
Fruit mixture for boosting immunity. Raisins for health

People are looking for a natural remedy to strengthen the body's defenses. A mixture of dried fruits to increase immunity in this regard has proven itself for a long time. In addition to dry fruits, according to the recipe, honey and nuts are added to the drug. The rest of the ingredients vary, but the base is always the same.

Such a mixture is considered a storehouse of vitamins. A mixture of nuts and dried fruits for immunity is recommended to be consumed for a long time. Do not assume that in a month your body will replenish all the necessary components and substances. All organs and systems need protection. Therefore, you need to use the remedy constantly, with short breaks. It is important to pay special attention to protecting the body in the off-season, when a cold can take you by surprise.

The action of dried fruits

Dried fruits with honey for immunity and not only because they increase protection and increase the level of hemoglobin, provide a surge of strength, have a positive effect on the heart and vascular system, and saturate the body with potassium.

A mixture containing nuts is especially needed and useful. With the addition of honey and lemon, the drug acquires an excellent taste and enriches the organs and every system with vitamins. Making a sweet paste that includes dried fruits is a fairly simple task and does not require a lot of time and money. This is a good help for vitamin preparations and expensive mineral complexes from a pharmacy. Moreover, the remedy is recommended for long-term use.

Many will say that they are more confident in the means from the pharmacy, but a self-made vitamin mixture is no less healthy and tasty. It is believed that in terms of taste, it can replace your favorite sweets or cake. This gives the tool an advantage. Using it as a snack with tea, you will not notice how you are saturated with important elements without harm to health.

Nutritionists never downplay the benefits of dried fruit. They recommend including this product in the diet, since it belongs to the ingredients of a healthy diet, not to mention the prevention of colds, since it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. The benefits of dried fruits for immunity are explained by the presence of pectin, mineral salts, organic acids, and fiber in them. Each dried fruit contains a whole set of important substances. Having considered this composition, it can be noted that the sweetness of honey and raisins is well complemented by the acid of lemon, dried apricots or / and prunes. The presence of nuts gives the medicinal drug a special perception by taste buds.

  1. Dried apricots contain a huge amount of potassium and magnesium with iron, calcium, B vitamins, sucrose with glucose, fructose. Acids of organic origin and pectin contribute to the rapid elimination of toxins and other harmful substances. If you have a sick heart, dried apricots are an indispensable product. It improves not only the activity of the cardiovascular system, but also helps to improve vision, strengthens the defenses. It is believed that this ingredient contributes to the preservation of hair, nails and makes them stronger.
  2. Prunes. This fruit is quite useful for the intestines. Contains acids (malic, citric, oxalic, salicylic) fiber. Of the mineral elements present: iron with potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus. Vitamins A, C, PP, group B. Useful for hypertension, tumor manifestations, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Prunes have a good effect on the digestive system, improves metabolic processes.
  3. Raisins are quite beneficial for brain cells. But besides this, it contains iron with potassium, manganese, magnesium, fiber, thiamine, B vitamins. It will improve the health of the suffering liver, heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. Organic acids, which are contained in the composition of these dried fruits, are important in the process of strengthening teeth and gums.
  4. Nuts. They are rich in polyunsaturated fats. Walnuts are especially famous for this. They need to be eaten daily. The antioxidants contained in them are several times higher than the action of vitamin E. The effect of this ingredient prevents heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. In combination with honey of any type, nuts saturate the body with useful substances and activate the immune system.
  5. Lemon. A large (but not maximum) amount of vitamin C. The acid complements the rich taste of honey with nuts well and allows you to optimize metabolic processes, tones and strengthens the body. The mixture normalizes hemoglobin and accompanies the elimination of gastrointestinal ailments.

A mixture of dried fruits for immunity with the addition of essential components is perfectly digestible, can replace harmful sweets and, if necessary, helps organs and systems recover.

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It takes a little over 10 minutes to prepare a healthy mixture.

Much attention should be paid to the quality of ingredients, especially dried fruits. Better if you dry them yourself. You can take not only apricots and raisins, but also apples, plums, pears, persimmons, dates, etc.

Take a mixture of dried fruits and combine it with crushed nuts (can be whole), 0.5 liters of liquid honey, 2-3 lemons. Raisins should be mentioned separately. You can put more of it in the drug, both white and dark. It is important to wash it, dry it and only then put it in the composition for immunity.

For the following recipe, dried fruits need a certain variety. You will need:

  1. 0.5 kg of any raisins.
  2. 500 gr dried apricots.
  3. 500 gr prunes.
  4. 500 gr nuts.
  5. 0.5 liters of honey.
  6. Big lemon.

Remove the bones from the lemon and cut it into slices along with the zest. Pass all dried fruits through a meat grinder. Add liquid honey. Thoroughly mix the contents and arrange in jars. Keep the product in a cold place. It is worth using a small spoonful (5-7 g) 3 times before meals.

A dried fruit drug for immunity is also prepared according to one more recipe. Take:

  • 200-250 gr of a mixture of hazelnuts, walnuts, cedar, cashews;
  • 20 gr pumpkin seeds (not fried);
  • 30 gr sunflower kernels (not fried);
  • 200 gr raisins;
  • 100 gr prunes;
  • 100 gr dried apricots;
  • 50 gr figs;
  • a little bird cherry, currant, mountain ash or cranberry, cranberries;

You need to grind everything with a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Above is honey. Add vanilla for taste and smell. As soon as the first jar of funds ends and the second one is on the way, we prepare a new portion. It's not worth doing too much. It is better if the ingredients are fresh.

In addition to dried figs, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dates can be added to the product. Many do not recommend using lemon, especially with zest. It's a matter of taste. It is believed that lemon is an excellent immune system protector. And with rather sweet dates, its acid will come to naught, but the beneficial substances will remain.

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Some characteristic features

A variety of components in the mixture is welcome. Only foods that you are allergic to should be excluded. For example, most often undesirable reactions of the body are observed on peanuts. You have to be especially careful with nuts. In case of allergies, take less of these substances and only one of the types, i.e. use only walnuts or hazelnuts, almonds.

The use of heat-treated components is unacceptable. In some recipes, it is recommended that before preparing the product, dried fruits, pour boiling water, insist and dry. Such an action is permissible, since it cleans the raw material from dirt and eliminates toxic substances from it. Do not leave bones in dried fruits. Delete them. But figs, dates and bananas (if you use them in the product) should not be soaked.

Lemon zest can be removed as it imparts a bitter taste. Some doctors recommend warming the nuts in a skillet. In this case, it is not worth pouring honey immediately, since honey loses its properties when heated. It must be used fresh and mostly liquid grade, since the mass of the remaining components is quite thick. May honey, liquid buckwheat is suitable for impregnation and softening. Candied honey - optional. It is not recommended to melt honey before use.

The mixture is stored in the refrigerator for a very long time, but the tasty product quickly disappears, as it is well used as a sweet. Do not abuse the remedy. Eat on a spoon 2-3 times, no more. The mixture is high in calories, overweight people are advised to eat it with caution and on the advice of a doctor.

It is proved that the calorie content of the drug per 100 g is as follows:

  1. Calories - 350-400.
  2. Fats - about 14 gr.
  3. Proteins - over 5 gr.
  4. Carbohydrates - about 50 gr.

In a couple of spoons of funds:

  • 50-70 kcal;
  • 1 g of proteins;
  • more than 3 grams of fat;
  • 13 grams of carbohydrates.

A mixture of dried fruits is also useful for children, but after 3-4 years. But they need to reduce the dose to a spoon a day. You need to take it on an empty stomach. Pay close attention to the reactions of the child's body. With diarrhea, allergic reactions, use should be discontinued. It's best to get your pediatrician's advice about dosage, ingredients, and how long to take your immune remedy beforehand. For a child's stomach, some of its components are too heavy (prunes, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds).

Do not take the remedy in the evening. Nuts with prunes are too heavy for their stomach to digest in a dream. It is especially important to use the drug for people with excessive stress (not only physical, but also mental), for athletes.

In case of allergic reactions to any of the components of the product or to several of them at once, it is recommended not to use them or replace them with other products. Instead of honey, natural (home-made) jam from berries or fruits is suitable. But the mixture gives the most benefit in combination with dry fruits with lemon and honey.

One of the best ways to boost your body's defenses is with a simple, homemade and delicious remedy: Dried Fruit Immunity Vitamin Blend with Nuts, Honey, and Lemon.

Most cases of diseases are associated with a weakened immune system and many people resort to the help of pharmaceutical preparations (), vitamins or folk remedies.

In summer and early autumn, we do not have to worry too much about how to saturate the body with vitamins. These are the seasons when there is an abundance of fruits, vegetables and greens around.

These conditions, combined with warm and still dry weather, explain why we are less likely to complain about health during this period. In winter, it is more difficult with vitamins, since vegetables and fruits lose some of their beneficial properties during storage and freezing.

A mixture of dried fruits with lemon, nuts and honey will come to the rescue. Its components in combination with each other are very useful:

  • give a powerful immunostimulating effect;
  • compensate for the seasonal lack of vitamins;
  • improve metabolism;
  • tone up, give strength;
  • help to recover from illness and resist new infections in the future;
  • strengthen the heart muscle;
  • cleanse the vessels;
  • improve blood composition;
  • increase physical endurance.

A big plus of using a vitamin mixture is that it can be given even to small children, because. it consists only of pure natural products. The composition can be modified depending on the preferences and personal characteristics of the individual.

Preparing the vitamin mixture

Making a miracle drug will take no more than 15 minutes. For a basic vitamin mixture, you need 5 ingredients:

  • raisins - 200 gr.;
  • dried apricots - 200 gr.;
  • nuts - 200 gr.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 5-6 tbsp. l.

Astronauts call the mixture of these products "5-potassium dope", and for good reason, because each of these components contains an important mineral potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and is necessary for muscle tone.

How to prepare a mixture? The whole process can be divided into several stages:

    1. Raisins and dried apricots will need to be washed in hot water and soaked a little.
    2. Remove pits and, optionally, peel the lemon.
    3. Walnuts are first freed from hard shells and internuclear partitions, and then dried in the oven or in a frying pan.
    4. Steam the honey so that it becomes thinner, for convenience when further mixing the ingredients.
    5. Prepared dried fruits, nuts and lemon must be chopped with a blender or an ordinary meat grinder.
    6. Pour the resulting mass with honey.

The recipe allows for variations, so you can add all your favorite dried fruits to it, after removing the seeds from them - figs, dates, dried bananas, dried prunes, cranberries, etc. In addition to walnuts, use other nuts - cashews, pine nuts, hazelnuts, almonds.

If you do without lemons, you can make healthy sweets from this mixture. To do this, simply roll the balls, roll them in confectionery sprinkles or coconut flakes and leave in a cool place.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with another effective mixture to increase immunity at home in our article.

Features of storage and use

The prepared mass must be decomposed into ordinary glass jars, tightly closed with lids and put in the cold. Vitamin mixture with honey can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

  • Adults - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Children - 1 tsp.

It is necessary to take a vitamin mixture in these proportions 3 times a day 40-60 minutes before meals.

Possible contraindications

The main contraindication is an allergic reaction to one of the components of the mixture, for example, bee products or citrus fruits. Nuts are also highly allergenic.

In addition, the mixture is very high in calories, which should be taken into account for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and also adhere to a diet. It is not recommended for adults to use more than 5 tbsp. l. per day, children - more than 5 tsp.

Vitamin mixture to strengthen the immune system is a time-tested and generational remedy. It is not only tasty, but also natural and safe.

We strengthen immunity.
We are now in quarantine because the flu outbreak has begun. You may have the same story. And especially at this time, the body needs emergency help in strengthening the immune system. Therefore, this is the right time to start using the healing elixir.

Moreover, it is really a magical mixture and absolutely natural for 100%. It is very tasty and incredibly healthy in terms of the composition of the ingredients selected here, which are available to everyone. It is suitable for both children and adults. It can be eaten in any quantity. And use the whole year, and not just in winter to strengthen immunity.

You can eat it all the time, because. this mixture contains ingredients that have a complex healing, regenerating and rejuvenating effect on the entire body. Eat as much of this mixture as your body asks for. As I usually say, listen to your body and it will tell you the right decision.

So, today we are preparing a super healthy dish.

First, let's prepare all the necessary ingredients:
- Dried apricots - 200 grams
- Prunes - 200 grams
- Raisins - 300 grams
- Dates - 200 grams (optional)
- Nuts - 200 grams
- Honey - 1 tablespoon (if you need sweeter, put more)
- Lemon - 1 piece

So, we have prepared all the components of our magic vitamin mixture.

Let's start with dry fruits. Dried apricots, prunes, raisins are selected of better quality: clean and without wormholes. Wash them thoroughly with warm water in a colander. And then we pour almost boiling water over them to disinfect them. We sort through dried fruits in turn. And we remove the bones (if any), roots and debris from them.

Dried apricots are usually pitted at all. Therefore, it can not be particularly sorted out.

In PRUNES, bones occasionally come across, so it needs to be sorted out more carefully. And if there are bones, then we remove them.

RAISINS may contain small roots. Therefore, we also sort it out and clean it from roots and other debris.

NUTS may contain partitions that are not edible and may spoil the vitamin mixture. Therefore, we sort out the nuts and carefully remove all unnecessary from them.

Peel the LEMON (zest). Coarsely chop the rind and the lemon itself. Both will go into our vitamin mixture. We also use zest, because. it also contains valuable substances. I have tried with and without zest. It turns out delicious in both cases. You choose the more suitable option.

You can also add dates. But this is also optional. Some people like them, some don't.
When we finally prepared all the ingredients, we proceed to grind them.

Here you can use 2 options.
1 option. Grind everything in a blender. It turns out quickly and finely.
Option 2. Grind with a knife and hands. Cut dried fruit into small pieces with a knife. Lemon cut smaller to a more homogeneous mass. The nuts are broken by hand.

I did it first with a blender. Then I tried to do it manually. Sometimes you just want to feel the taste of individual dried fruits, chew nuts. So choose the right one for you here. If you don't want to mess around for a long time, do it with a blender. If you have time and like large pieces of dried fruit, do it by hand.
If we do it by hand, we get this mixture.

If we do in a blender.
Place the ingredients one by one in a blender and bring to the desired consistency.
Then we put all the ingredients in a saucepan and mix everything together.
Add 1 tablespoon of honey (or more if you like it sweeter). And mix well again. "Vitamin mixture of dried fruits with nuts, honey and lemon" is ready.

And then we transfer the already prepared mixture into jars. You can use both glass and plastic.

This immune mixture is best stored in the refrigerator. Or some other cool place.
The mixture can be eaten immediately after preparation. It is advisable to eat it fresh, i.e. within 2-3 weeks. Because the longer it sits, the less valuable "Vitamin Mix with Dried Fruits, Nuts, Honey and Lemon" becomes. Any natural product should be eaten quickly while it is fresh.

And, of course, with this absolutely amazing means of nutrition, healing and recovery, you will maintain your health for many years to come.
The wise Hippocrates said: "Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food."
Therefore, be healthy!

In conditions of constant stress, unfavorable environmental conditions and the rapid spread of viral infections, measures to strengthen immunity play a very important role. They can be different, someone prefers pharmaceutical preparations, and someone chooses natural remedies. One of the most effective and effective means among all that are used by traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention of diseases is honey. From the article you will learn how to prepare a mixture for immunity with honey.

Types of vitamin mixture for immunity with honey

Honey, as the main ingredient of the immune boosting mixture, is effective in interaction with many other natural ingredients. Among them there are dried fruits, and nuts and some others. There are several types of vitamin mixtures:

  1. honey with ginger;
  2. honey with nuts;
  3. honey with dried fruits.

These are the basic types of honey-based immunity-boosting mixtures. It is permissible to add those ingredients that you consider useful and necessary to them, for example, they are often supplemented with lemons.

In any case, whichever mixture you choose, it will taste very good.

Recipes for honey mixtures to boost immunity

Honey Immune Boost Mix can be prepared in several ways using different ingredients. You can use any honey, it all depends on your desire - sunflower, buckwheat, linden. It is especially important to start taking mixtures at the beginning of the winter period, and preferably earlier - in the middle of autumn.

Immune Blend with Honey, Oatmeal and Apple

This recipe is well suited for both adults and children:

  1. honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l.;
  3. apple - 1 pc.;
  4. walnuts - a handful;
  5. lemon - Β½ pc.

Oatmeal should be poured with boiling water and left to infuse for about 5 minutes. It is best to take instant oatmeal. At this time, you need to chop the apple with lemon, nuts and mix with oatmeal. Don't forget to add honey to the mixture. This amount is enough for consumption during the day for 3 meals.

Mix for immunity with dried fruits on honey

For the recipe use:

  1. honey - 1.5 tbsp.;
  2. dried fruits (any) - 2 tbsp.;
  3. walnuts - a handful;
  4. lemon - 2 pcs.

In order to prepare a mixture for immunity with honey and dried fruits, you need to stock up on inexpensive, but as natural ingredients as possible. The mixture may contain those ingredients that you like - walnuts, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs. Be sure to have honey and lemon. A big plus of the recipe is the arbitrary selection of the number of components that should be crushed and poured with honey.

Take a vitamin mixture of 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

a delicious dessert with healing properties can be prepared in many ways from nuts, dried fruits, lemon, ginger

Immune Blend with Honey and Ginger

A mixture for immunity with honey and ginger not only strengthens the body, but also gives additional tone and helps to get rid of extra pounds. Ginger is very useful because of its rich composition - it contains essential oils, vitamins and amino acids. It not only effectively fights colds, but also improves digestion.

To prepare the mixture you need:

  1. honey - 250 g;
  2. ginger - 400 g;
  3. lemon - 1 pc.

Peel and cut the ginger as finely as possible. We do the same with lemon. We put all the ingredients in a suitable container and pour honey. The mixture is eaten 1 teaspoon throughout the day.

Despite all the usefulness, its use is not allowed:

  • people with peptic ulcers;
  • pregnant women;
  • women during lactation.

Nut mixture for immunity with honey

A mixture of honey and nuts is not only healthy, but has a pleasant texture and taste:

  1. dried apricots - 100 g;
  2. dried dogwood - 100 g;
  3. hazelnuts - 100 g;
  4. pumpkin seeds - 100 g;
  5. cashew - 100 g;
  6. walnuts - 100 g;
  7. pine nuts - 100 g;
  8. almonds - 100 g;
  9. honey - at your discretion.

All nuts should be dried but not roasted. They should be washed well with water and allowed to dry. Next, everything needs to be crushed, mixed and seasoned with honey. You need to choose the amount of honey that will make the mixture pleasant in consistency.

You need to use a nut-honey mix 20 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon per day. 1 teaspoon is enough for a child.

The benefits of vitamin honey mixtures for immunity

Whichever cooking option you choose, it will be very useful, because it consists not only of natural products, but is also made on the basis of honey. Each mixture is able to provide not only immunity support during the flu and cold season, but also:

  1. positively affects the content of hemoglobin in the blood;
  2. improves brain function;
  3. helps to strengthen blood vessels and normalize cardiac activity;
  4. gives a general tone to the body and improves well-being;
  5. beneficial effect on the digestive system;
  6. is a source of valuable vitamins and microelements.

In order to increase immunity, it is necessary not only to prepare a vitamin mixture from natural, environmentally friendly products, but also to follow the recommendations for its use. Care should be taken to use honey, for those who are prone to allergies, the same applies to citrus fruits.

Do not forget that not only mixtures with honey help to strengthen the immune system, it is also important to follow a diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Only a complete balanced diet, which will be supplemented with vitamin mixtures, can provide you with health in all seasons.

Good afternoon dear friends!

In today's article I want to tell you one useful recipe that I prepared for our family for the winter. He is very helpful strengthen immunity. This - vitamin blend from dried fruits, nuts, lemon and honey. Preparing the mixture is very simple, and it will take much less money to prepare it than if you spend it on medicine throughout the winter.

Of course, you can just go to the pharmacy and buy a vitamin complex, but I think it's better to make it yourself. After all, a vitamin mixture of dried fruits is not only very healthy, but also delicious! πŸ™‚

Dried fruits are very effectively used for a healthy diet and as a prophylactic against various diseases. They contain many useful substances: mineral salts, organic acids, pectins and fiber.

If you briefly talk about each dried fruit separately, then this is just a storehouse of valuable substances for our body.

What are the benefits of dried fruits

Walnuts contain the largest amount of antioxidants, which effectively help to strengthen the immune system. According to scientists, the beneficial effect of antioxidants on the body is 15 times stronger than vitamin E.

Regular consumption of walnuts reduces the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many other diseases.

And the combination of nuts with honey is a very useful and unique product that activates metabolic processes, tones and strengthens the body, helps to restore strength after mental and physical stress.

A lot can be said about the benefits of lemon. Everyone knows that it is very rich in vitamin C, which is necessary to strengthen the body, especially during colds.

Therefore, there is no doubt that lemon and honey are very effective for preventing cardiovascular diseases, normalizing hemoglobin in the blood, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and most importantly, the vitamin mixture helps strengthen the immune system.

How to prepare a vitamin mixture?

To prepare a vitamin mixture, you will need in equal quantities: dried apricots, raisins, prunes, nuts, honey and lemon.

I took all the dried fruits, 300 grams, honey 2 cups and lemon 2 pieces.

Dried fruits should be washed well in warm water and dried a little.

In a meat grinder, we twist all the dried fruits and lemon (along with the peel).

Mix the finished twisted dried fruits and lemon well with honey and put the mixture in a glass jar.

Dried fruit vitamin mix ready, now we can regularly use this remedy 1 teaspoon in between meals, 2-3 times a day. So we can strengthen immunity and forget about colds and other diseases πŸ™‚

We use this remedy until it runs out, then we take a break for 1-2 months and you can repeat it again.

I hope you enjoy this delicious, healthy recipe! πŸ˜‰

Dear friends, how do you strengthen your immunity? I would be glad if you share your methods in the comments below πŸ˜‰

And now I suggest you watch an interesting video about the 10 most useful products.
