
Recipe for store-bought chicken sausages. Homemade chicken and cheese sausage for Easter

Today I will tell you how to cook chicken sausage in a pork belly (intestine).

Somehow it happened that a stereotype has become entrenched in our minds that sausage is cooked at home only when there is an abundance of meat. But in fact, sausages do not need so many products. For example, today I have a kilogram of chicken fillet and a little fat. It turns out a lot of sausages, but it is eaten quickly, especially if the rings are made in portions, like sausages.

Home-cooked chicken sausage is a great substitute for a purchased one for a holiday, you can use it for every day. I make a fillet sausage with bacon, as the chicken breast itself is a bit dry and needs a little fat. Today I took a third of the fat from the amount of chicken, you can increase the proportion a little.

Let's start cooking chicken sausage by grinding meat products. We cut the lard into thin layers, which we then cut as finely as possible. Salo is better to take soft, homemade. It happened to me to make sausage from hard fat, also an acceptable option, but it’s still better from tender fat. To make the fat cut better, you can freeze it slightly.

Cut the chicken breast in the same way.

We combine the meat and lard in a bowl in which the mass will be convenient to mix.

Add salt to the mass (about 2% of the total mass), garlic, pepper and ready-made seasoning for meat.

Add milk and mix well until stickiness appears and the mass becomes homogeneous.

These are the pork intestines I will use for sausage. This is a purchased casing, you can also use those intestines that are independently salted after cutting the carcass. You can also use an artificial shell of the desired diameter.

Let's start filling the gut. To do this, we use a special nozzle for a meat grinder. We stretch the intestine, tie at the end.

We fill the shell with mass, bandage it, forming rings of the length we need.

Here's what I got. There are also small rings, like sausages, and more authentic.

The shaped sausage can be immediately baked in the oven or fried in a pan. I like to cook the sausage a little first, literally 25 minutes (after boiling).

We put the boiled sausage in the pan, you can do it all at once, or you can leave part of it in the freezer until the next time.

We cut the chicken sausage prepared at home and use it as a cold appetizer.

My grandmother's table in the village was full of homemade meat products. Always for all the holidays, when the whole large family gathered, the grandmother took out homemade meat products from the pantry. We prepared a lot. As a rule, on the eve of the holiday, cattle were slaughtered and a lot of delicious things were cooked from meat. Grandmother cooked a lot, so that everyone could give a gift to each house, and those who gathered had something to feed. Grandmother had golden hands, but now is not about that. Let's talk about homemade sausage. Sausage is prepared in different ways and from different meats. I want to offer you an easy cooking method, a chicken sausage recipe. Instead of chicken, you can take a turkey. I will form chicken sausages in a natural intestine, filling it with a meat grinder attachment. If you do not have such a nozzle, then take a plastic bottle from the lemonade. Cut it off to make a funnel. Put the intestine on the neck of the bottle and fill the neck with prepared meat through the hole. Homemade chicken sausage cooks very quickly. And for clarity, you can find a video on the Internet on how to make sausage without a meat grinder attachment.

Homemade chicken sausage recipe with photo step by step

Try, experiment. I think you will succeed. There can be no other. Sausage is prepared on the basis of pure poultry meat, without the addition of fat and bacon. Such a dish will be appreciated by those who do not eat pork and fatty meats. If you are confused by the natural gut, then on sale there is now an artificial collagen casing for cooking sausages. You can use it.

Cooking time 2 hours
Cuisine: Ukrainian, European
Servings - 6

how to cook chicken sausages from chicken fillet


  • chicken meat - 1.5 kg,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • spices for meat - to taste (about 2 tablespoons),
  • salt - 1 teaspoon without a slide (maybe a little less),
  • ground black pepper - to taste,
  • garlic 3-4 cloves,
  • onion - 2 pcs.,
  • gut natural 1.5-2 meters.

Cooking process:

To prepare sausage, take chicken fillet. Many people prefer to use turkey meat. You can take turkey fillet, but there will not be much difference in taste. So, the meat must be washed, the remnants of bones, veins and cartilage removed. Cut the fillet meat into small pieces.

Add spices to chopped meat. Here you can make a choice in favor of your favorite spices. Personally, for myself, I prefer to take spices for basturma. There is a lot of bright paprika and a bright enough aroma of spices, which allows you to slightly color the meat and give it a sharp and piquant taste. You can take the usual spices that you have. It can be black and red hot ground peppers, dried paprika, coriander, rosemary and oregano. Add salt.

Finely chop the onion and squeeze the garlic through a press. Add them to meat.

Mix meat with spices and onions well. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix again. The oil will allow the spices to marinate the meat well. Leave the chicken to stand and marinate for 1 hour. Cover the bowl with cling film and place the sausage filling in the refrigerator.

Prepare the natural clean and washed intestine for filling. I have a purchased gut. Sold packed in a vacuum bag, and it is frozen. Packed 14 meters. I thawed a package once. I distributed it into small bags and now, if necessary, I take out one bag, and it is enough for me for 1 time. About 2 meters of intestine is used for this amount of meat. So, open the clean intestine on one side. Place the hole under the tap with water and pass the water through the entire intestine. This allows you to once again make sure that the natural casing is clean, and the wet intestine is easier to put on the nozzle. Assemble the meat grinder by putting on the sausage molding attachment. Put the intestines on the nozzle, collecting them with an accordion. Tie the opposite edge of the intestine in a knot so that when filling the meat does not come out on the other side.

Transfer the meat into the meat grinder bowl and, pushing the minced meat into the meat grinder with the help of a pusher, fill the intestine with meat. In several places, you should stop and twist or bandage the intestine. Otherwise, your whole sausage will be a single loaf.

Heat up the pan. Pour a couple of drops of vegetable oil into the pan. Lay raw chicken sausages. Close the pan with a lid and fry the sausage on the fire, on both sides. So that when frying the chicken sausage does not burst and the meat does not come out, make a few punctures with a wooden toothpick.

This is what the finished sausage will look like.

And here is how it will be cut. I consciously did not twist the fillet to the state of minced meat. In the finished sausage, you can see large pieces of meat. If you prefer a homogeneous consistency, then such a dish should be prepared on the basis of minced meat (finely twisted).

Homemade chicken sausage in a natural casing, fried in a pan, is ready.

Bon appetit!

Tired of purchased sausage, do you want healthy, homemade, tasty, without preservatives, without chemical dyes and flavor enhancers? Then you definitely need to save this recipe in your culinary notebook and, of course, cook boiled chicken sausage at home, especially if you have children - sandwiches with such sausage are definitely healthier.

I must say right away that I made this sausage for the first time and did not regret it, I found the recipe from the cook on Instagram, for which I am very grateful to her.

In my family, they have not eaten purchased sausages for a long time, sometimes, of course, I buy some smoked delicacies for the festive table, but very rarely. I mainly cook tongues, make sausages or bake meat in a sandwich oven, now there will be another recipe on my menu.

So, let's prepare all the necessary products for making boiled chicken sausage at home.

Remove the skin from the chicken, place the meat in a saucepan.

Advice! If you want to make a more dietary sausage, cook from the breast, but it will be drier. Of the thighs and legs, the sausage is juicier and tastier, in my opinion.

Add garlic, bay leaf and pour water so that it barely covers the meat. Bring to a boil over high heat, remove foam, lower heat, cover and simmer until chicken is cooked through, about 35-40 minutes.

Strain the broth, add gelatin to it, heat to a boil, BUT DO NOT BOIL!

Cool the chicken, separate the meat from the bones.

Place chicken meat in a blender bowl, pour in beetroot juice, I squeezed it out of boiled beets.

Then pour in the broth with gelatin, salt and pepper to taste.

Beat with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

Cut off the top of a food plastic bottle, pour over the sausage mass, tighten with cling film and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

Advice! It is better to leave the sausage in the refrigerator overnight, then it will solidify more strongly and will be better cut. I was in a hurry, you will see this in the main photo, and this photo was taken after about 10 hours.

Well, our homemade boiled chicken sausage is ready, in aroma it is very similar to the purchased one and slightly reminiscent of taste, but still tastier, my daughter and I really liked it, I definitely recommend it.

Bon appetit!

There are no difficulties in preparing this homemade chicken sausage and, which is also important, we will use paper and a baking sleeve for shaping, and not intestines, which not everyone and not always can buy.

The main component is chicken breast, and as an additive - chicken thigh, which we simply chop finely, and these pieces will become a kind of meat inclusion.

To grind the breast, you can use two methods - either grind in a blender, or scroll in a meat grinder. Personally, I prefer a blender. In this case, just put the chicken breast in it, almost all the other ingredients and grind until smooth.

In the case of a meat grinder, we twist only the breast, and then add everything else and mix.

So, remove the skin from the chicken thigh, separate the meat from the bone and cut into a cube, rather small. Garlic needs to be peeled and chopped in a way convenient for you. I run it through a garlic press.

I always buy Dr. Otker's gelatin. It's small and I really like it. If suddenly you have large "crystals", then just grind it slightly in a coffee grinder.
We put absolutely everything in a blender, except for the chopped pieces of the thigh. Stir in the pieces after grinding, and adjust the taste of the salt. I put 1 heaping teaspoon.

And now we take ordinary baking paper and cut off a piece.
We spread the chicken mass from one end.

Using paper, twist tightly, forming a sausage. Carefully tie the ends with a rope first, and then the entire sausage.

Place the rolled sausage in the baking sleeve, make the ends fairly large, and again tie well - we need to prevent water from getting inside.
We put our roll in a saucepan with water so that the water covers the sausage, the sleeve ends up, and cook for 20-25 minutes under the lid.

How to be sure of the naturalness of sausage - just cook at home. Homemade chicken sausage is simple, healthy and very tasty!

  • Chicken thigh (boneless) - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 7-8 tooth.
  • Salt (to taste) - 1 tsp
  • Black pepper (ground, to taste) - 0.5 tsp.
  • Seasoning (for chicken and steak, to taste) - 0.5 tsp.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Gelatin - 15 g

Cut the chicken meat together with the skin into cubes 1.5 - 2 cm in size (not very small). For speed, I buy already cut boneless chicken thighs.

We take spices and seasonings. That's all we need.

Separately, I want to dwell on the description of spices for chicken and steak. This is the best spice I have ever bought. They give any meat dish a unique charm. Just in case, I describe the composition: sea salt, onion, paprika, tomatoes, coriander, white pepper, chili, mustard seeds, corn.

Add salt and garlic to the minced meat.

Add black pepper and chicken and steak seasoning.

Add 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. After that, pour 15 g of gelatin into the minced meat and mix again.

Let's start making sausages. From this amount of minced meat, 4 small sausages are obtained. Spread ¼ mince on cling film.

We roll into a sausage.

After that, wrap it in foil with a “candy” on top.

And send it to the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

When the sausage has cooled, we send it to the refrigerator until the morning. In the morning you will have a wonderful, tender and very tasty homemade sausage for breakfast! Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: Delicious Chicken Sausage at Home

Today you will learn how to cook homemade chicken leg sausage.

  • Chicken legs (legs or thighs) - 2 kg.,
  • Garlic - 1 head,
  • Mustard, coriander, dried herbs,
  • Salt to taste
  • Pork intestines.

Rinse chicken thighs with water. Pat them dry with paper towels. Cut off the meat. Twist the chicken fillet with fat and skins in a meat grinder.

If you want to get a fatter sausage, add lard cut into small pieces to it. Add spices and salt to minced chicken. The set of spices for sausage can be different. But traditionally, coriander, mustard seeds, ground black pepper, and sometimes chopped bay leaf are added to it.

After adding the main spices, pour in the mustard seeds.

Add the garlic passed through the press. Mix the minced meat for chicken sausage thoroughly. To make the sausage more juicy, you can add cold water to it at the end of cooking. The proportion is easy to remember. For 1kg. Minced meat can be poured 2 tbsp. spoons of water.

Clean the intestines and rinse well. After they are completely peeled, soak them for 30 minutes in water with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Start them with minced meat using a special nozzle for a meat grinder. If it is not there, then you can use the cut-off neck of a plastic bottle for these purposes. Tie the ends of the intestine with threads. It turned out such a ring of sausage. During the manufacture of sausages, you can make twists every 6-9 cm, then you will get small chicken sausages.

Put the finished homemade chicken sausage on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180C. After 15-20 minutes, the sausage must be pierced with a needle over its entire area. This is necessary so that the air comes out, and the sausage does not crack during baking. Homemade chicken sausage in the oven takes a total of 40-45 minutes to cook. The finished sausage should turn out ruddy and fried.

Recipe 3: chicken homemade sausage in cling film

Have you decided to cook sausage at home, but you have neither collagen casings nor intestines? It doesn't matter, you can cook homemade sausage in cling film. Of course, she will not have such a presentable appearance as we would like, but homemade sausage in cling film turns out to be very tasty and healthy.

  • minced chicken - 1 kg,
  • bacon - 250 g,
  • onion - 2 pcs.,
  • garlic - 5 cloves,
  • English pepper - 5 peas (grind),
  • gelatin - 20 g,
  • vodka - 1 shot,
  • vegetable oil - 20 g,
  • salt, pepper, paprika, nutmeg - to taste

Finely chop the lard, chop the garlic and onion in a blender or meat grinder, mix all the ingredients and let it brew in the refrigerator for several hours.

Lay a cling film on the sushi mat, put a piece of minced sausage on it and roll up the sausage. Pack very tightly on all sides, as in the photo.

Then cover the sausage with foil, twisting the ends tightly.

Make more sausages from the rest of the minced meat in the same way. Put all the sausages in a wide saucepan, cover with hot water and simmer for about an hour after boiling. Drain the water, put the sausages on the table and let cool. Refrigerate for several hours, preferably overnight. Remove the foil, cut the sausages, then remove the film. Homemade sausage in cling film is ready. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4, step by step: homemade chicken breast sausage

A simple recipe with step-by-step photos will teach everyone how to quickly make delicious fried meat sausages from chicken breast and pork in a natural casing without the hassle and worries.

  • chicken - 2 breasts
  • pork fat - ¼ of the weight of chicken breasts
  • hot pepper - 1 pod
  • onion - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • curry - to taste
  • table salt - to taste
  • light beer - 500 ml
  • intestines - 1 meter per 500 gr of minced meat

Cooking delicious sausages from chicken breasts, let's start with preparing the meat. Take two whole chicken breasts as shown in the photo. Rinse them in cold water and pat dry with paper towels to remove as much moisture as possible.

Separate the skin, cartilage and bones. Throw them aside, because we will use only white chicken meat in this dish.

A fully prepared fillet should look like the meat in the photo. Put the product in a dry bowl and cover with a lid or cling film.

Rinse a piece of lard, the weight of which is about a quarter of the weight of the chicken fillet. Rinse the product in cold water and wipe dry. Remove the skin from the piece, as shown in the photo.

Cut the fat into thin strips.

This is how the quantitative ratio of meat and fat for making chicken breast sausages should look like in the photo.

Cut the meat and lard into pieces of the same size. The smaller the cubes, the denser the finished product will be..

Peel the head of garlic, separate the cloves and cut them into slices, like the garlic in the photo. Transfer the product to the minced meat.

Rinse the hot pepper and remove the seeds from it. Cut into pieces of arbitrary shape and size, and put it in minced meat. Rinse the knife and hands well so that you do not accidentally rub the pepper juice on your eyes, and also do not cause a burning sensation on the skin of the hands.

Peel the onion and then mince it. To cut onions without tears, use a little trick: soak the onion for five minutes in a little cool water, and only then cut it. Rinse the tomatoes in warm water and put them in a deep bowl. After that, pour boiling water over the tomatoes and soak for ten seconds. Quickly drain the vegetables in a colander and cool them under cold water. Remove the skin and chop them into small cubes.

Season the minced meat with spices, and also add salt. Taste, because the amount of salt will directly depend on the amount of meat and fat.

Stir the mince. It should turn out approximately the same as our blank in the photo.

Rinse the intestines in cold water, along the way, remove excess fat and mucus from it. Soak the salted intestine for an hour, and then pour warm water for ten minutes. This will restore its elasticity.

Pull the casing over a funnel or a special device for stuffing sausages, which comes with a meat grinder. Tie the edge of the intestine with a knot or drag it with a thread.

Fill the gut with prepared minced meat. Twist your bowel from time to time. Forming sausages of a convenient size. After using all the stuffing, tie off the edge of the shell. As a result of the work done, you will get the same beautiful sausage as in the photo.

Put the sausage in a pan and fry it until golden brown, as shown in the photo. Cook the product on low heat, then the lard from the sausage will have time to release the fat, and the sausage will not stick to the pan and brown evenly.

Put the prepared sausage on a baking sheet with high sides, and then prick with a toothpick in several places. This will allow hot air to escape during baking, thereby protecting the shell from cracking.

Pour the product with light beer, covering the sausage by a third.

This is how the sausages will look like in the photo before being sent to the oven preheated to 150 degrees Celsius. Simmer them for three hours. During this time, the beer will completely evaporate, and the sausages will acquire a golden crisp.

Remove the cooked sausages from the oven and cool to room temperature. Serve spicy chicken sausages immediately after cooking. You can store and use them, like regular cutlets.

Recipe 5: Homemade Chicken Sausage with Gelatin

  • chicken meat - 800 gr;
  • gelatin - 10 gr;
  • salt - to taste;
  • spices - to taste;
  • fresh dill - 5 - 6 sprigs;
  • garlic - 3 cloves

To prepare sausages, we take chicken fillet and one thigh. We free the thigh from skin and bones, then wash the meat, dry it with paper towels and cut into small pieces.

Salt to taste, add spices, I also squeezed a couple of cloves of garlic through the press and finely chopped fresh herbs, in my case dill. Also at this stage, add dry gelatin.

We mix everything thoroughly.

Now we need cling film to form the sausage. We will lay out the prepared meat in the form of sausages on the film, choose the length of the sausage yourself.

Wrap with cling film very tightly so that it holds its shape.

I got 2 small sausages.

Now we wrap each sausage on top of the cling film with foil. We send it to a preheated oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 1 hour.

We take out the finished sausages from the oven, let them cool completely and put them in the refrigerator overnight.

Usually I cook them in the evening, we try it in the morning, a cup of aromatic coffee, a piece of sausage with bread - a truly delicious sandwich!

Recipe 6: Homemade Chicken Sausage in the Gut (Step by Step)

Cooking homemade sausage turned out to be not as difficult as it seems at first glance. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have your own household: all the ingredients can be bought at a regular supermarket.

  • chicken fillet - 1.5 kg
  • lard - 500 gr
  • milk - 400-500 ml
  • garlic - 5-7 cloves
  • salt - to taste
  • black pepper - to taste
  • seasoning for meat - to taste
  • guts

For homemade sausage, we need chicken fillet, lard, milk and garlic.

Finely chop the chicken fillet and bacon.

Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press.

Put the ingredients in a deep bowl, mix, salt and pepper the mass to taste. You can add various spices that you like.

For the production of sausages, we need intestines. They can be bought in the market. My intestines were bought a long time ago and for safety I sprinkled them with salt.

Now I washed them from salt and pulled them onto a special nozzle for sausage in a meat grinder. The end of the intestine must be tied with a strong thread.

We make sure that the filling is not too dense, otherwise the intestine may break. As it fills, we tie the intestine with a thread to make rings, and at the end we also tie it.

We put the prepared rings in a saucepan or bowl and cook for about 20 minutes after boiling.

You can skip this step and immediately fry the sausage in vegetable oil. Fry the boiled sausage on all sides in fat.

Homemade chicken sausage can be eaten cold or hot, either sliced ​​or as a whole piece, like sausages.

Recipe 7: Homemade Chicken Sausage in the Oven (with photo)

Delicious natural sausage can be cooked at home. See a simple recipe for homemade chicken sausage with pork and cheese. Now you can give delicious sausage with cheese to your children and not worry about their health. After all, you cooked this sausage with your own hands from natural and fresh products.

  • Chicken thigh - 600 g
  • Pork neck - 150 g
  • Onion - 70 g
  • Hard cheese - 55 g
  • Garlic - ½ clove
  • Soy sauce (optional) - 25 g
  • Gelatin - 5 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste

Prepare ingredients for homemade chicken sausage with pork and cheese. You don't need intestines to make sausage. Prepare cling film, blender or meat grinder, oven and baking sheet.

Cut the onion into large cubes, send to a food processor (blender). Also add half a clove of garlic.

Cut the chicken thighs into 4 parts and send them to the blender as well.

Pour in soy sauce (optional), salt and add spices.

Beat the mass until smooth. (If you don't have a blender, use a regular meat grinder.)
