
Dried boletus. How to dry mushrooms at home correctly

What a pleasure to wander through the morning forest among young birches in search of strong boletus mushrooms! If you're lucky, you can pick up a full basket by lunchtime, and to make soup you need only 5-6 pieces, no more. And how to save a mushroom crop?

Preparing mushrooms for processing

Mushrooms are a very valuable and healthy product, rich in protein and trace elements. Dishes from them are an integral part of the national Russian cuisine, they can be found in almost all cuisines of the world. Since this is a perishable product, people have long invented many ways to store it.

For storage and harvesting of boletus, they can be processed in the following ways:

  • Dry;
  • Freeze;
  • Marinate.

The main rule when processing any mushrooms is that processing should be done immediately, as they brought home. If you postpone this activity even until the morning of the next day, you can lose the entire “catch”.

First of all, boletus must be cleaned of adhering leaves, grass, carefully scrape off the remnants of the earth from the legs. Wormy mushrooms should not be processed. If you store the boletus in dried form, in this case you do not need to wash them with water. If you are going to freeze or pickle them, then they need to be washed with cold water and slightly dried, spread out on a kitchen towel.

How to dry boletus at home

Mushrooms are dried in an oven or an electric dryer, this can be done by stringing pieces on threads. When using the oven, prepared strong boletus boletus is laid out on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Small representatives are placed whole, and large ones are cut into pieces about 4-5 cm in size. You need to dry the mushrooms in the oven with the door open, on low heat. The temperature in the oven should be around 50°C.

You can not put a baking sheet with blanks in a hot oven, you must not allow the mushrooms to boil. Drying time in the oven depends on the size of the pieces. The larger they are, the more time it takes. Determining readiness is very simple: they are dried to a solid state, after which they are folded into paper or linen bags and put away for storage. If you are using an electric dryer, please read the instructions carefully and follow the instructions.

Another good way to prepare dried boletus is to make garlands of them on strings and hang them in a sunny place. Threads choose ordinary bobbin, thick. The thread is cut to the desired length, threaded into a sewing needle, and at the end of the thread, instead of a knot, a match is tied in the middle - this will be a limiting barrier so that the pieces do not slip off. Each prepared piece is carefully pierced with a needle and advanced along the thread, forming a "garland". Dry the mushrooms on threads until they become hard. Usually it takes from two weeks to 1 month, depending on the weather.

To make dried boletus mushrooms fragrant and tasty, you can not overdry them. Therefore, when cutting them into pieces, you need to try to make them the same size. When dried mushrooms in the oven, you need to remove the dried pieces in time.

Storage of frozen mushrooms

Not only dried, but also frozen boletus preserves all useful and nutritious elements. Mushrooms can be frozen only after the primary heat treatment: boiling, roasting. This is due to the fact that mushrooms, like a sponge, collect toxic substances and harmful trace elements from the environment, and you can get rid of them only with the help of high temperature. You can boil them either until half cooked, for this it is necessary that they boil for 10-15 minutes, or until fully cooked, in which case you need to cook the boletus for at least 40 minutes.

The choice of pretreatment depends on how you plan to cook the thawed product.

If boletus mushrooms go to soup or any other complex dish, it is better to choose pre-boiled mushrooms. If you plan to just overcook them with onions, then you can use pre-fried mushrooms. Preparing fried mushrooms for freezing is very simple: you need to fry them until cooked in vegetable or butter.

Not everyone knows what boletus trees look like. Maybe you've only seen pictures...

But residents of those areas where birches grow, boletus is collected in sufficient quantities. And these mushrooms are not only pickled or salted, but also dried.

After all, dried boletus mushrooms are no worse than the same white mushrooms. Unless they darken when dried. But dishes from dried boletus are very tasty and fragrant! Especially if you soak dry mushrooms in milk before cooking. Then their original taste returns to them.

But this is still far away, since first the boletus must be collected and dried. And the quality of dried mushrooms will depend on the correct consistent actions.

How to prepare boletus for drying

Mushrooms that are going to be dried should not be washed. This also applies to boletus. After all, the spongy layer of mushrooms instantly absorbs water, which will not allow the mushrooms to dry out.

Therefore, when picking a mushroom, you should immediately inspect it for any damage. You can not harvest those mushrooms that have already been eaten by worms. After all, worms successfully crawl from one mushroom to another. And if you leave such a mushroom in a basket, then the rest of the mushrooms may soon be wormy.

Then the mushroom is cleaned of blades of grass and other debris adhering to the hat. This is easy to do with a dry or slightly damp cotton cloth.

With the leg, the situation is different. The lower part of the leg, stained with earth, is cut off with a knife. The leg itself is quite wet, so it is not always possible to clean it with a regular napkin. Therefore, adhering dirt is completely cleaned with a knife. You can even remove the top layer.

How to dry boletus in the sun

If the weather is hot, cloudless, and there is not even a hint of rain, mushrooms can be dried right on the street. To do this, build stands or flooring with a slatted bottom.

Mushrooms are sorted by size. Small mushrooms are dried whole. In large mushrooms, the caps are separated from the legs. The caps are cut into two to four parts, and the legs are cut lengthwise in half or across into several pieces.

Mushrooms are laid out on slatted flooring. They are also strung on skewers and placed horizontally or vertically so that there is space between them. Mushrooms need to be constantly turned over for uniform drying. Drying takes several days.

You can also string mushrooms on a strong thread or fishing line and hang them on the sunny side, where the breeze will blow them. So that the mushrooms do not touch each other, they are placed freely or sheets of paper are laid between them, also strung on a fishing line.

But still it is better to finish drying in the oven or oven after that.

How to dry boletus in the oven

In order for the mushrooms to dry out and not rot, the temperature in the oven (in the oven) should not be lower than 50 °, but not higher than 70 °, since in the latter case the mushrooms will simply burn out and will have an unpleasant taste.

But if the boletus in the sun can be dried whole, then for drying in the oven they need to be cut.

Mushrooms are cut into thin slices lengthwise so that each slice has a piece of stem and cap. This method of slicing mushrooms is called mushroom noodles. Mushrooms cut in this way dry much faster, and therefore the raw material is of better quality.

The chopped mushrooms are laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and placed in an oven heated to 50 °. The oven door must be kept ajar so that the condensate from the evaporation of moisture from the mushrooms can evaporate somewhere.

Drying mushrooms is alternated with periods of cooling and airing, when the baking sheet is removed from the oven for several minutes.

When the mushrooms stop emitting moisture and wither, the temperature in the oven is raised to 70 ° and drying is continued. At the end of the process, the temperature is again lowered to the original one, and the mushrooms are brought to the desired state.

Chopped mushrooms can be laid out not on baking sheets, but strung on skewers, and those, in turn, laid out on wire racks. A baking sheet is placed under the grates to drain moisture. Otherwise, the principle of drying is similar to drying on baking sheets.

Since the mushrooms do not dry out evenly, ready-made mushrooms must be removed from the baking sheet in time so that they do not burn.

Dried mushrooms do not emit moisture, do not break with a bang, but only bend. They should not crumble under the fingers.

How to dry boletus in dryers

It is convenient to dry boletus in a dryer or electric dryer.

Sliced ​​mushrooms are laid out freely on sieves and placed in a dryer. Since the mushrooms dry unevenly in the dryers, the sieves are periodically interchanged, moving from bottom to top and vice versa. The temperature in the dryer is maintained around 60°.

The same principle of drying in the electric dryer. But in this unit, the process is much more efficient, since it is equipped with a ventilation function that prevents the mushrooms from steaming. To dry the mushrooms faster, you do not need to fill the electric dryer to capacity.

How to store dry boletus

Dried mushrooms are stored in cloth bags in a dry, ventilated area. If there is high humidity in the room, then the mushrooms can become moldy. In this case, mushrooms are best stored in glass jars with a screw cap.

Mushroom powder can be prepared from dry boletus. To do this, it is enough to grind dry mushrooms in a coffee grinder and pour them into a glass jar or bottle with a lid (cork).

To improve the taste and color, it is recommended to add one or two parts of powder from dry porcini mushrooms to dark mushroom powder from boletus.

The shelf life of dry boletus with proper storage is several years.

Drying mushrooms in the oven is the best way to preserve harvested mushrooms! The preparation allows you to cook soup and roast at any time of the year, regardless of the season. And what a stunning aroma of dried forest mushrooms! White and boletus will go into action, but boletus, chanterelles, honey mushrooms are also suitable for drying. Shall we prepare? I'll tell you how to dry mushrooms at home in a gas and electric oven.


    800 grams


To begin with, clean the mushrooms from litter and leaves. However, washing them is not recommended. So, use a knife and a soft cloth. Scrape and wipe. I use microfiber, very comfortable.

Now cut the caps into slices. Not too thin, but not thick either.

Place the pieces tightly, in the process of drying they will decrease in size quite significantly.

Porcini mushrooms can also be dried with legs, I think they are very good. And they look great, they do not darken, unlike boletus.

At what temperature to dry mushrooms:

Preheat the oven in advance, and then set the temperature to 60-70 ° C. The door should be opened. So excess moisture will evaporate, and air will circulate freely. If you have an electric oven with convection (fan), then by all means turn on this mode. The convection mode intensively blows out the moisture formed from the mushrooms from the ajar oven and the drying process will go faster.

How to store dried mushrooms:

These ready-made gifts of nature should be stored in gauze or canvas bags, hanging them in a cool, not damp room, without being next to products that have strong odors. These blanks will delight you in the winter season, and in the summer, before the start of the harvest season, sometimes you want to.

Drying mushrooms compares favorably with other types of their harvesting in its simplicity, availability and ease of storage of the final product: 10 kg of fresh mushrooms turn into one, thanks to which they take up little space on the shelves in the cabinets of city kitchens. In terms of nutritional properties, dried mushrooms are superior to salted and pickled ones. Drying only enhances their flavor, which is why soups and main dishes from dried mushrooms are tastier and richer than from fresh ones. In addition, they are easier to digest and digest without causing heaviness in the stomach, as happens from dishes of fried and canned mushrooms; they can be safely eaten without the risk of getting botulism.

Being a perishable product, fresh mushrooms require immediate processing. If the so-called quiet hunting was successful and a lot of mushrooms were collected, drying in this case will greatly help out the hostess. When the weather is hot, sunny, dry and living conditions allow, it is convenient to dry the mushrooms on the street, strung on threads. In bad weather or lack of space, one of the most reliable ways is to dry mushrooms in ovens on gas and electric stoves. Those of them that are equipped with thermostats and convection mode, built-in fans, will greatly simplify the process and speed up the time, ensuring high quality drying.

What mushrooms can be dried in the oven?
All tubular mushrooms are suitable for drying, but the best of them are porcini (boletuses). Boletus, boletus, boletus and other tubular mushrooms (whose hats look like a sponge from below) darken when dried, which is why they are less suitable for making broths, but can be used for other dishes. Lamellar mushrooms (with the exception of mushrooms) are not subject to drying at all. Marsupials (morels, stitches and truffles) can be dried.

Each type of mushroom should be dried separately from the others.

Processing mushrooms before drying
Only young, fresh, strong specimens without damage and wormholes are selected for drying.

Do not wash mushrooms intended for drying! Excess moisture complicates the process itself and contributes to the rapid deterioration of mushrooms during storage. Dirt, needles and leaves adhering to the mushrooms are removed only mechanically, wiping the mushrooms with a soft cloth or scraping off the debris with a knife. Wherein:

  • in porcini mushrooms, the roots are completely or partially cut off, leaving no more than half of the stem; the cut parts are dried separately;
  • in boletus and boletus, they do not cut anything, but cut the whole mushroom vertically in half or into four parts;
  • in morels and lines, only the lower part of the leg is cut off;
  • truffles cut into slices;
  • small mushrooms are dried whole;
  • large legs and caps are cut into several parts: slices of 3-4 cm or plates from 4 to 5 mm thick.
For uniform drying, large and small mushrooms are dried separately from each other.

How to place mushrooms in the drying oven?
There are several different ways to optimally place them. Mushrooms can:

  • lay in rows at some distance from each other with hats down on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper or foil;
  • spread out on a wire rack or grid with large cells so that they can be used instead of baking sheets; there can be several lattices and grids at once;
  • strung on long wooden knitting needles or on short splinter and spread them, as on skewers, across the oven on the ribs of its side walls or put them by sticking the splinter into a container with sand;
  • strung on a harsh thread stretched in several rows on a frame with nails (along the perimeter of the oven);
  • put on metal pins or wooden knitting needles, driven in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 6–10 cm from each other into metal shields or wooden boards.
Any of these options is suitable for drying in the oven, the main thing is that it ensures the isolation of the mushrooms from each other and free access of air from all sides to each of them, especially at the first stage of drying, while the mushrooms are still fresh. In a suspended state, the mushrooms dry out evenly and retain their best qualities.

The first stage of drying mushrooms - drying
Mushrooms laid in one of the above ways are placed in an oven heated to 40-50 ° C for drying. At higher temperatures, droplets of secreted protein form on them. This will make drying difficult and degrade the quality of the final product; such mushrooms darken, lose their aroma and taste, and may become completely unsuitable for food.

The convection mode, if any, should be turned on immediately. It will provide a 100% successful result by blowing the moisture evaporating from the mushrooms out. But in any case, with or without a fan, the oven door must be kept open throughout the entire drying process to ensure continuous air circulation inside the oven. In a closed oven, the mushrooms will rot and bake rather than dry.

The main stage of drying mushrooms in the oven
As soon as the surface of the mushrooms dries up and stops sticking to your hands, the temperature in the oven is increased to 60-75 ° C. But no more! Otherwise, the color, taste and aroma of mushrooms will suffer.

The exact drying time cannot be determined immediately. Even specimens carefully selected in size and thickness will dry out at different speeds. Therefore, from time to time, the mushrooms should be checked by touch, turned over and removed dry, leaving the unready for drying.

In old stoves with primitive gas ovens, the process with periodic airing, heating and cooling can take two days, but it will allow you to keep the beautiful color of the mushroom pulp and insure the product from burning and overdrying.

Mushrooms can be strung on threads and dried first in the sun, and then dried in the oven. Or vice versa - first dry in the oven, and then dry in the sun.

If necessary, mushrooms from the oven can also be dried in the air indoors.

How to determine the readiness of dried mushrooms?
The readiness of mushrooms is determined by touch and by breaking. Properly dried, they should be light, easy to bend, break, but not crumble.

How to store dried mushrooms in the oven?
Ready dried mushrooms are completely cooled and only then laid out in containers, metal or glass jars. Storage containers should be perfectly dry, with tight-fitting lids. It should not get moisture from the air. Only in this case, the mushrooms will be stored for a long time, without losing their taste and aroma.

If the room in which the mushrooms will be located is sufficiently dry and well ventilated, you can string them on a thread, wrap them with clean gauze and hang them. In this state, dried mushrooms can be stored for more than one year; however, over time, they will still begin to lose their taste.

If during storage the mushrooms suddenly become wet for some reason, they should be immediately sorted out and dried.

Drying mushrooms is one of the best harvesting methods. It increases their shelf life and endows them with special properties that are revealed when cooking. Soups, salads and main dishes are more aromatic and tastier from dried mushrooms.

This method of harvesting allows you to save all the valuable and nutrients and it is preferable in terms of health. The dried product is easier for the stomach to digest and does not cause botulism. And no less important - dry mushrooms take up little space.

General rules for drying mushrooms

Drying mushrooms at home begins with the analysis of prey brought from a quiet hunt. Not all types can be dried. Tubular and marsupial representatives - boletus, boletus, boletus, boletus, mossiness mushrooms, morels and can be dried. But the lamellar ones - milk mushrooms, waves and greenfinches, are usually soaked before cooking, which means they cannot be dried.

Some edible mushrooms without processing can cause severe poisoning, such as milk mushrooms. Soaking them removes bitterness, which is dangerous to health.

Drying of mushrooms is carried out immediately after harvest. They are not washed - remember this. But dirt, debris, sand are swept away with a clean cloth. Wiping the leg and cap of the mushroom, it can be slightly wetted with water. Cut large specimens into several pieces, and dry small and medium ones whole.

How to dry porcini mushrooms at home

Mushrooms at home can be laid out on a tray, a piece of cloth or a dry board. The only condition is that they need to be stirred. In 3-4 days, a maximum of a week, they will be ready.

The process will take at least 2 days, during which they must be removed from the cabinet for mixing, airing and cooling. So you keep the beautiful color of the white mushroom pulp without overdrying the product and preventing possible burning.

How to dry mushrooms in an electric dryer

The previous method is not without drawbacks. In the warm season, heating an apartment with an ajar oven for two days is not entirely comfortable for its residents. And not everyone has ovens that can maintain a low temperature.

On sale you can find devices that can make life easier for avid mushroom pickers. They do not heat the air, consume a minimum of electricity and allow you to dry the ingredients without human intervention.

All you need to do is spread thinly sliced ​​chanterelles, boletus or mushrooms on trays, close the lid and set the desired time or program. After 6-8 hours the product will be ready.

How to dry mushrooms in the microwave

If you do not have an electric dryer, a microwave will help out, since this device is in every home today. After spreading the mushrooms cut into plates on a glass tray, close the door and turn the toggle switch for 20 minutes, setting the power to 100-180 watts. Drain the released liquid, cool the mushrooms, leaving the appliance door open. Drying mushrooms in the microwave requires repeating the cycle several times. The number of repetitions will depend on the variety of mushrooms, the size and thickness of the pieces.
