
How to drink coffee in Italian? Types of coffee trees. Culture of preparation and consumption

Currently, the word "coffee" refers to a drink, most often hot, obtained by brewing ground beans of the coffee tree. In literal translation from Arabic, the name coffee sounds like an exciting drink..

Indeed, after drinking the drink, a strong stimulating and exciting effect is felt, due to the content of caffeine in it.

Today, the real magic of this drink with a charming aroma can be found by visiting Italy. After all, it was there that coffee turned into a part of national cuisine, inseparable from, and. Arriving in Italy, you can try at least one of the many varieties of coffee served in Italian bars. And after tasting this rich, strong drink in pure form or with additions of milk foam, ice cream, liqueur or lemon rediscover all facets of its taste.


No one will probably undertake to say for sure when and by whom coffee was discovered. One version of the origin of coffee throws us back to 900 BC.

It was then, according to legend, that one of the Ethiopian shepherds drew attention to the very active behavior of goats after eating red berries on one of the trees. Having tasted these berries, the shepherd felt how his body was filled with strength and energy. It was in this area of ​​Ethiopia called Kaffa that the coffee tree and coffee, a drink obtained from it, found its name.

Since then, the fruits of the coffee tree have tried to process the most different ways. The grains were dried, boiled, crushed, made a tincture. And all this for the tonic effect of coffee beans. Over time, the Ethiopian lands were occupied by the Arabs, and the habit of using a tonic product took root among the new inhabitants. They were grinding raw grains, mixed them with fat and made balls that were very convenient to take on the road. Raw coffee beans are small nuts that contain caffeine. Therefore, the resulting ground product could both feed and invigorate travelers during long journeys.

Only after many centuries experiments with coffee beans came to the initial purification, subsequent roasting and grinding in order to further brew the resulting powder. The resulting aromatic drink could not be compared with the initial attempts to consume coffee beans. Historians say that the first coffee tree seeds were roasted in Yemen in the 11th century AD. In addition, the Arabs began to add cinnamon, ginger and other spices to the coffee drink when brewing.

By the middle of the 15th century, coffee reached the territory of Turkey. He liked it so much easterners that the ministers of the church had to curse the coffee in the name of the prophet. After all, they saw that believers began to spend much more time in coffee houses than in prayer. Over time, however, the Church's dislike of coffee faded.

Along with the widespread use of coffee, the art of making this drink appeared. Places where coffee was prepared in public began to appear everywhere. Coffee houses became a meeting place, and coffee served as an occasion for pleasant friendly communication. The image of coffee houses gradually moved to Europe over time. And their inner world is reflected in modern cafes.

Coffee came to us from Turkey. However, the bitter drink could not take root in the Middle Ages in Rus'. However, in the 18th century, Peter I began to insist on drinking coffee, believing that it contributes to the agility of the mind. And after 1812, drinking coffee in Russia began to be considered a sign of good taste.

History of espresso

IN Lately it became fashionable to go to cafes and drink coffee, and such a way of life appeared. Invite friends not to your home, but to a cafe for a cup of coffee. When ordering a classic espresso, we don’t even think that this brewing method was invented in Italy, and then spread widely around the world. And today, residents of America and Europe, as well as the Middle East and Asia, prefer just such coffee.

The first espresso machine was introduced in Italy in 1905. The principle of its operation was based on the passage of water condensed from steam under pressure through ground coffee. The taste of the resulting coffee was radically different from modern drink. Due to the strong overheating, the coffee acquired a burnt aftertaste. The bourgeoisie became the main consumers of such coffee, and a little later the method of preparation spread to Germany and France.

In the middle of the 20th century, there was a strong change in the approach to making coffee. Steam has been expelled from the espresso machine. Instead, the water was heated to no more than 92 degrees and passed under great pressure through the coffee. It was then that the taste of espresso that we know today was born. Gradually, the devices improved, and now espresso is made very quickly and with precise temperature observance.

Types of coffee trees

In total, there are about 200 varieties in the world. coffee trees. Of these, only 20% is used by humans. And only 2 main ones are of interest to coffee connoisseurs. Arabica coffee (Coffea Arabica), called Arabian, and Robusta coffee (Coffea Canephora), called Congolese. 90% of the coffee consumed comes from the fruit of these tree species.


The Arabian coffee tree is considered the most popular view coffee trees. 70% of the world's coffee is produced from its fruit.

The natural height of this tree reaches 6-8 meters, however, for the convenience of harvesting, it is not allowed to grow more than 4 meters. Arabica fruits are red in color and turn purple at the end of ripening. The length of the fruit can reach 15 mm. The plant is very capricious to climatic conditions and sensitive to diseases and pests. During the year, one tree produces about 5 kg of fruit, from which up to 1 kg of finished coffee beans is obtained.

The fruits of Arabica contain 18% aromatic oils and about 1.5% caffeine. The taste of Arabica in the finished drink is sweetish with a slight sourness. The best varieties Arabicas are considered Bourbon, Maragogype and Typica.


The height of the Kanefora coffee tree or simply Robusta in nature can reach 10 meters. But with mass cultivation, it is pruned and arranged in the form of small trees. Robusta flowers are pale pink in color, and the fruits are greenish or brownish-grayish.

This tree was first discovered in the Congo Basin in Africa. Today, Robusta trees are grown both in Africa and Asia, mainly on lowland plantations. The plant is quite unpretentious in care. It tolerates temperature changes well, resistant to diseases and pests. In a year, up to 15 crops can be harvested from a Robusta coffee plantation. It is because of the unpretentiousness and high yield that it is very profitable to grow Robusta.

Robusta fruits contain 8% aromatic oils and up to 3.5% caffeine. The taste of this type of coffee is very specific and quite strong. Because of this, it is most often used to add strength to coffee blends. The taste of Robusta improves during the production process instant coffee. Despite the lower taste qualities, compared to Arabica, Robusta makes up 30% of all coffee produced.

Arabica and Robusta, in turn, are divided into many varieties depending on the region of origin. All varieties differ from each other both in taste and aromatic properties.

In addition to varieties, there is also a coffee classification according to the quality of the grains obtained. For example, SHG - coffee from the mountainous regions, HG - coffee from the foothills, MG or CS - coffee from the lowland plantations; HB - coffee with hard grains; A - best quality coffee, B - average quality coffee, C - poor quality coffee, AA - best, AB - good, BA - average, BB - low quality.

Culture of preparation and consumption

In Italy, they love coffee so much and drink it so much that they have come up with many ways to prepare it. Italians prepare coffee for breakfast, together or instead of smoke breaks and, of course, after a meal, along with dessert.

The classic type of coffee, also called “normale” (from “normale” - ordinary), is considered espresso. What is served in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, like espresso, is most often very different from its Italian counterpart.

Italian espresso is a velvety dense foam with a golden sheen that covers the entire surface of the coffee in the cup, soft fragrance, filling the whole room and making you forget about everything. The perfect, balanced, pronounced taste of real Italian espresso cannot be described in words.

According to the rules of coffee etiquette, espresso is served in a thick-walled porcelain cup shaped like a truncated ellipse. The standard volume of such a cup is 75 ml, but the contents, depending on the type of coffee, should take from 25 to 50 ml. This serving maximizes the taste and aroma of coffee. In bars, a special master, called a barista, is engaged in brewing coffee.


The most popular type of coffee is, of course, espresso . Its smaller version is ristretto represents standard portion ground coffee, but in the amount of 1 sip, i.e. 20 ml. This coffee contains more flavor and less caffeine than its classic counterpart.


lungo is espresso, diluted hot water up to double volume. Such coffee contains more caffeine, due to the longer passage of water through the ground coffee.


Cappuccino - espresso with big amount milk foam up to the rim of the cup. From above, airy foam is sprinkled with cocoa powder or grated chocolate. Professional baristas use milk and chocolate to make a drawing on its surface. In Italy, it is customary to drink coffee with milk before lunchtime, i. until 11 o'clock. For example, a typical first breakfast is a cup of aromatic cappuccino, a croissant and freshly squeezed Orange juice. Cappuccino is served in a preheated porcelain cup.


Americano - it's complete teapot coffee (up to 470 ml) prepared with one serving of ground coffee. The Italians call this coffee aqua sporka, which means dirty water. The true American way of brewing uses a filter coffee maker. In Europe, the brewing of the Americano has changed, and the classic espresso is simply diluted with hot water to a volume of 120 ml.


latte - one of the options for coffee with milk. Practically, this is milk with the addition of milk foam, diluted a small amount coffee. Moreover, coffee is poured into the heated milk in a very thin stream, and not vice versa. Served in a tall transparent glass of 200 ml.

Mocha or Mochachino

Mocha or Mochachino This is a type of coffee latte. In this case, one-third of the drink is espresso, and the remaining two-thirds hot chocolate, milk and whipped cream. Delicious.


Macchiato – espresso with a small amount of milk added. It is also called marbled or soiled coffee.


Coretto - coffee for those who do not have enough coffee strength, and then a portion of alcohol is added to the espresso. It could be whiskey or liquor. Moreover, depending on the variety alcoholic drink the possible origin of the recipe can be determined.

  • Yes, whiskey coffee is coffee. in Irish;
  • with vodka - coffee in Russian;
  • with gin - coffee in English;
  • with schnapps - coffee in German.

Classically Italian is coffee with the addition of amaretto.


Glace is a shot of espresso topped with ice cream. Coffee before adding ice cream is cooled to approximately 10 degrees Celsius. Ice cream makes up a quarter of the total. As an addition, chocolate, cinnamon and caramel can be used.


Romano - Espresso with a small amount of lemon juice.

What is the best coffee

Despite the myth that is very popular all over the world that the best coffee is produced in Italy, we are forced to disappoint you. Coffee is not produced in Italy. Due to climatic conditions, coffee trees are not grown in this country. It's just that the Italians are very fond of this stimulating drink. For them, coffee is essential. That is why Italy produces the best coffee blends that have won the love of both simple coffee lovers and avid coffee lovers all over the world.

There are many coffee roasting companies in the country. Almost every one of them produces grain good quality suitable for further use in both espresso machines and home coffee machines. Italians believe that coffee, in addition to good quality, should also be affordable. Therefore, coffee, including for export, is prepared in such a way that the espresso obtained from it is above average in quality.

Each region of Italy has its favorite supplier of coffee beans.. Next to the signs of bars, there is usually a logo with the type of coffee served in this institution. Large retail chains are also trying to sell roasted coffee beans under their own brand.

The best brands of Italian coffee are deservedly considered Lavazza, Illy, Cartapani and Trombetta. Trademark Illy is owned by the Illy family from Triete and Lavazza was founded in 1895 as a small family business Luigi Lavazza. In the 18th century, no one could have imagined that a family business in two hundred years would become a sales leader in dozens of countries around the world. Today, the offices of this company are located in the capitals of many countries around the world.

Despite such a resounding success and wide distribution, the Lavazza family still continues to carefully preserve the recipes and knowledge bequeathed to them by the great-grandfather of the founder. The company controls the process of creating coffee, from harvesting the fruit to roasting and grinding.

Dessert for coffee

It is considered traditional for coffee. And although today this delicious dessert cook all over the world, but he was born in Italy. The associations that arise in the head with the word tiramisu are tender cheese, air cookies, dark chocolate and, of course, coffee ... real, hot, thick, fragrant with a slight bitterness.

To prepare this culinary miracle use soft italian cheese mascarpone. By appearance he looks very much like heavy cream, but tastes like not at all sour curd. The second integral element of tiramisu is considered biscuit cookies savoiardi glazed with sugar crumbs.

Biscuit fingers are soaked in a mixture of strong black coffee and alcohol. Alcohol can be cognac, brandy or a liqueur, such as coffee. Soaked cookies are layered with delicious cheese, and topped with grated dark chocolate. If the cake will be served on children's table, That strong alcohol should be excluded from the recipe.

The only drawback of this marvelous dessert is its high calorie content. Therefore, those who are prone to overweight should probably not get carried away with such a tempting tiramisu. And here to try small piece just necessary.

How to prepare coffee correctly?

Coffee lovers should remember that high-quality coffee beans, proper roasting and optimal grinding are only half the way to a magical flavored drink. You also need to know how to make coffee properly. A portion classic coffee almost 99% consists of water. Accordingly, the quality of this component affects the quality of the drink no less than the coffee beans themselves. Best Taste obtained from coffee when using cold, not hard, fresh water, saturated with oxygen. Practice has shown that if you prepare two servings of coffee on boiled warm water and fresh cold, the difference will be obvious even to a non-taster.

The recipe for making coffee at home from the site

There are incredibly many ways to make coffee at home, someone cooks in a Turk, someone equipped their kitchen with an espresso machine, someone uses a good old geyser coffee maker. By the way, exactly geyser coffee maker(or as it is also called a cafetiere) is based on the principle of the first espresso machine, which we mentioned at the beginning of the article.

So let's get straight to the recipe.

We will cook in Turkey. First we add freshly ground coffee at the rate of 1 spoon per serving. lovers strong coffee they can add a little more, but I do not advise you to cross the line of two spoons per serving, it turns out too much caffeine, and the taste completely changes. If you prefer coffee with sugar, we recommend adding it directly at the beginning of preparation, and not after the drink has already been served. I don't know what the secret is, but the difference is palpable. Finally, fill everything with water and put on medium fire. Foam will begin to form on the surface golden color. When it begins to rise, remove the Turk from the fire. In no case do not bring the drink to a boil!

It is best to serve a Turk on the table, and let everyone pour coffee for himself. So he will not have time to cool down, because you cannot heat up the brewed coffee.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the taste of real coffee is influenced by many factors, ranging from the weather in which the fruits of the coffee tree ripened, storage conditions, the degree of roasting and grinding to the art of brewing the drink. To feel the fullness of the taste and aroma of truly Italian coffee, go to the southern part of Europe, to a country washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and warmed by the gentle southern sun.

Italian coffee books

  • Coffee - what you need to know so that the coffee beans fully reveal their taste and aroma in your cup, and how to make the drink truly beautiful.


Moka Express(or just moka) - a coffee maker, without which it is impossible to imagine a classic Italian cuisine in a classic Italian family. However, in a bachelor's apartment too, because in Italy they drink coffee not only in the morning to cheer up, but also after lunch or dinner as a digestif, so that everything eaten quickly fails and is assimilated.

Today we show in pictures how to cook at home using a Moka coffee maker famous italian coffee, because it is a process with its subtleties.

To begin with, you will need the moka itself, in Italy it can be purchased at any store that sells household goods, a supermarket, and also in souvenir shops, because moka is the same symbol of Italy as Vespa or Fiat 550. The best coffee makers releases Bialetti brand They've been doing this since 1933.

To prepare a real Italian il caffè, in addition to moka, we need right coffee And good water. Usually, Russians are not accustomed to paying much attention to water, however, true coffee lovers in Italy do not fill moca with tap water, but use drinking water from bottles. Of course, this does not apply to those regions of Italy where drinking water, for example, in Rome or in the Alps.

In terms of choice coffee will do classic Lavazza or Illy is one of the best manufacturers coffee in Italy. We unscrew the moka, as shown in the figure above, and fill the “leg” (lower tank) of the coffee maker with water. Here the main subtlety is that the water must be poured strictly up to the metal ledge inside the lower tank, so that the "spout" is slightly in contact with the water, but the water does not cover it.

We insert a metal filter into the moka.

Now we fill the coffee filter. Here's another one important point, after pouring coffee, it doesn't need to be crushed, and it is better to pour coffee with a small slide, as shown in the figure.

Now we screw the structure and put the moka on a low fire.

After about three minutes, after boiling water in the lower tank, coffee begins to flow through the filter into the upper tank. This process looks like this.

Reached high pressure the steam forces the boiling water out of the bottom tank through the funnel and the filter that holds the coffee. The water passes through the ground coffee and enters the upper reservoir.

When the coffee has filled the upper tank, you need to wait a little more time until the moka starts to make characteristic purring sounds, similar to the purring of a cat. After that, turn off the stove and let the coffee brew for another minute. Everything, the coffee is ready, pour it into a cup, add sugar to taste.

Traditional Italian coffee boiled directly in milk, filtered immediately into cups, and sugar is served separately. To the list classic recipe two teaspoons of ground coffee, two glasses of milk (approximately 400 g) and sugar to taste are included for two persons. IN ideal sugar should be fine sand. As in cooking regular coffee on water, you pour ground coffee into a cezve, but fill it with cold milk. Bring your coffee to a boil, and then let it stand for a minute before pouring the aromatic drink into cups and enjoying its taste.

But sometimes traditional recipes are boring and do not satisfy our wishes to know all the possibilities of this fine drink. In some variations of Italian coffee, you can use ice cream instead of milk. If you mix freshly prepared espresso with Amaretto in a ratio of 40 ml of esperso to 20 ml of liquor, mash 50 grams of coffee ice cream and carefully place it on top of the coffee, and then decorate it with grated chocolate or coriander seeds, then in the end In the end, you will learn that coffee is not just invigorating magic surrounded by porcelain mysteries. Properly prepared regular espresso combined with the same common ingredients will give you many more surprises.

Coffee goes well with many foods, so don't be afraid to get creative. one cup good coffee, a couple of your favorite liqueurs and whipped cream - and here you are new recipe and new sensations. In order for the result to please you taste preferences, first mix the liqueurs - each 20 ml, then pour hot coffee and top with whipped cream. And don't forget dessert! If you decide to have fun, then do not limit yourself to anything!

Sometimes, for a sip of good coffee, some people who are especially addicted to this drink are ready to give “half their kingdom”. And it doesn’t matter at all what the coffee will be - piping hot, slightly cooled or completely cold. But there are also those for whom it is cold coffee prepared according to special recipe, is the ultimate dream. cold coffee prepared in Italian style with chocolate. For four cups of strong espresso, we take 80 grams of chocolate. Chocolate is melted in a water bath, and a second before boiling, the same boiling coffee is poured into it. After a minute, the hissing and fragrant mixture is removed from the heat and cooled. Tall glasses made of thick glass are filled with a fragrant drink to half, the rest is filled with ice. Cold Italian coffee is served separately with sugar and cream.

There is an easier way to make cold coffee, in other words - ice mocha. You will need one already brewed double black coffee, one spoon granulated sugar, a tablespoon of cream and ice. Coffee must be pre-cooled and together with sugar and cream beat in a mixer. Pour the coffee mixture into a glass and add ice cubes.

Real cappuccino in the 21st century is the result of continuous improvement in the production of coffee machines of amazing quality and no less amazing design. But in our Belarusian reality, the owners of coffee machines with which you can prepare, for example, a real cappuccino, are few. However, to the delight of coffee lovers and lovers of lush foam, there are little tricks for preparing wonderful drink under normal household conditions, even without the use of a coffee maker.

So, let's get down to the coffee witchcraft. You'll need the following equipment: stove, cezve, mixer or blender, large metal mug and several cups. From the products you need: ground coffee, filtered water, cream or milk, ground cinnamon and sugar. The process of brewing regular black coffee in Turkish is familiar to most. Just to make a cappuccino, you need to lift and put the mug back on the hot plate about seven times, making sure that coffee foam didn’t run away, and the coffee itself didn’t boil.

Next, prepare the foam. We turn on the stove, pour milk or cream into an iron mug - just do not overdo it with the amount, one mug is enough. We put the mug on the stove, pick up the mixer, count to ten and start beating. If large bubbles appear, be careful not to burn your hands. After big bubbles disappeared, you can perform the procedure for connecting coffee and foam - using big spoon we transfer the long-awaited foam to freshly brewed coffee poured into cups.

Of course, prepare ten cups at once, sprinkled with cinnamon, on big company will not work. Yes, and it would be better if you carry out this procedure together - someone brews coffee, and someone beats the foam - it will turn out both faster and better. The last indicator will become clear to you after shedding the foam with cinnamon - if the cinnamon sticks to it, then you are close to perfect cappuccino preparation in limited domestic conditions.

All legends will remain only legends, and Italian coffee secrets and get entangled in clouds of air foam. Even coffee recipes will be incomplete, let you follow all the prescribed instructions absolutely exactly and, observing Italian traditions, you will prepare coffee immediately in milk, adding powder instead of sugar for perfect dissolution and mixing of the components. The fact is that every Italian coffee shop knows one little secret that will make your coffee even more beautiful is unforgettable taste Italian biscotti.

Translated from Italian the word means "twice cooked". In fact, biscotti is a biscuit whose recipe has been known since the beginning of the 13th century, and the first mention of it dates back to the second century AD. Biscotti can be dipped into your favorite espresso, and thereby prolong the magical pleasure of communicating over a cup of wonderful fragrant drink.

One of the Italian biscotti recipes we suggest you use at home.


125 gr. almond

50 gr. shelled pistachios (you can use other nuts to taste)

50 gr. grated almonds

2 eggs, preferably not very large

1 yolk separately

125 gr. Sahara

1 tablespoon vanilla sugar

225 gr. flour premium a pinch of salt and lemon zest

Cooking method: First, fry a mixture of nuts from almonds and pistachios. Stir two eggs, an additional yolk and all the sugar until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Gradually add flour, roasted nuts and other ingredients to the resulting mass, except for the grated almonds, which we will sprinkle on the already cooked biscotti. We twist the “sausage” from the prepared dough and put it in the oven. The oven must be heated to a temperature of 200 C. After twenty minutes, we take out the "sausage" and cut it into pieces about two and a half centimeters wide. Now we send our pieces back to the oven, only it is necessary to put the future biscotti on the edge, and in the process of cooking, turn it over to the other side. Cooking time for already cut biscotti is 10-15 minutes. You just have enough time to cook tasty coffee.

Now that you know some of the secrets of Italian coffee, let's take a closer look at the names of coffee drinks. After all, someday you will definitely find yourself in one of the wonderful Italian coffee houses somewhere in Rome opposite the Colosseum or you will savor the taste of a fragrant drink, peering into the bottomless Venetian canals. Or, adding variety to your coffee diet, add a little Italy not only to coffee cup, but also your own vocabulary, in order to shine on occasion culinary masterpiece coupled with a charming name. Or maybe, using the suggested recipes, you will not be afraid to complicate it with your own small accent and a couple of sonorous Italian words your name will be added. In the Italian way, of course.

cafe- a small cup of very strong coffee, garnished with caramel foam

Caffe Hag- decaffeinated coffee

Caffe lungo- coffee is elongated when more hot water is added to regular espresso

Caffe ristretto limited coffee with the usual amount of coffee powder and less water

Caffe con panna- coffee with cream

Caffe con zucchero- coffee with sugar, which you add to taste

Caffe corretto- coffee flavored with a "drop" of liquor, grappa or cognac

Caffe macchiato- marbled coffee with a little milk foam on top

Caffe latte- coffee with hot milk without lush foam

Latte macchiato- boiled milk flavored with coffee, served in a glass

Cappuccino- coffee with milk and lush foam in a big cup

Bicerin- traditional Piedmontese coffee, where neat layers of hot cocoa, coffee and cream are intertwined in a miniature glass

Caffe freddo- ice coffee

Caffe shakerato- fresh coffee with sugar, sometimes with chocolate syrup and plenty of ice, which are whipped together until foam appears

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Most Italians use the Moka coffee maker at home, also known as macchinetta del caffè or simply maquineta.

Already in the name itself, affectionately diminutive, the attitude towards it in Italy is reflected.

The principle of operation of a geyser-type coffee maker is simple, and no romance: the liquid, heating up, rises and, passing through a strainer with coffee, is collected at the top of the structure.

However, brewing coffee is not just the process of making a morning drink, as you might think. Oh no! This is a ritual, sacred action, pleasure, a moment of unity with household members, friends or guests. Macchinetta del caffè - a symbol of home and Italy!
When an Italian says "I'll make you coffee", he shows his love, attention and care for the guest.

Brewing delicious coffee is not difficult at all, follow simple advice experts, and excellent result you are guaranteed.

1. First of all, take quality coffee. Store it in a tightly closed container, away from food products with strong aromas so that it does not absorb odors that change its own taste;
2. Water is the second most important factor that determines success. Take only fresh and, if possible, with a small amount of calcium. Never pour boiling water in order to speed up the process!;
3. Fill the water tank to the level of the safety valve without exceeding it. Otherwise, you will get a liquid drink;
4. Generously fill the strainer, without crushing the powder, so that a low slide forms (some, however, have the habit of lightly tamping the mixture, and then make three holes in it with a match or toothpick). Do not use a mixture that is too finely ground, as the holes quickly become clogged and water passes through them with difficulty;
5. Roll the makineta tightly and put on a slow fire.
6. Remove from heat a few seconds before the liquid has completely boiled away ( Last straw evaporates with a loud hiss). Don't worry if there is some water left in the tank, because whatever comes out at the end can only ruin the taste of the coffee.

Moka Care Tips:

During brewing, a thin coffee layer forms on the inner surfaces. This coating protects the product from contact with the aluminum walls, which tend to give it a metallic taste. For this reason, simply rinse the parts of the coffee maker, avoiding washing with soap and water. detergents and never put in the dishwasher.

To remove scale, wipe the parts with a warm solution of water and vinegar.
Before the first use (or after a long break), do the brewing procedure a couple of times with an empty filter, or, even better, with a small amount of coffee, you can already use it. The same actions are necessary when changing the rubber seal.

By the way, in Italy they are sure that the older the coffee maker, the tastier the caffè, and therefore, despite the unpresentable appearance and advanced age of their favorite, they are in no hurry to buy a new one.

And now that you know all the secrets, enjoy the hot fresh coffee and may every morning be good!

Italy is one of the European leaders in coffee consumption. Every city, even every family, has its own favorite recipe making this drink. Therefore, under the name "Italian coffee" about half a dozen recipes for making coffee drinks coexist peacefully. The technology of their preparation partly depends on the chosen recipe, however general rules are united.

coffee brewing rules

The first coffee maker for brewing coffee, called "espresso", was invented in Italy, and today espresso coffee is often taken as the basis for coffee drinks. However, in many families coffee is still brewed in a cezve, or a small saucepan with a thick bottom and a long handle. Of course the taste ready drink will depend on the method of preparation, however, the main imprint on it is the compliance or non-compliance with several rules for brewing coffee.

  • Can only be used natural coffe, soluble does not have such a pronounced aroma, and its taste is somewhat different.
  • Coffee should be stored in beans, grinding before brewing. Otherwise, the esters that give the drink a characteristic aroma will partially evaporate.
  • When brewing coffee on the stove, do not let it boil.
  • Before pouring coffee into cups and using for preparation coffee cocktails, it must be filtered.

Knowing these rules, you can choose a recipe and start making Italian coffee.

Italian coffee with milk

  • ground coffee - 12 g;
  • milk - 0.4 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour coffee into a cezve or a suitable size pot. Fill with milk.
  2. Put on low heat, wait until the drink begins to boil.
  3. Remove from heat, let the coffee brew under the lid for a couple of minutes.
  4. Filter the drink and pour into cups.

Italians almost always serve coffee brewed with milk with sugar - guests add it to the cup, focusing on their own taste, some drink unsweetened.

Ice coffee in Italian (Caffe freddo)

  • black coffee - 0.24 l;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • cream - 20 ml;
  • ice - to taste;
  • coffee or cream liqueur(optional, but desirable) - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare black coffee in the usual way for you. Strain it. Mix with sugar, achieving its complete dissolution in the drink and put in cool place to let the coffee cool down.
  2. When the coffee is cold, stir in the chilled cream and liqueur.
  3. Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer and fill the glasses with it.
  4. Put a couple of ice cubes in each glass.

Such a drink is served cold, immediately after its preparation.

Italian cappuccino

  • black coffee - 0.24 l;
  • milk - 120 ml;
  • cinnamon - two pinches;
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Brew black coffee according to your favorite recipe, you can use sugar. Strain it and pour hot into cups.
  2. Whisk milk into foam. This can be done in a steamer or on the stove by heating the milk while whisking it with a mixer until the bubbles are no longer large.
  3. Cover with coffee milk foam. Sprinkle with cinnamon.

This coffee is best served with cookies.

Whipped coffee with grappa and mint

  • black coffee - 120 g;
  • grappa - 20 ml;
  • crushed ice - 20 g;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • mint - 1 leaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Brew coffee, strain, if necessary, cool.
  2. Mix with sugar, grappa and crushed ice. Beat in a mixer until foamy.
  3. Pour into a glass, garnish with a mint leaf.

It turns out a very unusual refreshing cocktail, to which grappa gives a purely Italian touch.

Coffee "Amaretto"

  • black coffee - 120 ml;
  • liqueur "Amaretto" - 20 ml;
  • liqueur "Sambuca" - 20 ml;
  • whipped cream - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare coffee. If you cooked it in a Turk, strain.
  2. Mix liqueurs in a cup.
  3. Pour coffee into a cup with liqueurs.
  4. Garnish with whipped cream.

This drink can be served both in a cup and in an Irish glass.

Viennese coffee

  • espresso - 0.24 l;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • chocolate - 50 g;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • cocoa powder - 2 g;
  • ground cinnamon - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix chocolate with 30 ml of cream and melt it in a water bath. Distribute chocolate cream for two cups.
  2. Pour the freshly prepared espresso into the cups, mixing it first with sugar to taste.
  3. Whip the remaining cream and decorate the coffee with it.
  4. Sprinkle cocoa and cinnamon on top.

Such gentle drink ladies will especially like it.

Coffee "Gagliano"

  • black coffee - 120 ml;
  • whipped cream - 120 ml;
  • liquor "Gagliano" (on herbs and berries) - 15 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour hot coffee into a cup.
  2. Mix cream with liqueur and beat well.
  3. Spread cream over coffee.

The aroma and taste of this coffee drink truly unique.

Italian coffee is a palette of flavors, from which it is difficult to choose one.
