
The benefits and harms of cheese: is it worth eating? How to choose the right cheese healthy with proper nutrition.

Different types of cheese fit well into weight loss diets. If you correctly use this natural product, then there will be no harm to health. On the contrary, it will be possible to get a lot of nutrients. But in this matter, not everything is so simple, and therefore there is still debate about whether it is possible to eat cheese while losing weight, which varieties are better and how to use it correctly. This article reveals the main aspects of safe nutrition with a fermented milk product. And at the end of the text, an interesting cheese diet is proposed. Learn to eat right and lose weight.

Cheese for weight loss

Does cheese help you lose weight?

It is safe to say that proper nutrition of cheese contributes to weight loss, and does not interfere with the process of fat burning. The product contains a set of amino acids - methionine, lysine and tryptophan.

Cheese is part of a healthy diet, athletes do not disdain it. The product supports the process of losing weight, nourishes with nutrients, but all this works if you eat right in general, monitor the calorie content of the diet and do not overeat. The beneficial properties of cheese are fully manifested in the diet, so diet experts approve of it.

What kind of cheese is good?

Hard cheeses are much healthier than cottage cheese. Pay attention to the fat content of the product. It is this indicator that is decisive in the diet. Cheese varieties with a fat content of 9 to 17% are suitable for successful nutrition and weight loss. But don't limit yourself to this. It is also acceptable to consume cheese with a fat content of 18-25% in small portions. Here is a source of high-quality protein that is appropriate in dietary nutrition.

High-calorie hard and soft varieties have too much fat and are best avoided. But not all high-calorie cheeses should be avoided. For example, Parmesan and Cheddar have a huge percentage of protein and nourish the muscles, and Camembert can be used for lactose deficiency.

cheese is a natural protein product that is good for health

Cheese varieties

Adyghe cheese

Delicious low-calorie dairy product Adyghe cheese includes B vitamins, sodium. It contains the essential amino acid tryptophan and calcium. The product contains beneficial enzymes to improve intestinal microflora.

Calcium strengthens bones. The product is prepared on the basis of Bulgarian sticks and cow's milk. Soft cheese suitable for salads and sandwiches, ideal for soups, casseroles and cheesecakes. The product will not interfere with the diet if it is used wisely, without overeating.

processed cheese

Despite the fact that processed cheese contains a lot of calories, it is still worthy of attention, as it is filled with fat-soluble vitamins. For example, these are E, A, D. There is also PUFA in the product. Processed cheese contains high quality casein protein. The assimilation of the product is problem-free, since it contains only 2% lactose.

There are no carbohydrates in processed cheese. The product is quite neutral, does not leave an aftertaste, and is stored for a long time. On a diet, you can eat a small amount of sweet, pasty, sausage and chunky processed cheese.

Mozzarella cheese

The popular Italian variety of Mozzarella cheese is widely used in cooking, but is rarely found in Russian diets. And more in Europe. Eat this product instead of kefir or low-fat cottage cheese in order to make your menu more interesting.

This variety can definitely be called dietary, it has a lot of vitamins. Eat mozzarella along with herbs, pistachios, tomatoes, olives. In this cheese, calories are mainly represented by proteins. Mozzarella is not full, it is well absorbed.

sausage cheese

In a minimum amount, you can eat sausage cheese on a diet. Although some experts urge to abandon it due to its high calorie content. There are few vitamins in sausage cheese. Perhaps this is not the best option for losing weight, but if you really want to, you can eat a little without getting carried away.

Sausage cheese is produced from recycled materials, namely from substandard rennet raw materials. At best, this variety is produced in a smoking chamber, where the sausages are kept for several hours.

Ricotta cheese

Diet curd cheese ricotta is much better than many dairy products due to its low fat content. It contains healthy fats and a range of vitamins that are important for health. Ricotta cheese helps to recover quickly after exercise, suitable for nutrition of athletes.

The product is recommended to everyone who adheres to a healthy lifestyle. Ricotta is an excellent source of whey protein. Unsalted cheese is appropriate for obesity, disorders of the digestive tract, it can be added to casseroles, soups, mousses.

Chees Feta

Semi-hard feta cheese came to us from Greece. The traditional basis of the product is a mixture of goat and sheep milk. Feta is usually made according to an old recipe in the form of a single piece of 1.5 kg in weight. There is cheese, where sheep's milk predominates, salted cow's milk cheese, as well as a modern modification according to a new recipe.

The product is put in the famous Greek salad, it is an integral component. Powerful source of calcium and phosphorus. Low calorie content allows you to freely use cheese in different diets and not harm the figure. Eat feta cheese when losing weight and for cleansing on fasting days.

Sulguni cheese

The taste of Georgian pickled cheese is wonderful, it contains a huge range of vitamins and minerals. The product is consumed fresh, fried, smoked and baked. It is suitable for cilantro, basil, sesame.

Put suluguni in a salad of fresh vegetables and get a wonderful light dish. The natural product is used in healthy and medicinal nutrition. Suluguni strengthens blood vessels and bones, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, smoothes the skin, provides a feeling of satiety - all this is most welcome for losing weight.

Cheese Tofu

Tofu is a fermented milk product made from soy milk, it can be soft, hard. Soft is closer to cottage cheese, and hard is cheese. Tofu can be actively used in home cooking, as part of various dishes and everywhere it will harmoniously complement the taste.

Cheese can be smoked, fried, pickled, seasoned with a salad. Tofu helps to lose weight, contains amino acids, calcium and iron. It is a powerful source of vegetable protein. Some say that this type of cheese is a complete meat substitute.

Cheese calories

  • ricotta - 11 g of protein, up to 24% fat and 172 kcal;
  • sausage - 23 g of protein, up to 20% fat and 300 kcal;
  • Adyghe - 19 g of protein, 14% fat and 240 kcal;
  • suluguni - 20 g of protein, 45% fat and up to 290 kcal;
  • cheese - 20 g of protein, 20% fat and up to 260 kcal;
  • brie - 21 g of protein, 23% fat and 291 kcal;
  • tofu - 8 g of protein, 5% fat and up to 90 kcal;
  • feta - 17 g of protein, 24% fat and up to 290 kcal;
  • mozzarella - 28 g of protein, up to 24% fat and up to 280 kcal.

When is the best time to eat cheese on a diet?

Cheese for breakfast

A healthy breakfast will be more harmonious if you add 2 pieces of cheese to it. A delicious protein product consumed in the morning will bring many benefits. It is worth eating cheese often, even during a diet, as it provides many vitamins, nourishes minerals, creates a rich supply of energy for productive work or enhanced training.

Until 10 am, cheese is useful, as it is quickly absorbed. It is acceptable, but not so useful to eat it at lunch. An ideal option without risk to beauty and health is the use of cheese in the morning. Luckily, there are many food options.

Cheese for the night

It is advisable to give up cheese in the afternoon (or minimize it). Eating cheese at night is unhealthy, as it has a milk base, which can harm the digestive tract. Moreover, at any time of the day, except in the morning, the correct assimilation of the product is a big question.

Some varieties of cheese are high in calories, it is undesirable to eat them in the evenings so as not to gain excess weight. In short, don't eat cheese at night, whether you're on a diet or not. There is no need to risk your health and figure, it is better to be patient and put the cheese aside for the morning or lunch of the next day.

moderate consumption of cheese on a diet helps to lose weight and reduce hunger

Diet recipes with cheese



  • cheese - 10 g (Edam variety is suitable);
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • a mixture of peppers, herbs and salt - any amount, to your taste.

Separate the whites and yolks, grate the cheese finely, chop the greens. Beat the protein in any way, salt, grease the form with oil, pour and level the protein. In the protein, you need to make 3 holes, into which carefully pour the yolk. Sprinkle the dish with grated cheese, put butter on top.

Heat the oven to 150 degrees, place the omelette in it. The hardening of the yolk is a signal of readiness. Cooking time can be varied as you wish. You will get a nutritious and tasty diet dish that is perfect for breakfast.



  • Russian cheese - 100 g;
  • a set of fresh vegetables - 300 g (you can include onions, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, etc. in this set);
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs;
  • water - 1 l;
  • seasoning and herbs - for every taste.

Boil water, cut all the vegetables into cubes and cook until tender. Next, pour grated cheese, herbs and eggs into the soup. You can choose the cooking time yourself.

Incredibly light and low-calorie soup with cheese is ready. There are approximately 31 kcal in 100 g of soup.

Chicken breast


  • cheese - 40 g (choose your favorite variety);
  • skinless chicken breasts - 2 pcs;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • to prepare pesto sauce - 30 g of hard cheese, as much basil, pepper, salt, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tbsp. l olive oil.

Process all the products for the sauce in a blender to get a homogeneous mass, add a little oil. The finished sauce is stored tightly closed in the refrigerator. To prepare the main dish, cut the breast. Each of them can be divided into 4 long fragments.

We spread the meat on the foil, pour seasoning and salt. Soak the meat with sauce, each piece should take a large spoon. Heat the oven to 180 degrees, place the chicken in it, bake for 15 minutes. After all, lay the circles of tomatoes on the meat, sprinkle with cheese, bake for another 5 minutes in the oven. Melting cheese is a signal to complete the cooking process.



  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs;
  • eggplant - 3 pcs;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt, parsley, cilantro and dill.

Cut the washed and peeled eggplant into 1 cm slices. Fry the eggplant on both sides. Cut the tomatoes and peppers into strips, chop the greens.

We lay all the products in layers, pour a little salt on each of them. Below eggplant, then garlic, cheese, peppers, tomatoes, then herbs. Eat cold salad.

Cheese diet for 3 days

Don't forget to drink plenty of water. Also good diet drinks are unsweetened tea and coffee. Eat up to 300 grams of cheese per day, no more. Hard cheeses are best. Some suggest eating cheese up to 17% fat, but it is difficult to find it on sale.

Try to include creamy, Russian, sour cream, Dutch cheeses and their analogues in your weight loss diet. Low-calorie varieties are good - mozzarella, cheese, ricotta. Note that there are diets that involve a combination of cheese and wine. It is believed that these two products have a good effect on the body.

In total, the cheese diet has up to 6 meals, at least 5. It is useful to drink water 15 minutes before meals. In the best case, thanks to this diet, 3 kg of excess weight will go away. To speed up your metabolism, you need to drink between meals.

It is advisable to choose purified water. Proper drinking speeds up fat burning. You don't have to suffer from hunger. If you really want to eat, then it is not forbidden to use light yogurt or drink a portion of biokefir. The menu can be anything based on healthy products, without overeating. Below is a sample diet for 3 days.

Day 1

There are 5 meals in total:

  • breakfast - 2 baked apples (it's good to bake apples with nuts and honey in the oven);
  • lunch - green tea, cheese (30 g);
  • lunch - the same as breakfast;
  • afternoon snack - low-fat hard cheese (20 g);
  • dinner - tea, 2 baked apples.

Day 2

The power scheme is as follows:

  • breakfast - 2 fresh apples;
  • lunch - green tea, mozzarella (100 g);
  • lunch - cabbage salad with olive oil;
  • afternoon snack - rosehip broth, 2 eggs, low-calorie cheese (50 g);
  • dinner - 2 baked apples.

Day 3

The final menu looks like this:

  • breakfast - green tea, low-fat hard cheese (50 g);
  • lunch - 2 apples;
  • lunch - tea and unsalted salad with lettuce, peppers, cucumbers;
  • afternoon snack - ricotta (50 g);
  • dinner - mineral water and an apple.

If you eat very little carbohydrates, then you should not engage in intense sports, it is better to choose walking and yoga. You should not sit on a cheese diet for a long time, severely restrict yourself in nutrition, otherwise you can harm your body. Wrong practice of diets leads to malfunctions in the brain and metabolism.

Cheese is a favorite product of many. Thanks to the abundance of species, you can feel the taste of each and choose your favorite. Often in the evening in front of the TV you want something tasty and not harmful. And the first question that arises is, is it possible to eat cheese at night?

Can you eat cheese at night?

Almost everyone knows about the benefits of cheese: high% protein, calcium, K, phosphorus, etc. It is well absorbed by the body, it is allowed to eat during the period of weight loss in the morning. What about the evening reception? Despite the rich composition, the cheese is quite high-calorie and, after all, heavy for the stomach. And as we know at night, the intestines should rest ... But, nutritionists respond favorably to the use of low-fat cheese in the evening. Only no more than 40g. So, if you are an avid cheese lover, and you have no strength to endure until the morning, you can treat yourself. On average, the calorie content of cheese per 100g = from 250 to 400, depending on the variety. An interesting fact: cheese protein is much better absorbed by the body than fresh milk.

What kind of cheese can you eat at night?

If you are on a healthy diet or diet, then the choice of cheese must be approached carefully. And do not eat too fatty and carbohydrate varieties at night. The most optimal in the ratio of% fat, carbohydrates and calories: Cheese, Ricotta, Adyghe, Mozzarella, Tofu, Camembert, Feta, etc.

  • Brynza 260 kcal (contains a sufficient% of protein and little fat)
  • Adyghe 240 kcal
  • Tofu 100kcal (high % vegetable protein, Ca, iron; used for weight loss; no cholesterol)
  • Ricotta 174 kcal (healthy effect on the liver, strengthens the immune system)
  • Mozzarella 180-350 kcal (depending on the type; contains vitamins and macronutrients needed by the body)
  • processed cheese 225 kcal (contains all the necessary components: magnesium, phosphorus, K, etc.).

There are certain foods that we don't eat very often. But this is by no means because they are tasteless or very expensive. We just prefer a piece of meat or a nutritious salad. And many important and very useful products are relegated to the background. Agree, not everyone likes dairy products. Is that some of the products, as an additional ingredient to any dish.

After all, what is borscht without sour cream, syrniki without cottage cheese or pancakes without butter? But in vain, because all of these listed products are separately very edible and, importantly, very useful.

Cheese is a fermented milk product of natural origin. Dietary cheese at home is made by natural settling of sour milk. This is if cheese is obtained in the most ordinary rural way, in factories all this is done much faster and using other technologies. But you must admit that it is natural cheese that is the most useful, but in the factory one you can throw anything.

It’s good if a grandmother in the village periodically supplies you with this delicious product. It is also not bad when you buy natural cottage cheese from an aunt who has been proven over the years. But the purchase of cheese must be taken seriously. Is it possible to eat cheese while losing weight? If the cheese is really natural, it is rich in many useful substances.

First of all, it is proteins. All organs of the human body need them. If you decide to follow a diet, then the cheese will be just right. With a diet, you can eat cheese instead of meat and fish, which previously saturated the body with proteins and other necessary substances.

Even with weight loss, you can eat cheese, as it contains vitamins, amino acids. Thanks to these components, the human body has no problems with the circulatory system, the liver function normalizes and the nervous system returns to normal. But the most important components of cheese are phosphorus and calcium. They have a beneficial effect on the young body, promote the growth of the skeletal system, teeth, hair, nails, and also strengthen them at an older age.

Therefore, cheese is highly recommended for children and the elderly to forget about bone problems. Cheese is a "lifesaver" not only for diets, but also in the postoperative period. In general, doctors recommend eating cheese at least three times a week.

Knowing how much useful cheese gives our body and health, you need to be able to choose it correctly. Indeed, in the modern world, everyone, without exception, can deceive each other.

Many manufacturers write on labels: suluguni cheese for weight loss or cheese with mold for weight loss, when, with a real look at things, it is clear that this is just curd mass. And the difference, believe me, is very significant and, above all, it lies in the composition of these products.

So, let's try to figure out how to check the quality of cheese. Great option when you buy cheese at the market. However, again, there are both pluses and minuses. The good thing is that there is a high probability of acquiring real natural cheese on the market. But market sanitary conditions are by no means encouraging. Here you have open air, and the personal hygiene of the seller, and the cleanliness of the counter, and the quality of the container in which the products are stored - all these factors directly affect your future purchase.

What matters to us is quality. Buying cheese in the market, you can always try it. And this is very good. After all, then you can feel and test a lot. First of all, inspect the visual characteristics. Cheese should be soft.

A large amount of liquid indicates poor quality, do not buy such a product. Another visual characteristic is color. Natural white cheese may have a slightly creamy hue. If yellow spots are present, you can be sure that the product is not fresh. If there are dryish yellow accumulations along the edges, then the reason for their presence is the same.

Cheese with a pink tint is already a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. The next component is the smell. It should be slightly sour, because it is a product of fermented milk origin. If there are extraneous odors, then you should not buy this cheese.

Taste qualities will help to best determine the freshness and naturalness of the product. The bitter taste should alert in the first place. This means that such cheese was subjected to improper processing. Too sour taste also indicates a violation of the cooking process. These procedures can be done with cheese if you buy it from the market. But what about the store. Here, you can’t dig into the product itself.

When buying cheese in a store, you can’t touch, smell or examine it properly. You have to trust the manufacturer. But it does not always produce a quality product. Adds palm or coconut oil, as well as other natural ingredients. All this can be read on the packaging. Usually the composition of the product is indicated there and you will definitely know about the presence of artificial ingredients. But you can check a few more additional characteristics:

  1. The first is shelf life. For real cheese, it should not exceed seven days. If it is several weeks, then this is definitely NOT cheese, but curd paste or a mass made from artificial fillers.
  2. You can also see the consistency through the packaging. It should be smooth, without unnecessary unnatural pieces.
  3. Excess liquid is also a bad characteristic.

If the cheese has passed the tests for all these parameters and you have purchased it, then you can already subject it at home to several procedures that will accurately determine the naturalness of the product. And if the cheese in the store passed all the tests with a bang, then the check at home can dramatically change this result. Then next time you will definitely buy a product from another manufacturer.

You need to eat cheese, because it is very useful and necessary for human health. But it is worth remembering that it is also impossible to store it in the refrigerator for a long time. It is better to eat the purchase within three days. If it so happened that the cheese stood a little longer, but it is still usable, then it is better to make any confectionery product from it.

Today, for almost every person, cheese is an integral part of the diet. Cheese is a great snack for every day. But it is worth asking the question, is it good for the body? As it turned out, opinions on this matter differ. Some believe that cheese is simply necessary for a person, others believe that this product does more harm than good for the body.

Studies have shown that cheese is an excellent source of trace elements and beneficial vitamins. Others revealed to us the truth that the product is too high-calorie and fatty, and it should not be eaten. So today we will deal with this issue. And dispel all speculation about cheese.

Cheese dream: useful properties

We will start with the health benefits of cheese. And find out if it is useful for the body at all? The main component of all cheeses is protein. As you know, our body needs protein to form new cells. Protein in cheese acquires soluble properties. And thanks to this, it is almost completely absorbed in the body. We can assume that without a trace. There is even more protein in cheese than in meat itself.

Cheese contains phosphorus and calcium. You need to eat only 70 g of cheese per day in order for an adult to receive a daily intake of calcium. The product boasts a high content of vitamins A and B, and it also contains amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan) that a person needs. Cheese is essential in the diet. Be sure to eat it for children, pregnant and lactating women, seedlings. The dairy product well supports the body during a bone fracture.

In addition, cheese is an indispensable source of milk fat. Ask why they are needed? Dairy fats help the digestive system and have a beneficial effect on the body's metabolism. Most of these substances are found in fatty cheeses. They are more delicate in taste.

If you eat a couple of pieces of cheese a couple of hours before bedtime, this will provide you with a sound and healthy sleep. Therefore, you can make yourself a daily snack before bedtime: a couple of pieces of cheese and a glass of kefir.

Cheese is made from milk. Therefore, conclude that it contains all those useful trace elements that are in milk, but only in a concentrated form. 1 liter of milk contains as much vitamin as 100 g of cheese.

Negative sides of cheese

We have already understood that the cheese product is useful. But the world is not divided into black and white. Therefore, even cheese has two sides. It is useful, but on the other hand, it also has its “harmful” sides. So let's look at these options.

Now they sell a lot of sharp and salty varieties of cheese. They negatively affect your stomach. Therefore, it is worth abandoning such a product. This is especially true for people who suffer from stomach ulcers and gastritis. It is not recommended to eat salty and spicy cheese for hypertension.

In addition, cheese is a product of rough processing. And with the constant consumption of such a food product, kidney stones may appear. That doesn't mean you can't eat cheese anymore. Of course not! You need to eat cheese. You just need to limit yourself to some varieties. Eliminate spicy yellow varieties and give preference to curd cheeses.

The healthiest cheese

How many cheeses are on the shelves in the supermarket, just your eyes run wide. And which one is healthy and tasty? Hard question! But we will try to answer anyway. Often near the shelves with cheese we feel “lost”, because you can miscalculate and buy too salty or spicy cheese. Each variety boasts different beneficial properties. Let's get started.

  • Suluguni. One of the most popular cheeses. It is usually prepared from pasteurized cow, goat and even buffalo milk. It improves a person's appetite and stimulates the intestines, thereby having a beneficial effect on metabolism. If it is prepared correctly, then it is very useful for a person.
  • Adyghe cheese. This type of cheese must be made from sheep's milk. The cheese is pre-ripened in brine when it is exposed to bacteria - the bulgarian stick. This cheese is very fatty, but contains all the useful vitamins for the body. If a person has lactose intolerance, then this cheese should be discarded. It is stored only a month after production. So be careful not to buy an expired product.
  • Curd cheeses. This is the safest type of cheese for the body. It can be consumed daily. It does not create discomfort to the body and saturates it with calcium. It can be used during diets and included in baby food.
  • Cheese with mold. Cheeses such as Brie and Dor Blue boast their bactericidal properties. They are very helpful for digestion. Brie cheese is matured with penicillin mushrooms in special cellars. And after a long maturation, a white fluffy mold appears on the surface of the cheese. But for the manufacture of Dor Blue, mushroom blue mold is used. Mold improves bowel function and helps in the synthesis of vitamin B. So this cheese is definitely good for humans. Cheese is prepared on the basis of unsterilized milk, so it is not recommended for pregnant women and children. Such cheeses are quite high in calories.
  • Parmesan. Delicious Italian cheese. Not a single pasta in Italy could do without this cheese. It can be stored for 10 years with proper preparation, it has almost no cholesterol. Parmesan is healthy and everyone can eat it without exception.
  • Melted cheeses. That's where it's worth asking the question of usefulness. Looking at the packaging with processed cheese, you immediately think how much is stuffed there. If, of course, the cheese was made without chemical and food additives, then its usefulness is worth thinking about. Good processed cheese should be made from natural ingredients and contain B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium and casein.
  • Feta. Delicious cheese comes straight from Greece. It is made from sheep or goat milk. It contains a large amount of antibiotics that protect your body from food poisoning. Therefore, feta cheese is considered beneficial for the body.

Today we learned that cheese is more beneficial for the body than harmful. There are varieties of cheeses that should be avoided, but most delicious cheeses are good for the body and should be included in the daily diet. Almost all varieties have useful properties. Many of them have cholesterol, but parmesan is an exception to the rule. Now we know the answer to the question about the usefulness of cheese. In everything you need to know the measure. Eat no more than 50-70 grams of cheese per day, and this will be enough. We wish you bon appetit and culinary masterpieces with cheese!

What kind of cheese can you eat on a diet?

    In addition to tofu with a fat content of up to 5%, Lithuanian cottage cheese (grain cottage cheese) is also considered low-calorie, fat content 5 - 6%, 85 calories per 100 grams, Gaudette - fat content 7%, Chechil - fat content 5 - 10%, Ricotta - fat content up to 13 %, Feta - fat content 5 - 15%, Oltermani - up to 17% fat.

    Choose and enjoy!

    It all depends on the diet. For example, if we are talking about a calorie diet, then you should be careful, because cheese has a high calorie content. This applies to any cheese, including smooth. You can eat cheese, but each piece should be weighed on a scale so as not to overdo it. More than 30 grams at a time is better not to eat. You should not eat cheese if the diet involves the restriction of dairy products or their complete exclusion.

    But on the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova System minus 6, you can eat cheese. It can be eaten until 12 noon, that is, for breakfast. And if we are talking about a late dinner or a banquet, then you can eat a couple of slices of cheese with dry wine.

    1. Low-fat cheese - tofu-soy cheese (fat content 1.5-4%)

    Although it is made on the basis of soy milk, tofu is classified as a curd cheese, as it resembles low-fat and unsalted cheese in color and texture. According to its content, tofu is rich in high-quality proteins, so it can be successfully replaced with meat. Calcium, present in excess in this product, has an excellent effect on the bone skeleton, which makes tofu an ideal product for consumption by the elderly in order to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

    A number of nutritionists also claim its healing properties, because it has already been proven that it helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, which serves to prevent many cardiovascular diseases.

    In addition, 100 gm of tofu cheese contains only 90 calories, so it is recommended to include it in the diet menu. Many celebrities have replaced dairy products and cheeses with soy in their diets, so many diets have now been developed that involve reduced consumption of classic cheeses, while tofu is recommended for daily consumption along with plant-based foods.

    1. Low-fat cheese - grained cottage cheese (fat content 5%)

    Cottage cheese is a type of low-fat cottage cheese. It is a curd grain mixed with fresh, slightly salted cream. It can be used as an independent dish, as well as for preparing various salads (for example, vegetable salad with grain cottage cheese).

    In Russia, it is sometimes found under unofficial names granular cottage cheese and Lithuanian cottage cheese. In the USA and European countries (and not only English-speaking countries), grain cottage cheese is called cottage cheese (English village or cottage cheese). It is often referred to as homemade cheese. At first glance, cottage cheese looks like fresh cottage cheese, but its texture is much softer, one might even say creamy, and it tastes a little saltier.

    100 g of cottage cheese will provide our body with 85 calories and 17 g of protein, so it is recommended by nutritionists even with the most strict diets.

    1. Low-fat cheese - Gaudette (fat content 7%)

    Gaudette is Scherdinger's new low-fat cheese, an easy treat for those seeking a healthy lifestyle. Semi-hard Gaudette cheese contains only 7% fat (15% in dry matter). This cheese with a soft-thin, somewhat savory taste is ideal for lovers of the famous Gouda cheese.

    In addition, cheese is easily digestible and has a high calcium content. Therefore, this cheese must be present in the diet of every cheese lover.

    1. Low-fat cheese - Chechil (fat content 5-10%)

    Chechil is a fibrous pickled cheese, similar in texture to suluguni. In appearance, this cheese has nothing to do with any other. It is produced in the form of strands of fibrous structure, tied into a bundle. The taste and smell of this cheese are sour-milk, sharp, the fibrous dough is dense, the surface of the product is rough. Fat in it contains up to 10%, moisture - no more than 60%, salt - 4-8%.

    1. Low-fat cheese - Viola Polar, Grunlander, Fitness (fat content 5-10%)

    Such cheeses are just a godsend for losing weight! But you need to look for them in large stores. Read the label for details: some cheeses contain 5% yogurt, not fat!

    1. Low-fat cheese - Ricotta (fat content 13%)

    Ricotta is an invariable component of the Italian breakfast. Often it is called cheese, but this is not entirely true: after all, it is not prepared from milk, as we used to think, but from the whey remaining after the preparation of other cheeses. A slice of ricotta contains, on average, 49 calories and 4 grams of fat, half of which is saturated.

    The content of this product has the lowest amount of sodium compared to other cheese products. Due to its high nutritional value and impressive composition of vitamins and trace elements, ricotta gives a quick feeling of satiety. In addition, this variety of curd cheese is recognized as a protector of our liver, because it contains methionine, a sulfur-containing amino acid.

    1. Low-fat cheese - light cheese, feta (fat content 5-15%)

    This cheese, or rather, even feta cheese, is a traditional product of Greek cuisine. But it is eaten with pleasure in many other countries, including ours. Feta is considered a high-fat, high-cholesterol food with a calorie content of approximately 260 kcal/100 gm. But not everyone knows that the feta cheese they love is made in the light version. However, it is this variety of it that is difficult to find on supermarket shelves. And yet, the efforts you spent on the search will justify themselves in full.

    Feta Light is usually made from goat's milk and contains only 30% fat, while traditional feta uses sheep's milk and is then 60% fat.

    It is usually put in a Greek salad along with vegetables and olives, or it is used in Caprese salad, where it replaces mozzarella. If you do not consume feta in combination with high-fat foods, then it can be recommended as quite suitable for a diet.

    1. Low-fat cheese - Arla, Oltermani (fat content 16-17%)

    Such low-fat cheeses have a delicate pleasant taste of natural milk, the texture is dense, uniform, with small, evenly distributed eyes. Great for people who care about their health.
