
What can be done from sorrel easily. Pastries and desserts

Today's topic is sorrel recipes. Herb leaves are widely used for salads, first courses, snacks, etc.

Sorrel dishes. with rice and feta cheese

An original, tasty and healthy pita (pie) from sorrel will turn out.

Use for test:

  • olive oil - 9 tbsp. l.;
  • yeast - 20 g (or one bag of dry);
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • grape vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk or warm water- 200 g;
  • flour - 500 g.

For the filling you will need:

sorrel, garlic, green onions, parsley, boiled rice, dill, eggs, olive oil, black pepper, salt.


Knead the dough. To do this, heat water or milk. Pour yeast into it (or dilute if the yeast is fresh). In a separate container, mix oil, salt, vinegar, pour milk and add flour. Knead the dough. It should be soft, not too hard, but not runny either. Cover the container with a towel. Leave for 40 minutes in a warm place. While the dough is rising, work on the filling. Wash the sorrel, dry it. Cut finely. Boil rice, mix with herbs. Fluff the feta with a fork and add to the rice. Whisk the eggs. One yolk can be set aside for lubrication. Mix all ingredients together, add salt, oil and pepper. Be careful with salt - feta cheese is quite salty. Divide the dough into three pieces. One of them, the one that goes to the bottom of the pie, make more. Roll it out so that the edges hang off the baking sheet. Lay out part of the filling, cover with a second rolled out piece of dough. Pierce it with a fork. Put the remaining minced meat on top, cover with a third layer of dough. Close the edges. Grease the top of the pie with yolk. Bake in the oven for about an hour. The temperature must be at least 180 degrees for this sorrel dish. The recipe, as you can see, is not complicated. The cake is tasty, with a little sourness.

Sorrel dishes. Recipes, photos of chicken broth soup

You haven't cooked yet. Then do it soon.

Chicken, sorrel, onion, potato, kohlrabi, carrot, fennel, asparagus, Bell pepper, salt and seasonings are the list of ingredients you will need for this sorrel dish.

The recipe is easy to prepare. Start with meat. Wash the chicken and boil. Don't forget to remove the foam. Put a whole onion into the broth. Cook until meat is cooked. Salt, put spices, hold a little more on the stove. Then remove the chicken and onion from the broth. Wash vegetables and sorrel. Grate the carrots, cut the sorrel finely. Chop the potatoes and the rest of the ingredients as you like. Throw all prepared products into the broth. While they are cooking, separate the cooled chicken meat from the bones and divide it into fibers. Put in a saucepan. Taste the soup. Sorrel dishes can be slightly sour. In this case, the recipe should be supplemented with sugar. Boil the egg before serving the soup. Divide it into several parts. Place in serving bowls.

Sorrel dishes. potato salad recipe

You will need:

sorrel, eggs, fresh cucumbers, onions, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.


Boil potatoes, cut them into cubes. Mix pepper, salt and a spoonful of oil with mustard. Season potatoes with sauce. Cut cucumbers into strips, eggs into circles, chop green onions. Chop the sorrel into thin strips. Mix all the ingredients with potatoes, mix, pour a little oil and serve.

Sorrel dishes have a pleasant, refreshing taste, and besides. Considered to be extremely beneficial to health. After all, sorrel is rich in vitamins and microelements. From this wonderful plant, you can cook not only traditional green borscht, but also many other delicious and simple meals. We bring to your attention the most original, simple in execution and available recipes.

You can make cold soups, all kinds of snacks, salads and even ice cream from sorrel leaves!

Okroshka with sorrel

Finely chop four bunches of sorrel, six cucumbers, and a bunch of radishes. Add to this a glass of canned green peas and green onions. All ingredients should be mixed and poured into a liter fat-free kefir diluted with two glasses cold water.

Appetizer of sorrel with nettle

Pour boiling water over half a glass of young nettle leaves and chop. Mix nettle with half a kilogram of finely chopped sorrel. After that, add two hard boiled and diced chicken eggs. It remains to fill the dish with mayonnaise or sour cream to your taste and - the dish is ready!

Sorrel ice cream

In order to prepare this unusual vitamin dessert chop a bunch of fresh sorrel, then place it in freezer. Add to frozen sorrel egg yolk, three tablespoons of cream and beat it all with a blender. Honey or sugar can be added to the resulting mass to taste. Divide the ice cream into molds, then place it in the freezer.

Potato salad with sorrel

To prepare this dish, boil a few young potatoes and cut them into quarters. Put a bunch of sorrel cut into strips and more chopped greens in a large bowl. Then send the potatoes there, two cut into pieces salted cucumbers. To these ingredients, add four boiled quail eggs, cut into circles. Mix the salad and season it with vegetable oil.

Sorrel and spinach salad

For this dish, you will need half a kilogram of spinach and fresh sorrel leaves, as well as four stalks of green onions. These ingredients must be washed and chopped. Next, add two diced boiled eggs to the greens. It is recommended to dress the salad with sunflower or olive oil with the addition of lemon juice.

Sorrel soups

Soups prepared on the basis of sorrel are especially popular and loved by housewives. There are many various ways its preparation. So in sorrel soup you can add chicken, cheese, raw or boiled eggs. We offer you the most simple variants of such first courses.

Classic sorrel soup

A clove of minced garlic, saute in vegetable oil. Coarsely chopped sorrel leaves (approximately two hundred grams) put in a pot of boiling water. Attach the poached garlic to it, add a couple of tablespoons of chopped parsley. Boil over low heat for ten minutes. Then the soup should be placed in a blender, chopped, add sour cream and cream to taste. The soup can be consumed both hot and cold.

Soup with sorrel in a slow cooker

This soup is prepared very simply and quickly, allowing you to save time on cooking. So, to begin with, finely chop the head of the onion. Chop a bunch of sorrel, dill, parsley and cilantro. The slow cooker should be switched on to the "baking" mode, setting the time mode to thirty minutes. Fry onions in vegetable oil for ten minutes, and then send all the other ingredients to the slow cooker, salt and pour a liter of water. It is recommended to pour a beaten egg into the finished soup.

Barley soup with sorrel

This first course can be prepared on meat broth. Start cooking by boiling pearl barley because it is a rather lengthy process. While the barley is preparing, take care of the fry. To do this, grate the carrots, chop the onion and fry it all in vegetable oil. Dice three potatoes, Sorrel leaves (one hundred and twenty grams) must be thoroughly washed and then chopped. When all the ingredients are ready, send the potatoes to the pot with boiling broth, and after ten minutes add barley to it. In about twenty minutes it will be possible to fill the soup with roasted onions and carrots. Add sorrel five minutes before the dish is ready, so it will retain its beneficial features. Barley soup with sorrel served on the table with sour cream and half a hard-boiled egg.

Sorrel soup with cabbage

First, prepare the broth and bring it to a boil. Throw two diced potatoes into the stock pot. After ten minutes, send thinly chopped white cabbage(approximately four hundred grams). While the vegetables are cooking, prepare a roast of chopped onions with grated carrots, add grated tomato to them and simmer for a while. Put the dressing into the soup. After five minutes, send the sorrel leaves, cut into strips (two to three bunches), into the pan. When the dish boils, you need to reduce the heat to darken the soup for about five minutes. Then you need to let the dish brew, season with finely chopped boiled egg and you can serve the soup to the table!

Sorrel soup with stew

This dish turns out to be hearty and rich, besides, such a soup is prepared much faster than on the broth. So, chopped onions and carrots, fry in sunflower oil until the characteristic color. Peel four potatoes and then cut into cubes. Place potatoes in boiling water. And after ten minutes, attach the contents of one can of stew to it and cook for seven minutes. After that, send one hundred and fifty grams of sorrel cut into ribbons there. The soup will be ready in ten minutes!

Sorrel and chicken dishes

Sorrel and chicken are an excellent culinary combination piquant taste The main thing is to prepare them correctly. We bring to your attention the most popular and affordable recipes.

French sorrel chicken

Cut one and a half kilograms of chicken into medium-sized pieces and fry in butter. When the meat acquires a delicious golden hue, reduce the heat and add two hundred grams of finely chopped sorrel to the chicken. Next, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the dish for about five minutes. When the sorrel starts to juice, season the dish with spices to your liking and simmer for about ten more minutes.

sorrel sauce

Fried chicken meat can be served under special sauce from sorrel, which will give dishes a pleasant sourness, a special piquancy and a unique taste.

For cooking sorrel sauce, you will need one bundle this plant. Rinse the sorrel leaves, dry, and then grind in a blender to a puree state. Add finely chopped greens, spices, a little lemon juice to the resulting mass and the sauce is ready!

Chicken soup with sorrel

Boil half of the chicken cut into pieces until tender. Eight potatoes, cut into small cubes, put in a boiling broth and slightly reduce the heat. While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the dressing by sautéing the chopped onion and grated carrots in sunflower oil. Sorrel leaves, green onions, dill, wash and then chop. When the potatoes soften, add to the soup, greens, frying, bring to a boil and boil for a couple more minutes.

Pies with sorrel

Sorrel serves as an excellent basis for all kinds of fillings. It is used in the preparation of various pastries.

Sweet pies with sorrel

To make these pies, cook any yeast dough, and while it rises, you can work on the filling. To prepare it, take three hundred grams of sorrel, rinse and chop very finely. Put the chopped greens in a deep bowl, and press with your palms so that the sorrel releases the juice. In principle, the filling is ready. Now roll out the dough, make small cakes out of it and put the prepared filling in the middle of each, sprinkling with sugar. Finished pies place on opposite side. Lubricate their surface with a pre-beaten egg, then send a well-heated oven for twenty minutes.

Fried pies with sorrel

To prepare the dough, you will need a glass of kefir. Add a tablespoon of sugar, one egg, two tablespoons of melted butter to it. Gradually add flour (three hundred grams) and knead the dough until it acquires sufficient density. Now move on to the stuffing. To do this, chop one hundred grams of oxalic leaves and season them with four tablespoons of sugar. Next, you need to roll out the dough into a layer, half a centimeter thick and use a glass to cut it into circles. Put the sorrel filling in the middle of the circle, then cover with another circle and pinch around the edges. The pies are fried in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Harvesting sorrel for the winter

Many housewives tend to prepare sorrel izima , so that in the cold months, please your family with rich vitamins and refreshing summer dishes. There are many ways to prepare this product. The most popular methods include freezing, salting and canning. Consider these recipes in more detail.


To begin with, sorrel leaves should be washed well and dried thoroughly. After that, cut the sorrel, place in sealed containers for freezing and send to the freezer. It is not recommended to defrost sorrel before use.


In order to make a blank in this way, you will need a special wooden tub. True, some housewives manage to pickle sorrel in a glass bottle. So, pre-washed and dried sorrel leaves, put in layers in a prepared container, sprinkling each layer with coarse salt. Put a press on top. Before use, salted sorrel should be washed in cold water.

canned sorrel

Cut the sorrel into fairly large strips. Bring two liters of water to a boil and lower the prepared sorrel there. After a few seconds, when the greens darken a little, remove the sorrel with a slotted spoon and place in a pre-sterilized jar. Add a small amount of water to the jar, then roll up.

Thus, sorrel dishes allow you to significantly diversify the diet, as well as provide the body with a whole range of useful substances.

Sorrel recipes are especially hot in the spring. Cooking sorrel does not require special skills. The site has sorrel recipes with photos that will help diversify your menu. Sorrel does not belong to salad greens due to the high concentration of oxalic and malic acid. But sorrel is indispensable for soups, appetizers and pie fillings. Only sorrel has such a huge range of flavors, from sour in soups to sweet in pies. All due to the fact that heat treatment acidity is reduced. But in some dishes, for example, in green cabbage soup, where sorrel creates the main taste, the acidity lasts for more than one day after cooking. For sorrel salad, choose one of two varieties - young leaves without stems or spinach sorrel. It differs from the first in thin narrow leaves.

Airy and soft fried pies with sorrel melt in your mouth. Cooked according to this recipe and fried in a pan, they resemble the taste of childhood. Yeast baking with such a sweet and sour filling, you can cook from spring until the end of autumn, while the season

chapter: Patties

Green soup with buckwheat is prepared on the basis of the leaves of various edible herbs. The main ingredient in the green soup recipe is sorrel, which gives ready meal specific, slightly sour taste. In addition to sorrel, green soup can be prepared

What to cook if a lot of sorrel has grown? Having sorrel and fresh sorrel recipes, you can tasty and simply cook the most delicious dishes from leafy vegetables. Can be made from sorrel tasty first dish, hot second, cold third, use acid to prepare simple and healthy dessert dishes.

Horse sorrel and garden sorrel appear in the fields and on the beds among the first fresh greenery. The leaves of fresh sorrel, collected from spring to mid-summer, are saturated with vitamins, taste sour, the leaves look bright green and contain maximum amount chlorophyll.

Doctors are arguing - what's in. Before you start cooking leafy sour greens, called sorrel, you need to understand how to properly cook sorrel, what dishes are prepared from sorrel in addition to green soup to use fresh vegetables tasty and beneficial.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Sorrel is able to fill the lack of vitamins in the human body in the spring. Before cooking homemade dish from the leaves of plants containing oxalic and malic acid, make sure there are no contraindications to eating sorrel dishes, frozen or fresh.

How to use sorrel, what can be prepared from sorrel? The second dishes from it are prepared, as a rule, according to traditional recipes, sorrel is included in all kinds of dishes, combined with a variety of delicious dishes. Sorrel dishes are amazing and varied - soups, green borscht, sauces with sorrel, salads and favorite toppings for, kutabs and pancakes.

Use greens in such unusual dishes from sorrel, like sorrel casserole, sorrel dessert. When there is a lot of sorrel and you don’t know what to cook from it, use the collection best recipes. We offer sorrel recipes, sour dishes, tasty and simple.

Sorrel sauce


  • sorrel - 1 bunch;
  • kefir - 50 g; sour cream - 150 g;
  • fresh dill greens - 1 bunch;
  • green onion - 50 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Tabasco sauce - 5 drops;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Recipe for cooking.

  1. Put the washed sorrel in the blender bowl. Garlic, passed through the press, put there too.
  2. Then add sour cream, kefir, salt, pepper and literally Tabasco.
  3. We complete the laying out of the products with fresh dill and grind the sauce with a blender until smooth.
  4. We get a refreshing sauce appetizing bright color. We serve it to, pour over the sauce.

Second courses: recipes

Not everyone knows that from a green plant, previously considered a weed, you can cook delicious salads, soups and second courses. Cutlets from it, side dishes, omelettes and pancakes can be prepared using such recipes.

Recipe: stewed sorrel

You will need: sorrel - 400 g; butter - 4 tbsp. l.; onion - 1 pc.; egg - 3 pcs.; parsley - 1 bunch; salt, pepper to taste.

Recipe. Simple recipe and very easy to cook according to it quickly tasty dish. We wash the sorrel in running water and boil for 5 minutes, pouring salted water. We recline in a colander, let cool, wring out and cut.

Chop the onion into small cubes and fry in oil. Add chopped sorrel, chopped parsley, salt and mix. Simmer until ready. Pour the stewed sorrel with eggs and quickly bring to readiness, closing the pan with a lid. The dish is ready, and we serve it hot to the table - quickly and very tasty.

Sorrel stewed with vegetables

To stew vegetable sorrel, you can use fresh tomatoes or canned. Fried, stewed sorrel is an amazing tasting dish and great side dish with sourness.

Ingredients: sorrel - 1 large bunch; red tomatoes - 200 g; tomato juice- half a glass; onion - 2 pcs.; lemon - 1 pc.; garlic - 3 cloves; vegetable oil for frying; salt and pepper.

Cooking. Fry the chopped onion in vegetable oil until it becomes transparent. Add chopped onion green leaves pre-washed. Pour in lemon juice, add crushed garlic. Mix the mass and simmer for 1-2 minutes.

Add chopped tomatoes, tomato juice and simmer for no more than 5 minutes. Serve the garnish to, use for serving.

Potato gnocchi with sorrel

Ingredients: potatoes - 300 g; sorrel - 200 g; flour - 100 g; egg - 1 pc.; cheese hard varieties- 50 g; parsley - 2 tablespoons; green onion - 2 tablespoons; butter - 50 g; ground black pepper; salt.

Preparation of the second course. Boil the peeled potatoes until cooked, drain the water. Mash the potatoes with a masher or pass through a meat grinder. We cut off the thick stems of the washed sorrel and cut the leaves.

Bring water to a boil in a saucepan. We shift the pieces of sorrel into a sieve and lower them into boiling water for 20 seconds. We pour over the oxal mass cold water.

IN mashed potatoes add sorrel, 1 tablespoon chopped green onions and parsley. We mix. Add an egg grated cheese, salt, flour and pepper. Knead the sticky dough with your hands.

Sprinkle the working surface of the kitchen table with flour, lay out part potato dough and roll a sausage with a diameter of 3 cm from it. Cut into pieces 2 cm thick. With a fork we make grooves to give the gnocchi a traditional shape.

IN separate saucepan boil water, salt. Lower the gnocchi and boil for no longer than 2 minutes. We take out the finished gnocchi, put them on a plate and pour the dish with sauce, butter, mixed with the remaining herbs.

Green omelet in the oven

Ingredients: sorrel - 20 g; spinach - 20 g; chicken egg - 6 pcs.; sour cream - 2 tablespoons; butter - 20 g; dill - 10 g; parsley - 20 g; green onion - 30 g; leaf beet (chard) - 20 g; salt.

How to cook the second dish. Dill, parsley and green onion wash, dry and finely chop. We chop the washed leaves of the main ingredient - spinach - and chard. Melt the butter in a frying pan.

Put everything in oil green ingredients and simmer for a couple of minutes. While the greens are stewing, beat the eggs with sour cream and a pinch of salt with a whisk.

Pour the egg mash into the pan on the greens, mix and let it thicken over medium heat. We send the pan with the omelette to the oven under hot grill two or three minutes. As soon as it rises well and lightly browns, the dish is ready.

Omelet rolls with sorrel

Ingredients: chicken egg - 6 pcs.; sorrel - 200 g; bacon - 100 g; butter - 2 tablespoons; salt - 0.5 tsp; ground black pepper.

Preparation of the second course. Beat the eggs with a whisk in a bowl with salt, black ground pepper if the family love spicy dishes. We sort out the sorrel, wash and dry it. We cut into strips.

Lubricate the pan with oil, spread the chopped sorrel evenly over the surface and pour over the eggs. Fry six of these omelettes. Lay out on a plate. We turn the finished omelettes into a tube, cut in half and wrap each with bacon.

Sorrel puree

Ingredients: sorrel - 1 kg; milk - 1.5 cups; butter - 4 tbsp. spoons; flour - 2 tablespoons; boiling water - half a glass; chicken egg () - 2 pcs.; salt pepper.

How to cook the second dish. We sort out the sorrel and wash it under running water. Finely chop and pour boiling water, simmer for 5 minutes. Drain in a colander and drain off excess liquid.

Heat half the oil in a frying pan and fry the flour for small fire. After the appearance of flour nutty smell Add milk and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Salt, pepper and bring to a boil, let thicken.

Add the sorrel and simmer the puree for 10 minutes on the slowest fire without a lid. Grind the yolks and mix with soft butter. Remove mashed potatoes from heat and season with egg yolk sauce with butter. We serve to the table as a side dish to or on our own with croutons from.

Nettle and sorrel cutlets with spinach

Ingredients: sorrel - 300 g; nettle - 200 g; spinach - 100 g; grated cheese - half a glass; chicken egg - 2 pcs.; flour - 3 tbsp. l.; vegetable oil; salt, pepper to taste.

Preparation of the second course. Sorrel, nettle and spinach are sorted and washed under running water. Put the greens in a saucepan and pour boiling water. The amount of boiling water should completely cover the leaves of the plants.

Bring to a boil and remove. We shift the greens into a colander. Allow the leaves to cool, squeeze and finely chop. Add in flour, eggs and a pinch of salt. Add chopped cheese and knead. Pour oil into a heated frying pan.

Scoop the minced meat with a tablespoon and spoon into the hot oil. Fry the cutlets on one side, after browning the bottom, turn over to the other side. Ready cutlets Place on paper towels to remove excess oil. Serve the dish with sauce.

Sorrel salads

by the most popular salads Salads with radishes and eggs, cucumbers and tomatoes are considered. In addition to cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, and eggs, sorrel salad ingredients typically include various vegetables and various greens. Green onions, spinach, parsley and fresh dill make delicious and simple combinations in salads.

From fresh vegetables, greens without heat treatment of products, dishes retain a maximum of vitamins and minerals, salads with the addition of boiled eggs are often an independent dish either serve useful addition to the main dishes.

Salad recipe with beets and sorrel

Ingredients: beets - 200 g; sorrel - a small bunch; chicken egg - 3 pcs.; Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.; fresh cucumber- 100 g; sunflower oil; salt.

Cooking. We wash the whole beets, wipe them dry and bake them whole in the oven or cook in. You can bake in foil for 50 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 degrees until cooked.

My cucumbers and cut into cubes, circles. from pre-washed bell pepper remove the core and cut into thin rings. Sorrel, washed in cool water, spread on a towel. After drying the leaves, cut them coarsely.

boiled eggs clean and cut into circles. We clean the cooled beets and chop them like cucumbers and eggs.

Salad collection. At the bottom of the dish we lay out sorrel leaves, sweet pepper rings, circles of eggs, cucumber and beets. We salt the salad and season with sunflower oil.

Salad with egg and radish

Ingredients: sorrel - 200 g; radish - 200 g; canned green peas - 100 g; chicken egg - 2 pcs.; green onions - 50 g; sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.; fresh herbs; salt.

Salad preparation. Wash the radishes and cut into slices. We sort out the sorrel, rinse it under running water and give time to dry. Cut into straws. We chop green onions. We cut the egg into cubes. Drain the liquid from canned peas (you can use it). We combine the components of the salad, salt and mix. Season with sour cream and decorate the dish with fresh herbs.

Sorrel salad with nuts

Ingredients: sorrel - 350 g; onion - 1 pc.; walnuts- 15 nucleoli; milk - half a glass; parsley - 3 sprigs; salt.

Recipe for cooking. Sorrel leaves (preferably young ones) are peeled and washed under running water. Dip the leaves in boiling water and put them in a colander. Let the water drain and cool. We cut the prepared green leaves, chop the peeled onion. Pour the onion with boiling water and leave for a few minutes to remove the bitterness.

Grind walnut kernels with a blender. Dip the nuts into the milk. Add sorrel, onion, chopped parsley and salt to the mixture. We mix the salad and put it on a dish, decorate with nuts.

Salad with cucumber

Ingredients: cucumber - 200 g; fresh sorrel - 50 g; canned corn - half a can; chicken egg - 4 pcs.; green onion - a small bunch; sour cream; salt.

Cooking. Choose fresh and wash cucumbers. Cut the cucumbers into slices. Green onions, washed in cold water, dried with a towel.

We use fresh sorrel for salad. First, remove large petioles, wash the leaves well and cut. Boiled eggs cut into cubes. Drain liquid from canned corn. We mix all the ingredients and season with salt, sour cream.

First meal

Sorrel recipes, first course recipes, used at home all year round. , borscht, cabbage soup and are included in our daily menu winter and summer. hot summer days It is customary to serve the first courses cold, hot and cook cabbage soup in the cold season.

chilled soup recipes summer heat are the main family food, such dishes are refreshing, they have fresh herbs and fresh vegetables. The basis of the first courses is water, fermented milk drinks- kefir, whey, ayran - or with sour cream dressing.

Often there are recipes for fish-based, first courses are prepared with seafood - either squid. Refreshing soups in meat broth are made with pieces of meat, with the addition of sausage.

Sorrel soup with sausage

Ingredients: sorrel - 300 g; smoked sausages - 6-8 pieces; onion - 1 pc.; garlic - 3 cloves; carrots - 1 pc.; chili pepper - a piece; broth - 800 ml; sweet paprika - 1 tsp; greens - 3 tablespoons; ground coriander - 0.5 tsp; black pepper; salt.

Cooking spicy soup. Cut the sausages into circles. Chop the onion into pieces, chop the garlic with a knife, grate the carrot. We cut the hot pepper into smaller pieces. Put sausages in a pan with heated oil and fry them for 2 minutes. Add all vegetables and spices. Fry for 10 minutes.

Bring to a boil in a saucepan. Put the washed sorrel and chopped into pieces into the broth along with vegetables and sausage. Cook the soup for 2 minutes. Add greens to soup. We close the sorrel dish with a lid and let the stew brew for 5-10 minutes. Serve to the table with salt.

Botvinya from sorrel and beet tops

Ingredients: meadow or garden sorrel - 200 g; spinach - 300 g; cucumber - 2 pcs.; beets with tops - 1 pc.; green onions - 1 bunch; dill - 1 small bunch; fish or crayfish - 300 g; kvass - 1 liter; sugar - 1 tsp; vinegar 3% - 1 tbsp. l.; horseradish - 1 tbsp. l.; lemon; salt.

How to cook botvinya. Botvinha is prepared with beet tops, hence the name of the dish - botvinya. Beets with tops (often young beets are used) are cut together with stems and leaves. Let the beet itself into a small amount water by adding . Leave stems and leaves fresh.

We wash the sorrel under running water. Cut into strips and lightly let in own juice. We wipe the finished mass through a sieve. Cut the onion and mix with salt, grind until the juice appears. Add horseradish and sugar to the onion. Grind cucumbers, dill and spinach.

We combine all the chilled ingredients in a saucepan and pour. Pour the botvinia on plates. We put a piece in each plate or add boiled crayfish, a slice of lemon, salt and serve the dish to the table.


Sorrel soup with meatballs and nettles

Ingredients: nettle - 30 g; water - 1.5 l; sorrel - 150 g; zucchini - 100 g; carrots - 100 g; tomato - 100 g; potatoes - 4 pcs.; minced pork - 300 g; onion - 1 pc.; dried marjoram - 1 tsp; chicken egg - 1 pc.; Bay leaf- 1 PC; salt and black pepper - to taste; sour cream; butter - 15 g; vegetable oil - 1 tbsp; sour cream for serving.

Preparing the first course. Nettle is added to the sorrel in the soup, but it is possible without nettle. Nettle has a rather characteristic taste and smell, but nettle is useful, and it is good to add the upper young leaves to the soup.

With pork meat or minced meat twist the bulb. Add marjoram, salt, pepper, mix and sculpt with your hands. We rub the carrots on a grater. Cut the tomato into cubes. Fry the carrots for a couple of minutes. Add tomatoes and fry for another minute. remove from fire.

Place potatoes in boiling water, bring to a boil. We throw the meatballs, let it boil again, close the lid, reduce the heat and cook for 5 minutes. We cut sorrel. We wash the nettle, scald it with boiling water and grind it. Three zucchini on a medium grater. After 5 minutes, add the zucchini and frying to the soup and cook the dish for 10 minutes, at the end we throw in the bay leaf.

Cut the hard-boiled egg into cubes, add it to the soup. Close the pan with a lid and let it brew for ten minutes. Season the soup with sour cream, sprinkle with pepper and serve.

Sorrel with salmon

Ingredients: sorrel - 150 g; salmon - 250-300 g; potatoes - 350 g; butter - 3 tbsp. l.; cream 33-35% - 1 cup; salt; ground black pepper.

Cooking sorrel. Cooking fish broth from salmon, as on,. We take out the fish and strain about 5 cups of broth. Bring it to a boil and add potatoes. Cook for 15-20 minutes. We transfer the leaves of the green plant to the blender bowl along with soft butter and beat the mixture to a puree state.

Puree potatoes with broth using a blender. Add cream and heat the soup, without bringing to a boil. Adding sorrel puree, stir and remove from heat. Salt, pepper and serve sorrel with pieces of fish, fresh herbs and a boiled egg.

Sorrel and spinach puree soup with avocado

Ingredients: onion - 1 pc.; sorrel - 100 g; spinach - 200 g; avocado - 1 pc.; broth - 2 cups; garlic - 2 cloves; olive oil - 2 tablespoons; salt - a pinch; nutmeg; black pepper; greenery.

Cooking green soup puree. Warm up in a saucepan olive oil and put the chopped onion, fry until cooked. Pour the broth into the saucepan and add the prepared spinach. fresh spinach cook for 5 minutes. Add sorrel and boil for 3 minutes. Take the soup off the heat.

Remove the skin from the avocado and cut into slices. We send the avocado with chopped garlic in the press to the soup. Puree with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Serve puree soup with chopped herbs.

Okroshka with sorrel on kefir

Ingredients: sorrel - 1 bunch; radish - 5 pcs.; cucumbers - 2 pcs.; green onion - 1 bunch; kefir - 500 ml; mineral water - 1 glass; green canned peas- half a glass; canned corn - 2 tbsp. l.; sour cream; salt.

Okroshka preparation. We sort out the sorrel and wash it in running water. Finely chop the leaves. We cut cucumbers into cubes, radish into semicircles, smaller green onions.

Throw the ingredients into a saucepan. Adding canned corn And green pea. Salt and mix. Put the salad mixture in the refrigerator to cool for half an hour. In a separate bowl, combine chilled mineral water with gas and kefir. We lay out the chilled salad in plates and pour over the traditional one. We fill with sour cream.

Pastries and desserts

Baking recipes in home cooking a special place when it comes to sorrel dishes. green plant, which has sour taste, allows housewives to cook a variety of pastries.

In the spring, having sorrel on hand, it is easy to create delicious options fillings for pies and pies with your favorite flavors - from sour and sweet and sour to very sweet or with a slight pronounced sourness.

Any dough is used for such pies, pies and pancakes: purchased. From the test sweet pastries and unsweetened can be cooked in the oven, fried in a pan.

Cheesecakes with sorrel

Ingredients: fresh sorrel - 100 g; dry cottage cheese - 300 g; wheat flour - 5 tablespoons; oat bran- 2 tbsp. without a slide; chicken egg - 1 pc; salt - 0.5 tsp; granulated sugar- 3 tablespoons; vegetable oil.

How to cook cheesecakes with sorrel. For cooking delicious cheesecakes we need cottage cheese of any fat content, egg yolk, salt, sugar, fresh leaves, wheat flour, oat bran, sunflower oil For .

Cooking. We wash the leaves under cold tap water, let the water drain. Cut the sorrel leaves. Put the cottage cheese in a bowl and add the leaves. Grind the curd-sorrel mixture with a blender until a homogeneous mass. Add salt, sugar and egg yolk. Mix with a spoon.

Pour the sifted flour and bran, mix the sweet curd mass. On a board sprinkled with flour with a spoon, lay out in portions, sprinkle each portion with flour and form.

Heat up a frying pan with oil. We spread the cottage cheese cheesecakes and fry over low heat until golden brown on one side. Flip carefully and fry the other side. We serve ready-made cheesecakes to the table with sour cream or watering.

Pies stuffed with sorrel

Ingredients: wheat flour - 500 g; milk - 300 g; live yeast - 20 g; sugar - 20 g; butter - 100 g; salt for dough - 1 tsp; sorrel - 300 g; chicken egg - 3 pcs.; onion - 200 g; salt for the filling - to taste; ground black pepper; butter - 30 g; chicken egg for greasing pies - 1 pc.

Cooking baking. We start baking pies with dough. We breed yeast in 100 grams warm milk with the addition of 1 tablespoon of sugar. Stir and set the dough in a warm time for 30 minutes. We sift the flour. Pour the remaining milk into a separate bowl, heat and dissolve the butter and salt in the milk. Pour the sifted flour and add the dough.

Knead a soft, non-sticky dough. Cover the bowl with a tea towel and leave in a warm place for 40 minutes. Punch down the dough and let it rise a second time. To prepare the filling, boil hard-boiled eggs. We sort the sorrel, wash and cut.

In a skillet, sauté finely chopped onion in butter until translucent. Add chopped sorrel leaves to the onion and fry for no more than a minute, stirring the leaves.

Mix the diced eggs with sorrel and onion, salt, pepper and knead the filling. ready. We pinch off a piece of dough, flatten it, put a tablespoon of the filling in the middle. We make pies from the whole dough and lay them seam down on a baking sheet, greased with oil.

Let the pies stand for 10 minutes and rise while the oven heats up. Brush the top of each pie with beaten egg. We put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake for about 15-20 minutes.

Kutaby with cottage cheese and sorrel

Ingredients: wheat flour - 180 g; water - 100 ml; cottage cheese - 150 g; sorrel - 300 g; green onion - 2 tablespoons; vegetable oil - 1 tbsp; salt for dough - 0.5 tsp; butter - 2 tablespoons; salt for the filling to taste.

How to cook kutabs. We start preparing kutab with kneading. Sift the flour into a bowl, pour half a teaspoon of salt into it. Pour water into the center of the flour vegetable oil. Knead the dough with your hands and wrap it in cling film.

To prepare the filling, knead the cottage cheese with a fork, chop with a blender or wipe through a sieve. Sorrel and green onions, washed and chopped, add to the curd. Salt and mix the stuffing.

We pinch off the same pieces from the dough and roll them into balls. Roll out the balls of dough in . On one half of the cake, spread 1.5 tablespoons of the filling. Cover with the second part, connect the edges of the cake. Fry kutabs on a dry cast iron pan without fat and on low heat. Lubricate the finished kutabs ghee. We eat hot or cold.

Puff pastry puffs with sorrel

Ingredients: puff pastry- 1 pack; cheese - 200 g; sorrel - 300 g; butter - 3 tablespoons; eggs - 4 pcs.

Cooking baking. Defrost store-bought puff pastry and use immediately. Boil eggs hard boiled. We wash the sorrel, dry it on a towel and cut it. We heat up half the oil and fry the greens in it for no more than 3 minutes. Mix chopped eggs with sorrel mass. Salt and pepper the filling. Roll out the dough into a layer 1-1.5 mm thick and cut into rectangles.

We spread the filling on the pieces of dough with a thin layer, crumble the cheese and turn it into rolls or envelopes. Bake in the oven, brushing with butter on top, until golden brown.

Pancakes with sorrel

Ingredients: sorrel - 500 g; milk - half a glass; butter - 2 tbsp. l.; yolk of one egg; sugar - 1 tbsp. l.; salt; sour cream.

Cooking baking. Bake thin. Cool down. Pour sorrel leaves with a small amount of water and simmer for 3 minutes, salt to taste. Strain and grind into puree.

To prepare the sauce, lightly fry the flour in butter, dilute with milk, adding it in portions. When the mass thickens, we drive in the yolk and add sugar. Pour into puree and mix. Lubricate sorrel stuffing and roll them up. We eat with sour cream.

Homemade ice cream with sorrel

Ingredients: egg yolk - 1 pc.; fresh sorrel- 70 g; cream 33-35% - 20 ml.

Ice cream recipe. We wash the sorrel and pour over with boiling water. Crushed fresh leaves in the refrigerator. We spread the greens in portions in a blender, add the yolk, beat. Add cream and continue beating until smooth. We shift the oxal mass into a container for freezing and send it to the freezer. Freeze the mixture to a consistency like.

Sorrel jelly

Ingredients: sorrel - 500 g; granulated sugar - two thirds of a glass; starch - 2 tablespoons; water - 2 l; salt - on the tip of a teaspoon.

Sorrel recipe. Wash the sorrel, finely chop, pour a small amount of water and simmer for 5 minutes. We wipe the green mass through a sieve, add the rest of the water, sugar and boil the mixture for a couple of minutes. Starch is diluted in a small amount of cold water, added to the green mass and boiled again for 5 minutes. We drink chilled.

Rules for cooking sorrel dishes

Refreshing in the heat, a plant with sourness - sorrel - saturates our body first natural vitamins. His delicate taste loved by adults and children. To save useful material plants, to make dishes from spring fresh herbs delicious, you need to know how to cook from it:

  1. collection of meadow plants is carried out away from roads;
  2. before starting cooking, the leaves are carefully sorted and washed under running water;
  3. to let the water drain, the leaves are thrown into a sieve or colander;
  4. it is worth considering that prolonged heat treatment destroys vitamins;
  5. the leaves of the plant reach readiness very quickly, a few minutes are enough;
  6. to avoid an unpleasant metallic taste in dishes, it is recommended to cook sorrel dishes in cast iron or aluminum dishes;
  7. after heat treatment, the oxal mass is reduced by 10 times compared to the amount of a freshly harvested crop;
  8. with prolonged heat treatment, plants lose green color, second courses, the first become dark brown.

We hope that the recipes for cooking sorrel dishes will help you quickly prepare the most delicious, not only the first and second courses from it. Sorrel appears in the spring, it is easy and affordable to cook main dishes, pastries and collect fresh green leaves in the summer in the meadows and in the garden. Cook tender leaves with sourness and leave your feedback about the prepared dishes from useful plant called sorrel.

Bon appetit!

The gentle, sour taste of sorrel is refreshing in any heat. But sorrel is loved not only for its gastronomic advantages: it is also very useful. In addition, sorrel appears already in May, and you can collect and cook from it all summer. Until September, sorrel remains tender and fresh (especially if you periodically mow a clearing with it).

Sorrel brings us the very first spring vitamins and useful elements, it has a lot of vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, phosphorus and iron.

The healing properties of sorrel have long been known to people.
  • improves vision and is used in the prevention of cataracts;
  • has an antiviral effect;
  • useful for anemia;
  • strengthens joints;
  • helps cleanse the body of heavy metals;
  • used to prevent diabetes, heart disease, hypertension.

Important! The oxalic acid found in the plant large quantities can provoke heartburn and contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

How to cook sorrel

During heat treatment, sorrel instantly ... disappears. It becomes ten times less than it was in fresh. It first darkens, and then turns brown. Moreover, sorrel comes to readiness literally in 1 minute in a pan, and even less in boiling water, a few seconds are enough.

So it is better not to subject the sorrel to a long heat treatment, quickly fry or scald it so as not to lose all the beneficial substances.

Attention! Due to the presence of acid, sorrel easily reacts with metals. Therefore, you can not cook sorrel in aluminum or cast iron dishes, it is better to use enameled ones - your dishes will not have an unpleasant metallic taste.

Warm sorrel and potato salad

Photo: Shutterstock.com

Recipe 4 young potatoes

1 bunch of sorrel

1 bell pepper

5-6 quail eggs

2-3 tbsp vegetable oil

1 tsp mustard

1 tsp lemon juice

Step 1. Wash potatoes, cut into circles or slices, drizzle with oil, salt.

Step 2. Wash the pepper, remove the seeds, cut into large slices. Bake with potatoes in the oven.

Step 3. Boil hard-boiled eggs and peel.

Step 4. Cut the sorrel coarsely. Small - greens.

Step 5. Beat butter with mustard, salt and lemon juice.

Step 6. Cut the eggs in half, put the potatoes and peppers in a bowl, add the eggs, herbs and sorrel. Mix very gently and pour over dressing. Serve warm.

Croissants with sorrel and sheep cheese

Photo: Shutterstock.com 1 pack of puff pastry

200 g sheep cheese

300-400 g sorrel

3 tbsp butter

3-4 hard boiled eggs

Step 1. Defrost the dough. Boil eggs.

Step 2. Rinse the sorrel, dry it on a towel and cut it not too finely.

Step 3. Heat up half the oil and fry the sorrel in it for 3 minutes.

Step 4. Finely chop the eggs and mix with warm sorrel. Salt and pepper the filling.

Step 5. Roll out the dough into a layer, 1-1.5 mm thick, cut into triangles.

Step 6. Put the filling on the dough with a thin layer, not approaching the edge by at least 1.5 cm, crumble the cheese, roll the croissants from an acute angle to an acute one.

Step 7. Bake in the oven, brushing with butter on top, until golden brown.

Kissel from sorrel

Photo: Shutterstock.com

500 g sorrel

2/3 cup sugar

2 tbsp starch

A pinch of salt

Step 1. Wash the sorrel, finely chop, pour a little water and simmer.

Step 2. Rub the sorrel through a sieve, add the rest of the water, sugar and cook for a few minutes.

Step 3. Dilute the starch in a small amount of cold water, add to the sorrel and boil for another 5 minutes. Serve jelly chilled.

How to prepare sorrel for the winter

The most difficult thing in this business is to find very small jars. Best of all - 100 grams. Cans can be taken from baby food the smaller the volume, the better.

But you will need a lot of sorrel, since a whole bowl of fresh sorrel fits into a tiny jar.

So: sorrel, boiling water and sterilized jars. And yes, a noisemaker. This is all we need for canning. The fact is that there is acid in sorrel, and it preserves it.

What to do: wash the sorrel, tear off and cut off the hard stems, do not cut. Bring the water to a boil and throw in the sorrel in portions. For 1 minute. Take out the sorrel, which has decreased in size, with a slotted spoon and put it in a jar. When it is full close tightly.

It is better to store in the refrigerator or in the cellar. When you use it, you need to immediately prepare the contents of the entire jar, if you leave the jar open, the sorrel will instantly deteriorate. That's why we took the smallest jars. One is enough for a pot of green cabbage soup for four people, very convenient.
