
What to cook from oatmeal for a child. Oatmeal - benefits and harms, recipes and applications

Many years ago, oatmeal was freely sold in any grocery store. Porridges, soups, various drinks were prepared from it, which were liked not only by children, but also by adults. Today, few people remember this product. In the article we will talk about how to cook oatmeal at home, about its benefits and harms, and also consider the main recipes.

What is oat flour

This is ordinary flour, which is made from oat grains. Previously, cereals were crushed in an ordinary mortar. Therefore, such a name appeared. Whole oat flour was considered the main ingredient for many drinks and dishes.

These were cereals, soups, pancakes, kissels and much more. Also, oatmeal from grains could be given to babies in the form of complementary foods.

The benefits and harms of oatmeal

Oats contain almost 20% protein, which is quickly absorbed by the human body. It also contains such valuable vitamins and amino acids as E, PP, B, tryptophan and lysine. Also, oats contain potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, fluorine, nickel, etc.

Due to its rich composition, oatmeal reduces blood sugar, helps with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, teeth, and also strengthens the nervous system.

As you can see, oatmeal is a very valuable product that can be consumed at any age, starting from 6 months.

Still, such a product can harm a person. After all, if there is heart or kidney failure, then this component is not desirable to use. There may also be individual intolerance. Therefore, before preparing the product in sufficient quantities, you must first consult a doctor.

Now you know everything about the benefits and harms of oatmeal. Let's take a look at how to prepare it below. You will also learn basic recipes from oatmeal.

How to cook oatmeal

First you need to choose such oat grains that germinate. Immediately they need to be soaked in drinking water for about a day. When the grains are saturated with moisture, they are ready to germinate. Finally swollen cereals can be removed from the water and steamed on hot steam. If this is not done, then the oatmeal will be bitter.

Then you need to thoroughly dry the grains in the oven and let it brew for about an hour. After that, the cereals are dried in a pan. Then the grains are sieved and cleaned of the excess film that formed during cooking.

Only after all the procedures, oats can be crushed in a mortar. In no case should it be ground like flour. The mortar can be not only wooden, but also plastic.

What is the difference between oatmeal and oatmeal

To begin with, I would like to note that these two products are completely different. You can make a delicious drink from oatmeal that tastes like cocoa, and flour replaces just a thickener and you get oatmeal jelly.

Since oatmeal is not ground, it is more useful. After all, most of the vitamins and nutrients remain in the product, which cannot be said about flour.

Plus, oatmeal can be consumed in its original form, brewing it with boiling water or milk. With flour, this procedure cannot be done.

Oatmeal soup without boiling

Often you want a variety of first courses. Therefore, we propose to cook an original summer soup. To do this, take 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, which must be diluted with one glass of warm salted whey. Let the mass infuse for about an hour.

In the meantime, mix 0.5 liters of whey and kefir, add already swollen oatmeal here. Mix the mass thoroughly. Let it brew for 15 minutes. In the meantime, cut into small cubes 5 cucumbers (fresh) and one bunch of parsley. Mix them with a mass of oatmeal, whey and kefir. You can add other greens to your liking.

When serving on a plate, you can pour a little sour cream and sprinkle with ground pepper. It turns out a very tasty, light summer soup made from oatmeal and herbs.

Porridge for babies

Not everyone knows how to cook oatmeal for babies. Everything is done quickly and easily. To do this, you need to crush the grains in a mortar (3 tablespoons) and pour into a small saucepan, where warm, slightly salted water (150 ml) is also poured. The mass is thoroughly mixed to avoid unnecessary lumps.

After that, water with oatmeal should be put on a slow fire and boil the porridge for 2-3 minutes until cooked. Such a dish is very healthy, and it can be given to children from the age of 6 months.

Pancakes recipe

We looked at how to cook oatmeal porridge and soup. Now we will analyze the recipe for pancakes, which taste better than the previous dishes.

Sift 1.5 cups of ordinary wheat flour and 0.5 cups of oatmeal, mix. Then add eggs (2 pcs.), 2 cups of warm water or milk here. Mix the mass thoroughly and break up the formed lumps. In this container you need to add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and mix again until smooth.

After kneading, the dough may become thick. In this case, add some liquid. Mix well. The dough should be liquid so that it can be easily poured into the pan. Fry should be exactly the same as regular pancakes. This dish is ideally combined with sour cream, berry jam, butter or honey.

Oat cookies

In a large bowl, add 1 cup each of the oatmeal and wheat flour. Add soda here (0.5 tsp), but it does not need to be extinguished. Just mix well with flour. Then add 1 cup of sugar, one egg and 100 g of soft butter or margarine. Mix all the products until smooth and knead the dough, which must be wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

After a certain time, we take out the dough, and then we roll balls of a convenient size out of it. Place immediately on a baking sheet. You can decorate the balls with drops of chocolate or just grease with yolk. After that, we put the baking sheet in the oven heated to 200 ° C.

We bake our oatmeal cookies until ready. It all depends on the specific oven model. It is best to check the dough for readiness with wooden sticks or matches.

Oatmeal candies

As a rule, children are very fond of sweets. If you already know how to make oatmeal, why not make healthy sweets for children from such a product? To prepare them, prepare the products:

  • butter - 1 pack (250 g);
  • milk - 40 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - to taste or 1 cup;
  • cocoa - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • oatmeal - 500 g;
  • nuts - 50 g;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes) - 50 g.

Put the butter in a warm place. When it becomes soft, mash it well with a fork and let it stand. In the meantime, pour the oatmeal with warm milk, mix so that there are no lumps. Add cocoa and sugar to this. Stir again and taste. If the mass is too sweet, add a little more oatmeal.

Mix butter with nuts and dried fruits until smooth. Then add this mass to the container with oatmeal. Mix everything together thoroughly. Now you need to roll the balls and put them in the refrigerator to harden.

After 4-5 hours, you can get and taste delicious, sweet and healthy sweets.

Berry oatmeal dessert

This is a simple and healthy dish that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. To prepare it, you need to crush oat grains (100 g) in a mortar and pour them into a small container. Next, add a few tablespoons of hot water to swell and leave for 20 minutes.

In the meantime, pour 150 g of cranberries and lingonberries into a bowl, add sugar to taste and beat well with a blender. We also put the cooked oatmeal here. Beat thoroughly again so that no lumps remain, then pour into molds and send to the refrigerator. The dessert will not harden, but it will become much tastier when chilled.

Oatmeal drink

Take 3 tbsp. l. grain and grind it in a wooden mortar. When you get oatmeal, pour it into a cup and pour 2 tbsp. l. hot milk or water. Stir the resulting mass thoroughly. Then add 180 ml of water or milk to the cup.

Stir again, cover with a saucer or lid for infusion. Now the drink is ready to drink. It can be strained through a fine sieve. The drink should be brought to the desired taste. You can add jam, sugar or honey to it.


To prepare this drink, pour 1 cup of oatmeal into a saucepan and add 4 cups of milk. Mix the mass well, as lumps may form. Place brown bread crusts on different edges. After that, our dough must be sent to a warm place for fermentation for about 5 hours. However, you can leave it overnight.

When the time is up, open the pan, take out the bread and add 800 ml of water. We bring the mass to the desired taste with sugar and your favorite spices, strain through a sieve and put on a slow fire. Kissel is cooked until it thickens. It is advisable to take the drink warm.


This is a delicious drink that is made from berries and oatmeal. How to make it? To prepare it, pour 300 ml of apple juice into a container and pour 20 g of oatmeal. Add 1 banana, chopped into pieces, 1 tbsp. l. goji berries. Let it brew, and then pour 200 ml of yogurt and 50 ml of milk into the same container.

Then add a pinch of cardamom, nutmeg and ground cinnamon at the tip of a knife. Blend all ingredients in a blender. The smoothie is ready to eat, but you can still let it brew in the refrigerator.

The use of oatmeal in cosmetology

Excellent masks and facial scrubs are prepared from oatmeal. Thanks to him, the skin becomes soft, enriched with various vitamins and minerals, which improves complexion. It even removes age spots that bother many people.

To cleanse the skin and saturate it with vitamins, p dilute 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal with 2 tbsp. l. warm milk (possibly more). You should get a thick scrub, which must be applied to the skin of the face and rubbed in circular massaging movements. After 20 minutes, wash off the face with tonic.

In the same way, you can make a mask for all skin types, but it should not be so thick. Therefore, more warm milk or water must be added.

Raw eggs, honey, and other foods can be added to oatmeal, depending on your skin type. That is why you first need to consult with a beautician to understand which products are right for you. Only after the advice of a specialist can you prepare a variety of masks and scrubs from oatmeal.


Now you know how to cook oatmeal at home. As you can see, many healthy dishes can be made from this product, including it is not necessary to cook Oatmeal, but you can just dilute it in warm milk or water.

To make the porridge more healthy and rich, you can add dried fruits, berries, various spices. Cook and surprise the family with your new gourmet dishes.

Oatmeal is a flour made from ground grains of oats (barley), which are pre-steamed well and then dried. The product looks like flour. Only unlike her, it has a much better taste, and most importantly, a high nutritional value. And that's good, of course!

Oatmeal is especially useful. Most often it is used for dietary and baby food. It is very useful for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, anemia. And also for those who are engaged in hard physical labor, go in for sports or just take care of their health.

So today we will talk with you about such a unique product as dietary oatmeal, what benefits and harms we will consider, and we will also give recipes for preparing it for children, and of course, they will fit for adults.

A bit of history

It should be noted that oatmeal is a product originally ours, Russian. Our ancestors cooked it from oat grains, which were simmered for long hours in a moderately hot Russian oven.

In the second half of the 19th century, industrial production of oatmeal began in Russia. Currently, the product is manufactured at domestic food plants. This high-quality, very useful dietary product is sold in our country and also exported to European countries.

The benefits of oatmeal

You can talk about the benefits of oatmeal for human health for a long time. We will focus on its main useful properties:

Firstly, oatmeal contains - bioflavonoids. These valuable substances are necessary for the prevention of cancer. They have a beneficial effect on the state of the endocrine, immune system of a person, and also cleanse the body of toxins.

In addition, the product contains a large amount of lignin. This substance effectively lowers the level of bad cholesterol.

Alanine, which is part of it, helps to strengthen the nervous system, normalizes blood sugar levels, and activates brain activity.

Well, cysteine, which also contains oatmeal, promotes weight loss, as it actively “burns” fats. It also protects against radioactive radiation and removes heavy metals from the body. Potassium and magnesium protect the heart, normalize its work.

In addition, oatmeal contains a large amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron and sodium. There are valuable amino acids, lecithin, as well as vitamins and antioxidants. These elements interact harmoniously with each other, having a positive effect on the whole organism as a whole.

How to use oatmeal in food? Recipes for children

Note that oatmeal does not require long heat treatment. For example, a quick porridge is prepared for breakfast: the product is simply poured with warm milk (boiling milk option) and stirred well. Add sugar, salt, butter. You can improve the taste with pieces of fresh fruit or berries.

Dessert with nuts and honey

For this dish you will need half a glass of oatmeal, some ground kernels of any nuts (1-2 tablespoons). Still need 1 tsp honey, 0.5 tsp. lemon juice.


Pour ground nuts into a bowl, pour 200 ml of boiling water, mix. When the mixture has cooled, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well again until smooth. You can add a little salt.

Nutritious pâté for sandwiches

You will need: 2 tbsp. l product, half a glass of fresh, chilled milk, finely chopped dill, parsley, lettuce. You also need 50 g of butter, a little salt (to taste).


Mix milk with oatmeal, heat over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Let the resulting mass cool. Separately, rub the greens well with oil, salt. Add to oatmeal mixture, beat well.

Baby porridge (suitable for first feeding)

This nutritious porridge for the little ones is extremely easy and quick to prepare. You just need to mix oatmeal with warm boiled water to the desired consistency. For taste, a little fruit (vegetable) puree is usually added to the porridge. You can put a slice of chopped baked apple. For older children, you can add butter, cream and milk.

Who is dangerous to eat oatmeal, what is the harm from it?

In general, oatmeal is a completely natural product, dietary, well absorbed by the body. It is very useful and there is practically no harm from it. However, you should pay attention to a number of negative aspects that can occur if it is used too often in large quantities.

If the product is abused, the body's ability to absorb calcium can noticeably decrease, which negatively affects the state of the skeletal system. However, for this you need to eat exclusively oatmeal, moreover, around the clock.

You should also not abuse the product, subject to. Dizziness, headache and weakness may occur. And we are on this page of the site www.! So take all this into account, and use a healthy product moderately, little by little, in small portions, gradually cleansing, healing your body. Be healthy!

Svetlana, www.site

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Oatmeal is a primordially Russian dish, previously widespread and, alas, almost forgotten today. It is a pity that modern children do not know the taste of oatmeal, that adults deprive them and themselves of hearty and healthy oatmeal dishes.

This natural product of high biological value is a wonderful breakfast that takes only a few minutes to prepare. Previously, oatmeal was the first complementary food after mother's milk.

What is oatmeal?

Oatmeal is a flour made from grains of oats or barley, which are pre-steamed, dried, fried, peeled and pounded. The technology for making oatmeal is reflected in the name (from the word "crush").

Oatmeal differs from milled flour primarily in its better taste, greater nutritional value, since all grain fractions are preserved in it, while in milled flour, the first most nutritious peeled fractions often go to waste. Oatmeal flour can be eaten without additional heat treatment.

You can give oatmeal to children from 6 months.

Oatmeal is useful for nursing mothers to increase lactation, the elderly and those recovering from serious illnesses and injuries. Due to its high nutritional value and easy digestibility, oatmeal is a dietary product and an auxiliary remedy for many diseases.


- chronic inflammatory diseases;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, low acidity of gastric juice, sluggish digestion;
- diseases of the liver and kidneys;
- oncological diseases;
- metabolic disorders;
- anemia;
- tuberculosis;
- nervous overwork, stressful and depressive conditions;
- skin diseases.

Due to its healing properties, oatmeal is used not only in home cooking, but also in medicinal. Just a teaspoon of this product provides 20% of the daily protein requirement for adults, and two spoons can reduce blood cholesterol levels by up to 10%. Oatmeal is a very useful product for a vegetarian diet.

For health purposes, it is used in the form of kissels, decoctions and cereals, for compresses and baths.


Porridge is cooked from oatmeal, drinks, kissels, desserts are prepared, added as a dressing to soups, vegetable broth, cabbage soup (1 - 2 teaspoons per 1 plate), casseroles. Oatmeal can be added to any flour products to improve their nutritional and dietary properties.

Oatmeal breakfast

Dilute 1-2 tablespoons in a glass of warm milk, kefir, yogurt, or simply in water, let stand for 5 minutes until the flour swells. Add salt, honey, grape or brown sugar to taste.

Oatmeal porridge

Dilute the oatmeal in slightly warm salted water so that there are no lumps.
Bring to a boil while stirring. At the end of cooking, add sugar or honey. Ready porridge can be anointed with oil.

Kissel from oatmeal

Milk - 300 ml, water - 100 ml, oatmeal - 30 g,
brown or grape sugar (you can honey) - 50 g.

We grind oatmeal with water, gradually introduce milk and cook for 5-10 minutes. After cooking, you can add sugar or honey.

Berry dessert

Beat 200 - 300 g of berries (cranberries, lingonberries, strawberries) with 100 - 150 g of oatmeal. Add 4 tablespoons brown sugar (or grape sugar).
Divide the mass into bowls.

Oatmeal fruit porridge

1. Boil dried fruit compote in a saucepan with a thick bottom, adding sugar and salt to it, pour oatmeal into the boiling compote, stir thoroughly, remove the pan from the stove and let stand for 5-10 minutes. If you want to get a fruity oatmeal jelly, then reduce the amount of oatmeal.

300 g dried fruits, 10 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, 6-7 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 liter of water, salt to taste.

2. Pour 200 g of frozen berries with water so that the liquid in the pan is 2 cm higher than the berries, add sugar and salt to taste, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. In the berry mass, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal, stir. You will get a thick porridge, hold it under the lid for 5 minutes, then dilute to the desired consistency with warm milk or cream.

3. Pour the juice into the pan, bring to a boil, pour in the oatmeal in a stream, mix thoroughly and remove from the stove. Banana slices can be added to the porridge. If you add only 1 tbsp to the juice. a spoonful of oatmeal, you get a tasty and healthy jelly.

2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, 200 - 250 ml of any fruit juice.

Porridge made from oatmeal and flaxseed flour

2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flaxseed oil, 1 teaspoon of flaxseed flour, a pinch of salt, sugar - to taste.

Stir the oatmeal thoroughly in slightly warm salted water, add sugar, put on the stove, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Let stand 3-5 min. Drizzle with linseed oil when serving. 1-2 minutes before boiling, add flaxseed flour to the oatmeal, the dish will become even healthier.

Oatmeal dessert

Grind any nuts into powder in a blender, add 1 tbsp. boiling water, beat in a blender, let cool. Add oatmeal, chopped walnuts, honey, lemon juice, salt to taste and mix thoroughly.

1.5 st. spoons of any nuts, 5 walnuts, 0.5 tbsp. oatmeal, 0.5 teaspoons of lemon juice and honey

Kulaga from oatmeal

1 kg of berries, 100 g of oatmeal, 200 g of sugar, honey

Berries pour a small amount of water, put on fire, bring to a boil.
Add brewed oatmeal to the berries, gradually add sugar during the cooking process and steam for 30 minutes in a water bath.
At the end add honey.

The simplest dish in the old days of oatmeal was kulaga. Kulaga is a mass mixed in cold boiled water and seasoned with salt. When the mass solidified, it resembled a dough from which various animals were molded.

Another way to use oatmeal was to knead it with water or kvass, salt it and roll it out in the form of sausages - “tars” (or “gobies”). A proverb was generally composed about him: “The fastest food is oatmeal: knead, but bring it into your mouth.” They also prepared dezhen - oatmeal with cottage cheese and milk or cream. Gradually, the range of oatmeal dishes expanded.

In fact, very few recipes for preparing oatmeal dishes have been published, since today it is used mainly in dietary nutrition and when feeding children, as well as by people with physical exertion, in sports and everyone who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle and nutrition.

It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, anemia, nervous fatigue.

Since there are few recipes for using oatmeal, and the product is very useful, I decided to give a small selection of recipes, in case the forum users come in handy.

English soup

Water 750 ml. , salt, oatmeal (oatmeal), milk or cream, sugar or syrup (honey).

Pour enough oatmeal (oatmeal) into lightly salted boiling water to make the soup thick. Before serving, whiten it with milk or cream, sweeten to taste.

nourishing paste

2 tbsp oatmeal is stirred in 100 ml. cold milk, heat the mass over very low heat until thickened, cool. Chopped fresh herbs (parsley, dill, lettuce, etc.) are rubbed with 50 gr. butter, salt to taste, mixed with oatmeal and beat. mass is used for sandwiches.

oatmeal cookies

Knead the dough from 1 cup oatmeal, 1 cup flour, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. sugar, 100 gr. margarine, 0.5 teaspoon of soda, a pinch of salt. Cool the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, roll into small balls, bake in a warm oven.

oatmeal pancakes

1.5 cups pancake flour, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, milk, oatmeal.

Knead the dough from the indicated products to the consistency of liquid sour cream, bake in a pan or pancake maker.

oatmeal jelly

Water 50 ml., Milk 150 ml., Oatmeal 15 gr., Sugar 25 gr.

Grind oatmeal in 1/4 cup of milk, add 1/2 cup of milk, cook for 10 minutes. add 20 gr. Sahara. At the end of cooking, you can add a little burnt sugar (5 gr.)

morning joy breakfast

Roll into balls a crushed mixture of 4 tbsp. l. Hercules Extra, grated apples (150 gr.). 1 tbsp honey, 5 walnuts, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp raisins. Sprinkle balls with oatmeal.

oatmeal porridge (oatmeal)

For porridge, any oatmeal, oatmeal or ground oats cooked in milk will do.

There is no time to cook porridge - pour oatmeal with bran or oatmeal with milk, let it brew. You can add fruits or berries to the porridge.

My recipe for oatmeal from Roma.

I pour water into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add fruits from the freezer (or dried fruits), let it boil, add oatmeal (or a mix of oatmeal and oatmeal), stir to a tedious density (sour cream), and turn off the heat under the pan, cover with a lid, let it steam .

While running around the kitchen in the morning, the porridge will be ready, it will take 5-10 minutes to open it.

It is good to make such porridge from 4-5 oatmeal cereals.

oatmeal fritters from Roma

I make these pancakes very often, they are very tasty and easy on the stomach.

I pour a glass of hercules (or a mix of hercules and oatmeal) with kefir (preferably old), so as to cover the cereal, stir, let it brew for 2-3 hours. When pouring kefir - at first do not pour a lot, look at the density, it is better to add a little more later.

Most modern nutritionists agree that humanity is using the possibilities of the current food market to its own detriment, that is, with the widest possibilities for organizing healthy, and at the same time tasty food, the choice falls on harmful products. At the same time, some products that were previously present in literally every home are simply unfamiliar to many today. For example, in recent years, there has been a massive talk about the benefits of oatmeal, but most people probably don’t really understand what it is. Nevertheless, many experts have already called this product "food of the XXI century", which means that it is time to remember the well-forgotten old.

What it is?

If you ask older people, they will remember that this product was quite easy to buy forty years ago, but even then it was obvious that it was about to go out of wide use. Indeed, over the course of several decades, oatmeal, known to our ancestors for many centuries, was forgotten, but today it is making new strides towards winning mass consumer love.

It can be logically concluded that this product is called oatmeal because it must first be crushed, however, the widespread belief that oatmeal and oatmeal are one and the same is incorrect. More precisely, visually, these products may seem identical to an uninformed person, but oatmeal involves a slightly more complicated manufacturing process. So, for a start, oat grains were soaked in water for several hours, and then they were kept all night in the oven, which, although not heated, retained the remnants of heat.

It turns out that the grains first swelled somewhat, and then not only dried, but even slightly fried. This is the difference from oatmeal, which is made from ordinary unprepared grain - oatmeal required pre-treatment of raw materials in the manner described above. After all the procedures, the oats were crushed and sifted several times in a row until the resulting powder acquired a uniform consistency.

It would seem, why such tricks, if the flour could be prepared without all this soaking and drying, but the difference, it turns out, is fundamental. The fact is that oatmeal, being flour from toasted grain, is not used for baking, but as a kind of porridge that does not even need to be boiled. The cooking process is shocking in its simplicity: you just need to dilute the powder with water or more noble liquids - milk or kvass, add a little oil - and you can eat it.

It turns out quite tasty, healthy, and most importantly - original, which allows you to diversify boring diets.

Composition and calories

Our ancestors, who massively ate oatmeal, did not even imagine how useful such a product is, their choice was based mainly on the availability of raw materials for preparing such food.

Scientists have proven that such an element of the diet for a person is very useful, if only because it contains many useful components.

  • Lecithin is considered perhaps the most important component of oatmeal, because this phospholipid is vital for the human body - without it it is impossible to build a normal cell membrane. Its presence in the composition of the cell membrane allows the latter to absorb protein, and its absence, accordingly, negatively affects absolutely all body systems. From the lack of lecithin, memory and attention are especially affected, the person as a whole feels constantly tired.
  • Vitamin P helps to strengthen the walls of small blood vessels, which quickly become brittle without it. Among other things, this substance also takes an active part in the removal of heavy metals from the body, and also fights allergies and slows down the aging of the body.
  • B vitamins have a very wide range of useful activities, and their absence, accordingly, has numerous unpleasant consequences. So, B1 contributes to the proper absorption of most nutrients from food, B2 is responsible for the healthy appearance and proper functionality of the skin and hair, B6 controls the metabolism of carbohydrates and supports the nervous system, and B12 is responsible for cell division into full-fledged new cells.
  • Oatmeal is rich in a number of various trace elements, including phosphorus and calcium, zinc and potassium, magnesium and copper, iron and many other useful substances in a smaller dosage. All of them are the "bricks" that make up the human body.
  • lignin- Another indispensable component that is responsible for the integrity of the vascular walls, complementing the effect of the use of vitamin P.

What is unusual about this product is the ability not to contribute to weight gain, even despite the very immodest calorie content at the level of 360 kcal per 100 grams. The fact is that you can’t eat a lot of such a product - it is very satisfying and tends to increase several times in the stomach. At the same time, it is absorbed for a very long time, and the body spends more energy on its digestion than it receives in the end.

Benefit and harm

It has already been described above how useful it is to consume certain components of oatmeal in sufficient quantities.

When using the product as a whole, the benefits are even greater.

  1. The product is whole grain, and the presence of such components in the diet helps to normalize blood sugar levels, preventing obesity and the development of diabetes.
  2. A significant percentage of oatmeal is fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines from toxins and harmful microorganisms. Interestingly, it is also the main food for beneficial microflora, without which digestion simply does not work.
  3. The components of the product have a positive effect on the work of the sebaceous glands, so that the hair and skin look healthy and well-groomed. This effect is useful not only to increase self-esteem, but also in the fight against unpleasant ailments like seborrhea.
  4. The presence of vitamin D in the composition of the product makes oatmeal a natural antidepressant that allows you not to lose a cheerful mood.
  5. Due to the high content of iron, oatmeal is considered a very useful and even necessary product for anemia. Other trace elements help to tidy up the myocardium, as well as teeth and bones.
  6. The preparation of oatmeal does not involve processing at high temperatures, so all its useful components are preserved in their original form.
  7. Gluten intolerance is not an obstacle to eating oatmeal, because it contains virtually no gluten.

As is often the case, even a comprehensively useful product in some situations can cause harm to the body. For example, the abuse of oatmeal will not be beneficial, since this product begins to wash out calcium from the body over time, and in case of acute gastritis with high acidity, such a product will only contribute to the active production of gastric juice.

For patients with gout, the use of oatmeal is also undesirable, since the latter provokes an exacerbation of the disease.

Finally, oatmeal is known to be a great food for quick weight loss, but a diet consisting only of this ingredient deprives the body of animal proteins, as a result of which constant weakness, nausea and dizziness become a permanent phenomenon.

How to cook yourself?

The approximate process of making oatmeal in the old days has already been described above, and today it has not changed much - it’s just that housewives are more actively using modern kitchen appliances to simplify the process, which was initially quite laborious. Today, it is customary to soak oats for oatmeal for about a day, while the water needs to be changed several times - it must be fresh all the time, otherwise unwanted microorganisms may interfere with the process. After that, the grains are steamed for another hour - a slow cooker, a double boiler or any other suitable device will help a lot with this.

Thoroughly swollen grains are sent to the oven - the optimal result in the form of toasted, light brown grains is achieved at a temperature of 100 degrees and an exposure of about five hours, and in order to avoid burning, the grains need to be stirred periodically. After that, it remains to turn the oat grains into powder - if you are not a supporter of the classic grinding in a mortar, use a coffee grinder or a hand grinder.

Rules of application and reviews

You can use the finished product in different ways and culinary delights are just one of the possible directions. However, today many people eat oatmeal not so much out of taste preferences, but on the advice of doctors and nutritionists - for this purpose, you need to snack on lean oatmeal porridge based on water every two hours. It should be remembered that it is impossible to abuse such a diet - it is devoid of animal proteins. The advantage of eating oatmeal for food is that there are practically no such diagnoses in which this product would be prohibited.

Since oatmeal contains enough useful substances that are responsible for the health and attractive appearance of the skin, beauty experts guessed that this product can be used not only for food, but also as part of face masks or scrubs. So, a combination of oatmeal and milk, strongly reminiscent of a similar food recipe, is used as a scrub against blackheads.

The cosmetic scope of oatmeal is practically unlimited - it is useful for both dry skin and oily skin, for rejuvenation or lightening, as well as for pigmentation alignment.

Recipes based on it

Contrary to the newfangled cosmetic exercises with food, oatmeal is still consumed mainly in food. The secret of making porridge has already been revealed above - the ground mass only needs to be diluted with water, milk or kvass to get an unusual, but very satisfying snack.

Culinary fantasy allows you to use oatmeal and more original.

  • For example, kulaga, a traditional dessert of the common people of past centuries, looks like ordinary porridge. The dish was prepared in the same way as ordinary porridge, only instead of the described liquids, berry compote was used, which required a liter per glass of oatmeal. This compote was cooked with the addition of sugar and honey, therefore it gave the finished dish a characteristic dessert flavor. Unlike ordinary porridge, kulaga was still subjected to heat treatment - a mixture of oatmeal and compote was kept in a water bath until it acquired a uniform consistency.
  • Soup lovers can make a liquid dish suddenly very thick and nutritious by adding oatmeal. Culinary experiments are not forbidden, but mushroom soup was especially popular among our ancestors. Mushrooms fried in the company of onions and carrots were dipped into a saucepan and boiled for several minutes, after which diluted oatmeal, which had time to infuse, was added to the future soup. A little heat treatment is also assumed here, because after adding all the ingredients, the soup should have been cooked for another five minutes. A thick brew is served on the table, accompanied by traditional sour cream and greens.

  • A very nutritious mixture of mashed potatoes and cereals is made from oatmeal for babies. In fact, a traditional oatmeal porridge is prepared separately in milk with the addition of butter, and then mixed with apricot or apple puree, both bought and cooked by yourself. It should be noted that for the digestive system of the baby, the abundance of fiber will be an exorbitant burden, because such complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than six months. Separately, it is worth recalling that oatmeal should in no case become a strict diet, because many parents abuse the product, appreciating its ability to satisfy the child's hunger for a long time.
  • The famous oatmeal cookies can also be made from oatmeal. To begin with, a couple of eggs are beaten with a third glass of sugar, then a glass of milk, a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of butter are added there, after which the mass is thoroughly mixed. Further, on its basis, with the addition of half a glass of oatmeal and a glass of oatmeal, as well as a pinch of vanillin, soda and salt, knead the dough, into which raisins, berries and dried fruits, as well as sesame seeds or flaxseeds, are added for taste. Cakes are kept in the oven for about half an hour until cooked.

You will learn more about oatmeal in the following video.
