
How to remove tea stains from white clothes? Removing tea stain: easy.

How many people in the world do you think start their day with a hot cup of fragrant tea? The number of tea lovers is large, no scientist can name the exact number. And this is not surprising - tea perfectly invigorates in the morning, it is tasty and healthy. But this drink also has its downsides. One of them is stubborn tea stains.

A measured tea ceremony can lose its peace and tranquility in an instant if you suddenly accidentally knocked over a cup of tea. One moment and your favorite blouse, pants or tablecloth covered with yellow spots. But do not think that everything is irretrievably lost. To remove tea stains and save your favorite clothes, you can, most importantly, act instantly.

How to remove fresh tea stains

If you have just spilled tea on the fabric, you need to immediately wash the item of clothing. Dip the damaged item in warm soapy water and scrub the stain thoroughly with a brush. Usually, there are no problems with the removal of fresh tea stains - the fabric is cleaned instantly.

If you spilled a cup of tea on yourself at a party where there is no way to change clothes and immediately wash your clothes, ask the hostess for a cotton pad and some alcohol. Saturate the stain with rubbing alcohol to prevent the dirt from ingraining into the fibers of the fabric. And when you get home, wash and rinse your clothes.

How to remove an old tea stain

If you find an old tea stain that has already dried out, you can try to remove it with professional products.

  1. Please note that the stain remover must match the color of your clothes. Never use white stain remover on colored clothes. White fabric cleaners contain a lot of chlorine and other harsh substances that can corrode your designs on colored clothes.
  2. First you need to carefully read the instructions on the bleach packaging. Some manufacturers advise pre-soaking a dry stain, while others, on the contrary, believe that a concentrated product applied to a stain without water is more effective.
  3. Apply the selected product first along the edges, and then in the center of pollution. This will allow the stain not to spread and not increase in size.
  4. Be sure to place a piece of clean white cloth underneath the stain so that the tea stain does not eat into other parts of the clothing.
  5. After applying the detergent, leave the fabric for 40-60 minutes, then wash the clothes as usual. If you are using a washing machine, then add a little more stain remover to the drum to get rid of the dirt for sure.
  6. Rinse and dry your favorite clothes - the thing is saved!

But not always the right tool is at hand. Do not be upset, you can remove tea stains with ordinary household chemicals that are in every home. It is enough to look into the first-aid kit and the kitchen drawer.

  1. Glycerin and salt. Mix the two ingredients to make a paste. Apply the prepared product to the contamination. After a few minutes, the stain will begin to fade. Leave the clothes on for 15-20 minutes, then wash the clothes in warm water.
  2. Glycerin and ammonia. Take two ingredients and mix them in equal proportions. The product will turn out to be quite liquid, so part of the clothes with a stain can be lowered directly into the bowl with the prepared solution. After soaking for half an hour, you need to wipe off the remnants of the stain with a brush and rinse the clothes.
  3. Lemon acid. This is an excellent remedy for various kinds of stains. Dissolve citric acid in water and apply to the stain. Instead of acid, you can use natural lemon juice. Citric acid perfectly breaks down tannin, which eats into the fabric, forming complex spots.
  4. Ammonium chloride. Ammonia is great for cleaning whites. It is successfully used in removing stains of various nature from white fabrics. Apply a little ammonia to the stain and leave for an hour. Do not forget to put a backing - the stain will go to the bottom fabric. Then wash your clothes in warm water.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. Use hydrogen peroxide to remove tea stains from white clothes. Apply a little medicine to the stain and leave for an hour. After that, wash the item in cold water. There will be no trace of pollution.
  6. Bleach. If the clothes are made from natural cotton, the stain can be removed with bleach. Use only for white things! Synthetic, woolen fabrics can be irrevocably damaged by bleach. Apply some diluted bleach to the stain and leave for 15 minutes. After that, wash your clothes as usual. When handling, use gloves and a respiratory mask.
  7. Oxalic acid. It can be bought in powder form at hardware stores. This is a rather aggressive remedy, which should be used as a last resort when all other methods have been tried. Diluted acid in the form of a paste should be applied to the stain and left for 30-40 minutes. After that, the clothes are washed and rinsed thoroughly.
  8. Borax, lemon juice and salt. This procedure must be carried out in several stages. Suitable for old dirt that is firmly ingrained into the structure of the fabric. Dilute borax in a small container. Add some salt to freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply some borax to the stain, and after a couple of minutes, wipe the stain with salted lemon juice. After all the manipulations, wash the clothes in warm water - there will be no trace of the stain.
  9. Glycerol. If the stain is on silk or woolen clothes, you need to be very careful not to use aggressive ingredients. They can ruin the structure of the fabric, and then the clothes will certainly be irretrievably lost. Warm glycerin will help remove tea stains from delicate fabrics. Warm it up in a water bath or hot water. Using a brush or sponge, apply warm glycerin to the stain and leave for a while. Then wash the garment in soapy water.
  10. Lactic acid. Dilute lactic acid with water in a 1:1 ratio. After that, try to remove the tea stain with this solution. This is a gentle way to clean delicate fabrics such as silk.
  11. Contrasting rinses. To destroy the tannin, which eats into the fibers of the fabric, forming yellow spots, you can use contrast rinses. Dip your clothes in a container of hot water. After that, rinse the item in cold water. Swap hot and cold water, and don't forget to brush the stain in between. This will help to quickly, gently and effectively get rid of tea stains on clothes. This method is great for those who have an allergic reaction to various household chemicals.
  12. Boiling water. You can get rid of light tea stains with boiling water. Place the clothes in the basin so that the stain is on top. After that, boil water and pour boiling water over the stain. Finish by washing your clothes in soapy water.

Many housewives give up desperately at the sight of tea stains and send their favorite things to the country house or to the trash can. Don't make hasty decisions. A competent approach and quick response will allow you to save your favorite blouse so that it will serve you for some more time.

Video: how to remove stains from tea and coffee

Tea stains lie in wait for us everywhere - at home, on the street, at work, on business trips, they cling to clothes firmly and often tightly. Therefore, the question is very relevant: how to remove tea stains?

  • Under the tea stain on clothes, you need to put a soft cloth or napkin that can absorb well, folded in several layers. . On this substrate in the process of cleaning and pollution will pass.
  • A small piece of non-colored cloth or a cotton pad is taken, and the cleaning agent chosen for cleaning is applied from the edge to the middle of the speck - this will help the stain not spread and increase in size. You can prevent the appearance of streaks around the treated area as follows: the fabric around the speck should be moistened with water, sprinkled with talc or starch.
  • If the fabric of the clothes from which the tea will be removed is colored, then before using the product, make sure that its color is durable. The test is carried out inside the product: at the seam or fold.
  • When removing stains, first use a less concentrated solution and, if necessary, gradually increase the concentration.
  • It is much easier to remove fresh dirt than to remove a stain that is dry and old.

Popular Methods

  • A composition of ordinary salt (1 tsp) and glycerin (4 tbsp) can easily cope with fresh stains on clothes, apply the mixture on the mark and leave for half an hour. Then we wash the clothes as usual.
  • If you want to remove stains from tea and coffee from clothes that appeared a long time ago, an “aggressive” composition will help here: ½ tsp. ammonia and 2-3 tsp. glycerin. Just rub the resulting mixture with a swab into the stains. After 20 minutes of exposure, remove the remnants of the mixture by washing in warm water.
  • To combat stains, you can also successfully use window cleaning liquid, this liquid contains active detergents. Interestingly, traditional stain removers have almost the same composition. Next, you need to wash the item as usual.

If a tea stain on linen or cotton

  • Removing tea stains on white is a big problem. Linen is a natural fabric, and all stains from natural fabrics are difficult to remove.
  • Fresh tea stains on clothes can be removed without washing. To remove dirt on white linen or cotton, use ammonia. Hover solution: 1 tsp. ammonia + 1 liter of water, then moisten the sponge and rub the spot well. Next, treat the entire surface with a solution of citric acid (in the proportion of 1 part citric acid to 10 parts water). Wait 10-15 minutes and rinse in cold water.
  • Tea can be "discolored" with hydrogen peroxide. It is applied for 12-15 minutes to the problem area, and then, when the result is achieved, the residues are washed off with water.
  • The method of boiling has been known for a long time, although it is not often used by modern housewives. This method is very effective and shows good results on white linen and cotton fabrics.

Tea stain on colored fabrics

  • Tea stains can be removed from colored clothes with the following solution: table vinegar + water + alcohol (in equal proportions). Apply a little liquid to the foam sponge, carefully rub the contaminated area, and then rinse the clothes in warm water.
  • Used to clean stains from coffee or tea and a solution of borax (10%). Rub the stained part of the clothes with the prepared product, remove the stains with citric acid and a pinch of salt. Instead, you can simply rub the stained area with half a cut lemon. Rinse the fabric alternately: first in cold and then in warm water.
  • Another effective way to clean colored fabrics from tea contamination is chalk. To do this, grind the chalk and mix with water until a mushy state. Leave the mixture on the fabric for 15-20 minutes, then remove the remaining chalk and rinse with water. The last step will be washing.

Tea stain on silk and wool

  • You can remove a stain from silk or woolen clothes with slightly warmed glycerin. After 15-20 minutes of drug interaction, rinse the thing with warm water and dry with a towel.
  • You can get rid of tea stains on silk and woolen clothes if you soak the item for 15-20 minutes in a solution: 1 liter of water + 1 tsp. oxalic acid +1 tsp. citric acid. After the procedure, the item must be rinsed.
  • 1 tsp lactic acid + 1 tbsp. distilled water. Wet the dirt with this mixture and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the fabric in cool water.

Stain on furniture

  • Spilled your favorite drink on your carpet or upholstery? And here there is an effective remedy. Ordinary powder will not clean the surface to the end - it will only remove the top layer of stains. Table vinegar will penetrate deep into. After this treatment, pollution is gone!
  • Fresh tea stains can be removed with a mixture of table salt and glycerin in a 1: 1 ratio. We apply the product on the stain and leave it on the fabric until it is completely discolored. After removing the remnants of the mixture, rinse the fabric with cold water.

Dear visitor! If you know other methods for removing stains, please leave your experience in the comments.

No one has ever tried to count lovers and connoisseurs of tea. Yes, it is useless - millions of people in the west and in the east, in the north and in the south drink tea. Each nation has its own traditions of tea drinking, its secrets and its habits. However, all tea lovers are united by a persistent dislike for tea stains.

Tea stains are considered very bad, uncomfortable - they are really hard to get out. The thing is that tea contains phenolic compounds of tannin, which have tanning properties.

It is thanks to tannins that tea can be proud of its taste and aftertaste, and thanks to them it categorically does not want to wash off. And it’s one thing if you have to wash a completely fresh stain, which didn’t really have time to dry, and quite another when the stain has dried up, or even become old.

If the tea stain is completely fresh, then you can remove it with the usual means - this is almost always possible, but a dried tea stain requires a completely different approach.

Of course, you can always turn to a good dry cleaner, but for a variety of reasons this is not always possible. And then you have to do something on your own and arrange an impromptu dry cleaning at home.

Home Dry Cleaning Methods for Tea Stains

Method one. From glycerin and ordinary table salt, you need to make a gruel and apply it to the stain. Such a gruel should be left on the fabric for some time (but not for long!) so that the stains from the tea become discolored. When the stains disappear, the item should be washed as usual, following the product care instructions. Pay special attention to the temperature of the water during washing - in this case, "more" does not mean "better". Interestingly, in the same way, stains from grease, from wine and from a ballpoint pen can be removed.

Method two. Two tablespoons of glycerin should be mixed with half a teaspoon of ammonia. Soak a cotton swab in this mixture and wipe the stain with it. After the procedure, the thing should be washed.

Method three. To remove old stains from tea (and from coffee, by the way, too), you need to dissolve a teaspoon of oxalic acid and two teaspoons of citric acid in a glass of clean water, and then try to remove the stain with a swab or sponge. Then - the usual wash.

Method four. The simplest solution of ordinary ammonia will also help to remove a tea stain from a light-colored fabric. A teaspoon of ammonia should be dissolved in a liter of clean water, and then moisten the stain with a cotton swab or sponge. Under the stain, put a cloth or just a clean white cloth - the stain should go there.

Remaining stains after alcohol? A ten percent solution of citric acid will help. And finally, the thing must be rinsed very thoroughly (but not immediately, but after 15 minutes), and then washed in warm (but not hot) water.

Method five. If the item is delicate and easy to damage, tea stains can be removed with hydrogen peroxide, after which the item must be washed in cold (pay attention to this) water.

Method six and quite aggressive. You can remove a tea stain from a white cotton fabric with a solution of bleach (simply bleach). But this can be acceptable only and exclusively for natural cotton fabrics, and six, silk, synthetic and mixed fabrics can suffer - bleach will corrode the fibers and a hole will form instead of a red stain.

Method seven. On silk or wool, tea stains can be removed with warm glycerin (of course, not with your fingers, but with a swab or sponge). After 15 minutes, the stain should be thoroughly rinsed with warm, but not hot water, and then patted several times with a towel or napkin.

Method eight. Just lemon juice, which breaks down tannin, will also help remove a tea stain.

Home cleaning rules

If you decide to master the techniques of home dry cleaning on your own, do not neglect a few simple rules.

  1. Rule one. Before you start cleaning the stain, be sure to place several layers of clean cloth (preferably white) under the cleaning area, or at least blotting paper (if it is still preserved somewhere). In a word, make a quality substrate.
  2. Rule two. If you need to clean colored fabrics or fabrics with a pattern, then you first need to make sure that the selected product will not damage the blouse or tablecloth (trousers and sweater too). In order to calmly clean a thing and not worry, you need to check how the chosen product will affect this little thing, that is, apply a little product to the seam, to the bend or to some inconspicuous place - no one strives for faded and discolored fragments.
  3. Rule three. With a sponge, cotton swab or disc, a piece of soft, unpainted cloth, it is necessary to apply the cleaning solution first around the stain, and only then on the stain, and the solution must be applied from the edges of the stain to the center so that the liquid does not spread.
  4. Rule four. You should always use a less concentrated solution first and increase the concentration only if a weak solution does not work properly.

To summarize, the rules of home dry cleaning are accuracy and attentiveness, attentiveness and accuracy. So if someone has to use improvised means to clean their favorite things at home, treat this with the utmost caution. Although, maybe you can look for a stain remover or powder of industrial production?

Reading time: 1 minute

Tea is a favorite drink for many of us. Moreover, someone can no longer imagine life without a fragrant cup! But if you accidentally spilled this drink on your clothes, furniture or carpet, you will immediately recognize its insidious property. Tea marks are very difficult to remove, especially if they are old or on a light surface. How to be here? We offer you a number of useful life hacks on how to remove tea stains.

Drink " sins» by the fact that it contains tannins - phenolic compounds with tanning properties. It is they who give it that tart taste and fabulous aftertaste. And it is tannins that do not want to be easily washed off clothes.

However, a fresh stain from tea, as well as from almost any " pollutant”, it will be quite easy to remove. But it will be much more difficult to deal with dried, and even more so chronic ones.

Generic Methods

These methods will help you, and if you just spilled the drink, and if the pollution is stale. Let's figure out how to remove tea stains.

Water and soap

The easiest method is to wash the stained area under running water, then lather it well with laundry soap and " squat". That's all - after drying, in most cases, there will be no traces left.

You can start by soaking the product in warm ( but not hot!) water. After that already clean it with soap. For natural fabric cotton and linen) economic is suitable, and for capricious silk and wool it is better to use glycerin.

Dishwashing liquid

How to remove tea stains in this way? Apply the product to the stained part of the clothing. Rub a little and wash off after five minutes. If traces remain, then repeat the procedure again.


Mix one teaspoon of ammonia solution in 1 liter of water. Dip a sponge into this solution and rub it on the stain. Don't forget to place an unused cloth or layers of paper towel under the product so that the bedding absorbs the dirt being removed.

Advice! If there are stains on the product after alcohol, then proceed as follows: treat them with a 10% solution of citric acid, then wait 15 minutes. Then the thing must be thoroughly rinsed, and in conclusion - washed in warm ( just warm, but not hot) water.

Water and vinegar

An excellent answer to the question "How to remove a tea stain?" Dilute these components 1:1. Then soak the tea-drenched area of ​​clothing in the solution. Once the stain has dissolved, it will be enough just to rinse the item under running water.

The method helps to fight mild pollution from black or green tea.


You need a miracle vial of Borax Solution in Glycerin. Dilute part of the liquid from there in half with water. Then soak it water) the tea stain itself. After that, treat it with the prepared solution.

If the stain still remains, then you can “finish off” it with an aqueous solution of citric acid and table salt of low concentration. And then send the thing to the machine. How often should you wash your clothes afterwards? Once is enough - borax does not have a corrosive smell.

Glycerin and table salt

From these two ingredients, a composition is prepared that has a consistency resembling gruel. It should be applied to the stain. Hold the composition for a while, then wash the thing - in a typewriter or by hand. And it is important - do not abuse the temperature.

Advice! The glycerin + table salt method will also easily deal with ballpoint pen and wine stains.

Lemon juice

A simple remedy that will help you get rid of the tea stain. Lemon juice breaks down tannin very well.

bleach solution

We’ll warn you right away: bleach is a very aggressive agent! Use it only for white and completely natural fabrics - cotton or linen. But bleach will not clean synthetics, silk, wool and all types of combined fabrics, but simply ruin them.

To get rid of the pungent odor, remember to place the rinse in the machine with the conditioner added beforehand. But how often can you wash a thing in a typewriter after that? As much as you want, bleach does not spoil linen and cotton.

Lactic acid and distilled water

A little-known, but quite effective method that is perfect even for delicate fabrics. How to wash tea from clothes with it? Dilute a small amount of lactic acid in distilled water. Soak a cloth in it and rub it liberally on the stain. Matter can be left on it. Wait 15-20 minutes, then wash the item in the washing machine.

For white things

The best remedy for light matter is hydrogen peroxide. After using it, be sure to wash the product in cold water!

Another great method is regular baking soda. Pour a little powder onto a damp cloth, cloth or cotton pad. Now scrub the stain. You can make a slurry of soda and a few drops of water, which then needs to be rubbed into the pollution. Then it remains only to thoroughly rinse the thing.

The videos in this article will show you a visual application of home methods.

Advice! We will remove the stain only from the wrong side of the product! Don't forget to also put a rag, cloth, or several layers of paper towel under the item. This lining will absorb dirt.

Special cases

Now we will analyze the methods that will help us in the case when a specific fabric or object is poured with tea.

Cotton, linen

Proven methods from hostesses are in the table. How to wash black tea, you will learn further.

Fresh spot.

Salt, ammonia ( can be medical) alcohol

Get wet ( but don't rub!) stain with a cloth or napkin. Then cover the contamination with a layer of table salt. As soon as it absorbs the remaining liquid, wipe the stain with a cotton pad or a tissue soaked in ammonia or rubbing alcohol.
For colored fabrics on which the dirt has had time to dry.

Borax, citric acid and salt

Here's a little instruction:

1. Wipe the stain with 10% borax solution.

2. Prepare the composition: dissolve a pinch of salt and 5 g of citric acid in one glass of water. Stir.

3. Treat the contamination with the prepared solution.

4. Now it remains only to thoroughly rinse the thing after the complete disappearance of stains.

White thing.

ammonia and citric acid.

Treat the stained area with a cotton pad soaked in ammonia solution. Leave it like that for a while.

Dissolve a tablespoon of citric acid powder in a glass of water. Apply the solution to the treated ammonia" place. After dissolving the stains, rinse the product.

Advice! To prevent tea marks from starting to spread around their circumference when you start to fight them, be sure to moisten the material around the contamination with water before processing.

Silk, wool

And in this table we will tell you how to deal with the most capricious fabrics.

Glycerol Apply the product to a cotton pad and use it on the stain. Leave the glycerin on for 10 minutes. Then rinse with water and dry the fabric with a clean towel.

Housewives also advise using preheated glycerin to remove tea stains.

Oxalic and citric acid Prepare the solution: add a tablespoon of citric acid and ½ tablespoon of oxalic acid to a glass of water. Treat the stain. As soon as the acids remove the dirt, rinse the item.
Old stains.

Ammonia, glycerin + washing

Mix glycerin with ammonia solution in proportion " one to one". Some time after treatment with a solution of the product, wash the thing in the washing machine, choosing one of the long modes.
Stain removers For white fabrics, chlorine-containing ones are also suitable, for colored fabrics - only oxygen ones ( as in the photo)! Our advice to you is to use aggressive cleaners with caution. Be sure to test such a substance on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bmatter. You can use the remedy if there are no negative reactions.

Carpet, upholstered furniture

If tea spilled on these household items, then we do this:

  • Dilute one tablespoon of glycerin in a liter of cool water. With this solution, use a brush or sponge to treat the tea stain.
  • If the stain is fresh, then you can use dishwashing liquid or a composition of laundry soap shavings diluted in water. The product is quickly applied with a brush or sponge to contamination, rubbed to foam. Then her ( foam) removed with a paper towel.
  • Prepare a solution of oxalic, citric or lactic acid and try to work with it. However, before doing this, check its safety on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.

important papers

It is not uncommon for tea to get on important documents. What to do in this case, when the cost of inaccuracy is high? The algorithm of your actions is as follows:

  1. Prepare the composition: water and hydrogen peroxide - one to one.
  2. Put the papers in this solution for a period that would allow them to soak in the liquid.
  3. Now we need distilled water with calcium hydroxide mixed in it.
  4. Soak the paper in this solution.
  5. Dry documents with paper towels.
  6. If this does not help, then dilute the solution: two parts water to one part chlorine bleach. Dip your papers in this composition.
  7. Dry the documents with an iron through waxed paper.

Possible and impossible

Not all home remedies are equally good for all types of fabrics. Some can spoil the appearance of matter. Therefore, we offer you this table, which will help you figure out what is suitable for a particular soiled item.

Soap Harmless to any type of fabric. But it is effective only against fresh stains.
Glycerol Light fabrics or fabrics dyed with a permanent dye.
Oxalic acid A strong cleaner suitable only for white cotton.
Vinegar or citric acid Will be acceptable for cotton, wool and silk material.
Bura A universal tool for any material of various colors.
Bleaching powder For white cotton or linen garments only.

The most harmless Only for white cotton and linen! Not for synthetics
Glycerin would be good too. Among safe means and borax

Rules for successful cleaning

So that the home fight against a tea stain leads to a good result and does not add new problems to you, take note of these simple rules:

  • Do not forget about the substrate under the fabric before you start cleaning it.
  • Before rehabilitating a thing with a pattern or colored fabric, be sure that the product you have chosen will not spoil it. So test it on an inconspicuous area. For example, on a seam or on a fold.
  • The cleaning solution is first applied around the stain. Only then do you smoothly move towards its center. This will help the liquid not spread over unstained matter.
  • Use the lowest concentration solution first. Only in the case when it turned out to be ineffective, it can be gradually increased.

Make a bedding with paper towels

How to remove a stain from tea, we have sorted it out. Choose any of the methods suitable for the soiled product, not forgetting to look at the introductory table and recommendations for safe cleaning at the end of the article.

You rarely meet a person who does not like black or green tea. This fragrant and tonic drink ranks second in popularity, only coffee ahead. Often, through negligence, tea leaves drip onto clothes, leaving dark marks, but not everyone knows how to remove green tea stains.

The tea ceremony is a kind of ritual for some nationalities. No matter how carefully they try to pour the liquid from the teapot, traces of brown or yellowish color often remain on napkins and garments. Bringing them out is not as easy as it seems at first glance, an important role in this will be played by the origin of the halftone and its coloring. It is these indicators that will influence the choice of stain remover.

Stain removers

Green tea does not have a very rich color when brewed, but this is deceptive. A translucent liquid of a greenish-yellow color has a rather tart taste. If, for some reason, the tea leaves are on the fabric, then it will instantly turn yellowish-brown and it is problematic to remove it.

The composition of tea leaves includes tannin, which is a coloring element. Boiling water causes the tannin to slowly leach out of the tea leaf, coloring the water. When such a drink gets on the fabrics, it immediately stains them, not everyone knows how to remove a tea stain and not damage a wardrobe item. The first step will be the choice of means, but here they start from the quality of the fabric:

  • for natural and light, you can use almost any stain remover;
  • colored and synthetics require special handling not only in washing, but also when choosing stain removers.

There are a wide variety of products for removing stains from clothes in household chemical stores. They work effectively even in cold water, treat any kind of material sparingly, and qualitatively eliminate pollution, including removing tea. The cost of such a tool is high, not everyone can afford it. They are made on the basis of well-known substances used by our grandmothers and mothers.

Green tea stains can be removed with more budgetary means:

  • bleach;
  • glycerin;
  • salt;
  • ammonia;
  • lemon juice or acid;
  • brown;
  • vinegar.

All of them are used alone, but a greater effect can be achieved in a duet. But you need to mix and apply carefully, not every fabric will allow you to remove a stain from green tea without consequences for the cloth.

Removing stains from colored fabrics

Most of the products that fight stains on colored and synthetic fabrics have a "registration" in the pharmacy. Some are always present in the home first aid kit and are at hand. They have many advantages:

  • easy to use;
  • have a minimum of harmful impurities;
  • almost completely safe;
  • significantly save the budget;
  • effectively remove impurities.

How fast and efficient? There are several ways, the most effective:

  1. A mixture of ammonia and glycerin will effectively remove tea from a material of artificial origin with a color print. Ingredients are purchased at a pharmacy at a reasonable price. The main thing is to mix in the correct proportion, the rate of the reaction, the effect on the color of the fabric, depends on the concentration of ammonia. So that everything goes without a hitch, mix half a teaspoon of ammonia and two tablespoons of glycerin. You should get an ointment-like substance, with the help of a cotton pad it is applied to the pollution and carefully rubbed. After 7-10 min. process, the pollution will completely disappear from the colored fabric, it should also be washed or washed with a mild soapy solution.
  2. Glycerin with water works not only on colored fabrics. No less effective tool can be used to process carpets and upholstery of upholstered furniture, if tea leaves got there too. A tablespoon of glycerin is enough for a liter of pure water, the main thing is to mix all the ingredients well. It is better to apply with a soft sponge or flannel cloth, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and laundry soap.
  3. A 10% solution of borax will help remove traces of tea drinking on white and color. You can buy it at any pharmacy, the tool is very affordable and effective. It is used for colored fabrics, while it will be effective for both synthetics and fabrics of natural origin. To treat contamination, the contents of the bottle are diluted in water 1: 1 and applied, the edges are immediately treated with a cotton pad, and then dirt is removed from the center with light blotting movements.
  4. Like a stain from a colored fabric? Everything is very simple here, just put the pollution under a stream of warm water and wait a bit. Literally in 5-7 minutes there will be no trace of him. But this is effective only with fresh pollution.
  5. Tea marks from natural colored fabrics such as silk or wool cannot be easily removed. This task is best handled by heated glycerin. A handkerchief or soft cotton napkin is moistened in it and applied to the contaminated area. After 15-20 minutes, the “bandage” is removed, washed in the usual way, after such a process there will be no trace of tea.

It should be understood that it is not always possible to remove pollution the first time, sometimes traces or stains may remain. Do not be upset, repeat the procedure again.

Saving white things

White fabrics of natural origin are most susceptible to various kinds of pollution. After bleaches and stain removers, traces of pollution remain there. You can completely get rid of it after re-treatment with the same remedy, or by trying a stronger one. How to remove tea stains on white, what means will cope with this task the first time? Again, let's turn to the old, time-tested.

  1. In this regard, bleach or bleach works well. It cannot be found in its pure form, but there are many analogues with a high content of matter, among them whiteness. It should be used only for cotton and linen fabrics in its pure form, artificial admixture is unacceptable. How to remove a tea stain with this product correctly? It is dangerous to use it in its pure form, dilute the product according to the available instructions and lower the contaminated item there. After the contamination is gone, the soaked one should be rinsed well, washed in the machine in standard mode.
  2. Lemon juice and citric acid have long been used for bleaching and lightening. These properties of the product are also used to remove stains of various origins, including from green and black tea, coffee. You can use the dry substance of citric acid, it is poured in a thin layer directly on the pre-moistened stain. A mixture of citric and oxalic acid is more effective. The ingredients are mixed dry in a ratio of 2: 1, then diluted in a glass of warm water until completely dissolved. The solution is applied with a cotton pad or napkin to the contaminated area of ​​the cloth and wiped lightly. The stain will disappear before our eyes, for a more effective effect, add a couple of drops of ammonia.
  3. Will remove pollution vinegar, which can be found in every kitchen. In its pure form, it is not used, it is necessary to make a solution in the ratio of a tablespoon of vinegar to a glass of water and soak the fabric in it. After 20 minutes, rinse, wash in the usual mode by hand or in the machine.
  4. On white, tea stains will also go away from laundry soap with a whitening effect. It will be gentle on fabric fibers and merciless to dirt. After the stains are removed, rinse the fabric well, wash the elements of the detergent.

White fabrics are more susceptible to stains, but there are plenty of ways to get them out.

It is necessary to remove tea stains carefully, following some tips you can deal with this problem quickly and efficiently:

  • A fresh stain from tea brewing will leave quickly and without a trace from any type of fabric if it is immediately washed with ordinary laundry soap in warm water. With old pollution, this advice will not work.
  • You can remove stains with fresh lemon juice, for this, a fresh cut of tinder is rubbed over pollution until it disappears completely.
  • Common kitchen salt will remove fresh stains. The main indicator is the freshness of the stain. Pollution is simply sprinkled with salt and waiting for it to absorb moisture, and with it the tea dye.
  • Before using vinegar and other products with acids, check the fabric for the stability of the pattern. This is usually done on a small patch or in the least visible place.

You can remove tea stains from any fabric, you need to know some tricks and be able to put them into practice. But it is better to try not to spill the drink, this will help to avoid many problems.
