
Canned cherries - composition and calorie content, product description; use in cooking; how to preserve berries at home. Tasty and fragrant canned cherries for the winter

Hello dear blog guests. Harvested in season - cherries for the winter, the recipes of which are given in this article, will allow you to have healthy and tasty berries filled with vitamins at any time of the year. Compotes and jams prepared from it are perfectly stored all winter.

Frozen fruits can be added to cottage cheese, pastries, they make sweet desserts. Pickled berries are in demand as a healthy snack, they are put in salads and even used to make sauces. Jams, confiture delight the kids. This article will discuss how to cook these wonderful blanks.

To ensure that supplies are stored without problems all winter, pay more attention to the preparatory work.

Berry preparation

When choosing berries, pay attention to its appearance, give preference to firm, non-sticky fruits. If you inhale a real pleasant cherry aroma - the products can be trusted. For harvesting, select whole, not wrinkled, without traces of rot.

To remove berry pests, soak for an hour in cold water. Remove the stalks. Cooking with a bone or not depends on the type of workpiece and the preferences of the hostess. Seedless products will be less attractive. The bone will add some bitterness, but the sweet ones like peace.

Container preparation

Wash the container thoroughly, remove visible dirt particles. Use baking soda as a cleaning agent. Boil the lids for at least 5 minutes. Sterilize jars according to one of the proposed options:

  • Cover the pot with water with a special stand. Turn the jar upside down and place on a stand, bring the liquid to a boil. Sterilize for several minutes until drops flowing over the surface of the container appear.
  • Place the prepared jars in the oven, bring the temperature to 150 0, hold the half-liter container for a quarter of an hour. For large jars, increase the time to half an hour.
  • Moisture is required for microwave sterilization. It is collected in a jar or in an additional container - a glass. Processing time 3-4 minutes.
  • Pour some liquid into the multicooker, put the stand for steaming food, set the appropriate mode. Turn over the jars and soak half-liter for 10 minutes, liter for 15 minutes.

Roll up the containers with metal lids, self-tightening or with a special key. Cool to room temperature slowly. Turn over the rolled containers, wrap them up and soak in this state for at least a day.

Cherry compote recipe for the winter

Berry compote turns out to be very tasty and fragrant, fruits retain their shape well and look great. It will take a little time to prepare, which even the busiest woman will like.

For preservation, you can take both cherries alone and a mixture of fruits. You need a little sugar, up to 1.5 cups per 1 kg of berries. There is no sourness in cherries, therefore, during conservation, lemon juice is sometimes added to taste.

Take berries with or without a stone. Do not store the blank made according to the first option for more than a year; according to the second method, the berry looks less colorful. Choose both light and dark fruits, there is not much difference. Recipe:

  • Sort the berries, rinse well under running water. Separate wrinkled, rotten, spoiled. Remove tails.
  • Place an arbitrary amount of cherries in the prepared container, approximately fill the container by a third.
  • Boil water and fill it with food, cover with a terry towel on top, soak for 15 minutes.
  • Drain the liquid into a saucepan, add water at the rate of 1 cup per 3-liter bottle. Bring to a boil. Add granulated sugar. Boil the syrup for a few minutes, skimming off the foam.
  • Pour boiling water into jars. Close lids, roll up.

Cherry jam, recipe

Making cherry jam for the winter is very simple, the result is unusually tasty. Sweets take as much as fruit. Prepared berries, with or without seeds, put in a container.

  • Cook the syrup from the same amount of water and granulated sugar.
  • Pour in the berries, bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 10 minutes.
  • Set jam aside to cool. This may take up to 7 hours.
  • Once again, bring the food to a boil over low heat, cook until tender. Check the quality by dropping the syrup on the nail. A drop of finished jam keeps its shape well and does not spread.

Pour hot jam.

Video - cherry jam for the winter

Cherries in their own juice for the winter

Cherries do not belong to juicy berries, but they have plenty of their own juice for preservation. Select only ripe and whole fruits. Take half the weight of sugar than berries. The recipe itself:

  • Sprinkle the fruit with sugar, cover with a clean cloth, preferably with gauze, set aside for several hours until the juice is released.
  • After the berry floats in the juice, bring the product to a boil.
  • Gently stirring, cook the dish until transparent fruits are obtained.

Close with metal lids. Cool upside down, wrapped up. Five minutes is prepared according to the same recipe, only five minutes are enough for boiling.

cherry jam

To make jam, remove the seeds from the berries. For 1 kg of fruit, take 500 - 800 grams of granulated sugar.

Cooking sequence:

  • Pour the prepared berries with sugar, mix, set aside for half an hour to extract the juice.
  • Put the jam on a small fire, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes.
  • Cool and grind the mass. After grinding on a blender, the jam will turn out to be tougher, due to particles of the skin. To get a soft, tender fruit mixture, grind the products through a sieve.
  • Add lemon juice or zest, the taste and aroma will become more intense. For 1 kg of cherries, two citrus fruits are enough.
  • Bring the jam to a boil. Pour into banks. Will need to be rolled up.

Refrigerate wrapped upside down.

Video - winter cherries, jam recipes

Cherries with gelatin for the winter

A dish prepared with gelatin in winter can be immediately served on the table as a dessert. Fruits in a bright jelly-like mass delight children with their appearance, taste and aroma. The dish is prepared in the following sequence:

  • Pour 800 g of sugar into 1 kg of pitted berries, set aside for several hours to get juice.
  • Bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 40 minutes.
  • Soak 4 grams of gelatin in 4 tablespoons of water. When the gelatin becomes jelly-like, dissolve it in a water bath.
  • Add gelatin to jam, bring to a boil, but do not boil. The preparation is ready.

Pour into jars in a boiling state, roll up in the traditional way.

Pickled cherries for the winter

Contrary to popular belief that cherries are used only for sweet dishes, the pickled product can be served with meat, added to the dough, put the grated mixture in sauces.

The most important part of the dish is the marinade. For 1 liter of water, take 150 ml of 9% vinegar and 400 g of granulated sugar, a couple of pinches of salt. Choose firm, undamaged and ripe cherries.


  • In the prepared half-liter jar, put 5 black peppercorns, bay leaf, 2 cloves, 1 cm cinnamon, cherry leaf.
  • Lay tightly without pressing on the berries. Determine the required amount of water. To do this, fill the jar with cold liquid and pour it into the pan.
  • Add the necessary ingredients to the liquid, boil the marinade.
  • Pour boiling water over the berries. Put the jars on sterilization, time - 15 minutes. For a liter container, 20 minutes of boiling is enough.

Roll up with metal lids.

Cherry confiture

To prepare confiture for 1 kg of berries, take granulated sugar from 600 g to 1 kg, to your taste. You will need one apple and a lemon.

  • Sprinkle berries with sugar, pour over lemon juice.
  • Place over low heat, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Boil 10 minutes.
  • Drain the syrup. Add a peeled and chopped apple to it, cook until the liquid is reduced by half.
  • Chop the berries. To make the confiture look more tempting, some of the berries can be left whole.
  • Combine with juice, cook for 10 minutes.

Arrange in a sterile container, roll up the lids.

Video - cherry and mint confiture

Freezing cherries

Sort the berries, remove the tails. Washing is recommended in case of obvious contamination, be sure to dry by spreading on a towel. Put food in the refrigerator. After an hour, spread the berries on a plate or tray in one layer, put in the freezer to grab frost.

After three hours, put the berries in plastic bags with ZIP fasteners and send them for storage in the freezer.

If you want to get a sweet frost, take 200 g of granulated sugar for 1 kg of product. Lay in a container in layers, store in the freezer.

  • Candied fruit is a great alternative to candy. They are prepared from a natural product, without chemical components. For 1 kg of cherries, take 800 g of granulated sugar, immediately set aside half a glass for sprinkling the finished sweetness. Stick to the following sequence:
  • Add 300 g of water to sugar, gently mixing, boil the syrup, do not burn.
  • Pour the fruits, bring to a boil, remove from heat, cool to room temperature.
  • Repeat the procedure 4-5 times.
  • When the amount of liquid is halved, select the candied marmalade-colored fruits from the syrup. Sweet water can be used to prepare the next portion of candied fruits or compotes and jams.
  • Spread candied sweets in an even layer on baking paper.

Dry in a ventilated area out of direct sunlight. It will take about a week for the candied fruits to dry. Turn food twice a day. Store in a glass container, sprinkle with sugar beforehand.

Given the cherry for the winter, the recipes will help you prepare a very healthy and beautiful berry and enjoy the cherry taste and aroma throughout the year. All the best! Leave comments and share the article with your friends!

Summer, sun, fresh juicy fruits. But all this is good as long as they have fruit at hand. But soon the cold will come, fresh fruits will disappear. And therefore it is worth stocking up on blanks, namely a whole cherry in syrup or.
Canned berry is a very tasty and healthy dish. After all, opening a jar with such a cherry winter, you can be transported even a little bit into the summer, feeling its sweetness and aroma. It can be eaten just like that, or it can be used as a decoration for various types of cakes, pies, pastries, creams, ice cream.

Canned cherries - recipe with photo.

For such a blank, we need:
The calculation is carried out for 1 liter of water.
- yellow cherry;
- sugar - 100 gr.;
- water - 1 liter.

Recipe with photo step by step:

For rolling cherries in syrup, you should not take large jars, just take one liter jars.
Let's start cooking.
Step 1:
We sort out the berries, remove the spoiled ones.
Then we put the berries that we have chosen in a basin, fill it with water and add 1 teaspoon of salt - this will help get rid of worms and other insects. We leave the cherries for 2 - 3 hours in water, then drain the water and rinse the cherries again.
Step 2:
We prepare jars and lids for seaming.
Step 3:
We lay out the prepared cherries in sterilized jars.
Step 4:
Put a pot of water on the fire. We boil.
Step 5:
Pour boiling water over the cherries, placed in jars, cover with a lid and let stand for 10 minutes.
Step 6:
Then, after the time has elapsed, drain the water from the cans back into the pan.
Step 6:
We add sugar there. Stir, boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Step 7:
As soon as the sugar dissolves, pour the cherries with ready-made syrup and cover with a lid. This time let them sit for 15 minutes.
Step 8:
Again, pour the syrup from the jars into the pan, bring to a boil and pour into jars. We cover the jars with a lid and roll up.
Step 9:
We turn the rolled cans upside down and wrap them well. Leave them for a day until completely cooled. Store canned cherries.
Bon appetit!

Just as easy to prepare

Sweet cherry is a berry loved by many, both children and adults willingly eat it in season.

But for the winter it is harvested relatively rarely.

The reason is probably that the conservation of cherries requires certain conditions, the subtleties of its preparation are not known to everyone.

General principles for preserving cherries for the winter

To make really great canned cherries, you need to choose good ones. They should not be small and lopsided: if the berries are tasteless, how will they make a tasty preparation?

Cherries are often wormy. Check for wormholes. If you find it, do not take the berries from this tray: probably all the cherries here are infected, it's just not noticeable yet.

Cherry twigs are not removed before selling. If they are not, they were probably in very poor condition. It is not worth taking such a berry, as well as one whose branches have dried up or rotted. Delicious canned cherries cannot be prepared from such raw materials.

To the touch, the cherries should be dense and smooth. They will be tasty and juicy. Watery or rough fruits are not suitable for preserving cherries.

Cherries contain very little acid. To fix this, it is customary to add citric acid or natural citruses to canned cherries.

Cherry jam must be boiled in several stages: only in this case the berries will remain dense, poured with sweet juice. However, sometimes these fruits are not boiled at all, but only poured several times with boiling syrup: this way canned cherries will be tastier.

When preserving cherries, various spices are often used. Usually it is vanilla, but cinnamon, star anise, cardamom are also often added. This gives the finished dish an indescribable aroma and delicate taste.

Recipe 1. Preservation of cherries in their own juice


Sweet cherry - 2 kg

Citric acid - 6 g

Cooking method

For this method of preservation, it is necessary to select dense and very ripe berries, without signs of spoilage and not wrinkled.

They must be thoroughly washed: first, place in a bowl with slightly acidified water, and then rinse again, pouring into a colander, under the tap.

With the help of a special device, free the berries from the seeds.

Place the prepared cherries very tightly in liter jars, trying to ensure that there are no voids. Every now and then you need to lightly sprinkle the berries with citric acid.

Place a tea towel in the bottom of a large saucepan and pour cold water over it. Put jars of cherries there (open, of course) so that they are “up to their shoulders” in the water. Pasteurize in boiling water for about 20 minutes, then roll up.

Recipe 2. Canned cherries: compote


Sugar - 400 g

Water - 800 ml

Vanilla sugar - a tablespoon

Citric acid - a teaspoon

Cherry light and dark - about one and a half kg; this is approximate, in fact, as much as it will fit into the banks

Cooking method

In an enamel saucepan, heat water and pour sugar and vanilla sugar into it. Stir. Heat up to a boil.

Rinse the cherries very thoroughly and place them tightly in sterilized jars.

Pour the boiling syrup over the cherries and cover with sterilized lids (do not roll up!).

Let stand for 5 minutes, then pour the syrup back into the saucepan and bring to a boil again. Banks, as soon as the syrup is drained, immediately cover with lids so that the cherries do not cool down too much.

Pour citric acid into the boiling syrup, stir immediately and, without delay, pour it back into jars with a top. Roll up immediately (the syrup displaced by it should come out from under the lid), wipe with a damp cloth, turn upside down. Cover the jars with a terry towel or something similar and leave to cool completely.

Recipe 3. Preservation of cherries with assorted garden berries


Sweet cherry - 1 kg

A mixture of berries (strawberries, apricots, red currants, etc.) - 1 kg

Sugar - 2 kg

Water - approximately 2 cups

Zest of half an orange

Cooking method

Rinse all the berries very carefully, first in a bowl, and then with running water. Remove seeds, leaves, twigs.

In an enamel pan, heat water, into which then add sugar and chopped orange zest. Heat until it boils, stirring constantly to prevent the syrup from burning.

Place the berries in a bowl for cooking. Pour them with boiling syrup, put on medium heat and bring to a boil, but do not boil.

Let stand for at least 6 hours, then put on fire again and bring the jam to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes and leave for another 6 hours, then repeat the procedure.

Arrange still hot jam in sterilized jars and close with lids. It is better to store the workpiece in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4. Canned cherries "Jam with a surprise"


Lemon - 1 pc.

Cherry dark large - 1 kg

Sugar - 1 kg

Almonds - about half a cup

Water - one and a half glasses

Cinnamon - a teaspoon

Cooking method

Rinse the almonds and peel off the skin. Divide each nut into several pieces the size of a cherry pit.

Rinse the berries well and get rid of twigs and seeds. It is better to use a special tool for this purpose, but you can also slightly incise the cherries with the tip of a knife. Put a piece of nut inside each berry.

In an enamel saucepan, prepare syrup from granulated sugar and water, add cinnamon to it.

Pour the berries with boiling syrup and let stand for a couple of hours.

Put the jam back on the fire and warm it up, not letting it boil, for about half an hour.

Cut the lemon into thin slices. Gently dip the lemon slices into the jam and cook it in the same way over low heat for another five minutes.

Cool, arrange in sterilized jars and store in a cool place.

Recipe 5. Preservation of cherries: pickling


Cherries - about one and a half kilograms (as much as it takes to fill the jars)

Sugar - 800g

Allspice - 2-3 peas

Carnation - 2-3 buds

Star anise - 1 star

Cinnamon - centimeter piece of stick

Acetic acid (80%) - half a tablespoon

Water - 1 liter and 1 glass

Cooking method

The berries are carefully sorted and washed, cleaned of ponytails.

Grind all the spices with your hands or a rolling pin and pour them into jars.

Arrange cherries in jars.

Boil water in a saucepan (it is better to use enameled) and pour sugar into it. It is better to strain the syrup, then pour acetic acid into it and stir.

Immediately pour the jars with hot marinade, immediately place them in a large saucepan, the bottom of which is pre-lined with a napkin, add hot water so that it reaches the “shoulders” of the jars, and pasteurize the jars covered with roofs, but not rolled up, about 10 (for the floor -liter) or 15 (for liter) minutes at the weakest boil (so that the water only trembles a little).

Roll up the jars, turn them upside down and cover with a terry towel or blanket. Leave it like this until it cools down completely.

Recipe 6. Canned cherries in the form of marmalade


Cherries (it is better to choose red or black varieties to make the color more beautiful) - 2 kg

Sugar - 1 kg

Medium sized lemon - 1 piece

Cooking method

Lemon must be thoroughly washed with a special brush.

Sort the cherries carefully, then rinse and dry thoroughly.

Free the berries from twigs and seeds (you can use a special device to extract the seeds, or you can simply cut each berry and shake out the stone with the tip of a knife).

Pour the berries with a glass of water, mix and let stand so that the berries give juice.

Pour literally a couple of tablespoons of water into a bowl for cooking jam, pour out the cherries and start cooking on the smallest fire, shaking the bowl every now and then or stirring its contents with a wooden spoon or spatula.

After five minutes, puree the contents of the bowl with a blender and add another glass of granulated sugar. Boil again, gradually adding the remaining sugar.

Separately grind the lemon with a blender along with the peel, but preferably pitted. Put the gruel in the marmalade and boil for some more time until the marmalade becomes quite thick.

Arrange marmalade in pre-sterilized jars and cover with sterilized lids.

This preparation must be stored in a cool place.

Recipe 7. Preservation of cherries: syrup


Cherry (strictly dark: dark red or black) - about 3 kg

Sugar - about 1 kg

Citric acid - 10 g

Cooking method

First you need to wash and sort the cherries, ruthlessly removing the rumpled and especially spoiled berries. Also remove the tails and leaves, and then the seeds, and then squeeze the juice out of the cherries using a juicer, since it should be without pulp.

"Piece" can be boiled separately with sugar and a small amount of water - you get an excellent gravy for cottage cheese or pancakes. And you can cook jelly, but this is not for everyone: it is somewhat too neutral in taste.

Pour the finished juice into an enamel pan and heat, pour sugar into the hot juice and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Cook for five minutes. Light foam on the surface does not need to be removed, it is enough just to stir it, but the one that appears later - dense and thick - must be removed. The syrup should also be thick by now.

Pour in citric acid and cook for another five minutes, then turn off, cover and cool. Pour into sterilized bottles, carefully filtering. Close and store in a cool place.

Recipe 8. Canned cherries with spices


Water - 1 l

Sweet cherry - 1 kg (different varieties are possible, but be sure to select large berries)

Citric acid - a teaspoon

Sugar - 2/3 cup (lovers of very sweet can have more)

Vanilla - a fifth of a small pod

Cinnamon - a piece about 3 cm

Cloves - a pair of buds

Star anise - 1 star

Cooking method

Rinse and dry the cherries, free from twigs and pits (you can simply cut and shake out the pit).

Arrange the berries in jars, filling them almost to the top.

Dissolve sugar in water, put spices and boil for 2-3 minutes. Add citric acid.

Bring syrup back to a boil. Pour the berries with boiling syrup, cover (but do not close!) With lids, put in a large saucepan with a napkin at the bottom and pasteurize for 10 (half-liter) or 15 (liter) minutes.

Roll up, put upside down and cover with a thick towel.

  • Berries of light varieties do not look very nice. If you decide to take yellow or pink cherries for preservation, add a little red or black. However, you can use some other bright-colored berries: strawberries, blackcurrants ... Cherries are just not very good: they look like cherries, but smaller, so they will look unpresentable.
  • To make the cherries in the jam seem to be transparent, the berries must be pricked in several places with a pin (this is only suitable for dark berries: ugly dots will be visible on the light berries) and cook at a temperature slightly below the boiling point, and in two or three doses, cooling the jam between brews.

Most people prefer to eat fresh cherries, because the juicy pulp of these fruits not only contains many vitamins and nutrients, but also has a surprisingly pleasant taste and aroma. However, you can please yourself with this summer fruit not only during the harvest season, but all year round. To do this, you need to prepare cherries for the winter by freezing or preserving.

In this article, we will try to consider the main points of preserving cherries for the winter, starting with the preparation of the fruits themselves and the jars in which the blanks will be stored, and ending with simple and popular recipes for canned cherries.

Cherry conservation: recipes for the winter

In order for winter preparations from this crop to be truly tasty and healthy, and also stored for a long time, you need to properly prepare the berries themselves.

Note: Only those fruits that have reached full maturity on the tree are suitable for preservation. Only in this case, the fruits will acquire their unique taste and aroma.

Figure 1. Winter blanks from cherries

There are quite a few varieties of sweet cherries, but for harvesting for the future it is better to choose fruits of maroon or light yellow color (Figure 1). First of all, the berries must be thoroughly washed in clean cold water. If you immediately place them in jars, no other preparation is required. But, if you plan to carry out other manipulations that require a certain time, it is better to pour the berries with cold water to prevent the pulp from darkening.

We remove the bones

In most cases, fruits in the form of compote or jam are preserved without seeds. This is due to the fact that the heat treatment of such fruits takes much less time than the preservation of berries with seeds. At the same time, be prepared for the fact that you still have to spend some time removing the seeds from the pulp.

Figure 2. Stone removal technology

The stones are removed from fully ripened and pre-washed fruits. This can be done either simply by hand or with the help of a special tool. If you don’t have a special tool for removing stones, you can always use a little trick. Take a bottle with a narrow neck, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the size of the berries. A small glass Coca-Cola bottle is perfect for this purpose. You will also need a Chinese chopstick or other similar device. Further removal of the seeds is carried out as follows: you simply put the berry on the neck of the bottle, and pierce its flesh with a stick. As a result, the stone will fall into the bottle, and you will get a perfect berry with minimal damage to the pulp (Figure 2).

Another important step in preparing for conservation is the sterilization of jars. Spread the fruits only in pre-treated glass containers. Otherwise, during storage, the jars may shoot or the lids will swell on them.

Note: A bulging lid means that the jar was poorly sterilized or not sealed tightly. As a result, pathogens begin to multiply inside, which can cause symptoms of severe poisoning.

There are many ways to sterilize jars (Figure 3). For example, if you preserve crops in small half-liter containers, you can simply put the kettle on the stove, wait for it to boil, and put a jar on the kettle spout for a few seconds to treat the inner walls with hot steam. Some housewives prefer to sterilize the jars in large pots of water, but the easiest way is to put the jars in the oven. The advantage of the latter method is that you have the opportunity to sterilize a large number of containers at once. This is especially important if you are closing a large crop at a time.

Figure 3. Ways to sterilize jars

So that glass containers do not burst under the influence of high temperatures, they must be placed in a cold oven, and only after that turn on the heating. This also applies to sterilization in a pot of water: first, jars are placed in it, then the pot is filled with water, and only after that the fire is turned on.

Recipe for canning cherries in their own juice

In most cases, recipes for canned cherries include sterilization. But it is not necessary to go through this lengthy process when harvesting berries in your own juice.

To preserve fruits in this way, the berries must be pitted. For one serving, you will need 2 cups of prepared berries, 1 cup of sugar and a teaspoon of citric acid (Figure 4).

Harvesting in its own juice is done like this:

  1. The fruits must be freed from leaves and stalks, rinsed thoroughly with water and placed in a colander so that the remaining water drains from the product.
  2. All berries are pitted and the pulp is placed in small pre-sterilized jars.
  3. Sugar and citric acid are poured into each jar. It is better to select jars in advance, which include just 2 cups of cherries. So it will be easier for you to accurately calculate the required amount of sugar and acid. As a rule, the right amount of berries is included in a half-liter jar.
  4. While you are laying the fruits in containers, put the water to boil. When it begins to actively boil, pour boiling water into jars. Try to pour the liquid in a thin stream so that the glass walls of the containers do not burst due to temperature changes.

Figure 4. Harvesting from berries in their own juice

After one jar is completely filled with water, it must be immediately rolled up with a lid. It is not necessary to wrap and turn the jars, it is enough to let them cool at room temperature.

Canned cherries without sugar

As a rule, most recipes necessarily include a certain amount of sugar. But, since this berry naturally has a rich sweet taste, it does not need to be sweetened additionally.

We present to your attention another simple recipe for winter cherries, this time without sugar:

  1. Prepare the required number of jars in advance, rinse them thoroughly and sterilize together with the lids in any convenient way.
  2. Fruits should be carefully examined and rotten or damaged removed. Next, the berries must be thoroughly washed and allowed to drain excess water. You can leave out the pits: this recipe is suitable for berries with and without pits. The only difference is that a pitted blank can be stored for more than 12 months, while a pitted blank can stand in the pantry for a maximum of one year.
  3. Next, you need to fill the jars with fruits. The number of berries in the container depends on what product you want to get as a result of canning. If you want to prepare compote, fill no more than a third of the jar with cherries, and if the berries are in their own juice, then fill the entire container up to the neck.
  4. After that, boil water, and while it boils, pour a little citric acid into each jar (at the rate: a teaspoon of acid per three-liter jar).

When the water boils, immediately fill the jars with boiling water and close them with lids. Optionally, you can add a mint leaf to each jar. So the workpiece will acquire a richer aroma and taste.

Preservation of different varieties of cherries

There are a lot of recipes for canned cherries, and there may be certain differences between them, depending on the color of the fruit and the variety of crop that you use for winter harvesting.


The white variety is considered very unusual because of its appearance, but the taste of the fruit is amazingly sweet. It is best to close the berries of this variety in their own juice using liter jars (Figure 5).

Note: For one liter jar, you need to take about 700 grams of cherries and 200 grams of sugar.

Containers intended for preserving fruits must be sterilized in the oven or using hot steam. Sugar is poured inside each jar and filled to the top with thoroughly washed berries. Next, the blanks must be poured with boiling water so that the liquid reaches the shoulders of the can. It is not worth filling jars with water up to the neck, since in the future the containers will be sterilized, which means that the sweet cherry will release juice.

Next, the jars need to be placed in a saucepan with a towel at the bottom and fill them with water so that it reaches the shoulders of the containers. After that, you need to turn on the fire and bring the water in the pan to a boil. After that, the sterilization process begins, which lasts 30 minutes.

Figure 5. Winter blanks from white cherries

When the sterilization time is over, the jars in turn must be carefully removed from the pan, hermetically sealed with lids, turned upside down and wrapped in a blanket. The next day, when the containers are completely cool, they can be given their usual position and hidden in the pantry.

Sometimes it happens that white cherries release little juice during the sterilization process. If the liquid in the jar does not reach the neck, the missing amount of liquid can be replaced with ordinary boiling water.


Red varieties are considered the most popular, as they have a brightly grown taste and aroma. In addition, they are quite sweet, so a minimum of sugar is needed for conservation (Figure 6).

Such cherries are great for baking, so it is better to preserve them for the winter in their own juice, pitted. To do this, you need to thoroughly rinse the fruits, remove debris, stalks and leaves, and remove the bones from the pulp.

Note: For conservation, it is better to use liter or half-liter jars. One such container will be enough for one serving of baking. As a rule, one liter or two half-liter jars need 700 grams of berries and only 100 grams of sugar.

Figure 6. Canned red cherries

Cherries need to be washed and freed from stones. Next, the fruits must be laid out in sterilized jars and covered with sugar on top. After that, the workpiece is poured with boiling water so that the water does not slightly reach the neck, and the containers are sent to a pot of water for sterilization. The duration of sterilization is only 10 minutes, after which the jars must be hermetically sealed with lids, wrapped and allowed to cool for a day.


Yellow varieties are the best suited for canning for the winter, since during the heat treatment they practically do not lose color, and even in winter you can remember sunny summer days by opening a jar of such berries (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Preparations for the winter from yellow cherries

Preserving yellow cherries for the winter is very simple. You need to take liter jars, rinse and sterilize them thoroughly, and then fill them almost to the very top with berries. You can add a slice of lemon to each jar so that the winter preparation acquires a special taste and aroma. After that, each jar must be filled with boiling water, and it must be poured slowly so that the glass container does not burst due to temperature changes. Next, just cover the jars with lids and let them stand for 15-20 minutes.

After that, the liquid from all the cans must be drained into one large saucepan, in which the syrup will be prepared. Sugar is added to the water, the volume of which should correspond to the number of cans. The mixture must be brought to a boil, and then refill the jars with it. After that, the containers just need to be covered with lids and rolled up. It is advisable to cover the jars and leave them to cool completely, after which they can be moved to the pantry for further storage.

You will find a simple and affordable recipe for canning cherries in the video.


- cherries;

- sugar.

1. Thoroughly wash the cherries and carefully sort them out. Throw away all rotten, wormy or damaged berries. We remove the tails. For seaming, you need to choose only ripe beautiful berries. In this recipe, white cherries were used, but red and pink can be closed in the same way.

2. Then carefully wash the liter jars. For canning cherries, you can use not only liter jars, but also larger or smaller containers. Pour up to half the cherries into the prepared jars, fill the berries with sugar (for 1 liter of canned cherries we need ½ cup of sugar) and add the cherries to the top. Then pour boiling water into the jars up to the very neck.

3. After all the jars are filled, cover them with clean, dry lids. The lids can be used with tin seaming lids or screw caps - as you are used to.

4. We put our future canned cherries to be sterilized. To do this, we need to prepare a capacious heat-resistant container: it can be a bowl or a saucepan. Pour water into it so that the water level is below the neck, that is, it closes the cans by about 2/3. We place the preservation in a container for sterilization and put it on the stove. We wait for the water to boil and sterilize the canned cherries for at least 10 minutes.

5. We roll up the sterilized jars and turn them upside down. If sugar settles at the bottom, then you need to gently shake the contents of the jars until it is completely dissolved.

6. Then we wrap the jars with cherries with a warm blanket or blanket and leave them to cool completely.

7. Then it will be possible to take the conservation to the cellar or pantry for storage. Sweet cherries even in winter will remind you with their wonderful taste of warm sunny days.

canned cherries
