
Jerusalem artichoke can be harvested in the fall, or left in the ground for the winter. How to understand that the fruits are spoiled? Natural shelter in the ground

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How to dry Jerusalem artichoke at home?

Before proceeding with drying, Jerusalem artichoke tubers must be carefully examined and only healthy ones, without damage and signs of rot, should be selected. Then the tubers are washed in several waters, cleaned of secondary roots, peeled off. After that, Jerusalem artichoke is cut into circles or cubes and laid out on an open surface in a room protected from direct sun rays place. It usually takes four to five days to dry.

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The regular addition of Jerusalem artichoke dishes to the menu is very useful. It can be used both fresh and boiled fried, but it is most useful in its raw form. Jerusalem artichoke is used to prepare stuffing for pies, it is added to salads and vinaigrettes, soups. When preparing Jerusalem artichoke, peel with

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How to cook Jerusalem artichoke In Jerusalem artichoke, all parts of the plant are edible: they are brewed from flowers medicinal tea, young leaves are added to salads, and numerous dishes are prepared from root crops. Ground pear, as Jerusalem artichoke is also called, can be fried, stewed, baked, boiled in milk or water,

How can Jerusalem artichoke be stored: drying, freezing and preserving the product

When grown independently earthen pear at their summer cottage, there are several effective approaches to crop processing. And so that you don’t have to figure out how to store Jerusalem artichoke at all, you just need to dig out only the amount of product that will be eaten in the near future.

The remains can be collected if necessary, the root crop tolerates frost well. Storage of the product in an apartment also implies an impressive variety of options. Jerusalem artichoke can be dried, canned and frozen, which provides an impressive flavor variety ready meals.

Ways to store Jerusalem artichoke on a personal plot B

Jerusalem artichoke is traditionally allowed to be stored in a basement with a low temperature and high humidity, while remembering that even a slight increase in temperature can adversely affect the tubers. If there is a small plot of land available, then the storage of an earthen pear can take the following form:

  • The easiest way is to dig a hole of medium depth, in which the remains of the crop are laid out, which will not be needed throughout the winter. It's best to put them in wooden boxes.

Tip: Jerusalem artichoke can also be stored in wooden containers at home - on the balcony, but only if it is not heated and not insulated in any way. When the temperature rises to +2ºС nutritional properties products begin to decline rapidly.

  • Snow piles. The best option for outdoor storage of earthen pear. We clean the site, pour the tubers on it in an even layer. From above we lay out 10 cm of snow and again a layer of tubers. After the construction of the multilayer structure is completed, it must be sprinkled with sawdust and insulated with straw.
  • storage in trenches. Until the ground is frozen, we dig a shallow trench in it, the bottom of which we lay out spruce branches. We install plastic flower pots on them, filled with roots cleaned of dirt. We cover everything with a layer of snow, followed by a heater (hay or branches) and cover everything with a sheet of roofing material.

The main thing to remember when using outdoor conditions for storing Jerusalem artichoke is that the skin should not be exposed to fresh air. It promotes the release harmful components that negatively affect the state of the body. Additional prevention this phenomenon may be the use of special non-toxic paraffin formulations.

How to dry and freeze an earthen pear?

Storage of Jerusalem artichoke at home is not limited to the use of a refrigerator, especially since the tubers will lie in it for no more than a month. And then, if you put them in an airtight container or plastic bag. The peeled and chopped root vegetable will keep fresh for just a few days.

It is better to create homemade blanks in one of the following ways:

  • Freeze. Jerusalem artichoke root is cleaned, washed, cut into strips or cubes. We blanch the product in milk-curd whey at the maximum temperature for 5-10 minutes. Then we cool the product and put it away for storage in freezer.
  • The use of sand. We take canvas or plastic bags, lay them out with wet sand, peat or sawdust and fill them with earth pear. It is necessary to carefully tie the container, then the product will stand without problems on a not very warm balcony or unheated loggia until the onset of heat.
  • Tradiative drying. Before drying an earthen pear, it must be peeled, washed and cut into thin slices. We use only good tubers without wormholes and damage. Spread the resulting pieces in a thin layer on a tray and keep on outdoors, protecting from direct sunlight until the plates are ready.
  • Heat treatment. Jerusalem artichoke fruits can also be dried in the oven, it will be much faster. Dilute a teaspoon in a liter of water baking soda bring the resulting solution to a boil. In it, we blanch the tubers cut into pieces for no more than 9 minutes. Then we wait until they cool down, cut into thin slices and dry until cooked in the oven at a temperature of 60ºС. finished product we put it in a sealed glass container, otherwise bugs will start in it.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke can be ground into flour coarse grinding. This powder can be used in so many unusual and traditional recipes.

There are dozens of recipes for ground pear blanks. Moreover, the direction is not complete with standard pickles and salads. If desired, you can make delicious jam from Jerusalem artichoke.

  • Marinated Jerusalem artichoke. We need carrots, root vegetables themselves, two tablespoons of vinegar, table salt and honey per liter of water. We clean the vegetables and cut them into arbitrary pieces, put them in sterile jars. From the rest of the ingredients we prepare the marinade, with which we fill the products. We pasteurize the containers for a quarter of an hour and roll them up.
  • Jerusalem artichoke salad. For a kilogram of tubers we take half a kilogram of carrots, lemon and salt. Cut the vegetables, rub the lemon on fine grater or grind in a blender. We mix these ingredients, add salt to taste and wait until the composition gives juice. Then the mass is laid out in jars, pasteurized for half an hour and rolled up.
  • Jerusalem artichoke jam. We take the same amount per kilogram of ground pear pumpkin pulp, lemon and glass granulated sugar. We clean the root crops and pumpkin and cut into pieces, chop the lemon on a grater or in a blender. We mix all the ingredients and insist for about an hour. Then put the mass on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for no more than five minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. The finished product is poured into jars and hermetically sealed. During the day, the jars should be kept upside down under the covers.
  • Nutrient for boosting immunity. Mix two glasses of sea buckthorn juice with a glass of boiled or distilled water. We cut a kilogram of the root crop into cubes, fill it with the resulting liquid and fill it with a glass of sand. We put the mass on the fire and bring to a boil. Immediately remove from heat and pour into jars. Pasteurize for half an hour and roll up.

When using the above methods, it is possible to save as much as possible useful material in the composition of the product and optimally beat its taste.

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Drying process for many food products discovered new areas of their application and previously unknown useful properties. A vivid example of this is the history of the introduction into the life of the consumer of an earthen pear - Jerusalem artichoke.

Russia got acquainted with Jerusalem artichoke in the middle of the 17th century and accepted it as medicinal plant. Today, following the example of many European countries, this healthy vegetable is increasingly being introduced into cooking: raw, baked, fried, as part of salads, soups and even drinks. And quite recently, due to its rich composition of biologically active substances and the use of new processing technologies, in particular drying technology, the prospect of using Jerusalem artichoke in Food Industry, as a basis for diet food and raw materials for unique healing products.

Technological developments have shown that the dried pear concentrate contains a large amount of carbohydrates, vitamins and micro- and macroelements, which obliges it to be used in the medical, cosmetic, biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries. Depending on the type of drying and the form of the final product, Jerusalem artichoke is a raw material for the production of inulin, the basis of biologically active additives to food and auxiliary component food products.

Industrial drying of Jerusalem artichoke

known technological schemes obtaining a concentrate from the tubers of this vegetable, which are based on different kinds drying. Chemical composition original product standardized, and is not a criterion for choosing a drying method for Jerusalem artichoke. It depends on the goals set in terms of physical and organoleptic characteristics, as well as in terms of shelf life. valuable substances. by the most effective method the method of sublimation vacuum drying of Jerusalem artichoke is recognized.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers undergo preliminary selection and preparation: cleaning and cutting. The size and shape of the cut depends on what type of product is being produced - plates, tablets or powder. In some cases, the tubers retain their original integrity.

The first stage of dehydration of the product takes place in special vacuum chambers at a temperature of -10 ... -15 degrees and continues for 2/3 of the total time of the drying technology. During this time, up to 50% of moisture is removed from the product. Next, the object - comes the stage of impact high temperatures(from +40 to +70 degrees), at which the product gets rid of the so-called bound moisture present in frozen Jerusalem artichoke in the amount of 25-35%. Despite the outward simplicity of freeze drying, developed and tested frames are very important. technological process- the optimal ratio of temperatures and duration of all stages, eliminating the possibility of thawing between freezing and heating.

Subject to sublimation conditions, this method of drying Jerusalem artichoke provides maximum (up to 90%) preservation of important enzymes, vitamins and bioactive substances in the product.

Drying at home

For those who wish to improve their health with Jerusalem artichoke, having confidence in its purity and environmental friendliness, and do not trust industrial dietary supplements, there are easy ways to process vegetables at home.

When preparing the product for drying, a careful selection is made for the absence of damage and foci of decay, cleaning from the ground and secondary roots, trimming the peel and grinding. In order to avoid unnecessary oxidation and darkening of Jerusalem artichoke, it is recommended to clean the tubers with a bone or wooden knife.

Sliced ​​Jerusalem artichoke is dried on an open surface, in the shade, with room temperature, or using a solar dryer. After 4 days the product is ready for use.

When drying in an oven or a home gas dryer, a preliminary process of blanching the tubers is carried out. Blanching takes place in salted water with the addition of baking soda (about 8 grams per 1 liter of water) for 8-10 minutes. Next, the vegetable is cut into plates or noodles and placed in a heated container for drying, and dried for about 3 hours at a temperature in the range of 50-60 degrees, periodically stirring the product on the grates.

To obtain a powder from an earthen pear, dried Jerusalem artichoke is ground in a coffee grinder, and preferably in a wooden mortar, followed by storage in glass container. By brewing the resulting powder like coffee, they get a fortified drink that tones up and provides the prevention of many ailments!

Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke were known in the middle of the 17th century, when this plant was used for medicinal purposes. Later it was bred as vegetable crop. earthen pear, as this root crop is also called, is dietary product providing invaluable assistance in many diseases.

However, you need to know how to store Jerusalem artichoke in winter in order to preserve it. medicinal properties and prevent fungal or bacterial infections.

Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial plant, the fruits of which are tubers of various shapes, sizes and colors. Their flesh is very juicy, has a pleasant sweetish aftertaste. Thanks to its huge nutritional value the root vegetable can serve as an alternative to potatoes.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers contain many vitamins, proteins, amino acids. Their use in food helps to lower blood sugar levels, remove toxic substances, increase the body's resistance to various viruses and infections.

Jerusalem artichoke is often used in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, heartburn and other diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Harvesting and the possibility of its storage in the beds

Due to its properties, Jerusalem artichoke is able to winter in the soil much better than in storage, both in summer and in winter. When growing a plant in the country do not dig up the entire crop at one time, it is better to do it as needed. In late autumn, it makes sense to dig up some of the root crops that you plan to use in winter, and keep the rest in the ground until spring.

Jerusalem artichoke is a very cold-resistant plant and tolerates frosts up to 20 C.

Tubers that are dug up in autumn and harvested for winter period, for example, for livestock feed, can be stored in ground piles. Burt is several layers of root crops laid on the surface of the earth or in a small depression, covered and sprinkled with layers of straw, peat or sawdust. The place for storing root crops must be chosen correctly: it must be dry and elevated. To protect the fruits from surface water around the storage, it is necessary to dig a small ditch up to 30 cm deep. It is also important to protect the root crops from rodents that can spoil the crop stored for the winter.

For residents of private houses, there is another way to store Jerusalem artichoke in the ground. For him, it is necessary to prepare a not very deep trench, the bottom of which is covered with spruce branches. The dug up tubers are placed in plastic flower pots and placed in the prepared recess. A layer of snow or sand, a layer of insulating material (hay, spruce branches, etc.) and a sheet of roofing material are placed on top. Under such conditions, Jerusalem artichoke will retain all its beneficial properties until spring and will not succumb to withering and decay.

Basement and cellar for storage

If it is not possible to leave Jerusalem artichoke for the winter in the ground, then you can organize its storage in a dark, cool place, for example, a basement or cellar. Best used for this purpose wooden boxes. It is necessary to lay out the dug out tubers of the plant in them, which can not even be cleared from the ground. Then they are sprinkled with sand, peat or shifted with moss. From above, boxes with root crops are covered with sheets of plywood.

You can process Jerusalem artichoke tubers paraffin This will also help keep useful vitamins and micronutrients. Root crops are immersed in melted warm paraffin, then, when it hardens, they are sent for storage in the basement.

It is important to ensure the correct temperature regime for storage of vegetables at home. The cellar temperature should be from +1 to +4 C, and the relative humidity of the air is 85 - 95%. Such conditions will avoid drying or rotting of stored tubers.

Storage of Jerusalem artichoke in apartment conditions

Residents of multi-storey buildings who do not have cellars should not despair, because there are various ways storage of earthen pear fruits at home.

Storage on a balcony or loggia

For storage of Jerusalem artichoke in the apartment great solution is a balcony or glazed loggia. Even if the balcony is not sufficiently insulated, with a slight freezing of the tubers, their nutritional properties do not change.

Root crops must be placed in boxes or bags filled with wet sand, peat or sawdust. The fruits stored in this way are able to retain their properties for two months.

It is worth remembering that Jerusalem artichoke does not tolerate heat and direct sunlight, so it must be stored for storage as soon as it has been dug up.

Cold storage methods: refrigerator and freezer

Another option winter storage a small amount Jerusalem artichoke fruit at home is a refrigerator. The tubers of the plant are necessary Rinse thoroughly, pat dry and pack or other sealed containers. It is best to store root vegetables in a vegetable drawer. This method of storage will ensure their safety for 2-3 weeks.

More long term storage is able to provide room for Jerusalem artichoke into the freezer. Thanks to resistance to low temperatures, the fruits of the plant will retain their taste and nutritional properties. Before use, they must be placed in cold water for gradual thawing.

Preservation and drying of Jerusalem artichoke

Since the roots of Jerusalem artichoke are used not only in their raw form, it is advisable to think about such a method of storing a vegetable as conservation. From the peeled tubers of the plant can be prepared syrups, jams, use them for pickling and sourdough. Even in this form, its useful properties will not disappear anywhere.

In addition, it is effective to harvest the roots of Jerusalem artichoke in dried form. The vegetable, peeled and cut into plates, is dried in a ventilated place without direct sunlight or in an oven. Further dried product can be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Your brownie.

Ground pear is purposefully grown on the site not so often, but this is only until the moment the first sample is taken. Immediately after this, gardeners begin to actively find out how to store Jerusalem artichoke, and in what form it can be harvested for the winter. The roots of the plant, which many consider weedy, are allowed to dry and freeze. In addition, there are options that involve storing the component directly on the site. If possible, it is better to harvest as much of the crop as will be eaten in the coming weeks. Conservation lovers can try interesting ways twist for the winter.

Options for storing Jerusalem artichoke on the site

Jerusalem artichoke is resistant even to the most severe frosts, so you can simply not dig it out until it is needed. With this approach, it becomes possible to use fresh product, if necessary. In addition, homeowners can organize the storage of tubers in the following ways:

  • You can dig a deep hole in the ground that has not yet had time to freeze and put the remains of the crop into it. Components can be pre-laid in wooden boxes, then it will be easier to work with them.
  • In order not to dig anything, you can use this approach. Right on the ground we clear the area of ​​the desired size, pour Jerusalem artichoke on it. We sprinkle it with snow, the layer thickness should be at least 10 cm. We spread another layer of tubers and cover them with snow too. We make several such layers and sprinkle the entire structure with sawdust, insulate it with straw.

Tip: When organizing the storage of an earthen pear in a personal plot, care must be taken to ensure that the access of oxygen is blocked for the harvest. This chemical compound triggers reactions, as a result of which substances harmful to the human body are formed in the pulp. If necessary, you should even use special paraffin compounds that process each tuber.

  • If the earth has not yet frozen, we dig a not very deep trench in it, the bottom of which is lined with a spruce forest. From above we expose plastic containers filled with Jerusalem artichoke. We close all this with hay or the same branches, snow, a sheet of roofing material.

Such approaches make it possible to stock up an earthen pear for the winter in in large numbers and it will stay fresh. At home, you can try the option with boxes, using a cold veranda or a glazed balcony for this. All other approaches are pre-processing plants.

Home ways to store Jerusalem artichoke

If you just put the tubers in the refrigerator, they will begin to deteriorate in less than a month. To achieve at least this, they must be packed in a zip bag or plastic container with sealed lid. Peeled and cut products will last only a few days. It is better to use more efficient approaches:

  • Jerusalem artichoke can be dried natural way. We clean the dried tubers, wash them, cut them into arbitrary, but not very thick plates. We cut out all damage or even throw away such components. We spread the blanks on a tray and dry them for fresh air until they are completely dry. In this case, direct sunlight should not be allowed to fall on the plates.

  • Freezing the product. Cut the peeled and washed tubers into strips and blanch in boiling water or curd whey for 5 minutes. Next, cool the components, freeze in the freezer. It remains only to pack them in bags or plastic containers, put in the freezer.

  • Storage of tubers in sand. We take a canvas bag and wet sand (when clenching a fist, it should take shape, but not release liquid). We put the Jerusalem artichoke in a bag, pouring sand, fill the container to the desired degree. Be sure to tie the burlap, after which the container can be put on a cool balcony or loggia. You can keep the Jerusalem artichoke there until the onset of heat.

  • Preparation of preserves. There are dozens, if not hundreds of options for Jerusalem artichoke blanks. Recipes are easily implemented at home. Moreover, dishes can be the most unusual, up to jam.

In addition, the fruits can be dried in the oven. This approach allows you to achieve the desired result much faster. Thin plates should be kept until cooked in a slightly ajar oven, heated to a temperature of 60 ° C. Before carrying out the manipulation, the tubers should be blanched in a weak solution of soda for 10 minutes. Already dried Jerusalem artichoke can be ground to a state of flour. Such a component is often used in exotic and traditional cooking.

How can Jerusalem artichoke be preserved?

Some housewives prefer to dry the Jerusalem artichoke before putting it into preservation. But it is not necessary to do so. It all depends on the recipe and individual preferences.

  • Pickled tubers. In addition to Jerusalem artichoke, we need some carrots, two tablespoons of honey, salt and vinegar per 1 liter of water. Wash, peel and cut vegetables in small pieces the same size, lay out in glass jar. Pour the marinade prepared from the rest of the ingredients. We sterilize for 15 minutes, roll up and send for storage.

  • Nutrient mixture with therapeutic effect. Cup boiled water combine with two glasses natural juice sea ​​buckthorn. Peel Jerusalem artichoke, cut into small cubes (should get 1 kg of product). Pour the vegetable with a glass of granulated sugar and pour the liquid mixture. Bring the mass to a boil over low heat, remove and pour into jars. We sterilize them for 30 minutes, roll them up.

  • Pear and pumpkin jam. For 1 kg of peeled Jerusalem artichoke, we take the same amount of pumpkin pulp, peeled from seeds, a glass of sugar and one lemon. We cut the vegetables into small pieces, cut the lemon into slices (do not cut the peel), remove the seeds and grind in a blender. We combine these components, fall asleep with sugar and insist 1 hour. After this time, put the mass on the stove, bring to a boil and keep on medium heat for no more than 5 minutes. In this case, the composition must be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon, remove the foam if it appears. The finished mass is poured into jars, closed without additional sterilization and sent for a day under a blanket to cool.

When working with an earthen pear, you should not use ordinary metal knives, but their ceramic or bone counterparts. In contact with the juice of the product, the metal will oxidize, which will gradually reduce its strength and lead to damage to the blade.

People grow and use ground pear as medicine and food product for several centuries.

But it is not enough to grow and harvest it: it is important to know how to store Jerusalem artichoke at home in order to include it in your diet all winter. We will learn how to store an earthen pear in the refrigerator, cellar, dried form, and which ones can be made from it for the winter.

Usually an earthen pear is dug up at the end of the autumn period. But do not rush to harvest before the autumn rains: early harvesting will give small, tasteless tubers. In order not to be disappointed in a meager harvest, we will heed the advice of experienced gardeners who do not recommend harvesting it ahead of time.

Nutrient components pass from the stem and leaves to the roots of the plant in September-October, sometimes capturing November as well. At this time, accumulates in the tubers the largest number carbohydrates that give them sweet taste and they are gaining mass. If you cut the stems and foliage too early, you will be left without a third of the crop.

Gardeners who have been growing Jerusalem artichoke for several years advise cutting off the stems before frost, leaving cuttings 20 cm high. After one and a half to two weeks, you can start harvesting the tubers - they will just ripen.

Important: dug out tubers must be urgently hidden from the sun and heat - under their influence, the crop quickly begins to deteriorate.

To begin with, we remember that Jerusalem artichoke, although it resembles potatoes, is not, and will not be stored all winter if you simply fill it in the cellar or cellar. And you need to store it in rooms or places where the temperature regime is 1-4 degrees and humidity is not more than 85%.

Ground pear can be stored in the cellar, refrigerator, freezer, dried and canned. Let's take a closer look at these storage methods.

How to store Jerusalem artichoke in the refrigerator and freezer

If you do not know how to store Jerusalem artichoke in the apartment, use a refrigerator or freezer.

Ground pear is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 weeks. To put its tubers in storage, wrap them in a cloth moistened with water or put them in plastic bags or containers where air does not penetrate, and put them in the lower section of the refrigerator.

The main thing is that the tubers do not lose moisture - this way they will quickly become unusable.

If you want to store the tubers longer, freezing them will increase this period to 3 months.

How to freeze Jerusalem artichoke

  • Whole tubers.
  • Sliced.
  • In shredded form.

Before preparing and storing in the freezer, be sure to wash the root crops and peel them. We put whole or chopped tubers in bags or plastic containers, and put them in the freezer.

How to store Jerusalem artichoke in the cellar

If you have harvested a decent crop of Jerusalem artichoke, and it definitely will not go into the refrigerator and freezer, we use storage in the cellar or basement in any of the ways.

  • We cover the tubers folded in bags or wooden boxes with earth or wet sand and put them in the cellar.
  • The tubers folded in wooden boxes are poured with sand or sawdust and stored in the cellar.
  • We cover each tuber with paraffin and store it in the cellar.

Important: you can’t clean off the earth from the dug up Jerusalem artichoke - it helps the tubers to be stored longer.

How to store dried Jerusalem artichoke

Dried pear tubers are very well stored. Dried Jerusalem artichoke preserves everything biologically active substances and useful properties. Learn how to dry pear tubers.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 kg of tubers;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.

How to dry Jerusalem artichoke

  • Pour cold water into the pan and put the dug out tubers. After soaking the remnants of the earth, thoroughly wash the tubers with a brush.
  • We breed citric acid in a liter of water.
  • We peel the Jerusalem artichoke, removing a thin layer, and immediately place it in a solution of citric acid.
  • We cut the tubers into thin translucent slices and dry them a little, spreading them on paper towels.
  • We cover the baking sheets with parchment and lay out the dried slices.
  • We turn on the oven at 100 ° C and, when it warms up, put the baking sheets.
  • We dry the slices of Jerusalem artichoke, opening the door, for several hours. The main thing is that they do not burn.
  • When they dry, cool them and place them in a glass or cardboard container.

From 1 kg of tubers, 150 g of dried earth pear is obtained, which must be stored in a dry, dark place for no longer than 1 year.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke can be eaten as chips, added to dried fruit compote and vegetable dishes, cooked vitamin tea(brew 1 tbsp chopped dry slices with a glass of boiling water).

And if you dry it to a dark color and grind it into powder, you get the raw material for healthy drink reminiscent of coffee.

Jerusalem artichoke can not only be frozen and dried: it produces delicious preparations for the winter. Here are a few recipes for blanks from earthen pear tubers.

Jerusalem artichoke winter salad


  • Earthen pear tubers - 1 kg;
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • Salt;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

How to make winter salad

  • We cut carrots and Jerusalem artichoke tubers.
  • Three lemons on a grater.
  • Mix chopped vegetables with lemon mass, salt.

When the mass releases juice, put the salad in jars and pasteurize them for about half an hour.

Ground pear jam


  • Pumpkin pulp - 1 kg;
  • Jerusalem artichoke tubers - 1 kg;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar sand - 250 g.

How to cook Jerusalem artichoke jam

  • Cut the tubers and pumpkin pulp.
  • Three on a grater lemon.
  • We mix all the components and wait until the mixture is infused.
  • We put the mass on the stove and after boiling, cook for five minutes.
  • Pour hot jam into jars.

We cover the jars with a blanket, and after 24 hours we put them in storage in the cellar or refrigerator.


  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Jerusalem artichoke tubers - 1 kg;
  • Sea buckthorn juice - 1 glass;
  • Sugar sand - 200 g.

How to cook Jerusalem artichoke jam with sea buckthorn juice

  • We clean the washed tubers from the skin and cut into slices.
  • Mix sea buckthorn juice and water.
  • Fill the slices with this mixture and add sugar.
  • Put the mixture on medium fire and remove when it boils.

We shift the jam into sterile jars, cover with lids and pasteurize. If jars with a volume of 0.5 l - pasteurize for 10 minutes, 1 liter - 15 minutes.

Jerusalem artichoke in marinade


To prepare the marinade: 2 liters of water and 800 ml of table vinegar.

For laying in jars: 1 g of coriander powder, a head of garlic and 1 kg of pear tubers.

To prepare the brine: 3 tbsp. coarse salt and 2 liters of boiled water.

How to pickle Jerusalem artichoke

To pickle the tubers of this plant, follow the step-by-step recipe:

  • We wash the Jerusalem artichoke tubers with a stiff brush and hydrogen peroxide and remove the antennae.
  • We lay out the tubers in sterile jars.
  • We cook the brine for pouring from water and salt, boiling it for 2 minutes. Remove from stove and wait 15 minutes.
  • Pour the tubers with brine, close and clean in cool place for a week. Then drain the brine.
  • We prepare the marinade: put the water on the fire and after boiling add the coriander, pour in the vinegar and remove from the stove.
  • Add garlic cloves to jars with tubers. Cleaned and cut them.

Pour marinade into jars, close and wait for three days: after pickled Jerusalem artichoke, you can already try.

Jerusalem artichoke in spicy marinade


  • Mustard grains - 0.5 tbsp;
  • Earthen pear tubers - 900 g;
  • Hot pepper - whole or a piece 6 cm long.

For the marinade

  • Lemon;
  • 5% vinegar - 1 cup;
  • Water - 3/4 cup;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp

How to pickle Jerusalem artichoke with pepper

To prepare spicy snack with pepper and ground pear, follow the step-by-step recipe:

  • We wash the tubers using a stiff brush, cut off the skin and cut into centimeter-thick plastics.
  • We put the plastics in a sterile liter jar, shifting them with spices and adding hot peppers.
  • Prepare the marinade by adding vinegar, sugar and salt to the water. Bring to a boil and stir in grated lemon zest.
  • Pour the plastics of tubers with marinade and sterilize for 10 minutes.

We cork the jar, turn it over and wait until it cools down, and put it in the refrigerator or cellar. After a month, you can eat a snack.

Now you know how to store Jerusalem artichoke at home, and in what ways. Choose the most suitable option, save the earthen pear harvest for the winter and improve your health!
