • Vegetables;
  • Fruits;
  • Bread;
  • Sweets.

And, of course, different types of meat. It should be as much as possible. Cold cuts, hearty salads, sandwiches, hot dishes - all this must be present at the solemn meal.

We offer you recipes for New Year 2018 with photos that will become the "highlight" of the festive table.

Hot sandwiches for the New Year

Not a single New Year's menu is complete without. An appetizer according to this recipe is obtained like a mini-pizza. Your guests will surely appreciate it.


  • Sausage of two types: smoked and boiled - 150 g (you can take ham);
  • 8 slices of a loaf;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • Mayonnaise, fresh dill;
  • 120 g cheese.

Cooking scheme:

  1. Finely chop tomatoes, sausage and greens;
  2. Three cheese on a small grater;
  3. Mix the chopped ingredients, add mayonnaise, mix well;
  4. Put the filling on slices of a loaf, put mini-pizzas for 6-7 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

You can also add chopped smoked chicken legs to the sausage.

Italian salad for the New Year

When choosing recipes for the New Year 2018, do not forget that they must contain meat ingredients. The recipe for such a hearty dish is a real hit for the festive table, which your guests will love.

List of components:

  • 2 eggs;
  • A bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • 250 g of beef;
  • 1-2 large spoons of chopped walnuts;
  • Fresh cucumber;
  • 2-3 green onion feathers;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • garlic clove;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

Cooking instruction:

  1. Wash the meat, dry it a little, cut into thin strips;
  2. Fry the meat pieces until golden in a pan in heated vegetable oil;
  3. Add about 100 ml of water, simmer the beef under a closed lid until cooked for half an hour on a small flame (until soft);
  4. We break 2 eggs into a bowl, add incomplete 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, pepper a little. Salt is not necessary. Beat everything well, divide the dough into 2 parts;
  5. We coat the pan with oil, heat it up and fry one egg-mayonnaise pancake, followed by another;
  6. We roll up the products with a roll and remove to cool;
  7. Next, cut the rolls into thin strips;
  8. We chop the cucumber into strips;
  9. We clean the garlic clove, pass through the press, wash and dry the lettuce leaves, chop the green onion;
  10. We assemble our masterpiece: put lettuce leaves, fried meat pieces on a flat plate. On them - cucumber with garlic. Top - sliced ​​​​pancakes;
  11. We flavor the dish with mayonnaise. It is advisable to make a thin mayonnaise mesh. Sprinkle the top with nuts and green onions.

Pork knuckle baked in the oven for the New Year

Includes a wide variety of dishes. Baked pork knuckle is one of them. This is a fragrant and easy-to-cook dish.

Required components:

  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • Leg (knuckle) pork;
  • Salt, pepper, seasonings - to taste.

There is more meat in the back leg of the pork, so it is advisable to buy it. You will also need foil or a baking sleeve.

Cooking process:

  1. It is necessary to clean the steering wheel from dirt. You can carefully scrape the leg to clean skin, then wash well;
  2. Cut the peeled garlic cloves in half or into three parts;
  3. Using a knife, we make punctures in the pork leg on our own, put slices of garlic there;
  4. We rub the semi-finished product with pepper and salt, you can add your favorite spices;
  5. We place the knuckle in a sleeve or wrap it in foil, put it on a baking sheet, remove it to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 2-2.5 hours;
  6. The readiness of the leg can be determined by the bone: if it is exposed, then the culinary miracle is ready.

It can be served with any sauce, ketchup.

- an indispensable element of the New Year's table 2018. For a festive dinner, you can cook "nests" of minced meat with mushrooms. These products are perfect for each other, and the food is very simple and healthy.


  • 6-7 champignons (medium size);
  • 600 g minced beef and pork;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 4-5 onions (both for mushrooms and minced meat);
  • Egg;
  • 75 g of hard cheese;
  • 2-3 dry pieces of loaf;
  • A little parsley;
  • A large spoonful of sour cream and vegetable oil;
  • Mushroom seasoning, salt, pepper - to taste.

Detailed instructions step by step:

  1. Finely chop the washed, dried mushrooms and fry with a chopped onion for several minutes in a heated frying pan until the juice evaporates. Flavor with sour cream, seasoning for mushrooms, fry for another five minutes;
  2. Let's skip the minced meat along with parsley, onions and a loaf soaked in warm milk through a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, break an egg. You can add carrots, garlic to minced meat;
  3. Thoroughly stir the mass, divide into portions with wet hands;
  4. Take a small glass and form in the meat blanks recesses with sides along the edges;
  5. Place the onion-mushroom filling in each "nest";
  6. Grease a baking sheet with oil, cover with parchment paper. Carefully place our semi-finished products on it;
  7. Set the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for half an hour;
  8. We remove the products from the oven, sprinkle with finely grated cheese, set to bake for another 15-20 minutes until the cheese is browned.

You can serve food with any vegetables and mashed potatoes.

Liver in a "fur coat" for the New Year

For a celebration, you can deliciously cook a liver under a cheese coat, which turns out to be tasty, tender and fragrant. This is one of those that is instantly "swept away" from the festive table.

You will need:

  • 2 onions;
  • 70 ml cream;
  • Beef liver - half a kilo;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 100-150 g of Dutch cheese;
  • Ground black pepper, salt, spices, vegetable oil - to taste.

Stages of work at home:

  1. We wash the liver, clean it from films, cut it into pieces, beat it with a hammer from all sides. You can soak it in soy sauce or milk for half an hour for softness;
  2. Put in a baking dish, add salt, pepper, add spices;
  3. Fry the onion until almost ready, add squeezed garlic to it, mix everything with cream;
  4. Spread this mixture evenly over the liver;
  5. Sprinkle with cheese, grated on a medium grater;
  6. We put in the oven for 20 minutes (the cheese should form a crust);
  7. Sprinkle with any herbs.

This treat is served hot with salad and vegetables.

Salad "Bone" for the New Year 2018

Dishes for the New Year 2018 may include seafood. Such a salad in the form of a favorite dog treat will fit perfectly into the New Year's menu dedicated to the future patroness of the year.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2-3 boiled eggs;
  • Avocado;
  • 150 g of shrimp and hard cheese;
  • Pepper, salt - to taste;
  • 4 large spoons of mayonnaise.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Boil shrimp in salted boiling water for 5-7 minutes, drain the water, wait until the “seafood” cools down;
  2. We clean them, and cut large specimens into small cubes;
  3. We cut the avocado in half lengthwise, remove the stone, take out the soft part of the fruit, which we cut into cubes;
  4. We rub the testicles on a coarse grater. If you want to decorate the treat with egg whites, the yolks and whites must be grated separately from each other. Proteins are suitable for decor, yolks - for a salad;
  5. Grate hard cheese on a medium grater;
  6. You can also decorate the dish with cheese chips. Then we use part of the product for eating, and the other part for decoration. If desired, take more cheese for these purposes;
  7. We mix all the components in a separate container with mayonnaise dressing;

We lay out our food in a flat dish so that it looks like a bone. Sprinkle generously on each side with grated egg white or cheese - whichever you prefer.

Video: Recipe for New Year's Salad "Dog"

Every housewife strives for the New Year to prepare an excellent festive dinner and serve a magnificent table. How to prepare and serve the perfect gala dinner on New Year's Eve 2030?

New Year 2030: we set the festive table

The perfect New Year's Eve dinner is a well-coordinated and excellently prepared dishes and served. Even the simplest dish, beautifully decorated and placed on a well-served table, makes a New Year's impression and seems tastier. Therefore, serving in preparation for a festive dinner for the New Year should be given no less attention than the actual preparation of dishes.

The table must be covered with a tablecloth. To celebrate the New Year 2030, it is better to choose a linen tablecloth, classic white with a silver border, or a tablecloth in gray, beige or pearl colors. Napkins for guests should be made of the same fabric as the tablecloth and harmonize with it in color. If you use napkin rings when serving, then give preference to wood products this year.

Place a small composition in the center of the New Year's table to create a festive mood. For example, take a glass dish and fill it with cones, golden balls, and decorative gift boxes. You can make a wreath from a spruce branch, decorate it with beads and golden cones, and place a beautiful candle in the middle. Another option for the New Year 2030: take a small tray and arrange on it an arrangement of a spruce branch, a few cones, golden glass balls, tangerines and small helium candles.

For each guest, you need to put a substitute plate on the New Year's table, and a snack bar on it. On the left is another plate - pie. Next, cutlery is laid out and wine glasses and glasses are placed. To place drinks, a supply of napkins, clean plates, glasses and cutlery, it is better to put a separate table. Remember that for salads and for hot dishes, two different forks are placed in front of the guests, and before the New Year's dessert, the table is completely set anew.

What should be on the table in the year of the White Dog

The coming year 2030 according to the Chinese zodiac calendar will be held under the sign of the White Metal Dog. What to serve on the festive table to please the hostess of the year?

Let's start with the fact that this year's New Year's Eve dinner should be plentiful. And all the dishes served to him are quite simple and satisfying. And, of course, for the New Year 2030 there should be a lot of meat, among which there must be beef or lamb. This year, housewives are advised to serve several meat appetizers, meat and cheese cuts, and there must certainly be a hot meat dish. You can also serve fish, but certainly sea.

Be sure to serve vegetables with meat, and put apples and oranges from fruits and add these fruits to desserts. If you want to cook pastries for New Year's dinner, then give up yeast dough products, preferring puff, unleavened or shortbread.

Cold and hot snacks for the New Year 2030

Any festive dinner begins with appetizers. This year on the New Year's table must be present cold cuts. The classic cold cut consists of roast beef, thinly sliced ​​boiled veal, ham and boiled tongue.

For the New Year's table in 2030, you should also serve herring with pickled mushrooms, jellied beef or jellied fish. Complete your holiday table with eggplant, zucchini and ham rolls, stuffed eggs, assorted sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and mushrooms.

From salads in the New 2030 year, it is best to serve traditional Olivier and herring “under a fur coat”, vinaigrette, “Capital” or salad with salmon or tuna. This choice of snacks is determined by the tastes of the hostess of the year - the Dog. And she loves, as already mentioned, hearty, traditional and quite simple food.

In addition to cold snacks, relatives and guests can also be pampered with hot ones. For example, noble mushrooms stewed in cream, envelopes stuffed with puff pastry meat or potato nests with eggs and ham.

"Potato Nests"- this is a very tasty hot appetizer that can become the "highlight" of your New Year's table. The preparation of the dish takes about 20 minutes. Peel the potatoes in advance and boil the eggs. To create potato nests, peeled potatoes must be grated on a coarse grater and salted, then put a portion of the mashed potatoes in a small sieve so that a “nest” is formed and dip the sieve with potatoes in boiling olive oil. Remove the fried nests from the sieve and place on a paper towel to drain excess fat. In the center of each nest, add bechamel sauce or mayonnaise, put half an egg, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bham and a pitted olive. A dish for the New Year should be served hot on lettuce leaves. If you prepared it in advance, then you can just hold the potato nests in the oven for a few minutes before serving.

Hot dishes in the New Year of the White Dog

This year, we will certainly prepare a meat dish for the hot dish. It is best if it is veal, beef or lamb, although you can also serve a pork dish to the table.

Stew lamb with prunes, lamb ribs baked in the oven are very tasty. And if you cook lamb with rosemary and spicy seasonings in a baking sleeve for the New Year 2030, marinating the meat overnight in a mixture of dry white wine and pomegranate syrup, you will get a gentle hot dish without a specific aftertaste characteristic of lamb dishes.

There are a lot of options for cooking veal or beef. If you want to serve something special to the New Year's table, then stew veal or beef with dried fruits or serve lingonberry or cranberry sauce with the roast.

This year's pork can be cooked with White Dog's favorite oranges.. Offer guests, for example, pork medallions in oranges. To prepare the dish, salt and pepper the pork medallions, fry until golden brown, and then add freshly squeezed orange juice and finely grated zest, shallots, veal broth, a couple of spoons of honey and a little turmeric to the pan with meat. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the meat over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. This hot New Year's dish will make guests ask for the recipe.

New Year's side dishes

The most traditional side dish for meat is potatoes. It can be simply fried with onions and spices, baked in the oven with cream and aromatic herbs, fried in an air grill or in boiling olive oil, and served with stew. But mashed potatoes are good for meat cooked for the New Year with dried fruits. It can be squeezed out with a Christmas tree-shaped confectionery syringe and baked a little in the oven. Decorate with a tomato star on top.

Oven-baked meat dishes can be paired with mixed vegetables such as onion, bell pepper and tomato stew, or with grilled vegetables. A very light New Year's side dish: steamed Brussels sprouts or battered cauliflower will go with just about anything.

But with lamb, such a side dish as rice with bell peppers and beans will go well. To prepare it, bell peppers and onions need to be cut and fried, then washed rice and herb seasoning are added to the vegetables, lightly fried again, and then peeled tomatoes are added. Pour the contents of the pan with vegetable broth and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. Then add tomato paste, canned red beans, pepper and salt. Simmer another 10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished side dish with finely chopped parsley and cilantro.

Desserts and drinks for the New Year 2030

For desserts this year, be sure to use the Dog's favorite fruits: apples and oranges. A traditional New Year's dessert, which is recommended to be served in the coming year 2030, is baked apples. They can be prepared with honey, cottage cheese and raisins, honey, raisins and nuts, blackberries and ice cream or vanilla sauce. You can serve puff pastries with apple filling, apple strudel or marshmallow for dessert. No less New Year's desserts can be prepared with oranges. For example, donuts with oranges, charlotte, orange mousse or orange soufflé.

"Orange Soufflé"- This is a very tasty and original New Year's dessert, which is served hot. To prepare a soufflé, make syrup from 200 grams of sugar and two glasses of water. Then cut 6 oranges in half, select and cut the pulp, and boil it in syrup until it becomes transparent. Whisk 5 egg whites into foam, add ready-made orange jam to the whites and continue beating. Then carefully add 2 tbsp. spoons of sifted starch. Put the resulting mass into halves of orange peels. Bake the soufflé in the oven for 15 minutes, serve hot, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

For dessert, you can also offer guests homemade shortbread cookies, cherries with creamy mousse, wafer rolls with boiled condensed milk and curd cream. And the final chord of a festive New Year's dinner can be a light yogurt cake or a magnificent chocolate roll with nuts.

Choose drinks for the holiday based on the dishes that you will cook. It is customary to serve cold appetizers with dry or semi-dry white wines, if they are fish appetizers, and dry or semi-dry red wines with meat appetizers. Chilled vodka is suitable for salty and spicy snacks. Meat dishes are usually combined with red dry or semi-dry wines. Dessert wine is served with fruit desserts, while tea and coffee are served with liqueurs and brandy.

From non-alcoholic drinks, buy several types of juices, mineral water with and without gas. This year, it is recommended to remember the not so long ago tradition of preparing homemade cranberry juice for the holiday. If you manage to find lemonade prepared according to the Soviet recipe in stores, buy a few bottles for the holiday. The mistress of the year really likes when old traditions are respected.

All drinks should be served chilled to a temperature of 12-15 degrees. When serving, one glass of water, juice or fruit drink, a glass of champagne and a glass of wine are usually placed on the table for drinks. On the additional one, a stock of glasses for wine and wine glasses, glasses for vodka and liqueurs, glasses for cognac is displayed - they are served to guests depending on which drink they choose to accompany this or that dish.

Winter is just around the corner with its cold, snow and ... a series of favorite holidays. And if the children are busy thinking about gifts with putting them on a long list for Santa Claus, then parents are frantically preparing for the celebration, thinking about presents to all relatives, friends, as well as the menu for the New Year 2018 - what to cook new and interesting in the year of the dog?

Indeed, it has already become customary to set the most luxurious tables for this night, replete with exotic dishes. For hostesses, this holiday has become a way to show their culinary skills, stand out, and receive well-deserved praise from relatives and guests invited to the feast.

Fortunately, the times when you had to get food to the table, buy it “from under the counter”, and stand kilometer-long queues have sunk into oblivion. But this does not facilitate the process of choosing a menu - after all, you always want to do something like that.

Moreover, to please the symbol of the year, and for our case it is a yellow earthen Dog, a calm, domestic, mundane, kind animal, but very appreciative of good food. Let's not upset her, but rather think carefully about the list of festive dishes!

Although the dog is considered an omnivore, there are certain taboos that one builds to adhere to when compiling the menu for the new year 2018. For example:

  • dogs do not particularly like fish meat, it is better to leave dishes from it to a cat, whose time will come in a couple of years, but if you want to cook fish, then you need to serve it whole - Eastern culture considers this a symbol of wealth
  • fast food of any kind is prohibited
  • you can not use short, broken noodles, its length in the East is associated with longevity
  • taboo imposed on Korean food, because they eat the hostess of the year herself
  • you should not decorate the table with bottles of vodka, kvass, beer or lemonade, the dog does not like strong alcohol, fizzy drinks.

New Year's menu 2018 - recipes for the festive table

The exception is clear, but what is possible? The dog is a fairly omnivorous creature, capable of consuming almost everything, but still loves meat of all shapes and types, so the 2018 New Year's menu should include:

  1. meat (pork, veal, beef, rabbit, lamb, horse meat), to facilitate digestion, it is better to bake, stew, boil, but not fry
  2. poultry (chicken, goose, duck, turkey)
  3. bright vegetables stewed, steamed, boiled
  4. brown, yellow, golden foods (potatoes, buckwheat, corn, yellow tomatoes, pineapples, oranges, pumpkin, yellow figs, bell peppers).

With the basic principles it is clear, it remains to think in detail what to cook for the festive table. There can be a million options, but often the menu includes main dishes, side dishes, sauces, cold or hot appetizers, salads, desserts and, of course, drinks. I offer a couple of ideas.

Snacks for the new year 2018

This type of food allows you to wake up your appetite or entertain yourself during an active conversation. I will not give recipes, they are easy to find on the Internet, I offer only options:

  • New Year's tartlets
  • eggs stuffed with red caviar
  • Profiteroles with crab meat
  • canape with boiled pork and cucumber
  • stuffed mushrooms.

"Christmas balls"

Here's an example of an appetizer recipe.

We need:

  • 300 gr. chicken fillet
  • 200 gr. cheese
  • handful of walnuts
  • clove of garlic
  • mayonnaise
  • greenery
  • olives for decoration.

Boil the fillet, finely chop, add grated cheese, finely chopped greens, nuts and garlic, stir in mayonnaise. Form balls from the mass, roll in nut crumbs, attach halves of olives on top as a “fastener” and a loop of greens.

New Year's salad recipes 2018

Of course, you can cook the traditional Olivier or its unusual variation as a tribute to the times, but these salads will help to please yourself and your guests:

Well, a couple of recipes.

Salad "French Kiss"

the charm of France in the domestic version


  • 300 gr. pork tenderloin;
  • medium bulb;
  • 100 gr. dry white wine;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 200 gr. hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and pepper.

How to cook:

  • Peel the onion, cut into thin quarter-rings, pour boiling water for 10-12 minutes, drain, mix with salt and set aside for the time being
  • We cut the meat into neat strips, pepper (do not salt), fry in a hot pan greased with vegetable fat, stirring quickly. The main thing here is to fry, and not to stew, there should be free space between the pieces, and the fire should be strong enough. If there is a lot of meat, then fry in several passes. Next, pour in the wine here, stir and set aside, covered with a lid
  • We clean the tomatoes from the skin, remove the seeds, excess juice, finely chop. Cheese cut into cubes. We mix all the ingredients with mayonnaise, decorate as desired.

Salad "Borodino"

will give the festive table a certain zest

Yes, and cooking it is easier than ever, most of the ingredients are bought, and not boiled, stewed, fried.

Worth taking:

  • 1 loaf of "Borodino" bread
  • a can of corn
  • jar of sprats
  • 6 eggs
  • mayonnaise
  • greenery for decoration.


  • Cut the bread into 1 cm pieces, dry in a dry frying pan or oven
  • Boil the eggs, cut into cubes, mix with mashed sprats, corn, mayonnaise, we combine everything right before serving so that the crackers crunch nicely. Decorate the dish with herbs as desired.

Salad "Inspiration"

requires imagination when decorating it, but the New Year is worth a little effort!

There are several variations of this dish, I offer my favorite, it is very tender. All products are folded in layers, as in a herring under a fur coat, so for simplicity I will describe the layers between which it is worth placing the same mayonnaise (if you really want, you can use sour cream or your own sauce, but the taste will be different):

  • boiled beets on a coarse grater
  • previously boiled carrots, also grated
  • diced onion, pickled or scalded in hot water
  • chopped ham
  • crushed yolk
  • chopped mushrooms, boiled, but pickled is better
  • grated hard cheese
  • grated protein, they need to cover the salad on all sides, covering the lower layers.

For beauty, I prefer to lay out the products in a “box” and, to look like a gift, decorate with boiled carrot ribbons, beetroot or tomato flowers, and greens.

Salad "Carnival"

will give a whole bunch of sensations, because its components are diverse, have original aromas and tastes, nevertheless, they combine well with each other

We will need:

  • 150 grams smoked chicken
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • canned peas
  • Korean carrot
  • mayonnaise
  • salt pepper
  • greenery for decoration.

Cut the chicken into strips, cube the potatoes, grate the cheese, leaving a little for decoration. Remove the rest of the ingredients from the jars, mix everything, put in a beautiful bowl and garnish with cheese and herbs.

As the holidays approach, the internet is filled with new recipes. You can invent another one yourself by examining the set of products in the refrigerator and coming up with an elegant serving. After all, as they say, it is not holy pots that are burned!

Hot dishes

We eat this type of food almost every day, so coming up with something new is quite difficult, but doable. For example, surprise guests:

  • meat under vegetables
  • pork roll with pineapple
  • julienne with mushrooms and chicken fillet
  • "Meatballs"
  • Chinese style pork
  • Moroccan lamb
  • pork in lingonberry sauce
  • chicken fillet with tomato marinade
  • baked duck
  • chicken fricassee
  • beef in pots
  • chkmeruli chicken.


an original decoration of the festive table, and even a young housewife will be able to cook them

If desired, the ingredients, spices can be changed, creating a new variation of the dish.

For the classic version you will need:

  • 500 gr. minced meat
  • 1 bulb
  • 60-80 gr. white bread
  • 0.5 st. milk
  • 200 gr. cheese
  • 3 tomatoes
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • 2 eggs
  • herbs, spices.


  • Put stale bread in milk, combine chopped onion, meat, one egg and squeezed bread
  • Stir in salt, spices, herbs as desired, form cutlets with a recess on one side, fry
  • Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds, cut into cubes, grate the cheese, put them together and put them in “nests”, smearing the top with whipped yolk
  • It remains to place the baskets in the oven for 20 minutes at 180-200 degrees.

"Chicken fillet with tomato marinade"

Tired of fried, stewed meat?

Try chicken with tomato ketchup, this unique aroma, taste and juiciness of the dish will amaze both you and the guests of the holiday!

To do this, prepare:

  • 400-500 gr. chicken fillet
  • 1 egg
  • garlic
  • 1.5 st. l. ketchup
  • 3 art. l. flour
  • vegetable fat
  • salt pepper.

How to cook:

  • Cut the washed fillet into slices or strips (the second option looks prettier), add crushed garlic, ketchup, egg, mix
  • In such a marinade, the meat should stand for at least 2 hours, you can even 1-2 days
  • Then add flour, salt, pepper to the container, fry until golden brown, spread on paper towels to absorb excess fat. The dish is ready!

Desserts and drinks for the New Year

The New Year's menu of the new 2018 may include any sweets - the dog will appreciate literally everything. Fruits, berries, creams, soufflés, homemade cakes, cookies, especially in the form of a dog, its muzzle or favorite bone will not only be delicious, but will also give the table an original chic.

Various fruit salads, casseroles, cakes are also suitable - guests eat everything for a sweet soul!

Sweets and other dishes should be served with a variety of drinks, preferably not carbonated, but natural - fruit drinks, compotes, juices. From alcohol - light wines, liqueurs, liquors, you should temporarily forget about vodka.

Table setting for the New Year 2018

The dog is a rustic animal that loves home simplicity; when thinking about how to set the table, it is worth considering a few nuances:

  • forget about plastic dishes in favor of clay, wooden, ceramic, wicker baskets are suitable
  • linen tablecloth is better, ideally yellow, golden, brown
  • a table made of natural wood can not be covered at all
  • napkins are also natural, yellow-beige tones
  • a samovar, a bunch of bagels will help decorate the table
  • decor colors - yellow, sand, beige, gold, brown, terracotta, white, mustard to please the yellow dog, as well as all shades of nature, reminiscent of the symbol of the year about pleasant walks (green, blue, lilac in small quantities)
  • it is important to decorate the New Year's table in such a way as to achieve a gentle, cozy atmosphere, for this you will have to abandon bright colors and accents
  • you can decorate the room with a variety of images of a dog - napkins twisted in the shape of a puppy, dog contours cut out of paper, figurines, napkins, dog-themed towels, artificial bones look original
  • you have to forget about candles - the dog is wary of open fire
  • on the table there should be bright yellow dishes, for example, traditional New Year's tangerines or oranges, laid out in a beautiful slide.

New Year's decoration of dishes

It is important not only what to cook for this significant day, but also how beautifully to serve it all. The dog theme is suitable for decorating dishes, they look very interesting:

  • salads in the form of muzzles of dogs, their figures, bones
  • appetizers, themed sandwiches
  • meat can be decorated with pieces of fresh bright vegetables, preferably yellow-orange, for example, bell pepper
  • potatoes are considered an ideal side dish, if you wish, you can also serve them beautifully, for example, fashion pineapple from mashed potatoes and decorate spikes with red caviar seeds
  • in the year of the dog, a special place on the table should be given to fruits, they are both beautiful and perfectly diversify overly hearty meat dishes. The dog will like pineapple, orange, tangerine, mango, and other bright yellow or orange fruits
  • interesting compositions are easy to make from sweets, cakes, dried fruits, nuts, and other sweets - the symbol of the year will also be happy with these delicacies.

It is worth adding that the dog is not particularly picky, preferring refined simplicity and naturalness to the exotic, so it is worth maintaining moderation in decorating dishes.

How to decorate a house for the New Year 2018

When discussing how to celebrate New Year's Eve, it is worth saying a few words about decorating a house or apartment. After all, the right decoration will not only help appease a good-natured dog, but even prolong the amazing feeling of the holiday, familiar to everyone since childhood.

For a house or apartment in the process of decorating, you should use the following tips:

  • apply all shades of yellow with the addition of neutral ones - white, milky, beige, natural green, blue, lavender
  • it is worth abandoning the traditional white snowflakes, replacing them with figures of dogs cut out of colored paper (now it is easy to find stencils on a computer, print them out and make decorations with your own hands)
  • it is important to think everything through in advance, avoiding a hodgepodge of styles, a random pile of toys
  • the dog loves constancy, try to decorate the house for the New Year without significantly changing the usual placement of furniture and things
  • a family dog ​​will like decor from things dear to the heart that have been preserved from their ancestors (photos, albums, letters, old paintings, jewelry, dishes)
  • an artificial Christmas tree is prohibited, but a real tree in a tub of earth will be the perfect gift for an earthen dog
  • traditional toys, complemented by little things with the style of the year, will help to decorate the festive fir tree
  • you can build a toy booth out of cardboard or other materials by placing it at the entrance, attracting the good-natured symbol of the year to the family hearth.

So we discussed a sample menu for the new year 2018, what to cook new and interesting in the year of the dog, what to look for in order to appease the symbol of the year. I wish you a perfect feast and a successful New Year!

What to cook for the new 2018 year of the dog? Recipes with photos will help you make the right choice. It is highly desirable that New Year's dishes in the year of the dog 2018 have some shades of yellow, because this is the year of the yellow dog. Salads for the new year 2018, the year of the dog, so you can cook from yellow vegetables and fruits, or just decorate dishes with them. These are lemon, pineapple, yellow sweet pepper, melon, etc. Salads can be very different, both vegetable and fruit. And be sure to prepare a meat salad, it's the year of the dog after all. How to decorate puff New Year's salads? 2018 is the year of the dog, so these salads are decorated by depicting dog faces, dog paw prints or a bone with the help of yellow vegetables and fruits. They can be cut out of sausages, drawn or marked with mayonnaise, ketchup, Korean carrots, horseradish or mustard. New Year's table 2018, the year of the dog, recipes with photos are recommended to diversify by preparing bright canapes. Well, what to cook for hot for the new 2018 year of the dog? Recipes with photos will help with the choice in this case. Meat dishes for the new year 2018, the year of the dog, must be prepared with the main dog joy - the bone. It can be ribs, chicken drumsticks or legs. Basically, meat on the bone. What dog doesn't love sausage? So cutting will be very helpful. Yellow dog sausage can also be added to a salad. And in order to make the New Year's table even more themed, put on it your favorite sausages in a bun, in other words, it's a "hot dog" or "hot dog". Here you can show your creative abilities, cook and serve this traditional snack somehow extraordinary.

New Year's menu 2018 (year of the dog) recipes with photos can be supplemented with traditional Chinese dishes. In China, fish and dumplings are prepared for the new year, so you should add them to your culinary arsenal for the new year. And, of course, there should be sweet dishes for the New Year of the Dog, 2018. Recipes with photos will tell you how to make some original, and most importantly, delicious yellow cake. And we will also give you a very interesting idea for a cake for the year of the dog. This is a very favorite in Germany and Italy pie or cake "Cold Dog", made from biscuits and chocolate cream. And don't forget the drinks in the year of the dog! The Salty Dog cocktail, the Stray Dog cocktail, the Black Dog cocktail will help you surprise your guests and create a cheerful atmosphere.

If you still have questions about what to cook for the new year 2018, the year of the dog, recipes with photos will definitely help you out by providing a large selection of dishes and detailed instructions for preparing them. And your New Year's table in the year of the yellow dog 2018 will be inimitable!

The year of the Rooster is coming to an end and very soon the Dog will enter into its legal rights. She will become the “hostess” of 2018. Preparations for the New Year's Eve always begin in advance, because you need to think through every detail: choose a festive outfit, come up with congratulations, buy gifts and think over treats. Each hostess is “puzzling over” what to cook for the New Year 2018 and is looking for outstanding recipes with photos, so we decided to prepare an article that will help create an appetizing and original New Year’s menu.

The dog belongs to the active, cheerful and gluttonous animals. Therefore, it is better to meet the year of the dog in 2018 with a full festive table, then the next 365 days you will be lucky. Efforts must be made so that no one remains hungry, so that everyone present can taste their favorite dish.

Mandatory products on the table in the year of the yellow earth dog

  1. Beef, veal, lamb or rabbit should be included first when listing foods. It is recommended not to fry the meat, but to boil or bake it. In this form, the meat will be easier to digest, then everyone will feel light and active, which is what you need. But the choice, of course, is yours! :)
  2. Poultry meat can also be present in the festive dishes. You can use not only chicken, but also the meat of goose, turkey, duck and other types of birds.
  3. Fish, seafood and mushrooms can diversify meat abundance.
  4. 2018 is the year of the yellow dog, so look for meals that include vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains that are brown or yellow. You can use potatoes, pumpkin, peppers, yellow tomatoes, corn, beets, pineapples and other ingredients.

How to please and appease a yellow dog?

The basis of New Year's dishes should be meat dishes. They can be anything, it all depends on your personal taste preferences. You can also treat with aspic, pork knuckle, boiled pork, grilled steaks, chops, meatballs, kebabs, jellied meat, baked duck, grilled chicken, pates, julienne and many others. Salads based on boiled meat can diversify the menu. Any meat cuts, which may include any sausage, balyk, ham, jamon, basturma, dried chicken, and so on, will also be appropriate. Each ingredient must be thinly sliced ​​so that a three-dimensional composition can be formed from the slices. Classic sandwiches with red caviar or salted red fish will also be useful. Pickled mushrooms, olives, etc. can complement the gastronomic variety.

The new 2018 will undoubtedly be remembered by the representatives of the strong half who love meat dishes. But for fragile girls there are many interesting recipes that will not affect the figure.

What should not be on the holiday table

The future hostess of the year will not appreciate fish dishes, in which there are a lot of small bones, so pike, carp and other river fish should be excluded from the festive menu. The animal will not like the “herring under a fur coat”, beloved by many. When preparing cold cuts, make sure that it does not contain horse sausage. It is known that dogs do not like to eat these animals. Admirers of Korean cuisine should give up exotic dishes and do not cook dishes from dog meat. According to Feng Shui experts, it is worth removing broken noodles from the menu, as it turns out that its length affects longevity. Do not tease the dog with fast food dishes (hot dogs, burgers).

It is not advisable to serve too carbonated drinks on the table - kvass, lemonade, beer. An earthen dog will not be delighted with strong drinks either.

New Year's menu for the New Year's holiday table 2018

So, as cold appetizers, you can serve Christmas balls, small sandwiches with boiled pork and cucumbers, meat rolls with cheese, eggs stuffed with red caviar, profiteroles with crab, mushroom or cheese filling, meat fingers with bacon or cheese, boiled pork and more.

French meat, pork rolls with pineapple, julienne with chicken, mushrooms and cheese, meat in Provence, rabbit baked with herbs, pork with berry sauce, marinated chicken breast, etc. can be served hot.

For the main one, you can cook chicken fricassee, baked duck, roast pork, beef in pots, baked salmon, baked squid with tomatoes, stewed lamb with vegetables, chicken tobacco, chicken with oranges or vegetables, and more.

Desserts for the holiday table choose to your taste. The yellow dog does not limit you in the choice of sweets. Therefore, you can “walk around” here 🙂 You can bake cookies and cakes on your own or order a small one decorated in accordance with the main symbol of the year. Don't forget to use jellies and creams to complement your desserts. Decorate finished products with fruits and nuts.

You can serve vegetables and fruits on the table in any quantity and any form. An earth dog willingly eats vegetables and will not refuse to eat fruits. So you can safely include any vegetable and fruit snacks in the menu. For a large company, you can prepare fruit salads. The ingredients, cut into large pieces and laid out in small transparent salad bowls for each guest individually, will look very stylish and beautiful.

Recipes for New Year's Eve

In addition to various holiday menus, we have prepared a selection of the best recipes with photos for meeting a yellow earthen dog. These recipes are suitable for every zodiac sign, whether you are Libra, Scorpio, Pisces or any other sign. After all, it doesn’t matter whether the menu is compiled according to the horoscope or not, when a huge company gathers at the table.

Salad “Dog Joy”

- 1 avocado,

- 150 g of peeled shrimp,

- 2 chicken eggs,

- canned pineapple

- 150 gr hard cheese,

- mayonnaise,

- spices to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Dip the peeled shrimp in boiling salted water for 5-7 minutes. Then put them in a colander and let cool.
  2. Peel the avocado, remove the pit and cut into small cubes.
  3. Grate hard-boiled eggs on a coarse grater.
  4. Grate some of the cheese on a coarse grater, and leave some for decoration.
  5. Drain the liquid from the canned pineapple and cut it into small cubes.
  6. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, add spices to taste and season with mayonnaise.
  7. On a flat dish, lay out the salad with shrimp and avocado in the form of a bone, as shown in the photo above. Sprinkle the bone on all sides with grated cheese or egg white. That's all the original salad is ready!

Salad with heart and green peas

- pork heart 500 gr.,

- canned green peas 1 b.,

- chicken eggs 4 pcs.,

- carrots 1 pc.,

- onion 1 pc.,

- vinegar 2 tablespoons,

- garlic 2 cloves,

- greenery,

- vegetable oil 1 tbsp,

- mayonnaise,

- spices (sugar, salt, black pepper, bay leaf).

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the pork heart thoroughly under running water and clean, removing all veins and vessels. Cut into small pieces and put to boil in salted water.
  2. Hard boil the eggs.
  3. In the process of cooking the heart, the first cloudy water will need to be drained, and instead of it, pour the same volume of clean water and cook the offal for 30 minutes.
  4. Cut the onion into half rings and marinate.
  5. When the heart is boiled for half an hour, drain the water again and add a new one, continue to cook for another hour until it becomes soft. 30 minutes before the end of the process, add 4-5 black peppercorns and a few bay leaves to the water.
  6. Peel the carrots, grate on a coarse grater, sauté in vegetable oil.
  7. Cut the cooled heart into neat cubes, eggs into cubes, chop the greens with a knife, finely chop the garlic.
  8. Open a jar of peas, drain off excess liquid.
  9. Put all the chopped ingredients in a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise and set aside for 1-1.5 hours. That's all the tasty meat salad for the New Year's table is ready!

Meat salad with champignons and ripe pomegranate seeds

- beef or veal 200 gr.,

- pomegranate 1 pc.,

- champignons 150 gr.,

- walnuts 50 gr.,

- lettuce leaves 3 pcs.,

- purple onion 1 pc.,

- mayonnaise,

- garlic 1 clove,

- vegetable oil for frying

- spices.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the meat well, dry and chop coarsely. Then put it on a preheated pan, greased with vegetable oil, fry on both sides until cooked.
  2. Fry the mushrooms in another pan.
  3. Place the cooked ingredients on a paper towel to absorb any excess oil.
  4. Peel the onion, cut into half rings and pour over with boiling water.
  5. Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands.
  6. Chop the walnut kernels with a knife.
  7. Prepare dressing: add chopped garlic and ground black pepper to mayonnaise.
  8. Peel the pomegranate and take out the whole seeds.
  9. Put lettuce leaves, then meat, mushrooms, sprinkle everything with nuts and onions, make a few large drops of sauce and add everything with pomegranate seeds.

Meat salad with beef and pomegranate is ready! The yellow earthen dog will certainly be delighted with such a dish and a bright serving of the dish. Take note and experiment! J

Buns “Funny dogs”

- flour 450 gr. + 100 gr. for bedding

- milk 150 ml,

- dry yeast 8 gr.,

- eggs 2 pcs.,

- butter 70 gr.,

- sugar 2 tablespoons,

- salt 1 tsp,

- yolk 1,

- sausages 2-3 pcs.,

- raisins 50 gr.

Cooking process:

  1. Sift the flour and pour warm milk into it, add yeast, sugar, salt, eggs, melted butter. Knead the dough and leave it for an hour in a warm place.
  2. After the time has elapsed, divide the dough into 15 small pieces, round them and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Cut the sausages diagonally.
  4. Roll each ball into an oval cake, make a small cut on top, and put a piece of sausage on the bottom part and roll the dough so that the top cut is on the sausage. Make incisions on the side and slightly push them apart - these will be the “ears”.
  5. Use raisins as eyes and spouts. Lubricate yeast buns with egg. Put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

That's all the yeast buns are ready for the new year 2018.

Stuffed chicken drumsticks

- chicken drumsticks 5 pcs.,

- tomatoes 2 pcs.,

- hard cheese 5 slices,

- mayonnaise,

- vegetable oil,

- mustard 1 tsp,

- fresh parsley

- garlic 1 clove,

- salt, pepper h. they say.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the shins, remove the remaining feathers, put on a paper towel and dry. With a knife, cut the skin and meat with a “pocket”, try not to damage the skin. The meat that is left without the skin, chop off the bone.
  2. In a bowl, mix chopped garlic, mayonnaise, mustard and spices. With the resulting mixture, rub the shins on all sides.
  3. Cut the meat into small pieces, we do not need the bones.
  4. Add chopped tomatoes, cheese, herbs and 1 tsp to the meat. mayonnaise.
  5. Stuff the drumsticks with stuffing.
  6. Fry the resulting legs until golden brown.
  7. Transfer the drumsticks to a baking dish, put in the oven for 15 minutes at 180-190 degrees.

Pork medallions in oranges

- pork 500 gr.,

- vegetable oil,

- large orange 1 pc.,

- shallot,

- purified water,

- turmeric

- salt, pepper h.mol.,

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the pork into medallions 0.5 cm thick, salt, pepper and place in a preheated pan, greased with vegetable oil.
  2. Fry pork on both sides until golden brown.
  3. Add juice squeezed from one orange and some crushed zest. Add also chopped shallots, a couple of tablespoons of honey, a little water and sprinkle everything with turmeric.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid and let the meat simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Look under the lid from time to time and stir the medallions.

That's all! Delicious, soft and fragrant pork is ready!

Salad “Doggy” with smoked chicken breast and champignons

- 1 smoked chicken breast,

- pickled champignons 150 gr.,

- potatoes 5-6 pcs.,

- carrots 4 pcs.,

- eggs 3-4 pcs.,

- processed cheese 1 pc.,

- mayonnaise,

- spices,

- cloves, dill and a small piece of meat or sausage for decoration.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs until fully cooked. Clear.
  2. Finely chop the smoked chicken breast and mushrooms. Leave a couple of whole mushrooms for decoration.
  3. Grate potatoes, carrots, egg whites and yolks on a fine grater.
  4. Take a flat plate and lay out the first layer of grated potatoes, form the ears and future muzzle of the dog. Lubricate the layer with mayonnaise.
  5. Put the chopped breast, squirrels, a layer of champignons, processed cheese on top and grease everything with mayonnaise on top.
  6. Now it's time to lay out the carrots.
  7. From above, start laying out the potatoes, so that all the previous layers are hidden under it. As a result, you should get a white muzzle of a dog, which still needs to be smeared with mayonnaise on top.
  8. With grated yolk, mark the muzzle of the dog, leave the ears white.
  9. Line the dog's nose and cheeks with egg white.
  10. Cut out eyes and nose from mushroom caps, mustaches - cloves, tongue - a piece of meat or sausage.
  11. You can put a sprig of dill around the muzzle. Carefully wrap the salad in cling film and refrigerate to soak.

Such a New Year's salad "Doggy" will appeal not only to adults, but also to small guests.

Festive table decoration

If you want to decorate the festive table in accordance with the predilections of the main symbol of the year, then you should pay special attention to details. Each element should be festive, evoke pleasant emotions and create a New Year's mood.

It is worth picking up a tablecloth and napkins in yellow or brown. You can put golden candles on the table, in the same color it is worth picking up small figures of dogs. In addition to the always relevant salads in the form of Christmas trees, cones and Christmas balls, you can arrange dishes in the form of dog faces and bones.

It is advisable to finish the table decor and the cooking process by lunchtime, so that on the eve you can fully relax and look 100% ready for the New Year 2018. The hostess of the year should be met in high spirits and with sincere emotions.
