
What is bergamot (8 photos). Bergamot grass is a beautiful and useful plant

As everyone has long known, bergamot is the fruit of a citrus plant that is enriched with essential oils. This type of plant was bred by crossing a lemon and an orange. That is why the taste of bergamot is so similar to these types of citrus fruits. Initially, the fruits of the plant were added exclusively to tea, but later the range of applications greatly expanded.

The fruits of this tree fully ripen around the end of autumn. They have a very thick skin, which is easily removed from a ripe fruit. It is in this peel that the whole value of the fruit lies, since such a useful essential oil is obtained from it.

You can call this plant one of the many varieties of orange. But this statement is not entirely accurate. In general, in terms of such a science as botany, bergamot is a kind of hybrid of a lemon crossed with a tangerine. The Chinese were the first to bring out this type of citrus species. There is also an unofficial version, referring to what can be said about the natural mutation of the orange, after which bergamot appeared.

Thus, we can say that bergamot is an evergreen citrus tree. But those who are very fond of citrus fruits will probably be disappointed because the fruits of this tree, unfortunately, are not edible. And all due to the fact that they have a too bitter and sour taste. But already from ripe fruits they began to make syrups and delicious liqueurs, which are very popular. But the main purpose of these fruits is the production of essential oil.

plant varieties

At the present time, experienced flower growers have learned to grow garden-looking bergamot almost everywhere. Essential oils can be obtained from this plant, as well as from bergamot. In general, its homeland is North America. The garden type has a delicate lemon aroma and is used in the medical field. In addition, this type is used to flavor tea to give sophistication and excellent aroma. Also in cooking, garden bergamot is used as a spice for dressing salads.

There are quite a few subspecies of the garden type, but all of them have a lot of useful properties and a high content of essential oils.

plant composition

The calorie content of the fruit is not at all high and is 36 kcal, which is why in their diet, even those who are concerned about their figure and always strictly adhere to established diets can use it. No need to worry, because bergamot is simply not able to harm the figure.

Nutritional value in 100 grams

In general, the chemical composition of this plant is carbohydrates combined with vitamins, minerals and numerous useful substances. The main value is considered to be the content of furocoumarins. This substance has the ability to synthesize, due to which the color of the skin in the process of tanning acquires an even and beautiful tan.

The peel of bergamot is saturated with a large amount of essential oils, which are widely used in the cosmetic and perfume industries, as well as in medicine.

Unfortunately, many people are aware of the use of bergamot exclusively as a flavoring additive to tea. And many of them do not even know about the true benefits of the plant.

Main useful properties:

  1. Antiviral, disinfectant action. That is, with the help of this plant, you can fight numerous infections or inflammatory processes;
  2. Antipyretic and analgesic, which is often used in the treatment of influenza;
  3. Taking the plant has a positive effect on brain activity, and at the same time it serves as an excellent remedy for depression that has arisen. Restores and normalizes sleep;
  4. Bergamot has the ability to increase sexual desire between partners and raise their natural libido by stabilizing the reproductive system;
  5. Increase in the volume of breast milk during lactation;
  6. The ability to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  7. Stabilization of the digestive system, improved appetite and good help with colic in newborns;
  8. Strengthening and nourishing hair.

In addition to all the above positive qualities, bergamot is widely used in medicine for numerous diseases. In order to better understand the scope of its application, consider detailed examples:

  1. Prevention and treatment of bronchitis. In this case, the sole should be rubbed with a composition of glycerin and petroleum jelly with the addition of a few drops of the essential oil of the plant;
  2. Hair treatment. Apply a few drops of oil to the teeth of the hair comb and comb them in different directions. You can add bergamot oil directly to the shampoo or hair mask for the best effect in the process of washing your hair;
  3. Treatment of nervous disorders. To alleviate the nervous state, you need to dilute a few drops of oil in a glass of boiled water and add a little honey. Drink the drink should be at least 2 times a day for one week.

Many housewives have no idea whether bergamot can be used for culinary purposes? This is due to the fact that the fruits of the plant themselves are not tasty and have a rather bitter taste. Those countries in which it grows, marmalade or candied fruits are made from it.

The most popular application is aromatic tea with the addition of spices. It differs from its counterparts in a delicate taste, helps relieve stress and fatigue.

Dessert wines with spices are also very popular. In order to add an effect to a wine drink, just one drop of essential oil is added to it and thus an unsurpassed effect is obtained. But it is worth remembering that such a drink must be infused for at least three days before use and must first be filtered before serving.

Tea with the addition of bergamot is known to almost everyone. It is used not only as a tasty, but also as a very healthy drink in the treatment of various kinds of diseases. The whole effect is given to the plant by essential oil.

From ancient times to this day, the plant has been used in the treatment of viral and colds, to strengthen the entire immune system, as well as to normalize sexual function. Bergamot has the ability to relieve spasms, soothe and normalize digestive processes. Tea with bergamot is loved by many, as its regular use helps to cleanse the skin, the disappearance of age spots that have appeared, as well as toning the expansion of skin pores.

Such a delicious drink differs from its counterparts in its special taste, which is filled with tenderness and exquisite unique notes, which make it special against the background of other varieties.

The benefits of bergamot are very great, but, unfortunately, like any other remedy or plant, it has its own contraindications for use. These contraindications must be known in order not to harm your body.

Consider the possible negative consequences after application:

  1. Manifestation of allergic reactions. We must not forget that bergamot is a type of citrus plant, so it can easily cause allergic reactions in people who are intolerant to citrus fruits;
  2. Increase in blood pressure. Substances present in the plant may contribute to high blood pressure. That is why it is contraindicated to use the plant in any form for people who have problems with pressure;
  3. Insomnia. Drinks with the addition of bergamot invigorate the body, so you do not need to drink them before bedtime, otherwise you may have problems falling asleep.

Bergamot oil has long been used to improve brain activity. In addition, it helps in acquiring clarity of thought and concentration. That is why experts recommend that before passing an important interview or before the exam, drip essential oil on the wrist. Also at work, to combat fatigue, you can use an aromatic lamp with bergamot oil. This is how you can regain vigor even after a hard day at work.

Regarding the origin of tea with this wonderful plant, there is a version that a long time ago sailors transported a batch of Chinese tea and vessels containing bergamot oil across the sea. As a result of a storm, the ship fell into a storm, the container in which the oil was located - crashed, and wetted all the bales of tea. Merchants, hoping that the tea had not spoiled, decided to try it and brewed a small amount. After tasting tea, they realized that they were drinking a wonderful drink with a delicate taste and excellent aroma. After that, the fragrance of this plant is quite often used as a tea additive.

Thus, we can safely say that the well-known bergamot is not only tasty, but also a very useful additive, which is used not only for brewing tea, but also for cosmetic and medical purposes.

Botanical name: bergamot.

Birthplace of Bergamot: Southeast Asia.

Lighting: photophilous.

The soil: fertile, full of humus.

Watering: moisture-loving.

Maximum tree height: 10 m

Average lifespan of a tree: in natural conditions 50-70 years, at home - up to 30 years.

Landing: seeds, cuttings.

Bergamot tree and flowers: photo and description

Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) is a hybrid species of plants of the Rutaceae family, genus Citrus, bred in Southeast Asia by crossing orange and citron. The bergamot tree reaches a height of 2 to 10 m, its crown is wide, sprawling, formed by thick skeletal shoots extending from the trunk at an acute angle upwards.

Bergamot branches, as seen in the photo, are covered with sharp, thin spines up to 10 cm in length and leathery, pointed, elliptical or oblong-ovate leaves. The upper surface of the leaves is smooth, shiny, saturated green, the bottom leaves are lighter.

During the flowering period (March to April), bergamot plants emit a strong, pleasant aroma, emitted by large, fragrant flowers of a light cream or purple hue. Bergamot flowers are solitary or collected in small bunches. Fruits of spherical or pear-shaped form ripen in November-December. A sign of a ripe fruit is the appearance of a dense, three-layer shell and darkening of the seeds. The pulp of the bergamot fruit consists of several easily split segments and has a pleasant, sour taste.

From Southeast Asia, the fruits of these plants were exported to Europe and America. The culture was widely spread in Brazil, Argentina, the USA, but the largest plantations were planted on the Ionian coast of the province of Calabria in Italy. According to one version, bergamot owes its name to the Italian city of Bergamo, where this plant first began to produce oil from this plant.

According to another version, bergamot got its name from the Turkish words beg armudy ("lord's pear") or bey armudu ("prince's pear"). It was in Turkey that several varieties of pear, similar to bergamot in shape and color, were widely cultivated.

You can get an idea of ​​what bergamot looks like by looking at the photos in our photo gallery after this article.

The use of bergamot: benefits and harms

Essential (bergamot) oil is obtained from the peel, fruits, flowers and leaves of bergamot, which has a bitter taste and pleasant smell. The main component of bergamot oil is linalyl acetate (up to 50%), it also contains a number of other chemical elements: linalool, nerol, ?-pinene, ?-caryophyllene and others. The beneficial properties of bergamot are widely known and are used in many areas.

Due to its pleasant smell, bergamot oil is widely used in perfumery. It was on its basis that cologne was first made in Germany in 1676. Extracts from the peel are used as a digestive stimulant. It is believed that the smell of these fruits can relieve depression. Given the benefits of bergamot, its oils are widely used in aromatherapy as a soothing, relaxing agent. The aroma of citrus fruits perfectly tones up, relieves fatigue, anxiety, anxiety, minimizes the effects of stress and tension, and is also a powerful aphrodisiac (a substance that stimulates sexual activity).

Bergamot has also found application in cooking: crushed peel is used to flavor Earl Gray and Lady Gray teas, added to liqueurs, syrups and confectionery, in some countries they even make jam from the fruit.

Useful properties of bergamot

One of the properties of bergamot is a strong photosensitizing effect due to the high content of furanocoumarins (acidic compounds). Due to this, bergamot is widely used in cosmetology - based on it, creams and lotions are made that promote rapid skin pigmentation. Also, a pleasant smell allows you to use various parts of the plant (fruits, flowers and leaves) for fragrances of cosmetic products - a morning shower taken with a gel or soap containing bergamot oil will help cheer up and recharge your batteries for the whole day. For oily scalp, it is recommended to wash your hair with bergamot-based shampoo or rub in bergamot oil. These same tools will help strengthen the hair follicles.

In medicine, based on the bergapten contained in this plant, preparations have been created for the treatment of vitiligo (pigmentation disorders, expressed in the disappearance of melanin in certain areas of the skin) and nested baldness. Bergamot oil is used in the manufacture of medicines for the treatment of urinary tract infections (with cystitis and urethritis).

The beneficial properties of bergamot make it possible to use it in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia - preparations with the addition of linalyl acetate help stabilize the autonomic nervous system and have a positive effect on blood vessels. It is noticed that when inhaling the aroma of bergamot in nursing mothers, lactation improves (the process of formation, accumulation and excretion of milk).

The benefits of bergamot are obvious, but as with any abuse, overuse can be detrimental to health. Essential oil is a fairly active allergen, if the dosage is exceeded during aromatherapy, allergic rashes may appear on the skin, itching will appear, and breathing will become difficult. Do not apply "pure" bergamot oil to the skin - this can cause a burn. In order not to cause harm, it is better to mix bergamot oil with olive oil or massage oil. People suffering from insomnia should not drink bergamot tea at night. Due to the ability of this citrus fruit to pigment the skin, you should not use bergamot-based cosmetics if you spend a significant part of your time in direct sunlight.

Growing bergamot: how a plant grows and develops

Bergamot is not only an extremely useful plant, but also a wonderful decorative culture that can decorate a home interior. Amateur gardeners note that it is not as demanding on soil fertility as lemon or orange, it is resistant to dry air, but it is more light and moisture-loving. You can get an idea of ​​how bergamot grows by following the conditions for the development of any citrus fruits: in the summer, these plants are best taken out into the air, and with the onset of winter, provide as much sunlight as possible, while maintaining the temperature in the room no more than 12-15 ° C.

In summer, these plants should be watered abundantly, with soft (without chlorine and lime), settled for at least a day with water. The crown needs to be sprayed as often as possible and even sometimes arrange a “little shower”. In the cold period, citrus fruits are watered little by little and only with warm water. At the end of February, when intensive plant growth begins, they need to be fed weekly with organic or. Regular feeding continues until autumn, and stops for the winter. In the spring, the crown must be cut, leaving no more than 3-4 young shoots on each side branch. For flowering and fruit set, the optimum temperature is 15-18 ° C and obligatory cold wintering.

The best time to plant is late winter or early spring. In this case, the seedlings will get more natural light. Before growing bergamot, prepare a special soil composition. To do this, take fresh humus and mix it in equal proportions with sand. Sowing is done exclusively with fresh seeds just taken out of the fruit. If the seeds have dried up, it is useless to plant them - when they interact with air, they lose their ability to germinate. Planting material is deepened into the soil to a depth of 1 cm, watered abundantly, put on a sunny windowsill, and after 2-3 weeks the first shoots appear.

When starting planting, remember how bergamot grows: there are several embryos in citrus seeds, so up to four sprouts can appear from one grain, which will subsequently need to be planted in different pots. Transplantation is started only when 3-4 leaves appear on the sprouts. The optimal soil composition for young sprouts will be a mixture of two parts of turf and one part of sand, humus from cow dung and leafy soil.

Cultivation of bergamot involves regular transplantation of adult plants - once every 2-3 years and just before the period of active growth begins. In no case should you injure a tree on which flowers or fruits have already appeared - in this case, the risk of losing the plant is high. When transplanting grown bergamot, the soil mixture used for planting sprouts should be "weighted" - add a small amount of low-fat clay to the turf, leafy soil, sand and humus.

If you follow all the conditions for growing bergamot, it will regularly bear fruit, like all citrus fruits at home - from 1 to 4 times a year.

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Bergamot, or orange-bergamot(Citrus bergamia) - a hybrid species of plants of the Rutovye family. Obtained by crossing orange and citron. Bergamot is considered to be native to Southeast Asia.

origin of name

The name "bergamot" was given in honor of the Italian city of Bergamo, where it was first cultivated and sold as an oil. According to another version, the name probably comes from the Turkish word "beyarmudu", which means "princely pear" in translation. (unavailable link since 20-02-2016 (1140 days)) or "beg armudy" - master's pear.

Bergamot got this name due to its unusual pear shape and light yellow color, which made the fruits of bergamot look like bergamot pears, but in fact it has absolutely nothing to do with pears.

Botanical description

Distribution and ecology

Production is mostly limited to the Ionian coast of the province of Calabria in Italy, to such an extent that it is a symbol of the entire region. Bergamot is grown on the Mediterranean coast, where the soil composition and temperature are most favorable (Spain, Greece and France), as well as on plantations in Argentina, Brazil and the state of Georgia (USA).

The culture has developed since the beginning of the 18th century, when the essential oil of bergamot found its use in perfumery, and then in microscopic technology.

The chemical composition of plant materials

In cooking

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  • Dudchenko L. G., Kozyakov A. S., Krivenko V. V. Spicy-aromatic and spicy-flavoring plants: a Handbook / Ed. ed. K. M. Sytnik. - K.: Naukova Dumka, 1989. - 304 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-12-000483-0.


  • (eng.): information on the site (Retrieved August 18, 2009)
  • : information on the website "Encyclopedia of Life" ( EOL) (English) (Retrieved August 18, 2009)

An excerpt characterizing Bergamot

“And the boy is smart,” said the hussar, who was standing next to Petya. We fed him today. Passion was hungry!
Footsteps were heard in the darkness and, barefoot slapping through the mud, the drummer approached the door.
- Ah, c "est vous!" - said Petya. - Voulez vous manger? N "ayez pas peur, on ne vous fera pas de mal," he added, timidly and affectionately touching his hand. – Entrez, entrez. [Oh, it's you! Want to eat? Don't worry, they won't do anything to you. Sign in, sign in.]
- Merci, monsieur, [Thank you, sir.] - the drummer answered in a trembling, almost childish voice and began to wipe his dirty feet on the threshold. Petya wanted to say a lot to the drummer, but he did not dare. He, shifting, stood beside him in the passage. Then, in the darkness, he took his hand and shook it.
“Entrez, entrez,” he repeated only in a gentle whisper.
“Oh, what should I do to him!” Petya said to himself and, opening the door, let the boy pass him by.
When the drummer entered the hut, Petya sat further away from him, considering it humiliating for himself to pay attention to him. He only felt the money in his pocket and was in doubt whether he would not be ashamed to give it to the drummer.

From the drummer, who, on the orders of Denisov, was given vodka, mutton, and whom Denisov ordered to dress in a Russian caftan, so that, without sending him away with the prisoners, to leave him at the party, Petya's attention was diverted by the arrival of Dolokhov. Petya in the army heard many stories about the extraordinary courage and cruelty of Dolokhov with the French, and therefore, since Dolokhov entered the hut, Petya, without taking his eyes off, looked at him and cheered more and more, twitching his raised head, so as not to be unworthy even of such a society as Dolokhov.
Dolokhov's appearance struck Petya strangely with its simplicity.
Denisov dressed in a chekmen, wore a beard and on his chest the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker, and in his manner of speaking, in all methods, he showed the peculiarity of his position. Dolokhov, on the other hand, who had previously worn a Persian suit in Moscow, now looked like the most prim guards officer. His face was clean-shaven, he was dressed in a Guards padded frock coat with Georgy in his buttonhole and in a plain cap put on directly. He took off his wet cloak in the corner and, going up to Denisov, without greeting anyone, immediately began to question him about the matter. Denisov told him about the plans that large detachments had for their transport, and about sending Petya, and about how he answered both generals. Then Denisov told everything he knew about the position of the French detachment.
“That’s true, but you need to know what and how many troops,” Dolokhov said, “it will be necessary to go. Without knowing exactly how many there are, one cannot go into business. I like to do things carefully. Here, if any of the gentlemen wants to go with me to their camp. I have my uniforms with me.
- I, I ... I will go with you! Petya screamed.
“You don’t need to go at all,” Denisov said, turning to Dolokhov, “and I won’t let him go for anything.”
- That's great! Petya cried out, “why shouldn’t I go? ..
- Yes, because there is no need.
"Well, you'll have to excuse me, because... because... I'll go, that's all." Will you take me? he turned to Dolokhov.
- Why ... - Dolokhov answered absently, peering into the face of the French drummer.
- How long have you had this young man? he asked Denisov.
- Today they took it, but they don’t know anything. I left it pg "and myself.
Well, where are you going with the rest? Dolokhov said.
- How to where? I’m sending it under Mr. Aspis! - Suddenly blushing, Denisov cried out. - And I can boldly say that there is not a single person on my conscience. Isn’t it convenient for you to send tg.
“It’s decent for a young count at sixteen to say these courtesies,” Dolokhov said with a cold smile, “but it’s time for you to leave it.
“Well, I’m not saying anything, I’m only saying that I will certainly go with you,” Petya said timidly.
“But it’s time for you and me, brother, to give up these courtesies,” Dolokhov continued, as if he found particular pleasure in talking about this subject that irritated Denisov. “Well, why did you take this with you?” he said, shaking his head. "Then why do you feel sorry for him?" After all, we know these receipts of yours. You send a hundred of them, and thirty will come. They will die of hunger or be beaten. So isn't it all the same to not take them?
Esaul, narrowing his bright eyes, nodded his head approvingly.
- It's all g "Absolutely, there's nothing to argue about. I don't want to take it on my soul. You talk" ish - help "ut". Just not from me.
Dolokhov laughed.
“Who didn’t tell them to catch me twenty times?” But they will catch me and you, with your chivalry, all the same on an aspen. He paused. “However, the work must be done. Send my Cossack with a pack! I have two French uniforms. Well, are you coming with me? he asked Petya.
- I? Yes, yes, certainly, - Petya, blushing almost to tears, cried out, looking at Denisov.
Again, while Dolokhov was arguing with Denisov about what should be done with the prisoners, Petya felt awkward and hasty; but again he did not have time to understand well what they were talking about. “If big, well-known think like that, then it’s necessary, so it’s good,” he thought. - And most importantly, it is necessary that Denisov does not dare to think that I will obey him, that he can command me. I will certainly go with Dolokhov to the French camp. He can, and I can."
To all Denisov's persuasion not to travel, Petya replied that he, too, was accustomed to doing everything carefully, and not Lazarus at random, and that he never thought of danger to himself.
“Because,” you yourself will agree, “if you don’t know exactly how many there are, life depends on it, maybe hundreds, but here we are alone, and then I really want it, and I will certainly, certainly go, you won’t stop me,” he said, “it will only get worse ...

Dressed in French overcoats and shakos, Petya and Dolokhov went to the clearing from which Denisov looked at the camp, and, leaving the forest in complete darkness, went down into the hollow. Having moved down, Dolokhov ordered the Cossacks accompanying him to wait here and rode at a large trot along the road to the bridge. Petya, trembling with excitement, rode beside him.

A pear-shaped citrus hybrid obtained by crossing a lemon with a bitter orange is bergamot. What kind of plant, probably everyone knows. It is widely used in perfumery, cooking and folk medicine. But under this name, another medicinal plant is known, the monarda, a wonderful honey plant, the flowers of which contain a huge amount of microelements useful for the body.

Bergamot grass, monarda or American lemon balm - a herbaceous plant from the Rut family is characterized by excellent aesthetic properties, due to which it is used in landscape design to decorate flower beds. Ground parts are used as raw materials in official pharmacology. The flowers of the plant evaporate a delicate citrus aroma, which has a complete resemblance to the famous fruit. It is thanks to this characteristic that the monarda acquired the name bergamot.

What does bergamot look like?

Monarda is an annual or perennial plant, the stems of which can reach 1.5 m in height. Light green, lanceolate leaves are arranged oppositely. The flowering period falls on June-September. Funnel-shaped tubules bloom on peduncles, collected in large inflorescences. The most common herb is bergamot, the flowers of which are painted in a purple hue.

Benefits of Bergamot Herb

The medicinal plant is characterized by a rich chemical composition, which includes a large number of micronutrients. One of the main components is thymol - a powerful natural analgesic and antiseptic. Monarda contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinoids, antioxidants, etc.

The main beneficial properties of bergamot herb:

  • normalizes the emotional and mental background (helps to cope with stress, depression, including postpartum);
  • improves the work of the cardiovascular system, helps to reduce the concentration of harmful cholesterol in the blood and lower blood pressure;
  • has antiseptic properties, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, due to which it is actively used in violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • helps to reduce body temperature by accelerating metabolic processes and increasing sweating;
  • effectively fights headache and muscle pain due to the analgesics linalyl acetate and linalool included in the composition;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system, prevents constipation, has a mild urine and choleretic effect.

This is not the whole list of healing properties of bergamot herb. A medicinal plant in fresh or dried form is used to make tea, oil, decoctions, tinctures.

The use of bergamot

American lemon balm is a unique herb that has a wide range of uses. Garden bergamot is very attractive during flowering, so it is often used for decorative purposes in landscape design. It vaporizes a pleasant, persistent, citrus aroma. Monarda leaves have good taste properties, so they are used in cooking. Due to the rich chemical composition and the content of useful trace elements, the plant is used in cosmetology, pharmacology, and medicine.

Tea with bergamot

A hot drink prepared with the addition of monarda is not only healthy, but also tasty. Brewing it is very easy. Pour the usual amount of loose leaf tea into the teapot, add a few inflorescences of bergamot grass, pour boiling water over it. Regular consumption of the drink will help strengthen the immune system, increase the body's defenses, make it more resistant to pathogens of infectious and colds. Bergamot tea is an effective remedy for improving the condition of the heart and blood vessels. It is useful to drink it for hypertensive patients, people with type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis.

Oil for various diseases

  1. Essential oil of garden bergamot is a unique product with which it will be possible to strengthen the health of the body. The tool can be bought, or prepared at home. To get a concentrate, you need to pick the leaves and inflorescences of the plant during flowering, finely chop, pour olive oil in a ratio of 1:10. Boil the mixture over low heat for two hours. After filtering, using cheesecloth or a fine strainer. You can store the product in a glass, hermetically sealed container. The finished product is used to improve the patient's condition in various diseases.
  2. Genital infections. It is enough to add a few drops of oil to tea. Due to its expressive antiseptic properties, the agent kills pathogens.
  3. Colds. Before use, the oil is diluted with water in the amount of 3-4 drops per 200 grams. The mixture can be used for instillation of the nose with a severe runny nose or gargle for sore throat, cough.
  4. Insomnia. The essential oil of garden bergamot has a tonic, relaxing effect. Before going to bed, you can take a bath with the addition of a concentrate or drink tea.
  5. Headache. Monarda will help get rid of an unpleasant symptom, regardless of the reasons for its appearance. You just need to rub a little oil into the whiskey.
  6. Fungus. You can do nail baths or simply treat the affected areas with the product for 5-7 days.

Monard oil will help get rid of worms, accelerate the healing of wounds, burns. It is effective in various inflammatory diseases, has antiviral and bactericidal properties, and is an excellent immunomodulator. The tool helps to cleanse the blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, normalizes blood pressure, improves well-being during stress. Garden bergamot oil is one of the few products with an expressive radioprotective and anticarcinogenic effect.

Bergamot oil in cosmetology

Garden bergamot is widely used in cosmetology. The most effective is the essential oil. With its help, you can effectively cope with the problem of hair loss, strengthen the roots.

Cosmetologists appreciate Monarda oil for the following properties:

  • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • helps to cope with dandruff and dry scalp;
  • improves the condition and appearance of the skin;
  • whitens and strengthens tooth enamel.

Bergamot herb essential oil - a real salvation for people with problem skin. The tool effectively fights rashes, ulcers, acne, black spots. The active components of the product saturate the cells of the epidermis with useful substances. As a result of the use of oil, the skin looks fresh, healthy and radiant.

How bergamot oil is used in perfumery and aromatherapy

Monarda extract is used in the manufacture of perfumes. With it, you can create unique aromatic compositions. Perfumes with notes of garden bergamot are in the collections of famous brands.

American lemon balm is used for aromatherapy sessions, which are very useful during viral and colds. To improve the microclimate in cold, damp rooms, you can dilute a few drops of bergamot oil in water, spray the resulting mixture on the walls and ceiling, and ventilate the room.

Bergamot in cooking

On the basis of monarda leaves, you can prepare not only tea, but also delicious cocktails. The plant is used as a preservative. It is simply added to soups, light salads, main dishes, to which the grass gives bright flavor accents. Spices from garden bergamot can transform any dish. Leaves and flowers are suitable for harvesting. They contain a large amount of essential oil. The grass must be cut (retreating from the soil 25 cm), dried and ground into powder. The spice is stored for a long time in a dry, tightly closed container.

Harm and contraindications when using

The benefits and harms of bergamot herb for human health are controversial. If used incorrectly or overdose, it can cause side effects. If you do not take precautions, you may experience symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting. In such cases, the use of funds based on this medicinal plant should be stopped immediately, consult a doctor. Before using bergamot herb, you should read the list of contraindications.

Monarda should not be used in such cases:

  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to plant components;
  • low blood pressure;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • childhood;
  • heart failure;
  • chronic kidney and liver diseases.

The unique properties of Monarda have been known for a long time. The medicinal plant was used even by representatives of the ancient Indian tribes.

It is often confused with bergamot. Monarda has nothing to do with an evergreen tree on which citrus fruits grow, except for a specific persistent aroma.

When used correctly, American lemon balm has a positive effect on the state of the human body. Preparations prepared on its basis help fight various diseases, enhance the effect of certain drugs, and speed up recovery in many pathologies. Before using garden bergamot for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

One of the most famous additives used for blending known teas. The aroma of the resulting infusion cannot be compared with anything else: barely perceptibly spicy and tart, invigorating. It is not surprising that tea connoisseurs give primacy to him.

What is bergamot.

Bergamot is the name of an oily volatile substance obtained from Citrus bergamia plants. This is a subtropical tree from the Rut family, belonging to the genus Citrus, or rather, a hybrid obtained by crossing a citron plant with an orange. This variety was brought out in ancient times by representatives of Southeast Asia, since they have long used such essential oils to flavor local types of tea. There is another version of the appearance of this culture. Which considers the presented trees to be clones of wild-growing orange species. It is believed that the seedlings were delivered to the Old World by Genoese merchants. It is a tree, over 10 meters high, with branches studded with long thorns. The leaves have a specific smell, if they are slightly kneaded. Inflorescences, during the flowering period, spread a wonderful smell.

Ripe fruit, yellow-green, similar to lemons. The pulp of the fruit is very bitter, so it is not used in food. From the inflorescences and leaves of trees, essential oil is obtained by distillation. A quality product is made from the peel of ripe fruits, according to ancient technology, using manual presses. The resulting essential oil has a distinctly floral scent with pleasant citrus accents and a green coloration. It is used in products for the care of problem skin, in the creation of perfume compositions and the food industry. High-quality essential oil is produced on the southern tip of the Apennine Peninsula, in the province of Calabria, in the areas around the city of Bergamo. At present, plantations of cultivated trees can be seen on the territories of the Hindustan peninsula, South America, China, Spain, France, in the southern regions of Crimea and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. They grow well in areas with subtropical climatic conditions. According to a number of features, experts can easily determine the region of origin of the essential oil. Bergamot, which is used to flavor dry tea, has unique properties and is made only in Italy. Fresh bergamot oil is recognizable by its greenish hue in color and surprisingly harmonious sweet smell.

With a long exposure of the concentrate, a coffee shade appears in color, and bitter shades appear in the smell. The positive qualities of bergamot essential oil are largely found depending on the place of production of the essential oil.

Features of the substance of bergamot.

The volatile substance of the plant contains a number of original components that have a positive effect on the human body. Even in ancient times, healers in China began to use it to prevent many diseases. To avoid the development of allergic reactions, this substance must not be used undiluted. For external use, it should be added to the base oil in a ratio (1:10). Beforehand, be sure to test for skin sensitivity to the product used. Do not add the substance directly to the teapot. This component is used only for flavoring dry tea before packaging in packs.

Indications for the use of essential oils.

Bergamot oil is used as an anti-spasmodic, sedative, anti-inflammatory agent. The positive qualities of bergamot essential oil are indeed varied. With it, you can:

  • Treat trophic ulcers;
  • Stimulate your own immune defenses;
  • Quickly bring a person back to normal after severe stressful situations;
  • Correct the work of the intestine;
  • Activate sensory sensations;
  • Restore the proper functioning of the fatty glands of the skin.

Many pay attention that tea with bergamot:

  • Increases efficiency;
  • Helps to resist colds;
  • Shows the action of an aphrodisiac.

It must be clarified that the positive properties of tea with bergamot are found only if real essential oil was used in its manufacture. The use of synthetic additives does not give the desired properties to tea.

Contraindications for the use of tea with bergamot.

Like all substances prepared from citrus fruits, bergamot has properties that must be taken into account in order to prevent negative results of use. These include:

  • The development of allergic manifestations of the body to the presence of individual components of the entire citrus family;
  • The presence of diseases of the heart or blood vessels;
  • Violations in the system of hormonal regulation of the body;
  • Increased or decreased activity of the thyroid gland;
  • Exacerbations of acquired diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • Manifestations of a lack of pancreatic hormone;
  • Childhood.

Many have tried tea with the addition of bergamot. This subtle, spicy, fresh fragrance is hard to confuse with anything else. Some people become his admirers for a lifetime.
