
Spruce jam, cone jam recipe - Recipes. Cooking healthy winter treats: coniferous tea and cone jam

Spruce shoots are saturated with unique natural vitamins. From young shoots they make medicinal decoctions for coughing, but I must say, they are terribly not tasty. You need to have great willpower to drink at least a spoonful of this decoction. So why mock yourself if you can cook wonderful jam, or “spruce honey” from the same spruce shoots?

But, since at this time the active growth of shoots is going on at the Christmas trees, you can lose time, and the “legs” grow into full-fledged branches. This does not mean that you will be left with nothing for the winter, just that you will need to use my recipe to make spruce jam.

Put the spruce "legs" in a pot of cold water. Water should cover the needles by about 1-2 cm.

Put the pan on the stove and cook spruce shoots for 25-30 minutes over low heat.

Remove the pan from the heat, cover it with a lid and leave to infuse for 8-10 hours.

Next, look at the "legs". If the collected shoots do not exceed 2-3 cm, then you can cook jam with them. If there are more shoots, then it is better to remove them. They have already given everything they need to the broth, and it will be very difficult to chew them.

Strain the broth and add sugar to it, at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of broth.

Boil the spruce broth to the state of honey and do not forget to stir. If the sugar burns, then the "honey" will acquire unnecessary bitterness.

Check the readiness of spruce honey by dropping a drop on a chilled plate.

If the jam is thick enough, pour it into small sterilized jars and close tightly with lids.

You can store jam from spruce shoots in a cool, dark place for up to 18 months.

How to make jam from spruce shoots, look at the video:

Pine shoots are often used for medicinal purposes. You can do absolutely everything from them - dry, prepare decoctions, add to tea and even make jam. For jam, still unopened shoots are usually used, at the time of bud growth. During this period, they are cut off and made from them incredibly tasty, but at the same time tasty jam.

Benefits and contraindications

Even in ancient times, our ancestors used pine cones for the preparation of various medicinal products. From these components they made decoctions and various healing drinks. In addition to cones, they used needles, resins, shoots, and buds. Currently, pine shoots are also used in cooking.

Pine shoot jam is a healthy dessert that is a must in winter. The aroma alone is worth something, it only slightly characterizes this healthy delicacy. The most popular quality for which this dessert is valued is the high level of phytoncides.

This component has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thanks to this, jam is actively used to treat various colds.

If you use this product daily, you can easily eliminate:

  1. flu and colds;
  2. Bronchial asthma;
  3. SARS;
  4. Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  5. pneumonia;
  6. Avitaminosis;
  7. Gum disease.

Pine shoot jam contains a high level of various useful components:

Thanks to antioxidants, harmful and toxic components are cleansed from the body. Vitamins, minerals provide saturation of the body, and also have a strengthening effect on the immune system. Essential oils are able to protect against various viral, infectious lesions. These components have a calming effect on the nervous system, uplifting.

However, jam has contraindications:

  • not recommended for people with kidney disease;
  • increased consumption of cone jam can have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane;
  • should not be used in case of hepatitis;
  • sometimes allergic reactions, headaches may appear. Therefore, it is best to try jam in the amount of ½ teaspoon and look at your condition during the day. If everything goes well, then this delicacy can continue to be eaten further, but no more than 4-5 large spoons per day.

simple recipe

What components are required:

  • pine shoots - 5 kilograms;
  • 5 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • water - 5 liters;
  • citric acid - ½ tbsp.

How much to cook - cooking three times for 1 hour. Cooking infusion - 20-30 minutes. Calorie content - 210 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

How to make jam from young pine shoots

What components will be needed:

  • 2 kilograms of young pine shoots;
  • 3 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • some lemon juice.

The cooking process will take - 8-10 hours of infusion, cooking three times for 20-30 minutes. Calorie content - 225 kcal.

How to do:

  • it is better to use more sugar, it will give a good taste to the jam;
  • store preferably in a cool place so that the jam does not deteriorate;
  • it is best to add a little lemon juice during the last cooking or after complete cooking. This will prevent the jam from sugaring.

Pine shoot jam is primarily a medicine, so it should be used only when absolutely necessary. Do not eat it excessively, it can cause unpleasant conditions. But still, you definitely need to have at least one small jar of this dessert available, because it can cure and prevent various colds.

Spruce jam has a whole bunch of extremely useful properties, but, nevertheless, first of all it is valued as a very effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of various colds. A delicious treat will help fight coughs, sore throats, bronchitis, flu, tuberculosis and give strength to overcome ailments. There is a recipe for jam in several versions (from cones, shoots or twigs) that will give you the opportunity to prepare an excellent natural cold medicine for adults and children with your own hands.

Young shoots in the spring (until May 15) put in a jar in layers with 1.5 kg of sugar. Mix in the morning, tie up the jar with a cloth and hold it on the windowsill in the sun for 10 days. The needles will rise up, the juice will remain below. On the 11th day, drain. Take 2 tablespoons in the morning.

It is best to collect spruce cones in May and the first half of June - they are still young, green, barely opened. Rinse the collected raw materials and soak in cold water for a day. For jam, you will need spruce cones and granulated sugar in the same proportions.
- Make sugar syrup by mixing sugar and water. Pour the soaked spruce cones with the hot mixture. Cook this mass over very low heat until the cones bloom and soften. During heat treatment, a foam will form on the surface of the jam - you should not remove it.
- Roll the finished jam into sterilized jars. Keep the product in a cool place.

3. Jam from spruce shoots

For such a jam, you will need 3 cups of shoots, 500 ml of water and one and a half cups of sugar. Mix all the ingredients and place on a very low fire, and even better - on the coals from the fire. Cook the mass, stirring constantly, for about twenty minutes. The cooled jam is immediately ready for use.

4. Jam from spruce twigs and needles

To make such a delicacy, take one kilogram of spruce branches, pour three liters of water and boil until the volume is reduced by three times. Strain the resulting mass, add a liter of honey and a tablespoon of alcohol propolis solution to the liquid. Heat the jam and arrange in jars, which should be stored in a cool place. You should not eat it in large quantities - a small portion will be quite enough for the treatment and prevention of various colds.

Spruce jam, in addition to its healing properties, has a delicious taste and coniferous aroma. Adults and children will eat this useful medicine with pleasure all year round, receiving a set of vitamins and strengthening the immune system.

Spruce phytotherapy.

Do you like to go to the bath? So take with you not only a birch, but also a coniferous broom. Well "steamed" coniferous broom does not prick, but in the process of its use in the steam room, almost all active points on the human body are severely stimulated. In addition, the air in the steam room, and even in the bath itself, is filled with the smell of pine needles and has a powerful therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

To achieve a home phytotherapeutic effect and treat lung diseases at any time of the year, a mixture of spruce resin and yellow wax is used. They are melted in a water bath and thoroughly mixed in a ratio of 1:1. Then, in the process of cooling, balls are formed from the resulting mixture, the size of a large pea. You can store it on any shelf in the refrigerator. For use, the ball is melted in a hot frying pan (when walking on a hot coal from a fire), a light smoke is formed, it is breathed in the treatment of bronchitis, in addition, it well disinfects the room in which the ball was melted.

Jam from spruce cones is a tasty and healthy delicacy that you can easily cook with your own hands. Even our ancestors made this dish for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. What is the benefit of this dessert? We will talk about this right now.

Spruce cone jam: the benefits of homemade treats

Fir cones are a unique product that combines completely different useful elements. This gift of nature contains resins and a number of tannins.

Spruce cones are rich in phytoncides, various essential oils and ascorbic acid. Also, this vegetable raw material is a source of tannins, iron, manganese and chromium. In addition, it contains aluminum and copper.

Jam from spruce cones, the recipe of which we will consider below, has a choleretic, diuretic and antimicrobial effect. It is impossible not to say that such a delicacy has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-scorbutic properties.

Spruce cone jam is especially often recommended for those who suffer from colds, as well as bacterial and viral ailments. Such a delicacy in a short time eliminates headaches, general malaise and helps to lower body temperature.

The dessert we are considering effectively treats cough and removes toxins from the body that accumulate during ARVI and acute respiratory infections.

Experts believe that the use of such a dish will help get rid of diseases of the oral cavity. Resins and other elements of spruce cones effectively fight stomatitis, inflammatory lesions of the gums, seizures, etc. When treating such deviations, jam must be chewed for a long time so that its useful elements have a local effect.

It is impossible not to say that eating the mentioned dessert helps patients recover after a stroke or heart attack. Such jam has a positive effect on the activity of the entire human cardiovascular system. It cleanses the blood vessels of cholesterol, prevents thrombosis, helps to normalize pressure and normal functioning of the heart muscle.

Harm to the human body

Before telling you about how to cook jam from spruce cones, it should be told that, along with useful properties, such a delicacy also has contraindications. It is forbidden to use it for people with individual intolerance, which manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions. Also, you should not feast on this dessert with hyperacid gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Fir cone jam should not be given to people with diabetes. Also, it is not included in the diet of young children, as this threatens with the appearance of allergic reactions.

Fir cone jam: a recipe with a photo of a homemade treat

Such a dessert should be made only from young spruce shoots. You need to collect cones only from female-type trees, as they are dense and contain more resin. It is also very important that the product used is still green.

Fir cone jam (the benefits and contraindications of this delicacy have been described above) is prepared quickly and easily. The approximate yield of dessert is 3 liters from 1 kg of green fruits.

So, what products do we need to make spruce cone jam? The recipe for this delicacy requires the use of:

  • green spruce cones - 1 kg;
  • drinking water - at your discretion;
  • beet sugar - 2.5 kg.

Preparing the Ingredients

To make spruce cone jam really tasty and healthy, the main product should be collected in young forests located far from highways.

After harvesting the fruits, they are carefully processed. To do this, the shoots are thoroughly washed, and then poured with cool water and left in this form for one hour. After 60 minutes, the cones are discarded in a colander and rinsed. Then they are again filled with water, but this time they are put on the stove.

After boiling the liquid, spruce cones are boiled for about 4 hours. Then they are removed from the fire and cooled completely. It is best to do this in a cold place.

After a few hours, all the liquid is again drained from the shoots. To do this, they are thrown into a colander.

Syrup preparation

As soon as the liquid completely drains from the cones, granulated sugar is added to it and put on the stove. There should be about 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of aromatic composition. Only in this case you will get a thick and tasty jam.

After boiling the syrup, previously boiled and cooled cones are added to it. Dessert should be cooked until thickened.

How to store and use?

After the jam is completely cooked, it is distributed in clean glass jars. Moreover, not only the syrup is laid out in each container, but also the spruce cones themselves.

As soon as the jars are filled, they are closed with plastic lids and cleaned in a cool room. You can use this jam after 1-2 weeks. Cone jam is served at the table along with hot tea.

Another cooking method

Young spruce cones boil quite quickly. Therefore, most culinary specialists use such a dessert recipe, where the green shoots remain whole and quite dense. It should be noted that to implement this method, you will need much more time than in the previous case. But first things first.

To make jam from spruce cones, the photo of which is presented in this article, you must purchase:

  • spruce cones green - 2 kg;
  • drinking water - 1 l;
  • citric acid - ½ small spoon (use as desired);
  • beet sugar - 3 kg.

We process the ingredients

Processing cones for such a jam is quite simple. Green shoots are thoroughly washed in a colander, and then poured with cool water and left at room temperature for 2-3 hours. After a while, the cones are rinsed again, put in a saucepan and boiled for about 5 minutes. Next, the resulting composition is drained, and the fruits are cooled.

The process of making homemade treats

First you need to prepare the syrup. Sugar is poured into a large enamel basin, and then drinking water is added to it. Having thoroughly mixed the components, they are put on a small fire and very slowly brought to a boil.

As soon as the sugar melts, forming a thick syrup, all pre-prepared cones are laid out in it. After mixing the ingredients with a large spoon, they are boiled again. After the syrup begins to boil, the dessert is removed from the stove, covered with a newspaper and left in this state until completely cooled. This may take about 5-8 hours. Some housewives leave spruce cones for one day.

After a while, the dishes with jam are again put on the stove and the contents are brought to a boil. This time, it is recommended to cook the dessert for 3 minutes. After that, the spruce delicacy is removed from the stove and cooled. The described actions should be carried out about 2-3 times. That is, the procedure for preparing spruce jam can take you 2-3 days.

At the exit, you should definitely get a thick and fragrant dessert with whole cones.

If you want to store such a product in the cellar for the entire winter period, then during the last cooking process, it is recommended to add citric acid or lemon zest to the jam. Such components will contribute to the long storage of the dessert, as well as give it a special aroma and taste.

Final stage

After the spruce jam from the cones has been heat treated several times, it is laid out in boiling form in sterilized small jars. Next, the containers are rolled up and cooled at room temperature. If you decide to store the treat in the refrigerator, then you can simply close it with plastic lids.

Summing up

Now you know that there is nothing complicated in making jam from spruce cones. Using the described recipes at home, you will get not only a very tasty and thick dessert, but also a surprisingly healthy treat. It can be consumed with strong and hot tea, as well as added to various herbal decoctions. By the way, in the latter case, you will get an excellent prophylactic against colds and flu.

We are accustomed to preparing the usual jam from berries and fruits for the winter, sometimes experimenting and adding exotic and various additives to the usual fruits of our area. There are jam recipes and unusual ones, for example, from tomatoes, nuts, zucchini, spruce shoots. What is spruce shoot jam and how to cook it?

Characteristics and properties of spruce shoots

Based on the raw materials for the preparation of this jam, it becomes clear that this product is used more for medicinal purposes, and not as a treat. Spruce young shoots are spruce buds that have blossomed. They appear in the 2nd or 3rd decade of May. They look like light green tassels of needles. They grow quite quickly, so they need to be harvested for medicinal purposes no later than May-June. Shoots should be cut off on the side branches - “spruce paws”.

Spruce needles have long been used as a healing agent. Most often needles are used as an expectorant, diuretic. It relieves inflammation in the biliary tract. Vitamin C contains the greatest amount in two or three-year-old needles, in winter and. In the needles of spruce there are many mineral salts that take part in the metabolism.

Pine shoot jam is used for colds, tuberculosis, coughs, and to strengthen the immune system. But it is impossible to abuse this product, since there are contraindications when taking needles. It is not recommended to use such jam for pregnant women, with hepatitis, gastritis in the acute stage, glomerulonephritis.

Jam from young spruce shoots

There are several recipes for making this jam. If you use very young shoots, no more than 2 centimeters long, you can cook jam with them. To do this, take 3 cups of raw materials and one and a half cups of sugar, pour the shoots in layers. Pour the composition with 0.5 liters of water and immediately start boiling on a minimum heat. It takes approximately 20 minutes to prepare.

The most common way to prepare this healing jam is to use a decoction of the shoots. With this method, a certain amount of young spruce growth is recruited. Shoots should be washed, cut and filled with water until completely covered with liquid. Boil for 2 hours, cool, then strain the broth. Next, add sugar to the resulting broth at the rate of a kilogram per liter of liquid. Cook until thickened, about one and a half to two hours. Pour into jars, seal.

Pine and spruce, without which not a single New Year's holiday can do, are valuable medicinal plants from which tea, decoction and even jam are prepared. You can surprise your loved ones with healthy, warming and truly winter drinks made from juniper, pine, spruce and delicious jam!

Tea from pine needles is called the elixir of longevity. Some peoples knew about it many centuries ago. Its useful properties have been rediscovered and confirmed by modern specialists. The 15th century Ancient Oriental “Code of Knowledge of Local Medicines” says that pine tea invigorates, eliminates hunger and prolongs youth.

Pine needle tea is a light yellow drink with a greenish tint. It is rich in vitamins: C, E, B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B7), K, P, and also contains iron, copper, calcium, essential oil, phytoncides, amino acids and more than 40 trace elements. Thanks to such a rich composition, pine tea perfectly tones the body and relieves fatigue, improves immunity and prevents, normalizes metabolism, improves microcirculation in tissues and promotes their regeneration, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and acts as a mild sedative.

How to make pine needle tea

For tea, needles of the white oriental pine (Pinus strobus) are best suited. The young needles, which are at the tips of the branches and look greener than the rest of the needles, contain a maximum of nutrients. They make tea healthier and more aromatic.

You can also use dry pine needles.

Recipe #1

Rinse the pine needles thoroughly, put them in a cup and pour boiling water over them. Leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. The needles should turn pale.

Recipe #2

Grind ½ cup pine needles and add them to boiling water. Reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Cooking longer than this time is not recommended, since heating will destroy all valuable vitamins (especially vitamin C). Remove from heat, let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

Fresh young pine needles are sweet on their own, but you can sweeten the tea with honey and add a slice of lemon to taste. Such tea is most useful in autumn and winter, during the period of exacerbation of respiratory diseases.

Spruce needle tea

Take 1 tbsp. needles, rinse with cold water and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Boil for 20 minutes, cool and strain. This tea contains many trace elements, thanks to which it maintains a normal metabolism, and is an excellent prevention of beriberi. As a treatment, it is used for frequent colds, coughs (an expectorant), as a diuretic, diaphoretic and choleretic agent.

juniper tea

Juniper has an antiseptic effect, eliminates toxins and is a good prophylactic for inflammation of the urinary tract. All parts of the plant are used to brew a refreshing juniper tea.

Take 1 tbsp. juniper and fill it with 200 ml of water, let it brew for half an hour.

be careful: collect needles only in ecologically clean areas and rinse thoroughly. Do not take needles from diseased trees and do not consume this tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Jam from pine cones and buds

Pine cone jam is a real holiday delicacy! Unfortunately, it cannot be prepared as quickly as tea. Take note of this recipe, and then by the next New Year this delicious jam will already be on your holiday table.

This jam is made exclusively from young buds or green and soft pine cones, which are harvested at the end of May. Buds should be soft, juicy and sticky, with a pine aroma. Do not collect cones near roads.

Pine cone jam

Recipe #1

For 1 kg of green young cones, you need 1 kg of sugar and 2 liters of water. Prepare a syrup from sugar and water, and then add the cones to it. Boil for about 4 hours over low heat (the best option is a pressure cooker), pour into jars and close.

Recipe #2

Sort the cones and rinse with water. Then put in a basin (non-metallic) and fill with cold water. The water should cover the buds by a couple of inches. Leave the cones overnight in this water. Further, this infusion will be used in cooking.

Pour the infusion with sugar (calculation: 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of infusion) and put on fire. Bring to a boil, leave to boil for 5 minutes. The foam that forms must be removed. Cool and repeat a couple of times (you can the next day). The jam will acquire an amber color, an amazing smell and taste. After cooling, pour into jars, store in the refrigerator.

Pine bud jam

Pour a layer of pine buds into a half-liter or liter jar, then a layer of sugar, etc. until the entire jar is full. Close the jar with a capron lid and place in a dark place. The kidneys will begin to secrete juice, which will turn into syrup.

Syrup and jam from pine cones is an immunostimulant, they are very useful in the treatment of colds, sore throats and flu, as well as a prophylactic against these diseases.

Children really like this jam, but its excess consumption can affect the kidneys. Therefore, for the prevention of diseases, children are recommended no more than 1 tbsp. per day, in the treatment of flu and colds - 2 tbsp.

Find out what real and.

Ecology of consumption. Spruce jam has a whole bunch of extremely useful properties, but, nevertheless, first of all it is valued as a very effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of various colds.

Spruce jam has a whole bunch of extremely useful properties, but, nevertheless, first of all it is valued as a very effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of various colds. A delicious treat will help fight coughs, sore throats, bronchitis, flu, tuberculosis and give strength to overcome ailments. There is a recipe for jam in several versions (from cones, shoots or twigs) that will give you the opportunity to prepare an excellent natural cold medicine for adults and children with your own hands.

Young shoots in the spring (until May 15) put in a jar in layers with 1.5 kg of sugar. Mix in the morning, tie up the jar with a cloth and hold it on the windowsill in the sun for 10 days. The needles will rise up, the juice will remain below. On the 11th day, drain. Take 2 tablespoons in the morning.

2. Jam from spruce cones

It is best to collect spruce cones in May and the first half of June - they are still young, green, barely opened. Rinse the collected raw materials and soak in cold water for a day. For jam, you will need spruce cones and granulated sugar in the same proportions.
- Make sugar syrup by mixing sugar and water. Pour the soaked spruce cones with the hot mixture. Cook this mass over very low heat until the cones bloom and soften. During heat treatment, a foam will form on the surface of the jam - you should not remove it.
- Roll the finished jam into sterilized jars. Keep the product in a cool place.

3. Jam from spruce shoots

For such a jam, you will need 3 cups of shoots, 500 ml of water and one and a half cups of sugar. Mix all the ingredients and place on a very low fire, and even better - on the coals from the fire. Cook the mass, stirring constantly, for about twenty minutes. The cooled jam is immediately ready for use.

4. Jam from spruce twigs and needles

To make such a delicacy, take one kilogram of spruce branches, pour three liters of water and boil until the volume is reduced by three times. Strain the resulting mass, add a liter of honey and a tablespoon of alcohol propolis solution to the liquid. Heat the jam and arrange in jars, which should be stored in a cool place. You should not eat it in large quantities - a small portion will be quite enough for the treatment and prevention of various colds.

Spruce jam, in addition to its healing properties, has a delicious taste and coniferous aroma. Adults and children will eat this useful medicine with pleasure all year round, receiving a set of vitamins and strengthening the immune system.

Spruce phytotherapy.

Do you like to go to the bath? So take with you not only a birch, but also a coniferous broom. Well "steamed" coniferous broom does not prick, but in the process of its use in the steam room, almost all active points on the human body are severely stimulated. In addition, the air in the steam room, and even in the bath itself, is filled with the smell of pine needles and has a powerful therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

To achieve a home phytotherapeutic effect and treat lung diseases at any time of the year, a mixture of spruce resin and yellow wax is used. They are melted in a water bath and thoroughly mixed in a ratio of 1:1. Then, in the process of cooling, balls are formed from the resulting mixture, the size of a large pea. You can store it on any shelf in the refrigerator. For use, the ball is melted in a hot frying pan (when walking on a hot coal from a fire), a light smoke is formed, it is breathed in the treatment of bronchitis, in addition, it well disinfects the room in which the ball was melted.

The unusual taste of coniferous delicacy is liked by both adults and children. And the benefits that it brings to the body are simply invaluable. Pine jam helps in severe frosts and rainy days to cope with chronic fatigue, protects against colds, improves immunity. Even a small spoonful of coniferous honey will improve your mood and energize you for the whole day.

Healing effect and possible harm

The healing properties of needles, cones, resin have been known since ancient times. It is enough just to remember how easy and free to breathe in a pine forest. Rich resinous aroma helps to eliminate diseases of the respiratory system. And tinctures and decoctions of cones are used to treat joint pain. Coniferous baths are recommended for the treatment of skin pathologies and calming the nervous system. What is hidden in pine cone jam? And what benefit will it bring.

8 reasons for jam

A delicacy made from young pine cones will delight not only with excellent taste. Doctors identify the following eight useful properties of pine cone jam.

  1. Phytoncidal effect. Coniferous product allows you to effectively fight bacteria, viruses. It is endowed with an antifungal effect. That is why traditional medicine often uses pine needles to treat viral and bacterial infections.
  2. Anti-cold effect. Jam helps prevent the development of a cold. But if it was not possible to completely protect the body from the attack of viruses, then the coniferous product will help to easily cope with the disease, eliminate cough, runny nose, reduce fever and relieve chills.
  3. Immunostimulatory property. Jam contains useful minerals, vitamins, thanks to which it strengthens the body. Coniferous delicacy increases tone, improves mental state, enhances efficiency. The product eliminates fatigue, relieves drowsiness and provides vitality to the body.
  4. Expectorant property. Coniferous remedy is recommended for use in pathologies of the respiratory system. Doctors and patients have noticed the benefits of pine cone jam even in the treatment of such serious diseases as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and bronchial asthma.
  5. Strengthening blood vessels, heart. B vitamins help to normalize the work of the heart. Jam increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Thanks to the tannin contained in coniferous cones, the product effectively prevents the development of stroke.
  6. Pain relieving property. Jam has a pronounced analgesic effect. If the joints are very disturbing, then it is recommended to apply a compress soaked in coniferous honey to the problem area. And for those who are worried about their teeth or gums, as the reviews of doctors show, it is enough to hold a delicacy in your mouth, and the unpleasant discomfort will recede.
  7. Improved digestion. Pine cones normalize the work of the pancreas. A sweet product helps to cope with ulcerative lesions, stimulates intestinal motility.
  8. Antitumor effect. Studying the therapeutic effect of a coniferous product, scientists discovered antioxidant properties in it. Jam protects a person from the harmful effects of free radicals. This helps to prevent the risk of developing malignant tumors.

Useful jam is recommended for use with poor appetite. You can add a spoonful of the product to green or herbal tea. This drink is recommended for babies who do not want to fully eat. However, it should be remembered that the product belongs to the category of strong allergens, therefore, it can harm the children's body. When introducing jam into the child's menu, it is necessary to carefully control the reaction.

When coniferous honey is prohibited

Initially, it must be recognized that pine cone jam is a medicinal raw material. Therefore, it has not only healing properties, but also a number of contraindications. It is recommended to abandon the use of coniferous jam in such situations:

  • breast-feeding;
  • children under three years of age;
  • elderly people over 65;
  • patients with renal insufficiency;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • people with acute hepatitis.

Coniferous product is allowed to be consumed in small quantities. For adults, the norm is two tablespoons per day. For children, this dose is reduced to two teaspoons. Abuse of the product is quite dangerous. An overdose will lead to the appearance of allergies, can provoke a disorder of the stool, the occurrence of a headache.

The medicinal properties of jam are completely dependent on plant materials. Therefore, it is important to know when to harvest the buds and which buds are most beneficial. Witch doctors give the following six recommendations for collecting pine cones.

  1. collection time. The ripening period of the cones depends on the climate. In the southern regions, cones are harvested in mid-May. In the colder zone, raw materials ripen by mid-June.
  2. Place. It is recommended to harvest "harvest" in ecological areas. It is unlikely that raw materials from industrial zones, areas polluted by roadways will benefit.
  3. Tree. Particular attention must be paid to the pine itself. If there are signs of insect damage on the branches, then you should refuse to collect cones from such a tree. Also avoid trees that show signs of decay.
  4. Raw material. It is necessary to collect only young pine cones that have not yet had time to overwinter. They "sit" on bright green young branches and differ from old ones in juiciness, resin and color.
  5. Ripe. To check for ripeness, you need to pierce a bright green cone with your fingernail. Ripe fruit yields easily. This means that the time for collection is chosen correctly.
  6. External characteristics. For jam, seedlings are chosen that have the following dimensions: up to 45 mm in length, and in diameter - up to 40 mm. Cones should not have a whitish coating. Preference is given to sticky, intact and juicy seedlings.

Rules for the treatment of jam from pine cones

The abuse of jam is quite dangerous. In order not to provoke overdose symptoms, it is recommended to divide the daily portion into several even doses. You can take the product as part of green tea, add it to pastries, or just eat a treat. The dosage of coniferous jam depends on the age and disease of the patient. So, pine cone jam, cooked according to the classic recipe, is recommended to be taken as follows.

There is no categorical ban on taking jam during pregnancy. But expectant mothers should remember the high allergenicity of the product. Therefore, you need to introduce coniferous delicacy into your diet very carefully and completely control the reaction of the body. In this case, jam will help a woman strengthen her immune system and prevent the development of a cold.

Pine jam recipes: 5 options

Before preparing the jam, it is necessary to soak the cones in cool water for about one to two hours. Young seedlings are quite sticky, so various debris often sticks to them. Any pan, except aluminum, is suitable for cooking, as it oxidizes. If the choice is on an enameled container, then get ready for the fact that after making the jam it will darken.

Classic recipe

Description. Such jam is suitable for the treatment of any of the pathologies described above. It is effective in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, it even helps with pulmonary tuberculosis. Jam can be used to strengthen immunity and prevent seasonal colds.


  • pine cones - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - two glasses.

Cooking process

  1. Washed cones are cut into small pieces.
  2. In a separate container with thick walls, syrup is boiled by combining sugar with water. The liquid is simmered over low heat until it becomes thick.
  3. Chopped cones are placed in a saucepan for jam and poured with hot syrup.
  4. The mixture is put on fire. As soon as the jam begins to boil, it is removed from the heat, tightly closed with a lid and left for four hours.
  5. The heating procedure is repeated three times.
  6. During the last heating, the jam is simmered over low heat for one hour after boiling.
  7. After that, it is poured into sterile jars and sealed with lids.

Quick Recipe

Description. If there is no desire to fiddle with jam for a long time, then you can cook a fragrant dish at a time. This recipe is sometimes recommended for diabetes to improve immunity and to combat hypertension. People suffering from high blood glucose should understand that such treatment is possible only after approval by a doctor. Do not forget, jam contains sugar, so it is not suitable for all diabetics. Diabetics are recommended to add 5 ml of ready-made jam to tea.


  • cones - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water (only if necessary) - one glass.

Cooking process

  1. Pine cones are cut into several pieces.
  2. Coniferous raw materials are covered with sugar. Waiting for the juice.
  3. If the cones turned out to be low-juicy, then it is allowed to add a little water.
  4. The pan is placed in a water bath and simmered for an hour and a half.
  5. Periodically collect the emerging foam.

Can you eat cones? If, according to the recipe, the seedlings remain in the jam, then their use is completely acceptable. In addition, young cones are very juicy and tasty.

Jam that does not need to be boiled

Description. Such a recipe without boiling allows you to get jam, which is very useful for the respiratory system. The product has high antimicrobial properties, can be used in the treatment of genitourinary ailments, prostatitis, cystitis. Jam is in demand in the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity.


  • young cones - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking process

  1. The cones are cut into three or four pieces.
  2. Raw materials are well rolled in sugar.
  3. Then the cones are placed in jars.
  4. Sprinkle the rest of the sugar on top. It is necessary to calculate so that the proportions of coniferous raw materials and sugar are as follows: 1:2.
  5. Each jar is covered with gauze and exposed to the sun. Periodically, the raw material is shaken well.
  6. This procedure continues until the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup appears.
  7. Now the jam can be closed with a lid and stored in the refrigerator. It is ready to receive.

Dessert from fir cones

Description. Jam from fir cones is used to prevent the formation of blood clots. The product provides cleansing of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, increases hemoglobin in the blood. Coniferous delicacy helps fight bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis. It is useful for joints if the pathology is caused by the deposition of salts.


  • fir cones - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 2 l.

Cooking process

  1. Whole cones are filled with water.
  2. The pan is put on a small fire and the raw materials are boiled for two hours.
  3. After removing the container from the fire, it is closed with a lid, and allowed to brew. It is believed that the broth will infuse when it has completely cooled down.
  4. The liquid is filtered through a sieve. Spruce cones are thrown away.
  5. Pour sugar into fragrant jelly and stir if possible.
  6. The pan is put on fire and boiled again for two hours.
  7. Jam is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.

Pine shoot treat

Description. It is very useful to use jam from shoots and pine needles. The product normalizes the emotional background, prevents colds. This jam is recommended for cardiac pathologies.


  • pine shoots - 1 kg;
  • water - three glasses;
  • sugar - four glasses.

Cooking process

  1. Pine needles are filled with water.
  2. The composition is boiled over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  3. The broth is closed with a lid and insisted for one day.
  4. Then the drink is filtered. Softened shoots squeeze well.
  5. The strained drink is boiled again. Then sugar is added. And continue to cook for another 15 minutes. During this time, the sugar should completely dissolve.
  6. The jam is poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator, closing the jars with nylon lids.

Despite the fact that the classic recipe for pine cone jam contains a recommendation to cut the raw material into pieces, this can not be done. You can cook a delicacy from whole raw materials. In this case, an additional "medicine" is obtained. Breaking the boiled cone reveals a pink resin. It is this substance that has the highest healing power. This resin can be given to children for coughs. The pink substance helps to increase appetite, relieves severe bronchitis and is useful even for pneumonia.

“Asthmatics have not remembered inhalers for six months!”: reviews

Pine cone jam was made by my grandmother. But she called it "pine honey" or "cone honey". As a child, he was constantly at home. Grandmother said that only thanks to this honey, scurvy and ulcers were cured after the blockade. Then my great-grandmother cooked it.

Sipa, http://piterhunt.ru/scripts/forum/archive/index.php/t-72789.html

About twenty years ago, when I was still in the tenth grade, I tried homemade jam from pine cones. They brought him from Kabardino-Balkaria, it seems. There, for the locals, this is a common type of jam. I didn't like the taste of it. It is resinous and too sugary. So the sugar was there for sure. I tried to chew the bump, well, it worked out with difficulty. The same sickening. However, I am generally not a fan of jam and sweets. And here, as for decoctions and infusions, non-alcoholic from young pine cones. Very invigorating and improves immunity.

Gveleshapi, http://piterhunt.ru/scripts/forum/archive/index.php/t-72789.html

Without arguing about vitamins - I will say:
Between the city of Kharkov and the city of Donetsk there is the city of Slavyanogorsk. There, in the pine forests, sanatoriums have been built for miners who have lung diseases ... Asthma, silicosis, etc. So, not all medicines are suitable for them and they prescribe such cone jam - it helps, and it really helps. Two asthmatics went for the first time (for 18 days) - they forgot about inhalers for half a year!

Sonic, http://piterhunt.ru/scripts/forum/archive/index.php/t-72789.html

We made jam a couple of years ago, the leftovers are still in the refrigerator for a rainy day. In winter, with a cold, it goes well. Cones were collected, as written, green. Take good care of the pots, they are difficult to clean.

Zukeng_2, http://forum.homedistiller.ru/index.php?topic=51162.0

Pine cone jam is really a very useful thing. I gave my son a cough when he was not yet a year old. Helped a lot. In the Caucasus, jam is highly praised.

Maruha, https://deti.mail.ru/forum/nashi_deti/kormim_grudju/varene_iz_sosnovyh_shishek/?page=2

Spruce jam is a healthy sweet with an unusual taste. It is rich in vitamins, essential oils and trace elements. It may take more than a day to prepare, but as a result you will get a fragrant and sweet medicinal jam, which will come in handy during the period of seasonal colds.

Only young cones are suitable for spruce jam


spruce shoots 1 kg Water 3 stack. Sugar 4 stack

  • Servings: 10
  • Cooking time: 26 minutes

Spruce jam, shoot recipe

Shoots for spruce jam should be collected in May, when they have grown no more than 2 cm and have not begun to fluff. You need to cut off from several spruces, so as not to harm the tree, you can not touch the shoots from the top.

How to cook spruce jam:

  • Rinse the spruce shoots and pour boiling water over them.
  • Boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Leave for a day.
  • Boil again and add sugar, cook until tender, removing the foam.
  • Pour hot into sterilized jars and seal tightly.

You can store such jam in a cellar or other cool place. If you close the jars with nylon lids, then store only in the refrigerator.

You can also make jam from pine buds. For him you will need:

  • Pine buds - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 400 ml.

Pour the washed kidneys with cold water and cook for half an hour at a low boil. Separately, prepare the syrup by combining water and sugar and boiling until lightly thickened. Transfer the kidneys with a slotted spoon from boiling water to hot syrup. Boil for half an hour. Put the finished jam in jars and roll up with airtight lids.

Spruce cone jam

For this jam, you need to collect more green cones that have not begun to stiffen. Usually these are harvested in late June - early July. You will need:

  • Green spruce cones - 0.5 kg
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.

Sort the cones, clearing debris and needles. Fill with water and leave alone for a day. Make a syrup of water and sugar, dip the buds into it and cook, stirring, until the buds open completely. Ready jam has a dark brown color. Do not forget to remove the resulting scale.

Seal the finished jam hermetically for long-term storage. It is best to keep it in the refrigerator.

This jam has a rich aroma and taste, useful for colds.

Another interesting recipe for cone jam. You will need:

  • Sugar - 750 g.
  • Young spruce cones - 0.5 kg.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp

Cut the washed cones in half lengthwise, fill with water and cook at a low boil for 4 hours, removing the foam. Remove the cones with a slotted spoon, they are no longer needed. Cool the broth, strain through cheesecloth, add sugar. Boil until the consistency of liquid honey. Shortly before the end of cooking, pour in the lemon juice.

Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, close the lids and turn over until completely cooled.

This jam is useful for respiratory diseases, asthma and colds.
