
How to cook compote from raspberries. A simple photo recipe for vitamin raspberry compote - winter harvesting without sterilization

Dear friends, today I want to tell you how to close raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization. Usually such delicious ones as this one, I close them in three-liter jars - a smaller volume disperses too quickly, especially when friends with children come to visit. And three-liter jars are very inconvenient to sterilize - imagine what a huge pan is needed for this, and how long the sterilization process will take, and how hot it will become in the kitchen ... Imagine?

Now you understand why I close raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization. Do not worry that something will happen to the banks before winter: if you do everything right - stand the time and wrap the banks with a fur coat, then your compote will be in in perfect order. So arm yourself with raspberries, three-liter jars and will cook together delicious compote from raspberries for the winter.

Ingredients for raspberry compote for the winter for 3 liter jar:

  • 0.5 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon without a hill of citric acid.

*glass 250 ml.

How to close raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization:

We carefully sort the raspberries, removing sepals, leaves, bugs and low-quality berries. Most often, raspberries for compotes are not washed. But, if you are not sure about the quality of the berries, it is still better to wash them. We place the berries in a colander, which we lower into a large container of water. Then raise the colander with berries, let the excess water drain.

Pour prepared raspberries into sterilized jars.

And fill it with boiling water.

We cover the jars with lids and wrap them well in a blanket. Keep it like this for 5-10 minutes.

During this time, the water in the jar will become a completely different color - beautiful, crimson.

Then we take out the jar, remove the lid. Covering the neck of the jar with a special lid with holes, carefully pour the liquid into the pan. I must say right away that this is the most difficult procedure: the jar and its contents are hot, the liquid drains rather slowly (about 2 minutes), you need to keep the jar securely wrapped in a towel. We again put the jar of berries in a warm shelter, covered with a lid.

In a saucepan with drained liquid, add sugar and citric acid and put on fire. On big fire Bring the syrup to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes. Then we take out a jar of berries and carefully pour boiling syrup into it. Cover with a lid and seal immediately. We turn the jars upside down, wrap them with a blanket again and hold until completely cooled.

We hide the cooled jar of compote in a cool place - until winter.

In our family, compotes from various fruits and berries for the winter are traditionally prepared in large quantities. It is very convenient to open a jar of this in winter. fragrant drink to the arrival of guests, or just when you want to quench your thirst faster. You can preserve assorted fruit and berry compotes, or you can just from one type of fruit or berry. The most delicious and fragrant, in my opinion, is compote from ripe, fragrant raspberries. How to close raspberry compote for the winter will be today's photo recipe.

It is most practical to close raspberry compote for the winter in jars of 2 or 3 liters. Basically, no matter what berries you use, the proportion of ingredients remains the same: a large three-liter jar is taken in a glass (250 ml) of berries and sugar, and half a teaspoon of citric acid as a preservative. The exception is compote made from raw materials with a small percentage of acid, for example, blueberries. Then citric acid can be doubled.

step by step photo recipe

Suggested Recipe raspberry compote without sterilization, with citric acid and mint. Mint is an optional ingredient, we use it if desired.

First of all, you should prepare the dishes for preservation. Usually for compotes, jars and lids I do not sterilize over steam. As practice shows, it is enough just to wash them well, then pour boiling water over them and dry them in the open air.

A great alternative to boring juices and mineral water can become compote. Especially delicious drink obtained from raspberries. Your attention best recipes fragrant useful compote based on this berry.

Note to the owner

Preparing for cooking is no less important than the cooking process itself. Anyone will confirm this. professional chef, because there are certain nuances, in violation of which the drink will turn out not so tasty.

  • Raspberries are a very delicate fruit. Do not rinse directly under running water. It's better to do it this way. Pre-dial in a container of water. Pour the berries into a colander. Then place it in water and shake gently. Thus, the raspberries will be washed, but the fruits will not be damaged.
  • So that the berries do not fall apart during the cooking process and the aroma is preserved, it is first necessary to prepare the syrup. Usually, I use such proportions - 10:1. One liter of water is combined with 100 g of sugar. If the family loves honey, sugar can be replaced with this useful product. The mass is placed on slow fire when it starts to boil, they put a glass of fruit in it at the same time.

Cooking compote

After the raspberries have been added, the liquid will begin to boil in about a minute. In this case, the dishes must immediately be removed from the heat and tightly covered with a lid. So the aroma of the drink will be revealed even more.

Raspberry and apple compote recipe

No less “pleasant” is a drink with the addition of apples. They give the compote a special specific flavor. It perfectly quenches thirst.

So, for its preparation you will need this.


  • water - 1 l;
  • a glass of raspberries;
  • 2 large apples;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking process:

We clean the berries, as described above. My apples in the usual way and then cut into thin slices. This is necessary so that they cook quickly, because berries and fruits should be put at the same time.

Pour water into a saucepan. Let her boil. After that, make the fire weak, add raspberries and apples. Without covering the container with a lid, cook the compote for 3 minutes. Then gently add sugar, gently stir the ingredients. Let the liquid boil for another minute. Take the saucepan off the fire. Close the lid tightly. This will allow the compote to infuse, and it will become even more fragrant and tasty. After 15 minutes, the lid can be removed so that the drink cools faster.

Raspberries are loved by many adults and children. This fragrant berry is great to eat on its own. It can be cooked delicious desserts V summer time, and also it can be harvested for the winter in the form of preserves, jams, frozen berries and compotes. Raspberry has many medicinal qualities, it saturates the body with mass useful substances, helps to strengthen immunity, treat acute respiratory viral infections, etc. Today we are talking about how to prepare a delicious compote for the winter without sterilization from raspberries in a 3 liter jar.

To prepare compote without sterilization, it is not at all necessary to use any chemical preservatives. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be able to roll up completely natural compote with minimal heat treatment berries, which will be remarkably stored at room temperature.

The easiest compote for a 3 liter jar for the winter

To prepare such a fragrant drink on three-liter jar(balloon) it is worth using a couple of glasses ripe berries, one glass of sugar, as well as as much water as will fit.

First of all, prepare the berries: sort them out, removing all debris, rotten and injured raspberries, then put the fruits in a colander and rinse.

Rinse beverage cans thoroughly using baking soda. Rinse them several times and sterilize over steam for four to five minutes. Boil the seaming lids for a couple of minutes in boiling water.

Arrange the prepared fruits in sterile jars. Boil water, preferably with a margin. Next, brew the contents of the jars with boiling water and leave for five to ten minutes. Then carefully drain hot water into a saucepan. By the way, in order for this manipulation to be as convenient as possible, use lids with holes, they can be found in special household departments.

Pour sugar into the drained water, send it to the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for a couple of minutes, then pour the syrup into jars and seal them with lids. flip ready drink upside down, wrap well and leave to cool completely.

Compote without sterilization from raspberries in a 3-liter jar with dogwood

To prepare such interesting option For winter drinking, readers of “Popular about Health” should prepare three hundred grams of raspberries, three hundred grams of dogwood, a glass of sugar, two hundred milliliters of water and a tablespoon of lemon juice. This number of components is enough for one three-liter jar.

First of all, prepare necessary components. Dogwood for such a compote should be used fresh, whole and not crushed. It must be thoroughly washed and carefully sorted out. Boil enough water in a saucepan, dip the dogwood in a colander into it for literally five minutes. Then pour over the fruits cold water.

Rinse the raspberries thoroughly, dipping in a colander in cold water, and iterate.

Place both types of berries in a suitable saucepan. In a separate saucepan, prepare syrup from a glass of water and sugar. Boil the berries with boiling syrup. Leave such a workpiece in sufficient cool place for six to eight hours. Then pour into it right amount water, focusing on their taste preferences and jar size.

Then send the pot with the future drink to medium heat, bring to a boil, pour in lemon juice and stir. Pour the finished compote into sterile bottles, seal with sterile lids, turn upside down and wrap well.

How to cook the simplest raspberry compote for a 3 liter jar?

To prepare this version of the drink, you should stock up on two glasses of raspberries, one and a half glasses of sugar and a teaspoon of citric acid. These components are enough for a three-liter cylinder.

First of all, prepare the fruits: sort them thoroughly, eliminating all kinds of debris and damaged berries. Rinse the raspberries by dipping them in a colander in cold water. Prepare the syrup: pour three liters of water into a saucepan for each jar, add sugar and bring to a boil. After boiling, boil for another five minutes. Next, place the raspberries in prepared cylinders: clean and sterile.

Pour citric acid into them and brew with boiling syrup. Immediately roll up the compote with sterile lids, turn it upside down and leave it under the covers until it cools completely.

Simple compote of raspberries and currants

To prepare such interesting drink it is worth preparing one glass of ripe but dense raspberries, a glass of red or white currants, as well as a glass of black currants. Alternatively, use about a glass of sugar.

Rinse the berries, remove all ponytails and damaged fruits. Arrange raspberries and currants in jars. Be sure to pre-wash the soda cans, rinse several times and sterilize over steam for five minutes. Boil the seaming lids for three to four minutes.

Boil the contents of the jars with boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then drain the hot liquid back into the pan. Pour the right amount of sugar into it and heat to a boil, stirring so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Boil the syrup for at least a couple of minutes after boiling, then brew the contents of the jars with it. Seal the finished compote with sterile lids, turn upside down and wrap well. The cooled drink may well be stored at room temperature but away from sunlight.

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to wash raspberries, but for your own peace of mind, it is advisable to rinse it under running water. You can use fresh or frozen berries.

Open the slow cooker, pour raspberries into it. To enhance the flavor, add a handful of red currants. This is not a required ingredient, but if you use blackcurrant, be aware that it can overpower the raspberry flavor and change the color of the drink, making it darker. Pour in the sugar.

Pour the berries with water, preferably filtered or settled, mix everything gently.

If you have a Panasonic multicooker, select the "stew" function. In mv Redmond compote can be prepared in the "soup" mode. Do not close the lid when the volume is large, the cooking time is about 25 minutes.

With the lid closed, it is enough to cook for 20 minutes.

Give ready compote insist that the color and taste become more saturated. Serve the drink chilled in a transparent carafe to show how beautiful it turned out.


So that you can make raspberry compote in winter, make a supply of berries in the freezer. They are easy to freeze plastic bags and in plastic containers. Raspberries must be dry, otherwise you will freeze a single briquette, from which it will subsequently be difficult to separate the amount of berries necessary for compote.
If it was not possible to freeze raspberries in time, but there is an abundance of jam from it, you can use it when preparing a drink (just pour it into boiling water). Since the jam is quite sweet, it is most likely not necessary to add additional sugar. Assorted compotes are very tasty, to which just a little bit is added. There are a couple of apricots or plums, a handful of cherries and raspberries, great - send them to the pan.
