
Green smoothie: apple, spinach and banana.

Smoothie is thick drink, cooked in a blender (mixer) from a mixture of berries and fruits with the addition of milk or juice. It's something between a cocktail and a dessert. The name comes from English word smooth, which translates as "soft, uniform, pleasant." It can be purchased at ready-made store or make your own at home.

Composition and benefits for the body

Smoothies are made from vegetables, berries and fruits. As additional products there is usually milk, as well as nuts, honey, spices, tomato pulp, green tea, juices, syrups and much more. The most commonly used berries in smoothies are strawberries, lingonberries, raspberries, and cherries. In terms of its beneficial properties, this thick smoothie is on a par with fresh vegetables and fruits, tofu and others. natural products. Banana smoothies are widely used, which are very tasty and nutritious.

Nutrition for athletes

Smoothies are often included in the diet of those who adhere to healthy lifestyle life. This product is often able to retain all of the vitamins and fiber of the ingredients it contains. Found in smoothies great content vitamins, antioxidants, natural sugars. Also, this drink energizes the body. To get everything useful trace elements and the vitamins contained in this dessert must be served as a treat immediately after preparation. It, by the way, takes very little time - you just need to stock up on a blender and fruit. In this article, we will look at banana and additional products.

Banana and berry smoothie

The recipe looks like this:

  • one banana;
  • fresh or frozen black currants (half a glass), you can use blueberries;
  • 2/3 cup of cream or milk, while the product should be with a reduced percentage of fat content;
  • to decorate a cocktail - mint leaves.

Calorie content of 100 g of smoothie - 60 kcal. The preparation of this dessert is not difficult. Let's analyze the recipe step by step, the preparation of which will take an average of 10 minutes. We need:

  1. Peel off and cut it into several pieces.
  2. Rinse in cold water berries.
  3. First we have to grind a banana in a blender. To do this, turn on the mixer at medium power for 30 seconds. As a result, we get puree from this fruit.
  4. Now you need to add berries to it. blackcurrant and repeat the procedure with a blender in the same way.
  5. In this form, it can be served at the table. Since the dessert turns out to be quite thick, it is diluted with milk (it can also be heated). We mix it with the resulting puree and also turn on the blender for 30-40 seconds.
  6. Dessert is recommended to pour into cocktail glasses or cups. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and serve with dessert spoon and a tube.

sweet and sour drink

In order to make smoothies from banana and milk, all kinds of options are used as additional products, such as lemon, nuts, cookies, honey, chocolate, strawberries and more. In general, the flight of fancy is huge. But we will now focus on a recipe that uses four ingredients:

  • 4 bananas;
  • half a cup of milk (2.5%);
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice (lime) in the amount of 75 ml.

The mixture of these products gives unusual combination tastes. The banana makes the drink sweet, but the lemon brings the necessary sourness to it, which emphasizes the taste of the dessert. Such a smoothie contains, in addition to fiber, and protein, which means that it will be very useful to drink it during training.

So, back to making this cocktail:

  1. Mix the peeled banana with the rest of the ingredients, and add ice.
  2. Beat in a blender until foam appears.
  3. You can add more ice if needed.

The recipe for this banana and milk smoothie in a blender is designed for cooking four servings.

For children and not only

Here's another nutritious smoothie option that kids will especially love. It is only necessary to pay attention to the fact that the child does not have an allergy to nuts. If necessary, you can simply exclude this component from the recipe. So, we need the following products:

  • a glass of milk;
  • 3 hazelnut kernels;
  • cookies - 2 things;
  • banana.

Put a peeled and randomly chopped banana into a blender. Add broken cookies to it, also pour milk into the bowl. Whisk all ingredients until smooth. Now add nuts to the prepared puree and beat everything again. It remains to pour the smoothie into a cup and serve. It can be decorated with cookie crumbs.

From apple and banana

Banana and apple can also be used as the main ingredients for making smoothies. Its recipe is also not difficult and it turns out no less tasty. For two servings of this dessert, we need:

  • 2 bananas;
  • apple of any kind;
  • 200 ml of regular yogurt;
  • about 100 g ice cream.

First you need to prepare the fruit: rinse, peel and seeds. Next, cut them up and put them in a blender. To received fruit puree now you need to add the rest of the ingredients, such as yogurt and ice cream. Again, mix everything thoroughly with a blender. We serve a banana and apple smoothie to the table, the recipe of which turned out to be very simple to execute.

Recipe with almonds

A banana and apple smoothie pairs well with almonds, so let's look at another recipe. For this we need: two bananas, an apple, seven pieces of almonds, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream. Preparing a treat:

  1. Rinse nuts and fruits, peel and peel.
  2. We send all three ingredients to a blender and grind.
  3. Add sour cream to the resulting puree and beat again.
  4. Now you can serve the creamy fruit smoothie.

Another delicious smoothie recipe

To prepare it you will need:

  • strawberries (500 g);
  • banana;
  • 2 peaches;
  • a glass of orange, mango or;
  • 2 cups ice cubes.

Mix prepared berries and fruits in a blender until puree. Add juice and ice, mix everything again. Now pour into glasses and serve. Such a dessert as a smoothie is very useful for the body. After all, it is not in vain that athletes and those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle drink it. It has a beneficial effect on health and also promotes weight loss. Plus, the smoothie tastes great.

Let's talk about apple smoothies today. This is one of my favorite drinks in this series.

So, what is the benefit of apple smoothie and how to prepare it?

From this article you will learn:

Apple sumzi - useful properties and cooking recipes

IN winter season We need more vitamins and minerals than ever before.

As is known, these useful components contained in fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is good that almost all these fruits are sold in our supermarkets all year round.

There are a lot of recipes for making this drink.

Let's talk about apple sumzi...

What is an apple smoothie and how is it made?

The drink is very fond of active personalities, leading healthy way life.

It contains a huge variety of vitamins and useful components that strengthen defensive forces organism. Apples contain a lot of antioxidants, as well as minerals and.

In addition, they contain about 10% daily allowance ascorbic acid.

The great advantage of the fruits is that their price is relatively inexpensive, and they are always available all year round.

And they do not lose their juiciness even out of season.

Peeled ginger must be finely grated. All ingredients must be mixed with apple juice and lemon until smooth.

When ready, pour into glasses and drink.

  • Apple Banana Smoothie

The drink has a delicate texture, similar to a creamy mass. The banana itself harmonizes perfectly with the apple, adds sophistication, muffles the acid.

Cook the treat without adding sugar if the ingredients are quite ripe and sweet. This recipe is used by women who are losing weight, replacing fatty foods with fat-free ones.

Banana Apple Drink Ingredients:

  • low-fat yogurt (3 tablespoons);
  • small apple;
  • 0.5 banana;
  • several ice cubes;

First you need to peel the apple, then chop finely. Banana should be pre-cooled to give a more delicate taste.

All products must be placed in a blender and chopped. IN finished product you need to add ice.

  • How to make a smoothie from kiwi and apples?

The next cocktail is considered real vitamin bomb, which can literally enrich your body with all the necessary substances at once.

The exotic taste of the delicacy invigorates and gives strength, and the useful components contained can enrich with usefulness for the whole day.

To prepare, follow the instructions:

  • take three;
  • one apple;
  • 0.5 cups of ice;
  • a little mint if you like;

Peel all the ingredients, finely chop, add ice and mint, chop with a blender.

What happened, you need to pour into glasses, add mint for decoration and a piece of fruit on the rim of the glasses.

  • Berry version of apple smoothie

If you have frozen berries, that's great, because you can use them to make shakes. Don't be afraid they don't keep theirs useful properties everything you need is there.

So, you need to take one small apple, a handful of berries that you have (blueberries, etc.), a glass of milk, yogurt (50 grams), a little bee honey(one spoon).

Remove the skin from the apple and chop finely, place in a chopping machine. Add whatever is left and stir. Add mint to glass for decoration.

Drink the prepared shake as soon as it is ready.

Which is part of the drink, is able to oxidize upon contact with air, and taste qualities spoil quickly.

How to make an apple smoothie - video

List of contraindications

This drink is not for everyone. If you are confident in yourself, you can drink several shakes a day and still eat a balanced diet.

But if you want to lose weight using this method and exclude other foods from the diet, you should pay attention to the list of the following contraindications:

  • pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • the period of pregnancy (when it is better to consult with your doctor);
  • allergic reactions to certain ingredients.

Even completely healthy people can't be used all the time. liquid food. The digestive system suffers from this, teeth deteriorate. So be sure to eat. solid foods besides smoothies.

Can be replaced different products shakes with others that you have available or are not allergic to. One way or another, the necks always come out very tasty and no less healthy.

The drink is appreciated in the circles of people who lead a healthy lifestyle, strive to improve their figure.

You can prepare a treat from any available products.

The most basic rule is to keep them fresh. Experiment with different recipes, treat your friends, give to children, and your loved ones will not only appreciate your culinary skills, but will also be able to improve their health.

Bon appetit!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Banana smoothies are cocktails with a banana and other ingredients prepared in a blender. Banana is one of best fruit for smoothies. Banana smoothies are not only tasty, but also nutritious. Bananas - great source vitamin B6 and potassium, contain vitamin C, fiber, biotin and others useful material. Banana smoothies will fill you with energy and cheer you up. They can be used as light breakfast or a snack, good to drink after a workout, they are very popular with children.

What bananas are best for smoothies? The sweetest bananas are ripe yellow ones with black dots appearing. The amount of sugars in them is maximum. If you do not need to lose weight, choose these. If you have excess weight , or need to cook healthy low calorie cocktail, take greenish bananas: they are slightly less sweet, but they have much less sugars. They are.

How to make a delicious and healthy banana smoothie?

Recipes banana smoothies great multitude. They are prepared on the basis of kefir, milk, regular or Greek yogurt, diluted with water if desired. You can prepare smoothies with the addition of orange or other juice (preferably freshly squeezed) and green tea. In the West, almond and are very popular, which are taken both separately and mixed with orange juice or yogurt. It is not easy to buy them from us, but it is possible.

The banana has its unique aroma, and the addition of other fruits and berries will make the drink more interesting. Banana can be taken both fresh and frozen. Smoothies with frozen fruits and berries are especially good in hot summer. You can put ice cubes in the finished drink. Well, in winter we take out strawberries and other berries stored in the summer from the freezer and prepare delicious vitamin smoothies.

Smoothie Additives

Can be added to smoothies in small amounts ingredients that enhance nutritional value, or giving a special taste: a teaspoon of flax seeds, sesame seeds, shelled hemp seeds, cottage cheese, oatmeal, nuts, sports nutrition protein supplements and others, a little lemon or lime juice, a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon, cocoa powder (for chocolate smoothies), coconut flakes, chopped piece of ginger, nutmeg, Coconut oil, adaptogens (, maca peru, lucuma powder, chia seeds, goji berries) and others.

Some smoothie recipes recommend adding sugar. I am against it, especially if there are overweight. Banana, sweet fruits and non-store-bought strawberries will give your smoothie a natural sweetness, great taste and aroma.

  • Eat smoothies as a separate meal. Give him half an hour to an hour to get used to it and get maximum benefit. After that, eat healthy.

Banana smoothie recipes with photos

One serving 250-400 ml.

Banana smoothie with milk

Sliced ​​bananas and skim milk beat in a blender until smooth. For 1 banana, 0.5-1 glass of milk is taken.

Optional add-ons:

  • some vanilla sugar
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp - 1 tbsp cocoa powder per serving for chocolate shake

You can add ice cream to taste, although without it the cocktail is sweet. No need to take ice cream if you are on a diet. Best and more useful option will take a frozen banana, pre-sliced.

Banana smoothies with kefir

Perhaps the most popular. For a diet smoothie, take a greenish banana. In a banana smoothie with kefir, you can add strawberries, apples, pears, black currants, other fruits and berries, freshly squeezed Orange juice, getting colorful drinks with different flavors.

Delicious low calorie smoothie

To prepare one serving of 350 ml you will need:

  • kefir 100 ml,
  • water 100 ml,
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2-1 sweet apple
  • a few strawberries
  • a few blackcurrants

Cut the banana into slices, beat in a blender with the rest of the ingredients until smooth. Drink a freshly prepared drink.

Kefir can be replaced with yogurt. Get sugar-free yogurt artificial flavors, better - children's, or Greek.

To boost the nutritional value of a banana smoothie, instead of kefir, take a tablespoon of cottage cheese per serving. If you take more cottage cheese, it will be delicious banana fruit curd. You can add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and other ingredients described above. If not terrible 2-3 dozen extra calories, put 1-2 teaspoons of sour cream.

Experiment, try different combinations, supplements and find your recipes!

Sergey Rubanov

Liked the recipes? Share your banana smoothie recipes in the comments.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

You can talk about smoothies, if not endlessly, then for a very long time. After all, no matter which side you look at this dessert-drink, everywhere you can see only the pluses. First, the taste. It is rich and multifaceted in smoothies. This drink uses several types of vegetables and herbs or berries and fruits at once. That is why you can experiment as much as you like. Secondly, the benefits for the body. And it can hardly be overestimated. After all, just imagine that you can “shove” a whole bunch of greens into one glass of smoothie. No one eats greens in such quantities, but in a smoothie, its specific taste is not even noticeable. Thirdly, satiety. One serving of a sweet or vegetable smoothie can easily replace a snack or even dinner. This thick drink is perfectly satiating, but at the same time it has a record low amount of calories.
We invite you to experience all the above benefits yourself by preparing an apple and banana smoothie with us.


- juicy ripe apples - 1 large or 2 medium;
- soft bananas - 2-3 pcs. medium size;
- dark and light raisin- a handful of;
- nut assortment(cashews, almonds, hazelnuts) - a handful;
- kefir - 100-150 ml;
- granulated sugar (or honey) - 1 tsp. (optional and required).

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. Wash the apples, remove the core and preferably peel them to make the smoothie more uniform. Then cut into arbitrary slices or cubes. The juicier and sweeter the apples, the brighter the flavor will be. ready drink, and the less sugar or honey is needed. To prevent the apples from turning brown, you can sprinkle them a small amount lemon juice. This will not affect the taste of the smoothie with apple and banana, but the color of the drink will be more pleasant.

2. Peel and cut bananas as well. These fruits also have the not-so-pleasant property of darkening. Therefore, they can also be sprinkled with a little lemon juice. In order to make the smoothie thicker and its consistency more pleasant, bananas can be preliminarily held in freezer. 10-15 minutes will be enough. A smoothie with an apple and a banana, which has lain a little in the freezer, also does not require additional cooling, so you can drink the drink immediately after it is prepared.

3. Put the chopped fruits into a blender bowl and add a small handful of raisins and nuts. Raisins will add sweetness to the drink, and nuts - usefulness and satiety.

4. Now you can add some sugar or honey to your future apple and banana smoothie. But if the fruits are sweet enough, then without granulated sugar can be completely dispensed with. In any case, be guided by your taste.

5. Then you need to puree the ingredients. The consistency should be as homogeneous as possible, without pieces of fruit.

6. Add kefir and beat again with a blender. Instead of kefir, you can add another milk product, mineral non-carbonated water or ice.

Banana apple smoothie is ready. It can be served for breakfast, as a snack or healthy dessert for adults and children.

Also be sure to try

Banana smoothie has many recipes. As a rule, this fruit goes well with any products. Cocktails may contain orange juice, cottage cheese, sour cream, chocolate, strawberries or other berries.

Recipes for cooking with milk

Smoothies with banana and milk are perhaps the most popular. These ingredients complement each other perfectly, giving the drink delicate taste and aroma. In addition, they are related to dietary products useful for children, the elderly, pregnant women.

fruit and berry

A banana smoothie can contain any berry you can find around the house. Suitable strawberries, currants, blueberries, lingonberries. To sweeten the drink a little, a scoop of ice cream is added.

Products for fruit and berry cocktail:

  • banana;
  • a glass of berries;
  • milk - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • ice cream - 100 g.
To prepare a drink, all products are placed in a blender bowl and whipped into lush mass. Before this, the banana must be cut into pieces, and the milk must be cooled. The resulting drink is laid out in glasses and decorated with a sprig of mint.


Strawberry and banana smoothie is delicious. It perfectly refreshes, saturates, tones. Banana adds tenderness to this drink, and strawberries add a touch of summer. Among other things, the cocktail is very healthy, as it contains antioxidants, vitamins, and a natural antibiotic.

To prepare it you will need:

  • banana;
  • a handful of strawberries;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • honey or sugar.

To prepare a cocktail, all fruits are crushed with a blender. Add sugar or honey to taste, pour milk into the mixture and beat until puree. You can put spices - cinnamon, vanillin, decorate the glass with a berry.

Advice! To prepare a drink of maximum usefulness, take only natural, fresh food. It is advisable to replace sugar with liquid honey.

With kiwi

Kiwi Smoothie Ingredients:

  • banana;
  • kiwi;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • honey to taste.

Before preparing a cocktail, it is recommended to freeze the fruit a little. Then the drink will turn out moderately cool and refreshing. Kiwi is peeled, cut into slices. The products prepared in this way are crushed in a blender, and then whipped with milk and honey. You can add crushed ice. In this case, it will acquire a burning ice taste. This drink is good on a hot summer day.

Recipes with sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt

Milk can be replaced with other products without compromising the drink. It can be sour cream, cream, kefir, cottage cheese. Banana smoothie with yogurt is very useful. The recipe for its preparation is quite simple. If you plan to lose weight with the help of a cocktail, then low-fat foods are taken.


Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, milk protein, lactobacilli. It is recommended to use it for rickets, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal diseases. Curd cocktail It will be useful for children, the elderly, pregnant women. How to make a banana smoothie with cottage cheese? To do this, a product with a low fat content is taken and whipped with berries or fruits. You can use a variety of combinations. For example, make a cottage cheese smoothie with banana, strawberry and orange. To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • banana;
  • a glass of strawberries;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • orange.

Whisk all ingredients well for a few minutes. It turns out a dense homogeneous mass. You can sweeten it a little with honey or sugar, decorate with a scoop of ice cream, whipped cream.

Advice! In order to reduce the calorie content of a cottage cheese smoothie, take skim cheese. Such a cocktail will not harm the figure.


Chocolate banana smoothie will delight lovers of this coffee treat. In addition to the health benefits, this drink has the ability to relieve stress. It is a little high in calories, but if you do not abuse it, then special harm the figure will not cause.

To make chocolate smoothie you will need:

  • 3 bananas;
  • a glass of orange juice;
  • chocolate bar;
  • Art. a spoonful of butter;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • water - a third of a glass.

Chocolate is pre-melted in a water bath, then mixed with butter, water is added. Chopped bananas are beaten with sour cream, then orange juice is poured in, honey is added. The resulting mass is laid out in glasses, decorated with chocolate on top.

with an apple

Smoothies with apple and banana can be prepared on kefir. Apples are combined with almost any fruit, they are available at any time of the year, they contain many vitamins, microelements, organic acids.
Apple Banana Smoothie Ingredients:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • banana;
  • apple;
  • 2 pieces of ice.

To prepare the drink, the fruit is crushed. Then kefir is poured into the mixture. The whole mass is well beaten. The cocktail is served in tall glasses with crushed ice.

Advice! Do not store smoothies made with an apple for too long. Such a drink will darken in 2-3 hours and lose its taste.

Recipes without milk and dairy products

For some people, milk smoothies are contraindicated. Banana recipes in this case are prepared from berries or fruits alone. This drink is reminiscent of dessert dish because it is very thick. Sometimes you can even eat it with a spoon. Consider several recipes for a dairy-free cocktail.

Smoothie "Tropicanka"

"Tropicanka" contains in its composition citrus fruits and has a rich, memorable taste. To make a banana smoothie with such a bright name, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 grapefruits;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 4 oranges;
  • 4 ice cubes;
  • a bunch of mint leaves.

Juice is squeezed out of citrus fruits, which is then poured into a blender and whipped with bananas. Crush ice to a crumb state. It is put directly into glasses with a spilled drink. Mint is used for decoration.

tangerine cocktail

For New Year's table A tangerine smoothie is perfect. It is also prepared without the use of dairy products. In order to prepare such a drink, you will need:

  • banana;
  • mandarin;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • ice - 2 cubes.

First, juice is squeezed out of the mandarin, then it is poured into the blender bowl. There also put a banana, cut into pieces, honey or sugar. Whisk everything until smooth and pour into glasses. Crushed ice is added to the glasses, they are decorated with mint sprigs, tangerine slices.

How to make a banana smoothie, see this video:

All materials on the website Priroda-Znaet.ru are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!
