
Methods for making mastic for cake. Work with mastic for beginners and pros

For anyone holiday table I need a cake. It is especially good when the cake is very large and beautiful. To decorate the cake, you can use mastic. You can make figurines out of it, or just cover the cake with it.

What it is?

Mastic- This is an edible substance that looks like plasticine, which allows it to be used for figurines, or for sculpting inscriptions. With it, you can create an edible decoration. It is also stored for a long time (in the refrigerator, wrapped in a film for about 3 months).

Types of mastic

Mastic can be purchased at the store, or you can make your own at home. The basis for it is marshmallows and sugar, the rest can be taken to taste.

  • honey. From this it is easy to sculpt figures. Doesn't crumble or crumble.
  • gelatin (pastilage). Gelatin allows you to make a quickly hardening mastic. Small and complex details are well obtained from this.
  • dairy. The most common. Made with condensed milk. It is most often covered with a cake.
  • marzipan. Very soft, it covers cakes or pies. Figurines are better not to do.
  • industrial. The most versatile. Suitable for everything. Of the minuses - you can not cook at home.
  • floral. Used for very fine work. Flowers are made from it.


Regardless of the type of mask, you'll need:

  1. rolling pin;
  2. board for rolling, or a clean table;
  3. ruler;
  4. colored ribbon;
  5. food film.

Below are the most common recipes.


You'll need:

  1. powdered sugar (depending on the amount of mass);
  2. 200 gr. marshmallow;
  3. 2 tablespoons of water;
  4. food colorings.

You need to add water to marshmallows, you can add lemon juice. Place the mixture in the microwave for 45 seconds. Sift and add powder to the mastic. Add powder until the mixture looks like plasticine. Don't overdo it, or you'll ruin it.

After you finish with the powder, the mastic needs to be wrapped in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes, after which it will be ready.


You'll need:

  1. 200 gr. condensed milk;
  2. 160 gr. powdered sugar;
  3. 150 gr. dry milk;
  4. a teaspoon of cognac;
  5. two teaspoons of lemon juice.

Mix powdered sugar and powdered milk. Sift the mass. During sifting, pour out the condensed milk and add lemon juice with cognac. After reaching the appearance of plasticine, wrap with cling film and hide in the freezer.

We paint and keep

First think about the color that the mastic will have. The dye should be added during the process, so you get a more even color. If you decide to dye it after cooking, you need to roll a ball out of it, make a recess in it and pour the dye into it. After stirring until a uniform color, put it in the refrigerator, wrapping it in a film.

The mastic can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three months. It is worth preparing figures from it for two weeks so that they keep their shape.

General rules for the preparation and use of mastic cake decorations

1. Powdered sugar for mastic should be very finely ground. If sugar crystals are caught in it, then when rolling, the layer will tear. Depending on the type of candy, powdered sugar may be required much more than indicated in the recipe, so she needs to stock up in advance in large quantities. If during kneading the mastic remains sticky for a long time, then you need to stir in and mix in the powder until the desired consistency is obtained.

2. Mastic coating should NEVER be applied on a wet base - on impregnated cakes, on sour cream and so on. Mastic dissolves quickly from moisture. Therefore, there must be a "buffer layer" between the mastic and the cake. It can be marzipan or a thin layer of buttercream. If used oil cream, then before applying the mastic, it is necessary that the cake stand in the refrigerator until the cream hardens.

3. For bonding different parts figures from mastic or for gluing decorations on a coating of mastic, the place of gluing should be slightly moistened with water.

4. When exposed to air for a long time, the mastic dries out. Some figurines, such as flowers, cups, spoons, plates, tables and chairs, are best made in advance and let them dry well.

5. Volumetric figures flowers, for example, should be attached to the cake shortly before serving, otherwise, if they are attached and the cake is put in the refrigerator, they begin to absorb moisture from the environment and fall off.

6. Attention! If there is a lot of humidity in the room, then the cake covered with mastic, after being removed from the refrigerator, may become covered with condensed moisture. In this case, it is desirable to serve immediately from the refrigerator to the table. If you still need time before serving, then the moisture from the mastic can be gently blotted with a napkin. Or put the cake under a fan.

7. Marshmallow figurines can be decorated on top food coloring.

8. If the mastic has cooled down and began to roll out poorly, then it can be slightly warmed up in microwave oven or in hot oven. It will become plastic again.

9. You can store unused mastic in the refrigerator (1~2 weeks) or in the freezer (1~2 months), after wrapping it in plastic film.

10. Ready dried mastic figures should be stored in a tightly closed box in a dry place. Such figures are stored for several months.

Marshmallows are Anglo-American sweets. They have nothing to do with our marshmallow, although the name "marshmallow" is often translated into Russian as "marshmallow".

Marshmallow - marshmallow sweets (soufflé).

Marshmallow paste is a pleasure to work with.

It easily takes the desired shape and does not stick to the hands, rolls well and evenly stained.

As marshmallows- perfect!

When buying sweets, their name does not have to be "Marshmallows". It is enough that the name contains a combination of "..mallows.." or "..mallow..". For example, "Chamallows", "Frutmallows", "Mallow-Mix", "Mini Mallows", "Banana Mallows", etc. In Russia, marshmallows are produced by the Nestle company - "Bon Pari, Tutti-frutti soufflé" and "Bon Pari soufflé".

Two ways to make marshmallow mastic

Method 1

  • marshmallows - 90-100g (one pack marshmallow candies)
  • lemon juice or water - ~1 tbsp. spoon
  • powdered sugar - ~ 1-1.5 cups


Marshmallows are most often not sold in one color.

The best place to buy marshmallows white color. Divide the marshmallows by color - put the white halves in one dish, and the pink halves in another. In marshmallows of the same color, add a tablespoon of lemon juice or water and heat in the microwave (10-20 seconds) or in a water bath until double in volume.

If you want to tint the mastic with food coloring, then it is better to add it after you have taken out the swollen and melted marshmallows from the microwave. At this point, you need to add the dye and mix well with a spoon.

Then, in portions, introduce the sifted icing sugar and stir the mass with a spoon or spatula. When it becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, put the mass on a table sprinkled with powdered sugar and continue to knead with your hands until the mastic stops sticking to your hands.

Wrap the resulting mastic in cling film(the film should fit snugly on all sides of the mastic so that air does not get inside the bag) and put in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Remove the finished mastic from the refrigerator, put it on a table sprinkled with starch and roll it thinly.

From the finished mastic, you can prepare various figures, flowers, leaves, or cover the cake with a thinly rolled mastic sheet.

Method 2

  • marshmallow - 100 g
  • butter- 1 tbsp
  • powdered sugar - 200-300 g (you may need more or less powder)
  • food colorings


Put the marshmallows in a mold, add oil, put in the microwave for 15-20 seconds.

The marshmallow should increase in volume.

Add 50-100 g of powdered sugar, mix.

If you will make colored figures, divide the resulting mass and add food coloring.

Add powdered sugar until you get a mass similar in consistency to plasticine.

The mask is ready. It can be rolled out, cut out various figures.

Finished products are dried during the day.

Finished products should not be stored in the refrigerator.

If you still have unused mastic, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

If the cake is covered with cream, then decorate it with mastic products before serving.

Chocolate mastic recipe that always turns out!

I tried many times to make ordinary mastic and all sorts of "things" from it. Yes, it worked, but.....
I don’t know, maybe my hands are not from there ... but I really didn’t like the process itself, because everything around is in powdered sugar, for the time being it sticks to my hands, and finished mastic and all sorts of roses freeze like a stone, and there is no taste.

But after all, I want to create all kinds of beauty, so that it’s simple and tasty and beautiful !!

And I found what I was looking for! Now I advise you!

Doing it is a pleasure. No dirt.
It is perfectly sculpted and takes the desired shape, and at the same time it is also very tasty (I ate a little myself while doing it)
I made these roses yesterday - now they are in my refrigerator, and even so they have not completely hardened, that is, they have not become hard stone, and if they are adapted for a cake, they will be eaten in the best possible way.

Try it too!!! You will not regret!!!

  • Dark chocolate- 100 g
  • Marshmallow (color does not matter) - 90 g
  • Cream (30%) - 40 ml
  • Butter - 1/2-1 tbsp. l.
  • Cognac - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar - 90-120 g
Recipe "Chocolate mastic and roses from it (it always turns out)"

Remove from fire.
While constantly stirring with a spoon, gradually add the sifted powdered sugar.
When the mass turns out to be too thick and elastic and it will no longer be convenient to interfere with a spoon, do it with your hands.

Pour powdered sugar until the mass feels like a warm, tight, elastic dough.
It does not stick to hands at all - on the contrary, hands remain clean, but greasy.

Roll the dough into a ball and line with parchment paper.

The mask is ready.
It turns out barely warm, very soft and tender.

You can store it tightly closed in the refrigerator, and before following usage warm up slightly in the micro.

That's all!!!
Roses are ready!

For those who do not like the recipe for marshmallow mastic, I can advise a very simple recipe for milk mastic

We take a glass of powdered sugar, a glass of powdered milk and a can of condensed milk. All ingredients are kneaded to a state close to soft plasticine. As the simplest dye, you can use cocoa powder, depending on its amount, you can get a more or less rich chocolate shade.

See the production of a trial rose from milk mastic from Vivien

I decided to try the mastic recipe from the magazine, I liked it, so to speak, by the "usefulness" or safety of the components for children -) Soon my son has a birthday, I would like something beautiful, and for some reason I thought about mastic, but didn't know how to cook it. The Internet is full of marshmallow recipes, but somehow I don’t appetize looking at it ...
The middle is thick, and the edges are ragged, it could be corrected. But, I was in a hurry, I wanted to see what it is like in practice -)))

And finally, take a look...

sugar mastic is an invention of the 17th century, which was first used as a candy, and only at the end of the 19th century, it became an element of decoration confectionery(see photo). Currently, mastic is often used in conjunction with other types of jewelry.

The texture of the material is very elastic, well molded and takes the desired shape. Its main task is to provide a smooth base on the cake for subsequent decoration. Also, with the help of sugar mastic, you can create a decoration for the cake, or various edible figures.

Sugar paste is best material for decorating desserts. It is ideal for covering cakes and edible figurines, as well as other delicious decorations.

Types of mastic

There are many types of mastic, which differ in composition and appearance:

Gelatin mastic, or as it is also called pastilage, is prepared on the basis of gelatin, it hardens well and quickly, and also becomes hard and elastic. This type perfect for making flowers, and especially delicate details.

Mastic with the addition of honey is usually used due to the fact that after hardening it begins to stretch, and not crumble.

Marzipan mastic is one of the most soft species. With it, you can both cover the entire cake and sculpt figures.

Condensed milk mastic is used to cover the entire cake, or to sculpt large, round figures.

Starch putty, often used for fine sculpting, is ideal for making floral decorations.

Marshmallow mastic is used when sculpting small figures and details.

Industrial mastic is considered universal, but you can’t cook it with your own hands.

How to cook with your own hands at home?

Making confectionery mastic with your own hands at home is not such a difficult task, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. This section proposes to consider cooking options various kinds this material for delicious modeling.

Option 1 - sugar mastic.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 g of powdered milk;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 275 g of condensed milk;
  • 2.5 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 2.5 tsp cognac.

First you need to sift the powdered sugar. Then sprinkle milk powder on the table and mix it with powdered sugar. Add condensed milk to the resulting mixture.

You need to knead the dough very carefully, and only after it is mixed add lemon juice. Knead all ingredients for 15 minutes. The result should be a viscous mixture that is easy to work with.

Ready sugar mastic is wrapped in cling film. Food coloring can be added as needed.

Option 2 - gelatinous mastic.


  • 2.5 g gelatin;
  • 15 g of water;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 3 drops of lemon juice.

Pour gelatin with water and insist for 25-30 minutes to swell. Then we take the swollen gelatin, and send it to steam bath, where it needs to be stirred lightly until the crystals disappear. But at the same time, you can’t bring the mass to a boil! After the gelatin is completely dissolved, gradually pour the powdered sugar into it and stir, first with a spoon, and after a while you can use your hands.

Option 3 - honey mastic.


  • 1.5 st. l. honey;
  • 5 g gelatin;
  • 1.5 st. l. butter;
  • 260 g of powdered sugar;
  • 7 art. l. water.

Pour gelatin with water and leave for 45 minutes. Next, the resulting mass is sent to the stove for small fire. When the gelatin dissolves, add butter and honey, mix the whole mass. Then you need to remove the mixture from the stove and give it some time to cool. Add the icing sugar to the cooled mixture in small portions and mix. Knead the paste like dough. Sprinkle a mixing board with powdered sugar. Work with the dough until you get an elastic mass.

Option 4 - marzipan mastic.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 180 g of powdered sugar;
  • 300 g ground almonds;
  • 5 drops of vanilla essence;
  • 1.5 tsp lemon juice.

First, you need to beat the eggs, and gradually add powdered sugar to them. The mixture, which turned out to be sent to the steam bath, and boil, stirring occasionally, until the consistency of the cream.

After that, remove the mass from steam bath, and add to it, almonds, vanilla essence, and lemon juice, mix all the ingredients thoroughly. This mastic is plastic only when warm, so it needs to be used quickly.

Option 5 - mastic from condensed milk.


  • 160 g of condensed milk;
  • 1 st. powdered sugar;
  • 1.5 tsp lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. dry milk.

First you need to mix milk powder with powdered sugar, in a deep plate. Then add condensed milk to this mixture, and mix all the ingredients with a spoon. Sprinkle the place where the mastic will be kneaded with powdered sugar. We put the mastic on the powdered sugar, and knead like a dough, until it stops being sticky.

Option 6 - mastic marshmallow.


  • powdered sugar (how much mastic will absorb);
  • 250 g of chewing marshmallow;
  • 2.5 tbsp water.

First, marshmallows are placed in a deep bowl, water is added there. This composition is sent to the microwave for 50 seconds. The mastic prepared according to this option will be elastic and tender. After the marshmallow has melted, add powdered sugar to the mixture, which had to be sifted in advance.

Powdered sugar should be poured until the mixture looks like plasticine. The prepared mastic must be packed with cling film, and sent to freeze for half an hour. After 30 minutes, you can safely work with her.

Storage of sugar mastic

Before sending the sugar mastic for storage, it must be well wrapped with a film and put in a tightly closed container. If desired, you can not send this plastic material to the refrigerator. It is enough to protect it from the ingress of moisture and air so that it does not lose marketable condition. Sugar mastic can be stored for up to three months.

Material secrets

Making mastic and working with it requires a lot of patience and perseverance, but there are secrets that can be used to facilitate this laborious process.

  1. To prevent the mastic from tearing during kneading, powdered sugar of the finest grinding is used.
  2. The cake, which will be covered with mastic, must be dry, otherwise the delicious decor element will dissolve when it gets on it.
  3. To cover with mastic wet cake, it is better to pre-put a layer of cold oil cream on it.
  4. In order for the decor to stick on the cake with mastic, the place of their contact is slightly moistened with water. To connect the parts together, use egg white.
  5. When the mastic is in the air for a long time, it dries out, so work with it should not be delayed.
  6. Decor elements large size it is better to prepare in advance, and let them dry well, then they will not go limp on the cake.
  7. It is better to attach large-sized figures to a confectionery product immediately before serving, otherwise, if they are attached immediately and sent to a cold place, the figures will absorb all the moisture and be spoiled.
  8. Cooked figures can be decorated with food coloring, which is best diluted with alcohol or vodka.
  9. If suddenly the mastic has cooled down quickly and is poorly kneaded, it must be heated up using a microwave oven (just a couple of seconds), or in the oven. Then it will again become elastic and elastic.
  10. Ready mastic is best stored in the refrigerator for two weeks, or frozen for about two months.
  11. At the end of the preparation of a delicious decor, you can take it with cling film and move it onto the cake, film up, of course. Thus, smoothing the mastic on the cake should be done with cling film. While you work with it, it does not freeze, and as a result, there will be no cracks on the coating.
  12. In order for the mastic to lie on the cake in an even layer, it is better to cover it with marzipan beforehand.
  13. In order to give the decor a glossy shine, it needs to be lightly greased with vodka.

Working with mastic is not difficult at all, and even very interesting. The main thing is to know some secrets, and the features that were given above. Then, as a result, you will not have problems working with any kind of mastic, and your confectionery products will turn out to be real culinary masterpieces.

Homemade cake is the most delicious dessert and many housewives know how to cook it.

All stages of its preparation, subject to compliance with the recipe and the use of fresh and quality products are not particularly difficult.

Moreover, modern Appliances greatly facilitates work and reduces the time spent in the kitchen, which is a great advantage in comparison with those near times when, in order to obtain lush cream or a biscuit, it was necessary to rotate the whisk by hand until exhaustion.

The cost of homemade desserts is an additional argument in favor of their preparation with my own hands.

But the question of decoration homemade cake many people feel insecure, at least. Are different ways solutions to this problem: the cake is simply not decorated, or ready-made confectionery products are used - chocolate medallions, pieces of marmalade, nuts or raisins in chocolate or glaze. Of course, this is the way out. But such a way out does not satisfy those for whom pastry art- a favorite hobby in which there is a desire to constantly improve their skills.

Decorations from sugar mastic for cakes at home were invented in the middle of the last century, when there were no electric mixers and "smart" ovens with timers and thermometers, but the need to create beauty in everything already existed. Therefore, the methods for creating jewelry were thought out simple and quite feasible. One of these methods is sugar mastic for a cake. At home, this decoration option does not present any difficulty at all. To overcome the far-fetched fear - “I definitely won’t be able to do that” - it’s enough to remember how in childhood each of us sculpted figures from plasticine. Then, after all, there was no fear? So everything will work out.

Can be bought at specialized stores ready-made sugar paste for the cake. At home, cooking it is also not difficult.

Sugar mastic for a cake at home - basic technological principles

To begin with, let's look at the question of what mastic is, and what result you need to get in order to easily create decorations of any complexity from sugar mastic for a cake at home.

As already mentioned, in consistency it should be similar to plasticine: flexible, with a connected structure, without lumps. Sugar mastic for a cake at home should not harden immediately. This condition is feasible when using the appropriate components for binding.

Such properties are inherent even in ordinary wheat flour dough: after all, the dough also dries out, retaining a certain shape, if left in the air. If wheat flour brew, then it turns into a sticky mass. But this ingredient is not quite suitable for taste properties for sugar paste. Therefore, professionals as the main ingredient introduced into the composition of confectionery mastic sugar flour, that is powder. Carbohydrates make up almost 100% of the mass of sugar. They, although they have binding properties, do not have the flexibility inherent in flour due to the lack of protein, unlike flour. Flour contains approximately 70% carbohydrates, but the remaining 30% contains moisture and fat, as well as proteins that can absorb and retain moisture. That is, this small amount of proteins is enough to create the necessary plasticity. But the fats contained in the flour will significantly weight the mastic. Therefore, another component is needed, with a lighter structure. Starch does not contain fat, it has both a loose structure and binding properties, so adding it to powdered sugar creates the desired consistency of sugar mastic for a cake at home. Confectionery mastic in industrial environment created based on collagen, found in gelatin. Through the use industrial technology more paste is obtained High Quality. Gelatin does not contain fat, and high content animal protein allows you to bind crystalline sugar carbohydrates to get a plastic paste.

Sugar paste may have different density, considering its purpose. So, when adding more you can get enough water liquid consistency to cover the surface of the cake by pouring method. Making figurines, flowers, lace from sugar mastic for a cake at home requires a thick sugar dough to keep it in the right shape.

In a word, in order to quickly and easily learn how to work with mastic, you need to know it. biochemical composition And physical properties.

This will help not only to successfully cope with confectionery mastic bought in specialized stores, but also cook desired paste on one's own.

Adding acid to the mastic does more than just add flavor to the confection. Lemon juice or acid crystals diluted in water retard the drying of the mastic and allow extra time to create decoration before the mastic dries.

sugar flowers flavored different flavors with the help of additives. For this purpose it is possible to use fruit syrups, but then the amount of added water must be reduced, taking into account the moisture contained in the syrup.

Another important nuance: often in sugar mastic recipes there are ingredients such as glycerin and glucose. Please note that these components are sold only in specialized stores. Although they have a similar name to the components used in the manufacture of confectionery products, they differ somewhat in composition from glucose for injection and glycerin for external use sold in pharmacies. The quality of food colorings that help create culinary masterpieces should also be paid attention to. When buying multi-colored powders, make sure they are edible. Otherwise, it is better to use improvised natural paints contained in conventional products. Here are some examples:

Orange color can be obtained from carrot juice;

Yellow - when adding turmeric powder, Indian saffron to sugar mastic for a cake at home;

Crimson, any shades Pink colour- from beet juice;

Red color- from the juice of cranberries, pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries, cherries; If you add a little lemon juice to cherry juice, you get a blue color;

Blue color can also be obtained from juice red cabbage, blueberries, red grapes;

For getting Green colour it is necessary to squeeze the juice from spinach leaves (it has a neutral taste, without aromatic oils);

Brown color for mastic can be obtained by mixing powdered sugar with cocoa powder or adding melted dark chocolate to the mastic.

Other colors and shades can be obtained by combining the listed food colors. Remember that orange and red fruits contain a fat-soluble vitamin, β-carotene: therefore, to obtain rich color fruit juice must be extracted using a large number of vegetable or animal fat. You can get the desired color by infusing the listed products in alcohol, followed by its evaporation.

Now you can get sugar mastic for a cake at home in any color and realize your most daring and exquisite ideas registration of own culinary masterpiece. It remains only to prepare the mastic by choosing an acceptable recipe.

Recipe 1. Sugar mastic for a cake at home, milk-based

Composition of ingredients:

Fine powdered sugar 120 g

Powdered cream of any fat content 160 g

Corn starch 80 g

Condensed milk 8.5% 110 g

Glycerin (special) 50 ml

Vanilla or fruit flavor, alcohol

Citric acid 5 g

Water for acid solution 20 ml


When using powdered milk concentrates, products with any fat content can be used, as dry matter when kneading sugar mastic for a cake at home, it will not have time to transform the fats contained in it and transfer it to the dough. Fats will begin to work already when using the product, participating in the creation of taste and in the process of digestion.

Dilute citric acid in water. You can use lemon juice instead. Combine all dry ingredients of mastic. If mask is needed different colors, then dyes can be dissolved in an acidic solution by dividing it into right amount colors. In this case, it will be appropriate to replace the water for the solution citric acid, for example, beetroot juice, which will allow you to get a hot pink or crimson mastic. To achieve pale pink shades, combine beetroot juice with water to reduce the concentration of food coloring, but do not reduce the acid content, otherwise the mastic will dry out very quickly, which will prevent you from working with it when creating decorations. Be sure to sift the powder so that the mastic turns out to be very plastic and the sugar crystals do not break the structure. Add the dry mixture to the condensed milk, first stirring intensively with a silicone spatula, and then transfer the dough to a silicone surface and continue kneading with your hands. When making jewelry, take the right amount of mastic, and cover the rest with a film so that it does not weather and does not dry out. It is also better to roll out the mastic with a thin layer using silicone rolling pins of different thicknesses. If necessary, the work surface is crushed with powder. For gloss finished goods from mastic smeared with a brush dipped in syrup with the addition of glycerin.

Recipe 2. Sugar mastic for a cake at home on a gelatin basis

Composition of ingredients:

Powder 600 g

Lemon juice 30 ml

Starch, corn 50 g

Gelatin 20 g

Glycerin 1 tbsp. l.

Water 200 ml (for jelly and for dissolving gelatin)

Vanilla 2-3 g

Glucose 10 ml


Boil starch in water. When it cools to room temperature, add glycerin and glucose to the resulting jelly. Separately, dissolve the gelatin in a water bath, without bringing the heating temperature above 40ºϹ. Sift more than the amount of powdered sugar required to make the mastic, so that you can use it for baking if necessary. desired consistency, sprinkle the surface of the desktop on which you will knead the sugar dough. From the bulk of the powder, knead the dough, pouring starch jelly into it first, and then melted gelatin. Add liquid ingredients gradually, while working intensively with a silicone spatula and mixing the whole mass. Continue kneading the mastic on a table or silicone mat until the mastic acquires the desired plasticity, uniformity and at the same time stops sticking too much to your hands. Cover the finished mass with a film and leave for a while so that all the ingredients react with each other.

If you need to get mastic of different colors, then divide the finished white mastic into pieces, add the dissolved dye and continue to knead the dough until an even, uniform color is obtained. When sculpting flowers and figures, use powdered sugar to roll out layers, sprinkling sugar dough. During the modeling process, all the colors of the mastic should be covered with a film so that a dry crust does not form: take only the amount that is necessary to make a flower or figure, and immediately hide the rest under the film. Think in advance how to lay the desired flowers and figures for drying, prepare the necessary forms for them to fix the dough in the desired position.

Recipe 3. Sugar mastic for a cake at home, bulk


Milk 200 ml

Powder 800 g

Lemon juice 50 ml

Gelatin 40 g


The consistency of the finished mastic should be similar to thick sour cream. This mastic is designed to smooth the surface of the cake when complex relief patterns.

Pour powdered sugar into boiling milk and, having dissolved it while stirring, remove milk syrup off the fire and cool it down to 30-40ºϹ. Dissolve the gelatin in water and, having strained it, pour it into the milk mass, beating both parts with a mixer at low speed. Add vanilla or the desired fragrance, dye, if you need to give the coating a certain color and lemon juice. When the finished mastic has cooled down and thickened a little, pour it onto the surface of the cake, starting from the center: the mass should flow randomly from the cake. Put the cake on a stand with a rim so that the mastic does not spread over the work surface and stain the refrigerator shelves. The surface of the torus must be perfectly smooth. To prevent the mastic from slipping on its surface, it is advisable to make a layer of marzipan, or crush the top of the cake with starch, cocoa powder or powdered sugar - depending on which ingredients are suitable for the product. Also, before filling the cake with mastic, it is advisable to cool it well so that the mastic freezes faster. Carefully collect the remnants of liquid mastic that escaped onto the dish when pouring. You can add powdered sugar to them, knead a cool sugar dough and make figured jewelry for the cake: border, bow, lace. Glue details sugar figurines to each other with a brush dipped in water.

Recipe 4. Sugar mastic for a cake at home, protein


Proteins 5 pcs.

Cognac or liqueur

Lemon juice 50 ml

Powder 1.0 kg

Gelatin 30 g

Water 100 ml

Glycerin 40 ml


Whisk chilled egg whites to a stable foam, gradually add the sifted powder, without stopping whipping. Type in protein mass lemon juice, add vanilla and cognac. After dissolving the gelatin, pour it hot into the proteins, continuing to knead the dough. When the mass thickens, transfer it to a work surface sprinkled with powder and bring the mastic to the state of a stiff dough, cover with a film and after a couple of hours the mastic is ready to work with it.

Recipe 5. Sugar mastic for a cake at home honey-chocolate


Dark chocolate 2 parts

Honey, floral 1 part


For chocolate cakes, or cakes covered with chocolate icing, this sugar mastic recipe is a real find that allows you to stylishly decorate chocolate dessert. Making chocolate honey paste is pretty easy. The only downside: chocolate honey paste must be prepared in advance, because for plasticity it must be kept for at least 24 hours in the refrigerator, in plastic packaging.

Melt the chocolate for a couple and pour in the honey, without stopping stirring, until a thick mass is obtained that will stick off the dishes. After cooling slightly, wrap the mastic in cling film.

Recipe 6. Sugar mastic for a cake at home with marshmallows

Effective method to obtain the desired consistency of sugar mastic for a cake at home - marshmallows. They are gelatin-based candies and corn syrup. In industrial conditions, these ingredients are whipped to the state of a sponge, adding flavorings and food coloring. Adding these sweets to the composition of sugar mastic for a cake at home greatly simplifies the task of cooking. sugar dough. If you want to get the most best result, then use these candies only as additional ingredient for dough viscosity, in combination with gelatin mastic prepared according to recipe 2 described above.


Marshmallow 1 part

Gelatin mastic 2 parts


Knead the sugar dough as directed in the second recipe above. Steam the marshmallows, but do not overheat. Grind the sweets first so that they dissolve as quickly as possible. Don't use the microwave: it will dry out the marshmallows, making it difficult to work with the dough. Warming them up for a couple and thereby moistening the mass, make it easier for yourself when kneading the dough. Only you need to prepare mastic with marshmallow in advance, letting it lie down with room temperature, in sealed packaging. Make sure that the sweets used are fresh and choose a white color so that the mastic does not turn out to be ugly, with a gray or brown tint.

Recipe 7. Sugar mastic for a cake at home from marmalade

Marmalade contains fruit base and agar-agar. Only marmalade for mastic needs to be sorted by color to get a certain color of mastic.


Powdered sugar 700 g

Marmalade 250 g

Water 50 ml (or lemon juice)


cook water bath for marmalade. cut it up small pieces, put in a smaller container, fill with water and set to heat for a couple, stirring constantly silicone spatula. Bring the fruit mass to a temperature of 60-70ºϹ so that it acquires a gelatinous consistency. Sift the powder, pour it into a slide on a silicone surface and make a recess into which pour the melted marmalade in small portions and quickly knead the mastic. For such a mastic, heat is needed. When working with it, keep the mass sealed in a film, near a heat source.

Marmalade mastic can be used to make flowers. To cover the surface of the cakes, add to the mass more water and use the fill method.

Sugar mastic for a cake at home - tips and tricks

    Sugar mastic is a troublesome type of decoration. To make sure that the decoration from it will turn out to be successful, prepare both the mastic itself and the decorations from it in advance, before baking the cake.

    Sugar mass in a sealed package can be stored for up to two months in the cold, except for protein mastic. Finished jewelry should dry indoors, at low humidity.

    To make it convenient to cover the cake with a layer of sugar dough, use a silicone mat and a film. Roll out the mastic on a silicone mat, covering the dough with a film. To transfer the rolled mastic to the cake, it will be enough to remove the film on one side and turn the mat over, smooth the mastic through it onto the surface of the cake.

    To work with mastic, on the one hand, it is convenient to lubricate the hands and the mat with food glycerin, but on the other hand, the readiness of the sugar dough can be determined by how easily it comes off the hands. Shortly before the consistency of the mastic becomes visually plastic, to check it, wash off the glycerin film from your hands and test the sugar mass with your hands without a protective coating to determine its readiness.

Culinary mastic- excellent decorative and edible material for cakes and simple pies and cupcakes. Butter products, decorated with mastic, turn into works of art, which is a pity!

There are many recipes for mastics, but the base is always the same - it is powdered sugar. As a binding component - gelatin, glucose.

How to make your own mastic?

So: there are two main options for mastic - milk and gelatin. But there are also less time-consuming recipes, which we will give below.

Let's start with

1. DAIRY MASTIC. It is easier to prepare and more convenient to work with. Mixing equal amount powdered milk and powdered sugar, then add sweet condensed milk (1:1:1). Knead the mass to a consistency soft plasticine. You can slightly tint the mastic with food coloring.
Now, remembering the labor lessons at school, we sculpt flowers, leaves, berries, bunnies, ducks, etc. from it. Fashioned jewelry needs to be dried. You can roll out the mastic into a layer, 1-2 mm thick or thicker, and cut out the figures with a notch, or with a knife. Roll out better cling film and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

If the mastic sticks to your hands during modeling, you need to add powdered sugar, if it dries up, wrap it in parchment or film. The only drawback of milk mastic is a yellowish color, so if you need to make flowers white, or soft pink and blue, I use gelatin mastic.

2. GELATIN MASTIC more capricious in cooking, you need to feel it, as confectioners say. We take gelatin - 10 g, powdered sugar 900 g, water 10 tablespoons.
Gelatin is soaked for 40-60 minutes, heated in a water bath, and then cooled. In the still liquid, but already cool gelatin, GRADUALLY add powdered sugar, kneading thoroughly. Delicate flowers, such as tulips, are especially good from this mastic. To do this, roll out the tinted mastic into a thin layer, sprinkling with powdered sugar. Then, tearing off small piece, give the mastic the shape of a petal using an ordinary teaspoon (you will need several spoons). Covering the spoon with mastic from the inside, remove the excess. The petal is ready - let it dry, and in the meantime we take on the next
Already on the cake we connect the petals into buds, and cut the leaves from the same mastic, tinting them green.

3. Sugar mastic from marshmallows.

- marshmallow 50 g
- powdered sugar about 200 g

We spread the coffees on a plate, add a tablespoon of water and put in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. They will melt.

We take out, knead with a fork, add dye and powdered sugar.

First I kneaded with a fork, then with my hands. You need a lot of powdered sugar, but do not overdo it! The mastic is a little and should stick to your hands. If there is too much powder, the mastic will quickly harden and sculpt poorly.

4. Marshmallow mastic

For cooking you will need:

  • Powdered sugar - how much the mass will absorb;
  • Marshmallow (chewing) - 200 gr.;
  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Food coloring to change the color of the mastic.

First, marshmallows are placed in a deep plate, water is added (to give the mass of sourness, it can be replaced lemon juice), all this is placed in the microwave for 40 seconds. Mastic for the cake according to the recipe is tender and plastic. When the marshmallow has melted a little, powder is added, which is sifted in advance.

It must be added until the mass looks like plasticine, and do it gradually so as not to fill up too much, otherwise it will be impossible to work with mastic - it will become rough. Once the mass has turned out, it must be wrapped in cling film and put in the freezer for 30-40 minutes, and then you can start working with it.

Experienced confectioners know that each type of mastic is suitable for certain purposes. But the housewives, carried away by art, find different ways to make mastic for the cake at home. More often, the main criteria are inexpensive and available products, ease of preparation, versatility and the ability to color the mass after cooking.

Secrets of working with mastic!

1. Powdered sugar for mastic should be very finely ground. If sugar crystals are caught in it, then when rolling, the layer will tear.
2. Depending on the type of sweets, powdered sugar may require much more than indicated in the recipe, so it needs to be stocked up in advance in large volumes.
3. The mastic coating must not be applied on a wet base - on impregnated cakes, on sour cream, etc. Mastic dissolves quickly from moisture.
4. As a layer between the cake and the mastic, you can use butter cream (already frozen in the refrigerator), ganache or marzipan.
5. For gluing decorations on a mastic coating, the gluing place should be slightly moistened with water. To glue different parts of the mastic figures, you can use protein or protein with a small addition of powdered sugar.
6. Marshmallows are most often not sold in one color. It is best to buy white marshmallows. Colored marshmallows can be divided by color - put the white halves in one dish, and the pink halves in another.
7. Marshmallow figurines can be decorated on top with food coloring or added dye during the preparation of mastic.


If there is a lot of humidity in the room, then the cake covered with mastic, after being removed from the refrigerator, may become covered with condensed moisture. In this case, it is desirable to serve immediately from the refrigerator to the table. If you still need time before serving, then the moisture from the mastic can be gently blotted with a napkin. Or put the cake under a fan.
If the mastic has cooled down and began to roll out poorly, then it can be slightly warmed up in the microwave or in a hot oven. It will become plastic again.
You can store unused mastic in the refrigerator (1~2 weeks) or in the freezer (1~2 months), after wrapping it in plastic wrap or placing it in a container.
Ready dried mastic figures should be stored in a tightly closed box in a dry place. Such figures are stored for several months!
The mastic coating must not be applied on a wet base - on impregnated cakes, on sour cream, etc. Mastic dissolves quickly from moisture.
As a layer between the cake and the mastic, you can use butter cream (already frozen in the refrigerator), ganache or marzipan.
I think that if the top cake is not lubricated with anything, then the mastic will not lie flat on the cake. Cream or marzipan allows you to even out all the bumps on the surface of the cake. The surface of the cake under the mastic should be perfectly flat.
