
How to dry boletus at home. The right temperature is the secret of a quality product or how to properly dry mushrooms in a gas and electric oven

The best way to provide yourself and the whole family with supplies for the winter is to dry seasonal vegetables and fruits. This step is the best way to save beneficial features some products. This method of preservation is especially good for mushrooms, since they contain a large number of proteins needed by the body winter time. Failing to do so in summer season, most housewives prefer to dry. Below are detailed facts and tips on the preparation of mushrooms, types and features of stoves, drying methods.

What mushrooms can be dried in the oven

In dried form, perhaps all types of these plants are good. The only exceptions are some types agaric, which, when dried, acquire an unpleasant bitterness.

And here are some types of forest dwellers that can be dried:

  • tubular: porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, boletus, mossiness mushrooms;
  • lamellar: champignons, deer mushroom, autumn, summer and winter honey agaric, umbrella mushroom, boletus;
  • ram mushroom and tinder fungus.

It is necessary to make sure that everything collected is not poisonous, carefully sort it out, clean it from mucus, and wash it. Together we can dry different types this delicacy - and the taste will be richer. In general, drying mushrooms in the oven is quite simple, especially given the abundance of functions in modern ovens.

How to prepare mushrooms for drying

So, the spore plants are collected, wiped, selected from the garbage and are waiting for their turn. What else should be done with them? Before drying mushrooms in the oven, you should:

  • it is good to sort them out, rinse or wipe them;
  • select them and make them approximately the same size;
  • lightly wither in the sun from moisture;
  • prepare oven grates.

Mushrooms should be the same size for uniform drying. It often happens that small pieces dry out faster, and they have to be pulled out earlier than large ones. Therefore, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms of the same size evenly distributed over the grill will not cause trouble in this regard.

Before drying, mushrooms can be laid out on an oilcloth and left to wither for a short time in the sun - this way they will keep as much as possible useful substances. And, of course, after such a good preparation, the question of whether in the oven will disappear, since all that remains to be done is to bring it to readiness. It is better to cut them into slices or plates, so they dry faster and store them in this form is much more convenient. But if, nevertheless, washed mushrooms are dried without preliminary heating in air, it is important to know the rules for operating each type of kitchen equipment.

If, nevertheless, the head is puzzled by the question of how to dry mushrooms in a gas oven, here you should already know a little about the oven itself. The method of heating, the temperature, which tools are best to use - all this is important.

Particular attention should be paid to such a problem in the oven, since they are a little more capricious than usual types.

White mushrooms

Representatives belong to a separate category white color. This is one of the most aromatic and palatable species rich in proteins. Before going into the oven, they are wiped with a rag, removing dirt from the surface, in rare cases they are washed, but in this way they dry longer.

And, of course, the question arises of how to dry porcini mushrooms in the oven. Carefully select them, sort them, cut them into equal slices. Of all the mushrooms, it is worth choosing the most resilient and hardest, they will retain their structure better and do not fall apart. You should also prepare several grids with large cells and ensure good air circulation. You can put foil on the grill.

The dried white slices can be made into a powder used as a spice.

General rules for using ovens

It does not matter what exactly the housewife decided to do: how to dry mushrooms in a gas stove oven, and how to dry them in an electric oven. All this requires careful preparation.

For example, let's answer the question of how to dry mushrooms in an electric oven. It is very important to put the mushrooms exactly on the grate, since electric ovens are designed in such a way that the lower heating element always heats more than the upper one. When laying the mushrooms on a baking sheet, they simply stick, moisture forms at the bottom, and eventually they can become moldy during storage.

When using a stovetop oven, make sure that no one plans to cook anything on the oven at the same time as drying the mushrooms in the oven. The drying temperature is usually set around 70°C. Several options: for raw mushrooms better install more first low temperature(30-40°C), and then increase to 60-70°C. Or, initially set a constant temperature from 40 to 60 ° C, preheat the oven and put the workpieces in it.

in an electric oven

A modern electric stove, thanks to its high functionality, is able to dry mushrooms no worse than our ancestors did in the good old days, stringing them on a string and leaving them to dry in the sun.

The main task of drying is the evaporation of moisture from the products. This is facilitated by the movement of warm air. That is why these plants dry very well and quickly in closed warm rooms, but if you are wondering how to dry mushrooms in an electric oven, the answer will be even simpler.

Many modern ovens have a function such as an "internal fan" (some manufacturers have "convection"). To evaporate moisture from products, the top and bottom heating elements are ideally turned on using a fan that creates air movement inside the oven, thereby simulating natural weather conditions. If the oven is old and there is no fan, then the mushrooms should be dried with the door open.

Thanks to the fan electric stoves drying time is reduced by about 30%. That is, instead of the usual five hours of drying, you can limit yourself to three and a half. Drying mushrooms in an electric oven is one of the most modern and quick ways dry mushrooms.

Drying mushrooms in a gas oven

How to dry mushrooms in a gas oven? It's also very simple. A gas oven differs from an electric oven in that it heats up very quickly, and this is only a plus - it saves time. Also, in gas ovens, heat comes mainly from below, and is often unevenly distributed. In this case, the grills should be placed closer to the upper heating elements in the gas stove, and it is also important to keep the door open for better air circulation. Modern analogues gas oven not much different from electric ones in terms of functionality. They can connect a fan with both heaters.

Drying mushrooms in a gas oven is much faster due to the ability of the oven to heat up quickly, but there is a risk of overdrying them, so the process should be monitored more carefully, and sometimes it is better to lower the temperature by 10 ° C.

Storage of dried mushrooms

It is recommended to prepare in advance the room in which the jars with blanks will be stored. Dry, clean, ventilated, without light. Mushrooms are very capricious, especially if they are not well dried. When dry, they do not fall apart, have a strong structure, smell good, but their lack is the ability to absorb moisture from the environment.

Dried mushrooms very well absorb the smells of the surrounding foods and moisture, so storing them is often more difficult than drying mushrooms in the oven. Tightly closed glass jars are ideal, from which oxygen should be evaporated by igniting alcohol on the lid. If there are no cans, dense fabric bags, tight bags, plastic containers will do.

Drying mushrooms is one of the better ways blanks. It increases their shelf life and gives special properties, which are revealed during cooking. Soups, salads and main dishes are more aromatic and tastier from dried mushrooms.

This method of harvesting allows you to save all valuable and nutrients and it is preferable in terms of health. The dried product is easier for the stomach to digest and does not cause botulism. And no less important - dry mushrooms take up little space.

General rules for drying mushrooms

Drying mushrooms at home begins with the analysis of prey brought from a quiet hunt. Not all types can be dried. Tubular and marsupial representatives - boletus, boletus, boletus, boletus, mushrooms, morels and can be dried. But the lamellar ones - milk mushrooms, waves and greenfinches, are usually soaked before cooking, which means they cannot be dried.

Some edible mushrooms without treatment, they can cause severe poisoning, for example, milk mushrooms. Soaking them removes bitterness, which is dangerous to health.

Drying of mushrooms is carried out immediately after harvest. They are not washed - remember this. But dirt, debris, sand are swept away with a clean cloth. Wiping the leg and cap of the mushroom, it can be slightly wetted with water. Cut large specimens into several pieces, and dry small and medium ones whole.

How to dry porcini mushrooms at home

Mushrooms at home can be laid out on a tray, a piece of cloth or a dry board. The only condition is that they need to be stirred. In 3-4 days, a maximum of a week, they will be ready.

The process will take at least 2 days, during which they must be removed from the cabinet for mixing, airing and cooling. So you keep the beautiful color of the white mushroom pulp without overdrying the product and preventing possible burning.

How to dry mushrooms in an electric dryer

The previous method is not without drawbacks. In the warm season, heating an apartment with an ajar oven for two days is not entirely comfortable for its residents. And not everyone has ovens capable of maintaining a low temperature.

On sale you can find devices that can make life easier for avid mushroom pickers. They do not heat the air, consume a minimum of electricity and allow you to dry the ingredients without human intervention.

All you need to do is arrange the sliced thin slices chanterelles, boletus or mushrooms on trays, close the lid and set the desired time or program. After 6-8 hours the product will be ready.

How to dry mushrooms in the microwave

If you do not have an electric dryer, a microwave will help out, since this device is in every home today. After spreading the mushrooms cut into plates on a glass tray, close the door and turn the toggle switch for 20 minutes, setting the power to 100-180 watts. Drain the released liquid, cool the mushrooms, leaving the appliance door open. Drying mushrooms in the microwave requires repeating the cycle several times. The number of repetitions will depend on the variety of mushrooms, the size and thickness of the pieces.

Not everyone knows what boletus trees look like. Maybe you've only seen pictures...

But residents of those areas where birches grow, boletus are collected in sufficient quantities. And these mushrooms are not only pickled or salted, but also dried.

After all, dried boletus mushrooms are no worse than the same white mushrooms. Unless they darken when dried. But dishes from dried boletus very tasty and fragrant! Especially if you soak dry mushrooms in milk before cooking. Then their original taste returns to them.

But this is still far away, since first the boletus must be collected and dried. And the quality dried mushrooms will depend on the correct sequence of actions.

How to prepare boletus for drying

Mushrooms that are going to be dried should not be washed. This also applies to boletus. After all, the spongy layer of mushrooms instantly absorbs water, which will not allow the mushrooms to dry out.

Therefore, when picking a mushroom, you should immediately inspect it for any damage. You can not harvest those mushrooms that have already been eaten by worms. After all, worms successfully crawl from one mushroom to another. And if you leave such a mushroom in a basket, then the rest of the mushrooms may soon be wormy.

Then the mushroom is cleaned of blades of grass and other debris adhering to the hat. This is easy to do with a dry or slightly damp cotton cloth.

With the leg, the situation is different. The lower part of the leg, stained with earth, is cut off with a knife. The leg itself is quite wet, so it is not always possible to clean it with plain napkin. Therefore, adhering dirt is completely cleaned with a knife. Can even be removed upper layer.

How to dry boletus in the sun

If the weather is hot, cloudless, and there is not even a hint of rain, mushrooms can be dried right on the street. To do this, build stands or flooring with a slatted bottom.

Mushrooms are sorted by size. small mushrooms dry completely. At large mushrooms separate the caps from the legs. The caps are cut into two to four parts, and the legs are cut lengthwise in half or across into several pieces.

Mushrooms are laid out on slatted flooring. They are also strung on skewers and placed horizontally or vertically so that there is space between them. Mushrooms need to be constantly turned over for uniform drying. Drying takes several days.

You can also string the mushrooms on a strong thread or fishing line and hang them on the sunny side, where the breeze will blow them. So that the mushrooms do not touch each other, they are placed freely, or pieces of paper are laid between them, also strung on a fishing line.

But still it is better to finish drying in the oven or oven after that.

How to dry boletus in the oven

In order for the mushrooms to dry out and not rot, the temperature in the oven (in the oven) should not be lower than 50 °, but not higher than 70 °, since in the latter case the mushrooms will simply burn out and will have an unpleasant taste.

But if the boletus in the sun can be dried whole, then for drying in the oven they need to be cut.

Mushrooms are cut into thin slices lengthwise so that each slice has a piece of stem and cap. This method of slicing mushrooms is called mushroom noodles. Mushrooms cut in this way dry much faster, and therefore the raw material is of better quality.

The chopped mushrooms are laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and placed in an oven heated to 50 °. The oven door must be kept ajar so that the condensate from the evaporation of moisture from the mushrooms can evaporate somewhere.

Drying mushrooms is alternated with periods of cooling and airing, when the baking sheet is removed from the oven for several minutes.

When the mushrooms stop emitting moisture and wither, the temperature in the oven is raised to 70 ° and drying is continued. At the end of the process, the temperature is again lowered to the original one, and the mushrooms are brought to the desired state.

Chopped mushrooms can be laid out not on baking sheets, but strung on skewers, and those, in turn, laid out on wire racks. A baking sheet is placed under the grates to drain moisture. Otherwise, the principle of drying is similar to drying on baking sheets.

Since the mushrooms dry unevenly, already ready mushrooms need to be removed from the pan in time so that they do not burn.

Dried mushrooms do not emit moisture, do not break with a bang, but only bend. They should not crumble under the fingers.

How to dry boletus in dryers

It is convenient to dry boletus in a dryer or electric dryer.

Sliced ​​mushrooms are laid out freely on sieves and placed in a dryer. Since the mushrooms dry unevenly in the dryers, the sieves are periodically interchanged, moving from bottom to top and vice versa. The temperature in the dryer is maintained around 60°.

The same principle of drying in the electric dryer. But in this unit, the process is much more efficient, since it is equipped with a ventilation function that prevents the mushrooms from steaming. To dry the mushrooms faster, you do not need to fill the electric dryer to capacity.

How to store dry boletus

Dried mushrooms are stored in cloth bags in a dry, ventilated area. If there is high humidity in the room, then the mushrooms can become moldy. In this case, mushrooms are best stored in glass jars with a screw cap.

From dry boletus can be prepared mushroom powder. To do this, it is enough to grind dry mushrooms in a coffee grinder and pour them into glass jar or a bottle with a lid (cork).

To improve the taste and color, it is recommended to add one or two parts of powder from dry porcini mushrooms to dark mushroom powder from boletus.

The shelf life of dry boletus at proper storage- some years.

Drying mushrooms is one of the most simple ways preparing them for the winter. In this case, we need only the minimum Preliminary processing forest mushrooms, and then you just need to be a little patient and wait until the mushrooms dry.

Boletus mushrooms are dried in the same way as other mushrooms. If there is a dryer, then you can use it, but even without a dryer, you can perfectly dry the mushrooms - in the oven or naturally. My mother-in-law, for example, adapted a large grate above the gas stove, where she puts mushrooms, apples and pears, and they are perfectly dried there from the natural heat of the stove.

I do not have such a device, but I do a great job with drying. And now I will be happy to tell you how to dry boletus different ways. If there are a lot of mushrooms, then I dry it in several ways at once - in the oven, over a gas stove and on the balcony on a warm sunny day.

It's nice that for drying boletus we do not need anything other than these same boletus.

We will examine each mushroom, remove visible debris from it - leaves, needles. No need to wash. I remove the top layer from the legs of the boletus. My mother-in-law doesn't. Remove the wormy parts of the mushroom. I know that some also dry mushrooms that are slightly damaged by worms. It is believed that when dried, the worms crawl out. Here, decide for yourself.

Put the processed mushrooms on a baking sheet. We put in the oven, turn on the most small fire and leave the oven door open. Gradually, the mushrooms will wither and decrease in size. I dried the boletus for several days, the oven was turned on not all day, but intermittently.

I put some of the mushrooms on the grill from the air grill and put it on gas stove above. Mushrooms stand next to the burners and dry from the heat during cooking.

I strung some boletus on a thread.

Hung on the balcony. The days were sunny and warm.

Dried boletus becomes dark in color. At the final stage, when the mushrooms are almost ready, the boletus from the oven can already be dried on the balcony.

I ground some of the dried boletus into powder using a coffee grinder. So I prepared a natural mushroom concentrate. It can be added little by little to soups, gravies, sauces, main dishes. This good alternative artificial chemical mushroom concentrates.

Dry the ground mushroom powder a little more.

And then put the dry mushrooms and mushroom powder into clean, dry storage jars.

Dry boletus as in in kind, and in the form of a powder can be used in the cold season in the same way as fresh mushrooms.

Keep dried boletus you need in a dry place, preferably no longer than until the next mushroom season.

Boletus are famous fine taste and aroma, they are easy to prepare for the winter. How to dry boletus at home correctly? Find out in this article.

How to dry boletus at home?

It is important to thoroughly clean the mushrooms immediately after picking. You don’t need to wash them: just clean them with a brush and cut off the damaged areas with a knife.

How to dry boletus in an electric dryer

Electric dryers for processing mushrooms are convenient in that you can practically not follow the process. They evaporate moisture, leaving everything useful qualities and tender mushroom flavor. In addition, with this method of preparation, they do not darken.

How to properly harvest boletus in an electric dryer:

  • Cut the mushrooms into slices. The thinner they are, the faster the drying process will go.
  • Place the slices on trays, place them on the appliance and cover with a lid.
  • dry boletus should be at a temperature of 55 degrees. The process will take approximately five hours. Periodically it is worth changing the pallets in places so that all the mushrooms dry evenly.

Ideally dried boletus boletus are springy, but do not break. If they have darkened and become brittle, then you have overdried the mushrooms. Such slices should be ground into a powder for soups and sauces.

How to dry boletus in the oven

Ovens are equipped with stoves in most apartments and houses, so this drying can be called universal. It does not require special costs and efforts.

How to proceed:

  • Cut mushrooms into thin slices and place on baking sheets lined with parchment paper.
  • Heat the oven to 70 degrees and place baking sheets with boletus.
  • After an hour, the slices must be turned over, and then dried for the same amount of time.

If the mushrooms are still wet, they need to be kept in the oven longer, turning over from time to time.

You can also try to dry the gifts of the forest on outdoors if the weather permits. There are two ways to save energy on such homemade blanks. Sliced ​​boletus can be laid out on paper or strung on a thread and kept in a well-ventilated place. A fan heater will help speed up the process.
