
What is the best way to cook jam? The process of making jam

Apple jam in a saucepan cook

Apple jam in a slow cooker cook on the "Stew" mode.

Apple jam in the bread maker cook on the "Jam" mode.

How to cook apple jam

Apples - 1 kilogram
Sugar - 700 grams
Water - half a glass

How to cook apple jam
1. Wash the apples, peel them, cut them in half and remove the cores.
2. Thinly or finely chop the apples.
3. Place the apples in a pan, pour water and put the pan on the fire.
4. Cook apples for 30 minutes over low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula.
5. Add sugar to the apples and stir.
6. Cool the apples and puree them using a blender.
7. Return the apples to low heat and cook for 10 minutes after boiling, stirring.
8. Pour the jam into warm sterilized jars and twist, turn the jars over and wrap them in a blanket. Wait until completely cooled and store.

How to cook apple jam in a slow cooker
1. Wash, peel, cut the apples in half and cut out the cores using a knife.
2. Thinly slice and place the apples in the slow cooker.
3. Add sugar and stir.
4. Set the multicooker to the “Stew” mode.
5. Cook for an hour and a half, stir once every half hour.
6. Pour the jam into jars, twist and cool under a blanket. Then put it away for storage.

How to cook jam in a bread machine
1. Cut peeled apples into slices and place in a bread machine container, cover with sugar.
2. Set the bread machine to the “Jam” mode, time - 1 hour.
3. Grind the boiled jam using a blender, pour into jars, cool and store.

Fun facts about apple jam

- Soft and juicy fruits of summer varieties are suitable for cooking jam. White filling, Melba, Grushovka will boil quickly. To obtain red jam, apples with red or striped skin are suitable.

The longer you cook the jam, the darker it will be.

When cooking apple jam, the initial volume of the apple mass is reduced by 2 times. It is worth considering that as it cools, the apple jam will become thicker.

The readiness of apple jam is checked as follows: place a teaspoon of the product on a plate (dry, cold). If the jam retains its shape (does not spread) - it is ready.

How much sugar to take depends on the type of apple: if the fruits are sour, increase the amount of sugar by 30%.

When cooking, you can add pieces of lemon or orange (with peel), citrus fruits will add a subtle aroma and add piquancy to the apple jam.

To cook jam without adding sugar, boil apple slices for 10 minutes in a small amount of water (for 1 kilogram of apples - 200 milliliters of water), then rub through a sieve and boil for 10 minutes. Jam cooked without sugar should only be placed in sterilized jars.

Calorie content of apple jam is 190 kcal/100 g.

The main value of apple jam is natural pectin substances that can remove toxins and heavy metal salts from the body.

Apple jam is used as an independent sweet dessert, and also as a filling for pancakes, pies, donuts, and waffles.

Store apple jam in a cool, dark place for up to 3 years.

Apples are a healthy and tasty fruit, rich in glands and vitamins. Apples are good in any form, and especially in the form of jam. With this dessert you can not only drink tea, but also make bagels and pies, and please your family with aromatic pastries.

To prepare apple jam according to the simplest recipe, it is advisable to choose sweet and firm varieties of apples, without nitrates and all sorts of chemicals. If you don’t have your own garden, then it’s better to buy apples at the market from a trusted owner.

Jam can be made not only from apples alone. Apples go well with many fruits and even vegetables. But first, let's learn how to prepare thick jam according to the simplest recipe. There are two ways to cook this jam.

Method one


  • two kilos of apples;
  • two kilos of sugar.

How to cook:

  • wash the fruit, peel it, cut it into several pieces and cut out the core;
  • Place the apple pieces in a cooking bowl and sprinkle with sugar;
  • leave for several hours so that the apples release their juice;
  • put on fire;
  • Boil until the fruit puree becomes soft;
  • puree applesauce in a blender;
  • set to cook for an hour;
  • After cooking, pour the hot mixture into jars.

There is another fairly simple recipe for apple dessert, although it will take much more time to prepare. The resulting jam will be undigested, with small pieces of apples.

Method two

Required Products:

  • sugar – one kg;
  • apples – two kg.

Cooking process:

  • Cover the processed pieces of fruit with sugar;
  • leave for a day so that the apples release their juice;
  • In the morning, boil the apples for ten to twenty minutes;
  • leave the applesauce to cool until evening;
  • in the evening put it on the fire again and boil for no more than twenty minutes;
  • leave until morning;
  • In the morning, repeat the procedure and leave for six hours;
  • after the time has passed, boil the jam for 20 minutes;
  • leave again for six hours;
  • put on fire and cook the fruit mixture until the liquid boils away;
  • pour into jars.

Little tips!

  • When cooking jam, do not forget to stir it, otherwise it may burn;
  • if you don’t have time to wait for the chopped apples to release their juice, add half a glass of water to them and immediately put on the fire;
  • If desired, you can add any fruit to the apple jam;
  • To prevent the jam from being cloyingly sweet, add a little lemon juice to it.

Apple jam in a slow cooker

Modern kitchen appliances make it easier to prepare any dish. A blender can grind any food, a coffee maker can brew aromatic coffee, and using a multicooker you can prepare a full meal, and even make apple jam.

Apple jam in a slow cooker requires a minimum of effort, and you will get a delicious fruit delicacy, rich in taste and color. The cooking time for the jam will depend on the type of multicooker.


  • kilogram of apples;
  • two and a half glasses of granulated sugar;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • prepare apples: peel and cut into thin slices;
  • put in a bowl;
  • sprinkle with granulated sugar;
  • add half a glass of water;
  • put on baking mode for half an hour;
  • check the softness of the fruits with a fork; if they fall apart, you can puree them;
  • transfer apples to a bowl;
  • grind with a blender;
  • Place the applesauce back into the bowl;
  • cook on the “Baking” mode for 2 hours;
  • add lemon juice (optional);
  • be sure to monitor the cooking process and stir the puree every half hour;
  • Place the finished jam into a prepared glass container.
  • You should not fill the multicooker bowl with apples to the very edge; when it boils, the jam will “run away”;
  • To prepare the puree, it is not necessary to transfer the apples from the bowl; you can gently mash them with a wooden masher;
  • You don’t have to add water to the apples, just add sugar in a 1:1 ratio and let it sit for several hours so that the fruit releases its juice.

The simplest apple jam in the oven: recipe “For lazy people”

Delicious apple jam can be prepared not only on the stove or in a slow cooker. You can prepare apple jam in any type of oven: gas or electric. Fruit dessert prepared in this way has a uniform, dense structure. To make jam you need the following products:

  • apples – two kilograms;
  • sugar – one and a half kilograms.

Basic preparation steps

  • Take apples of sweet and sour varieties, for example, “Antonovka”. Peel, core, cut into slices;
  • put in a saucepan, add two glasses of water, and simmer for about an hour;
  • add granulated sugar to the fruit mass;
  • stir and knead thoroughly;
  • preheat the oven to 250-280 0 C;
  • transfer the applesauce into a saucepan, cover with a lid and place in the oven;
  • after the fruit mixture boils, reduce the temperature to 100 0 C;
  • cook for 3-3.5 hours;
  • Monitoring the cooking process is a must!
  • when the jam turns amber in color, you can remove the pan from the oven;
  • pour into glass containers for storage.

Attention! The pan for cooking jam should be chosen high, and fill it with applesauce only halfway, so that during boiling the fruit mass does not splash onto the surface of the oven.

Fragrant and spicy apple jam with cinnamon

Apple jam with cinnamon is unusually spicy and aromatic, and will become a favorite treat for the whole family. The following products will be needed:

  • apples – one kilogram;
  • sugar – 600 grams;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking sequence:

  • Peel the apples, cut into thin slices, or grate;
  • prepare the syrup: a glass of sugar, dissolved in 200 ml of water;
  • pour syrup over apples and put on fire;
  • simmer for at least thirty minutes, gradually adding the remaining amount of granulated sugar;
  • Remove from heat and let cool completely;
  • add cinnamon stick and lemon juice;
  • cook until the jam becomes thick with constant stirring;
  • Remove from heat and pour into glass jars.

Dietary apple jam without sugar, which is suitable even for kids

Sugar-free apple jam is not only tasty and healthy, but also very economical. And for those who adhere to a diet or proper nutrition, this is also a wonderful dessert and many vitamins. How to prepare this apple jam?


  • apples – two kilograms;
  • water – 400 ml.


  • we clean and cut the fruits;
  • put in a pan or basin;
  • fill with water;
  • simmer for about forty minutes;
  • let the fruit mass cool and puree;
  • put it on the stove again and cook until done for an hour and a half, remembering to stir the puree with a wooden spoon;
  • put into jars;
  • sterilize jars filled with jam;
  • roll up the lids;
  • we lower it into the cellar or put it in the basement.

Recipe for apple jam with condensed milk for the winter “Taste of cream”

There are a huge number of recipes for making apple jam, but the most unusual recipe is jam with condensed milk. This dessert turns out very tender and smooth, with a pleasant creamy taste. I have been making this recipe for 3 years now.

What is necessary:

  • apples – two kilograms;
  • half a glass of sugar (or less, depending on the type of apple);
  • a can of condensed milk (not boiled);
  • a packet of vanilla sugar.


  • prepare apples, peel, cut, remove seeds, cut into thin slices;
  • boil until softened, add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar;
  • puree the apple mass;
  • boil for another one and a half to two hours;
  • half an hour before readiness add condensed milk;
  • Pour the finished product into glass containers and store in a cool place.

As an option, you can prepare apple jam with condensed milk without sugar and water. This jam will be a little sour and not so smooth in structure, but extremely tasty.

Special secrets on how to cook apple jam at home

There seems to be nothing complicated about making apple jam. The range of products is very modest: sugar and apples. But for some reason, one housewife ends up with a fragrant, thick and sweet apple jam, while the other ends up with an overcooked, dark fruit mass. The whole point is that you need to understand well how to cook apple jam at home and find out all the tricks and nuances of the process.

Prepare the jam correctly and all year round you can pamper your family with mouth-watering and delicious pies.

Little tricks

  1. To make jam, choose apples of sweet and sour varieties. It is not necessary that the fruits be whole and undamaged, the main condition is that they must be ripe.
  • To prevent the jam from darkening during cooking: dip the apple pieces in water with citric acid (1 teaspoon of acid per liter of water) before cooking.
  • For one kilogram of apples you need to take 800 grams of sugar. If you want to make thicker jam, you need to use less sugar, but increase the cooking time.
  • Prepare jam from a small amount of apples. Two kilograms of apples and one and a half kilograms of sugar is the ideal proportion.

Basic cooking nuances

  1. When preparing apples for cooking, there is no need to waste time cutting off the skin and core. After the first boiling, the apples are ground through a sieve, so nothing extra will get into the jam.
  • To add a spicy and piquant aroma to the finished product, during the cooking process of jam you can add:
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • half a teaspoon each of cinnamon and cardamom;
  • orange or lemon zest.
  • If the jam does not burn, it is recommended to grease the bottom of the pan or basin with olive oil.
  • To make the jam cook faster, the apple pieces need to be chopped in a blender or passed through a meat grinder.
  • It is necessary to cook the jam over low heat, stirring so that it does not burn.

If you have familiarized yourself with all the intricacies of preparing a fruit dessert, then cook it thick and rich, which will not become candied even after long-term storage. Ready-made apple jam according to the simplest recipe can be stored well all winter.

Jam is not only a delicious delicacy, it is also a very simple preparation that allows you to quickly process large volumes of berries and fruits of varying quality. It was the invention of the jam recipe that once helped savvy Poles save a huge harvest of the famous Hungarian plum. And to this day, housewives put aside ingenious jam recipes and start making jam when they need to use a large amount of fruit.

To make jam, make fruit or berry puree, and then boil it with sugar. The result is a sweet and sour delicacy, uniform in consistency without hard pellets or pieces. At the same time, good jam does not resemble syrup; it is always thick.

Jam is often confused with preserves, jam or marmalade, but these preparations differ in the manufacturing process and appearance. Jam is made from pieces of fruit in sugar syrup so that they retain their shape. Confiture and jelly are dense and transparent, like glass, they are made from the juice of fruits and berries with good gelling properties or with the addition of thickeners. Pieces of fruit are evenly distributed in the confiture, but there are none in the jelly.

Most often, confusion arises when distinguishing between jam and marmalade. Jam is made from pieces of ripe fruit, and jam is made from fruit puree. Fruit raw materials for jam are quickly boiled into a single mass over high heat, so the pectin is not destroyed, and the workpiece turns out thick, while the jam is slowly boiled over low heat.

The technology for making jam is very simple, but in order for the delicacy to be tasty and preserved until winter, you need to follow these steps:

The big advantage of jam is that it can be prepared from raw materials of any quality, the main thing is to take ripe, fairly soft berries and fruits. They don’t have to be perfect - overripe, damaged or bruised fruits are also suitable. Before cooking, they just need to be carefully cleaned and washed, and damaged segments removed.

Jam has a strong association with apples, but the preparation is also made from other fruits and berries - for example, recipes for plum, pear, and apricot jam are very popular. You can also make a variety of assorted dishes. In addition, various spices are often added to jam - cinnamon, mint, basil, cloves.

It is believed that the ideal jam should have a sweet and sour taste, so if the fruits from which the preparation is made are very sweet, it is recommended to add a little citric acid to the recipe at the final stage.

Jam can be prepared in two ways:

  1. from pieces or halves of peeled fruit (for example, plum or apricot),
  2. from fruit and berry puree.

There are several options for obtaining the desired consistency from the fruit:

  • Grind raw berries or fruits using a meat grinder,
  • Rub the already boiled and peeled fruits through a sieve (you can use a blender instead of a sieve, then the yield of the finished product will be greater).

To prepare the fruits for crushing using a sieve, they should not be boiled for a long time; it is enough to soften the peel. You need to put the berries or fruits, cut into pieces, into a saucepan, pour a little water on the bottom so that the fruits do not burn at the first moment, and heat them up, at the same time kneading them a little with a wooden spoon or masher. In addition, you can soften the fruits in a steam bath - for example, using a multicooker.

If you take only berries for jam and rub them through a sieve, the output will be a liquid syrup or a product more reminiscent of jelly, in this case it is better to make combo options, combining the berries with apples, pears and other fleshy fruits.

When the fruit mass is ready, you can start boiling the jam. For this procedure, it is necessary to prepare a wide stainless steel bowl; in such a container, the liquid from the puree will evaporate more quickly - as a result, the heat treatment period can be shortened.

After pouring the fruit mixture into a saucepan, bring it to a boil over low heat. And then boil to the required thickness. All this time, the workpiece must be stirred with a wooden spoon to prevent burning. Sugar is added to the jam in small portions only when it begins to thicken.

The degree of readiness is of fundamental importance for jam, so experienced housewives have several ways to determine when it’s time to remove the workpiece from the heat:

  1. If the path that forms when you move along the bottom of the saucepan is visible and fills slowly, then the jam is ready.
  2. An indirect sign of the readiness of the jam can be its volume - it should decrease by about half compared to the original.
  3. A spoonful of ready-made jam on a cold saucer or in the refrigerator for five minutes hardens a little and stops spreading.

The question often arises whether it is possible not to twist the jam. The answer depends on the ingredients and cooking time. If the jam is boiled properly and granulated sugar is added to it in a 1:1 ratio (or even 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of applesauce), then there will be no problems with storing the jars if the following conditions are met:

  • The jam must be carefully poured hot into sterilized jars, wait until the jam has cooled completely and a film forms on the surface. After this, you can close the jars with regular screw caps.
  • The ideal conditions for storing such jam would be a dry, dark, well-ventilated place, without temperature changes - in such conditions it can be stored for 2 years. If you plan to store the jam in an apartment, then it should be kept away from radiators and other heat sources.
  • There is one more step, which involves the traditional technology of making jam: baking the workpiece to form a protective crust. Modern housewives often skip this stage, considering it too labor-intensive. In fact, it’s enough to load the jars into the oven and hold them there at a low temperature until a film forms. This simple procedure will increase the shelf life of the jam. After baking, you need to wait until the workpiece has cooled and seal the jars.
  • When the housewife uses a seaming machine and wants to close the jam with metal lids on a turnkey basis, this must be done without waiting for cooling, immediately after pouring the hot jam.
  • If sugar is not added to the jam or it has undergone a very short heat treatment, then the filled jars must be additionally sterilized. It is better to seal such a workpiece hermetically using a seaming machine or store it in the refrigerator.
  • Some housewives put very little sugar in the jam (1 cup per 1 kg); the safety of such jam even under metal lids is a cause for concern. Plus, sometimes there are not enough glass jars for the preparation. Here the thought arises - is it possible to freeze jam like fruit puree? In principle, this is possible - seal the workpiece in plastic containers and put it in the freezer. However, there is one drawback - after defrosting, the jam will become more watery, and to return to the proper thickness it will have to be boiled again.

Even such a simple process as harvesting has its own jams, has its own subtleties, failure to comply with which can lead to undesirable results:

Almost all of these problems can be solved by strictly following the cooking technology and making adjustments to the recipe.

A distinctive feature of jam is its thick consistency, therefore, when starting to make this dessert, you need to know how much moisture the finished jam contains. An ideal workpiece should not contain more than 35% moisture. Also, thickness is related to the amount of sugar - in traditional jam it should be at least 60%, although now there are recipes without sugar.

If the jam does not thicken, you need to add sugar or continue boiling. Also, you need to take into account that when cooled, the workpiece will become much thicker. Experienced housewives sometimes cook jam not at once, but with a break of several hours, so they can check whether the dessert will be thick after cooling.

Mold spots appear on the surface of the jam if the following mistakes were made during the preparation, capping or storage of the product:

  • the jam was undercooked
  • the hot jam was not sealed tightly, and condensation formed inside,
  • the jam was not completely cooled, and the protective crust was not allowed to form before closing with screw or plastic lids.

Many housewives simply remove the mold layer by 1-1.5 cm and digest the jam with added sugar. However, this is a risky undertaking, because... if mold has settled on top, then its spores have already permeated the entire workpiece through and through and boiling is unable to destroy all the toxins that they managed to release.

Burning sharply worsens the taste of the jam and changes the natural color of the fruit from which it is made, so it is very important to cook the dessert according to all the rules. The jam is prepared in any wide stainless steel bowl, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula or spoon.

Namely, in order to avoid burning, the workpiece is first boiled, and then the sugar is carefully mixed in and continued to be heated over low heat. Also, you should not take on too large volumes of jam preparation (more than 10 kg), because such a quantity of the product cannot be stirred properly, and the jam will inevitably burn.

Burnt jam contains toxins, so it is undesirable to eat it. However, there are housewives who dare to save the top part of the jam by boiling it with citrus fruits to kill the smell.

Dishes in which jam has burnt can be quickly returned to ideal condition - just boil water with citric acid in it and rub the surface with a rough sponge.

Any preparations, including jam, need to be checked more often. If bubbles appear on the surface, it is better to open the jam and smell it. The presence of a sour smell reminiscent of wine will mean that the workpiece has begun to ferment. Fermentation most often has two reasons:

  • Lack of granulated sugar; ideally, it should be contained in the jam in a 1:1 ratio (and for some fruits it is better to put 1.5 kg of sand per 1 liter of fruit puree).
  • Failure to comply with the cooking technology - for example, the jam was not finished cooking.

Fermented jam can be digested with the addition of granulated sugar (approximately 100-150 g per 1 kg of dessert) for 5-7 minutes. If foam appears during this process, it must be carefully removed. It is better to put the reanimated jam into small jars and put it in the refrigerator; it is advisable to put such a preparation into use as soon as possible - for example, use it as a filling for pies or other baked goods.

Jam for baking

Jam is one of the most popular fillings for a variety of baked goods. However, even a thick-looking dough often produces surprises; when heated, it begins to melt, softening the dough. That's why housewives are racking their brains over why jam leaks out of pies and how to make jam thick for baking.

I would really like the fruit dessert to be sealed as firmly in the pie as the syrup in a fruit candy. The housewife has many ways to help solve the problem of liquid filling. The amount of thickener is always individual, it depends on the thickness of the original product.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of semolina per 1 cup of jam and leave for 15 minutes, then bring to a boil and cool. The jam becomes thicker, but the semolina does not change the original taste of the dessert.
  • The rolled out pie dough can be sprinkled with a little starch (preferably corn starch). The jam will boil in the oven, the starch will dissolve, and the filling will become thicker. If you need to decide how to thicken jam with starch for a large pie, then you can add 1 heaped teaspoon of starch (diluted in a small amount of water) per 1 cup of jam and boil; when it cools, the dessert will thicken.
  • Add ground biscuits with a neutral taste to the jam; the biscuits can be crushed with a rolling pin.
  • Add pectin, agar-agar, berry puree powder or other gelling agents to the jam.
  • Combine jam with wheat flour, oatmeal or breadcrumbs in a proportion of approximately 1 tablespoon per glass of jam.
  • Whisk the egg whites vigorously until foamy and add to the jam.

Jam is, first of all, a flavorful delicacy; it cannot be perceived as a healthy product that can be eaten in jars. Long-term boiling eliminates almost all vitamins from jam, especially vitamin C and B vitamins. Heat treatment does not affect only pectin, organic acids and minerals. But sugar doesn’t go away when cooked, so consuming a sweet dessert in excess can lead to heart problems, obesity, increased blood glucose levels, and irritation of the stomach lining.

If you care about your figure, it is always better to choose a spoonful of homemade jam than a piece of store-bought cake. However, it is impossible to say unambiguously whether it is possible to use jam while losing weight, because... a negative or positive answer depends on how much sugar is in the dessert.

If approximately 600-700 g of sugar were added to 1 kg of fruit puree, then the calorie content of jam per 100 g is 250 Kcal, this is a very large number; you can eat very little of such a dessert. It’s a completely different matter if the product is made without sugar or if there is only 100-200g of granulated sugar per 1 kg of product, in this case, a fruit dessert will be a welcome treat on the menu of a person losing weight.

Homemade jam has a very simple composition - fruits, berries, water, sugar - all these ingredients are not savory, so this preparation can be consumed during Lent. Many monasteries seal many jars of jam and preserves each year, made from fruits grown by the monks or donated by parishioners.

Despite the proven composition of homemade jam, there are conditions in which it must be used with caution. If you have a history of chronic diseases, you need to familiarize yourself with the following range of questions:

Jam is healthier for a patient with pancreatitis than store-bought sweets. Moreover, the jam is prepared from ground fruits that have undergone heat treatment - this is the consistency of dishes recommended for people suffering from pancreatitis.

However, it can be introduced into the diet only in a state of stable remission, because This is a product rich in glucose. Its processing requires insulin produced by the pancreas. It is this organ that becomes inflamed during pancreatitis, and it should not be loaded.

When the exacerbation has subsided, you can try a homemade delicacy; you should start with one teaspoon of jam mixed in the drink. If the body reacts normally to dessert, the portion can be increased to 2-3 teaspoons per day. Preference should be given to jam made from sweet fruits; a good solution would be to prepare it with a small amount of sugar or without sugar at all.

In case of acute gastritis with pain, a person chooses the most gentle diet, which will have a gentle effect on the inflamed gastric mucosa, so eating jam is not recommended. In case of chronic disease, homemade jam can be introduced into the diet in small doses. For gastritis with high acidity, you need to choose jam from sweet berries and fruits, so as not to activate excessive gastric secretion and the production of hydrochloric acid. A diet for gastritis with low acidity should act in the opposite way, so jam with sourness is more suitable for it.

The calorie content of traditional jam with sugar is at least 250-260 Kcal per 100 g of product. It would seem that such figures completely exclude this dessert from the diet of diabetics. However, there are many jam recipes that can reduce the glycemic index of this delicacy. The first option is to prepare jam with one of the sugar substitutes (for example, take xylitol or sorbitol in the same amount as the recipe calls for sugar; a little more sorbitol will be needed). The second way is to cook the jam without sugar at all; in this case, the workpiece must be stored in the refrigerator or sterilized and rolled up. It is best to boil this jam for 4-5 days for 10-15 minutes.

There are periods in life when the selection of products is of key importance, so you must have information on the following points:

A woman carrying a child under her heart should be very careful when choosing a diet. Store-bought sweets may contain various preservatives, so it is better for a pregnant woman not to touch them, but high-quality homemade jam is a suitable dessert for an expectant mother. However, even such a harmless, at first glance, delicacy should be eaten in moderation - 2-3 spoons a day, because... Traditional jam is a very high-calorie product, and a pregnant woman needs to watch her figure. Excessive weight gain can complicate pregnancy. Jam is also contraindicated in cases of such a serious complication as pregnancy diabetes.

The period of breastfeeding is a very important moment, during which the mother’s diet must be carefully formed; you cannot allow yourself anything extra, because... The baby tries all foods together with his mother through breast milk. Homemade jam, without additives or preservatives, is one of the most suitable desserts, however, it is better to try to introduce this sweetness into the diet no earlier than when the baby reaches 3-4 months and the period of colic and other gastric troubles has passed.

If the season did not allow you to try fresh berries or fruits in small quantities first to find out if the child has an allergy or an undesirable reaction from the gastrointestinal tract, then you should start with 1 spoon of jam in tea. If everything is in order, then the portion can be increased to 2-3 spoons per day.

On a child’s menu, starting from 2-3 years old, jam can become a rare treat rather than a daily treat. It is acceptable to introduce 1-2 teaspoons into the diet 1-2 times a week, if the child has no additional contraindications. The main thing is that the child washes down the treat, then “fast” carbohydrates will enter the body in a diluted form.

One of the most popular options for preparing fruits for the winter is cooking jam from fruits and berries. This treat was invented 200 years ago, when skilled Polish cooks began boiling Hungarian plums to a paste. In that distant period, preparing homemade jam took at least three days. But modern housewives do not need to make such sacrifices: simpler and faster, but no less tasty, step-by-step recipes with photos and videos are now available.

Today, thick apple jam can be cooked at home in a slow cooker or on the stove, with or without sugar, using a meat grinder and without additional devices. Fragrant and appetizing apple jam for the winter is often combined with pear, lemon and orange, blueberries and blackberries, cinnamon, ginger. For more information on how to choose products and how to make the perfect sweet preparation for the whole year, read the step-by-step recipes.

How to make jam from ripe apples at home

To make delicious jam at home, you should choose ripe, sweet and sour apples with thin skin. Their flesh should be juicy, but not loose. The latter are more suitable for making jam or confiture. The best varieties of apples for homemade jam: Simerenko (green with small dots), Golden Delicious (yellow and slightly elongated), Red Delicious (dark red with a slight bitterness), Gloucester (firm green with a red blush), Royal Gala (yellow with red blush), Braeburn (light green with a herbal aftertaste), Antonovka (green sour).

Necessary ingredients for simple apple jam at home

  • sweet and sour apples -1.5 kg
  • lemons - 4 pcs.
  • sugar -450 g
  • honey -100 g
  • ginger - 1 piece

Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare apple jam for the winter at home

  1. Prepare three whole half-liter jars: wash in a soda solution, rinse thoroughly and steam over boiling water.
  2. Peel ripe sweet and sour apples, cut in half and remove the core. Cut the fruit into small pieces, approximately 1.5 by 1.5 cm.
  3. Place the prepared apple pieces in a saucepan or bowl for jam, pour in the juice of four lemons and 100 ml of water. Bring the fruit to a boil. Then reduce the power of the burner and cook the product for 20-30 minutes.
  4. After half an hour, remove the bowl from the stove and thoroughly mash the apples into a homogeneous mass. Add the required amount of sugar and continue cooking the jam for another 15-20 minutes.
  5. At the next stage, add grated ginger and liquid honey to the applesauce. Mix the delicious preparation for the winter thoroughly and remove from the heat.
  6. Using a wide-necked funnel, pour the ripe apple jam into sterile jars.
  7. Using a glass rod or wooden skewer, stir the contents of each jar to release any unwanted air bubbles. This way bacteria will not accumulate in the workpiece.
  8. Cover the containers with lids. Bring water to a boil in a wide saucepan fitted with a pasteurizing rack.
  9. Place the jars with the preparation on the substrate and sterilize them for at least 15 minutes.
  10. Take out the finished delicacy, roll it up with a key and leave it until it cools completely in your home kitchen. After 4-6 hours, move the apple jam to a permanent storage location until winter.

Delicious apple jam without sugar - a simple recipe

In most cases, delicious apple jam is prepared with sugar, honey, fructose or other sweeteners. But in this case, dessert automatically becomes forbidden for diabetics or people suffering from obesity and gastrointestinal disorders. Which is very sad, considering the benefits of natural pectin for children and adults. Therefore, today a simple recipe for delicious sugar-free apple jam has become very popular. If the apples for harvesting are too sour, you can simply replace granulated sugar with erythritol, sorbitol, or stevia.

Necessary ingredients for delicious sugar-free apple jam

  • sweet apples -1 kg
  • drinking water - 200 ml

Step-by-step preparation of simple and tasty apple jam without sugar

  1. Select the juiciest and fleshiest apples, cut them into slices and trim off the seeds.
  2. Fill the apple slices with water and place on the burner. Cook the mixture for 15 minutes after boiling, stirring regularly.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, remove the bowl from the stove and grind the apples through a fine kitchen sieve.
  4. Return the resulting puree to the heat and simmer for another 30-45 minutes. Check the finished treat for thickness: drop a little on a saucer and wait until it cools.
  5. If the consistency of delicious sugar-free apple jam is suitable, distribute the mixture into sterile half-liter jars.
  6. Cover the containers with lids and pasteurize in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Roll up the finished apple jam, turn it over and wrap it in a warm blanket.

Thick apple jam for the winter: video recipe

When preparing thick apple jam for winter consumption, the fruits must be carefully prepared: washed several times in cold water, cut off the peel and remove the seeds, cut off any spoiled, wormy or wilted areas. Otherwise, after long-term storage, the workpiece may become moldy, imbued with a rotten taste, or acquire an unpleasant foreign odor.

See more details about how to cook thick apple jam for the winter in the video recipe:

Homemade apple and lemon jam - a simple recipe with photos

Apple jam for the winter is an excellent preparation not only because of its delicate taste and delicate aroma, but also because of its generous vitamin and mineral composition. One jar of delicacy contains a lot of pectin, valuable fiber, beta-carotene, vitamins B, C, PP. Apple and lemon jam, properly prepared at home, can easily replace fruit puree even for the smallest sweet tooth.

Necessary ingredients for apple jam with lemon at home

  • sweet and sour apples -2 kg
  • sugar -1 kg
  • cardamom - 10 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • filtered water - 1 tbsp.
  • cinnamon - 1 stick

Step-by-step preparation of apple and lemon jam according to a simple recipe with photos for the winter

Simple apple jam through a meat grinder

Classic apple jam has a dark brown color and a thick structure. In some cases, the delicacy turns out to be so dense that it can be easily cut with a knife. A similar effect can be achieved only if the apples are processed until they are homogeneous before boiling, and not after. And the best way to puree fruits is to grind them raw in a meat grinder.

For more information on how to cook simple apple jam through a meat grinder, read the following recipe.

Necessary ingredients for simple jam from ripe apples through a meat grinder

  • juicy apples -1 kg
  • filtered water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • sugar -600 g
  • nutmeg - to taste

Step-by-step preparation of simple apple jam for the winter using a meat grinder

  1. Choose the ripest apples for the jam. Wash the fruit in cold water, remove the peel, cut each apple in half and remove the core and seeds. Cut the pulp into slices.
  2. Pass the fruit through a meat grinder, add half a glass of drinking water to the resulting puree.
  3. Transfer the mixture into an enamel pan, mix with the required amount of sugar and place on the burner.
  4. Cook the applesauce until thickened, but at least one hour. Stir the mixture periodically to prevent it from burning on the bottom of the pan.
  5. Distribute simple apple jam through a meat grinder into sterile jars. Roll up the workpiece for the winter with clean tin lids. Store treats in a cool pantry or dry cellar.

Fragrant apple jam with cinnamon and star anise

Special attention should be paid to the organization and storage rules of aromatic apple jam with cinnamon and star anise. According to GOST, the product can be pasteurized or unpasteurized. The first one is stored in glass for 2 years, in a metal can for 1 year. Unpasteurized jam remains suitable for consumption: without preservatives - 3 months, with preservatives - 6 months. Optimal storage conditions for sterilized workpieces are from 0C to 25C, non-sterilized (with preservatives) - from 2C to 10C, and not sterilized (without preservatives) - from 2C to 8C.

Necessary ingredients for aromatic jam from ripe apples with star anise and cinnamon

  • peeled apples -1.5 kg
  • water - 300 ml
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • star anise - 3 pcs.
  • sugar -700 g

Step-by-step preparation of aromatic apple jam with spices at home

How to cook and how long to cook homemade thick jam from apples and pears: video recipe

Adding pears to apple jam gives the finished delicacy an even richer taste and appetizing aroma. This recipe contains a fairly impressive amount of sugar, so it is better to enjoy the preparation with extreme caution. Pears are a difficult product to digest, and when combined with an abundance of sugar, they can even cause gastrointestinal upset. At the same time, in moderate quantities, thick apple and pear jam does not cause the slightest problem.

Watch step by step how to prepare and how long to cook homemade thick jam from apples and pears in the video recipe:

Apple jam with blackberries at home: recipe with photos for the winter

It would be a sin not to use the generous gifts of the summer-autumn harvest season. The abundance of apples of all varieties, types and tastes allows you to prepare popular jam for the whole year. But don’t forget about other fruits. Combine the usual apples in the jam with other seasonal fruits and berries to diversify the flavor palette of the sweet preserve. Try making a new apple jam with blackberries at home using a recipe with photos for the winter. Treat your family, present a jar to your friends.

Necessary ingredients for preparing apple jam in a slow cooker for the winter

  • sour apples -1.5 kg
  • sugar -800 g

Step-by-step preparation of apple jam without citric acid and pasteurization in a slow cooker

  1. Wash ripe apples of sour varieties, wipe and cut into large pieces. Remove the seeds and skin from each slice.
  2. Using a coarse grater, meat grinder or food processor, chop the fruit. Mix apples with sugar and leave in a warm place for 1-2 hours to dissolve the sugar.
  3. Transfer the fruit mixture to the multicooker bowl and bring to a boil in the standard “Baking” mode.
  4. After the jam begins to boil, switch the device to the “Quenching” mode and leave for 1.5 hours. For the last half hour, remove the lid to allow excess liquid to evaporate. Don't forget to stir the mixture.
  5. Distribute hot apple jam in a slow cooker into clean jars, roll up and turn upside down. Keep it preserved in this position until the morning. Then move to a cool, dry place.

Quick jam from apples, oranges and cranberries for the winter

It is better to prepare quick apple jam in late autumn, when cranberries are ripe, oranges begin to delight with their pleasant taste, and the apple harvest is already so large that it does not even fit in the bins. The finished delicacy for the winter does not look very presentable in appearance, and its consistency leaves much to be desired. But all these little things are compensated by the magical aroma and completely unique taste of apple-citrus jam with cranberries.

Necessary ingredients for apple jam with cranberries and oranges for the winter

  • any apples -1.5 kg
  • fresh cranberries -250 g
  • large oranges - pcs.

Jam is a boiled puree of fruits, berries or vegetables with sugar. Acid and favorite spices are often added to jam. Of course, the preparation process is quite long and labor-intensive. But housewives know that it is extremely tasty.
We will now tell you how to cook apple jam and which apples are best to use.
To make jam, it is important to use apples with a high pectin content. I always use Antonovka. There is especially a lot of pectin in the peel. And the combination of apples and cinnamon is a classic. We offer a simple recipe for making apple jam at home.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


  • Apples – 5 kg
  • Water – 400 g
  • Sugar – 2 kg
  • Cinnamon – 2 tsp.

How to make delicious apple jam at home

We thoroughly wash the apples to remove dirt and dust.

I cut apples with a special device. It removes the core and cuts the apples into 8 slices.

We remove damaged dark places. Place the apples in a large saucepan and add water. Place on the fire to boil.

Boil the apples over low heat for half an hour until soft. Their volume will decrease by 2-3 times. Let the apples cool and rub them through a colander. Attention! You won’t be able to rub the apples through a sieve, as the sieve gets clogged quickly. F3

Place the resulting mass into a saucepan. Let our jam cook over low heat. When the mixture boils, add sugar and cinnamon. The cinnamon should be finely ground. Cook the mixture until the desired jam thickness is achieved.

When cooking, you need to be careful, as boiling jam “shoots.” My jam took about 2 and a half hours to cook. Carefully place the cooked boiling jam into pre-sterilized, perfectly dry jars.

Screw on completely dry, clean lids.

For me, jam is thick if there is a spoon in it.

This jam is perfect for pancakes and pancakes, for filling pies and pies, and just for morning sandwiches.

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Recipe No. 2 Apple jam with caramel at home

This jam has an unusual taste and a very beautiful amber color. In addition to regular sugar, it also uses caramelized sugar. It is this that gives the jam its peculiar flavor. When preparing caramel, it is very important not to overheat the sugar, otherwise it will have a bitter taste, and the jam will accordingly be spoiled. This jam can be made not only from sour apples, but even from sweet ones, although it will be much tastier from sour ones. In the summer, apples of the White Fill variety are quite suitable, and in the fall - Antonovka.


  • Lemons – 1 pc.
  • Apples – 2.3 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg
  • Water – 100 ml

Recipe for making delicious apple jam with caramel

Peel and seed the apples, cut into slices, place in a saucepan, add lemon juice and 50 ml of water.

Steam the slices until soft for 15 minutes.

Press the boiled apples through a fine mesh sieve.

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Place 300 g of sugar in a frying pan and add 50 ml of water.

Cook while stirring until light brown caramel is obtained.

Pour the caramel over the applesauce and add the remaining sugar.

Stir the mixture, bring to a boil and cook until thickened.

Immediately pour homemade apple jam into sterilized jars, seal with boiled canning lids and place upside down (for additional sterilization of the jar neck and lid) for 5 minutes.
