
Cool stickers for eggs. Is it forbidden to stick stickers on Easter eggs? Why is it forbidden

If you do not like to draw, have forgotten what it is like to hold a brush in your hands, and even more so do not want to deal with wax, which is necessary for complex techniques of painting eggs (pysanky) - do not despair. After all, there are many other easier, but no less beautiful ways.

1. Painting with stickers

To create such a funny painting - stick stickers different shapes on unpainted eggs and dip them into the paint. After the eggs are painted, let them dry and carefully remove the stickers.

2. Wide elastic bands

Do you want to decorate modern look? Wrap the eggs with thick rubber bands and dip them in bright colors. After you remove the elastic bands, the eggs will remain graphic stripes (the color of the stripes depends on natural color eggs).

3. Application of flowers

Color the eggs in bright colors and glue small plain flowers on them.

4. Spot decor

Get some pencils with rubber bands on the end. Dip the pencil into the paint and make dots with it. The gum can be rinsed with water before changing the paint, or you can use each pencil for a separate color.

5. Toothpick instead of a brush

Choose 2 colors to decorate each egg. Draw the middle of the flower with one color, and the petals with the other. Paint on with a toothpick (tilting it slightly towards the egg to make strokes)

6. Confetti

If you have leftover Christmas confetti, use it to decorate your eggs! Flowers, stripes, circles - all these patterns can be reproduced using small circles.

7. Thin elastic bands

Wrap the eggs with thin rubber bands (so that the circles run parallel to each other). First place the eggs in one of the colors (eg yellow). Next, use 4 rubber bands - and place in a new color (purple), after that add 4 more rubber bands again dip the eggs in the main color (blue). Thus, there will be thin rings on the egg different colors(in our case it is blue egg with yellow and purple stripes).

8. Sequins

If you have glitter and love all things glitter, this easy recipe is for you. Dilute the glue with water, completely dip the egg in this mixture, then roll it in sparkles. You can use both plain sequins for one egg, and multi-colored ones. We don’t recommend eating such eggs (the sparkles will get on the squirrels), but you can safely decorate the interior with them.

You can also cover with glue only the part of the egg on which the sparkles should be glued. Apply patterns with a brush with glue, and then run in sparkles.

9. Thermal stickers

This method has been ranked first among housewives for several years. Thermal stickers are beautiful and very easy to decorate eggs with. True, it is very problematic to remove the shell from such an egg, so it is better to use it as a decoration. Buy special stickers (they are sold in any supermarket before Easter), place the egg inside the sticker, dip the egg in boiling water for a few seconds - and the sticker will glue the egg tightly.

10.Paper stickers

Cut out flowers and other designs from paper and glue them onto the egg.

11. Stickers made of plastic, braid, sequins and beads

Take whatever is left of your creativity and create!

And a few more creative examples:

In recent years, preparing for the Easter holiday, many housewives buy and wrap Easter eggs with various stickers. It looks very nice and it takes much less time to make such an egg.

If you are a believer, then better eggs paint the old fashioned way or use stickers with different beautiful patterns. But the priests urge not to use stickers with icons, since the icon on the egg will have to be torn off and then thrown away, and this is a desecration of the Christian shrine.

It has become fashionable to stick stickers on eggs, thermal stickers are sold not only in stores, but also in churches. I think that there is nothing terrible if there is an image from a biblical theme on a painted egg. There is no sin and no blasphemy. Discard after use, chopping with scissors if in doubt.

If there is even a slight doubt, then it is better not to use such stickers, buy stickers with colors and patterns.

They say you can't stick Easter stickers on eggs? Why?

In fact, these are stereotypes and thermal stickers do not carry artistic value or other sacred meaning for an ordinary person. They cover Easter eggs in order to decorate the table, and if it is not cut, then it will be impossible to remove without tearing.

This method is easy to use and inexpensive. They make labels at the factory and all the pictures on them are artistic painting.

If you are a believer, then after removing them, wrap everything in a bag. You can pre-grind everything if you have doubts about this.

Another thing is if an icon painter painted the egg, then the shells would have to be buried with a prayer or burned.

Indeed, such questions about stickers did not arise before, because people dyed eggs, which were later called krashenka, or painted them artistically, which were called pysanky. In Ukraine and Belarus, such names are still in use. Then there were various stickers that are considered thermal.

If the question is not about the harmfulness of the sticker itself, but about the use of pictures with the faces of saints, with temples, or with some biblical stories, then the church does not prohibit this either. The only thing is that these stickers should not be thrown into the trash, like the shell. It is enough to collect all this in a bag, take it to a clean place on the street and burn it with a prayer.

Therefore, what they say - you can’t use stickers is nothing more than a speculation invented by people. Allegedly, after the shells and stickers are thrown into the trash, and there the saints are depicted. Believe in it, glue abstract pictures, there are many different options.

Decorating eggs for Easter is one of our family's favorite activities. Previously, the process was reduced to the following procedure: for several months we collected onion peel, at Easter we threw it into the water, laid eggs and boiled it. It turned out colored eggs of such a golden brown color.

We did not buy special paint, as our family considered it harmful.

But I always wanted to not just make the eggs plain, but somehow decorate them so that there were patterns.

And how wonderful that thermal labels were invented for decoration.

There are many drawings on such labels: churches, faces of saints, children's motifs. I really like labels for various paintings: Gzhel, Khokhloma and other folk motifs.

The set contains seven eggs.

The label must be cut before sticking.

The decorating process is as follows:

Bring water to a boil in a bowl

Putting a label on an egg

We put the egg on a spoon or in a ladle (who has adapted as it is),

Drop the egg into boiling water

label under the influence hot water shrinks and wraps tightly around the egg

There is little secret. In order for the label to lie flat, you need to put it on the egg not evenly, but a little obliquely, so that the top is pushed a little higher and the bottom is a little lower. Having got used to it, you can achieve a more or less even sticker.

It turns out beauty. Full impression that the eggs are painted.

But there is a significant drawback in these stickers. When you peel the eggs, it is very difficult to get rid of it. It is difficult to tear, sometimes you even have to use a knife.

I can't say how much these labels will cost now, but in the past they were very cheap: from 1 to 2 hryvnias for one set of seven stickers.

In general, despite the shortcomings, it is very convenient way to quickly and easily decorate eggs for Easter.

There is another sticker with which you can decorate the eggs very beautifully, in this case these are stickers from the manufacturer Alt, about which we are talking in this review.

Not so long ago, we discovered this modern, fast and very convenient way to decorate Easter eggs. Of course, there are nuances, but we will talk about them directly in the recipe.

Ingredients for decorating Easter eggs with thermal labels:

thermal labels

hot water

Application of thermal labels on eggs:

Shrink labels are sold here in such sets. When buying them, pay attention that they are not crumpled, because they are very sensitive to heat and quickly lose their shape. If the labels "led" their use will be very difficult. Also pick up eggs so that thermal labels fit on them. Judging by the assortment in our city, the right eggs you can choose among the 1st category. The second one will be too small.

Boil eggs. You can apply a thermal label on already dyed eggs, but if the eggs were dyed food coloring, keep in mind, when lowered into water, the dye will begin to dissolve and it will be possible to apply the label only to eggs of the same color. Put the thermal label on the egg as shown above. Dip the egg into boiling water, literally after 20-30 seconds, sometimes the label will tightly fit a little longer boiled egg. Dry the egg in the label and that's it. Beautiful Easter eggs are ready.

Comparison of methods for decorating Easter eggs:

Like everything classical, very familiar to the eye. At the same time, thanks to natural products, you can not worry about the safety of these eggs. Coloring onion peel very durable and doesn't smudge. If you take such an egg in your hands, they will remain clean. If you put an egg in water, the water will not stain. These eggs can be additionally, without any reservations, decorated with thermal labels. I prefer this way of coloring eggs, especially since there are children in the family.

Of course, beautiful and bright. But I try not to use this method, because it is not known what these dyes are made of and how safe they are for health. Moreover, if you pick up such an egg, it is very painted and dirty. So, inevitably, some part of the dye is used inside. A thermal label can be applied to such an egg, but the paint will be partially washed off and may become uneven. Although such eggs are fun to decorate, I would not give them to children.

The above is what I think is safe. harmful substances from this label does not enter food. This is a very beautiful and varied egg decoration. But you will have to clean such eggs either with scissors or a knife. Thermal labels are strong enough. Despite this small minus, we love decorating eggs in this way. After all, the process itself is interesting and enjoyable. Bon appetit!!!
