
Curd yogurt. Dessert from yogurt and cottage cheese - recipe

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An elegant cottage cheese and yoghurt cake with strawberries combines a delicate cake base, a “weightless” light layer and a large amount of gelled berries that retain their characteristic taste, aroma and freshness. An unsteady, cool dessert without icing, thick cream and other confectionery additives is very useful on summer days - it refreshes, tones and allows you to successfully use the seasonal harvest.

If desired, the biscuit cake can be replaced with a base of shortbread cookies and butter according to the principle of preparation, and purchased or home-made soaked in syrup is also suitable here. Strawberries are completely replaced by another seasonal berry, and in winter, canned fruits will come in handy.


For the crust:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • starch - 10 g;
  • baking powder dough - ½ teaspoon;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

For impregnation:

  • water - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons.

For curd and yogurt layer:

  • cottage cheese (preferably from 9%) - 450 g;
  • drinking natural yogurt (without additives) - 200 g;
  • cream from 33% - 150 g;
  • powdered sugar - 130 g (or to taste);
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • gelatin powder - 25 g;
  • strawberries - 200 g

For registration:

  • strawberry cake jelly - 1-2 bags;
  • strawberries - 300-400 g.

How to make a yoghurt curd cake

  1. In different clean and perfectly dry bowls, distribute the egg whites and yolks. Beat the protein mass, gradually pouring half the amount of sugar. We achieve stable peaks - we work with a mixer until the mass gets stronger. Properly whipped squirrels should hold firmly in place when turning the bowl, and not slide along the walls.
  2. Next, beat the yolk mixture with vanilla sugar and the rest of the usual. We work with a mixer for at least 5 minutes - the mass should noticeably brighten, “grow up” and thicken.
  3. Add the yolks to the bowl with the proteins in small parts, mixing from the bottom up with light wrapping movements.
  4. After mixing flour, baking powder and starch, sift in 3 passes to the “airy” egg mass. Each time, gently fold in the flour composition from the bottom up. It is important not to upset the lush dough!
  5. For convenience, lay the bottom of a detachable form (in this example, 22 cm in diameter) with parchment paper. We spread the dough and level the surface. Preheating the oven, bake a biscuit cake at a temperature of 180 degrees. Hold for 15-20 minutes (until a dry match).
  6. We cool the finished biscuit base. We pass along the walls with a knife, and then remove the cake. We wash and wipe dry the detachable board, place it on a plate, lining the walls with parchment. We lower the cake into the container and pour it with impregnation - a mixture of sugar and boiling water, cooled to room temperature.

    Cottage cheese and yogurt cake - assembly

  7. We combine cottage cheese with sweet powder and vanilla sugar. Grind with an immersion blender.
  8. Pour in natural unsweetened yogurt and work again with a submersible nozzle until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  9. Gelatin pour 100 ml of cold drinking water. Leave to swell.
  10. Separately, beat the chilled cream until thick.
  11. Add the creamy mass to the curd-yogurt mixture and mix. We heat the swollen gelatin until the powder dissolves (do not boil!). Allow the gelatin solution to cool slightly, and then pour in a thin stream with continuous stirring to the curd-yogurt cream.
  12. Strawberries (200 g), washed, dried and removed the stalks, cut into arbitrary pieces. Mix with cream.
  13. Pour the curd mixture onto the biscuit, level it and put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified.
  14. To decorate the dessert, choose strawberries of approximately the same size. Cut into thin slices and spread in a circle on a frozen curd-yogurt layer.
  15. First, fill the strawberries with a small amount of jelly and put them in the refrigerator - this is necessary to fix the berries.
  16. When the thin layer "grabs", pour the remaining jelly on top and send the dessert back to the refrigerator shelf - we wait for the final layer to solidify.
  17. Next, unfasten and remove the board, carefully remove the paper.
  18. Enjoy the delicate taste of cottage cheese and yogurt cake with strawberries!

Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese and yogurt the diet is a very simple, pleasant, accessible to all weight loss system. Such a low-cost way to get rid of excess weight in a relatively short period of time is especially suitable for those who do not have enough time to prepare any dietary meals.

Duration cottage cheese and yogurt diets is only seven days, in this short period of time you Lose 4-5 kilos with ease excess weight. For many people who want to lose weight, this result is quite acceptable, and for those who decide to continue to "slim", such a system will become a good preparatory step before starting a more serious shake-up for the body in the future.

Cottage cheese and yogurt the diet belongs to the category of low-calorie diets with the use of a large amount of foods containing protein. Thanks to this diet, this diet is quite easily tolerated and does not cause various inconveniences.

Main ingredients cottage cheese and yogurt diets are only two very useful products - this fat-free cottage cheese and diet yogurt. With the purchase of fresh low-fat cottage cheese, there are usually no problems, because in supermarkets and any stores it is very easy to find industrially low-fat cottage cheese or cottage cheese with a reduced percentage of fat content. But with the acquisition diet yogurt you need to tinker in order to choose exactly the option that will best meet all the requirements cottage cheese and yogurt diets. He is by no means should not contain starchy inclusions, Sahara, sweeteners and others preservatives. by the most the best option for such is homemade yogurt, that is, the one that you prepared only at home. For its proper preparation, natural sourdough without added sugar is required. It is allowed to use a small amount of finely chopped fresh low-calorie fruits to give the drink the desired taste and color.

Among the main advantages cottage cheese and yogurt diet, it should be noted that weight loss is a must, and at the same time throughout the diet you will not have bouts of unpleasant discomfort in gastrointestinal a path, any infringements in a state of health.

Besides great content in the diet calcium and protein improve state bone And muscle tissue, teeth, nails And skin. Yogurt, prepared by you yourself at home, will help to bring all functions back to normal gastrointestinal apparatus, normalization and restoration of the biocenosis of the large intestine. Daily diet cottage cheese and yogurt diets enough simple and definitely should please those people who do not want to see themselves at the stove all day, preparing another masterpiece of a dietary dish.

Unlike many other popular diets, cottage cheese and yogurt the diet is an economically viable diet, because its diet does not include expensive products that can even empty the family budget well enough even in seven days.

Before introducing you to a simple menu diet cottage cheese and yogurt diets it should be noted that the preparation of one dish for each main meal is reduced to an easy and easy procedure of mixing yogurt with the required amount of cottage cheese. This mixing should be done in a wide container with high sides, in which, using a mixer or a simple fork the two main ingredients must be mixed to a homogeneous mass. Drinking regime cottage cheese and yogurt also not difficult, you can use unsweetened tea or natural coffee, table mineral water that does not contain gas, any herbal infusions without the addition of natural honey. However, strict taboo superimposed for all juices.

Sample daily diet menu cottage cheese and yogurt diets

First breakfast:

  • 125 grams of natural yogurt and two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • one cup of natural coffee without sugar.


  • 125 grams of natural yogurt and two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese.


  • 125 grams of natural yogurt and three tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a decoction of herbs mint, lemon balm, currant leaves with the addition of one teaspoon of natural honey.

Afternoon snack:

  • 125 grams of natural yogurt and three tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese.


  • 125 grams of natural yogurt and six tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • one cup of unsweetened green tea with a few drops of lemon juice.

We are all accustomed to bananas as fruits that quickly satisfy hunger. And how often do we cook any dishes from them? But from this fruit you can cook excellent desserts. For example, cottage cheese and banana complement each other perfectly.

What can be prepared by combining these two products? There is a proven recipe - bananas with cottage cheese and yogurt. Now we will try to follow it and see what happens in the end.

We stock up on ingredients: four halves of a lemon, one hundred grams of yogurt and cottage cheese, two tablespoons of honey and an egg.

Now we start cooking bananas with cottage cheese and yogurt. We peel the fruit, cut it lengthwise into two parts, put it in a greased form, squeeze lemon juice on them. Mix cottage cheese, yogurt, honey and egg. Be sure to achieve a homogeneous mass. Pour the mixture over the bananas and put in the oven for about ten to fifteen minutes. As you can see, the recipe is very simple, it cooks quickly, but how delicious it is!

In addition to such a dessert as bananas with cottage cheese and yogurt, you can cook another wonderful dish. What will be required? Four bananas, half a kilo of an egg, half a lemon, 3 tablespoons of semolina, vanilla sugar (15 g), 0.5 cups of regular sugar, breadcrumbs.

We cut the bananas randomly and put them in a greased form. Pour lemon juice over bananas, lightly sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Mix cottage cheese with egg, vanilla sugar, ordinary sand, semolina and baking powder until smooth. Pour the mixture over bananas, lightly sprinkle with crackers and cocoa powder on top. We put in the oven and hold until golden brown appetizing crust (approximately 25 minutes).

Bananas with cottage cheese and yogurt - this, of course, is wonderful! But for children, we will prepare another dish - cottage cheese and banana soufflé. Let's take products for two servings, namely: a ripe banana, a package (200 g), two tables. spoons of sugar, egg, lemon juice, a spoonful of semolina, a pinch of salt.

Grind the banana in a blender until smooth, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it. We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve (it is possible in a blender), add the banana mass and semolina to it, mix well. Beat the egg with salt and sugar in a thick foam so that the volume doubles. Gently combine the egg mass with the curd. In pre-prepared (oiled and sprinkled with breading molds) spread the mixture. We put in the oven (180 ° C) for twenty minutes. The soufflé is ready. Serve with any sweet sauce.

And finally, we will prepare a simple cottage cheese casserole. This will require a simple set of products and a little effort. Ingredients: two bananas, half a kilogram of cottage cheese, 0.5 cups of cream, 60 g of flour and sand, 20 g of butter, three eggs. Now the recipe: mix banana, cottage cheese properly, after cutting the fruit into cubes, and combine the cottage cheese with flour and eggs, whipped with sand and cream. Lubricate the prepared form with butter, pour the curd-banana mass into it. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, keep for about 30-40 minutes until a golden crust forms.

My daughter categorically refuses to eat purchased cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir. She grimaces and turns her face away))) And I decided to try to cook all this at home, because the benefits of sour milk are undeniable. Cottage cheese and yogurt for children helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, intestinal motility, remove cholesterol and saturate the baby's body with calcium. It is very useful to give the baby with constipation and dysbacteriosis. Here, for the prevention of this condition, it is worth preparing yogurt at home, or homemade kefir for children on sourdough. They have a probiotic effect, that is, in addition to the usual lactic acid bacteria, they contain probiotics - live microorganisms (mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli).

And recently, to implement my idea, I purchased a yogurt maker. I took an inexpensive one, for only 1100, for 4 cups, because the shelf life of ready-made yogurt for adults is 7 days, and for children up to a year 1-2 days. Therefore, I don’t need a big one, I will cook only for children.

I am satisfied with the purchase! Yogurt is very tasty. And most importantly, my daughter eats it on both cheeks.

Making homemade yogurt .

The first thing to consider is which milk to use. I use baby ultrapasteurized. The second point is how we will ferment our milk. I tried children’s yoghurts as a starter (by the way, it’s very difficult to find them without additives and with a minimally fresh date), and children’s kefir, and biolact from Tyoma, and Vivo bifivit starter. With kefir, neither I nor my daughter liked it. And the taste and smell are sour. But with the rest of the starter cultures, it turns out delicious and has a pleasant smell - creamy vanilla.

homemade yogurt recipe :

I take milk out of the refrigerator in advance, use Tyoma's 500 ml baby milk to make it at room temperature. And if I use children's yogurt or biolact as a starter, then I also get them. Do not pour a cold product into the yourt maker, only at room temperature!

If I use pharmacy starter, then I take out 1 bottle from the package. While I take vivo bifidum, because it can be used by very young children, unlike narine and evitalia. There are 4 bottles in the package, it costs 286 rubles. I order from an online pharmacy.

I sterilize jars of yogurt maker and a tablespoon in a double boiler in advance for 10 minutes. You can also sterilize in a microwave oven, after pouring water into jars, also 5-10 minutes.

Pour in 500 ml of milk. into a bowl in which you will mix our ingredients, after dousing it with boiling water. And we introduce leaven. If it is yogurt or biolact, then pour half a pack, it's about 100 ml. If this is a pharmacy sourdough, then we take a bottle, pour a little milk into it, somewhere up to 2/3, close the lid, and shake it thoroughly until completely dissolved. We add the dissolved starter culture to the milk, and mix everything thoroughly. Now it remains to pour everything into jars.

Well, the final stage. We put our jars in the yogurt maker, cover it with a lid, and turn it on. We mark the time from 8 to 12 hours. It depends on the starter. I turn on 8.

After the specified time, we take out our jars from the yogurt maker, close them with lids, which were also previously doused with boiling water. And put in the refrigerator for two hours, you can set the date of manufacture on the lids. We put in the refrigerator to stop the growth of bacteria. Well, our homemade yogurt is ready. It does get pretty thick. If you get liquid homemade yogurt, then you didn’t keep it in the yogurt maker, and if the separated whey is a little visible, then you overexposed it.

Before you give a jar to a child, just take it out of the refrigerator and put it in a little warm water for about five minutes, but not hot. It is better if the water cools down, change it back to warm.

So, as you can see with 500 ml. milk makes 4 jars of homemade yogurt. Now, about the shelf life of yogurt. For children up to a year, you can give it for two days. Children from one year old can be given up to three days. I give Yulia 2 days from 80-100 ml., I use the remaining 2 jars for making homemade cottage cheese.

Cooking healthy homemade cottage cheese.

I must say right away that very tasty cottage cheese is obtained from only cooked yogurt.

1. The cooking process will be in a water bath. We take two pans of such a size that one enters the other without touching the bottom. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour our yogurt into the smaller one (from those remaining 2 jars).

2. We make a water bath. In a large pot of boiling water, place the pot of yogurt on medium heat.

3. After a few minutes, you will see how the serum begins to depart. With gentle movements from the walls of the pan, as if stirring, move a little to the middle so that the heating occurs evenly, but do not make circular movements, do not interfere. We are waiting for our milk mixture to warm up to 60 degrees. In terms of time, this is about 10 minutes. You can first check the temperature with a thermometer, I don’t do this, I already see when I can shoot. You can, of course, still heat it up, but at a higher temperature we will kill our beneficial bacteria, and we have another goal - to preserve them. As soon as it has warmed up to this temperature, remove both pans from the heat. We do not disassemble the water bath, but leave it in this state for 30-40 minutes.

4. Now remove the top pan. Pour water from the bottom and pour cold. Again we put the pan, in which there is still liquid cottage cheese, only now in a cold bath. We are waiting for 20 minutes.

5. Pour all the contents from the upper pan into a strainer, leave the whey to drain. You can also pour it into gauze, but this is not necessary, I always use a strainer for convenience and the whey is very clean without an admixture of cottage cheese (pre-dip the strainer with boiling water).

I painted everything for a very long time, but again, your participation in preparing the cottage cheese for the baby takes only almost 10 minutes, while the water bath is heated.

From two jars of homemade yogurt of 150 ml. I get 90 gr. cottage cheese.

We eat it for an afternoon snack, I give 40 grams, from 9 months. I’ll start giving 50. Our pediatrician said that it’s not recommended for a baby to give more than 50 grams until a year old. I add fruit puree to it.

Well, actually a photo of a happy Yulia, eating homemade yogurt.
