
What is useful amaranth flour. Properties and uses of amaranth flour

On the territory of our planet grows great amount plants that can be eaten. Our ancestors actively used them in their daily diet, both by themselves and as one of the ingredients in cooking. complex dishes. One of the most interesting plant crops that can be actively used for food, while bringing great benefit health, is amaranth. So the main source of strength and useful elements of this plant is its seeds. Based on them, amaranth flour is prepared, which is distinguished by a mass of unique beneficial properties.

What is the value of amaranth flour? Product benefits

This product is characterized by significant nutritional value and has a unique biochemical composition. Which primarily consists in the presence in its composition of essential amino acids, strong antioxidants and a number of mineral elements. Amaranth grains are a source of sixteen percent protein, which consists of a third of essential amino acids, as well as fifteen percent fat, of which half is represented by Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. They are also rich in a number of B vitamins, tocopherol, provitamin A, ascorbic acid and vitamin D. Amaranth flour is also a good source of various minerals- iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, etc. It also contains other biologically active elements that determine its unique properties - squalene, phytosterols, as well as phospholipids and many others.

Amaranth flour is not only a unique biologically active food product, it also affects our body as a tonic and healing agent. Experts say that such a product is able to stimulate the activity of the immune system, eliminate inflammatory lesions, cope with viruses, bacteria and fungi, in addition, it also has good antitumor activity.

The systematic consumption of amaranth flour remarkably cleanses our body of various kinds of toxins and toxins, removes radionuclides and salts of heavy metals from it.

The composition of such a product contains a number of elements that are able to optimize the acidity of the digestive juice, as well as enhance the secretory properties of the intestines and stomach. Also, such flour has a wonderful anti-inflammatory, as well as wound-healing effect on mucous tissues. digestive tract, prevents the development of inflammatory lesions of the liver, as well as the gallbladder and bile ducts. Amaranth flour is characterized by a high content of choline, as well as phospholipids and methionine, all these elements optimize the process of bile separation and prevent the development of fatty liver. In addition, this product contains a lot of fiber, thanks to which it perfectly prevents constipation, optimizes the composition of the microflora of the digestive tract, and also cleanses the stomach and intestines from various harmful particles.

Thanks to his unique composition amaranth flour helps to remove “bad” cholesterol from the body, optimizes blood clotting processes, has a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels and has a good vasodilating effect, which helps to cope with hypertension. The presence of a lot of potassium and phosphorus in its composition helps to optimize the activity of the heart muscle.

Such a food product stimulates the processes of hematopoiesis, and activates the production of hemoglobin, helping to cope with anemia. In addition, amaranth flour can stabilize blood sugar levels and improve fat metabolism.

Scientists have found that such flour saturates the body with a number of powerful antioxidants that effectively neutralize free radicals and neutralize carcinogens. Thanks to these properties, this product is able to prevent the development of oncological formations of the skin, breast, digestive tract, etc.

The systematic consumption of amaranth flour optimizes the hormonal balance, which helps to cope with various ailments of the female as well as the male genital area. So this product will be especially useful for impotence, infertility, various gynecological ailments.

Among other things, this substance contains a number of biological components that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and even help to cure various ailments of this kind - fungal, viral, inflammatory, bacterial and traumatic.

The systematic consumption of amaranth flour will benefit those people who suffer from frequent headaches, insomnia, and ailments of the nervous system. It should be included in your diet and those who are prone to ailments of the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system, diseases of the oral cavity. Also this product nutrition will benefit from hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, problems with bones and joints, visual impairment. It is strongly recommended to be consumed by children, as well as by women exercising breast-feeding and expecting a baby.

Who is dangerous amaranth flour? Product harm

It is worth considering that amaranth flour in rare cases causes allergies. In addition, with extreme caution, it should be consumed with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gallstone or nephrolithiasis. The intake of such a product in food can sometimes cause minor dyspeptic symptoms - nausea, heartburn, loose stools.

Amaranth flour - benefits and harms, its use in cooking

In pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, new, healthy foods are gaining popularity. cooking from medicinal herbs, drying and using them in all kinds of dishes allow you to diversify the table for everyone who follows the right diet. One of these products is amaranth flour, the benefits and harms of which are the subject of controversy among well-known nutritionists. Cooking is no longer limited to using only wheat and rye flour, which has a lot of gluten. Amaranth flour is used in a variety of ways, it is good for diet food and even the treatment of ailments. Let's try to figure out what is the peculiarity of this flour and for what purposes it can be used.

Composition and nutritional value of amaranth flour

Amaranth flour is made from the amaranth plant, an ancient cereal crop (a rare name is amaranth), which was the main source of food for 8 thousand years among the ancient Aztecs and Incas. First of all, amaranth grains are valued for their high protein content, which is easily absorbed by the body. The taste and aroma of baking from amaranth flour has the aroma and flavor of nuts.

Amaranth flour has a considerable calorie content per 100 g - 465 Kcal, but fats with such a calorie content are only 3.9 g, and most of them are carbohydrates - 67.8 g. The basis of fat in amaranth grains are fatty acid- linoleic, oleic, linolenic. Due to this balance, using this flour in food there is no danger of losing weight control. 16-20% amaranth flour consists of vegetable protein. To satisfy the daily human need for protein, you need only 100 g of amaranth flour.

Also, this type of flour is rich in essential acids (primarily lysine), pectins, macro- and microelements. The flour contains all the main vitamins of the PP, B, C, E groups, as well as quercetin, rutoside, trefolin (flavonoids), and a considerable amount of minerals.

Interesting fact! Amaranth in Greek means "flower of immortality" or "unfading gift". That is why all amaranth products, including flour, are credited with miraculous properties up to rejuvenation and longevity.

Useful properties of amaranth flour

Amaranth flour products have long been appreciated by vegetarians, but recently many adherents of a healthy diet have become interested in this product. Nutritional composition amaranth flour makes it a truly valuable food product. It has been proven that flour from amaranth grains has a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • regular inclusion of amaranth flour in the menu helps the body keep weight under control;
  • amino acids in the composition of this flour maintain normal cholesterol levels, lowering the level of "bad cholesterol" in the blood;
  • flour from amaranth seeds does not contain gluten, therefore, in people with gluten intolerance, it does not cause allergic reactions and is approved for use;
  • indispensable for osteoporosis - contributes to better assimilation calcium, which comes with food;
  • rich in carbohydrates, amaranth flour normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • the use of flour from the amaranth plant enhances intestinal peristalsis due to plant dietary fibers, improves the digestion process;
  • amaranth flour removes toxins and slags accumulated over the years from the body, being a source of strong natural antioxidants.

This type of flour is useful for people with a weakened immune system, women in the position and lactation period.

About amaranth flour: what is the product

The right choice of flour from the amaranth plant is of great importance, because its value as a food product depends on the appearance, color and condition of the flour. amaranth flour, beneficial features which are undeniable, must have a certain number of features confirming its high quality:

  • amaranth flour has a gray-brown hue and differs markedly from the usual wheat flour in a visual comparison;
  • amaranth flour can only be found commercially premium, its grinding is fine and completely homogeneous, without inclusions;
  • amaranth flour has a light, pleasant aroma with a nutty note, which is also felt in ready-made pastries, and in a dry, uncooked product;
  • the texture of amaranth flour is lighter, airy in comparison with cereal flour.

How to choose high-quality amaranth flour

For the first time, you can choose a package with a mass of 200 g. This amount of amaranth flour is enough to evaluate its taste and understand whether this product suits your table. Amaranth flour of a domestic manufacturer has proven itself well.

When choosing a package with amaranth flour, take a couple of relevant tips into service:

Pay attention to the packaging - it is desirable that it has an insert window through which you can carefully examine the purchased product;

Flour keeps well paper packaging, the product in it "breathes" and does not become rancid. For this reason, it is better to prefer paper bags to plastic bags;

An excellent option would be a zip-pack for flour, which can be opened and closed many times, while the product is sealed in storage.

The shelf life of amaranth flour is 18 months.

Amaranth flour: use in home baking

Having a congenital allergy to gluten, a person is forced to refuse any baked goods containing flour with gluten. But amaranth flour has a peculiarity - it is gluten-free. What's more, it contains twice the essential amino acid lysine as wheat flour. Do you want to treat yourself to healthy homemade cakes? Amaranth flour cooking recipes are the most affordable, which are easy to correct even for a novice hostess.

Recipe 1. Pancakes on amaranth flour with milk.

Prepare the dough: beat 1-2 eggs with 2 tbsp. sugar, a pinch of salt and 500 ml of milk. 200 g of amaranth flour are gradually added to the whipped mixture, mixed with 1 tsp. baking powder. Added to the dough 1-2 tbsp. any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive) will prevent the dough from sticking to the surface of the pan.

Preparation: we start baking pancakes in a hot frying pan, pouring the dough in portions and frying until golden color. Ready hot pancakes will have an amazing nutty flavor. You can serve such a healthy delicacy with hot tea without fillers, or pour it with honey and sour cream.

Recipe 2. Pancakes from amaranth flour on kefir.

We prepare the dough: in 0.5 l of kefir add 150 g of amaranth flour and 1 egg. Beat thoroughly, add 1 tsp. baking powder (or slaked soda), a pinch of salt and 2-3 tbsp. brown sugar. Brown sugar can be replaced with honey or regular sugar, but brown pancakes are more fragrant and tastier.

Preparation: Spread in portions in a pan with a spoon. Fry pancakes in hot vegetable oil until tender, 1-2 minutes on both sides. fluffy pancakes on amaranth flour are good with jam and condensed milk.

Recipe 3. Sour cream cake on amaranth flour.

Cooking dough: 3 tbsp. mix amaranth flour with 200 g of wheat flour, add 1 tsp. baking powder and 100 g of sugar. In dry ingredients add 130 g of melted butter, 120 g of fresh sour cream (15-20% fat), 2 chicken eggs. Thoroughly mix the dough, one should be moderately liquid, a pleasant brownish tint.

Preparation: Sprinkle the dough mold with amaranth flour or grease with vegetable oil. Pour the dough into the form, distribute evenly throughout the volume. Bake the cake for 40 minutes, setting the temperature to 180 degrees. You can put the dough both in cold and in hot oven. Ready sour cream cake it turns out moist, similar to the famous brownie cake.

Many, faced with such a product as amaranth flour, have absolutely no idea how to take it. But this type of flour does not differ at all in the way it is used from the flour of other plants and grain crops. Flour can be used for breading, baking, and even almost raw - just adding to morning porridge or scrambled eggs.

Amaranth flour - benefits and harms

Amaranth is one of the most ancient agricultural plants, which is still actively cultivated in the countries of Central and South America. He was also known in Rus' under the name shiritsa. Amaranth grains outwardly resemble poppy seeds, but are light in color. They are widely used in cooking and folk medicine.

In cooking, amaranth flour is most often used, which has great benefits for the body, has excellent palatability and high nutritional value.

The benefits and harms of amaranth flour

Amaranth grains have a unique biochemical composition, which in its useful properties surpasses all known cereals, such as soybeans, wheat, rice, corn. Baking from amaranth flour provides our body with a number of essential elements and essential substances. 100 g of amaranth flour contains:

  1. Perfectly balanced composition of amino acids, including necessary for a person proteins that are not produced by the body. For example, there is 30 times more lysine in amaranth flour than in wheat flour. Lysine is an essential amino acid involved in biochemical processes, stimulating the restoration of skin, bone tissue and collagen production. In addition, amaranth flour contains proteins such as tryptophan (promotes the synthesis of growth hormone, serotonin insulin), methionine (protects against harmful effects strengthens the immune system).
  2. The vitamin composition of amaranth flour includes vitamins E (in a rare form of tocotriene), A, C, K, B1, B2, B4, B6, B9, PP, D, which allows you to enrich the diet, increase the supply of vitamins and fight hypovitaminosis;
  3. One of unique components grains and flour of amaranth is squalene, which was previously extracted exclusively from the liver of deep-sea sharks. This element slows down the aging process, eliminates skin problems and is involved in cell regeneration.
  4. Amaranth fatty acid complex includes stearic, linoleic, linolenic, palmitic, oleic acids, which are involved in the synthesis of hormones and prostaglandins, saturate the body with energy, strengthen the immune system, blood vessels and nerve cells.
  5. Micro and macro elements of amaranth flour provide the body with such essential elements - phosphorus (200 mg), potassium (400 mg), magnesium (21 mg), sodium (18 mg), as well as iron, zinc, calcium, selenium, manganese and copper;
  6. Amaranth flour is also a source of natural plant hormones phytosterols, which are involved in the most important life processes of the body, reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer, reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen and stimulate the synthesis of new cells.

Due to this unique composition and the content of rare components, amaranth flour is widely used as a dietary and therapeutic product that can help rejuvenate the body, improve its protective functions, and also reduce excess weight and combat obesity.

How to take amaranth flour?

Amaranth flour has a great taste and excellent baking characteristics, it is used to make sauces and gravies, as a food additive to cereals and stews, baking bakery products, cookies, fritters, pancakes.

Flour from amaranth grains is highly sticky, so it must be mixed with wheat, oatmeal or rye flour in a ratio of 1:3. When baking bread from amaranth flour, you can use a mixture of several types of flour. One of the most useful and dietary is the combination of oatmeal and amaranth flour with the addition of a quarter of wheat.

Nutritionists warn that you should not eat amaranth flour in its raw form, since in this form the absorption of nutrients slows down.

Amaranth flour: why is it valuable

Our time is characterized by the search for alternative food products through the invention of new or the revival of forgotten ones. These include amaranth flour and oil, which are popular all over the world. They have high utility and dietary properties Therefore, they are consumed by those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Also, amaranth products are usually present in the diet of vegetarians.
For us, these products are not yet widely used, but the general promotion of a healthy lifestyle should lead to their appearance on our table. Both oil and amaranth flour deserve attention. But we want to highlight flour in this article, since, by virtue of its purpose, it is the most practical.

Amaranth flour: what is and what is valuable

Amaranth is herbaceous plant from a number of grain crops growing in South America. It serves as a source of flour and butter, which are widely used in cooking. Amaranth flour differs significantly from traditional wheat flour in its properties. This is mainly due to the fact that ordinary flour is a source of fast carbohydrates, which, accordingly, are quickly absorbed and just as quickly deposited in all places that are not pleasing to us in the form of body fat.
The composition of amaranth flour contains complex fiber, which is practically not absorbed by the body. Coming out of it, she sweeps, like a broom, all the toxic "blockages" that poison his substances. Moreover, amaranth products can be consumed in large quantities without fear of excess weight.

Amaranth flour: product benefits

It contains a whole bunch of useful substances and elements that have a beneficial effect on the body and human health. In general, amaranth flour is a therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for such ailments:

Elevated cholesterol;


Oncological processes;

Diabetes, metabolic imbalance;

Liver disease;

Wounds, scratches, skin damage (fungus, herpes, frostbite, bedsores, ulcers and burns of various origins);

Violations in the activity of the sexual sphere: flour is useful for women and for men (especially for those who suffer from impotence), while it brings relief to women in the premenstrual and menopausal period;

Aging, disruption of the hormonal and immune systems.

These properties are provided by such elements: vitamins A, D, E, B (1.2), methionine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. In addition, amaranth is a source of valuable vegetable protein, the structure of which is most suitable for the human body. Therefore, it is indispensable for young children, pregnant and lactating women. Amaranth flour also contains such an element as squalene. It protects cells from the attacks of toxins, has immunomodulatory, rejuvenating and regenerating properties. It is a powerful antioxidant, helps to normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Amaranth flour: recipes from it

Ingredients: flour - 1 tbsp. l., cinnamon - 1 tsp., honey - 2 tbsp. l., water - 100 ml, vegetable oil. - 2 tbsp. l., lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l., nuts, baking soda.

How to cook

In one bowl, mix flour, baking soda, cinnamon and nuts. In the other - water, lemon juice, honey and oil, stir. Combine with flour, also mixing thoroughly. Spread the dough on a hot frying pan with a tablespoon. If it is thick, then add water.

Amaranth flour bread with bananas

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. premium wheat flour, 0.5 tbsp. amaranth flour, 1 tsp soda, 2 eggs, 100 g melted butter, 50 g honey, vanillin, 100 g nuts, 100 g banana puree.

How to cook

Mix amaranth flour and regular flour. Add soda, stir. Combine beaten eggs with honey and butter, beat again. Add the mixture to the flour, season with vanilla and put the banana puree. Stir to a paste-like mass and add nuts. Bake in the oven at 175 degrees for at least 60 minutes.

Medicinal properties of amaranth flour, useful recipes

Until the moment when people began to cultivate wheat, the main grain crop was amaranth. It surprises with its versatility, because both leaves and seeds can be used. The main product that is prepared from this plant and is very popular is flour.

Nutritionists are increasingly paying attention to the properties of amaranth flour. She has amazing biochemical composition, balanced and rich. It contains a lot of amino acids, and without them the body will not be able to fully carry out its functions. Flour contains many powerful antioxidants and valuable minerals. For example, there are proteins and Omega 3.

Due to the presence of vitamins, flour has a strengthening effect on the body of the one who consumes it. Some experiments were carried out, which revealed that if amaranth flour is used in recipes and consumed regularly, it has a beneficial effect on human immunity, the likelihood of malignant tumors and inflammatory processes decreases.

Amaranth flour contains a lot of fiber, which is necessary for the removal of toxins and toxins, salts of heavy metals. Other substances contained in it regulate gastric secretory function, thereby improving acidity, which has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. With the help of flour, you can overcome constipation, optimize fat metabolism.

Amaranth flour has a good effect on the blood. It removes bad cholesterol from it, normalizes hemoglobin levels, which is especially important for those who have anemia. Regular use perfectly affects vascular elasticity, improves myocardial function, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing a heart attack. The hormonal system responds well to amaranth flour, as a result of which many doctors include it in the diet for chronic diseases of the genitourinary mechanism.

The healing properties of amaranth

In the composition of flour are evident under the following conditions:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • the presence of oncology;
  • atherosclerotic changes;
  • metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus;
  • liver damage;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • skin lesions such as psoriasis, ulcers, etc.;
  • autism, etc.

Amaranth flour in its composition has a unique component - squalene. Previously, it was extracted only from the liver of sharks that live in deep waters. It allows you to slow down the aging process, get rid of skin problems, restore cells.

Yet there are negative properties which are activated under special circumstances. We are talking about contraindications when a person cannot or is not recommended to use amaranth flour or products from it. Obvious contraindications are:

  • gluten addiction;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

Use amaranth flour in recipes with caution in the following cases:

  • chronic digestive disorders;
  • hypertension.

In case of digestive disorders, it is necessary to start using flour in small doses, which can be gradually increased. At the same time, you need to carefully monitor your condition. For example, nausea and heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract may initially appear. If they become stronger, you should stop using flour. If a person suffers from high blood pressure, care must also be taken. This is due to the fact that when flour enters the body, the blood is actively filled with oxygen molecules, which leads to the development of dizziness.

Healthy nutrition from healing flour

Can cook various dishes from amaranth. Especially famous are porridges. For example, there is a very simple recipe that requires 1 tbsp. flour, 2 tbsp. water, salt and sugar from cane. Putting water on slow fire, you should slowly pour in the flour with stirring, wait for the boiling process, and then cook the composition for about 10 minutes. Sugar and salt are added as desired. For taste, you can use oil, vegetable or ghee.

You can also make porridge from milk, which is first boiled, then flour is added.

Amaranth sauce, healing mixtures, oil - this can also be made from flour. If there are no contraindications, it is necessary to eat food from such a valuable product. The benefits will be obvious, noticeable very soon. Of course, it is important to strike a balance, because even the most the best remedy may be harmful if used incorrectly.

The benefits and harms of flour from different plants

The opinion that flour products and proper nutrition are incompatible, fundamentally wrong. This is more of a stereotype than the truth. First, you should answer the question, how much do we know about flour. Its varieties directly depend on the source of manufacture. Today, types of flour are available, the products of which will bring more benefit body than some drugs. It is important to take into account the characteristics of each flour, use it in moderation and cook it with love. So let's talk in this issue about the benefits and harms of such types of flour as oatmeal, spelled, buckwheat, oatmeal, flaxseed, corn and amaranth.


This is oatmeal flour. To get it, the grains are roasted, dried, cleaned and crushed. Unlike ground flour, vitamins inherent in cereals are preserved in oatmeal. Oat grain flour has a low glycemic index, which allows it to claim the title of useful dietary product. It is very satisfying, but at the same time low in calories. Besides oatmeal has the ability to discourage the desire to eat sweets throughout the day. Oatmeal contains:

  • vegetable proteins;
  • fats;
  • B vitamins;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • antioxidants;
  • lecithin.

Thanks to this composition, oatmeal:

  • removes cholesterol from the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to eliminate depression insomnia;
  • strengthens the endocrine system;
  • has a preventive effect against the formation of blood clots;
  • improves the structure of hair and skin.

It is very difficult to abuse oatmeal dishes. This is one of natural products, which is easily digested and does not harm the body.

The only one flaw is the ability to reduce the absorption of calcium by the body. But this manifests itself only with the daily use of oatmeal in large quantities which is unlikely in practice.

spelled flour

It is obtained from a semi-wild wheat variety, the grains of which are characterized by increased brittleness and high value. Spelled, or as it is also called spelled, contains the largest amount of protein. The high content of plant fibers in spelled strengthens the immune system and improves digestion. Products based on this valuable cereal grain can often be found in health food stores. Useful substances contained in spelled are easily absorbed by the body. Regular consumption of spelled flour products contributes to:

  • normalization of blood sugar;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reduce the risk of infectious and oncological diseases;
  • improving the functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Spelled can be harmful only with individual intolerance to the product.

Buckwheat flour

The basis for its production is buckwheat. It is considered an environmentally friendly plant, which cannot but affect the quality of products from it. The whole secret is that buckwheat grows on almost any soil, it itself eradicates weeds, which means that it does not need to be treated with chemicals and pesticides. That is why buckwheat flour retains a whole range of useful substances.

It will help you get rid of extra pounds, will free the body of toxins and improve overall well-being. Buckwheat flour has the following beneficial properties:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • ensures the stability of the immune system;
  • stabilizes the work of the thyroid gland;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • helps skin cells to renew themselves, which contributes to rejuvenation;
  • supplies cells with energy;
  • normalizes the process of digestion;
  • prevents arthritis, rheumatism, atherosclerosis.
Buckwheat flour is advised to include in the diet of expectant mothers, as it saturates the body folic acid. Products based on buckwheat flour can harm the body only during exacerbation of diseases gastrointestinal tract. You can read about the benefits and dangers of buckwheat separately.

Oat flour

Obtained by grinding mature oat grains. It contains vitamins of groups B, E and PP. Oat flour includes a complex of microelements, among which is quite rare silicon, which is responsible for normal metabolism.

Some fifteen or twenty years ago, our knowledge of the types of flour was limited to several varieties of wheat or rye, and even, perhaps, buckwheat and oatmeal. However, today everything is different, and a person, having had enough of such tasty and harmful products, began to look for an alternative, and he did not find anything better than to turn to the origins. Much of what is becoming popular and relevant today was successfully eaten by our ancestors, but over the years it has simply been undeservedly forgotten.

One of the most useful products, with a minimum number of contraindications, is amaranth flour, the benefits of which are simply invaluable. Especially relevant is the use of such flour among those who have a persistent allergic reaction to gluten, which is not uncommon today. Let's figure out what amaranth flour is, what it is made of, and how it can be used for food, medicinal, and also cosmetic purposes.

The Aztecs and Incas knew a lot about healthy eating: amaranth flour - what it is and what it is eaten with

In recent decades, among people of various nationalities and countries, there has been an increase in the level of those who suffer from allergies to gluten, a substance found in cereals. With such a reaction of the body, it is strictly forbidden to eat everything that is made and prepared from flour, and then you have to look for an alternative, and there is one and this wonderful plant, which we have always considered to be a weed, called amaranth, or in other words scientific, amaranth (Amarnthus).

Scientists have already understood that this is amaranth flour, what properties it has, how easy it is, affordable and cheap to manufacture, and also good for human health. Even the UN Food Commission recognized this particular plant as the most promising crop for growing in industrial scale. It is amaranth or amaranth that can replace, or at least noticeably move wheat that has been reigning for more than one century from its rightful place.

However, no one invented anything new here, since even in ancient times people knew perfectly well about food and healing properties amaranth, or rather, its ground grains. The ancient inhabitants of Peru, the Maya and the Incas, and they were not alone, ate not only amaranth flour, but also fresh leaves, stems and even rhizomes, with proper processing. The Aztecs generally worshiped this beautiful plant, revering it no less than our ancestors wheat ears.

The Chinese also knew about such a useful plant, and it was they who found out that these tiny and nondescript grains can significantly extend life, rejuvenate the entire body, and delay the inevitable onset of old age, at least for a while. The ancient ancestors of the modern Chinese prepared a special potion from amaranth grains, and the Greeks generally considered this plant a symbol of eternal life and immortality.

True, in our country this plant, for many years of lack of demand, is considered to be a weed, which is difficult to get rid of, because due to unfavorable growing conditions, it simply partially lost its properties and useful qualities. At present, in our homeland, amaranth is not grown for flour, although it can often be seen as a decorative element of landscape design in gardens and flower beds. Mostly amaranth is grown for the production of flour in Asia, America, and Africa. But what benefits can amaranth flour bring, exactly how it is used and where it is used, we will talk about this in more detail.

Magnificent amaranth flour: benefits and harms to the human body

In its raw form, the amaranth plant is not eaten at all, and experienced gardeners who tirelessly fight weeds of all stripes can confirm this with all confidence. The stems of shiritsia are quite thick and tough, and the leaves have a velvety, but unpleasant to the touch surface. Today, amaranth is an industrial plant that serves as a raw material for the production of cheap butter, flour, and cereals. Growing such a plant does not require a lot of resources, which is why many consider amaranth to be the salvation of mankind from hunger.

The benefits of amaranth flour: chemical composition and healing qualities

Amaranth flour is an extremely valuable food product, as it contains a wide range of various chemical substances and compounds that are simply vital to the human body. Vitamins A and C, a rare D, E, as well as a rather long set from group B, micro and macro elements, fiber in an amount of six, and up to eleven percent.

Gluten sensitivity

Also, a similar product from crushed amaranth grains contains unique fats, for example, the notorious Omega-6 and Omega-3, and proteins, including methionine, tryptophan and lysine. However, the greatest advantage of amaranth flour is the possibility of its use by those who suffer from celiac disease, that is, from gluten intolerance, which in itself is the most powerful of all allergens, as scientists have found out.

Amaranth flour simply does not contain the same dangerous substance, gluten, which is abundant in cereals, not only in wheat, but also in other crops. Or rather, it is, of course, there, but in a negligible percentage, which makes amaranth a popular and relevant product for weight loss.

Lose weight without difficulty and hassle

Fiber and protein in large quantities, as well as the absence of gluten and the extremely low calorie content of amaranth flour, became the very factor that made it possible to use it as a dietary, highly healthy product. Moreover, the popularity of products made from amaranth flour is really rapidly gaining momentum, so you should pay attention to them.

Due to the rich composition of phytonutrients and fibers, the body prevents the absorption of excess cholesterol, with frequent and systematic use of fatty foods. In fact, it is unlikely that it will be possible to lose weight on such flour at an urgent, emergency pace, however, for long-term weight regulation, as well as adjustment proper nutrition without much effort, it will definitely help, and amaranth works in the long run, that is, it will prevent the possibility of a new weight gain.

Postpone aging and improve vision

Due to the high content of the famous vitamin E and A in amaranth flour, it can quite successfully fight against premature aging. Of course, amaranth is also not capable of completely rejuvenating the body, but it strongly resists and binds free radicals, which spur this, not at all pleasant, process. The substance skvlen, also present in the composition, has anti-inflammatory properties.

The presence of the same amazing vitamin A, as well as beta-carotene, helps to support the organs of vision when needed, which is also not at all unimportant. The possibility of cataracts is prevented, and age-related degeneration of receptors is significantly slowed down.

A new life without diabetes

Another property of amaranth flour is the ability to strangely regulate the production of insulin in the pancreas. However, there are also enough contradictions, as some studies indicate a high glycemic index seeds of this outstanding weed. However, most scientists tend to believe that three main properties still take place:

  • The conducted tests on volunteers made it possible to find out that when wheat flour is mixed with amaranth flour, the level of measured glucose in the blood is significantly reduced.
  • Bioadditives from amaranth increase the processing of lipids and glucose.
  • Amaranth oil, as well as the seeds themselves, can correct sugar levels, so as a preventive measure, they are great for those who are afraid of developing diabetes.

Help with anemia and gastrointestinal diseases

You need to know that amaranth seeds do have extremely high levels of iron. That is why it can be great success use to combat anemia. Moreover, the notorious apples would fall behind in the competition for the level of this substance by about half, and this, you see, is very significant.

Moreover, as already mentioned, this amazing product contains about fifteen to twenty percent dietary fiber. It is they who help to qualitatively fight diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and vitamins of groups A and E will help soothe the mucous membranes of the intestines, the stomach itself, and also the esophagus.

Do not forget, of course, about allergic reactions, which amaranth does not cause at all, since it is completely neutral. And that's not all, because it is flour from amaranth grains that can suppress the body's allergic reactions to other irritants, stop the problem, eliminate it, and this is no joke for you, but another serious plus.

Risks to Consider: Use Amaranth Flour with Caution

After listing the useful and even healing properties and qualities of amaranth flour, it seems that there simply cannot be any contraindications, but this is not at all the case. Everything has its pluses and minuses, and shiritsa is by no means an exception to the rule. True, compared with the advantages, the disadvantages of such a useful product are simply insignificant, however, they must be studied in sufficient detail so as not to commit rash acts.

  • Amaranth grains contain oxalic acid, therefore it is strictly forbidden to use it for people with kidney diseases, and even more so, those of a chronic nature.
  • In the presence of any chronic diseases, products with the addition of amaranth should be taken only during periods of remission, since the opposite result can be achieved.
  • It is worth consulting with your doctor before using such a unique product for food, as individual intolerance to this plant may appear.

There is one more contraindication, and it is quite significant, and nutritionists recommend listening and not doing something that could make you feel worse. The thing is that raw amaranth flour can prevent the high-quality absorption of nutrients by the human body. And not only from its own composition, but also from other products that were used with it. Be sure to carry out heat treatment flour, cook with it before you start eating, so raw foodists can immediately step aside, this product is not for them.

We discuss how to take amaranth flour: when the benefits and harms are obvious

About useful and also harmful qualities products made from amaranth, everything is already clear, it remains only to find out how they are most often used so as not to get into trouble with the options. In fact, there is absolutely nothing complicated, because from an amaranth seed you can cook a nutritious, tasty, healthy and fragrant porridge. They are also added to cutlets, both meat and vegetable. Amaranth has a rather delicate, with nutty notes, taste that will appeal to both adults and children.

Bread, buns, pies, pancakes and other products are very successfully baked from amaranth flour, as well as from ordinary flour. Moreover, many people who have already tested the use of similar product recommend not to purchase flour of incomprehensible quality and indefinite production, but to grind the grains yourself before cooking. This is quite feasible, the grains can be easily and simply ground on a household coffee grinder, or with the help of a special spice grinder.

At the dawn of mankind, amaranth and its flour were very popular. The ancient Indians were well aware of the unique, healing properties of this plant. Therefore, it was cultivated throughout the Americas, widely used in medicine and cooking. Later, it was undeservedly forgotten, amaranth fields were overgrown with weeds, useful recipes disappeared ...

Today, adherents of a healthy diet have resurrected amaranth. The plant itself, its leaves and stems are not used for food, except for the preparation of medicinal tinctures. Its grains are of nutritional value.

Oil is squeezed out of them, grits and flour are made. It's about latest product and we'll talk. What is so special about amaranth flour, what are the benefits and harms, how to take it and to whom - perhaps in the answers to these questions you will find the key to solving many health problems.

Interesting to know: Amaranth or amaranth also grows in Europe, but it was massively cultivated by the Indians of South America, along with maize. Once Europeans saw a ritual rite in which amaranth powder was mixed with blood. The plant was innocently declared a "devil's seed" and subjected to disgrace, while among the Indians amaranth was called the "gift of the gods."

Today, scientists have studied its properties and called amaranth a product of the 21st century. True, amaranth flour is still much more expensive than wheat or rye flour.

Composition and properties

Grains are extracted from the bright inflorescences-spikelets of amaranth. They are dried and then ground. The finished product contains:

  • amino acids, including essential lysine and tryptophan;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • antioxidants, including sclavene;
  • phospholipids and flavonoids;
  • phytosterols;
  • vitamins of groups B, A, C, D and E;
  • minerals - magnesium, calcium, fluorine, iron, copper, zinc and many others.

If we talk about the nutritional value of the product, then 100 g contains approximately 300 kcal, of which 9 g are proteins, 1.7 g are fats, 61.7 g are carbohydrates. But most importantly, there is no gluten in amaranth flour! For this reason, it can even be included in the diet of infants and allergy sufferers, because many people now suffer from gluten intolerance.

Compared to wheat flour, amaranth flour contains more fats and proteins. But recovering from it is more difficult, since it contains three times more fiber. Shiritsa dishes saturate quickly and for a long time, while the body needs a lot of energy to digest them. That is, it is an ideal supplement for losing weight.

So this unique product is shown:

  1. All children, starting from the first feeding, especially premature, often ill and allergic.
  2. Pregnant and lactating.
  3. Suffering from excessive weight, slagging of the intestines and liver.
  4. People experiencing great mental and emotional stress.
  5. Those who have a predisposition to diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  6. With weak bones, teeth, hair and nails.
  7. Adhering to a vegetarian diet.

Recent studies have proven that amaranth helps fight high blood sugar and prevents cancer.

Application in cooking

A spoonful of priceless amaranth flour can be added to children's cereals, soups, vegetable and fruit purees. But best of all, she has proven herself in baking. Amaranth flour makes bread more crumbly and airy. Ideally, mix it with wheat in a 2: 1 ratio. But even one part of amaranth to two parts of wheat flour will do its useful work.

Other uses:

  • instead of breading for meat and fish;
  • instead of bread in meatballs;
  • in half with plain flour for pancakes and fritters;
  • as a thickener for gravies and sauces.

Raw amaranth flour pure form you can’t use it, a large amount of solid fiber will be aggressive for the intestines, and useful substances will not be fully absorbed. Dishes with amaranth must undergo at least 10 minutes of heat treatment.

Finally, you can buy amaranth flour in health food stores or order it online. A quality product has a uniform fine grinding, a gray color with a brownish tint and a characteristic nutty smell.


It has been about 15,000 years since mankind has consumed bread. Its first prototype was obtained from stone-ground wheat grains, but over time, its gastronomic range has expanded significantly.

Traditional now white or black bread was not always at the head of the table. Before the reform of Peter the Great, which forbade its cultivation and consumption, the Slavic diet was based on amaranth, which, according to legend, endowed everyone with a long, happy life.

Consider the benefits potential harm how to take amaranth flour for different categories of people.

How to choose a good product

This is a plant whose name in translation means "giving immortality", has long been revered by our ancestors and representatives of the mysterious civilizations of the Incas and Aztecs.

The Chinese also knew the secret of longevity contained in amaranth, and the ancient Greeks did not go far from them.

Amaranth flour is made from grains of the annual amaranth plant. grown in Africa, America or Asia.

Now it is experiencing a boom in popularity, freeing itself from the label "weed in the flower bed." Some of its species have become decorative due to their most beautiful flowers.

Amaranth flour is a worthy replacement for refined products who have lost many of their valuable nutrients. A pleasant nutty aroma and yellowish color will be a good significator of the quality of the product.

For culinary purposes, a partially defatted product is used, made from amaranth meal with preliminary removal of oil from it. Fat quickly becomes rancid - this negatively affects the quality of the product.

The program “Live healthy” will tell you how to choose, store and cook dishes from amaranth flour:

Composition, calories per 100 g, nutritional value and glycemic index

The UN Food Commission has long identified this cereal as promising and very promising when cultivated on an industrial scale. It does not contain gluten - the same element"raising" dough.

Due to its allergenic properties, a negative attitude has developed towards it.

Celiac disease - an allergy to gluten - is increasingly attracting attention. For comparison: the protein of wheat grain consists of 80% of this element. This indicator is increasingly forcing housewives to take amaranth flour.

Its composition is unique.

The presence of vitamins: A, C, E, PP, group B, a huge amount of minerals: sodium, many valuable amino acids that our body does not produce itself - all this makes it a storehouse of health and longevity.

The high quality of the protein, which makes up almost 20% of the dry weight of the product, makes it attractive to vegetarians.

The glycemic index of amaranth, which determines the ability of carbohydrates to increase blood glucose levels, is 35, and energy value- 298 kcal per 100 gr.

The same dose of ground grains contains daily rate vegetable protein intake for an adult.

It contains twice as much calcium as cow's milk., and compared to wheat, it has 3 times more fiber and 5 times more iron.

Amino acid compounds included in its composition:

  • Methionine. Protects against the harmful effects of the environment, supports, prevents the harmful effects of salts of heavy metals, radiation.
  • Lysine. Helps the body to absorb calcium, actively produces antibodies, provokes an uninterrupted metabolism. This indispensable participant in the synthesis of hormones has an antiviral effect. It is very rare in plant foods.
  • Tryptophan. An element necessary for the production of serotonin and insulin.

  • proteins - 16%;
  • fats - 15%;
  • fiber - 9-11%.

What is useful and harmful to humans

Amaranth flour is an invaluable source of squalene, a substance that, like a harpoon, catches oxygen and delivers it to our cells.

Such aero saturation has a beneficial effect on health and well-being.

It has the ability to easily penetrate into tissues, gained fame as a potent immunostimulant.

Surprisingly, it acts on free radicals, reducing them destructive impact preventing the formation of tumors. Amaranth indispensable in the fight against skin diseases.

It is effective in eliminating fungal diseases, restoring frostbitten, damaged skin areas.

If you appreciate the youth and beauty of the skin, you it is worth including it in your diet, and a radiant, well-groomed look is guaranteed to you.

Body systems Impact
Nervous system Melatonin, produced in the body, harmonizes its work. Sleep improves, symptoms of depression are mitigated, mood improves, attacks of aggression go away
Protective Strengthens the immune system and mechanisms of resistance to the adverse effects of the environment.
Gastrointestinal tract Normalizes acidity, removes inflammation of the gastric mucosa. B vitamins prevent stomach and intestinal ulcers

Squalene and phytosterols affect fat metabolism, and fiber slows down the rate of absorption of sugar by the intestines. Removes toxins from the body, improves digestion.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas

Cardiovascular Thins too thick blood, normalizes heart rate, removes unpleasant chest pains, strengthens the heart muscle

The video tells in detail about amaranth, its benefits, harms, chemical composition and properties:

Health Benefits

Amaranth is not consumed raw, but serves as the basis for the production of flour and cereals.

In products made from this plant, contains residues of toxic nitrates, which are neutralized during heat treatment.

Since one of its main properties is the strengthening of immunity, the use of drugs of a similar effect is not recommended simultaneously with the introduction of this product into the diet.

For adult men and women

This flour is useful for overweight people, normalizes metabolism.

Vitamin A contained in it strengthens eyesight, and fats are easily absorbed by the intestines, participate in other metabolic processes of the body, but do not settle extra pounds at the waist.

Iron, which is part of it, prevents anemia, improves the functioning of the reproductive system.

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • immune system disorders;
  • sexual dysfunction.

For pregnant and lactating

Amaranth flour contains all the substances necessary for a baby in the womb.

Vitamin E, which is part of it, is important for the full development of the fetus.

It protects the genetic apparatus of embryonic cells from mutations that provoke harmful radiation or the presence of toxins and free radicals.

The same vitamin contributes to the formation breast milk during feeding and improves its taste. The baby will be happy to wait for both the next breastfeeding and food prepared on its basis.

For children

Since the calcium contained in amaranth is completely absorbed, unlike other calcium-containing products, he contributes to the strengthening of the bones and cartilage of the skeleton. This makes him indispensable product for children with rickets.

Many children at a tender age face the problem food allergies, and it can be difficult for mothers to choose a balanced diet for their children. The inclusion of amaranth flour in the diet helps to solve this problem.

For the elderly

A product with antioxidant properties, reduces the likelihood of hormonal disruptions.

Heart attack, hypertension, stroke, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, disease prevention - everything is within the power of this plant.

Prevention cancer: according to statistics, the risk of which increases with old age, also lies in the sphere of influence of this product.

Good results have been recorded after its active use in the treatment of liver diseases associated with alcohol dependence.

It reduces by half, which once again testifies in favor of its use by people of advanced age.

Potential danger and contraindications

Despite a rich track record, there are a number of limitations when using this plant:

  • Chronic diseases. It is recommended to include in the diet during remission to avoid possible complications.
  • Diseases of the kidneys. Contraindications for diseases of the urinary system that are incompatible with oxalic acid contained in amaranth grains.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Stones in the bile ducts and kidneys.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Raw amaranth flour prevents the absorption of valuable elements. To avoid this, it must be subjected to heat treatment.

Its use is no different from the use of already familiar varieties.

Although the Aztecs, for example, ground grain on the day of cooking - this is how its nutritional qualities are better preserved.

There is no optimal time for its use, but it is better to refrain from products with its content before bedtime.

If you eat a spoonful of amaranth seeds within 24 hours, the daily intake of fiber will be replenished.

In cooking

She is good for making porridge, bread, pastries, breadings. Thanks to nutty notes, it will decorate many dishes. It is often used in sauces as a thickening agent.

One of the most popular amaranth flour products is bread!

To prepare it you will need:

Mix all the ingredients, let the dough brew for 3 hours, then place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Video recipe - making bread from amaranth flour:

Air pancakes good for breakfast.

To prepare them, knead batter with these ingredients:

Fry until golden brown in vegetable oil.

As a weight loss aid

A large amount of fiber and protein in amaranth flour significantly reduces the calorie content of dishes.

Amaranth fibers prevent the body from absorbing excess cholesterol.

These two factors favorably affect weight correction.

It will be difficult to lose weight with only amaranth flour. Its introduction into the diet will not contribute to rapid weight loss, but will become an assistant in the fight against it. There is a chance to stop gaining extra pounds in the future.

For the treatment of diseases

Amaranth tea has long been prepared as a healing composition. To do this, pour 1.5 cups of dry, ground leaves of the plant into 5 liters of boiling water, insist for a day.

Vitamin B6, which is part of amaranth flour, is responsible for many factors that affect the beauty of our skin.

The production of collagen in the cells of the epidermis, the elasticity of the skin, the absence of flabbiness, the slowing down of the formation of wrinkles - these problems can be solved with masks based on it.

Dilute the flour in water until a jelly-like slurry is obtained, apply on the face for 15 minutes.

After its regular use, small wrinkles will disappear, the complexion will improve significantly.

The beauty industry has long been valued as a valuable source of youth and beauty.

It is obtained mainly from seeds by cold pressing, less often leaves, flowers or stems are used.

Omega 3, squalene, vitamin E are the natural architects of youth. Can be used neat on a damp face or mixed with other base oils which are selected according to your skin type.

High biological value amaranth flour makes this product indispensable in the diet, and its benefits are obvious. As a panacea for all diseases, it is unlikely to fit, but it can be used as a powerful health remedy.

Good day, friends! Amaranth flour is a source of health and longevity. Recently, more and more people have become adherents healthy food and lifestyle. One of the goals of this vision is to use the right useful products. IN this case, we will consider what amaranth flour looks like, its benefits and harms for our body. Our planet is rich in plant gifts. Even in ancient times, people were looking for edible plant products and used them in food purposes and as medical assistants. Amaranth flour was no exception.

America is considered its ancestor. The value of the plant knows no bounds, people symbolized it with immortality, it was used not only in dishes, but also in rituals. But since the rituals were supposed to use not only amaranth, but also human blood, the plant was banned by the mentors of the Catholic Church. Later appeared in Europe, but there was also under the sign of the ban. Only centuries later, the plant received its recognition in the nineties of the twentieth century. The seeds of the plant are used as food, they are processed into flour and amaranth oil. Few people know, but the plant is used for medicinal purposes, as a result, most often it is mistaken for a common weed or flower beds are planted with it as decorative flowers. In the people, amaranth is also called amaranth.
Amaranth, as a cereal crop, occupies a high position compared to others, and not surprisingly, the chemical composition goes off scale with useful elements. Due to the fact that amaranth flour began to gain high popularity among vegetarian cuisine admirers of healthy food, it was determined to cultivate the plant on an industrial scale.
At a time when the ancient Americans ubiquitously used medicinal properties amaranth, using it in dishes, our ancestors had no idea about such a plant. From the leaves they made salads, sauces, and from the grains they made flour, cakes and cereals.
Amaranth grains are white with a yellowish tint, round, all of the same size.

Amaranth plant, constituent elements

The chemical component of the plant includes a lot of unique components that distinguish amaranth from other plants. The value of amaranth flour is that it does not contain gluten, like wheat and rye flour. This is especially important for people who are allergic to this protein.

The composition includes: proteins (16%), fats (15%), fiber (10%), a huge set of vitamins: an almost complete range of vitamin B, C, A, D, E, micro and macro elements, phytosterols, squalene, phospholipids .

The composition of amaranth flour, saturated with useful components, is considered more valuable than other types, for example: rice, wheat, corn. Therefore, any products prepared from it will have the greatest benefit.

The plant is also valued for the presence of the valuable amino acid lysine in it. It is required to maintain muscle muscles, in the formation of collagen in connective tissues, in increasing immune strength. It has an antiviral effect, supports the functions of the heart and blood vessels accompanies the formation of antibodies. It is especially important to obtain this amino acid for people who have refused animal proteins. The lack of this element entails serious deviations in health. Headache, nausea, depression, depressed mood, frequent colds, failure of the menstrual cycle, rashes, etc. Therefore, the presence of lysine is very important for any organism.

An important element found in amaranth is squalene. Its content reaches 10%. It saturates organs and tissues with oxygen, has antimicrobial properties, increases the body's protective resistance to adverse factors, fights oncology, stimulates cholesterol reduction, and serves as a protective barrier to the body after radioactive exposure. It is considered the strongest enemy of oncology.

Previously, this element was extracted from shark liver, it contains squalene in an amount of up to 2%. Such obtaining was too problematic and expensive, fortunately amaranth became a godsend for such purposes.

Squalene will also be of interest to a female audience. He is able to rejuvenate the body. Applicable in professional cosmetology, and in home beauty recipes.

Vitamin D promotes healthy growth. Its content in amaranth is sufficient to prevent childhood rickets. Previously, amaranth was used for agricultural purposes, for nursing chickens and growing pigs.

The benefits of amaranth

We introduced you to the chemical composition of the plant, you will agree that the content in it useful components can be considered unique. Thanks to the selected composition, amaranth has no less valuable properties:

  • Immunostimulating
  • Antioxidant
  • Antibacterial
  • Antitumor

All its constituent elements are able to normalize the acidity of the digestive sphere, improve the secretory work of the stomach and intestines. Amaranth flour has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucosa of the digestive tract.

  • Prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the liver and gallbladder. Availability a large number fiber helps prevent constipation, improves the microflora of the digestive system, acts as an adsorbent against dangerous elements in the stomach and intestines.
  • Vitamin and mineral complex, favorably affects brain activity. It helps to strengthen blood vessels and, skills for better concentration, and fatigue does not occur so soon. There is a calm state and sleep is getting better. Bread and cakes made from amaranth flour are recommended for people with a busy schedule.
  • With the help of its valuable composition, amaranth flour is able to improve the process of blood clotting, has a vasodilating effect, making it easier to endure seizures, promotes the active production of hemoglobin in the blood. People with diabetes are capable of.
  • Regular use of amaranth flour in food, supports the hormonal background, helps prevent many diseases in the female and male genital areas: infertility, impotence, etc.
  • Folk recipes amaranth flour is used in the treatment of skin diseases: for eczema, herpes,.
  • In dentistry, it will save you from stomatitis and periodontitis.
  • It will cleanse the body of unnecessary substances, remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.
  • Vitamin A contained in amaranth flour will prevent the occurrence of eye diseases.
  • The amaranth product is especially useful for people with overweight because regular use improves the quality of fat metabolism.
  • Due to the large amount of antioxidants, it fights free radicals and carcinogens. As a result, cancer is prevented.
  • It is recommended to include in the diet of people suffering from urinary tract problems and kidney diseases.
  • Amaranth is useful for children and women in position and during lactation.
  • Slows down the aging process of the skin. This property is known to ancient ancestors. Thanks to the vitamin content in amaranth, the skin is able to maintain a healthy appearance. Vitamin B6 stimulates the production of collagen molecules in the epidermis. Allows the skin to remain elastic and toned longer, without wrinkles. It is known to many women that after 35-40 years, collagen production slows down, in this case amaranth acts as a stimulant that improves collagen processes.
  • Calcium in amaranth helps strengthen bone tissue, beneficially affects the nail plate and hair follicles.

Amaranth flour completely eliminates the inclusion of gluten, which cannot be said about other types of flour. Here is another plus in her treasury of usefulness. People who are allergic to gluten can easily include it in their meals without fear of health.

Amaranth flour how to take

Amaranth flour is easy to purchase at a pharmacy or store, in health food departments, and in online stores. Unfortunately, the flour that we sell is made from raw materials grown in Asian and African countries, in the American states. Also found on sale already finished products: bread, pasta from amaranth flour, cookies.
Add amaranth flour to sauces, cutlets, vegetable dishes, as a breading mass. With your lungs nutty flavor, it complements many culinary dishes, no one will remain indifferent.
When baking bakery products from amaranth flour, you need to add any other flour, due to the high gluten content in amaranth, in a ratio of 1: 3 (one part of amaranth and three of any other flour).
Surprise your loved ones with pancakes or pancakes made from amaranth flour, we are sure they will be delighted. And the usefulness of such products is guaranteed to you, so calmly treat your children to such a breakfast every morning.
Delicious cereals are prepared from amaranth grains. You will like it, in salty and sweet form. Boil the grains like regular cereals, adding water as needed during the cooking process, depending on what consistency you prefer.
For lovers of sprouted cereals, you can try to cook amaranth grains in this way. These cereals will be no worse than germinated grains of wheat. The germination process is identical to wheat, and the properties of amaranth will only enhance the medicinal qualities of the plant.

Application in home beauty recipes

Amaranth flour never ceases to amaze us in the cosmetic field. Most importantly, the simplicity of the recipes. Much easier, just dilute the flour with water to a paste-like state and apply to a cleansed face. Optionally, add any essential oil. Such a mask will not disappoint any beauty. Using it regularly, you will absolutely get a guaranteed result. The skin will smooth out and become more elastic with a uniform shade.

Harm, who is contraindicated in taking amaranth flour

With all the variety of useful substances and properties of amaranth flour and plants, the product also has a negative side, which is impossible not to pay attention to. People with chronic diseases should be especially careful, it can harm the body. Do not recommend taking people with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, problems with the intestines, with stones in the urinary canal and bile ducts, digestive problems, individual intolerance.
Be careful when adding amaranth flour to children's diet. Do not abuse frequent amaranth dishes. To make amaranth easier to carry digestive system, take vegetables as the basis of dishes. For easy absorption of nutrients, it is still better to use amaranth flour in products so that they undergo heat treatment. In its raw form, it is not recommended to use it, since the process of assimilation of useful elements is very slow.

Where to use and how to store flour

In addition to baking, amaranth flour is added to kefir, yogurt and fruit smoothies.
When making a purchase, pay attention to the date of the final sale. Flour with a six-month period may no longer be fresh, a rancid taste appears. There is an option, grind it yourself with a coffee grinder and store it in a closed container to preserve all the useful qualities. In this case, you will know exactly how fresh your flour is.

Having studied the benefits and harms of amaranth flour, we can say with confidence that the process of evolution and development does not stand still, but we cannot compete with the gifts of nature. And we are unlikely to find a better healer than nature itself. Include flour in your daily diet nutrition, and undoubtedly appreciate all its qualities and useful properties. Raise immunity without a doubt, which is also important for health!
