
The cream for the cake is the best. Cream of cream with raspberries

As you know, a cake or pastry in traditional form impossible to imagine without the cream. It allows not only to decorate and add originality, but also to emphasize the main taste of a particular culinary product. There are many varieties of creams. Luckily, most of them can be made at home. In addition, even a novice hostess can do it. So, today we propose to answer together the question of how to make cream for a cake at home. We will look at several recipes for preparing coatings for culinary products.

Cream cream "Five minutes"

If you are thinking about how to make cream for a cake at home without spending a lot of time and effort, then be sure to take into account this recipe. This culinary product is prepared quickly and is perfect for cakes, pastry rolls and other most variety of options baking. So, we propose to find out what we need in order to do butter cream.


To prepare this delicious and gentle cream we need simple and available products. Among them: butter- 250 grams (it should be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up to room temperature), 200 grams of powdered sugar, 100 ml of milk (you can take more, in which case the cream will turn out more tender and less greasy), a bag of vanillin.

Cooking process

Creamy homemade cream pretty easy to do. So, first you should boil the milk and leave it to cool to room temperature. Then add butter, powder and vanilla to it. Beat with a mixer until the mass becomes homogeneous and acquires a pearly color. This process takes an average of three to five minutes. However, in some cases it may take more time. At the same time, note that whipping the cream should only be done with a mixer (and not a food processor or blender) at the lowest speed. In extreme cases, you can also use a whisk for this purpose, but the cooking time in this case will increase. Ready butter cream will be tender, lush and airy, with light fragrance vanilla. It will be a great addition to the most various cakes and cake.

How to make lemon curd?

If you want to pamper your household or guests with pastries with original taste be sure to check out this recipe. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to cook on it. In general, we can say that the lemon cream recipe is very similar to the classic custard. Only instead of milk is used here citrus juice. As for the ingredients, we need the following: two glasses of granulated sugar, three chicken eggs and five yolks, a glass lemon juice, tablespoon lemon peel, 5 tablespoons of butter and a pinch of salt.

Let's move on to cooking

Combine in a deep bowl egg yolks with sugar and salt. Beat with a mixer until the mass becomes White color. Continuing to beat, add eggs one at a time. Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the lemons and add it to the egg mass. Then squeeze the juice from the citruses, filter and also pour into the bowl with the rest of the ingredients. We mix everything well. Then we put our future cream on water bath. After the mass warms up a little, add softened butter to it and stir well. We keep our cream in a water bath until it thickens, while not forgetting to stir it regularly. Then cover the dish tightly. cling film so that it lies directly on the surface of the resulting mass. Put in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. After our lemon cream cool, you can cover the prepared culinary product with it.

cream cheese recipe

If you follow the figure, but still can not resist delicious cakes and cakes, then try replacing the standard cream or custard with a cottage cheese analogue. It is less high-calorie, and also contains substances useful for our body. In order to cook curd cream, we need to stock up on the following products: 300 grams of cottage cheese, 200 milliliters of cream 33%, three-quarters of a glass of granulated sugar.

Cooking curd cream

The process of preparing this culinary product will take you no more than 10 minutes. First you need to cool the cream well, and then beat it with sugar in a deep bowl. We put the cottage cheese in a blender bowl, add a few tablespoons of cream and grind to a pasty consistency. Then we connect curd mass with cream and sugar and beat well with a mixer. Delicious cream is ready! Bon appetit!

How to make cake cream at home: biscuit cream recipe

If you are planning to cook a biscuit, then this light, tender and air cream. To make it, you need only two products: a can of condensed milk and butter (180 grams). The process of making cream is quite simple. To begin with, butter and condensed milk should be kept at room temperature for some time. Then put the oil in a deep bowl and start beating with a mixer. When it softens, we begin to add a little condensed milk. We continue to beat the mass until uniform consistency. Biscuit cream should be airy and strong. It fits perfectly on pastries, retains its shape and adds flavor to the main culinary product. Bon appetit!

Custard classic

One of the most popular and delicious options for filling and decorating cakes and pastries in our country, no doubt, is custard. There are several options for its preparation. We offer to start with classic recipe, which many housewives use to coat the cakes of the Napoleon cake loved by millions of our compatriots. To prepare it, we need following products: two chicken eggs, a liter of milk, 200 grams of butter, a glass of sugar and 3-4 tablespoons of flour.

In a small saucepan, combine eggs, flour and granulated sugar. Blend these ingredients until smooth. Gradually add milk to the pan and stir well. You should get a mixture of a homogeneous consistency. Put the saucepan on medium fire. Bring it to a boil, remembering to stir constantly. Then remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool. In the already cooled cream, add a little warm butter and beat well with a mixer. The mass should be airy and light. Custard cream is ready! You can use it for "Napoleon" or other culinary products. Bon appetit!

Protein Custard

To prepare a protein cream, use whipped with sugar or powdered sugar egg whites. It can be made both raw and custard, and various additives are often used. Custard is usually prepared by those who do not want to use raw egg whites in their culinary products for fear of contracting salmonellosis. So, for cooking we need the following ingredients: two egg whites, five tablespoons of powdered sugar or regular granulated sugar, 30 ml of water and one teaspoon of lemon juice.

Pour sugar into a small saucepan or ladle and pour water. We put on medium heat and cook the syrup. Its readiness is checked very simply. It is necessary to scoop up the syrup with a teaspoon. If the liquid drains in a thin stream, similar to a thread, then the syrup is not yet ready. If the stream is thick, then the saucepan can be removed from the heat. Please note that the syrup must be brought to readiness. Otherwise, the cream will be unstable, and you will not be able to cover the cake or pastry with it.

We continue cooking. Beat well-chilled egg whites until thick. Then we gradually begin to pour in to them hot syrup while continuing to beat. After pouring all the syrup, add lemon juice and continue to beat the mass for about 4-5 minutes. Custard protein cream ready! It is best used to top cakes and pastries.

So, today we found out how to make cream cake at home. Of course, the options for this culinary product are not limited to the recipes we have proposed. Plus, you can always experiment with ingredients. We are sure that very soon you will have your signature recipe homemade cream.

There is no cake without cream. The taste and appearance of the dessert largely depends on the layer. Even the most modest cake can become chic cake, if it is worthy of registration.

The most delicious creams for cakes - general principles of preparation

Criteria good cream: sweet, homogeneous, thick. To make it this way, you need to know the approach to each product.

Basic rules for making creams:

Sugar. Often it is replaced by powder. Added to cream for flavor. If powder is indicated, then it cannot be replaced with sand.

Oil. It is advisable to use natural creamy product fat content 72%. Usually it needs to be whipped, so we take it out of the refrigerator in advance and let it soften at room temperature. It is impossible to melt and heat before whipping.

Condensed milk. Ordinary condensed milk with sugar or boiled is used. In the second version, the product is thicker, has a dark color and resembles caramel. Ordinary condensed milk is white, has creamy taste. Pre-training does not require.

Cream. Used for cream heavy cream not less than 33%. Otherwise, the product lush foam won't fluff up.

Cocoa. For rich chocolate flavor powder without sugar is used. Before adding to total mass it needs to be sifted.

To prepare creams, you will also need a bowl and a mixer. In some cases, you can get by with a whisk, but the process will be longer and more laborious.

Recipe for a delicious buttercream mascarpone cake

delicious cream recipe sponge cake or any other with soft cakes. Mascarpone filling will make them even more tender, the dessert will melt in your mouth.


A pack of butter 70% fat and above;

500 g mascarpone;

2 cups of powder;

A pinch of salt.


1. Put the softened butter into a mixer bowl or into any bowl convenient for whipping. Immerse the mixer and start beating. High-quality oil in 5-7 minutes will become light, increase in volume.

2. We begin to gradually add powder to it. Add a pinch of salt for taste.

3. As soon as all the powder is dissolved, set the lowest mixer speed.

4. Partially add mascarpone to the oil. If the consistency of the son is heterogeneous, then before that it is better to stir separately.

5. Knead the cream at low speed and you're done!

Delicious cream for biscuit cake (butter)

For this most delicious cream, you will need not only quality oil but also good condensed milk. It’s good if there is a GOST marking on the jar, or at least there are no extraneous ingredients in the composition.


Bank of condensed milk;

350 g butter;

vanilla sachet;

1 tsp cognac.


1. Put the oil, immerse the whisk of the mixer, beat thoroughly until fluffy.

2. Enter vanilla, stir.

3. Open a can of condensed milk, start adding to the oil. But we do it in small portions, beat well each time. The mass should become homogeneous, delamination is unacceptable.

4. Beat the cream well, turn off the mixer and you can immediately grease the biscuit!

The most delicious mascarpone cake cream with cream

A recipe for air cream with mascarpone, which turns out to be a lot. All due to the addition of whipped cream, which must certainly be fatty. Otherwise, nothing will work and the mass will flow.


200 ml cream;

200 g mascarpone;

1 glass of powdered sugar;

Vanilla or any flavor you like.


1. Stir the mascarpone in a bowl; you do not need to remove the cheese from the refrigerator in advance. You can immediately add vanillin or any other flavoring to your taste.

2. Now we are engaged in cream. Pour them into a clean bowl, dip the beaters and start beating with a mixer.

3. As soon as the cream has tripled, we begin to pour in the powder. We don't stop beating.

4. As soon as the powder runs out, turn off the mixer.

5. We take a spatula in our hands, start adding mascarpone to the cream, stir gently so as not to plant foam.

6. We bring the cream to homogeneity. Ready! You can grease the cake layers.

Recipe for a delicious cream cake with boiled condensed milk

The feature of this delicious cake cream is the consistency. It always turns out thick, as it is prepared from boiled condensed milk. Can be used to extrude simple figures, flowers, cake edging.


Bank of condensed milk;

1.5 packs of butter;

Vanilla, cocoa, liqueur or cognac.


1. We shift boiled condensed milk with a bowl, knead until smooth.

2. In the second bowl, beat the butter, which should be softened.

3. Gradually add condensed milk to the butter, beat together.

4. For flavor, put vanilla, you can add cocoa or chocolate syrup, cognac will give a special taste.

Delicious cream for biscuit cake "Chocolate"

Very soft, light and airy chocolate cream which is perfect for biscuits. The taste will largely depend on the cocoa. Ideally, it should be dark and rich with no added sugar.


2 tablespoons of cocoa;

380 g thick condensed milk;

280 g butter;

1 g vanillin.


1. Sift cocoa so that lumps do not form in it.

2. In small portions, we introduce condensed milk into the powder, mix well.

3. In a separate bowl, put the butter, previously softened. Beat with a mixer.

4. In fluffy oil enter chocolate condensed milk, whisk thoroughly after each spoonful of milk.

5. Enter vanilla, stir last time and chocolate cream can be used!

The most delicious cream for Charlotte cake

Perfect option the most delicious cream for cakes of all types of "Charlotte". At proper manufacture the mass will turn out to be thick, shaped, it is easy to plant leaves and small flowers from it. It is impossible not to highlight the cost of the cream, which is relatively budget.


250 ml of milk;

400 g butter cl;

350 g sugar.


1. Cooking milk syrup. Mix milk and sugar, bring to a boil.

2. While the milk is heating, shake the eggs.

3. Pour hot milk with sugar into the eggs, continue to beat.

4. Transfer the mass to the stove, stir and cook until thickened. Cool down. The syrup will thicken even more as it cools.

5. Beat the butter until fluffy.

6. Gradually add the brewed syrup. We put in small portions and mix thoroughly.

7. Dye, cocoa, vanilla can be added to the finished cream. In the refrigerator, it will stand remarkably well for 2 days after preparation, but the mass must be transferred to an airtight container.

Recipe for a delicious cream cake with gelatin

This cream is made from sour cream, but thanks to the addition of gelatin, it solidifies well, does not spread, and is ideal for juicy and soft biscuit-type cakes.


15 g of gelatin;

250 g of condensed milk;

400 g sour cream;

Vanilla or cocoa;

50 ml of water.


1. Immediately you need to soak the gelatin. It is not necessary to use water, similarly you can take milk, it will be even better for a cream.

2. While the gelatin swells, you need to mix the condensed milk with sour cream. You can add vanilla, cocoa to them. Or use chocolate coffee condensed milk.

3. Taste the future cream. If you need more sweetness, then add sugar or powder, stir until the grains dissolve.

4. Dissolve the swollen gelatin in a water bath, add to the cream, stir.

5. Put the mass in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, but do not allow it to harden.

6. Lubricate the cake, decorate, send to harden for 3-4 hours.

Delicious cream for biscuit cake with cottage cheese

A variant of the most delicious cream for a cake with cottage cheese. Choose a fat and soft product so that the cream is gentle and uniform.


10 spoons of condensed milk;

400 g of cottage cheese;

200 g sour cream;

200 g butter;

0.5 st. powder.


1. Beat cottage cheese until smooth. It's best to use a blender. If not, then you can first wipe the product through a sieve.

2. Beat soft sl. butter together with powder, we introduce first condensed milk, and then sour cream.

3. Add softened cottage cheese, optional vanilla, cocoa, any essence.

4. Beat again and send the tender mass to the cake.

The most delicious banana cream cake

banana cream goes well with any chocolate and vanilla cakes. The layer turns out fragrant, tender, gives the dessert exotic taste. Optionally you can add coconut flakes.


2 bananas;

10 ml lemon juice;

200 g sour cream;

1 glass of powder;

150 g butter.


1. Whip the butter. Gradually add powder. At the end, add sour cream by the spoonful. You can replace powder with sour cream with condensed milk. In this case, it should be thick.

2. Peel bananas, mash to a puree and immediately add lemon juice. If this is not done, the pulp will quickly darken, the cream will be ugly.

3. It remains to stir both masses. We use cream for decorating cakes. It is not recommended to store the mass for a long time.

Sugar and powder thin the mass. Therefore, you should not add them to the cream more than indicated in the recipe.

If the consistency of the cream does not suit you, the mass turned out to be weak, you do not need to lubricate the cakes. The cake will float, the dessert will be hopelessly spoiled. You can add special thickeners or use improvised means. Gelatin will help. You can add some cookie crumbs, coconut flakes. They are great at bulking up.

If you mix products of different temperatures, the cream will delaminate, the mass will be grains, water may drain.

To flavor the dessert, it is not necessary to use only vanilla. You can buy essences with a variety of smells: rum, sweets, fruits, chocolate, berries.

Who doesn't love homemade sweets?

Grandma's pies, aunt's gingerbread, mother's air cakes.

And how wonderful it is if there is a little cream left and you are allowed to eat it just like that, picking it off the saucepan with your finger!

It doesn’t matter that homemade cakes are sometimes not as colorful as store-bought ones, but homemade confectioners can boast of delicious creams!

Cake cream at home can be made from heavy cream, sour cream, sweet cream butter or with its addition, egg whites or milk.

To prepare the cream, you can take whole condensed milk, which can also be boiled.

Depending on the main product and the method of preparation, cream for the cake can be:




Sour cream;


Oil, butter and protein creams are considered universal, since such creams are not only smeared with cakes, but also decorate cakes.

Creams sour cream and custard are used mainly for filling the cake, but if such creams cover its surface, then be sure to sprinkle on top with roasted and then chopped almonds or walnut, or crumbs made from fragments and scraps of cakes.

Custard ideally impregnates not only tender biscuits and honey cakes, like no other, it is suitable for spreading cakes baked from puff pastry. A vivid example of this is Napoleon, beloved by everyone since childhood.

Depending on the type of cream, as well as the method of its preparation, in addition to the main products, it may contain a thickener in the form wheat flour.

The taste of homemade creams is improved with crushed nuts, marmalade, pieces of fruit, it all depends on the desire and taste.

Aromatize cream you can use special essences, vanilla powder (or sugar), cognacs or dessert wines that are added during the whipping process.

Various colors of cream, which will be used for decoration, can be achieved by mixing various food colorings also used in production. Such dyes are commercially available, but it is still better to replace them with natural ones.

Finely grated lemon zest or carrot juice yellow cream.

Red staining will turn out if you pour a little pomegranate, cherry or beetroot juice.

By mixing red and yellow natural dyes, you can achieve orange color.

beautiful Green colour reach by adding juice of sorrel or spinach.

Burnt granulated sugar dissolved in water or hard brewed instant coffee will color the cream brown.

Cake cream at home - general principles of preparation

To get a delicious cake cream at home, you should take fresh, high-quality and only natural products.

There are a lot of types of cream for the cake and they differ very much in the way they are prepared.

Cake cream at home is usually prepared by initially mixing all the products and then whipping them to the desired density and consistency.

There are types of creams for which the base is first brewed, which is then added hot or chilled during the whipping process to the rest of the ingredients, or vice versa, other components are combined with the already cooled or still hot brewed base.

Regardless of what type of cream is being prepared, there is a prerequisite, at the end of whipping, a homogeneous, thick mass that has increased several times should be obtained. This, in fact, is the finished cream.

"Cloud" - protein cream for cake at home

A wonderful protein air cream, a filler for puff “tubes” so beloved by many. Because of its tenderness, it is often used in baking cakes. And if you add more lemon juice, then it will acquire a very unusual sourness.


Two eggs;

140 grams of sugar;

Citric acid or two drops of lemon juice;

vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Pour fifty milliliters of water into granulated sugar, mix thoroughly and set the syrup to boil. At the same time, the heating of the stove should be turned on to the maximum, and so that the syrup does not burn, you need to constantly stir it during cooking.

2. When it boils, reduce the heat to the lowest possible and continue to cook.

3. Whilst the syrup is boiling, beat the whites separated from the yolks until a thick, dense foam forms. To make egg whites whip faster, add a little citric acid. You can squeeze a couple of drops of juice from a lemon.

4. Now check the readiness of the boiled sugar syrup. To do this, drop it a little into cold water and take the ball formed from it with your fingers. If the ball is dense, does not crumple, but is not very hard, then the syrup is ready.

5. Take a container with whipped proteins and start beating them again, while pouring in very carefully, as thin as possible, the syrup that has just been removed from the fire. Do not stop beating until all the hot sugar mass is poured in, otherwise the proteins will curl up and the cream will not work.

6. Ready cream use immediately after cooking, as it freezes very quickly.

Protein, in a steam bath, cake cream at home


Five proteins;

200 g of yellow, unrefined sugar;

A pinch of lemon to-you.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the whites from the yolks and put them in the refrigerator for at least half an hour to cool.

2. Add “lemon” to the chilled proteins and start beating slowly. First you should beat the proteins with a fork, and when you see that bubbles began to form in the protein mass, move the container to steam bath and continue beating with a mixer or a low speed hand blender, gradually increasing the speed. Be sure to pay attention, the bath is steam, not water!

3. A container with proteins should not touch boiling water. The water should not boil too intensely, otherwise the proteins will not have time to whip and cook.

4. When the mass begins to turn white, pour in the entire portion of granulated sugar and continue beating until the mass noticeably increases in volume and thickens. Readiness is easy to determine by slowing down the rotation of the mixer.

5. Remove the container with cream from heating and whisk intensively for another ten minutes.

Butter "Charlotte" - cake cream at home


360 grams of sugar;

400 grams of sweet cream butter;

Chicken egg - 1 pc.;

240 ml whole pasteurized milk;

4 grams of vanilla powder;

1 tsp brandy, cognac, or strong, tart wine ("Madera").

Cooking method:

1. Mix the third part of the milk with the entire serving of sugar, add the beaten egg, stir well and heat over medium heat to about eighty degrees.

2. Pour the remaining milk to the mass, boil and, reducing the heat to a minimum, soak at a low boil for five minutes.

3. Remove from heat, cool quite a bit and strain hot through a sieve or a rare colander. Cool down to twenty degrees.

4. Add vanilla powder, cognac and start whipping the cream, gradually adding softened butter.

5. When you get a homogeneous air mass, the cream is ready.

Butter "Glace" - cream for cake at home


400 grams of natural butter;

350 grams of sugar;

Eight eggs;

Vanilla powder or sugar - 5 grams;

A teaspoon of white nutmeg wine.

Cooking method:

1. White grind the eggs with granulated sugar.

2. Place bowl with egg and sugar mixture in a water bath and start whisking. When the mass has increased by almost two and a half times, remove the bowl from the bath and cool quickly.

3. With continuous whisking in small parts, add butter, add vanilla sugar or vanillin, pour in wine and continue whisking until tender.

Butter cream for cake at home with boiled condensed milk - "Toffee"


Half-liter can of boiled "factory" condensed milk;

450 grams of butter, unsalted butter;

Vanilla sugar - a small bag (2 g).

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl for whipping cream, cut the slightly softened, melted butter into small pieces.

2. Add boiled condensed milk, vanillin and beat the cream.

"Creamy Classics" - cake cream at home


370 ml fat, 35%, cream;

300 grams of sweet butter;

A sachet of vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the butter into small pieces and place in a bowl.

2. Pour in the cream and bring to a simmer. The mass must be well warmed up, not allowing to boil.

3. When all the butter has melted, remove the container from the heat and whisk creamy mass mixer at maximum speed. Beat until the creamy-butter mass becomes homogeneous and for a duration of at least five minutes.

4. Then put the bowl in the refrigerator for four hours. During this time, the cream will not only cool, but also harden.

5. Then add sugar and beat the cream again. Sugar can be poured all at once, or you can pour it in portions, then the cream will whip faster.

6. A thick, rather fluffy hat formed during whipping indicates readiness.

"Creamy-curd" cream for cake at home


240 grams of fat homemade, or at least 18% purchased cottage cheese;

250 ml 22% cream;

80 ml of any fruit syrup;

2 tbsp. spoons fresh juice lemon

Butter, unsalted butter - 80 g;

100 grams of sugar, white.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve, add the syrup and beat well with a mixer.

2. Dilute granulated sugar with cream in a separate bowl, add soft, slightly thawed butter and beat everything with a mixer into a fluffy hat.

3. Then carefully introduce the curd-sugar mass into the whipped cream with butter. Carefully, so that the cream does not settle too much, mix everything with a spoon.

Custard for cake at home


300 ml boiled water;

75 g or three full large spoons, baking white flour;

370 grams of sugar;

400 grams of butter natural oil;

Vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Pour granulated sugar with half a glass of water and boil.

2. After the sugar is completely dissolved, pour in the flour diluted in the remaining water, stir quickly and continue cooking.

3. When the mass thickens, lower the pan into the container bigger size With cold water and refrigerate until completely cold.

4. Then add butter softened with a fork, vanilla and beat.

Custard for a cake at home with condensed milk


"condensed milk" - half a can;

100 ml of any "factory" milk;

One egg;

50 grams of white flour;

A two-hundred-gram pack of unsalted butter, natural.

Cooking method:

1. Combine ordinary pasteurized milk with condensed milk, add eggs and mix everything thoroughly.

2. Enter the flour while whisking constantly, making sure that no lumps form. If this still cannot be avoided, strain the mixture and mix well again.

3. Then put on the stove turned on to the minimum heat. Constantly stirring the mixture, bring it to a thickening, but in no case allow it to boil.

4. In a separate bowl, start whipping the butter cut into small pieces. When it softens well, add the custard mass to it, little by little, about three tablespoons. Do not pour in the next portion until the previously added oil is completely mixed in.

Recipe for sour cream cake at home


Half a liter of fat (can be homemade) sour cream;

Vanilla sugar;

300 grams of loose sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Using a mixer, beat the chilled sour cream until it increases in volume.

2. Then, without ceasing to beat, pour in all the granulated sugar and beat until its crystals dissolve and a sufficiently fluffy and thick mass is obtained.

Cake cream at home - cooking tricks and useful tips

Do not whip the cream enamelware. Since when whipping, the enamel can break off, and its pieces will fall into the cream.

Whipping of any cream starts with low intensity, further increasing the speed of whipping.

Protein cream, whipped into aluminum cookware may darken. To prepare such a cream, it is best to take a thick-walled glass or faience container.

If it is bad to separate the yolks from the proteins, then the protein cream will not work. Fat that accidentally gets into the dishes can also interfere with whipping.

If fresh sour cream or cream is kept in the refrigerator for a day, the cream prepared on their basis will be much easier and faster to beat.

If the sour cream does not whip well, throw it on a sieve, the bottom of which is lined with gauze. Excess liquid will come off, and the cream will quickly whip up.

If you initially introduce half of one raw egg white, she will whip up very quickly.

basis for custard it is best to brew in a thick-walled pan, in which case it will not burn.

In this article, I have collected all my favorite recipes for sponge cake creams. Let my piggy bank be here, into which I will look more than once if I forget something. I hope it will be useful for you too! Use on health!

1. Buttercream Charlotte

Delicious and delicate, with a light structure, Charlotte cream is suitable not only for the layer of the cake, but also for decoration. The cream is prepared by whipping butter with egg-milk syrup. Take the best oil, without impurities and additives, with a fat content of 82.5%

Ingredients per 250 g of cream:

  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sugar - 90 g
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 65 g
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. l.

Remove the oil from the refrigerator in advance (1-2 hours before cooking). To warm it up faster, you can divide it with a knife into pieces 1-2 cm long. The more surface of the oil comes into contact with air, the faster it will become desired temperature.

First prepare the syrup. Mix milk and yolk, strain through a sieve, add sugar and put on the stove to heat up. Boil the syrup over low heat with constant stirring for 7-8 minutes, from the moment of boiling, cook for 1-2 minutes. In my own way appearance the syrup should resemble condensed milk.

Pour the finished syrup into another bowl, cover with a film so that the top does not wind, and cool.

Place the butter in a large bowl and beat on high speed until fluffy and light. During the process, stop and collect several times silicone spatula cream, which is smeared on the walls of the bowl. In small portions, add the cooled milk syrup to the butter (these ingredients should be at the same temperature). The finished cream has the following structure: airy, white, thick, easily falls off the shoulder blade when tapped on the edge of the bowl.

Cream Charlotte is most often flavored with hard liquor, cognac, vanilla sugar. You can combine vanilla sugar with regular sugar and add it to the egg syrup during its preparation, or you can grind it into powder and add it to the cream at the very end of whipping.

This cream is not as tasty as Charlotte, but it is prepared so simply that it will help out in difficult times. It does not contain eggs, which means it keeps well.

  • Butter with a fat content of 82% - 150 g
  • Powdered sugar - 70 g
  • Condensed milk - 60 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (grind into powder) Can be replaced with 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • Cognac (or any other strong alcohol) - 1 tsp
  • Cocoa powder - 15 g

Take all foods out of the fridge ahead of time to keep warm. Add sifted icing sugar, vanilla sugar, cocoa powder to soft butter and beat vigorously with a mixer for 5-6 minutes (at maximum speed).

Add the condensed milk little by little, stirring thoroughly each time. Add cognac or liquor to the finished cream. The finished cream looks like a shiny homogeneous mass. Prepare it just before use.

3. Cream with mascarpone

Favorite cream that I often use. It is suitable for both sponge cakes and cupcakes. Eclairs with mascarpone - delicious pastries for tea.

In this recipe, you can change the fruit component, while getting new shades of taste and color each time. But even without extraneous ingredients, mascarpone cream is very good.

  • Cold fat cream (33-36%) - 375 g
  • Mascarpone - 360 g
  • Sugar - 75 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1.5 tsp
  • Fruit puree (from raspberries, bananas, strawberries, etc.) - 100 g

Cool the cream: place it in a bowl and put it in the freezer. Cold cream will whip much faster. Then combine sugar, mascarpone, vanilla extract and beat at low speed, and then go to maximum. Achieve sustained peaks.

At the end of cooking, add the fruit puree and carefully fold it into the cream with a spatula. Store in refrigerator until cake is assembled.

4. Protein cream

Usually nothing is layered with such a cream, since it is very gentle, but it is very suitable for coating and finishing. To protein jewelry firmly held their shape, it is customary to tint them: bake in the oven for a couple of minutes at high temperature, while the cream is covered with an appetizing golden brown crust.

  • Protein of one egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 60 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1/2 sachet

Beat egg whites until stiff, add sugar and vanilla sugar and beat vigorously again until a thick, white, shiny mass is formed. Such a cream must be used immediately, otherwise it will settle.

5. Curd cream

This cream is made from cottage cheese and regular cream and very similar to the filling in curd rings from brewed dough.

  • Curd - 185 g
  • Butter - 70 g
  • Powdered sugar - 50 g
  • Condensed milk - 15 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1/2 sachet (to be ground into powder)
  • Cognac (or other aromatic strong alcohol) - 1 tbsp. l.

Whip the butter with the sugar and vanilla sugar until light, add condensed milk and whisk again. At the end of the process, add cognac.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to make it fluffy. Combine with cream.

6. Cream "Plombir"

7. Custard sour cream for sponge cake

Pro normal version cream (where sour cream is mixed with sugar), I will not write, it is too simple and known to everyone. Tell me about a new way sour cream, in which flour, egg, sour cream are brewed in a water bath.

  • Sour cream 20% - 300 g
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Butter - 250 ml

Mix the egg, sour cream, vanilla, sugar and flour, place in a water bath and cook until thick, cool completely. Whip room temperature butter and constant stirring, enter into the cooled cream.

The cream is great for layering cakes, as it is quite “wet” and additional impregnation with biscuit syrup is not required.

8. Cream cheese

Great for, as well as other cakes and pastries. It keeps its shape well, therefore it is used not only in the layer, but also for decorating cakes and pastries.

  • Curd cheese - 340 g
  • Butter - 115 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g
  • Vanilla extract - 2 tsp

Preparing the cream is very simple, no special skills are needed. First, beat the butter (115 g) with the powdered sugar (100 g) on ​​high speed, then add the cream cheese and beat again with a mixer.

The oil must have room temperature, be softened and beat well. Cream cheese, on the contrary, should be very cold, fresh from the refrigerator.

9. Chocolate ganache

Cream is a mixture of butter and cream in various proportions, you can also add some fruit puree for aromatization and taste.

  • Dark chocolate (70%) - 100 gr.
  • Cream (33%) - 50 ml.
  • Oil - 10-15 gr.

The butter in this cream is added more for shine than texture, so it's in a small amount.

The cream is prepared very simply: add chocolate, broken into small pieces, into hot cream, mix. At the end of cooking, put a piece of butter.

It is important to remember the following proportions for milk, white and dark chocolate:

White ganache: 2 parts chocolate, 1 part cream (33%), 10% butter

Dark ganache: 1 part chocolate, 1 part cream (33%), 10% butter

Milk ganache: 3 parts chocolate, 2 parts cream (33%), 10% butter.

Knowing these proportions, you can always cook delicious cream for the cake, as well as the filling for, and, of course, macaroons.

10. Cream of condensed milk and butter

  • Soft butter - 200 g
  • Condensed milk good quality(V tin cans) - 200 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp (optional). You can use strong aromatic alcohol

The important point is to warm the butter to the desired temperature, its ideal consistency will be at 20 ° C. It feels a little cooler than room temperature.

Beat warm butter with a mixer in a light lush mass. Then add the condensed milk in small portions, beating each time. Cool the finished cream in the refrigerator.

In Pirogeyevo there is a variant of this cream (follow the link).

All necessary tools for the work of a confectioner, baking dishes and ingredients I buy in a store www.bakerstore.ru I recommend this store to everyone, since personally in my city the prices in confectionery stores for all ingredients are many times more expensive. And, by the way, when ordering, you can specify a promo code pirogeevo

Some novice cooks often ask this question: “What kind of cream is desirable to use for this?” And so that this question does not arise, I decided to write this article, where, focusing on my past experience, I will say right away: in terms of its consistency, it must be quite stable in order to confidently stay inside.

Take, for example: too liquid cream, in this case, under the weight of the cakes, it will flow, especially if they are heavy and thoroughly soaked. Also, a thick cream for the layer should not be too thick, because it will be dry and not gentle enough.

So, in today's article we will analyze the recipes for the most delicious creams for a biscuit cake, which have been personally tested by me and my friends more than once. Certainly taste qualities all recipes will be different, but for this I will try to explain as clearly as possible what will come out of it and you can choose the one you like more. I also recommend studying.

If you follow all the above recommendations, you will get a tender mass, which can be supplemented with sour cream or butter. I want to note that such a filling turns out to be very light. And to top it off, it can be used not only for making cakes, but also for cookies, waffles and cakes.


  • Butter 82.5% - 180 gr
  • condensed milk - 120 gr
  • cognac - 1 tsp
  • vanillin optional.

Cooking method:

First of all, we prepare everything necessary products and then we start cooking. We shift the softened butter into a deep bowl and beat it with a mixer for 4-5 minutes.

Then add condensed milk, vanillin if desired and one teaspoon of cognac. After we bring to a homogeneous state.

Cognac gives not only fine and pleasant aroma but the taste is just amazing.

Then we send this wonderful cream to the refrigerator for 10-12 minutes, and then we use it for its intended purpose.

How to make cream from sour cream

There are several good ways how to cook at home sour cream filling for the cake. One of them will be presented in this article.


  • Sour cream 20% - 680 gr
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • butter - 125 gr.

Cooking method:

In order for all excess liquid to escape, preferably at night or for 5-7 hours, hang sour cream in gauze. We shift it into a small saucepan and pour sugar here (the amount is indicated above).

And in the meantime, we need to cut the softened butter and beat it with a mixer, or in a food processor.

Now add the cooled sour cream mixture in small portions to the whipped butter and bring to a homogeneous state.

Here is such a gentle and elastic cream turned out.

Chocolate fondant with cream

Recently, I suddenly wanted to bake biscuit cake. The fondant for him had to be prepared from the products that were in the refrigerator - this is whipping cream and dark chocolate. It was decided to make the filling from these components.


  • Dark chocolate - 400 gr
  • cream - 400 gr.

Cooking method:

Pour the cream into a saucepan, put it on medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and immediately remove from heat.

While the cream is still hot, combine them with prepared chocolate and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

After all the chocolate has dissolved, we put this mass in the refrigerator, but not so that it is set and forgotten, but be sure to take it out and mix it every 10-15 minutes. This process took me about 1 hour. Then we take a mixer and bring our mixture to a density, where we beat at low speed for the first 1-2 minutes, and then bring it to a thicker consistency at full power.

This is such a wonderful chocolate cream.

Recipe with mascarpone

This is the recipe I love to make this dessert. Because it is suitable not only for biscuit cakes and cupcakes, but also for eclairs, which generally turn out to be space with it!


  • Mascarpone cheese - 300 gr
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • vanilla - 10 gr
  • fat cream - 600 ml.

Cooking method:

1. In a deep bowl, put the prepared ingredients that are listed above and start beating at a slow speed for 1.5 minutes.

2. Then gradually increase the speed and bring to a lush, smooth and very tasty cream.

3. This is a real lifesaver when your guests are already on the doorstep. You can cook cakes with it or put it in bowls and serve with your favorite berries or cookies.

Cooking cream from boiled condensed milk


  • Butter - 400 gr
  • boiled condensed milk - 400 gr
  • regular condensed milk - 400 gr
  • orange extract - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

With the help of a mixer, beat the softened butter in small portions so that it turns slightly white.

Now add the boiled condensed milk in parts and mix thoroughly.

Next we send ordinary condensed milk, one teaspoon of orange extract, or a few teaspoons of grated fine grater orange zest and whisk again.

The finished filling is quite stable, suitable both for layering cakes and for forming roses.

Video on how to make fruit cream

Banana fudge is incredibly tasty and fragrant. A win-win, will appeal not only to little sweet lovers, but also to adults.

Bon appetit!!!
