
Habitat. Cheese or no cheese (2011)

Presented in supermarkets today huge selection cheese for every taste and every shape. If you go to a large hypermarket, then it can have about 100 cheeses various kinds. Each product has its own taste and composition.

Some manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of cheese, make it on the basis of vegetable fats. But this is a huge disadvantage for the consumer. It lies in the fact that such fats can seriously undermine the health of the buyer.
Then how to choose the right cheese? How to buy only quality product and stay healthy? For starters, you need to know what fundamental difference good cheeses from bad ones.
Is it possible to buy a cheese product together with cheese?
On grocery market you can find not only cheese, but also such strange name as "cheese product". The main difference between natural cheese and cheese product lies in the composition. Real natural cheese without impurities is made from natural milk, includes a rennet component or its analogues. Contains yeast from sour milk and a pinch of salt. For better process coagulability in the composition can be found calcium chloride. All components are perfectly absorbed in the human body and quickly digested. That is why cheese is a very valuable product.
But what then is a cheese product? This is food that does not useful material for the body. It is only similar in taste, color, shape and external characteristics to cheese. But the composition is a completely different product. If real cheese contains a large amount of milk, then it is less than 20% in the cheese product. The remaining 80% is protein and fat, which are not derived from milk. That is, in an unnatural way.

Those who produce a cheese product usually take Coconut oil. Sometimes palm oil is used. Here you can say that oils plant origin also beneficial to humans. This is true, but depending on what kind of oils. If you take palm, coconut or rapeseed oils, which contain a large amount of fat with a high percentage composition, they can provoke painful processes in the body.
This type of oils is converted into trans-isomeric or transgenic fat. These fats easily provoke the appearance cardiovascular diseases, the occurrence of cholecystitis, rapid obesity, atherosclerosis or, in some cases, vascular thrombosis. And this is only a part of the possible diseases.

Therefore, when choosing cheese, you should remember a few rules:

1. Before buying, carefully look at the composition. It is written on the label of cheese. In the "composition" column, you should not find information about vegetable fats, palm or coconut oils should not be contained. In the present and healthy cheese in its composition should be only fat from natural milk. 2. Look at the price. If the cheese is made from vegetable oil, then it will be cheaper than cheese from natural ingredients. If the product is dominated by vegetable oils, means it is a cheese product. Such oils can be in the composition as in in large numbers, and in small percentage. The cheese product is sold in many supermarkets in Europe in the economy class segment.
3. If you bought cheese by weight, then you will not be able to know for sure its composition. There are no labels. Therefore, in this situation, you need to rely only on your experience in choosing a product and knowledge of what real cheese and what it looks like. There is one hack. You can press the cheese slightly with your fingertips. If, after pressing, liquid begins to flow out of the cheese, then you have a natural cheese, which contains vegetable fats.
4. The color of natural cheese is quite uniform over the entire surface. If it looks too yellow, it means that dyes have been added to it for coloring.
5. You should look at the size of the cheese and its cheese eyes, that is, holes. If there are more holes in the center than at its edge, then you have a cheese product. Don't take it.
6. The cheese crust should not have cracks or the slightest hint of plaque. If there is plaque, then this means that violations were made during the storage of cheese. It could deteriorate, so it is better to bypass it.
Good and quality cheese has a uniform pattern over the entire surface. It has an even structure, and the holes are arranged symmetrically. If you like parmesan or other varieties, then you should look at the price of the product and the manufacturer. The higher the price and the higher the reputation of the manufacturer, the better the cheese will be. In other situations, when you do not know which cheese to choose and do not want to make a mistake, then apply our advice.
When you have already bought cheese, you can check it for naturalness at home. For this you need to take small piece cheese and try to bend it at an angle of 90 degrees. It won't break at the bend, it's in front of you natural product. If it breaks, then you are holding an unnatural cheese product made from palm oil, which is mixed with powdered milk and dyes.
Buy only healthy products. With the help of our tips, now you can distinguish high-quality cheese from a fake. Use on health!

There are delicious foods in the world, there are healthy ones. And although tasty and healthy are not always combined in one product, cheese is a pleasant exception. It is almost completely absorbed by the body and has practically no contraindications.

The average Ukrainian eats about 4-5 kg ​​of cheese per year. For comparison: in the same year, a resident of Germany consumes 15-16 kg, Italy - 23 kg, and France - more than 26 kg!

Compared to Europeans, we eat offensively little cheese. One of the main reasons lies in the fact that the culture of cheese consumption in Ukraine is "sandwich". According to surveys, only every hundredth Ukrainian consumer perceives cheese as a separate dish, while the vast majority prefers a sandwich option. The second reason is the price, which rises regularly, in contrast to the quality.

There are over a thousand varieties of cheese in the world. It is divided into groups: hard, soft, brine and melted. The main ingredients of the vast majority of varieties are natural milk, rennet extract(a complex organic substance produced by the stomach of newborn calves), lactic acid bacteria and salt. Each head must mature in special conditions at least three months. This is how real cheese is made.

What are the secrets of the cheese? How to choose right product- without accelerators, dyes and preservatives?

Cheese or cheese product?

How can you tell if cheese has gone bad? Do you know how big the holes in the cheese should be and why it cries? According to experts, today only a third of what is on store shelves can be called cheese. Actually it is a cheese product. It looks like cheese only in appearance.

To get one kilogram of cheese, you need 11 liters of milk. What kind of milk is cheese made from and is it there at all? How do manufacturers make cheese cheaper? Let's figure it out.

First of all, pay attention to the label, which should say "cheese" and not "cheese product". But even if you see the inscription "cheese" on the label, be safe and don't be too lazy to read the composition. Natural cheese, as we have already said, consists of milk, sourdough and salt. "Cheese product", unlike cheese, may not contain milk, but vegetable fat - please! This allows manufacturers to significantly reduce the cost of the product.

There is a very easy way to tell if you have bought cheese or a cheese product. Cut off a piece of cheese and leave it on the table for a few hours. If drops appear on it or it becomes wet to the touch, then it contains vegetable oils, that is, it is not cheese, but a cheese product.

"Addition of vegetable fat good quality plus compliance with the technology (so that trans-isomers are not formed) makes it possible to make the product dietary,” says Natalya Fesyun, Director for External Relations of PJSC Bel Shostka Ukraine. She also clarified that high-quality vegetable fats almost do not differ in cost from dairy fats. The fact is that the composition of the latter includes saturated fatty acid, which in large quantities cause pathologies of cardio-vascular system and disruption of body fat metabolism. Therefore, vegetable fats containing polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fatty acids are considered more dietary.

But, unfortunately, many manufacturers use cheap vegetable fats - palm and coconut oil, which during production process can cause the appearance of trans-isomeric fats, especially hazardous to health.

Most manufacturers, unfortunately, do not indicate this additive, limiting themselves only to the inscription "vegetable fats". We were convinced of this by reviewing a lot of cheeses in Sumy supermarkets.

The quality of a cheese head largely depends on its size. It's like with bread - the larger it is, the higher the quality of the dough when baking. That is, if you have an overview of cheese circles behind the glass of the counter, and you are not very versed in cheese brands, be guided by this simple rule: the larger the cheese circle or cube, the better the cheese. Ripe. After all, it takes several months for cheese to ripen. Manufacturers often miss deadlines. There is a lot of water in unripe cheese. To buy mature, pay attention to the slice of cheese, if it is wet, do not take it.

Cheese eyes can be rounded, oval or flattened, the main thing is that they be, if we are talking not about cheddar cheeses. An excess of small eyes that create a reticulation effect is also not good. A small eye pattern indicates defects that formed during the maturation of the cheese, an uneven pattern with larger eyes in the core and smaller ones at the rind, a mesh or torn pattern means that the milk from which the cheese is made is of poor quality.

Ripened semi-solid and hard varieties cheeses have a uniform yellow color. If the cheese is almost white, it is most likely made from low fat milk or contains a lot of salt, and it will be tasteless, rubbery. If coloring is added to the cheese, yellow on the cut in the center will be lighter than at the edges.

The surface of hard or semi-hard cheeses should not be wet, but at the same time, the rind should not be dry and cracked. It should not have roughness, cracks reaching the pulp, separation of the shell and paraffin, and even more so mold, which has nothing to do with noble mold soft cheeses.

Not so long ago, the so-called "light" cheeses made according to intensive technology. In the process of their production, some of the milk that is part of the cheese is replaced by cheaper vegetable fats.

1. If, when folded in half, a slice of cheese breaks, taking on the shape of fragments with sharp edges on a bend, this indicates its poor consistency.

2. Press down on a piece of cheese. If liquid flows out of it, the cheese is expired. This method does not work only for soft cheeses such as feta cheese.

3. Cheese should not smell like ammonia. If the cut of hard cheese is sticky and oily, then the cheese has not been stored properly in the store. This cheese is best avoided.

4. Shape u different cheeses varies, it can be cylindrical, spherical or block, but it must always be correct. Swellings and depressions are unacceptable - such defects mean that the fermentation process was not proceeding correctly.

5. By law, the manufacturer is obliged to indicate on the label what the food product consists of, its entire composition, and at the beginning of the list to place those ingredients that are most in it.

To find out if the people of Sumy know the difference between cheese and a cheese product, and whether they read the information about the composition of the product on the label, we went to one of the local supermarkets.

Only 20% of the buyers we interviewed were able to tell us anything about the differences between cheese and a cheese product. 30% answered that they read the composition of cheese on the label, 20% of respondents attach importance to the inscriptions "cheese" and "cheese product". When choosing cheese, the majority of respondents are guided either by the price (60%) or by the name of the producer (40%) they trust.

As you can see, the results of consumer literacy are not impressive. Therefore, we tried to independently study the cheese assortment of one of the large Sumy supermarkets. We counted almost three dozen hard cheeses of the middle price category (from 48 to 100 UAH). And only one of them (for 48 hryvnia - for the action) was written "cheese product". Processed cheeses were presented by ten manufacturers (each with several varieties of curds). But most of them are not made according to DSTU (such cheese should be made from high-quality raw materials), but according to TU (the manufacturer can add almost anything to it).

processed cheese

Processed cheese is one of the few products that even at current prices is affordable for most Ukrainians. Now on the shelves of shops dozens different types of this cheese - with ham, with mushrooms, with onions, with dill, with chocolate. For any manufacturer, processed cheese is just a gold mine. The cost of cheese is only 50-80 kopecks, because it can be made from almost anything. There is currently no national standard for melting cheeses. This is what manufacturers use.

Processed cheeses must be made from hard cheeses of one or more types, cottage cheese, with the addition of milk, sour cream or butter, as well as melting salts, spices and food additives. Ideally, for the preparation of processed cheese, hard cheeses are used that have some purely external defects. However, it is no secret that very often for the manufacture processed cheese use expired hard cheeses, as well as other non-liquid dairy products.

Do not confuse "processed cheese", which is made exclusively from dairy ingredients, and "processed cheese product", for which herbal ingredients(it's just a different product, with different characteristics).

We decided to find out what processed cheese consists of today. To do this, we bought several samples of various price categories. During the purchase, it was noted that "processed cheese product" is cheaper than "processed cheese" (the difference is from 0.8 to 3 UAH). We read what is included in the composition of the processed cheese "Vershkovy": albumin cheese, hard cheese, cheese butter, low-fat cheese, sour-milk cheese, whey powder, melting salts, stabilizer, water. According to the information provided by the manufacturer, this is completely milk product, which must have useful properties dairy products.

But the composition of the "processed cheese product" made us think about whether such a "cheese" can give something beneficial to the body: hard cheeses, fat and low-fat cheeses for melting, soy protein component for processed cheese products (usually with GMOs), margarine, protein mass from cheese whey, skimmed milk powder, corn starch, modified food starch, dry whey, wheat flour , monosodium glutamate, potassium sorbate, citric acid food, sugar, melting salt, stabilizer, natural food coloring beta-carotene, food salt, water.

As you can see, this product is very remotely reminiscent of cheese. And it contains a stabilizer and flavor enhancer harmful to the body - monosodium glutamate. In addition, the sample of the "Product of milk-containing processed cheese without fillers" Druzhba "(OJSC" Novokahovsky smelted cheese") for 1.34 UAH. It is almost impossible to read the composition without a magnifying glass. What it consists of at such a cost, one can only guess.

We were unpleasantly surprised by two more samples. On the main label of processed sausage smoked cheese "Knyazhiy" (LLC "Start", Ternopil) the name of the product "cheese" is indicated, and on reverse side cheese loaf is labeled "cheese product". And on the main label of processed pasty cheese "Harmony" it also says "cheese", although on the side surface of the jar, among other ingredients, vegetable fat (palm) is listed. So what kind of "cheese" are we talking about?

Based on all of the above, experts advise carefully reading the label.

Sellers Tricks

Buyers should be able to distinguish between low-quality and expired cheese. And how does expired cheese end up on store shelves? After all, there should only be fresh cheese, otherwise it will be bad to buy. If mold appears on a piece of cheese, unscrupulous sellers carefully cut it off with a knife. And if the piece is dry, wipe sunflower oil to look like new. Buyers are unlikely to distinguish it from fresh.

It turns out that cheese is a reusable product, it can be repackaged up to 5-6 times. And it is stored not for 10 days, as expected, but for almost two months. During this time, anything can start in it. As a rule, the product is thrown away, as soon as it is covered with mold. If the cheese is completely lost marketable condition, it will be cut into pieces, packaged and put in the most prominent place. Therefore, you need to be careful in the store.

Ask the seller to cut off a piece of cheese from the head in front of you - this way you are more likely to buy fresh cheese.

Sold in supermarkets cheese slice. A piece of cheese is dissolved into thin slices and wrapped in cling film. Such cuts are dangerous because they are fraught with more than a dozen bacteria. And you can’t store such (made by the store) cutting at home for more than two days. In addition, pieces pre-cut and packaged in the supermarket may be expired.

If you buy a piece of cheese from a factory vacuum packed, then check the tightness of the packaging itself and the date of manufacture.

And recently, the Radomer (Shostka) loose cheese appeared on the Sumy market, which is actually produced in Poland. And the quality is inferior to the local manufacturer. It’s just that unscrupulous sellers, having sold Shostka cheese, place a completely different cheese (which differs not only in quality, but also in the shape of a piece) in a rectangular polyethylene package and sell it under the guise of the original. Thus, they not only deceive the buyer, but also undermine the authority of producers who have earned the recognition of Sumy residents.

Pay attention to the layout of cheeses in the store: they must be sold separately from other products, including sausages.

So let's recap. When buying cheese, you need to be guided by such rules.

The larger the head of cheese, the riper and better it is.

The slice of cheese should not be wet, sticky or oily.

The color of the cheese head and the size of the eyes should be uniform over the entire surface of the cut.

The surface of hard cheeses should not be too dry or too wet. The crust should not have cracks, roughness or swelling.

You should not buy too cheap cheese (cheaper than 40 UAH/kg).

Read the label carefully and scrupulously, as they say, from cover to cover: name, composition, date of manufacture, shelf life, expiration date.

The number of varieties of cheese produced in a particular country serves as a kind of measure of its well-being. According to the French, "if the country does not have at least fifty types of cheese, then the country has reached the end." And I would very much like that, without exception, all types of such useful product were really good quality. After all, you don’t want to reach the handle. Happy shopping and Bon appetit!


Did you know that the famous Druzhba cheese was created 40 years ago specifically for an expedition to Mars? The mission to Mars was canceled, but the Druzhba cheese remained. Since then, he has changed a lot. Today, real cheese is hard to find. And in shops and markets they sell not quite cheese. According to experts, a third of what is on the shelves is a cheese product. It looks like cheese only in appearance. Experts have found out what cheese and motor oil have in common, what size holes should be in cheese and why it cries. And most importantly, they learned how to choose a tasty, healthy and natural product in the store.

Hard cheese. From 0.2 to four centimeters. This size should be holes in right cheese. They don't just show up. During fermentation, carbon dioxide is released from the cheese. It's like a quality indicator. If there are holes, then the cheese is good. There is only one "but". Some manufacturers make holes in the cheese artificially. The correspondent got a job at a cheese factory and found out how technologists do it.

Cheese or no cheese? That is the question. Cheese is a living product. It is made from curdled milk. A week or two, so that the milk turns sour and gathers into grains. Then the raw material is salted, filtered, and sent to ripen. Nothing less than six or nine months. It's long, and time is money. Therefore, manufacturers speed up the process with chemicals. Vegetables are added to the cheese mineral oils. It turns out not cheese, but a cheese product.

Channel One will arrange a raid on shops and markets - it will buy up cheeses and hand them over for analysis ... to the Department of Zoology of Moscow State University. Lab mice were looking for real cheese. A few pieces of cheese were placed in a cage for each mouse. And after three days they looked at which cheese the mice ate and which they left untouched.

Two pieces of cheese that look almost the same. One was bought at the market from Baba Masha, she made it herself. The second is in the factory store. Both pieces were placed under spotlights and left for a week. Cheese without chemistry turned sour and moldy. The cheese from the store is just a little dry. The manufacturer was asked why their cheese does not spoil.

Ten kids from kindergarten city ​​of Monchegorsk were hospitalized with severe poisoning. The kindergarten cook prepared for the children cheese butter. The cheese contained staphylococcus bacteria. The cook bought cheese from a nearby shop. The cheese looked fresh. But it turns out modern cheese almost does not deteriorate. In addition, disguising the delay is a trifling matter. The correspondent worked in the cheese department of an ordinary supermarket. Washing mold and repacking is the daily work of salespeople. The experts explained the signs by which you can determine that the cheese is expired, even if it looks fresh.

The fish rots from the head, and the cheese spoils from the rind. Red spots all over the body, severe cough, chills. With such complaints, Marina turned to the local doctor. Three sandwiches with cheese became the cause of malaise. The listeria bacteria caused the allergy. lovers cheese crust, beware - you are at risk, it must be cut off.

Melted cheeses. Manufacturers love them. Because you can make processed cheese from almost anything. Cheese waste, cheese mass, flavorings, colorants and preservatives - these are what processed cheese is often made of today.

Cheese leftovers were bought from the factory, mixed with food chemicals, and "real processed cheese" was made. The cheese was sent for tasting. No one distinguished it from real processed cheese. The recipe for processed cheese "from what God sends" was registered with Rospotrebnadzor...

What secrets does cheese keep in itself, how to choose the right product - without accelerators, dyes and preservatives. By what signs to understand that the cheese has gone bad and what kind of cheese to put in a mousetrap. Cheese makers, employees of testing laboratories and astronauts tell.

Producers: Andrey Sychev, Oleg Volnov.

Did you know that the famous Druzhba cheese was created 40 years ago specifically for an expedition to Mars? The mission to Mars was canceled, but the Druzhba cheese remained. Since then, he has changed a lot. Today, real cheese is hard to find. And in shops and markets they sell not quite cheese. According to experts, a third of what is on the shelves is a cheese product. It looks like cheese only in appearance. We found out what cheese and motor oil have in common, what size holes should be in cheese and why it cries. And most importantly, they learned how to choose a tasty, healthy and natural product in the store.

Hard cheese. From 0.2 to four centimeters. This size should be holes in the right cheese. They don't just show up. During fermentation, carbon dioxide is released from the cheese. It's like a quality indicator. If there are holes, then the cheese is good. There is only one "but". Some manufacturers make holes in the cheese artificially. Our correspondent got a job at a cheese factory and found out how technologists do it.
Cheese or no cheese? That is the question. Cheese is a living product. It is made from curdled milk. A week or two, so that the milk turns sour and gathers into grains. Then the raw material is salted, filtered, and sent to ripen. Nothing less than six or nine months. It's long, and time is money. Therefore, manufacturers speed up the process with chemicals. Vegetable or mineral oils are added to the cheese. It turns out not cheese, but a cheese product.
We will arrange a raid on shops and markets - we will buy up cheeses and hand them over for analysis ... to the Department of Zoology of Moscow State University. Lab mice were looking for real cheese. We put several pieces of cheese in the cage for each mouse. And after three days they looked at which cheese the mice ate and which they left untouched.
Two pieces of cheese that look almost the same. We will buy one in the market from Baba Masha, she made it herself. The second is in the factory store. Both pieces were placed under spotlights and left for a week. Cheese without chemistry turned sour and moldy. The cheese from the store is just a little dry. We came to the manufacturer and asked why their cheese does not spoil.
Ten kids from a kindergarten in the city of Monchegorsk were hospitalized with severe poisoning. The kindergarten cook prepared cheese butter for the children. The cheese contained staphylococcus bacteria. The cook bought cheese from a nearby shop. The cheese looked fresh. But it turns out that modern cheese almost does not spoil. In addition, disguising the delay is a trifling matter. Our correspondent worked in the cheese department of an ordinary supermarket. Washing mold and repacking is the daily work of salespeople. The experts explained the signs by which you can determine that the cheese is expired, even if it looks fresh.
The fish rots from the head, and the cheese spoils from the rind. Red spots all over the body, severe cough, chills. With such complaints, Marina turned to the local doctor. Three sandwiches with cheese became the cause of malaise. The listeria bacteria caused the allergy. Lovers of cheese crust, beware - you are at risk, it must be cut off.
Melted cheeses. Manufacturers love them. Because you can make processed cheese from almost anything. Cheese waste, cheese mass, flavorings, colorants and preservatives - these are what processed cheese is often made of today.
We bought leftover cheese from the factory, mixed it with food chemicals and made "real processed cheese". We sent our cheese for tasting. No one distinguished it from real processed cheese. We registered the recipe for our processed cheese "from what God sends" with Rospotrebnadzor.
What secrets does cheese keep in itself, how to choose the right product - without accelerators, dyes and preservatives. By what signs to understand that the cheese has gone bad and what kind of cheese to put in a mousetrap. Cheese makers, employees of testing laboratories and astronauts tell.
Producers: Andrey Sychev, Oleg Volnov.
Director: Sergei Kurzanov.
Screenwriter: Olga Gataullina.

Cheese is a product made from natural milk, lactic acid bacteria and salt. Each head must mature for at least three months under special conditions. This is how real cheese is made.
Private cheese factory in the Tver region. Cheese is made here traditional recipes. The owner of the cheese factory is the Italian Pietro Mazza. He is a hereditary cheese maker. Knows thousands of recipes for making real cheese. He can tell by the shape of the hole where the cheese is made and how long it has been lying on the counter.
To find out if the cheese made at Pietro's dairy is different from the one sold in the store, a simple test is carried out: two pieces of cheese are left on the table and see what happens to them after a few days.
After two days italian cheese covered with mold, and the cheese bought in the store just dried up. The secret is simple: often what is sold in the store is not really cheese.
It takes 11 liters of milk to get one kilogram of cheese. A liter of the cheapest milk costs 20 rubles. It turns out that in order to make a kilogram of cheese, you need to buy milk for 220 rubles. Meanwhile, cheese is sold in stores for 200-400 rubles, but you still have to cook it. Are manufacturers working at a loss?
What kind of milk is cheese made from and is it there at all? To find out, we buy 12 samples of Gouda cheese from different manufacturers. Cut each piece into two halves. One goes for a tasting: to look for the most delicious cheese there will be laboratory mice. The second piece is taken to the laboratory. Experts will determine what this cheese is made of.
The first stage is tasting. There will be white mice eating cheese. They check drugs, cosmetics and perfumes. Mice eat three times a day, they love cheese more than anything. We hang 12 samples of Gouda cheese in a cage, each piece weighs 18 grams. Animals sniff and taste every piece. It took only 5 minutes, and a queue lined up for the eighth sample, Valio's Gouda cheese. A little more, and a fight began, an hour later the horns and legs remained from the cheese. Other samples are less popular: mice eat, but without fanaticism. After 3 hours, they ate Gouda cheese from the Hermio company, Gouda trademark Ankor, Golden Gouda cheese from Holland and Gouda of the German Bayerland plant, as well as three more unnamed samples bought on the market. In total, rodents bit off a piece of Gouda cheese of the Kvartal and Romashkino brands. Only one sample remained intact - this is Gouda Premium cheese, the manufacturer is the Starodubskie Sysy company from Bryansk.
With the question why the mice rejected this cheese, we turned to the laboratory. All 12 samples were studied by experts, searched for harmful substances and mold determined what the cheese was made of. It turned out that Gouda Premium cheese, which mice did not like, according to experts, is not cheese at all - they found vegetable oil in it. Up to 30 percent milk fat changed to Palm oil.
Palm oil is added to cheese to save money - it is several times cheaper than milk. According to nutritionists, this is one of the most harmful vegetable oils - it is poorly absorbed by the body. Also, a palm oil product cannot be called cheese, it is a cheese product. The label must state that it contains palm oil. But on the packaging of "Gouda Premium" there is not a word about this. By the way, the rest of the samples were made from natural milk. So what to buy at the store good cheese it's not that hard.
Why are they selling God knows what under the guise of cheese? With this question, we turned to the producers at the Starodubskie Syry plant. They pretended to hear about palm oil for the first time.
There is a very easy way to determine if you have bought a cheese or a cheese product.

Cut off a piece of cheese and leave it on the table for a few hours. If drops appear on it or it becomes wet to the touch, then it contains vegetable oils - this is not cheese, but a cheese product.
Three to four months at a temperature of plus five to seven degrees is the maximum shelf life of cheese. If the head is cut into pieces and packed in a film, it can be stored for no more than ten days, otherwise dangerous bacteria can start in it - E. coli, staphylococcus, or even bacteria that cause botulism.
Two months of unconsciousness on an artificial respiration apparatus, four months in intensive care, injections, droppers, blood transfusions. The fact that Tatyana Ternovaya survived is called a miracle by doctors. It is hard to believe that the reason for everything is the most ordinary piece of cheese.
Everything started suddenly. Tatyana ran home at lunchtime, drank a cup of coffee, ate a cheese sandwich. Then she returned to work, sat down at the table, turned on the computer. The image on the screen blurred, his eyes hurt, his head was spinning. Just overtired, Tatyana decided. At the end of the working day, she barely got up from the table, somehow got to the house and literally collapsed into bed. In the morning, Tatyana could only open her eyes and call her husband - her arms and legs did not move.
Nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain, heat, paralysis, shortness of breath. Such symptoms in many infectious diseases. Doctors could not make a diagnosis for several days, and Tatyana was getting worse and worse. The doctors tried to find out what Tatyana was doing before she felt bad. But she just couldn't speak. Then they gave her a notebook and a pen, she wrote one word on the sheet: "Cheese." Tatyana's husband found the remains of cheese at home and handed them over to the laboratory. Bacteria that cause botulism were found in the product. Only after that, doctors were able to make the correct diagnosis.
Botulism is an acute infectious disease, the first signs are blurred vision, nausea, muscle weakness. Botulism gradually destroys nervous system, without treatment in 70% of cases leads to death.
Doctors injected Tatyana with a serum against botulism, but the disease had already gone too far. Only two months later Tatyana was able to breathe on her own, after three months she began to pronounce her first words.
Why is there botulism in cheese? This Tatyana began to find out when she was discharged from the hospital. The shop where it was sold dangerous cheese, and the production was tested. It turned out that the bacteria appeared in the cheese due to improper storage. Then Tatyana sued the store and won the case. The court awarded the plaintiff compensation for moral damage in the amount of 45,000 rubles, as well as treatment costs in the amount of 11,000 rubles. The decision was not appealed on cassation and entered into force.
The film crew arrived at the store where Tatyana bought the ill-fated piece of cheese and asked the sellers to show where the products were stored. But they refused to talk to reporters. Moreover, the sellers believe that Tatyana herself is to blame for the fact that she got infected: "You see, the cheese is bad? You don't have to eat it."
That is, in other words, the buyers themselves must distinguish the overdue son, and not annoy the sellers. In fact, this skill can really come in handy.
Press on a piece of cheese. If liquid flows out of it, the cheese is expired. This method does not work only for soft cheeses such as feta cheese.
How does expired cheese end up on store shelves? To find out, the correspondent got a job in the dairy department of one of the Moscow supermarkets. The first day of work, before the start of the shift, the correspondent is instructed. Colleagues explain: only fresh cheese should be on the shelves, otherwise it will be poorly bought. True, today the cheese was not delivered, on the windows there were pieces with an expiring shelf life - it must be made fresh. If mold appears on a piece of cheese, unscrupulous sellers carefully cut it off with a knife. And if the piece is dry, rub it with sunflower oil to make it look like new. Buyers are unlikely to distinguish it from fresh.
The film crew turned a moldy piece of cheese into a fresh one. This cheese was then shown to shoppers and asked to say whether they would buy it or not. Everyone was sure that the cheese was fresh. Unscrupulous sellers take advantage of our carelessness. In the store where the correspondent got a job, an hour later the counter is filled with fresh cheese - each piece has a label with a new packaging date.
It turns out that cheese is a reusable product, it is repackaged 5-6 times. This means that it is not stored for 10 days as expected, but for almost two months. During this time, anything can start in it. The product will be thrown out if it is covered with mold. If the cheese has completely lost its presentation, it will be cut into pieces, packaged and put in the most prominent place.
Hidden camera footage was shown to store employees. They declined to comment. The management of the supermarket chain explained the incident in an official letter. In their opinion, ordinary sellers are to blame for everything, the management and management of the store have nothing to do with this. We were promised to look into the situation and fire the perpetrators. But we, the buyers, in general, do not care who is to blame, the seller or the company's management. In both cases, if you eat expired cheese, the result will be the same. Therefore, you need to be careful in the store.
Ask the seller to cut off a piece of cheese from the head in front of you - this way you are more likely to buy fresh cheese. Pre-cut and packaged at the supermarket may be out of date.
Red and mustachioed cockroach, common Prussian. This creature turned out to be in a piece of cheese, which Marina Evseenko bought in a store. Marina carried a piece of cheese with a cockroach back to the store. But how the insect got into the cheese, they could not say. They also refused to return the money for the cheese. Then Marina turned to the police. It turned out that the cheese she bought was fake. It was sold in many Moscow supermarkets, and was produced in an abandoned bathhouse near Moscow. During the day, employees cooked cheese in rusty tubs; at night, this building turned into a hostel. Rats, mice and cockroaches ran around the bathhouse, finished products mold has already appeared.
Fraudsters put labels on finished products well-known manufacturers. The police gave cheese samples for examination, experts found dangerous bacteria in them, and, as a bonus, cockroaches, flies and even a mouse tail. Ten tons of finished products were seized and destroyed. True, the investigators never found the owners of the underground workshop - perhaps they still continue to cook cheese in another bathhouse.
Soft and homemade cheeses- they are most often faked, because it is easier to cook. Hard cheese takes months to ripen, soft cheese takes a week. Milk turns sour and collects in grains, they are salted, filtered and dried. Soft cheese is ready. It is sold in markets and stores, very often without packaging and labels - they are simply packaged in bags. It is a success, because it is a natural cheese, without chemicals and dyes, from good homemade milk. Just such a product was bought by employees of the kindergarten "Solnyshko". For breakfast, the kids were fed sandwiches with cheese and sent for a walk.
Rather, the children felt bad. Vomiting, abdominal pain and high fever - with such symptoms, the children were brought to the hospital in the city of Kaspiysk. There were not enough places, the kids were lying on gurneys in the corridors. By evening, 44 children were in the hospital, all who were in kindergarten that day. Parents were not allowed into the hospital, the department was closed for quarantine. Mom and dad spent the whole night in the emergency department, only in the morning the doctors reported a preliminary diagnosis and let the parents into the wards. According to doctors, the children fell ill with salmonellosis.
Salmonellosis is an acute infection, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions. Can cause severe complications, in rare cases leads to death.
The prosecutor's office and Rospotrebnadzor took up the case of the mass poisoning of children, an inspection was carried out in the kindergarten, all the products in the kitchen were sent for analysis. Experts found salmonella in soft cheese. Kindergarten workers bought cheese with salmonella at the market. The militia did not find the suppliers of dangerous products, there was a padlock on the tent where the cheese was sold. But it turned out that other sellers of soft cheese do not have any documents for the product - it is not known where the cheese was made, whether it can be eaten and what bacteria it contains.
If you buy soft cheese at the market, ask the seller to show the product documents. He should have such a hygienic conclusion, dated today. If this document is not present, it is better not to buy cheese.
Melted cheeses.Now there are dozens of different types of processed cheese on the shelves - with ham, with mushrooms, with onions, with dill, with chocolate. For any manufacturer, processed cheese is just a gold mine. The cost of cheese is only 2 rubles, because processed cheese can be made from almost anything. There is currently no national standard for melting cheeses. The only requirement for processed cheese is safety. And from what exactly it will be made and what additives it will contain, it is not written anywhere. This is what manufacturers use.
The film crew decided to see if it was possible to make cheese from just about anything and sell it. To do this, they created their own brand of processed cheese - it will be called "Free Cheese". As you know, it happens only in a mousetrap. Cheese production waste, flavor identical to natural under the name "Cheese", flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate and melting salts. This will make up "Free Cheese". To completely bring the situation to the point of absurdity, the cheese was painted food coloring into blue.
To sell Free Cheese, you need to register it, so they showed the packaging and the recipe for cheese of their own invention to Rosstandart specialists and asked if they would be allowed to sell it in stores? According to experts, permission could well be obtained, because the composition of the product is honestly indicated on the packaging.
It turns out that "Free Cheese" of blue color it could well have been accredited and completely officially sold. We go to the store and arrange an advertising campaign: we will sell cheese at a discount. After 10 minutes, a queue forms at our counter. "Free Cheese" is a success, customers especially like its soft turquoise color. No one thinks about where it usually happens free cheese, and does not read the composition on the package. We stopped our customers, asked them to read the composition. But even after that, many did not want to part with the "Free Cheese".
You can distinguish real processed cheese from free cheese when you buy it. To do this, just carefully read what is written on the label.
If the GOST icon is on the label with processed cheese, then, most likely, the cheese was made from high-quality raw materials. In cheese made according to TU, the manufacturer can add almost anything.
The most famous processed cheese -cheese "Friendship".It was created 40 years ago specifically for an expedition to Mars. Every morning, approaching the Red Planet, the astronauts had to have this cheese for breakfast. But the mission to Mars was canceled and he stayed on Earth. During its earthly life, Druzhba cheese has changed a lot - now it is made by several manufacturers. "Habitat" decided to find that processed cheese, which is now worthy to fly into space. Students of the sommelier school will try the curds. Future connoisseurs of wines, cheeses and gourmet snacks. They have, as they say, a scent like a dog - they can tell by smell what the cheese is made of.
Three "Druzhba" cheeses participate in the tasting: number one is made at the Karat factory, number two is produced by Rostagroexport, number three is Druzhba from the Omsk Processed Cheese Factory. The task of experts is to determine what kind of cheese they try and choose the most delicious among them. The taste, familiar from childhood, was recognized only in the cheese "Druzhba" by Rostagroexport - this cheese was liked by the future sommelier most of all. The tasters also liked the cheese of the "Karat" company, however, in their opinion, it is not very similar to "Druzhba". The most unfriendly, according to experts, was "Druzhba" of the Omsk Processed Cheese Factory. Future sommeliers would not take this cheese into space.
Now each manufacturer can produce cheese according to specifications. This allows instead expensive cheeses for melting, use cheap ones or add flavorings. To find the real "Friendship", you need to read the composition. Initially, the composition of the cheese "Druzhba" included the following components: semi-hard fatty cheeses, fat-free cheeses, dry skimmed milk, sour cream and melting salts - phosphates that affect the consistency of the final product.
Cottage cheese.Like cheese, it is a product consisting of natural milk and bacteria. Previously, it was also called cheese. No wonder the word "syrnik" is still preserved in the Russian language. Marina Alexandrovna decided to lose a couple of kilograms for the holidays. In a magazine, she read about the cottage cheese diet - nutritionists recommend it to those who want to lose weight. Instead of dinner - 200 grams of natural cottage cheese. natural curd Marina Alexandrovna began to buy at the nearest store. Three months later, it turned out that she recovered by 4 kilograms. Then Marina Alexandrovna sat down on an even more strict diet- I started eating cottage cheese instead of lunch and dinner. But the effect turned out to be the opposite: in two months - plus another 5 kilograms. Total as a result cottage cheese diet The pensioner recovered by almost 10 kilograms. According to doctors, this case is unique: Marina Alexandrovna is the only person who managed to get fat from cottage cheese.
To find out what it is unique cottage cheese, the film crew, together with Marina Alexandrovna, went to the store. Cottage cheese, from which they get fat, was handed over for examination to the laboratory. The analysis showed that this is not cottage cheese, but the so-called curd product- it consists of palm oil, enzymes and a small amount of milk. Experts did not find any beneficial bacteria in it. All three samples from the store, to one degree or another, contained palm oil- 50 to 100 percent replacement. Cheap vegetable oils that are in the curd product are deposited in the body. You eat the so-called cottage cheese and get better. In addition, moisture-retaining agents were found in cottage cheese by weight. Moisture-retaining agents are a class of food additives that keep food from drying out. In cottage cheese, they retain water, thereby increasing the weight of the product. Checking if there are extra chemicals in the curd is easy.
Drop some iodine on the curd. If the product turns blue, it means that starch has been added to it to increase weight.
To find out why curd mass is sold in the store under the guise of cottage cheese, the film crew goes to this store with the results of the examination. It turns out that the sellers know that it is not cottage cheese that is on the counter, but its substitute, but for some reason they still write "Cottage cheese" on the label. It turns out that this is a white lie: the sellers just take care of the elderly. They explain that the word "cottage cheese" is shorter than "curd product", and therefore, the elderly will have to strain their eyesight less.
According to the law, only a product made from natural milk and bacteria can be called cottage cheese. But manufacturers go to the trick, they write on the label "Cottage cheese" or " Curd"and rightfully add vegetable oils to the product. They do not violate any laws, because there is no word "Cottage cheese" anywhere on the package. And the fact that when you buy it seems to you that it is cottage cheese, this is your own business.
If you buy cottage cheese in a package, carefully read what is written on the label - there must be the word "cottage cheese" and the amount of beneficial bacteria.
True, cottage cheese is very often bought by weight. Few people think that under the guise of loose cottage cheese they sell you God knows what. But there is another way to distinguish cottage cheese from a substitute - you need to feed it to your pet. Not a single self-respecting cat will eat a curd product, and they will never refuse cottage cheese.
To check which cottage cheese you usually buy by weight, let your pet try it. If a cat or dog refuses a treat, then you have a curd product in front of you.
If you do not have a cat or dog, you can distinguish cottage cheese from a substitute in another way.
Before buying, carefully look at the surface of the cottage cheese - it must have small grains on it. If the curd is homogeneous, you most likely have a curd product. And one more tip: before buying, ask the seller for the expiration date. Remember: real loose cottage cheese is stored for no more than 36 hours. And if the seller answers: "3 days" or more, then there is a curd product on the counter.
The label of the product says "Cottage cheese", which means that the cottage cheese should be inside. But can this inscription be trusted? To find out, 10 packages of cottage cheese from different manufacturers submitted them for analysis to the laboratory. Most of all, the experts were surprised by the pack with the inscription "Cottage cheese" of the Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant - it consists of 95% vegetable fats, it contains only 5% milk. In packs with the inscription "Blaghoda cottage cheese" and "Traditional cottage cheese" of the Dairy Business company, there are less vegetable fats - only 65%. Cottage cheese "Prostokvashino", "Svalya", "Okolitsa", "101 grains", "Milava", cottage cheese "Sincerely yours", "House in the village" turned out to be one hundred percent cottage cheese. These manufacturers do not deceive us, they sell what is written on the label.
Buying real cheese and not getting caught in a mousetrap will help simple tips.
- Press on the cheese. If liquid flows out of it, then it is expired. This method does not work only for soft cheeses such as feta cheese.
- Leave the cheese for a few hours at room temperature. If it becomes wet to the touch, it means that it contains vegetable oils - this is not cheese, but a cheese product.
- If the word "GOST" is on the label of processed cheese, then, most likely, the cheese was made from high-quality raw materials.
- If there are such grains on the cottage cheese, then this is real cottage cheese.
- Put some iodine on the curd. If it turns blue, then starch has been added to it to increase weight.
These tips will help you avoid getting caught in a mousetrap and choose real cheese and cottage cheese.

How to choose the right cheese in the store

Quality hard cheese cannot be cheap. Everything that has a small cost is stuffed with palm oil, powdered milk, soy, stabilizers, flavors, preservatives. This is not food, this is a punishment for any living organism.

How to unmistakably determine that you are buying cheese, and not fake milk powder!

We have a huge request to you, dear readers. Never eat hard cheese, completely refuse to use it if you buy cheap cheese products, if the funds do not allow you to buy a piece of cheese more expensive. It is better to eat less cheese, or cook it yourself, but choose a good and healthy product.

Vacuum-packed cheese or wrapped in cling film does not claim to be of high quality. Buy only cheese that is cut from a whole circle or bar. This increases the chances that the product does not contain harmful impurities, or at least contains them in smaller quantities!

Pay attention to the crust of the cheese circle: there should be no cracks and plaque, otherwise there is a risk of buying harmful bacteria along with cheese, and just buying expensive, but completely tasteless cheese.

The uniform texture of the cheese, even symmetrical holes on the cheese - all these are signs good product, not a surrogate. But there are sophisticated, cunning fakes! There is a test that will help make sure that the cheese is really of excellent quality.

This test should be done on cheese room temperature after removing it from the refrigerator. Cut a slice of cheese, bend it at a right angle. The cheese should not crack at the fold! Otherwise, it is a fake, a cheese product, but definitely not cheese.

How to choose a good cheese in the store

Loose cheese, one that is easily crushed and crumbled, should not be eaten in any case. It is pure palm oil blended with a small amount powdered milk and dyes! This cheese can be beautiful color, have even, symmetrically arranged holes. But the beauty of such a product is deceptive.

Watch this video: if the cheese looks like plasticine, never buy it, and give the already bought one to homeless animals. Even they won't eat it...

Palm oil is just fat. The problem is that when you eat a few pieces of cheese containing palm oil, you consume an impressive amount of fat. Stock fat for several days ahead! Such low-quality fat how palm oil clogs blood vessels, harms digestion, promotes recruitment excess weight and does not bring any benefit to the body.

Please don't buy cheese product. We hope these tips will help you navigate the cheese market and eat only quality food! Pass this article on to your loved ones, take care of their health too.
