
A delicious cherry wine recipe. From frozen berries

Cherry - a common plant in our country, grows throughout the country. It is very popular among home distillers and in winemaking. Delicious liqueurs, tinctures and liqueurs, drunken cherries are made from cherries, and every adult has probably tried homemade wine from cherries. Where grapes do not grow, cherries are used as a raw material. From the berries, a thick dark red wine with an unusual aroma and a peculiar taste is obtained.

Homemade cherry wine, prepared at home, is valuable because it contains only natural ingredients, mostly yeast is not used in recipes, so the benefits of cherry wine for the body have been described more than once in various works. Cherry wines can be made both dry and semi-sweet, as well as fortified dessert wines. The main thing in the manufacture must comply with the technology and adhere to the rules described below. For the drink, dark sour cherries are best, but in principle any variety you can get your hands on will do.

How to calculate the yield of the finished product. From 100% of the original volume of cherry berries, approximately 60% of the must is obtained. This must produces 80% of the wine. 20% is pulp and sediment during overflow. The more must, the better the wine fermentation process, the risk of oxidation is reduced. It is correct when calculating to take the minimum proportion for 10 liters of wine.

Pitted cherry wine recipe

Pitted cherry wine has a pleasant almond flavor. Brightly saturated color, gives the drink a rich look. This simple recipe is suitable for beginner winemakers. When making wine, it is important to remember that the skins of cherries contain naturally occurring wild yeasts that are essential for wine fermentation. Therefore, you cannot wash cherries! But if you got a washed berry, then in this case you can use special wine yeast, which can be purchased at specialty stores.


  • Cherry -6 kg;
  • Water - 6 l;
  • Sugar - 2 kg.

How to make cherry wine:

  1. Peel the cherries from the stalks, remove the rotten and moldy berries. Gently knead the berries with your hands, without damaging the bones, otherwise there will be bitterness in the wine.
  2. Place the cherry mass along with the seeds in an enamel pan. Pour in water, add 800 grams of sugar. Cover the pan with gauze or put a lid in a warm place for fermentation for 3-4 days.
  3. Literally in half a day, the first signs of fermentation appear. A hissing foam cap forms on the surface, a sour smell of fermentation is felt. In order for the wort not to turn sour at this stage, it must be stirred two or three times a day and the hat of pulp should be heated.
  4. After the required time has elapsed, pour the wort into a fermentation tank through a sieve or gauze, squeeze the pulp well from the juice. Add a quarter of the cherry pits there, add 400 grams of granulated sugar. Mix everything well until the sugar dissolves completely. Install a special water seal or medical glove on the container. Put the bottle for fermentation in a warm place with a temperature of 20-25C. Important! 1/4 of the fermentation tank should be free, in the process of rapid fermentation, foam rises, which can fill the water seal and go outside.
  5. After 5 days, remove the water seal and drain 300-400 ml of wort. Dissolve 400 grams of sugar in it and pour the syrup back into the bottle.
  6. After another 5 days, filter the wort from the seeds, add the rest of the sugar, dissolving it in the wort. Leave to ferment for 1-2 months, depending on the strength of the yeast and the ambient temperature.
  7. The end of the fermentation process can be determined by the water seal, in which the gas stops bubbling. The wine is partially clarified to the bottom of the sediment. Alcohol is on the palate. Carefully decant the young cherry wine, drain it from the sediment through a PVC or silicone hose. Add sugar if necessary. At this stage, the wine can be fixed to the desired strength with vodka or brandy. Usually, 3-15% of strong alcohol from the volume of wine is poured in for this.
  8. Pour the wine into a clean container, install a water seal for the first 10-15 days. Place the container for quiet fermentation in a cool place with a temperature of 8-15C. The maturation of young wine lasts 6-12 months. During this time, sediment falls to the bottom, when the sediment reaches 2-3 cm, the wine must be poured off the sediment.
  9. Pour the ripened wine into clean bottles, seal hermetically and can be stored in the cellar for a very long time. The more the wine costs, the tastier it becomes, the bouquet is balanced and will delight you with its unique taste.

Video recipe for making cherry wine.

Cherry homemade wine recipe - “Vishniak”

Vishniac is popularly called dry cherry wine. The preparation process takes about two months. The taste of the drink is quite sweet, so this wine is more suitable for the female half.


  • Fresh cherry - 10 l;
  • Sugar - 4 kg.


  1. Pour unwashed cherries into a container (glass bottle), sprinkle with sugar. Put the bottle on the windowsill in the sun for fermentation for 30-40 days.
  2. After the above time, strain the wort through a sieve or cheesecloth. Rub the rest of the berries through a colander and add to the must.
  3. Keep the must for another 3-5 days in the sun. Then strain the wine through several layers of gauze. Leave for 7-10 days to mature.
  4. Pour the finished cherry into a clean container, add sugar or water if necessary. The drink is ready to drink.

cherry fortified wine recipe

This quick cherry wine recipe is different from the ones above. After 1-2 weeks, you can already enjoy excellent cherry wine and treat guests.


  • Freshly picked cherries - 10 kg;
  • Filtered water - 5 l;
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • Wine yeast - 2-5 gr;
  • The mint is fresh.


  1. Rinse the berries under running water, remove the stalks and spoiled cherries. Squeeze the juice as much as possible in any way possible without damaging the seeds. Transfer the pulp to a separate bowl.
  2. Pour the juice into a clean saucepan, add sugar and put on a slow fire. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved while stirring. Pour water into hot syrup, add pulp with seeds. Tear the mint leaves into small pieces and add to the must.
  3. As soon as the wort cools down to a temperature of 22-25, add wine yeast. Put the container in heat for fermentation. After 7-10 days, the wort will ferment. The wine must be drained from the sediment and poured into bottles. If desired, you can add vodka or cognac in the amount of 3-5%.

Cherry wine from frozen berries

In some cases, you can prepare cherries for good and later use frozen berries to make wine. The collected cherries need to be washed, sorted out, slightly dried and placed in the freezer. Dried raisins are used as yeast starter.


  • Frozen cherries - 5 kg,
  • Filtered water - 3 l,
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg,
  • Raisins - 100 gr.

How to make wine:

  1. Place the frozen berries in a wide dish, let the cherries melt completely at room temperature.
  2. Mash the berries, transfer to a saucepan, add sugar, water and pour raisins. Mix everything, cover with a lid.
  3. Place the container in a warm place for 7-10 days. During this time, vigorous fermentation will take place. After its completion, drain the wine from the sediment and pour into a clean container for quiet fermentation. Install a water seal on the neck.
  4. After 1-1.5 months, drain the young wine from the sediment, pour into bottles and leave to mature for 3-6 months in a cool room.

The nuances of making homemade cherry wine

  1. Cherry wine at home is made only from ripe berries. Green, spoiled, rotten berries are not good. Such fruits can drastically spoil the taste of the drink.
  2. It is desirable to collect berries for making wine in dry sunny weather. Harvested cherries are too watery when it rains.
  3. If you do not like the tart taste of wine, then you can remove it from the cherry.
  4. Cherry wine can be combined with other fruits and berries. The most suitable combination with raspberries, blackcurrants, plums.
  5. The fruits do not need to be washed before cooking, they contain wild yeast necessary to start fermentation.

Despite the fact that now the range of alcoholic products is large, homemade wine is in great demand. Especially if it is made from the best varieties of fruits and berries.

Along with grape wine, winemakers also prepare cherry. This thick dark red wine has an unusual aroma and refined taste. But in order for it to turn out just like that, you need to follow all the rules of winemaking.

From cherries, you can prepare both dry and semi-sweet wines, as well as dessert ones.

Subtleties of cooking

  • The quality of wine directly depends on what berries were used for its preparation. For cherry wine, it is best to take dark-colored cherries of more acidic varieties. Good wine is obtained from cherries with black fruits. From cherry varieties Vladimirskaya, Consumer goods, Shubinka, the wine will have a densely colored color. From the Polevka or Lyubskaya variety, wine is obtained not with such a rich color, but with a more original smell and aroma.
  • Cherry wines do not require much aging. They light up well. They can be consumed already in the year of manufacture.
  • Cherries should be ripe, without wormholes. You can take overripe berries, the main thing is that they are not moldy and rotten.
  • In no case should they be washed, so as not to wash off the wild yeast that is on the surface of the berries. For the same reason, you should not use berries picked after heavy rain to make wine, as it washes away yeast as well. Sourdough from such berries does not ferment well, and the wine can become moldy.
  • It is better to harvest cherries in dry weather and start making wine on that day.
  • Bones from cherries are not removed, since during fermentation they themselves are separated from the pulp and can be easily removed during the straining process. And also wine from cherries with pits has its advantages. This wine is more tart and aromatic.
  • The strength of the wine depends on the amount of sugar, because it is from it that alcohol is obtained during fermentation.
  • Wine ferments best with pure yeast cultures. If the pulp ferments well, then the leaven can be omitted. However, it is better to prepare it in advance. It is made 10 days before picking cherries and starting to make wine.
  • To make a starter, knead two glasses of unwashed berries (grapes, strawberries, raspberries), place in a bottle. Add 100 g of sugar and 250 ml of boiled water. Everything is shaken well, corked with a cotton plug and put in a dark, warm place for several days. After 4 days, the berry mass will ferment. It is filtered and added to the future wine. To get dessert wine, 300 g of sourdough are taken for 10 liters of must. If you want to get a semi-sweet or dry wine, put 100 ml less starter.
  • Cherry is a sour berry. To reduce its natural acidity, the juice is diluted with water. Add enough water to make the juice pleasant to drink. The amount of water also depends on the type of cherry. For example, for 10 liters of juice from Lyubskaya cherries, 3.7 kg of sugar and 3.8 liters of water are required. And water is not added to the juice from the Samsonovka cherry at all, and 2.2 kg of sugar is put. As a result, the strength of the wine is 14-16 °.
  • After fermentation, the wine is clarified to remove the remaining pulp, as well as yeast and bacteria. The wine is drained, leaving a sediment, about 3 days after the end of fermentation. The wine is defended for 1-1.5 months, and then re-removed from the sediment. During this period, you can add a little more sugar to the wine: 150 g per liter.
  • The separation of wine from sediment is a prerequisite for obtaining quality products. Therefore, the wine must be periodically poured from one container to another, using a thin rubber hose.
  • So that wine, especially weakly fortified, does not turn sour, it is pasteurized. To do this, wine bottles are corked, tied with twine, placed in a tall pot of water. Heat to 60° for 15 minutes. Then the wine is slowly cooled.
  • There is hot bottling of wine. The wine is poured into a saucepan, heated to 60 °. Bottled after 2 minutes. Cork.

Cherry wine: the first recipe


  • cherry - 3 kg;
  • water - 4 l;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method

  • Sort unwashed cherries, remove spoiled berries. Pour into a barrel or container with a wide mouth.
  • Mash the berries with your hands as thoroughly as possible. Pour a pound of sugar and pour warm water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Cover the container with a clean cloth and place in a warm place. After a few hours, fermentation will begin and a “cap” of foam will appear. It needs to be stirred several times a day.
  • After about 4 days, separate the pulp from the must and put it under a press to drain the remaining juice. Pour the strained wort into a bottle. Add another pound of sugar and mix thoroughly, shaking the bottle vigorously. There should be enough room in the bowl for the foam that will appear during fermentation. Close the container with the future wine with a stopper with a drain tube, the end of which is lowered into a jar of water. Put the bottle in a warm place for another 4-5 days for further fermentation.
  • Then pour the wort into a clean bottle, add another 250 g of sugar and mix thoroughly. Put the remaining sugar after 4 days.
  • When the wine has almost stopped fermenting (this will be seen by the absence of carbon dioxide bubbles in a jar of water), pour it carefully into another container using a rubber tube.
  • Let the wine stand a little and pour into bottles. Seal well with stoppers. Put in a dark cool place to brighten. When sediment appears at the bottom of the bottles, pour the wine into a clean container and leave it for further settling. The first time is poured after 15-20 days, then this can be done less frequently.
  • When the wine becomes clear, carefully pour it into clean, dry bottles and cork. Store in a cool place.

Cherry wine: recipe two


  • cherry - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 5 kg;
  • raspberries - 1 plate;
  • water - 6 l.

Cooking method

  • Sort unwashed cherries, remove spoiled berries. Place in a large saucepan or barrel. Add unwashed raspberries.
  • Pour 1 kg of sugar. Stir, cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for a day.
  • The next day, pour water into the cherry mass and mix again. Repeat this procedure for two more days, each time adding a kilogram of sugar.
  • Throughout these days, stir the cherry mixture with your hands while crushing the cherries to separate the pits from the pulp. You will see how the mass will ferment well, being covered with a plentiful cap of foam from above.
  • After 5-6 days, the pulp of the berries will separate from the seeds and rise to the surface, and the bones will be at the bottom.
  • Strain the pulp through a sieve into another container. Squeeze out the thick mass well on the press or with a cloth bag. Combine the remaining juice with the rest of the wort. If the cherries were very sour, you can add another 2-3 liters of water. Discard the bones and thick mass.
  • Pour all the wort into a twenty-liter bottle, filling only 2/3 of the volume with wort, and put on the shutter. You can close the bottle with a stopper with a drain tube, the end of which is lowered into a jar of water. This must be done so that the carbon dioxide that will be released during the fermentation process goes out through the tube, and oxygen does not get inside, which can turn the wine into vinegar.
  • Put the bottle in a warm place, as in the cool fermentation practically does not occur. At a temperature of about 25 °, vigorous fermentation continues for 15 days (sometimes up to 30 days). Gradually it will subside.
  • When carbon dioxide practically ceases to be released (you will notice this by single air bubbles in a jar of water), the remaining pulp will begin to settle to the bottom of the container.
  • After about 1-1.5 months, the wine will need to be filtered and poured into another bottle. To do this, use a rubber hose. Pour out the sediment that remains at the bottom.
  • After a month, pour the wine a second time. Taste it. Sweeten if needed. So that the wine does not peroxide, it is recommended to add a little alcohol or good vodka to it.
  • Pour the wine into bottles, cork and grind.

Cherry wine: a simple recipe


  • cherry - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 5 kg.

Cooking method

  • Sort unwashed cherries, removing all bad berries. Without removing the seeds, put it in a suitable container, pouring sugar in layers. Close the lid and place in a cool place.
  • Due to the large amount of sugar, the fermentation process will take place gradually and the berries will not peroxide.
  • Stir occasionally to make the sugar dissolve faster. Then squeeze the berries.
  • Strain the must through several layers of gauze.
  • Bottle up. Such wine is stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Frozen Cherry Wine


  • cherry - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • raisins - 100 g.

Cooking method

  • Place frozen cherries in a saucepan and thaw at room temperature.
  • Thoroughly crush the berries with your hands. Put sugar and pour water. Add unwashed raisins. Stir.
  • Close the pot with a lid and place in a warm place to ferment.
  • Due to active fermentation, the berries will be covered with a cap of foam. Stir the berry mass periodically so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • After about 7-10 days, when active fermentation stops, squeeze out the pulp, and strain the juice and pour it into a bottle, filling it by 2/3 of the volume, so that there is room for the foam caused by fermentation. Close the container with a lid or stopper with a drain tube, the end of which is immersed in a jar of water. This must be done so that the carbon dioxide released by the must does not turn the wine into vinegar.
  • When fermentation stops, carefully pour the wine into another bottle and discard the sediment. After a while, pour the wine again.
  • Pour into bottles, cork and store in a cool place.

Note to the owner

So that the wine does not turn into vinegar during aging, it should not come into contact with air. To do this, they make corks or lids with a water seal. If you don't have them, use a regular rubber glove, which you can buy at a hardware store or drugstore.

Put it on the neck of the bottle or jar, secure. The carbon dioxide that will be released from the wort during fermentation will fill the glove and inflate it. This will indicate that the fermentation process is still in full swing. To prevent the glove from bursting from excessive pressure, make a hole in it with a needle. Carbon dioxide will easily escape to the outside, but air will not be able to get inside.

As soon as the glove sags, then the fermentation has stopped and the wine is ready. It remains only to pour it into another container, filter, clarify and let it stand.

Wine is stored in a horizontal position so that the cork is immersed in it. This method will prevent air from entering the bottle and affecting the quality of the wine.

The optimum room temperature should be around 8°.

A well-aged wine should be a beautiful red color and completely clear.

When bottling, the sediment is left at the bottom of the bottle along with the rest of the wine.

With a bone, it is remembered for a slight bitterness and a characteristic almond flavor. But the bones contain harmful substances: cyanide and hydrocyanic acid. To make a tasty and at the same time safe drink, you need to follow the proposed cooking technology exactly. Proper holding time and an increased proportion of sugar will neutralize harmful substances.

In most cases, cider is made by fermenting apple juice with wild yeast. But any other juice is suitable, for example, pear, the technology does not change.

Pitted cherry wine needs sweet and sour berries. First, the raw materials must be carefully sorted out, removing unripe, spoiled or rotten fruits. Even one bad berry can ruin the whole batch. To avoid contamination with pathogenic microorganisms, the containers used should be sterilized with boiling water and wiped dry, and only clean hands should be handled with the wort.

It is advisable not to wash the cherry, so that wild yeast remains on the skin, which will start fermentation. If you still had to wash the dirty berries, then to get a guaranteed result, I advise you to use store-bought wine yeast (in no case dry or pressed bakery yeast) or make homemade sourdough from raisins.


  • cherry berries - 3 kg;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 1 kg.
  1. Knead the berries peeled from the stalks with your hands without splashing the juice. Each berry must be crushed.

Attention! If the stones are damaged, the finished wine will be too bitter, so mechanical methods of processing cherries are not suitable.

2. Place the resulting mass together with the bones in a container with a wide neck - an enameled or plastic pan (bucket). Due to oxidation by cherry juice, aluminum and other metal containers cannot be used.

3. Add 400 grams of sugar (40% of the total) and all the water. Stir, cover with gauze or a thick cloth to protect against flies, transfer the wort to a dark room at room temperature. Leave for 3-4 days.

After a maximum of a day (usually after 6-12 hours), signs of fermentation should appear: foam on the surface, hissing, a slight smell of sour. From the moment of adding water and sugar, be sure to stir the wort with a clean hand or a wooden stick every 8-12 hours, drowning the pulp in the juice - the surfaced skin of berries and pulp. Without agitation, the wort can turn sour or moldy.

Foam indicates the beginning of fermentation.

4. Filter the juice through cheesecloth. Press the pulp well. Add back to pure juice about a quarter of the seeds and 200 grams of sugar (20% of the proportion in the recipe). Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. The remaining pulp is no longer needed.

5. Pour the cherry juice with pits into a fermentation container. Leave at least 25% of the volume free for the remaining sugar, foam and carbon dioxide. Install a water seal of any design on the neck or a medical glove with a hole pierced by a needle in one of the fingers. Transfer the container to a dark room (or cover with a thick cloth) with a stable temperature of 18-25°C.

6. After 5 days, add the next portion of sugar - 200 grams (20%). To do this, remove the water seal, pour 200 ml of wort through a tube into a separate container (the amount in milliliters is equal to the added sugar in grams), dissolve the sugar. Pour the resulting syrup back into the wort and close the neck with a water seal.

Attention! Before adding sugar, taste the drained wort, if it is too tart or bitter, remove the stones. After fermentation and aging, the taste will improve.

7. After another 6 days, filter the wort through cheesecloth to remove all the bones. Add the remaining sugar - 200 grams (20%), mix, pour back into a well-washed fermentation tank and install a water seal.

Depending on the yeast and temperature, cherry wine ferments for 25-55 days, then the water seal stops releasing gas (the glove deflates), almost all the foam disappears, a layer of sediment is visible at the bottom, and the wine itself becomes lighter. If these signs appear, proceed to the next cooking step.

8. Drain the young wine through a straw, without touching the sediment. To taste. If desired, add more sugar (the amount is up to you) to increase the sweetness. You can also raise the fortress with vodka or pure ethyl alcohol (3-15% by volume).

Since pitted cherry wine has an almond flavor, fortifying and sweetening after fermentation enhances the flavor. But I advise you to first determine the optimal proportions on a small amount of wine, so as not to spoil the entire batch.

9. Fill storage containers with wine (to minimize contact with oxygen, preferably under the neck). Close hermetically. The first 10 days can be kept under a water seal in case the fermentation has not completely stopped.

10. Transfer the wine for aging to a dark, cool room - a cellar, cellar or refrigerator. The recommended temperature is 6-16°C. Leave at least 4-6 (preferably 8-12) months for ripening.

As a sediment 2-4 cm thick appears (at first every 10-15 days, then less often), filter the wine by pouring it through a straw. When the sediment does not appear for more than a month, the drink can be bottled for storage and hermetically sealed. Cooking completed.

When stored in a refrigerator or cellar, the shelf life is up to 5 years. Fortress - 10-12% (without additional fixing).

Bright cherry taste is not to be confused with anything. It spreads sweetly around, leaving behind a viscous-spicy tail of a magical smell. Cherry perfectly reveals itself not only in traditional recipes for its use, but also adds a summer touch to tea blends, pleases taste buds in salting for the winter and adds warmth in the cold season, lying on the bottom of the glass with the cherry aroma of homemade wine. Moreover, home-made cherry wine is especially tasty.

So, how to make wine from cherries!?

What kind of cherry can be used for home winemaking?

The quality of the raw materials affects the final result in the most direct way. Cherry wine at home is best prepared from berries similar to a dark cherry variety called "Chocolate Girl". They have a beautiful dark color of berries and produce fleshy fruits with excellent taste.

And the first step before making cherry wine at home is picking berries. If the cherry pleases with its harvest on the garden plot, then it is necessary to wait for a sunny day and collect the berries so that they are dry. Fruits should be removed carefully, do not crush them or throw them. Rinse and dry the cherry berry, bought at the market or in the store, between two waffle towels. But after washing, “wild” yeast is washed off the cherries, but this is a fixable issue. After the cherry dries, remove one towel and leave the cherry with the window slightly open. The fruits should be covered only from insects, the yeast will find its way through the mosquito net.

The pits in the cherry must be left

Take apart the berries, rotten and moldy do not suit us. It is also worth removing the dried fruits of the cherry. At this stage, it's time to remove all the stalks. But the bones should be left. Firstly, you should not waste time on the painstaking process of removing them, and by doing so, a significant part of the juice will also be lost. Secondly, homemade wine made from pitted cherries has an excellent tannin (tart) tone. They will eventually separate from the cherries on their own during the cooking process.

homemade wine recipe

To start the process of homemade wine from cherries, you need to arm yourself with the necessary tools and materials:

  • Cherry - 3 kg;
  • Filtered water - 5 l;
  • Sugar - 2 kg;
  • Stainless steel saucepan 10 liters;
  • Latex gloves;
  • Wooden spoon. Its length should reach to the bottom of the pan.

Rinse the pot and lid with boiling water and wipe dry with a clean cloth. Pour dry cherries into a bowl. Put on gloves, berry by berry, carefully knead all the fruits. Since a cherry is a berry with a stone, the process of chopping a berry cannot be entrusted to ordinary kitchen household assistants. Mix everything with your hands. Now it is worth heating the water, namely 4 liters, and carefully pour it into the berry mass. Stir the bright red base with a spoon. Bring the remaining liter of water to a temperature of 32 C, pour sugar into it and mix thoroughly. Add the dissolved sugar to the saucepan with the cherry solution. Mix everything again and cover the container first with a clean cloth and then with a lid. The fermentation process will go better if you put the container in a warm place (20 - 22 C).

A day later, it is worth checking the cherry pulp. If the fermentation process has begun, then the first bubbles will appear on the surface. From now on, the pulp should be stirred 2-3 times a day. It will take approximately 4 to 6 days. The foam will gradually begin to disappear, and this is a sign that it is time to leave the berry alone so that it ferments calmly. A week will be enough. But still, during this time, future wine must be visited. As soon as the foam has completely disappeared, this is a signal that the process has stopped and it's time to get to work.

Since the top layer has fermented so far, and tightly closed the access of air to the bottom one, it is worth helping it. Remove the berries with a large sieve or colander, squeeze lightly with your hands and leave the pan with the pulp to ferment further.

Then the berries successfully sank down, the remains of foam float on the surface, which means that now everything is ready for further advancement in the field of winemaking.

Getting rid of sediment

This is a very important and responsible moment. The sediment must be removed very carefully, preventing the turbid liquid from getting into the container with wine.

There are several ways:

  1. Remove the clear liquid with a ladle and pour it into another pan. Settle the sediment again until transparent in both containers and gradually pour. Long and inconvenient, but quite a working option.
  2. A long transparent hose (1.8 - 2 meters) will do a good job. Put the pan on a raised platform and lower the end of the hose, the main thing is not to touch the sediment. Lower the other end into an empty container located lower. Immediately you need to exhale and literally draw air into yourself through the hose. Just be careful, mash will rush right after the air.

After a week, strain through a thick cloth and leave for another day. During this time, the wine will settle and now again drain it from the sediment. If the wine continues to ferment, then it should be left for a few more days and strained again.

Time to pour the wine into beautiful glass bottles. They need to be sterilized first. Wine before serving must be kept for 1.5 - 2 months, or even longer. The taste will only get better.


It would be wasteful for gardeners to throw away all leftover wine. And the berries, and the sediment, and even the bones should be placed in a dark barrel, add weeds and yeast. And after a week in the sun, an excellent wine drink for plants will ferment.

Cherry wine with a high degree

Wine can be made with different alcohol content

Homemade table wine tastes great, but if you spend a little more time, you can make a truly divine drink.

Cherry fortified wine (recipe at home).


  • Cherry - 10 kg;
  • Pure filtered water - 5 l;
  • Granulated sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • Wine yeast - 480 ml;
  • Fresh mint leaves.

Repeat the entire process of picking and preparing cherries. Now knead the fruits with your hands and put them in a colander, hanging it over the pan. By actively mixing the berries, you can get a sufficient amount of juice. Add sugar to the juice, put the pan on low heat and stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. If the mixture is too dry, add a little water. In the resulting hot syrup, first add water, then berries from a colander and mix everything thoroughly. Mash a handful of mint leaves with your hands and throw into the wort, send wine yeast there as well. By the way, the presence of cherry pits in the wort will give the drink an excellent taste of Amaretto liqueur.

As a rule, the fermentation and filtration process is similar to that described above, only due to the addition of yeast it is more active. Therefore, it is worth looking into the pan more often.

And it happens that there is no fresh cherry at hand and the yeast has gone somewhere. Then the situation will be saved by frozen cherries and vodka from which tincture is made.

Recipe "Strong tincture of frozen cherries."


  • Good quality vodka - 100 ml;
  • Water - 8 l;
  • Frozen cherries - 3 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
Berries should soak sugar with juice

Berries, without subjecting to defrosting, pour into a saucepan. Sprinkle sugar on top. Now leave the fruits so that they completely soak the sand with juice. A couple of hours in heat is enough for this. After the sugar has almost dissolved, it is worth boiling the syrup (as in the previous recipe). And then you can add the rest of the water. For about 3 weeks, the wine will ferment, and the accumulated gas will exit the water seal through the tube. After the end of fermentation, the finished wine must be filtered, and then mixed with vodka. The tincture should also be stored in glass bottles with an airtight lid.

By the way, it is better to freeze the glasses before serving such a tincture.

But if you remove vodka from the recipe, then you can make homemade wine from frozen cherries.

Cherry and raspberry tincture

A wonderful liqueur made from garden berries, where cherry is the soloist, is prepared according to the recipe for fortified wine. Even if the berries are frozen since the summer, they are also useful for homemade liqueur. Only here is the wort according to the following recipe.

Must recipe for berry liqueur


  • Cherry - 2 kg;
  • Blackcurrant - 1 kg;
  • Raspberries - 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar - sand - 3 kg;
  • Pure water - 5 liters.

Mash the berries thoroughly and boil the syrup. Dilute with water and then apply the recipe "Fortified Cherry Wine". Of course, vodka can be used instead of yeast, but the taste is much better with a natural product.

But for redcurrant and cherry liqueur, it is worth taking a little more sugar, by about 0.6 kg, and berries in equal proportions.

Of course, in summer, lovers of home cooking prepare not only alcoholic drinks, but also compotes and jams. But it's so insulting when this or that culinary work turned sour. But for those who have already learned how to make wine, this is not scary. You can always turn home canned food into wine:

Recipe for cherry wine from compote or jam


  • Cherry compote - 2 l;
  • Sugar - 0.55 kg;
  • Dark grapes - 50 gr.

Homemade wine in this version is very tasty.

Fermented compote should be at room temperature, dissolve sugar in it and add unwashed grapes. Place the entire mixture in a three-liter jar. The first two ways how compote wanders are discussed above, but there is one more. Put on a rubber glove. As soon as the rubber glove greets you on the jar, then the process has begun, as soon as it falls off, the fermentation is over and the wine is almost ready. Now it remains to remove the glove, strain the liquid through gauze. Set aside the wine in a cool place to allow sediment to settle.

If jam has fermented instead of compote, then bring it with water to the desired volume and you can safely use it instead of compote.

exotic hello

A bold and tart version of a ginger and cinnamon tincture.

The principle is the same, the ingredients are different:

  • Cherry (fresh or frozen) - 3 kg;
  • Ginger (root) - 0.2 kg;
  • Zest of a whole lemon;
  • Cinnamon - 0.02 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 kg;
  • High-quality vodka - 2 l;
  • Purified water - 5 liters.

Mash the berries. Peel the ginger and grate. Mix sugar with cinnamon and ginger. Fall asleep berries. After 3.5 hours, when the berries are saturated with sugar, you need to add a little warm water and zest, boil the syrup. Further, everything is according to the scheme.

Making homemade cherry wine is a fun activity. There are many options for making drinks from cherries. At home, the recipe for such wine is always unique. One has only to show imagination and the holidays in the house will turn into fun tastings, and guests will praise the master of wine blending.


In case there are no signs of fermentation, you should pay attention to the following points, and work out the recipes again:

  • It is possible that the product needs a few extra days to start fermenting;
  • The temperature in the room where the wine roams should be no lower than 20 C and no higher than 23 C;
  • Sealing. Poorly attached lid or cracked water seal.
  • If you have difficulty filtering, you can dilute thick wine with water. But not much, 10% of the total.
  • Too sweet wine or, on the contrary, very sour wine indicates an incorrect calculation of sugar. Next time you need to change the recipe a little.
  • The development of moldy crops indicates non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic procedures.

The benefits of a natural product

Homemade cherry wine is definitely healthy. The content of nutrients in such a product is huge, but do not forget that this is an alcoholic drink and should be consumed in moderation.

A simple homemade cherry wine recipe

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Homemade cherry wine is quite popular and affordable for making. Dark sweet varieties are more suitable, in which the flesh is fleshy and juicy. You can prepare homemade alcohol with or without a bone. At the same time, the taste of the drink, even if the recipe is the same, is significantly different.

Required condition: The cherries should be carefully sorted out, removing spoiled moldy fruits that can spoil the taste and aroma of the finished alcohol.

On the surface of the berries there is a layer of wild natural yeast, so it is not recommended to wash the cherries collected for making wine.

Pitted cherry wine recipe

Pure berries picked in sunny weather are not recommended to be washed in order to preserve layer of wild yeast located on the surface. Heavily contaminated fruits should be washed under running water. In this case, the wort must be added raisin. Carefully separate the cherry cuttings. Knead the fruits with your hands to break the integrity of the shell, but not damage the stone.

It is recommended to take a bucket of cherries half the amount of sugar. Spread sweetness with crushed berries in layers. The container should be filled to 3/4 capacity to leave room for foaming. Place the filled container in the cellar, closing the hole or with a thin rubber glove, on one of the fingers of which it is necessary to make a puncture with a needle.

Pitted cherry wine will ferment slowly for 2-3 months, at the end of the process, the liquid should be drained, and the juice should be squeezed out of the thick. After a week, it is recommended to re-drain the cherry wine from the residue, filter the liquid and put it on ripening, the period of which varies from 1-3 months.

If there are no fresh berries, you can make the same delicious wine. frozen cherries:

  • 3 kg of berries, without defrosting, fall asleep in layers with 2.5 kg of sugar in a glass jar;
  • the juice released after a day should be separated from the berries and boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  • mix hot syrup with 6 liters of settled water;
  • add cherry berries, a handful of raisins and put on fermentation, closing the neck of the container with a water seal or a rubber glove;
  • ready-made homemade wine from cherries with pits should be filtered and stored in the cellar.

A distinctive feature of the finished wine - light almond flavor, which is attached to fruit pits. You can increase the strength of homemade alcohol by adding to the liquid (or alcohol) in an amount of 3-15% of the total volume.

Delicious alcohol is obtained from cherry compote, which is fermented or outdated:

  • 2 liters of liquid will require a pound of granulated sugar and 50 g of fresh dark grapes (do not wash the berries!);
  • put on a thin medical rubber glove on the neck, the filling of which with carbon dioxide at room temperature indicates the beginning of fermentation, and falling off indicates the end of the process;
  • the finished wine should be filtered and put to ripen in the cellar for 7-10 days.

Cherry can be stored in a cool place for up to 5 years.

Making homemade pitted wine

A classic recipe for making cherry wine at home, characterized by simplicity and versatility.

A step-by-step recipe helps to better understand the technology of making a drink:

  • cherry raw materials (10 kg) collected on a sunny day should not be washed;
  • cherries only need to be sorted out, removing spoiled fruits (wormy, moldy, crushed);
  • squeeze out the bones from the fruit;
  • heat 10 liters of water to 25-28 ° C, pour prepared berries with liquid, add 1 kg of granulated sugar and mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved;
  • fill the glass container 3/4 of the volume to leave room for the formation of foam during fermentation;
  • cover the neck with gauze rolled up in several layers to let in the air necessary to activate the fermentation process;
  • in a dark and warm room, the fermentation effect should appear within 1-2 days;
  • the cherry product should be stirred regularly, settling the rising foam to speed up the fermentation. It is recommended to mix the substance with a wooden spoon, as metal devices degrade the quality of the drink;
  • after 3-5 days it is necessary to remove the berry pomace from the wine must. Place the carefully filtered liquid into a glass bottle, keeping the original proportions (1/4 of the volume should be free);
  • add another 1 kg of sugar to the preparation of cherry wine, mix thoroughly and close the neck with a water seal;
  • after 5-7 days, half a kilo of granulated sugar should be added to the cherry composition, and after the same time period, it is recommended to add the last portion (500 g);
  • fermentation in warmth and darkness lasts about 1-2 months, after which it is recommended to protect the finished homemade cherry wine from souring by adding strong alcohol to the product (3-15% of the total volume);
  • it is allowed to sweeten the product if necessary, but within reason;
  • full maturation of the alcoholic beverage occurs after 6-12 months of infusion;
  • the liquid should be filtered again and bottled under the neck to reduce the air gap.

Using the basic recipe for cherry wine, you can change the strength of the drink by reducing or increasing the amount of sugar and fermentation time. But fortress more than 16 ° without the addition of alcohol cannot be achieved.

Cherry is preserved in the coolness of the cellar, lying horizontally. Guaranteed shelf life up to 2 years, but properly prepared product can retain its taste, color and aroma up to 5 years.
