
Cottage cheese cream for biscuit recipe. Biscuit cake with curd cream

Very often there are cakes in which there is a very small layer of biscuit, but a rather thick coating of sour cream and curd cream. These cakes are good for those who do not want to gain a lot of weight without denying themselves sweets and desserts. The biscuit-curd cake helps in this situation, since the bulk of the calories are in the biscuit itself, and not in the curd cream. Especially if you take fat-free cottage cheese for such a layer, which does not add extra pounds.

Of course, it cannot be said that a cake with curd cream and fruit will not add extra centimeters, but it is much more useful than huge biscuit cakes with oil impregnation. In addition to cottage cheese with sour cream, healthy products in the torus will also contain fruits that will add vitamins, since they are not amenable to heat treatment.

Cakes are different not only in the composition of fruits, but also in the method of preparation and assembly. Currently, the most fashionable cakes have become in which there is one thin layer of biscuit cake and a very high layer of sour cream curd cream. The second option is several very thin cakes, between which there are thick layers of cream.

Both options will look good even on the festive table. But any of the cakes must be tried in advance so that at the crucial moment you don’t lose face and rush to the supermarket for holiday pastries. Although, as practice shows, making a cake with fruit and sour cream is no more difficult than any other biscuit. Just remember that biscuit cakes are somewhat dry, so before you cover them with cream, you need to soak them well with any liquid impregnation.

It is worth considering several types of pastries based on a biscuit covered with cottage cheese and flavored with fruit, since even every housewife makes her own cottage cheese cream, having some manufacturing secrets. Also, cakes can vary in terms of finding fruit. The main mass is baking in which the fruit layer is located between the biscuit and cream. There are also cakes in which the cream is made with pieces of fruit, and the cake itself is soaked in jam or berry syrup very plentifully. These desserts are more like three-layer ones - where a biscuit, a layer of jam or jam and covers it all - curd cream with fruit. If you choose the right colors and taste of various fruits, then the cake will be delicious and very beautiful on the cut.

Two layers and impregnation

This biscuit dessert contains two layers, as well as a beautiful decoration of different fruits and berries.

What layers do we use - biscuit, cottage cheese cream and fruit decoration.

The cake will be very tall in a standard tin, so I prefer to bake it in a large tin, but rather a rectangular one right on a baking sheet with high sides. In this case, more pieces are obtained for the children who are invited to the child's birthday. It is good to take such a dessert to school or kindergarten, since in this case no one will be deprived. It is also easy to divide a rectangular cake into equal parts.

Also, one of the options for such a dessert can be several layers of biscuit, with layers of curd cream. The ingredients for both desserts are the same, the difference is only in the assembly of pastries. What is needed for cooking:

Biscuit layer:

  • Chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • Sugar sand - 1 cup.

Cream layer:

  • Cottage cheese - 2 packs of 200 gr.;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Butter - 50 gr.;
  • Bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Butter - 1 teaspoon.


  • Kiwi - 3 pcs.;
  • Bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • Victoria Berries - 1 cup

A little addition before starting the step by step recipe. If you are making one layer of biscuit, no fondant is needed.

How to cook the right biscuit layer was described in many articles on our website, but it never hurts to repeat. We divide the eggs into components, namely, proteins and yolks. The utensils for whipping proteins should be not only clean, but also dry. Even the smallest drop of water can spoil the whipping process.

We beat the proteins at low speeds of the mixer until soft peaks, after which we begin to introduce a quarter of the sugar into the protein mass, which is necessary according to the recipe for making a biscuit. Next, beat the yolks with the remnants of granulated sugar and add flour, sifted in advance. The entire yolk mass must be mixed well and only after that begin to spread whipped proteins into it.

At this stage, you can put the oven on heating to 180 degrees, and cover the baking sheet with baking paper. Do not grease the edges of the baking sheet, as the dough climbs up along the dry edges. And if they are oiled, then the cake may not rise from the edges, but form a slide in the middle.

Now add the whites to the yolk mixture and mix with a spatula from the bottom up. You should not use a mixer, because in the process of whipping we will lose the entire air layer in the proteins. Pour the resulting mass onto a baking sheet and level with a spatula so that the cake is the same in height.

While the cake is baking, and it takes about 35-40 minutes, you can prepare the cottage cheese cream.

To do this, it is better to grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve, or beat it well in a blender, breaking all the lumps. Next, combine the cottage cheese with sour cream, sugar and softened butter, beat thoroughly as well, but with a mixer. Cut two bananas into small cubes and add to the prepared cream.

When the biscuit is ready, we determine the readiness with a toothpick, then leave it in the oven for 10 minutes, but the door should be slightly ajar. This will allow the biscuit to cool slightly without losing temperature too quickly. If you take out the cake immediately and put it to cool at room temperature, then the biscuit may fall off, and the cake will turn out to be very thin. After 10 minutes, remove the baking sheet from the oven and cool for another 30 minutes without removing it from the mold.

At this point, you can think about decorating.

We clean and cut the kiwi with thin plastics, we clean the Victoria berry from the stalks, gently wash it, and dry it on a fabric surface. We cut bananas into thin plastics, slightly beveling the cut.

After all these preparatory work, we take out the biscuit from the mold and begin to collect.

We coat the cake with cream very abundantly, then carefully lay out the prepared fruits, creating a unique pattern on the white surface of the cream.

We put the finished biscuit cake in the refrigerator for an hour, after which you can serve it to the table. For beauty, you can sprinkle fruit with powdered sugar or grated chocolate.

Now consider the option when the cake is prepared with a layer of curd cream between two layers. We act according to the original scenario, only pour the dough not into a large baking sheet, but into a baking dish. We must cover the bottom with baking paper, and leave the edges open and do not coat them with oil. It will be easier if there is a detachable form on the farm, since it is easier to cover it with parchment, you do not need to specially cut out a circle or adjust the edges. All that is needed is to remove the sides, cover the bottom with parchment, and then put the side part in place, pressing the paper.

After the cake is baked and cooled, it must be cut into 2 equal parts, smeared with cream not only between the cakes, but also decorate the sides of the baking. Next, prepare the fondant, which should lie on the top layer. To prepare it, mix all the ingredients except the oil. Namely, add sugar and cocoa to sour cream and mix well until smooth. Now put the workpiece on a slow fire, and when the fudge starts to heat up, add the oil and bring to a boil. In order for the fondant to have a homogeneous consistency, it must be constantly stirred. As soon as the mixture boils, remove it from the heat and pour it on top of the cake. You need to do it carefully, trying to fill the entire surface of the cake with an even layer of fondant.

Cut the fruit and put it on a slightly cooled fudge. Let the cake rest in the refrigerator for about an hour and serve. If the cake requires moving or long-term storage before it is served, then it is best to cut and stack the fruit right before serving.

Varieties of fruit cake

You can change the recipe a little only when assembling the cake itself. In this case, a little less fruit will be required, since they need to be cut into small cubes and laid on the first layer of the cake. Then soak the cake with cream and put the next layer. We generously coat the whole cake with cream, not forgetting about the side surface. You can decorate with grated chocolate or nuts.

If you decide to make a three-layer cake with good impregnation, then take a jar of jam. We cover the biscuit with jam, let it soak a little and spread a thick layer of curd cream. Decorate the top with fruits and berries.

If you want to get a nice cut, contrasting colors will work well. You can take any fruits, more precisely those that are very fond of in your family. One has only to remember that the slices of orange and tangerine must be peeled not only from the thick peel, but also to remove thin films from each slice.

When using berries and fruits with seeds, the latter must be removed. This applies to nectarines, peaches, apricots. Pears and apples must be peeled off, as it will not blend well with the delicate texture of the cake itself.

Bananas on top of the cake should only be used if the culinary product does not have to stand for a long time before serving. Since they quickly darken and can spoil not only the appearance of the dessert, but also, having softened, swim between other fruits.

When using jam, you need to check the combination of jam flavor and fruit flavor that will decorate the cake. It is better to take jam from a fruit corresponding to one of those presented in the decoration. For example - apricot jam and apricot halves on top of baking.

This type of dessert does not limit your imagination regarding the selected fruits. You can use any, the main thing is that they blend well with each other.

I advise you to take high-quality ingredients: butter 82.5%, natural cottage cheese, condensed milk according to GOST without vegetable fats. I didn’t need the cream cheese that I prepared for the photo, there was enough curd cream and cream cheese, for which I bought it, I didn’t have to do it. I’ll tell you about the decor separately if you want to do something similar.
In advance, I baked two types of biscuit: [biscuit in a multicooker, http://site/recipe/1000-biskvit-v-multivarke], which can also be prepared in the standard way in the oven, as well as [spinach, http://kamelenta.. By the way, I also successfully baked a spinach biscuit in a slow cooker (it was hot and I didn’t want to turn on the oven). Ready-made cakes, wrapped in cling film, lay for several days in the freezer, this does not affect the quality of the biscuit, so you can cook the cake in stages! I cooked two cakes, so I distributed a little load :)
The cream was prepared with curd, which I recently used in [the "Number" cake, http://site/recipe/1437-tort-cifra-bukva-figura], it is quite stable and suitable for decorating the cake.
I used peach syrup to impregnate a light biscuit, spinach biscuit does not need to be impregnated, it is quite "juicy".
For a layer of cakes, in addition to the cream, canned peaches were perfect (a small jar was enough) and fresh strawberries, which can be replaced with fresh or frozen raspberries, blueberries.
So I have cakes from a slow cooker, their diameter is small, 20 cm, and due to this the cake came out high, just following today's fashion trends in confectionery art :)

So, when the cakes are ready, it remains to prepare the cream, assemble the cake and decorate, which is what we'll do!
Thoroughly beat the cottage cheese with condensed milk with a blender until a smooth, homogeneous mass without grains.

Beat butter at room temperature with a mixer with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar until fluffy light mass.

Add the curd to the butter mixture in parts, continuing to beat. We get a lush cream. In the cold, it freezes well and quickly! But on the cake you need to apply cream at room temperature.

Cut each cake into 3 pieces. At the spinach biscuit, I cut off the baked part a little so that the green color was visible (the trimmings came in handy later). Collect the cakes alternately, adjusting in size, then turn the stack over, it's easier to start assembling from the bottom cake, which has become the top one. I started with green.
To impregnate a light biscuit, drain the syrup from the peaches, I got 200 ml. If there is no syrup, you can dissolve 3 tbsp in 200 ml of hot water. l. sugar, cool and soak the cakes.

We put the first cake on the dish, I have spinach, I don’t soak it. Lubricate it with plenty of cream (190-200 g) so that the cream goes a little beyond the edges. Arrange chopped peaches and strawberries on top. I had 2 large strawberries and half a peach for each cake, except for the last one, I cut it into thin slices.
We cover with the next cake, light, soak it with 1/3 of the syrup (4-5 tablespoons), grease with cream, lay out the fruit. I immediately smeared the sides with cream, as the cake "growth". We continue like this with all the remaining cakes, do not forget about impregnation.

Soak the last light cake, cover with cream without fruit. We cover the sides. We leave about 200 g of cream for the final fine finish (if it's hot, you can remove it for a while in the cold). The assembled cake needs to be cooled in the refrigerator, the cream will quickly stabilize, all the crumbs from the cake will harden in the cream and it will be possible to finish the fine finish. The remaining cream should be brought back to room temperature if you removed it in the cold, and the sides and top of the cake should be finished clean.

I made grooves on the sides, I have a cream spatula with cloves, you can make them with a fork if you want. It seemed to me more interesting that way :) And it’s not always possible to perfectly align the sides if there is no rotating pan and a wide spatula, like professionals do! Put the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours or overnight.

The most interesting thing is the decor :) For my daughter, I wanted something light, airy, tender, so strawberries in white chocolate came to mind, [meringue, http://site/recipe/1442-merenga-na-palochke] on a stick and without , which I baked in advance, mashmalou, mint and white chocolate icing, tinted with dye. Well, the promised little mermaid (previously washed with soap, although it was new from the box)!

With strawberries, everything is simple: melt 50 g of white chocolate in a water bath (water does not touch the bowl of chocolate), dip the strawberries, put them on parchment, sprinkle with decorative sprinkles, and cool.
All decor must be prepared in advance, as the icing on the cake hardens quickly!

This time I needed a glaze that was pouring enough, since the cake was tall so that it would flow well and cover the sides, so I prepared it like this: melt the white chocolate. It melts at a lower temperature than dark, therefore, if you melt in a water bath - just bring the water to a boil, if in a microwave - in pulses, stirring each time. Stir chocolate, add vegetable oil (it is not felt at all in the finished glaze), mix until smooth. Add dye if necessary. The glaze comes out pouring. Let it stand for a bit and thicken a little. If you missed a moment and the glaze has become too thick - it needs to be warmed up a little and it will become pourable again!

Apply icing only on a well-chilled cake!!! First, we will make smudges: slowly pour a little from a spoon onto the edge of the cake, retreating by 0.5-1 cm, the icing begins to drain and harden.

Then, we cover small areas (5-7 centimeters each) with icing from a spoon, quickly smear it and immediately apply our decor so that it freezes in the icing and does not fall off. You can decorate the entire top of the cake, you can use a ring, leaving the middle. If the icing has frozen, and you did not have time to attach some element of decor - dip it a little into a bowl with liquid icing and attach it to the right place!

I decorated the whole cake with drips, and glued the sweets in a semicircle, as I decorated part of the cake [with meringue on a stick, http://site/recipe/1442-merenga-na-palochke] and seated the doll on an "ottoman", which I blinded from spinach scraps cake and cream.

Since the diameter of the cake is not large, I still had the icing and decor, and I decided to decorate its base as well: I poured a little icing on the dish at the foot of the cake and glued sweets! Store the finished cake in the refrigerator until serving, add mint just before serving, as it may wither.

And here is another exactly the same cake, only the decor is a little simpler. I made this cake for my family. The icing was tinted yellow, the decor was the same: strawberry, meringue, mashmalou, mint.

In the section I demonstrate a homemade cake. Here is such a fun striped cut :)

Well, the children's version attracted and delighted everyone: both the birthday girl (the first thing she asked to give the little mermaid to her) and the guests of the holiday! And the holiday brought together about 20 children, as they celebrated right in the courtyard of our friendly house and treated all the guys: those who went to our holiday, and those who just went out for a walk :))

Cream Cheesecake Cake is an amazingly delicious treat. It turns out it is airy, delicate and incredibly beautiful, as in this photo. Never eaten it yet? It's time to fix this!

Preparing a cake with curd cream. It is made on the basis of curd cheese. The product is special, you can eat it even spread on sweet cookies or a slice of bread.

Get an incredibly tasty and simple dish. But I would advise you to learn from my article how to make curd cream for a cake to decorate the festive table with delicious homemade cakes.

You can also use the composition not only for a layer of cakes, but also for filling cakes. And the most interesting thing is that it can be applied to sandwiches and snacks. Cheese can be diluted with sugar or salt.

Basic principles of cooking

Cottage cheese cream for biscuit cake differs from other layers in its special dense, thick consistency.

Before using the cheese, you need to take it out of the package and mix it. Only then can other products indicated by the recipe be added to the cheese.

As a rule, confectioners prepare curd cream for a cake with gelatin, honey, sour cream, fruits, berries, and various concentrates.

To make the composition more aromatic, you can add vanilla or flavoring. You can sweeten the mass with sugar, crushed into powder, various syrups, you can even dilute it with cream, cl. oil.

When the sweet layer is ready, you can coat the cake layers with the curd composition. The option is not ruled out - to cook a cake in the form of baskets - this is such an airy dessert made from shortcrust pastry, you can decorate cupcakes with curd cream, which have become very fashionable at festive receptions.

The layer for the cake can be created the way your soul desires. Do you really want to make an original decoration with cream on the cake?

No problem, just add food coloring, and the bright mass will be ready for a biscuit treat!

There are also spreads - these are salty creams. They are used for rolls, sandwiches and various snacks. It is customary to supplement them with nuts, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms and even red fish. So even delicious snacks will not be prepared by the hostess.

It is very important to know that the curd cream composition cannot be stored for a long time, and therefore it is better to immediately prepare a treat.

Well, with the theory in the article, I propose to come to the end to find out the recipes that I have prepared in a selection especially for you.

Butter cream "Cheese"

This is a step-by-step classic recipe for an amazing Cheese cream made from cream cheese with butter. The oil composition will be the perfect layer for a biscuit cake.

You can use it for different types of decoration of confectionery treats, including mastic.


120 gr. butter (from 80% fat); 280 gr. tv. cream cheese; a little vanilla and 90 gr. sugar powder.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Butter should be cut into pieces and left in a warm place for a while. After beat with a mixer and add vanilla, sugar. powder. The mass will be snow-white and airy.
  2. I'm bringing in butter TV. cheese, but not all. I interrupt the mass and add the rest. You can also add different flavors to the composition or, if desired, dyes. That's all, the cream cheese cream is ready to use for making homemade cakes!

As you can see, everything is really very simple!

chocolate cream

The recipe indicates the preparation of cream cheese and sour cream. The fat content of sour cream should be from 30%.


100 gr. chocolate bars; 130 gr. sugar powders; 200 gr. sour cream and 280 gr. cottage cheese.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I chop the chocolate into pieces and put it in a bowl. I add 1 tbsp. sour cream and send to languish in a water bath. I heat so that the mass is homogeneous. It is not worth overheating the composition. I mix well.
  2. I beat sour cream and sah with a mixer. powder. I put the indicated amount of cottage cheese in the composition of the creamy mass and mix well again.
  3. I introduce melted chocolate into the cottage cheese. I interrupt the mass with a mixer again.
  4. I let the curd cream stand for 30 minutes in the cold. This is necessary if the mass is not of the density that is required. That's all, you can use it for a layer of cakes, filling cakes for a children's holiday.

Delicate cream for a festive children's dessert

Prepared from cream and TV. cheese. It is ideal for decorating cupcakes, cakes, baskets and other types of cake. The mass of these components should be enough to decorate the treat.

This time, cream should be taken according to fat content from 30%. After all, they need to be beaten with a mixer. Then the cottage cheese is introduced into the composition of the cream, and the components are mixed very carefully with each other.


120 gr. sugar powders; 300 gr. cottage cheese; 200 ml cream; 1 gr. vanilla; 1 pack thickener (if necessary, you can do without it).

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Vanillin and sugar. I mix powder. If you need to make a dense creamy mass, at this stage I introduce a thickener. Instructions on how to use it should be written on the packaging.
  2. I pour the package with cream into a bowl and beat them with a mixer to make foam. I introduce a mixture of sugar. powder and vanilla, and beat again.
  3. I put the cottage cheese in a bowl, mix it so that the composition is homogeneous, in which case it mixes better with the cream. I beat with a mixer for a minute.
  4. I bring in TV. cheese into the cream and interrupt with a mixer. You need to do this for one minute, no more.
  5. I let the mass stand for some time in a cold place. Now the cream can be used!

Creme brulee with curd cheese and condensed milk

This time you need to use boiled condensed milk for curd cheese cream composition. Buy a can of plain condensed milk and cook it at home. And for the lazy, there is an even easier option - buy boiled condensed milk in the store.


280 gr. var. condensed milk; 50 gr. sl. oils; 300 gr. cottage cheese.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I put the products on the table 30 minutes before the start of cooking so that they become at room temperature.
  2. I put sl. oil in a mixer or bowl, add 1 tbsp. condensed milk. I'm cutting a lot.
  3. I introduce the rest of the condensed milk. I bring in TV. cheese.
  4. Now I add vanilla and essence that you have selected according to your personal preferences.
  5. Ready. The cream from the curd condensed mass will be thick, very fragrant. It can be used immediately for layering cakes or filling cakes!

As you can see, cottage cheese makes a very tasty cream! Just remember that cottage cheese must be of high quality and fresh!

Chocolate and coffee curd cream with gelatin for biscuit cake

The classic creamy composition of cottage cheese with gelatin will not soak the biscuit cake layers, and therefore it is customary to use it for an additional layer.

So that the layers of curd-chocolate cream with gelatin do not spread when the biscuit cakes are pressed, the cake must be assembled in a special form.

Then let it sit overnight in the refrigerator. Get a delicious dessert for all guests!

More advice:

before applying a layer of gelatin, it is worth letting the biscuit cakes soak in strong brewed coffee.


2 tbsp. cream (fat content from 33%); 600 gr. cottage cheese (fat purchased or homemade); 20 gr. gelatin (quick acting in granules); 100 gr. dark milk chocolate bars; 0.5 tsp vanillin; 3 tbsp sugar (can vary depending on the desired sweetness of the layer); 60 ml ready-made strong coffee.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I whip the cream, you need to cool them well beforehand. I add sugar to them (1.5 tablespoons).
  2. I pour a lot of gelatin with water. Dissolve using a water bath.
  3. I grind the cottage cheese into a bowl with a sieve, rub it with the rest of the sugar. I introduce vanilla, coffee (be sure to strain), mix the mass with cottage cheese.
  4. I mix the curd and cream. I introduce grated chocolate, gelatin, mix.

That's all, the layer of curd and coffee composition is ready, you can use it for desserts prepared at home.

  • So that the dessert is not cloying in taste, it is worth applying jam from sour berries on the cakes before applying the layer.
  • Fresh raspberries or strawberries can be filled with cottage cheese creams - children will be delighted with this healthy treat!
  • Cottage cheese must be taken of high quality, always fresh. It is best to use homemade cottage cheese, and if it is a purchased product, then it is exclusively proven.

I believe that after reading the article to the end, at least one cream recipe will interest you, and you will definitely decide to cook it at home!

My video recipe

Cottage cheese cream for biscuit cake has rightfully received its approval from both simple cooks and professional confectioners. Ease of preparation and excellent taste make this cream an excellent option for creating cakes, pastries and other sweet desserts. Choose the recipe that suits you and you can feel like a real creator of culinary masterpieces.

Classic curd cream for biscuit cake

You don't need to be a professional confectioner to make cottage cheese butter cream for a cake. The recipe for a curd layer for a biscuit is simple and will require a minimum of effort and time from you.


  • 75 g butter (butter);
  • 315 g of semi-fat cottage cheese (9%);
  • 425 g of sweet powder;
  • 5 g vanilla extract.

Cooking method:

  1. In a container, combine the butter, curd product and vanilla extract, turn on the mixer and shake the ingredients until a homogeneous fluffy consistency is obtained.
  2. Now put the mixer aside, take a spoon and start adding sweet powder in portions, gently stir everything.
  3. Turn on the appliance again and beat the mass for about three minutes.
  4. That's all, 20 minutes of your time and as a result, a delicious gentle cream.

Curd cheese cream for cake

Curd cheese is an original product that can be combined with both salty and sweet additives. Therefore, this ingredient is used not only for a layer of cakes, but also for various snacks. At the same time, curd cheese cream can be used both as an impregnation for a biscuit and for its decoration.


  • 285 g curd cheese;
  • half a pack of butter;
  • 85 g of sweet powder;
  • grams of vanilla.

Cooking method:

  1. In order for you to get the right cream, it is important to take an oil with 80% fat. We cut it into pieces and leave it for a while so that it becomes soft.
  2. After we foam it with a mixer, then we fall asleep sweet powder and vanilla, turn on the device and do not stop stirring until the mass becomes lush.
  3. Now lay the curd cheese, work with a mixer for a couple more minutes and the cream is ready. Instead of vanilla, you can use other flavors, as well as put dyes as you wish.

Butter curd cream

Cottage cheese cream is cream and cottage cheese with any percentage of fat content. It all depends on what purpose you are preparing the cream for. It should be borne in mind that the high fat content of the curd product and a large amount of cream make the cream more liquid.


  • 325 g of cottage cheese;
  • 265 ml cream;
  • 145 g of sweet sand;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of flavored sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, we beat the curd product to a tender consistency.
  2. Pour sweet and flavored sand into a separate bowl, and also pour in the cream, beat with a mixer until a steep foam. To make the cream tender, and the sugar does not creak on the teeth, it should be crushed to powder.
  3. Now we combine the creamy and curd mass and once again stir everything with a mixer. If desired, you can add cocoa to the cream, pour a spoonful of syrup or a few drops of citrus juice. Also, for the manufacture of sweet products, gelatin is often used, which allows the cream to keep its shape well.

With sour cream

Cream cheese cream is a good choice for making a special homemade dessert. Such a cream does not need to be boiled or insisted for a long time, all you need is to prepare the ingredients and beat them well.


  • two packs of homemade cottage cheese;
  • three st. spoons of sweetener;
  • 215 ml sour cream;
  • vanilla (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. The curd product should be of a homogeneous consistency, so if you have granular cottage cheese, then it should first be passed through a sieve or rubbed with a blender.
  2. Now sugar, it should also be ground into powder so that it can completely dissolve and be distributed over the cream.
  3. The next ingredient is sour cream, we choose the product as fat as possible, but before preparing a cream from it, the sour cream needs to be dried. To do this, cover the bottom of the sieve with gauze, make several layers. Pour the sour cream and wait until all the whey comes out, and only the thickened mass remains in the colander, thanks to which the cream can keep its shape.
  4. Now we combine all the prepared ingredients in a blender bowl and stir until a homogeneous lush mass is obtained. Before soaking the cake with it, it should cool slightly.

We told you the basic version, which you can adjust to your liking, for example, add spices, fresh, canned or dried fruits and berries, orange or lemon zest, poppy seeds.

Cottage cheese and yogurt layer

To prepare the most delicious cake means choosing the best cream. After all, it is the impregnation that makes any dessert exquisite and special in taste. We suggest you try the cottage cheese and yogurt cream for the cake, which will allow you to prepare a delicacy that is unique in taste.


  • half a kilo of homemade cottage cheese;
  • 425 g natural yogurt (no additives);
  • 65 g of sweet powder;
  • vanilla to taste;
  • Mint liqueur optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the curd product with a sieve and put in any dish.
  2. We put natural yogurt, vanilla to it and stir everything well.
  3. Now add powder, if desired, pour mint liqueur and stir the mass with a mixer until a delicate texture is obtained.

With condensed milk

Cream based on cottage cheese and condensed milk is one of the best options for soaking biscuit and sand cakes. Also, many confectioners use it for tiramisu, as a filling for cakes, tubules and profiteroles.


  • 325 g curd product (9%);
  • 215 g of condensed milk.

Cooking method:

  1. To make the cream have a delicate texture, it is better to grind the curd product through a sieve.
  2. Then we combine it with concentrated milk and mix with a mixer until smooth.
  3. You can change the color of the cream with cocoa powder or beetroot juice. For a better taste and aroma, orange or lemon peel, rum or vanilla extract can be put in cottage cheese cream with condensed milk.

Strawberry with gelatin

If you put strawberries in curd cream, then your dessert will be filled with amazing aroma and summer freshness. The berry not only changes the taste of the cream, but also makes its color more appetizing in appearance. Gelatin is also used in this recipe, thanks to which the cream becomes light, but at the same time stable and easy to work with.


  • 285 g cottage cheese (fat-free);
  • 65 g of sweet powder;
  • 165 g of strawberries;
  • 17 g gelatin.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, we will soak the gelatin in water and set it aside to swell.
  2. For the cream, we take a low-fat curd product so that the layer is light and airy. Grind it with a blender until you get a creamy texture.
  3. First grind the berries with a mixer, and then grind through a sieve.
  4. Pour strawberry puree into the curd mass, add sweet powder and beat until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.
  5. We send the swollen gelatin to the fire, heat it until it is completely dissolved, then pour it into the total mass and stir quickly. We use the ready-made cottage cheese-strawberry cream with gelatin immediately so that it does not turn into a soufflé.

Making cottage cheese cream is quite simple, but there is one mistake that many housewives make - they buy packaged cottage cheese in the store. You won’t be able to get a real tasty cream from such a product, so it’s better to use farm products with a fat content of 7 to 9%.

For self-preparation of the curd layer, you do not need to have the status of a world-class confectioner. The process does not take much time, so you can cook it at least daily. Choose any proposed recipe, which presents simple instructions and accurately calculates the calorie content and the amount of ingredients.

Basic recipe: classic curd cream for biscuit cake

The first thing a hostess who wants to prepare a curd layer for a biscuit cake using a basic recipe should master is to understand the meaning and technology.

Step by step cooking technology:

Combine butter, vanilla extract and cottage cheese;

Using a mixer, beat the mixture until a fluffy and homogeneous mass is obtained;

Change the mixer to a spoon and, adding powdered sugar in small portions, mix well;

Again we turn to the mixer for help and beat the mass for about 2-3 minutes.

The result of your 20-minute efforts should be an airy and light cream.

The simplest recipe for cream with gelatin on a curd base for a biscuit

An ideal and one of the most delicate options for a layer of biscuit cakes is a composition prepared on the basis of cottage cheese using gelatin.

  • 20 gr. granulated gelatin;
  • 180 gr. sugar and powder;
  • 120 ml of purified and pre-chilled water;
  • 480 gr. 8% semi-fat cottage cheese.

The total cooking time of the most delicate layer: 40 minutes.

Calorie content - 181.23 kcal per 100 gr.

Step-by-step cooking technology:

  1. In a metal container, pour gelatin with chilled liquid and remove for 40 minutes for a good thickening;
  2. At this time, we take cottage cheese. Rub the product through a sieve or beat with a mixer at medium speed;
  3. Melt the thickened gelatin until the granules are completely dissolved and cool naturally;
  4. Add sugar (powder) to cottage cheese and mix with chilled gelatin;
  5. Send the finished curd cream for a quarter of an hour in the refrigerator.

The cream prepared according to this recipe is more often used for multi-layer cakes, when each layer has a certain color. In the context of a cake with such a layer, it always looks unusual and spectacular.

Classic sour cream curd cream for dessert

If you are used to making cakes on your own, then an easy-to-prepare recipe for a sour cream-curd layer will help diversify the flavor palette of your delicacies. It only takes 3 ingredients to prepare:

  • 20% sour cream - 400g;
  • 8% semi-fat cottage cheese - 1 pack;
  • Sugar - 1 glass.

Cream preparation time: no more than 20 minutes.

Calorie content: 234.05 kcal per 100 gr. ready-made sour cream.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Wipe the cottage cheese to such an extent that in the end there is not a single, even the smallest grain left in it;
  2. Dissolve sugar in sour cream;
  3. By combining components 1 and 2 of points, beat the resulting composition until fluffy.

The complexity of preparing this cream lies in sour cream, if it is overwhipped, then as a result, instead of an airy cream, you get a liquid curd mass.
Therefore, carefully monitor the whipping process. Also, to improve the taste, sugar can be mixed with one package of vanillin. If you replace sour cream with yogurt, you get a wonderful curd-yogurt cream.

Cottage cheese cream for fruit bikwit: 2 recipes that guarantee success

What could be better when your favorite cottage cheese in a duet with some fruit becomes not only an independent dessert, but also a layer for an airy homemade biscuit?

The 2 recipes below are the most popular among confectionery factories, so the preparation of any of them will undoubtedly lead to success and admiration of loved ones.

Recipe #1: Lemon-Orange Cream

To prepare it you will need:

  • 300 gr. cottage cheese with a fat content of more than 10%;
  • 15 gr. granulated gelatin;
  • 1 PC. lemon
  • 340 ml cream;
  • 70 ml of sugar syrup;
  • 50 gr. walnuts or any other nuts;
  • orange zest;
  • 110 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 7 gr. vanillin.

Time spent on the preparation of the cream: 30-40 minutes.

Calorie content: 207.07 kcal per 100 gr. prepared lemon-orange cream.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Using a meat grinder, mixer or sieve, knead the cottage cheese;
  2. Mix sugar with vanilla and beat at medium speed with cottage cheese until a fluffy consistency is formed;
  3. Roast the chopped nuts and add to the curd composition;
  4. Finely grate the zest of citrus fruits, and mix with cream in a separate bowl;
  5. Using a blender, grind lemon and orange slices until liquid, and then combine with sugar syrup;
  6. The compositions of points 2, 4 and 5 combine and beat until smooth.

This recipe is especially in demand in the world of treats and desserts, so do not miss the opportunity to please your household and guests with an extraordinary citrus taste.

Recipe number 2: cream with pineapple

Fragrant cream based on cottage cheese and canned pineapples is perhaps one of the best layers for biscuit cakes.

For cooking you will need:

  • Powdered sugar - 60 gr.;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 gr.;
  • Fatty cream - 300 ml;
  • Canned pineapples - 100 gr.;
  • Gelatin - 20 gr.

Cooking time: 25 minutes + half an hour to chill.

Calorie content: 291.06 kcal per 100 gr.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour gelatin with liquid (milk) and set aside to swell for about half an hour;
  2. Without bringing to a boil, dissolve the gelatin mixture in a water bath and naturally cool for further use;
  3. Pour the powdered powder combined with vanilla sugar into the cream and beat lightly;
  4. Continuing the process of whipping with a thin stream, we introduce the gelatin cooled by this time;
  5. In the resulting lush mass, add the pineapples chopped in a convenient way and, using a spoon, mix with gentle movements from the bottom up;
  6. We send the finished cream to cool in the refrigerator for half an hour.

The cream prepared according to this recipe is universal in that it emphasizes the taste of not only biscuit cakes, but also shortbread and even puff pastry.

Delicious and healthy, read our article and find out how to cook it correctly.

Preparing a cream is not difficult if you know and choose the right basic ingredients.

  • In sour cream curd cream, the secret lies in the first component, namely its fat content. For example, if you use a product with 40% fat content, you will not only not get a dietary cream, but will also kill the taste of the whole dessert. So remember that a high percentage of fat is not always good;
  • Many housewives, in order to facilitate work and save time, often buy packaged cottage cheese in the supermarket. If your goal is to get the most delicate and airy texture, then do not be too lazy to take a walk to the market and buy homemade cottage cheese;
  • Returning again to the sour cream curd cream, it is worth noting that it will be lush if the sour cream is mixed with sugar in advance and cooled in the refrigerator;
  • Try to use a curd cream layer with gelatin. Of course, it will retain its shape, but it will lose its delicate taste;
  • Be sure to send curd-yoghurt and sour cream-curd creams to cool in the refrigerator. So you will provide the cream with durability, and the shape of the cake;
  • Never use a fork or whisk to beat the curd base. Firstly, this is a very long process, and secondly, the consistency will never be lush and airy;
  • In no case do not replace the butter specified in the recipe with margarine, and even more so with a spread.

So you have learned the secrets and recipes of cottage cheese layers, which are used by many confectioners. It remains only to go to the kitchen and start creating your masterpiece.

Bon appetit!
