
How to dye Easter eggs with cabbage. Coloring with food coloring at home

For Easter 2015, I want to stop dyeing eggs with chemical dyes bought in stores and switch to more natural options. We remembered that red cabbage can create an incredibly beautiful turquoise hue for red cabbage. If it seems to you that this is unrealistic, we offer you to see how it all happens.

First you need to grind one red cabbage(if there are a lot of eggs, then it is better to take two at once), put it in large saucepan and pour 0.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 30-45 minutes small fire. Cool the cabbage completely before removing it from the water. Add 4-6 tablespoons of vinegar there.

In order to get a soft heavenly color of eggs for Easter, soak the eggs in the resulting solution for 1-2 hours. For a more saturated color, you can leave the eggs in cabbage paint for 3-4 hours. You will get just the same magical color of paint.

If you have time and desire, you can add a twist to the eggs so that Easter 2015 will be remembered by all your eggs.

After the eggs are completely dry, place them on paper or napkins. Take an old toothbrush or brush. Dip it in the gold paint and run your finger along it so that the splashes of paint partially hit the egg. A beautiful golden painting will appear on the eggs, which will turn your eggs into a decorative element.

Krashenki for Easter with paint on the shell are best left in order to admire them, as the paint can get into food. But the rest of the eggs, thanks to red cabbage, will become the brightest eggs that all family members will like.

Dyeing eggs for Easter is a tradition that has been established for a very long time. Each hostess tries to bake fragrant and cook cottage cheese easter. And very often faces the problem of decorating testicles for Easter. Everyone wants to make unusual and original Easter eggs as a gift, delighting both adults and children.

In this article, we will talk about what methods and tricks exist for creating unique and beautiful Easter eggs at home. With the help of them you can not only please the household, but also surprise your dear guests and friends.

Preparation for painting

Boil chicken white eggs. After you finish cooking, you need to cool them down a bit. Enough that they are room temperature. With excessively hot or ice eggs we won't be able to work. Then, wipe the eggs from moisture, remove dirt (if any).

  1. cracked eggs will have to be postponed - these are no longer suitable for drawing pictures. If you are going to use the method of painting with onion peel - wait a while with cooking.
  2. If you decide to paint eggs with a pattern for the holiday, mix the starch paste (glue) in advance - it is absolutely harmless, so it is suitable for coloring Easter eggs.

In the store you can buy ready-made starch, ready to go. Pour the starch into a bowl, then add warm water, not higher than room temperature. Soak it in there and then stir well. After that, you will need hot water, but not boiling water - pour hot water in portions into the resulting mass, stirring the starch mass along the way. In case the lumps could not be avoided by mixing, take a gauze mesh and separate the glue from the lumps. Okay, the glue is ready!

colorful eggs with a rainbow pattern - successful, simple and perfect way decorate your Easter menu.

To create a colored shell, you can use it as ready-made edible paints(which can be found in any store), and pigments created by yourself, with your own hands. To do this, you can use red cabbage, beets, blueberries, turmeric, tea, onion peel, coffee beans as well as fresh herbs.

Natural dyes will give the eggshell interesting, rich shades. Below is step by step recipe with a photo of cooking Easter eggs using red cabbage. Thanks to the bright and natural solution, after 10-14 hours the workpiece acquires a pleasant lilac-blue hue. Of course, the natural pigment does not lay down very evenly (unlike artificial paints), but this gives the blank an authentic, natural look.

And also some other fun ways to color eggs at home for Easter using onion skins, ready-made dyes and stickers. And to decorate easter eggs beautiful and original drawing use paper napkins or a piece of cloth. Consider the most interesting ways Easter egg colors are both popular and quite unusual.

Coloring Easter eggs with natural dyes

How to dye Easter eggs blue with red cabbage

When creating Easter eggs, you should follow some guidelines. To ensure the eggs are of good quality, wash them thoroughly before processing. When cooking, add a handful of salt to the liquid, and pour vinegar into the natural coloring infusion. All this will help you make your Easter feast not only festive, but also useful.


  • eggs (3-4 pieces);
  • cabbage (200-250 grams);
  • vinegar (2 tablespoons);
  • salt (1 tbsp. l.).


We spread the eggs in a cold liquid, pour salt. We make sure that the water covers the entire shell. Cook for 8-10 minutes (after boiling).

We begin to prepare the infusion: pour water into the container (800-1000 ml). Shredding red cabbage small pieces and put into a saucepan.

Pour vinegar into a container. Cook the vegetable mass for 8-10 minutes.

After the cabbage becomes soft and the liquid turns into purple drop the eggs into it. We make sure that the thick mass covers the entire shell.

We leave the Easter preparation for 10-14 hours. Put the eggs on a paper towel.

After the product is completely dry, use it as you wish. If desired, decorate the shell easter stickers.

How to dye eggs for Easter in onion skins

You will need:

  • water;
  • onion peel;
  • eggs;
  • salt;
  • for a glossy effect: vegetable oil;
  • for patterns: plant leaves, threads, nylon / gauze, etc.

Coloring process:

The most famous, classic way egg coloring, which is passed on to us by grandmothers and mothers, is in the usual onion peel. This is the easiest way, but very interesting and most importantly, environmentally friendly. Prepare everything in advance necessary components and be sure to thaw the eggs if they have been refrigerated.

To color the testicles with onion peel, you need to pour boiling water over the peel in a saucepan for 2 hours. As soon as the time is up, salt the water, put the eggs in it and boil the water. After the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 10 minutes. In case you want eggs with beautiful pattern, then you must first apply a pattern, and then cook with the husk.

To create patterns on Easter eggs, you can use ordinary parsley or dill leaves, threads or cereals. Moisten the egg, attach the leaves to it or roll in the groats. An unusual pattern can be achieved by attaching lace or wrapping an egg with threads. Wrap the resulting structure in gauze or nylon (for example, from tights) and cook in onion water for the specified time.

What colors can you dye eggs with natural dyes (table)

Foods You Can Use When Dyeing Easter Eggs (Infographic)

Color with store-bought food coloring

You will need:

  • white chicken eggs;
  • water;
  • table vinegar 9%;
  • food coloring in desired colors.

Coloring instructions:

For this method, you need to purchase food coloring. Many food colorings are sold in stores, including in special kits for Easter.

This method is the simplest, since the manufacturer most often attaches instructions to the dyes. It is from this information that you will need to push off. If there is no information, count about one packet of dye per 200-300 ml of water.

Boil and cool chicken eggs. While the boiled eggs are cooling, you can do the dye. Take a saucepan or a large and deep bowl. Pour in 50 ml warm water, dissolve food coloring of the desired color in it, add table vinegar (9%).

After that, mix and add water in portions to achieve the desired shade, or according to the instructions on the package (usually 200 ml per small bag). In the finished dye, lower the testicles in turn. Turn them over for 3-5 minutes, then remove and dry.

Do not use a dry cloth to avoid staining and sticking - paper towels work best.

Video: How to dye eggs beautifully with dyes at home

Easter eggs with do-it-yourself drawings from napkins

You will need:

  • chicken eggs (white);
  • paper napkins (choose napkins with bright colors and beautiful pictures who would like to place on the surface of the testicle, and not the usual ones without a picture!);
  • starch glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take napkins. As a rule, patterned napkins are sold in a three-layer format. We only need upper layer. Choose patterns, patterns, or details on the napkin that you like. It can be flowers, drawings with characters, animals or interesting patterns.
  2. Carefully cut or tear off a piece with the selected picture (it should be compact enough to fit on the testicle).
  3. Then, put an egg in front of you or take it in your hand, attach a picture to it and start covering it with starch paste directly on the surface of the picture. Apply glue completely to the picture and corners to stick to the Easter egg. This method can be applied several times on the same egg.

That's all, the drawing will remain on your testicle! You can get rid of excess starch with a dry sponge, the remnants of a napkin or a cloth. And a beautiful Easter egg is ready, you can present it as a gift for Easter or treat your family and friends.

We use ready-made dyeing kits for coloring eggs

In stores, there are now many kits for coloring eggs for Easter. This is also an option for decorating your testicles. Each kit usually comes with dye, stickers or "covers" for eggs with detailed instruction For decoration.

The big disadvantage of these kits is that the patterns and pictures in them are monotonous and it is very difficult to find something unusual. A big plus is the reduction of cooking time and the absence of the need for additional materials.

Video: Colorful and unusual eggs for Easter 2018 without dyes

Unusual Easter eggs with fabric pattern

You will need:

  • chicken eggs (any color);
  • starch glue;
  • unnecessary, but clean fabric with patterns or other images and drawings you like.

How to paint:

Prepare the fabric and choose the patterns or designs you want to place on the eggs for Easter. In one of the previous coloring methods, we have already figured out how to place an image on an egg - this knowledge will come in handy here.

Cut out the desired image from the fabric. To fix the fabric pattern on the egg, you need to apply starch paste with a brush on the egg itself, attach the picture and paint over the fabric, as you did with the napkin.

In the event that the fabric has gone astray or lay crooked, it is enough hot water to peel off the pattern and reattach. After all the pictures are placed on the egg, wipe off the excess starch. Beautiful testicle with drawings ready for Easter!

Video: Marble eggs for Easter. How to dye eggs with onion peel and brilliant green

Happy Easter and creative creativity!

Dyeing eggs for Easter is an integral ritual of one of the main Christian holidays, symbolizing the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This holiday is beautiful and solemn, with well-established centuries-old traditions. In addition to a deep religious meaning, Easter is associated with the purification of the soul and home, with delicious Easter cakes and Easter food.

The egg is rightfully considered a symbol of the birth of life, and the Easter painted egg means the resurrection from the dead and eternal life. It turns out that painted eggs were found in Egyptian and Sumerian tombs, which were built as early as the 3rd millennium BC. e. It is even difficult to imagine how many years such a tradition has existed.

Orthodox paint eggs during Holy Week on Maundy Thursday or Red Saturday. In 2019, these are April 26 and 28, respectively. Painted eggs are consecrated in the church at a festive service, and the first meal after Lent begins with eggs.

Do-it-yourself painting eggs for Easter has become not only a family art, but also a kind of competition - whose eggs are the most beautiful. And there are a lot of ways to paint eggs. You can, of course, paint eggs for Easter with paints, but this is still harmful chemistry, and food paints are not always on sale. I offer you natural ways to dye eggs at home.

Coloring eggs with onion skins - the traditional way

This is my favorite and most reliable way egg coloring. With this method, eggs are always obtained beautiful color. I start harvesting onion peel a few months before Easter - I collect it in a separate bag. To make the color of the eggs saturated, onion peel there should be a lot.

Pour the onion peel into the pan and pour cold water. Put on the stove and bring to a boil.

Choose a worse pot, because the husk will paint the sides of the pot so that it will be difficult to clean.

Pour the eggs in a separate bowl with cold water and leave for 10 minutes.

Water with onion peel boils at this time, we reduce the fire so that the eggs do not crack. Add 1 tablespoon of salt to the pan and carefully drop the eggs one at a time. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

If you want a more intense color, remove the pan from the heat and leave the eggs in this solution for a while.

After removing from the pan, let the eggs cool slightly and rub them with sunflower oil with a paper towel to shine.

Now the eggs “played” with paint, you can put them in a basket and bring them to the church to consecrate. I try to bless the eggs every Easter, and then treat my family, friends and neighbors.

How to dye eggs in onion skins with a pattern

If in the first recipe it was possible to use any eggs - white or brown, then white eggs are suitable for painting with onion peel with a pattern.

To decorate the eggs, we prepare the leaves of the plants in advance. Before Easter, fresh leaves are not always there, because this holiday can be in March, when nature is still sleeping. Therefore, you can use fresh herbs from the store - parsley, basil, dill, mint or lemon balm.

Birch leaves look beautiful. You can put a few branches in a vase of water in advance, and when the leaves bloom, use a few to decorate Easter eggs.

Lace, woolen threads are also suitable for coloring eggs with a pattern.

Also, you will need to prepare clean old stockings, tights or gauze in advance. You will also need thread.

So let's color the eggs.

Pour onion peel with cold water and bring to a boil.

We wash the eggs, dry them with a paper towel and wipe each egg with a cloth with vinegar.

We put a leaf or other decor on the egg, press it tightly and wrap the egg in a piece of stocking fabric or gauze.

To make the leaf adhere more tightly to the egg, it can be slightly moistened with water.

We tie a nylon or gauze fabric with a thread.

You can beautifully and originally paint eggs with lace and onion peel. It's simple - cut off the lace of the desired length and wrap the egg around it. We tie the ends with a thread and cut off all the excess.

You can also decorate the egg with woolen threads. Just randomly wrap the egg with string.

So that the eggs do not crack, pour 1 tbsp into the broth. l. salt. Carefully lower the eggs into the broth with onion peel and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then gently immerse the eggs in cold water.

We remove the decor from the cooled eggs and wipe the eggs vegetable oil.

Marble eggs with greenery

And this is my favorite method. Eggs are unusually beautiful, with marble stains. I will share one secret of this method - the more we chop the onion peel, the more beautiful the drawing will turn out. You can even try to grind the husk in a coffee grinder. I like to grind the husk with scissors.

To make the husks stick well to the eggs, moisten them with water, then roll each egg in the onion skins. In a piece of gauze or stocking, put some more husks, place the egg inside and wrap around. Tie the ends with thread. Put to boil in a saucepan, adding 1 tsp. salt. 5 minutes after boiling, pour in 2 tsp. greens and cook for another 5 minutes. Then pour over the eggs with cold water and remove the gauze, remove the husk. Rub eggs with sunflower oil.

Beautiful marble eggs ready!

How to dye eggs with onion skins and rice

Another simple and wonderful option for dyeing eggs in natural ways. The rice sticks to the eggs and the result is a pattern in the form of droplets. This method is very simple, try it. In addition to rice, you can also use peas.

Pour grains of rice or peas into a stocking, place an egg there, distribute the grain with your fingers around the entire circumference of the egg. We tie the fabric, and dip the eggs into the prepared broth with onion peel. Cook for 10 minutes, wash the eggs under running cold water and remove the stocking or gauze and grains. After the eggs have cooled down a bit, rub them with vegetable oil.

Coloring eggs with natural dyes

I already wrote that it is fundamentally against chemistry and coloring eggs with paints. Yes, it is beautiful and brighter, but health is more important. Moreover, there is a good replacement in the form of natural and harmless dyes from natural ingredients. Of course, these are all kinds of juices - beetroot, blueberry juice, red cabbage juice, spinach juice and others. From the juice of cranberries, raspberries and beets, get pink color, from blueberry, pomegranate or blackcurrant juice - purple, and if you want blue or blue, then use red cabbage juice. Saturated yellow gives turmeric, and black tea or coffee will give you brown undertones. After boiling the bark and branches of the cherry, you get reddish-raspberry eggs. I want to warn you that it doesn't always work. bright colors in this manner. To make the color brighter, after boiling the eggs, you need to keep them in the broth for at least 4 hours, and it is better to leave them overnight.

Coloring eggs with beets

If you want to get the pink color of eggs, then it is suitable for this method of coloring. beetroot juice. With egg coloring in a natural way you need to tinker a little more than ordinary paints, but if you care about your health, then this work will pay off handsomely.

Beets must be prepared in such a way that it turns out more juice. To do this, grate the beets, pour water and cook for 5-7 minutes. You can boil eggs in the same broth. Then we wipe the beets through a strainer, it turns out saturated burgundy juice. Pour eggs with this juice in a separate bowl, pour 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and leave for 4-8 hours.

Coloring eggs with red cabbage juice

Red cabbage will give eggs Blue colour.

The coloring method is similar to the previous one. Cabbage cut into large pieces, fill it with water, cook for 5-7 minutes together with eggs, decant the hot broth into a separate bowl. Add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and keep eggs in this broth for 4-8 hours.

How to dye eggs with turmeric

Turmeric gives perhaps the most saturated color from all natural dyes. Eggs are beautiful, bright yellow.

For such painting, pour a bag of turmeric (15 gr.) into boiling water, stir and add 1 tsp. salt. We put eggs in this solution and cook for 10 minutes. In order for the paint to be brighter, leave the eggs in this solution for several hours. For shine, rub with sunflower oil.

Coloring eggs with coffee or tea

I want to warn you right away that with the help of coffee or tea, it turns out not very rich, but tender. beige color eggs.

Can be used both natural and instant coffee or black tea. For coloring, we prepare a solution - put 4-5 tbsp in boiling water. l. coffee in 0.5 liters of water. If you use tea, you will also need 4-5 tbsp. l. black tea for brewing. Cook for 5 minutes, add 1 tsp. salt and omit the eggs. Cook for another 7 minutes. And as always for natural dyes, it is advisable to keep it in the solution longer, at least 5 hours.

How to dye eggs with blueberry juice

The blueberry coloring method is similar to the previous ones. The eggs come out a beautiful purple color.

For 1 liter of water you will need 2.5-3 cups of frozen blueberries. Berries need to be boiled a little (5 minutes), pour 1 tsp. salt and omit the eggs. You can rub the blueberries through a strainer after cooking, get pure juice without berries. But I don’t bother, I just boil eggs with berries. Cook for another 3-4 minutes, pour 1 tbsp. l. vinegar to fix the color. You can leave the eggs in the pot overnight.

Decoupage Easter eggs

I learned about this method of decorating eggs quite recently, a couple of years ago, and it has become my favorite. After all, napkins with a variety of beautiful drawings there are a lot in our stores now, you need to choose brighter, and then you get very beautiful and original eggs.

  1. Napkins for decoupage should be chosen with a medium-sized pattern to fit on the egg.
  2. We select eggs for decoupage white color.
  3. It is better to choose napkins on a white background, then the pattern will not have to be cut very carefully with scissors.
  4. Most good way sticking napkins - using egg white.

To get beautiful and whole Easter eggs, you need to remember 7 basic rules:

  1. Before boiling eggs, they need to be removed from the refrigerator a few hours in advance. Eggs should not be cold!
  2. Eggs should be boiled over low heat, avoiding cracking.
  3. So that the eggs do not burst, you need to put in water with eggs 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  4. To fix the pigment in the paint, pour 1 tsp into the coloring solution. vinegar, the color will become brighter.
  5. If you want a more intense color when coloring eggs with natural dyes, leave the eggs in the broth overnight.
  6. Wipe the dyed eggs gently with a paper towel.
  7. For shine and beauty, wipe the cooled eggs with sunflower oil.

I wish you beautiful and delicious holiday. After all, Easter personifies the resurrection of life, nature, bright feelings. May this light come into every home and fill hearts with joy.

The brightest holiday for Orthodox Christians is coming. Easter is filled with kindness and love, and warm and sunny spring days give the celebration a special atmosphere. It is customary to bake Easter cakes for the holiday, to make cottage cheese delicacy- Easter, and of course, to paint eggs, the tradition of exchanging which has been going on since ancient times.

All housewives know how to dye eggs with natural dyes, most of them prefer the most common method - with onion peel. However, there are many equally original and, most importantly, safe ways paint ordinary chicken eggs in all the colors of the rainbow.

Secrets of staining

When buying eggs, you need to look at the expiration date. Only the freshest are selected, because they are painted in Maundy Thursday, 3 days before they can be eaten, in addition, they have to be stored for another 9 days - until the parent day.

Why do you need to paint eggs at home on Thursday, why can't it be done, say, on Friday or Saturday? On this day, all preparations for Easter are completed.

On Good Friday, it is forbidden to do anything, on Saturday you need to do charity work, keep fasting and decorate your home for bright holiday. Therefore, by Thursday you need to stock up on everything you need: dyes, as well as decoration elements - rice, scraps of fabric, threads - it depends on your imagination.

Cook for at least half an hour, so that the protein darkens. Long cooking due to the subsequent storage of the product, otherwise it may simply not live up to the parent's day. In this case, a lot of water is required, besides, you need to make sure that it does not boil away, and constantly add.

Before dyeing, the eggs can be wiped with vinegar, then the dye is better absorbed. Hands during the procedure must be dry and clean.

If the hostess wants the testicles to turn even and beautiful, no matter what natural dye she chooses, it should not be thrown into the water, but put in a nylon sock, tied and lowered into the pan. Otherwise, the dye particles will stick to the shell, and it will become mottled.

Eggs can be painted over not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To do this, they need to be boiled for 3 minutes, then take out and carefully pierce the shell from several places with a thin, sharp needle. After that, boil until tender.

Choice of natural dye

Onion peel, popular among the people, stains the shell in a rich red-brown, orange or yellow color, it all depends on its amount and the time during which the eggs will be in solution.

How else can you paint eggs at home:

  1. Coffee and black tea give them a beautiful brown or natural beige color.
  2. Elderberries or blueberries will make Easter eggs pale lilac or blue.

  3. Red cabbage will act as blue natural dye.
  4. Carrots, oranges and lemons turn eggshells a light yellow color.
  5. Beets will give the eggs a spectacular purple color.
  6. Turmeric is bright yellow.
  7. Spinach and nettle leaves - green.
  8. Cranberry, raspberry and Cherry juice- pink and bright red.
  9. A beautiful muted yellow hue can be achieved using the shell walnut, chamomile flowers, saffron, St. John's wort.

So, if you have decided on natural dyes for Easter eggs, it's time to start the dyeing process.

onion peel

This method was used by our grandmothers, but even now it is not lost its relevance. In the process of coloring, the eggs acquire a beautiful rich shade.

This will require the husks of at least 8 large onions, which are harvested in advance.

Coloring steps:

By the way, do not rush to pour out the decoction of onion peel after staining. Can use it in culinary purposes and bake the brisket in the husk. And women who want their hair to always look great know that you can rinse your hair with such a decoction. The husk not only strengthens them, but also gives a delightful reddish tint and shine to the hair.

How to dye eggs in a decoction of onion peel - video recipe


The available root vegetable can give eggs both hot pink and intense burgundy. There are several options for staining with beets. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Option #1:

  1. Grate 1 large beets, squeeze the juice out of it.
  2. Put the boiled eggs into the solution.
  3. Pink color will turn out if you hold them for one hour, burgundy - if you leave them overnight. It is important to ensure that the juice covers the eggs completely.

Option #2:

  1. Grate the beets.
  2. Pour the mixture with water.
  3. Add vinegar to the solution.
  4. Put the juice on the fire and bring to a boil.
  5. Put into the solution boiled eggs. Their color will also depend on how long they will be in beetroot water.

Option number 3:

  1. Grate the beets on a fine grater.
  2. Grate the eggs with the resulting gruel. Keep in mind that they may stain unevenly, and small specks will appear on the shell.

Coloring Easter eggs with any natural dyes, including beets, is best done with gloves, because the hands will also be stained, and it will be problematic to wash them afterwards.

Option number 4:

  1. Peel the beets, cut into pieces.
  2. Pour the root crop and raw eggs cold water.
  3. Boil the allotted time.

By the way, if you mix beetroot juice with turmeric and color eggs in the resulting solution, they will turn out to be a beautiful green color.


If you want to get something original and surprise your
loved ones with beautiful sky-blue Easter eggs, then try to paint them in an exotic hibiscus (tea from Sudanese rose petals).

Coloring steps:

  1. 500 ml of hibiscus brew with boiling water in large saucepan, cool down.
  2. Boil the eggs (they should be white).
  3. Dip the boiled eggs in the hibiscus solution, hold them there for several minutes, remove, dry.
  4. Drop it back into the decoction. If the eggs are kept in tea leaves for a long time, they will acquire an unaesthetic gray tint.


IN green color Easter eggs will be colored by the most common spinach.

Coloring steps:

  1. Wash and dry spinach.
  2. Wrap each white-shelled egg with a spinach leaf.
  3. Fasten the leaves with threads, rubber bands or put eggs in a nylon sock.
  4. boil required amount time.
  5. Cool the solution and put eggs in it again to achieve the most bright, saturated color.

Important: If you are using fresh spinach, the eggshell will be green, if frozen - beige, which also looks very impressive.


Coloring in turmeric is very popular. White eggs acquire a pleasant light yellow hue, brown eggs become a rich orange.

Keep in mind that turmeric is not completely soluble in water, so be careful not to hurt or damage the shell, you need to stir the water. It is advisable to take an old pan, because the walls of the dishes will turn bright Orange color and it will be difficult to wash it. This can be done using the usual "Whiteness".

Turmeric is a highly coloring substance, so it is better to carry out the procedure with gloves, and cover the table with oilcloth or newspapers.

Coloring steps:

Do not be afraid if the protein also turns orange, this is just the action of a natural dye. There is no health risk.

red cabbage

A blue tint can be obtained using not only tea leaves hibiscus tea, but also red cabbage. There are two color options:

  • The first is when boiled eggs are dipped in cabbage juice and left for several hours.
  • The second is when they are boiled with cabbage juice.

In the first case, a sky-blue color is obtained, in the second - a rich azure hue. Let's consider each option in detail.

Option number 1:

Option number 2

  1. Pour raw eggs with cabbage juice.
  2. Cook as usual.
  3. Take out the cooked eggs, then put them back into the cooled solution.

Decoction of birch leaves

Easter eggs turn out delicious yellow
golden color, such an interesting shade can be achieved only with the help of natural color, none chemical dye not able to give such a spectacular shade. On holiday table bright eggs will glow and play in the sun with a golden sheen.

Coloring steps:

  1. Rinse the birch leaves, put in a saucepan and pour cold water over.
  2. Cook over low heat for half an hour.
  3. Decoction to insist hour.
  4. Pour the products prepared for coloring with chilled broth, cook until tender.

blueberry coloring

With the help of a frozen berry, you can color the eggs in a deep blue color.

Coloring steps:

  1. Defrost blueberries and, together with the liquid remaining after thawing, grind in a blender.
  2. IN berry mix add a tablespoon of vinegar and half a glass of hot water.
  3. Boiled eggs (the shell should be white) put in the mixture and leave for 5-6 hours.

Original ways to decorate with your own hands

Everyone at home can be involved in the exciting process, especially children love to do this.

Refined and unique drawings on Easter eggs are obtained by dyeing them with fabrics, for example, pieces of an old silk tie or Pavlovo-Pasad shawls. You can use any other fabrics on which you like the patterns and which you would like to reproduce.

  • Patterns from powdered sugar.

Beautiful dazzling white do-it-yourself patterns can be applied to dyed eggs using powdered sugar. Unusual printed texture of the ingredient used will make Easter eggs unique, no matter what color they are painted, even in a delicate pastel, even in a bright, saturated one.

  1. Used ready powdered sugar, but if it is not at hand, then the usual granulated sugar(one glass is enough) you need to grind in a coffee grinder. Mix the powder with water so that a thick, viscous and homogeneous mass is obtained. The liquid mixture will spread over the egg.
  2. Collect the resulting solution confectionery syringe and apply to colored and pre-chilled eggs.
  3. To make it more convenient to paint the eggs, they need to be put in a glass or on a special stand. Brushes can be used instead of a syringe.
  • Drapanki.

This painting technique has been used since ancient times. On dyed and chilled eggs, a layer of paint is scraped off with a knife or other sharp object, thus creating the desired pattern.

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