
Why breastfeeding mothers shouldn't drink coffee. Types of coffee: which one is suitable for a nursing mother

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How harmful is it to drink coffee while breastfeeding, is it possible to afford several cups a day, and how will the tonic drink drunk affect the baby and lactation in general? The answers to these questions are relevant for nursing mothers with the habit of drinking coffee before pregnancy and the desire to continue at least occasionally pampering themselves with a fragrant drink after the birth of the baby.

With the birth of a child, the life of the family, and especially the mother, changes dramatically. Sleeping, eating, being outside, just relaxing - all this can be done in accordance with the daily routine of the child. Naturally, the mother (especially in the first months) does not get enough sleep, gets tired, feels a breakdown and dreams of rest. In moments of weakness, it seems to her that drinking coffee while breastfeeding is the only way to stay afloat and not give up.

To some extent, this opinion is justified. Indeed, a drink on coffee beans contributes to an increase in blood pressure (by an average of 10 units), and during breastfeeding this is necessary.

The second point - the drink increases mental and physical activity. In other words, drinking coffee with or without milk, a nursing mother feels a surge of strength and energy necessary for caring for a child and housekeeping.

Caffeine speeds up metabolism, helping breastfeeding moms lose weight even faster and get in great shape. The drink is also a diuretic. On the one hand, this is good, on the other hand, not so much. Coffee should not be abused, provoking dehydration and, as a result, blood clotting, thrombosis, the formation of stones in the ureters and kidneys.

The drink has significant disadvantages:

  • instant coffee, like natural coffee, is addictive;
  • caffeine negatively affects the work of a not quite healthy heart;
  • natural coffee increases blood pressure, which is not always appropriate.

In addition, in a special way, the drink, getting to the baby with mother's milk, affects the functioning of his body systems.

What happens to a child under the influence of caffeine

The absorption of caffeine into breast milk is quite high. Moreover, it is excreted from the body of the baby for a long time. If a nursing mother drinks coffee constantly and in large quantities, caffeine accumulates in the baby's body, having a negative effect on it.

At different ages, caffeine is excreted at different rates in children:

  • premature babies - from 65 to 103 hours;
  • up to three months - 80-97.5 hours;
  • older than 3 months - 14 hours;
  • older than 6 months - 2.5 hours.

The maximum level of caffeine in milk becomes an hour after drinking the drink. Pumping will not bring results. Until the caffeine is excreted from the mother's body, some of it will pass into the milk. And it takes an average of 5 hours for an adult.

When a child is breastfed with a lot of caffeine, nervous irritability may increase, anxiety and anxiety may appear. The baby may have problems with sleep and calmness in general. The result - the child does not sleep well, cries a lot, loses strength along with his mother and other family members.

The described manifestations are most often relevant if the mother abuses coffee while continuing to breastfeed. Moderate consumption of the drink may not have a negative effect on the baby, toning up and giving pleasure to the mother.

There are babies who subtly react even to a few sips of coffee made by their mother. In this case, it is worth limiting yourself in the consumption of the drink until the end of breastfeeding.

How to choose coffee drinks for nursing mothers?

The main rule for women during lactation is to choose only high-quality coffee from trusted manufacturers, preferably not roasted. Fans of fragrant roasted grains should pay attention only to the manufacturer, who offers them in a freshly ground (preferably coarse grinding) version. Such a drink not only tastes better, it contains less caffeine.

More useful during breastfeeding will be coffee with the addition of milk or low-fat cream. As for the choice in relation to a natural or instant drink, the first one has an order of magnitude less caffeine, in addition, instant coffee is most often a mixture of ground beans of not the best quality.

Summing up, we note that the best option for a nursing mother, who cannot deny herself the pleasure of a cup of aromatic drink - proven varieties of natural coffee of large fresh grinding. This choice will have a better effect on the baby.

Caffeine and lactation - about compatibility

Consuming coffee as recommended above in reasonable amounts at the right time - a few hours after eating - will not harm your baby in most cases. At the same time, it must be remembered that excessive consumption of the drink can adversely affect lactation.

Every time caffeine passes into breast milk in large quantities, a nursing mother risks leaving the baby without a full portion of it for the next feeding due to the delay in natural processes in the body under the influence of caffeine.

What Dr. Komarovsky says about nursing coffee

The opinion of the authoritative pediatrician Komarovsky on any occasion regarding children is of particular importance for many mothers. He also has his own point of view regarding whether it is worth drinking coffee while nursing, how much and when to give it up.

Note the loyalty of the doctor in relation to everything related to the care of the child and his upbringing. Komarovsky is sure that for full-fledged growth and development, the baby should not be interfered with to explore the world, and the mother should enjoy the process every day, every minute.

To the question of those who are breastfeeding about whether coffee is possible during breastfeeding and whether it is worth denying yourself such a little joy, the pediatrician answers simply: if the drink does not affect the behavior and health of the baby, a mother can afford a few cups a day of really good coffee.

If, after drinking caffeine, the baby has the problems described below, you will have to temporarily abandon the habit of drinking coffee. In infants under the influence of caffeine may manifest:

  • increased anxiety and arousal;
  • sleep problems;
  • capriciousness;
  • skin rashes;
  • malfunctions in the intestines.

Knowing the time during which coffee is excreted from breast milk, you can check whether caffeine has really become the cause of allergic reactions and excitability in a child.

It is possible that the negative reactions of the body were caused by the wrong dosage of drugs, the structure of which is close to that of caffeine. An example of such drugs is theophylline or aminophylline. Medicines are prescribed to eliminate attacks of respiratory arrest in infants.

Additionally, Komarovsky reminds every nursing mother that caffeine in large quantities reduces the level of iron in milk, which leads to the development of anemia in the baby. Even if you do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a fragrant drink, you need to do this very carefully, not forgetting about the health of the baby.

The doctor recommends drinking no more than two cups of good natural coffee per day during lactation, preferably with milk. In between natural, you can afford decaffeinated coffee while breastfeeding - based on barley or substitutes of natural origin.

An alternative to coffee beans - salvation for nursing

Is a moment's pleasure worth the risks associated with drinking coffee? Hardly. Full feeding of the baby is the main thing that should worry the mother. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to alternative options for drinks.

Suitable coffee substitutes:

  • chicory (suitable for mothers of children without allergies);
  • herbal teas;
  • barley coffee is a completely natural product.

A drink made from barley deserves special attention, as it is as close as possible in taste to the usual coffee, while it is much cheaper than high-quality varieties and at the same time has a number of useful properties:

  • normalizes the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • favorably affects the work of the digestive tract;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • solves hormonal problems.

Coffee is brewed from barley in the same way as usual in a Turk. Spices or milk, honey and dried fruits are added for taste.

These drinks are quite suitable for replacing natural and instant coffee during lactation and, if properly brewed and consumed, will give mom no less pleasure.

How hard it is for a connoisseur to resist the temptation to take a sip of a burning tart drink. And a whole cup of this thick, velvety-brown elixir can do wonders for a depressed body. Coffee - "it" or "he" no longer matters when it is said that one can refrain from drinking a magical drink. When everyone around claims that coffee while breastfeeding is a bad and even dangerous habit.

If you are a young mother. If you are lucky and managed to establish breastfeeding, then one of the problems associated with feeding the baby is left behind. There are many happy moments ahead associated with this process, as this is the most intimate way for mother and child to communicate. But joys are joys, and desires are desires. A well-known fact - a young mother needs a strict diet. And so you want a mug of hot, fragrant coffee. And here it is the moment of truth - to succumb to desires to give the body the desired dose of caffeine, to feel a surge of strength, or in despair to think that it is so harmful to the baby!

What products contain coffee

Concerns about drinking coffee during lactation are associated with the presence of caffeine in it. It is believed that even in small doses, caffeine has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. However, it is found not only in coffee, but also in some other products, namely:

  • green and black tea - green tea contains even more caffeine than black;
  • cocoa;
  • black and milk chocolate;
  • Coca Cola.

As you can see, caffeine is contained even in your favorite tea and cocoa, but only coffee during breastfeeding causes a wary attitude of mothers. Next, consider the myths and real facts about whether it is possible to drink coffee during lactation and how it affects the child.

Is coffee as bad as they say

Let's figure out if you can drink coffee during lactation. What is the main complaint? Caffeine is the main substance for which the drink got into the "black lists" of breastfeeding diets. When it enters the body, it has a certain effect:

  • General excitation
  • uplifting mood
  • As an antioxidant, prolongs youthfulness of cells
  • Relieves muscle tension

It can be assumed that these properties are only beneficial to the mother's body. And then, sleepless nights, restless child - isn't this a reason to drink another cup of aromatic coffee to raise the general tone.

And here is the main catch. The wonderful drink has a downside. If you have a habit of constantly cheering yourself up with coffee doping, then it's time to think about the consequences:

  • Depression without a coffee cup
  • Loss of energy after a sharp rise
  • Emotional instability
  • Desire to sleep

And if coffee for mommy brings such a controversial result, then how will it affect her child. All books vying with each other report that everything that mom eats gets into milk in an hour. It turns out that the baby, along with mother's milk, will take a few sips. Of course, this is not the most healthy drink for a newborn. And all the disturbing properties can affect the condition of the child. If you don’t have the strength to give up coffee joy, watch carefully how your small body reacts to such a gift from your mother.

Expert opinion

But here's what's interesting. All mothers are familiar with the children's doctor Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, his opinion is first of all taken as correct. He believes that the dangers of coffee are exaggerated. This does not mean that the drink can be drunk 10 cups a day, but he identified only three important reasons why you should say “No” to coffee:

  1. After milk with the addition of caffeine, the child behaves restlessly, does not fall asleep, and shows general restlessness.
  2. Redness on the skin, rashes, stool disorders - refer to the manifestation of an allergic reaction to caffeine.
  3. The use of drugs containing caffeine (eufillin) for the treatment of asthmatic conditions is dangerous with an overdose if the mother drinks coffee.

It is necessary to explain that caffeine tends to accumulate in the body. And if in an adult the system is debugged for the removal of substances, then in the baby these functions have not yet been configured.

If a mother drinks coffee, then in a few hours its active substance will penetrate into the milk, and with milk - immediately to the baby.

And there, due to the impossibility of its removal, the process of caffeine accumulation will begin. It is at this point that Dr. Komarovsky draws attention. If there is an appointment of aminophylline, then the mother should report that she drinks coffee, and the dosage of the drug can be adjusted based on this information. Otherwise, the pediatrician points out that if there were no allergies and anxiety on the part of the baby, then there is no objective reason for the ban.

How to drink coffee with HB

If you decide that you will drink coffee during lactation, try to use a few simple rules:

It is better to drink in the morning. Until the evening, caffeine is completely eliminated from the body. It will take about 5 hours for an adult.

If possible, it is better for a nursing mother to drink coffee immediately after feeding. This will allow the child not to get the main dose of caffeine with mom's milk.

You can drink the drink with milk. The taste will be milder, and the dose can be reduced.

Try not to consume soluble surrogates while breastfeeding. For their manufacture, low-quality raw materials are used, and the dose of caffeine is artificially increased.

Coarse grains, brewed with your own hands, will bring more pleasure. Such coffee during breastfeeding will cause much less harm to mom and baby.

If you really want coffee while breastfeeding, and not one cup, but several, be sure to drink water. This drink is an active diuretic. Don't dehydrate your body. Replenish fluids.

Myths about coffee

The publicity stunt is decaffeinated coffee. Dear girls, don't believe it. Coffee is caffeine. Even if they say otherwise. Yes, the content of the substance in this drink is reduced artificially, but due to changes in the chemical composition, the new product triggers the synthesis of cholesterol in the body. And it still has caffeine in it. Therefore, if you want to drink a cup, you need to drink a good natural drink.

Another myth says that you can’t drink coffee while breastfeeding, it is better to replace it with cocoa or green tea. There is no caffeine - advisers say. And this is another misconception. It is there, both in chocolate and in Coca-Cola. Green tea has more of it than coffee. But tea was not banned.

Well, the delusion that moms came up with to allow themselves to drink coffee. You can drink a cup, immediately decant, then nothing will get into the milk during feeding. Don't suffer. The peak absorption of the substance will occur an hour or two after your cup. Your efforts will go to waste. Decided to drink coffee - enjoy it calmly!

To drink or not to drink is the question. Each mother must answer it herself. If you are an experienced coffee lover, then, of course, it will be difficult for you to defend the principled position of the unhealthy effect of the drink. If you have never had a coffee addiction before, then you should not start now. But be that as it may, there are no objective reasons for a complete ban on coffee while breastfeeding. Be careful, evaluate your baby's reaction to the first cup you drink. Did everything go smoothly? Give yourself a small gift - sometimes enjoy this incredibly addictive drink.

In this article you will find answers to such questions: is it possible for a nursing mother to have coffee, can a nursing mother have coffee with milk, when can I drink coffee while breastfeeding? Find out which is better - instant or grain, black or green, pure or with milk. Also, is a caffeine-free product really that harmless?

Coffee is one of the oldest drinks in the world. There are suggestions that it began to be used as a drink as early as the ninth century, but the real mention of it has come down to us from the seventeenth century. Africa and, in particular, Ethiopia is considered its homeland. Later spread to Egypt and Yemen.

If a woman has given birth to a child and is breastfeeding it, this does not mean that her diet now consists only of chicken breast and boiled buckwheat. If a mom often drank coffee before giving birth and is upset that her favorite drink will be prohibited during breastfeeding, there is good news. Recall that drinking coffee has:

  1. Invigorating action. This is true for a young woman when the baby requires attention. Caffeine, the so-called alkaloid, helps to cope with the constant sleepiness associated with lack of sleep.
  2. The substances it contains help fight depression, improve mood. A problem that can affect any woman is postpartum depression, and regular use of an invigorating mixture while breastfeeding reduces this risk, or helps to get out of depression with minimal consequences.
  3. Its regular use also stimulates memory, reduces the risk of brain diseases. This is true for women with small children - so as not to forget corny that you need to turn off the porridge on the stove or start washing.
  4. Reduces the amount of carcinogens in the blood. What is not a useful property? Firstly, the risk of getting cancer is significantly reduced with frequent, but not excessive consumption of the drink. And secondly, due to the fact that the mother's body is cleansed of harmful substances, the baby receives only the best from her. This also contributes to the diuretic property.
  5. In addition, with promotes more productive mental activity and reduces headaches.

5 "CONS" for mom and baby

5 reasons why you should not consume in large quantities while breastfeeding:

Do not be afraid that a cup of coffee drunk by the mother will not allow the child to fall asleep with GV. Its effect on the CNS is minimal
  1. The alkaloid in the grains is harmful to the nervous system of the child. Is it so? Let's just say no. It has some harmful effect on the baby, this fact is not subject to any doubts. This is due to the fact that it is not absorbed, and is not excreted from the body of a little man. Therefore, this alkaloid accumulates in the tissues. But influence on the nervous system is minimal. You should not be afraid that the baby will be overexcited and suffer from nervous disorders in the future.
  2. "Invigorating Blend" removes calcium and vitamin C from the tissues. This is bad even for healthy people, and especially for a nursing mother. Pregnancy, childbirth and feeding cause a colossal calcium deficiency in the mother's bone skeleton, and if it is further strengthened by regular excessive consumption of the product, then the situation can become critical.
  3. There is a myth that a child can become constipated. This is an individual reaction of a small organism, and not necessarily for this particular product. The cause of constipation can be nervous strain, lack of sleep, unhealthy food for the mother and others.
  4. The product is a strong allergen, and this is true. In infancy, all children are very susceptible to allergies and an extremely negative reaction to coffee is possible with breastfeeding.
  5. It is a strong diuretic, and because of this, there is a lack of water in the body. But this problem is easily solved, it is enough just to increase the volume of water consumption.

Safe Use Guidelines

Is it possible to drink coffee to a nursing mother without compromising health? The answer is yes! There are situations when there is nowhere without a “energy drink”, and it is better to drink it than torturing yourself.

For such cases, there are 5 tricks to ease the load on the baby's body:

1 Express breast milk ahead of time, and if the baby asks to eat - give it to him. After a while, the alkaloids will leave the body. But there is a possibility that the child will not want to take the bottle, so you need to check this outcome in advance.

2 Do not boil freshly ground grains, but only brew with boiling water- in this case, fewer alkaloids will get into the water, and the effect on the baby will be less negative.

3 Also add more cow's milk, its use allows you to neutralize excess harmful substances. But, please note that before that you need to make sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction to milk. Allergy to lactose is one of the most common in infancy. Is it possible to drink milk while breastfeeding, we tell in detail. Coffee with milk while breastfeeding in the absence of an allergy to lactose is a very good solution.

4 In addition, you can use the following psychological technique. If you are used to drinking several cups a day, and it’s hard for you to give up your usual norm - replace large cups with smaller ones. In this case, even with the use of several cups a day, an extremely negative effect will not be observed.

5 Drink not very strongArabica beans exclusively. The answer to the question "Is it possible for lactating mothers to have instant coffee?" unambiguously negative. A real noble drink, made from good grains in compliance with all technologies, will not be very useful, but still it will not have a negative impact on health, unlike a soluble one.

Decaffeinated coffee while breastfeeding

It is widely believed that such a product is much safer than usual when breastfeeding. This fact is fairly easy to disprove.

Firstly, the content of alkaloids in such a drink is still present, but slightly less than in the usual one.

Secondly, such a drink is completely useless, because due to the low content of stimulating substances, the necessary invigorating effect will not be exerted. Therefore, it is best not to drink it at all.

Regular heavy coffee consumption increases the development of cholesterol plaques..

It is also widely believed that green tea is completely harmless. In this case, it's rather the opposite. If coffee is not recommended during breastfeeding due to the fact that caffeine has a negative effect on the baby, then green tea contains no less, but on the contrary, much more. So it will be extremely difficult to achieve the absence of influence with this replacement.

Chicory is a golden alternative for those for whom the product is contraindicated

Chicory is a very healthy product and is an excellent replacement for grains during pregnancy and lactation.

An excellent coffee substitute is chicory. And in terms of usefulness, he is far ahead

Why is it useful:

  • does not contain alkaloids, so it will not have any negative impact on the health of the baby;
  • contains insulin, which controls the amount of sugar in the blood, which means it is useful for diabetics.
  • chicory also adds energy to the body, only it does this at the expense of B vitamins that are beneficial to humans;
  • contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system.

Green grains: benefit or harm

This type of grain contains many times less alkaloids, which means that it can be assumed that it is less harmful than the usual one. The negative quality of the drink is that due to the effect of reducing appetite, there is a possibility that the child will not receive useful elements.

And besides, because of the hype for "fashionable" green grains, a large number of fakes are sold that can cause irreparable harm to the baby's immunity.

The practice of nutrition for nursing mothers abroad

In no developed country is the mother’s nutrition after childbirth in any way limited, and even more so, the question “Can a nursing mother have coffee?”

For example, in a maternity hospital in the United States, they can safely bring orange fresh for breakfast. And no one believes that good nutrition can harm the baby. On the contrary, doctors are of the opinion that the mother's body knows better what it needs for a speedy recovery after childbirth.

From the first day of a baby's life, mothers are allowed to eat absolutely everything in small doses., but food that can cause allergies should be introduced gradually so that in the event of an undesirable reaction, the allergen can be quickly identified. Therefore, breastfeeding coffee abroad is not at all uncommon, but rather even the norm.

It will also be useful to know about the harm and benefit, as well as such a popular food product as.


Coffee is actually not as bad a drink as it seems. If you use it correctly, then there should not be any problems for a nursing mother.

Chicory will serve as a worthy replacement, but if there is no allergic reaction to it. But if the product is from green grains, decaffeinated or soluble, then it is better to avoid it. So the answer to the question "Is it possible to coffee while breastfeeding?" - you can, but with the mind!

What kind of food should a nursing mother have, says Dr. Komarovsky:

Hello dear parents. Today we will talk about such a drink as coffee. With the onset of sleepless nights after the birth of a child, a woman willy-nilly thinks that she needs to drink a cup of a caffeinated drink so as not to simply fall with a child in her arms from fatigue and lack of sleep. Therefore, it is important to understand how safe drinking coffee is for a nursing mother. We will try to understand this in this article.

Can I drink coffee while breastfeeding

Interestingly, there are no special contraindications to coffee. The main thing here is to know your measure and not to use it too often. Then everything will go smoothly, without consequences for the baby. However, it should be understood that caffeine tends to accumulate in the body and in particular in milk. Therefore, sooner or later, it will be able to begin to have its negative effect on the health of the child, in addition, you should not forget that, like any other product unfamiliar to the child, coffee can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, if you decide to drink such a drink, start with small portions and track the reaction of the little one. And only with a successful combination of circumstances, increase the portion and reach three times a week, literally one cup a day.

I could not resist and decided to try drinking coffee (freshly brewed good quality) when my son was 4 months old. I wanted to solve the problem of chronic fatigue. However, the baby developed a rash all over his body. That's why I canceled this product. After two months, I was advised to use chicory, but also in moderation. To my surprise, the baby tolerated this drink well.

And now let's look at the value of coffee, as well as what negative consequences for the baby it can cause if the mother consumes this drink excessively.


If coffee is consumed in moderation, then it can not only not harm, but also benefit your body.

What exactly is this drink worth:

  1. Has a tonic effect.
  2. Relieves muscle spasms.
  3. Reduces the risk of developing caries.
  4. Increases antibacterial action.
  5. Acts as an antioxidant.


What in particular is fraught with the use of caffeine by the mother:

  1. The baby becomes nervous, overexcited.
  2. Washing out trace elements, in particular calcium, and removing water from the body.
  3. The occurrence of allergic manifestations.
  4. Indigestion.
  5. Lack of healthy sleep.

As you can see, this drink has both pros and cons. In fact, if you drink coffee in moderation, the body will not be harmed. In addition, you can use an alternative. You can use chicory, anise, dill water, cumin or herbal infusions.

Basic rules for drinking

If you still decide not to exclude coffee from your diet or at least occasionally use it, then you need to know and follow these rules:

  1. It is better to drink such a drink no more than three times a week. At the same time, no more than one cup a day.
  2. Drink coffee before lunch, it is better absorbed in the morning.
  3. You need to drink such a drink immediately after the feeding process in order to win the maximum time for removing caffeine from the mother's body.
  4. With every cup of coffee you drink, you should drink at least a glass of water. This allows you to restore the water balance in the body.
  5. Avoid drinking instant drinks.
  6. If you choose coffee, you need to completely exclude other products that contain caffeine from the diet of a young mother.
  7. It is advisable to consume more dairy and sour-milk products. This is important for increasing the level of calcium in the body, which can partially be washed out of the body of a nursing mother.
  8. To reduce the level of caffeine in the drink, you can not brew coffee, but simply pour boiling water over the beans and let them brew.

Which coffee is preferred

First, you need to buy coffee beans and grind it yourself. Preferably, up to the size of sufficiently large granules. Secondly, do not brew this drink. It is enough just to pour boiling water over it and let it brew a little. Through these two actions, you will reduce the caffeine content in this drink. In addition, a low-quality product can be used in purchased instant coffee, as well as all kinds of dyes and flavors can be added.

Let's take a closer look at the different varieties of coffee drinks.

Decaffeinated coffee while breastfeeding

Some mothers will decide to give preference to such a drink. Of course, because the name implies that this product does not contain caffeine. However, it is not.

  • Firstly, caffeine is contained there, albeit in tiny portions.
  • Secondly, such grains are chemically processed and, at the same time, they not only lose their valuable qualities, but can also absorb chemicals. In addition, such a drink affects the increase in cholesterol levels, which in turn can cause problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Green bean drink

Such a product, in fact, still needs to be cooked, fried. It really contains less caffeine, however, when drinking such a drink, mom's appetite begins to disappear, useful substances are absorbed worse by the intestines. And this leads to the fact that the quality and quantity of breast milk is sharply reduced, and the mother's body gradually weakens. But the child suffers the most in this situation, now he does not have enough mother's milk and he remains hungry.

There is information that when drinking such a drink, it is possible to lose extra pounds, which many gain during pregnancy. But you think about what is more important for you now, a well-fed and healthy child or your figure.

Coffee with milk while breastfeeding

Such a drink will bring less harm only on the condition that you do not just add milk to the usual portion, but use a smaller amount of coffee when preparing. Thus, the concentration of the drink being drunk will decrease.

The very idea of ​​diluting a caffeinated drink is very sound. As we already know, caffeine washes fluid from the body, as well as calcium, and fresh milk perfectly restores the reserves of the first and second.

It is advisable not to add sugar to such a drink at all, so as not to enhance the effect of caffeine, since the first one also flushes out a number of trace elements from the body.

instant drink

It is much easier for a person to buy an already crushed drink - less messing around with it. However, you need to know that instant coffee while breastfeeding will harm both the mother and the baby. Such a drink is prepared using grains of rather low quality and the level of caffeine in such a product is an order of magnitude higher. Therefore, it is better to buy coffee in beans, preferably not the cheapest. Then you need to manually grind to medium-sized granules, so you minimize the effect of caffeine.


To reduce the risk of negative reactions to the body of the mother and child, coffee can be replaced with alternative drinks. These include:

  1. Chicory. Normalizes the activity of the nervous system, strengthens digestion, improves the quality of metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Barley drink. Increases lactation, has a positive effect on the digestive and excretory systems.
  3. Acorn drink. Helps relieve swelling, also has anti-inflammatory and tonic effects, is a preventive measure in the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems.

The choice to drink or still not drink coffee remains individual for each mom. However, she must understand the risks she exposes her child to. If you still decide to drink such a drink, then follow at least certain rules for this procedure, do not abuse the drink, start with very small portions (so that you can detect allergies and its consequences before they become critical enough) and use only quality product from whole grains.

After the birth of a long-awaited baby, mothers try to establish their own diet, eliminating all potentially dangerous foods. After all, any piece consumed by a woman enters the child's body along with breast milk. This is especially true of bad habits that a mother breaks up during pregnancy planning or after the fact about her situation is known. This is not easy for her, because habits are formed over the years and they have to be done away with almost instantly. But what to do when a woman cannot imagine the beginning of the day without a cup of coffee. Many people are fans of this aromatic drink. It helps to quickly move away from a sleepy state and gain energy for new things. And the first thing that worries nursing mothers is whether it is possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding. The drink contains caffeine, which is responsible for improving the level of performance, reducing fatigue and a surge of energy.

This drink is also widely used for headaches, migraines, low blood pressure, etc. But if coffee has positive qualities for an adult, then how will they affect the health of a newborn. Can I drink this aromatic drink during the lactation period? If the answer is no, then why not coffee for a nursing mother.

Newly-made mothers simply need to draw additional strength from some source in order to continue to fully care for the newborn and not fall off their feet from fatigue. It is not uncommon when a child does not give rest at night, and during the day it requires increased attention. But no one has canceled household chores yet. The whole economy is on the fragile female shoulders, especially if no one helps the young mother besides her husband, who has to constantly work to support the family.

Coffee can increase blood pressure up to 10 units, which is sometimes a necessity for a nursing mother. This answers the question, is it possible to drink coffee during lactation.

The drink is able to increase physical and mental performance. Which is very handy for a mother who, having barely slept, should follow the lightning-fast crawling fidget all day. Caffeine also helps burn extra calories, which is a goldmine for women who dream of regaining their pre-pregnancy shape. The drink has a diuretic property, which is good and bad at the same time. If the mother during feeding decided to expel excess fluid from the body, then drinking coffee will help in this, and due to excessive dehydration, blood begins to thicken and blood clots form.

But many women exclude coffee from their diet during breastfeeding, since this drink is not included in the list of “healthy” foods. Although there is allowed green tea, which includes more caffeine than coffee itself. But this healthy drink has a number of drawbacks of its own.

Firstly, coffee is equated to narcotic substances, from which a person becomes addicted, and he can no longer live without this doping in everyday life. Individuals are not able to get out of bed and work normally without a cup of flavored drink. Caffeine adversely affects the functioning of the heart, especially if there are already some problems with it. Certain people notice an increased heart rate after 1 small cup, and 3-4 can cause malfunctions even in the owner of a healthy heart like a bull. When heart diseases are present in mothers, then coffee during lactation is prohibited, especially if it is usually soluble in sticks.

How coffee affects the child

Studies have confirmed the penetration of caffeine contained in coffee into breast milk, and with it into the body of a newborn. And if coffee is given to nursing mothers in uncontrolled doses, then the children's body begins to accumulate the resulting caffeine, which at some point damages the baby's health.

The half-life of caffeine from the body of children of different age categories:

  • adults - 5 hours;
  • older than six-month-old babies - 2.5 hours;
  • older than 3 months - up to 14 hours;
  • in the first 16 weeks of life - up to 97.5 hours;
  • premature newborns - more than 4 days.

Already after 90 minutes, the maximum dosage of caffeine is concentrated in breast milk.

Important! If a woman is thinking of drinking coffee, and then breastfeeding her baby after expressing beforehand, then it is useless. As long as caffeine is present in the body of a newly-made mom, it will penetrate into milk.

Coffee for a nursing mother, in addition to a positive effect on herself, can also show the other side of the coin. As long as she is filled with vitality, her child, under the influence of caffeine, will become agitated, nervous and will not sleep well. A healthy sleep crumbs, it is not only useful for himself, but also important for the overall family well-being. Therefore, mom will have to decide for herself whether it is permissible for her to drink coffee during breastfeeding.

Is it possible for breastfeeding mothers to drink coffee? It is allowed to drink this drink in reasonable doses, but some babies may experience a negative reaction even to 1 small cup. And what can we say about the abuse of the product, where the possibility of undesirable consequences increases several times.

There is an opinion that the drink negatively affects the mental ability of the child. The phenomenon is explained when a nursing mother can be accused of its abuse.

Right choice

Naturally, if a woman decides to succumb to pleasure and drink a coffee drink, then it should be understood that we should only talk about natural coffee brewed from fresh ground beans. Many may think of a caffeine-free drink. But in nature it simply does not exist. In such coffee, the caffeine content is chemically reduced, but absolutely no one can exclude it. You can allow yourself to drink such coffee in pleasure, but you cannot completely protect the child from the penetration of this component into the milk.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have coffee with milk? The answer to that is positive. But it still shouldn't be abused. The woman herself must decide whether it is possible to drink coffee to a nursing mother. If she chooses only a natural product and does not abuse it, then this option is quite possible. The main thing is to monitor the reaction of the child.
