
Delicious strawberry jam for five minutes. Five-minute blackcurrant for the winter

Strawberries are the berry that both children and adults like. Dessert with whipped cream, cake filling, jam. All these delicacies are remembered at the mere mention of the word "strawberry". The most important sweetness - jam from this wonderful berry - will become excellent workpiece for the winter.

How to choose and prepare berries for harvesting for the winter

Berries for strawberry jam for the five-minute winter should not be overripe, about the same size. It is advisable not to buy fruits, but to collect them perfectly fresh in the garden. However, in this case, small and crumpled berries will come across, which must be put in a separate pan, as they will release juice when washed. Harvesting for the winter as a result may not work. Freshly picked fruits should be immediately sorted out and thoroughly washed with water. You can start cooking: strawberry jam for the winter for five minutes will turn out delicious.

How to cook strawberry jam

To cook the dish yourself, you can use one of the existing quick recipes. For any of the cooking methods, it is necessary to prepare two main components: berries and sugar, from which five-minute strawberry jam is prepared. In a number of recipes, citric acid and gelatin are added. 5-minute jam is distinguished by its cooking speed, and rolled up for the winter tasty dish will be beneficial to health in the cold months of the year. All thanks to the presence a large number vitamins (A, C, B) and trace elements (iron, zinc, phosphorus).

In addition to jam, you can try your hand at cooking jam, confiture, compote, various desserts. You can use not only strawberries, but also arrange it. Combine berries with raspberries, lingonberries, currants, cherries, sweet cherries and other ingredients winter treats. Under New Year when the body lacks vitamins, homemade preparations will come to the rescue. This great way please yourself and loved ones with cakes based on fresh berries and a variety of desserts.

Classic recipe in syrup

Prepare a meal for classic recipe Just. Strawberry jam for the winter five minutes will require two ingredients:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse fresh berries, clean them from the stalks.
  2. Place the processed berries in a bowl or basin.
  3. Thoroughly mix the fruits with sugar.
  4. Wait 5-6 hours until the juice comes out, which will become a syrup.
  5. Pour the contents of the bowl into a saucepan.
  6. Put the container with the contents on the fire and bring to a boil.
  7. After the formation of foam, remove it and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Divide the confiture into two half-liter jars and roll up tightly.
  9. Place jars upside down while cooling.

A quick no-boil strawberry jam recipe

There is a simple recipe that can be used to make quick jam from strawberries without cooking. For this you will need:

  • fruits - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fruits, clean from the "tails".
  2. Pour into a blender and blend thoroughly.
  3. Keep adding sugar while the blender is running. in small portions.
  4. Leave the mixture overnight until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Arrange treats on clean banks.
  6. For better storage cover the neck of the jar parchment paper and then screw on the cover.

How to cook thick strawberry jam with whole berries

Interesting and popular recipe strawberry jam With whole berries five minutes is used by a lot of housewives. The delicacy turns out to be thick, very tasty, with bright aroma. Five Minute Ingredients:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1 glass.
  • gelatin - a third of a teaspoon.

Recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries:

  1. Sort and wash the fruits.
  2. Cook syrup from a kilogram of sugar, after pouring it into a basin or pan.
  3. Remove the syrup container from the heat, add water, add the main component, let it brew for four hours.
  4. After the time has elapsed, put the basin on the stove and let it boil, stirring constantly and removing the foam.
  5. Add 0.5 kg of sugar, gelatin, mix and cook until tender on small fire.
  6. Let the "five minutes" cool, and then pour into jars.

Wild strawberry recipe with citric acid

Some prefer to use as an ingredient for jam - forest strawberries, which grows in nature in meadows, forest edges. It tastes especially good if you add a little citric acid. Try Before Cooking berries taste - they can be bitter (if they grew in coniferous forests). The recipe for strawberry jam for the winter is prepared from:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon.

How to cook:

  1. Carefully sort the fruits and clean from the stalks and leaves.
  2. Turn sugar into syrup by heating it first over low heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Add citric acid, mix well in a container.
  4. Pour the main ingredient into the syrup, let it boil for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Remove the liquid from the stove, pour into jars, screw on the lids tightly.
  6. It is necessary to store the winter preparation in the refrigerator.

Five-minute strawberries for the winter in a slow cooker

With the advent of multicookers, the process of making jam has become much simpler. Thanks to the built-in programs, even a child can cook a treat. Moreover, the treasured dish will look like in the photo from culinary magazines. Have to take:

  • berry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • water - 100 g.

How to cook strawberry jam for the winter in a slow cooker

  1. Peel the fruit from the stalks, rinse and dry.
  2. Place sugar in a multicooker bowl, pour boiled water.
  3. Use the “jam” mode, and if it is not available, then press “stewing” or “broth”.
  4. Periodically stop the multicooker to mix the syrup inside the bowl.
  5. Put the prepared fruits, previously crushed with a blender, inside the apparatus.
  6. Stir, set to cook for 5 minutes.
  7. Pour the delicacy into jars, cork.

How to cook from frozen berries

It is not always possible or there is enough time to prepare a harvest for the winter during the harvest period. It happens that you want jam in the cold months of the year, and of the ingredients - only frozen fruits. This is not scary, because they perfectly tolerate frost and retain all useful and taste qualities. You need to take:

  • strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 2 kilograms.

Cooking method:

  1. Sprinkle the unfrozen fruits with sugar, mix.
  2. Leave to thaw (3-5 hours).
  3. Mix thoroughly again, put on low heat.
  4. Wait for the mass to boil.
  5. Remove the foam, stir for five minutes, remove the pan from the stove.
  6. Leave the mass on a hot plate (30 minutes) so that it reaches the desired condition.
  7. Pour the “five minutes” into jars or serve immediately.

Don't forget that you can make your own interesting recipe based on these delicious fruits the most common garden plant. For example, jam with the addition of apples, quince or currants. From frozen winter preparations you can also make compote, jelly, jam, confiture, and much more. Jam is a simple dish that anyone can cook and enjoy it in winter time.

Video recipe for making strawberry jam for the winter

Finally, we waited for strawberries, probably the most fragrant, beautiful berry, from which you can cook many different desserts, salads. Or you can “stop time” and make strawberry jam for the winter. How wonderful then to get out of the bins for tea or pancakes fragrant jam in which the aromas of summer are preserved!

In addition, preparing strawberry jam is very simple. True, you need to decide right away - do you want sweet or sugar-free jam, thick or liquid, well-boiled or five minutes. In this collection, I will describe in detail all possible options making strawberry jam. Depending on your preferences, you will need to choose the appropriate recipe.

Strawberry Jam Recipes:

Thick strawberry jam with whole berries for the winter

To thicken the strawberry jam. and the berries remained intact, we will cook the jam in several stages. It will take time, of course, a lot, but delicious jam deserves it.

For this recipe, it is better to take smaller strawberries so that they boil faster. The ratio of strawberries and sugar in this recipe is 1:1.

  1. Pour 1/4 strawberries into the pan, pour about the same amount of sugar on top, then lay out a layer of strawberries again, and sugar on top. And so alternately all the layers.

2. Cover the pan with a lid and leave it overnight, during which time the strawberries will release a lot of juice. When enough juice appears, lightly mix the contents of the pan.

3. Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the strawberries from the syrup into a separate bowl.

4. Separately, let's deal with the syrup. We put the saucepan with the syrup on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil and until the sugar is completely dissolved. Reduce the heat and simmer until the syrup is reduced by 1/4 (about 20-30 minutes). Don't forget to stir occasionally.

5. Remove the pan from the heat and send the berries from the bowl to hot syrup.

6. And again we repeat everything as in 2-5 points, i.e. first we leave the berries in the syrup for 12 hours, then we take it out with a slotted spoon and boil down more syrup, and finally put the strawberries in the hot syrup again. The berries will still decrease in volume, and the syrup will become thicker.

7. But that's not all. We repeat all the steps for the third time - leave for 12 hours, take out the berries, cook the syrup and mix everything. Now, in conclusion, cook the berries together in syrup for 5 minutes. We lay out in hot sterilized jars (do not forget to sterilize the lids). We turn the jars over and keep it that way until it cools completely.

Strawberry jam 5 minutes

We will need:

  • per 1 kg of strawberries
  • 600 gr. Sahara
  • 250 ml of water.

Since we do not mix the berries in this recipe, immediately put the berries in a container in which you will cook the jam

  1. Wash the berries first, remove the stalks. If the strawberries are very large, you can cut them in half or into 4 pieces. But this is a matter of taste. I usually boil whole berries.

2. Separately, boil the syrup - pour sugar into the water and, stirring, cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves.

3. Pour the berries with the resulting syrup and do not interfere with anything! Berries should remain intact. We close the container with a towel or film and leave to cool for 2 hours.

4. During this time, we prepare jars and lids - wash and sterilize.

5. We put a saucepan or basin with strawberries in syrup on medium fire, bring to a boil. We stir the berries not with a spoon, but simply by shaking the pan or basin from side to side. We remove the foam from the jam. As soon as the jam boils, cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat.

6. It remains only to shift the jam into clean jars, close the lid and turn over. We cover the jars with a towel and keep it that way until it cools completely.

In jam cooked in this way, the berries are whole and not boiled.

The best recipe for strawberry jam without boiling berries

We will need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg

For such a “fresh” jam, it is imperative to sterilize jars and lids

  1. We wash the strawberries and clean them from the stalks, let them dry a little and cover them with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.

2. With a wooden crush, slightly knead the berries and mix the sugar at the same time. Do not knead the strawberries until the end, so that whole berries remain. Leave the pot with strawberries to stand for 2 hours. The strawberries will release their juice and the sugar will dissolve during this time.

3. Add up the resulting raw jam into sterilized jars, leaving some space at the very top. Pour sugar on top, it turns out, as it were sugar cork, which will not let the jam turn sour.

4. From above we close (roll up) the cans with metal lids.

Keep this strawberry jam without cooking in the refrigerator!

Strawberry jam with lemon and mint

A recipe with less sugar, so it turns out not very sweet, with sourness, jam.

We will need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 700 gr.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • mint leaves
  1. We wash the strawberries and let them dry a little. To do this, you can put it on paper towel. We fill the berries with sugar and leave them overnight (7-8 hours).

2. When the strawberries release the juice, gently stir the contents of the pan and put on fire to boil. Add mint leaves to the jam and cook for 5 minutes.

3. Grate the zest from the lemon with a grater, and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Add the zest and juice to the jam and cook for another 10 minutes.

4. You can finish this, but some housewives advise not to be lazy and cook jam for 5 minutes again after 8 hours. It's probably more reliable that way. It is desirable to lay out the jam in sterilized jars.

Strawberry jam without boiling berries - strawberries in their own juice

And this recipe is my favorite, as the berries remain whole, and the syrup is appetizingly transparent. In addition, sugar for such strawberries needs a little, so you can safely eat plenty. True, in order to enjoy this yummy in winter, firstly, you need to select whole ones for harvesting, healthy berries and secondly, store the jam in a cool place.

Preparing such a jam is simple, only you first need to prepare the jars - wash with soda and dry. Wash the strawberries and pat dry on a paper towel.

We lay out strawberries in half-liter jars and pour 100 gr from above into each jar. Sahara. And so we leave it for several hours, I do it in the evening and leave it overnight.

Strawberries during this time allocate juice, but the berries are reduced in volume. Therefore, if at first you had, for example, 3 jars, after a night, strawberries with syrup from one jar should be spread out over two others, filling them.

Now we put the banks in warm water into a saucepan and sterilize in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

A wonderful dessert is ready. Cook, and I have no doubt that you will appreciate the taste of almost fresh strawberries in winter.

Strawberry jam with gelatin - a recipe for the winter

I sincerely advise you to use these recipes for delicious strawberry jam for the winter, so that long autumn and winter evenings have a cup of tea and remember the warm days.

And if you liked the recipes, I will be grateful for the comments.

Currant is the most useful berry, which contains many useful properties and vitamins. It is rich in vitamins such as E and C. When eating 40 berries blackcurrant per day you provide yourself daily rate these vitamins. If you properly prepare jam from this berry, then it will not lose its beneficial properties. By using jam, you:

  1. Enrich your body with vitamins C and E;
  2. Strengthen your immunity;
  3. Improve digestion processes;
  4. Get over colds and flu faster
  5. Improve cell metabolism.

Currant delicacy can be served with tea as a standalone dessert, use for filling pies and pies, muffins, cakes and other pastries.

How to cook jam: recipes and features

The process of making jam is a simple task for any housewife. The main thing is to have in stock: sugar, currant berries, necessary inventory and, importantly, the desire to prepare the workpiece.

Currant jam five minutes - recipe

To prepare blackcurrant treats according to this recipe, you the following ingredients are needed:

  1. Black currant - 0.5 kg;
  2. Sugar sand - 0.75 kg;
  3. Filtered water -0.5 cups.

Step by step for this recipe:

Recipe for making classic currant jam

For this recipe you will need:

  1. Sugar - 3 kg;
  2. Currant berries - 3 kg;
  3. Purified filtered water - 1.5 cups.

The method of preparing treats according to this classic recipe is as follows:

  • Sort the berries, remove the bad ones, rinse in slightly warm running water and dry;
  • Pour water into a container for jam and dissolve one glass of sugar in it. Bring the syrup to a boil. When it boils, pour a glass of currant into the container. Boil for 5 minutes at constant stirring. Do not forget to remove the foam from the jam;
  • When 5 minutes have passed, pour one more glass of berries and sugar into the boiling mass and boil again for 5 minutes;
  • Repeat this procedure until all the berries and sugar run out. Cooking time interval 5 minutes:
  • Prepare the jars: wash them well soda solution or detergent, then rinse under running water and sterilize. Lids also need to be sterilized;
  • Pour the finished hot treat into jars and cork them. Turn the jars over and wait until they are completely cool.

Recipe for jelly-like currant jam for five minutes

To prepare a jelly-like treat according to the recipe you need to take:

  1. Berries ripe currants- 5 glasses;
  2. Sugar - 5 glasses;
  3. Filtered water - 1.25 cups.

For this recipe:

Raw currant five-minute jam - recipe

For this five-minute currant jam recipe, take:

  1. Currant - 2 kg;
  2. Medium-sized orange - 2 pieces;
  3. Sugar - 3 kg.

To prepare a currant treat prescription, you need:

  • Wash the orange well and, without peeling it, chop it with a meat grinder or blender;
  • Currant berries must be sorted out, washed and also mashed;
  • Combine two types of puree in one container and sprinkle it with sugar;
  • Stir well to get a homogeneous mass and let it brew for several hours at room temperature;
  • Several times the jam will need to be mixed and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  • When sugar is not visible, spread the jam in pre-sterilized jars and cork with lids;
  • Store in a cool dark place.

Recipe for cooking currant jam without cooking

To make this no-boil recipe, you need:

  1. Fresh black currant - 2 kg;
  2. Sugar - 3 kg.

Step by step cooking jams according to this recipe:

Recipe for blackcurrant jam with lemon

In order to make such a jam, you you will need the following components:

  1. Ripe black currant - 1.5 kg;
  2. Small lemon - 2 pieces;
  3. Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Preparing this recipe includes the following stages:

  • We sort out the currant berries, remove all the bad ones and the stalks, rinse and let the excess moisture drain;
  • Wash the lemon well too (the zest does not need to be peeled) and cut to remove the seeds. Grind it into a puree mass using a meat grinder or blender;
  • Immerse the resulting mass of lemon into a container where you will cook your delicacy, and sprinkle with sugar. Put the container on a minimum fire in order to melt the sugar;
  • Transfer the currant berry to the sugar-lemon puree and bring everything to a boil;
  • Boil after boiling should be 30 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing the foam from the surface;
  • Arrange the finished jam in pre-prepared jars and roll up hermetically clean lids;
  • Wait until the jam is completely cooled in jars and take it to a cool dark place for further storage.

Recipe for raspberry and blackcurrant jam

To prepare such a classic, but unusually tasty jam, according to the recipe you will need:

  1. Blackcurrant - 0.9 kg;
  2. Raspberry ripe juicy - 0.3 kg;
  3. Sand-sugar - 1.5 kg;
  4. Filtered water - 0.15 l.

How to cook a treat for this recipe:

Recipe for currant jam prepared using a slow cooker

To prepare, take the ingredients:

  1. Ripe currant - 0.5 kg;
  2. Sugar - 0.75 kg.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • Prepare the berries: sort them out and rinse well in running water. Then pour into the multicooker bowl;
  • Sprinkle the berries with sugar and let them brew for about 3 hours;
  • When the berries start up the juice, mix your mass well and put the slow cooker for 1 hour on the “quenching” mode;
  • When one hour has passed, place the hot jam in pre-prepared sterile jars and roll them up.

Raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant jam - recipe

For this assortment you will need:

  1. Black currant - 0.75 kg;
  2. Whole gooseberries - 0.3 kg;
  3. Sugar sand - 1.5 kg;
  4. Raspberries - 0.2 kg;
  5. Water - 0.5 cups.

Cooking method assorted berries for this recipe:

Apple and blackcurrant jam - recipe

For this jam take these ingredients:

  1. Juicy apples - 4 kg;
  2. Fresh black currant - 4 kg;
  3. Sugar - 8 kg;
  4. Water - 4 liters.

Preparation includes:

  • Wash apples well and cut thinly. We also wash the berries well;
  • We make syrup from sugar and water. Pour the currant berries into the syrup and wait for them to release the juice;
  • When the water takes on the shade of berries, add apples to the container and cook until the mass thickens completely. The mass must be constantly stirred;
  • Wash and sterilize the jars and pour ready-made hot jam into them. Close with lids.

Ingredients for strawberry jam with whole berries five minutes for the winter:

Cooking time: 30 minutes + 2 hours for sugar soaking.

Yield: 900 ml.

For those who will cook strawberry jam for the first time for five minutes, a recipe with a photo will help you do it right and get high-quality homemade preparations. There is a simple and fast way cooking strawberry dessert in one go. Its essence is to boil the berries with syrup over high heat for only 5 minutes. In this case, the strawberries remain whole, it does not take much time to cook, but the workpiece can only be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 10-15 ° C for no more than 1 year. The syrup in such a five-minute strawberry jam remains liquid even after cooling.

There is also another, more hard way making five-minute strawberry jam for the winter in several stages. One of the main advantages of such a blank is that it does not take up space in the refrigerator, but can be stored at room temperature for 3 years. In this case, the syrup turns out to be of medium density, and the fruits soaked in sugar become dense and keep their shape well.

How to make strawberry jam five minutes at home

Often, in an effort to make blanks for the future, housewives are faced with a choice: which recipe to use in order to get the desired result.

How to cook strawberry jam so that the berry remains whole

To do this, you should at least study the canning process a little. It should be noted that long-term exposure high temperatures, low-quality fruits or incorrect proportions of ingredients can adversely affect the final result. Therefore, it is better to cook the berries either for 5 minutes over high heat, or over medium heat in several stages with long breaks.

How to make strawberry jam 5 minutes for the winter fragrant and tasty

How to choose the right berries

If it is possible to assemble them yourself, then this should be done in hot, dry weather. Then the syrup will be thicker. For canning, you should take strong, healthy fruits of medium size. They should not have any damage or signs of damage. All strawberries should be medium in size, otherwise small berries will turn into puree, and large ones will not boil well.

Five-minute strawberry jam can be prepared not only from fresh, but also from frozen berries. In this case, the syrup will stand out much more. You can not prepare such jam for the future, but cook new portions as needed. all year round. When using frozen fruits, they do not need to be washed, but should immediately go to aging with sugar.

How to peel strawberries for making jam

Because this berry grows close to the ground, it is often covered in clumps of dirt. In order to remove them, fresh strawberries must be poured into a colander and washed in several waters. room temperature. In conclusion, the berries can be rinsed in cool filtered water. When it starts to drain completely from under the colander pure water, the berries must be allowed to dry. After 10-15 minutes, excess moisture will drain and you can continue to work. Remove the sepals from strawberries. The fruits prepared in this way must be collected in a large basin.

Aging with sugar to release the juice from the strawberries

Before you start cooking strawberry jam with whole berries, a recipe with a step-by-step photo of which is offered below, one more step is needed - aging with sugar. Fruits should be covered with sugar and left for 2 hours. This is done in order to get maximum amount berry juice. It will stand out from strawberries under the influence granulated sugar. As a result, only 100 ml of water will need to be added to the jam, or not added at all if frozen strawberries are used.

When the sugar becomes wet, you can start cooking strawberry jam with whole berries for five minutes.

Pour half a glass of water into a basin with berries (if there is a lot of juice and it completely covers the fruits, then water is not needed) and put on medium heat. As the syrup heats up, its amount will increase. In order for the sugar to dissolve faster and not burn at the beginning of cooking, the basin must be periodically shaken slightly. In the same way, shaking the basin in a circular motion, it is necessary to mix the berries during the entire cooking so that they do not wrinkle and remain intact.

After boiling, foam will appear on the surface of the jam. It must be removed immediately and do this constantly, throughout the entire cooking.

The syrup should boil very intensely, with abundant foam. 5 minutes after boiling, the bowl with strawberries must be removed from the heat. On this, the five-minute cooking of quick strawberry jam can be finished, put into jars and rolled up.

Strawberry jam with whole berries for five minutes for the winter in several doses should be kept in a basin for 6 hours. Next, you need to repeat a five-minute boil over moderate heat and a six-hour exposure 4 more times. Each time the syrup will become thicker, darker and increase in volume compared to the berries. After the last boiling, it is no longer necessary to insist. It is enough to let the jam cool slightly for 1 hour.

Sterilization of jam jars

For strawberry jam, you need to prepare jars in advance. They, along with the lids, should be sterilized and dried completely. To do this, rub the jars and lids with soda, and then rinse it off with running water. After that, it is enough to put the covers in boiling water for 5 minutes and then pat dry with paper towels. Preparation of jars requires more care. Pat them dry with paper towels and place on a wire rack. cold oven neck down. At a temperature of 150 ° C, the jars should be sterilized for 10 minutes. Then you should wait until they cool down and remove from the oven.

rolling jam

In prepared jars, pour strawberry jam for 5 minutes with syrup.

Then they must be hermetically rolled up. If containers with screw caps are used, it is enough to tighten them tightly. For jars without a thread on the neck, special tin lids. They are rolled up using a seaming machine. Thus, homemade, made according to the formula strawberry + sugar = jam, is ready.

How to store jam

You can store strawberry jam for five minutes only in the refrigerator for 1 year. After the jar has been opened, the jam should be consumed within 1 week. Strawberry jam cooked in several steps can be stored in a dry, dark cabinet for 1 year. If it is possible to keep such a blank in a refrigerator or cellar, then its shelf life will increase to three years. An open jar of such jam should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 1 month.

What are the ways to cook strawberry jam

Five-minute strawberry jam can be cooked not only on the stove. Kitchen appliances greatly simplifies the process of home canning. Strawberry jam 5 minutes in a slow cooker, blender and microwave also turns out to be very tasty. In addition, you can make strawberry jam with citric acid or without boiling the berries.

Strawberry jam 5 minutes in a slow cooker

strawberries and sugar equal proportions pour into a bowl and leave for 24 hours. Then remove the air valve and set the “multi-cook” mode for 30 minutes or “quenching” for 1 hour. In a five-minute strawberry jam in a slow cooker, add 10 g of citric acid and pour into sterile jars.

Strawberry jam 5 minutes in a blender

Pour the strawberries into the blender and turn it on to the first speed. Add sugar and mix again for 1 minute. After that, pour the quick strawberry jam into clean, dry jars and close the lids. You can only store it in the refrigerator.

Strawberry jam 5 minutes in the microwave

Simple, fresh strawberry jam can be made in the microwave. To do this, pour the berries into a bowl, pour water and put in the oven for 10 minutes until boiling. Then carefully remove the bowl, add sugar and mix. Next, cook the jam with stops for stirring for 20 minutes.

Strawberry jam five minutes with citric acid

In order for strawberry jam to become slightly sour and not sugared, you can add a little citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice to it. For 1 kg of berries, only 2 g of citric acid diluted in 2 tbsp. l. water or juice squeezed from half a medium lemon.

Recipe for strawberry jam without boiling berries

Strawberry jam without boiling the berries themselves is like jam for 5 minutes. It is also carried out in 5 stages. The difference is that not all the jam needs to be boiled, but the expressed syrup. After each boiling, it is necessary to immerse the strawberries in it and let them brew together.

  • The more cycles, the thicker the syrup and stronger than berries. During one cycle there is a rapid heating and slow cooling of the jam. As a result, strawberries do not wrinkle, as with long-term cooking, but gradually soak sugar syrup, which displaces water from the berries. Moreover, this process occurs not only in hot fruits, but also in cooled ones. That is why long periods of infusion are so important.
  • The basin or wide pan for cooking jam must be made of a non-oxidizing material. Brass or stainless steel works best. You can also use an enameled basin, but its surface should not have cracks, scratches, and even more chips.
  • Five-minute strawberry jam, stored at room temperature, the recipe of which is described here, is prepared in 5 steps. However, if the density of the syrup is not important, then strawberry jam for 5 minutes in three doses will also allow you to make a supply canned berries for the winter.
Five-minute jam: the best recipes ...

Berry and fruit jam, in syrup and sugar, with spicy notes and exotic mood... This sweet art can be prepared in just five minutes.

Fully sated with the gifts of a generous summer, it's time to start taking care of winter vitamins. Preserving fruit and berry crops is not burdensome and even very pleasant. Especially since modern approach for preparations for the winter does not bother the housewives with long culinary processes. There are many ways to recycle garden gifts. Someone chooses freezing, someone dries sweet fruits, and someone knows the secret and prepares a beautiful, fragrant and very fast jam, in which every vitamin is in its place. This secret is called "Five Minute". Yes, yes, just five minutes on the stove - and a delicious gooseberry, strawberry, apple, cherry, apricot or even exotic passion fruit, mango, kumquat jam is ready.

TOP 10 recipes "Five minutes"

Recipe 1: Five Minute Strawberry Jam

1 kg strawberries, 1 kg granulated sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice.

This jam turns out to be very "juicy" - it has a few berries and a lot of syrup. Part clear syrup can be rolled up separately from the berries and used for drinks, impregnations and jelly icing on cakes.

Dry the same small berries after washing, remove the stalks. Sprinkle with sugar in a ratio of 1:1. This ratio will allow strawberries not to digest and store the workpiece without a refrigerator.
Cover the container with berries with a kitchen napkin and do not disturb for two hours. It will take this time for the strawberries to release a lot of juice.
drowning in own juice Simmer strawberries over low heat until boiling. Carefully remove the trimmed foam with a slotted spoon, and gently shake the container with strawberries so that the lower berries do not stick to the bottom. It is better not to stir the jam with a spoon - the strawberries will lose their integrity.
Before boiling, pour into the dishes lemon juice. This will prevent crystallization of the finished jam and a pleasant sourness will appear in it.
After five minutes of quiet boiling, pour strawberries into jars prepared for seaming, cork, turn over onto lids and insulate for a day.

Recipe 2: Kaleidoscope Jam from different berries in 5 minutes

Ingredients for 7 jars of 0.5 l: 0.3 kg of any currant, 0.5 kg of gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, 2-2.3 kg of sugar.

Rinse and sort all the berries: remove sepals from strawberries, ponytails and “forelocks” from gooseberries and currants.
Pour prepared berries with sweet sand and immediately send to a calm fire. While stirring, wait until the jam “puffs”, pour into carefully processed jars.
Send jars of jam for sterilization: immerse in a container with boiling water to the level of the “shoulders”. Boil the jars for a quarter of an hour, roll up.
Keep the jam upside down for a day under the covers. Then send it to a cool pantry, where winter will find it.

Recipe 3: Apricot Jam in Five Minute Syrup

Ingredients for 2 cans of 0.5 l: 1 kg apricot, 1.1 kg sugar, 200 ml water.

Wash the apricots with a brush, remove the pits and cut into small pieces.
Juicy pulp transfer to a container for cooking jam, sprinkling with sugar (900 g).
From water and granulated sugar (the remaining 200 g) prepare a syrup. After boiling, cook until the sugar grains completely disappear.
Pour the finished syrup into a bowl with apricots, leave for a couple of hours, allowing the fruit to soak in the syrup and release more juice.
Heat the apricot mass to a boil, reduce the temperature and boil, stirring, for another five minutes.
apricot jam pour in syrup into sterilized convenient way banks, roll up.
After gradual cooling under a warm blanket, store the jam out of the reach of heat and the sun.

Recipe 4: Cherry jam"Five Minute"

Ingredients for 3 cans of 0.5 l: 1 kg ripe cherries, 0.5-0.7 kg of granulated sugar.

Sort the cherries, rinse in a colander and let the water drain completely from the berries.
Carefully remove the pits from the cherries. You can use a regular hairpin for hair styling - the bone will come out quickly, and the berry will lose less juice.
Transfer the fruits to a deep basin and cover with sugar, mix. The cherries will be ready for cooking when they release juice under the action of sugar. This may take three to five hours.
Boil the cherries in their own juice over low heat, stirring and skimming off the pink foam. Five minutes after boiling, the cherries in syrup can be transferred to jars steamed or heated in the oven.
Rolled up and turned "on the head" jars, leave for 24 hours for gradual cooling. Store in a cool pantry, cellar or refrigerator.

Recipe 4: Peach Jam with Almonds from Elena Chekalova

The famous TV presenter and culinary specialist does not recognize sweet sunsets with high content Sahara. She suggests making jam with the amount of granulated sugar that is necessary solely for a pleasant, unobtrusive taste. Of course, such a jam will not stand in the pantry for three years, but it is not necessary either! Its shelf life is only 6 months. But who will wait six months to feast on incredible delicious dessert from Elena Chekalova?!

Ingredients for 8 cans of 0.5 l: 3 kg of slightly unripe peaches, 3 large oranges, 300 g of almonds, 1.5 kg of sugar.

From carefully washed oranges, remove the zest with a grater, squeeze out all the juice and pour the zest chips into it.
almond nuts scald with boiling water, remove the softened skin from them. Spread the peeled almonds on a paper towel in one layer and dry (3 hours). Put the nuts in a container with a lid.
Remove the pits from the peaches, cut the fruits into large pieces, cover with sugar and pour over orange juice with zest.
When the peaches fill the dishes with juice (it will take several hours or a night), you can cook jam. After boiling the mass over a calm fire, remove the foam, mix and boil for another five minutes.
Repeat this cooking process for three days in a row. Brief boiling in several stages will make the jam transparent and thick. At the last stage, you can add nuts.
Roll boiling jam with nuts into prepared glass, cool at room temperature and store in the lower compartment of the refrigerator.

Recipe 5: spicy jam gooseberry with banana "Five minutes"

TO gooseberry jam confectioners have a secret love, and the classics sing of his taste in immortal works. And this is no accident! It will captivate from the first spoon, and then it’s impossible to stop ... This ode is dedicated to classic jam from gooseberries, but if you enrich its taste with banana and spices, you get a true culinary masterpiece.

For 2 cans of 0.5 l: 500 g very ripe gooseberries, 1 banana, 500 g sugar, 3 cloves, 1 cinnamon stick.

Remove the tails from the washed gooseberries and mash the berries well with a wooden mortar.
Add a banana cut into thin circles to the berries and cover everything with granulated sugar. Let the mixture marinate for two hours.
Put cinnamon, cloves in a bowl with gooseberries and bananas. Place on the hob and cook for four minutes.
Transfer banana-gooseberry jam to scalded jars, seal hermetically. Before being sent to the pantry, the jars should stand and cool.

Recipe 6: Double Layer Rhubarb Strawberry Jam

Ingredients for 3 jars of 0.5 l:
Rhubarb layer: 500 g rhubarb, 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, 300 g of sugar, 2 g of pectin.
Strawberry layer: 500 g strawberries, 2 g pectin, 300 g sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.

Rhubarb layer

Remove the top skin from the rhubarb. This is easy to do if you pick up the edge with a knife and pull to the other end.
Chop the stems into cubes (1 cm). Pour in sugar (250 g) and add citrus juice.
Boil the mixed ingredients, stirring, until the pieces of rhubarb break down into fibers.
Mix the pectin with the rest of the sugar and pour in small portions into the rhubarb, accompanying this action with continuous stirring. Boil for a minute.
Fill the scalded jars with boiling rhubarb jam up to half. While the strawberry jam is cooking, the first layer will cling to a film that will prevent the layers from mixing.

Cook the strawberry layer in the same way as the rhubarb:

Strawberries can be pureed with a blender, or cut into quarters.
Pour berries with 250 g of sugar, pour in lemon juice.
After boiling the strawberries, carefully introduce the pectin with the remaining sugar and boil for a minute.
Slowly and carefully pour the strawberry jam onto the rhubarb layer, twist the jars and, after cooling, rearrange them in a preservation cabinet or pantry.

Recipe 7: Raspberry-Blackberry Jam "Five Minute"

Ingredients for 7-8 cans of 0.5 l: 2 kg of sugar, 1 kg of blackberries, 1 kg of raspberries.

Sort out blackberries and raspberries and sprinkle with sugar in separate containers, using 1 kg of granulated sugar for each berry. They must be infused in their own juice overnight.
Strain the juice of both berries into a large copper bowl. If sugar has settled at the bottom of the containers, it must also be sent to the juice.
Stirring, cook berry syrup over low heat until all the sugar has dissolved. When the liquid boils, transfer the raspberries and blackberries to the pan.
Boil five minutes. If foam appears on the surface, remove with a spoon. After 8 hours, boil the jam again (about five minutes).
Pour the finished syrup with berries into steamed jars, close. Jam with deep purple and no less deep taste can be served immediately with tea or moved to the pantry for winter tea parties.

Recipe 8: French Charm Jam: Strawberry-Passionfruit-Rosewater

This unusual jam comes from a small Parisian patisserie Artisanale, Les petits mitrons. It is called there “Love. Fraises - Passion - Roses" or "Love. Strawberry-Passion-Roses. The name accurately expresses the character of strawberry jam with exotic passion and rose petals. Saturated color And bright taste will be remembered forever.

Ingredients for 3 jars of 0.5 l: 1 kg strawberries, 80 g passion fruit puree or 6 fruits, 600 g sugar, 15 ml rose water, 3 g pectin.

Puree the peeled strawberries with a blender.
It is better to take the passionfruit pulp fresh, there are no seeds in the frozen and smashed puree, which look very nice in a jar of jam. Moreover, the puree will make the finished jam cloudy.
strawberry puree combine with passion fruit and add 550 g of sugar, mix and place on the stove.
Stirring continuously, cook the jam for five minutes after boiling. Be sure to remove the foam, otherwise the dessert will not be amber-transparent. Fragrant foam can be served with pancakes.
Mix pectin and 50 g of sugar, add in a thin stream to total mass and then boil for another 1 minute.
Add rose water to boiling jam, but after removing it from the hob. Stir and shift the "strawberry passion" into sterilized jars. Store jam with French charm in a dark place.

Recipe 9: Sunny Nectarine Lime Thyme Confiture

The main thing for this jam is ripe and very juicy nectarines. Spicy thyme can be substituted for "dessert" mint, or the herbs can be omitted from the recipe altogether.

Ingredients for 3 jars of 0.5 l: 1 kg nectarine pulp, 600 g sugar, 1 lime, thyme sprig, 3 g pectin.

Remove the skin from the nectarines and remove the seeds.
Kill the fruit with a blender, pour 550 g of sugar into the puree, add the juice of a small lime, and put the thyme.
When fruit mix“gurgles”, slowly and, without stopping stirring the puree, pour in the pectin mixed with sugar. Continuing to stir, boil the mass for a minute. From ready jam remove thyme sprig.
Roll up solar jam in prepared jars, store in a place hidden from light.

Recipe 10: Peppered Jam: Melon, Mango and Chili in 5 Minutes

Ingredients for 5 cans of 0.5 l: 500 g of mango pulp (3 large fruits) and melon, 500 g of sugar for jam (with pectin), lemon, 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon and chili powder (or the tip of a fresh pod).

Cut the pulp of melon and mango into pieces (1.5-2 cm).
Peel the zest from the lemon and extract the juice. Pour over mango and melon.
Pour sweet sand into fruit slices and leave for several hours so that the mixture releases juice.
Transfer the juicy mass to a basin with a thick bottom, and cook until the first boiling bubbles begin to appear. Remove from the hob, cover and leave overnight to infuse.
In the morning puree the mass, boil, add cinnamon and chili powder, boil for another 3-4 minutes.
Pour boiling melon-mango jam into jars treated with steam or boiling water, roll up and leave to cool. You can eat jam the very next day, but it is better to save the bright and fragrant “summer” for cozy winter evenings.

How to cook five minutes: tips

Pyatiminutka jam is loved by many modern chefs. They willingly share tips that will help you prepare this “early” jam without unpleasant surprises:

For jam with thick homogeneous consistency fruits / berries are soft, juicy, well ripened. If the jam should be made with pieces of fruit in syrup or whole berries, it is better to take slightly unripe fruits.
The advantage of five-minute jam is that it is short heat treatment does not damage the integrity of the fruit. To keep it in a jar, do not stir the jam with a spoon during the cooking process, it is better to gently shake the pan.
The amount of sugar in five-minute recipes varies from 0.5 kg to 1.5 kg per kilogram of fruit. The less sugar, the shorter the shelf life of the finished jam.
You can also cook a “five-minute” from cherries with stones - the taste will be richer and with pleasant almond notes. But before cooking, it is better to pierce the berries with a needle or scald with boiling water. So the cherries are better soaked in syrup.
Jars for jam, which takes only five minutes to prepare, must be perfectly sterilized otherwise the jam will “explode” before winter.

Five-minute - jam with minimal time and maximum benefit. Cooking it is a pleasure, but eating ... is another! open in winter jar smells fresh summer, midday heat, home comfort and afternoon tea in the circle of connoisseurs of sweet fruit and berry pleasure.
