
The simplest mastic for the cake. How to make mastic for a cake at home recipe with photo

For anyone holiday table I need a cake. It is especially good when the cake is very large and beautiful. To decorate the cake, you can use mastic. You can make figurines out of it, or just cover the cake with it.

What it is?

Mastic- This is an edible substance that looks like plasticine, which allows it to be used for figurines, or for sculpting inscriptions. With it, you can create an edible decoration. It is also stored for a long time (in the refrigerator, wrapped in a film for about 3 months).

Types of mastic

Mastic can be purchased at the store, or you can make your own at home. The basis for it is marshmallows and sugar, the rest can be taken to taste.

  • honey. From this it is easy to sculpt figures. Doesn't crumble or crumble.
  • gelatin (pastilage). Gelatin allows you to make a quickly hardening mastic. Small and complex details are well obtained from this.
  • dairy. The most common. Made with condensed milk. It is most often covered with a cake.
  • marzipan. Very soft, it covers cakes or pies. Figurines are better not to do.
  • industrial. The most versatile. Suitable for everything. Of the minuses - you can not cook at home.
  • floral. Used for very fine work. Flowers are made from it.


Regardless of the type of mask, you'll need:

  1. rolling pin;
  2. board for rolling, or a clean table;
  3. ruler;
  4. colored ribbon;
  5. food film.

Below are the most common recipes.


You'll need:

  1. powdered sugar (depending on the amount of mass);
  2. 200 gr. marshmallow;
  3. 2 tablespoons of water;
  4. food colorings.

You need to add water to marshmallows, you can add lemon juice. Place the mixture in the microwave for 45 seconds. Sift and add powder to the mastic. Add powder until the mixture looks like plasticine. Don't overdo it, or you'll ruin it.

After you finish with the powder, the mastic needs to be wrapped in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes, after which it will be ready.


You'll need:

  1. 200 gr. condensed milk;
  2. 160 gr. powdered sugar;
  3. 150 gr. dry milk;
  4. a teaspoon of cognac;
  5. two teaspoons lemon juice.

Mix powdered sugar and powdered milk. Sift the mass. During sifting, pour out the condensed milk and add lemon juice with cognac. After reaching the appearance of plasticine, wrap with cling film and hide in the freezer.

We paint and keep

First think about the color that the mastic will have. The dye should be added during the process, so you get a more even color. If you decide to dye it after cooking, you need to roll a ball out of it, make a recess in it and pour the dye into it. After stirring until a uniform color, put it in the refrigerator, wrapping it in a film.

The mastic can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three months. It is worth preparing figures from it for two weeks so that they keep their shape.

When you first see a mastic-decorated cake, it's hard to imagine what it is. Mastic is a homogeneous binder and adhesive substance. The consistency of mastic is similar to plasticine, only this plasticine is edible. You can sculpt any figures from it or roll out a thin canvas to completely cover the cake.

Decorations made from mastic are not only beautiful, but also edible, because only natural products and food colorings. There are several recipes for making mastic. The mastic prepared according to each of these recipes can be used in different ways - it is most convenient to sculpt figures from one substance, and it is easier to roll the other into a thin layer and cover the cake.

The basis of each mastic - powdered sugar or sugar and marshmallows, but the rest of the components are different. Exist honey, gelatin, milk, marzipan, flower and industrial. Of all these recipes for home cooking only the latter is unavailable.

sugar mastic on prescription .Watch the video!..

As the name implies, honey mastic is prepared with the addition honey. Due to this, it is soft and plastic, it is easy to sculpt various details and figures from it. Such mastic does not crumble and does not crumble.

basis gelatinous mastic is gelatin. This mass is also called pastilage. Due to the addition of gelatin, this fondant sets quickly when exposed to air, making it ideal for making small pieces such as stamens or flower petals.

Mastic prepared with the addition condensed milk, is called dairy. Milk mass is most often used to cover the base (the cake itself). You can also sculpt small and simple figures from it.

Used to cover the base marzipan mastic. It has a soft texture that allows you to roll it out in a thin layer. But sculpting details or making inscriptions from it will not work, since it contains crushed almonds.

Flower mastic designed for the manufacture of thin and complex parts, such as flowers and leaves. Small details cut out of it look very natural and do not lose their shape.

Marshmallow mastic


Powdered sugar
chewing marshmallow (also called marshmallow)
2 tbsp. spoons of water
a few drops of lemon juice

How to make marshmallow fondant:

    Place marshmallows with water and lemon juice in the microwave for 30-40 seconds. Be careful - marshmallows swell during melting, so carefully monitor the process.

    Once the marshmallow has melted, remove it from the microwave and start adding the powdered sugar, mixing thoroughly.

    Powder needs to be added in small portions so as not to overfill. When the mass becomes thick enough, continue kneading it with your hands, without ceasing to add powder. As a result, the mass should become in consistency, like soft plasticine.

Milk mastic


Condensed and dry milk in equal proportions
powdered sugar
lemon juice

How to prepare milk mastic:

First, milk powder and powder are mixed, and then condensed milk is gradually added. The mass is thoroughly kneaded until it looks like soft plasticine.

Any mastic after cooking should be wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. After that, you can use it. Mastic will keep in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Mastic is an elastic confectionery mass. It can be compared to edible plasticine. The basic recipe for mastic for a cake allows you to make all kinds of decorations from it at home. It is important to understand that for beginner confectioners, the process will not be easy. But thanks to the experience gained, you will succeed.

Cake mastic recipes at home

The modern confectionery industry boasts an abundance of recipes for additional decoration. Consider the most common mastic recipes.

Recipe number 1. sugar mastic

  • lemon juice - 15 ml.
  • water - 65 ml.
  • powdered sugar - 0.5 kg.
  • gelatin - 12 gr.
  • vanillin - 1 gr.

Sugar-based mastic lends itself well to modeling. Therefore, you will not have difficulty creating flowers and all kinds of figures.

1. Combine water and gelatin in a small cup, wait 25-30 minutes. After that, heat up the components for steam bath.

2. Mix to the prepared mass 1 gr. vanilla and lemon juice. Gradually introduce powdered sugar. Stir the components, avoiding the formation of lumps.

3. Ultimately, it is necessary to knead the sweet dough until it becomes elastic. It is important to prevent strong hardening of the composition. Otherwise, the mastic will begin to crumble.

Recipe number 2. Mastic with chocolate and cognac

  • fat cream - 45 ml.
  • dark chocolate - 110 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 35 gr.
  • marshmallow - 85 gr.
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • cognac - 60 ml.

1. The recipe for mastic for a chocolate cake is quite simple at home. For beginners, the cooking process will not cause difficulties. Melt the chocolate in a convenient container on the steam bath.

2. After that, immediately introduce marshmallows into the hot mass. Stir the ingredients constantly. As soon as the marshmallows are almost dissolved, add cognac, cream and butter. Stir the ingredients. The result should be a homogeneous mixture.

3. Remove the composition from the stove and gradually introduce powdered sugar. Knead to an elastic substance. Once you achieve this state, the mastic is ready!

Recipe number 3. Marshmallow mastic

  • powdered sugar - 0.5 kg.
  • marshmallow - 200 gr.
  • butter - 15 gr.

1. Place marshmallows and butter in a common heat-resistant container. Send the ingredients to the microwave. Heat up the composition so that it begins to melt.

2. Start stirring the ingredients with a spoon, gradually pouring in the powder. After the process is completed, the finished mastic should look like plasticine.

Recipe number 4. Mastic with condensed milk

  • dry milk - 150 gr.
  • lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • condensed milk - 210 gr.
  • sugar flour - 165 gr.
  • cognac - 15 ml.

1. Mix milk and powder in a cup. Gradually pour in the condensed milk and knead the composition. Next, you need to enter lemon juice and cognac.

2. Thoroughly mix the components until a homogeneous structure is obtained. Keep in mind that the mastic will turn out with a yellowish tint.

Recipe number 5. Honey mastic

  • flower honey - 130 ml.
  • powdered sugar - 0.9 kg.
  • gelatin - 15 gr.
  • water - 50 ml.

1. The recipe for mastic for a cake with the addition of honey allows you to achieve a more pliable composition. At home, you can give the mass any shape that will not crumble and crumble, unlike sugar.

2. The process is quite easy for beginners. For preparation, it is necessary to soak the gelatin in water for half an hour. After that, add honey to the mixture. Send the products to languish in the steam bath. Measure out a cup of powdered sugar and set aside.

3. Combine the rest of the sweet dust with honey mixture. Knead the dough, gradually adding the previously set aside powder. The correctness of the preparation of the mastic can be checked by pressing the composition with your finger. If there is a recess, everything is in order.

Recipe number 6. Gelatin mastic - pastilage

  • gelatin - 40 gr.
  • sugar flour - 250 gr.
  • citric acid - 10 gr.
  • starch - 130 gr.
  • cool water - 65 ml.
  • artificial honey - 30 gr.

1. Keep in mind that the final composition is practically not suitable for consumption. Made from pastille various decorations and basket handles. The recipe for mastic for the cake is for decoration. Making pastilage is pretty easy at home.

2. For beginner confectioners, it is not difficult to prepare such mastic. Soak gelatin in water and wait half an hour. After that, melt the composition in a steam bath. Enter honey (you can natural) and acid. In a separate container, mix the powder with starch.

3. Gradually connect all the components. Achieve a smooth, homogeneous substance. Place a layer of cling film into the cup. Pour into container ready-made mastic. Wrap and refrigerate.

4. Wait for the moment when the mass will not spread. Pastilage must be thoroughly kneaded before direct use. If after the cold the mass does not give in, send it to the microwave for a few seconds.

How to color the paste

Mastic for covering the cake may have a different color scheme. Moreover, dyes can be made completely natural at home. To do this, you need to collect fresh berries, fruits or vegetables and chop.

Squeeze out the juice from the resulting slurry with gauze. Keep in mind that natural dyes will not give a bright shade, unlike chemical compositions. If mixed more juice, then the mastic can acquire a specific aftertaste.

1. To achieve red shades, you should mix in the juice of strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, and currants. Also allowed to use natural syrups and red wines.

2. The recipe for multi-colored mastic for a cake is practically no different from the classic one. You repeat almost all the steps at home. It is easy to achieve the desired shade even for beginner confectioners. Pink color will give a beet.

3. To achieve a delicate yellow tint, you should resort to using lemon peel or saffron-based infusion.

4. Good green color mastic is obtained from freshly squeezed spinach juice. Don't go overboard with the component.

5. To receive orange color it is worth mixing the juice extracted from the zest of an orange or the pulp of a carrot.

6. Purple and beautiful Blue colour obtained from freshly squeezed grape juice, fresh red cabbage and blueberries.

7. If you want to achieve a chocolate brown color, you should use natural ground coffee or cocoa powder.

Cream cake recipes for mastic

Recipe number 1. Protein cream

  • sugar - 0.4 kg.
  • salt - 1 gr.
  • butter- 0.5 kg.
  • egg white - 8 pcs.

1. Cream for mastic cake is made quite simply if you follow the recipe. Beat the protein with a whisk and add sugar and salt to it. Warm up a homogeneous mass on a steam bath.

2. Leave the components to cool for half an hour. In the meantime, soften the butter and start beating it with a mixer.

3. After that, connect the compositions to each other. Stir until a homogeneous substance is obtained. The cream is ready.

Recipe number 2. Cream with condensed milk

  • butter - 0.25 kg.
  • shortbread cookies - 100 gr.
  • boiled condensed milk - 200 gr.

1. Melt the butter a little and combine with condensed milk. Beat the ingredients with a mixer.

2. Crumble the cookies and pour into the bulk. Thoroughly mix the viscous composition.

Recipe number 3. Cream of yogurt

  • cream - 0.2 l.
  • fruit yogurt - 0.5 l.
  • water - 60 ml.
  • gelatin - 15 gr.
  • liquor - 20 ml.

1. Dissolve gelatin in water according to classical technology. After that, warm it up in a steam bath.

2. Whip cream with liqueur using a blender. Combine yogurt with gelatin. Mix all ingredients and whisk. Ready!

The recipe for mastic for the cake is quite simple to implement at home. If you don't succeed the first time, don't be upset. For beginner confectioners, such punctures are quite appropriate. Try, learn, delight loved ones and relatives with new treats!

Sugar paste or mastic great way decorate a cake that will become the most memorable dish of your holiday table! To create a beautiful, original and very delicious treat quite a bit is enough - a little bit of effort, creative imagination and imagination. And thanks to our simple recipes even an inexperienced hostess can cope with this task with sugar mastic for a cake.

Ready-made sugar mastic for cake

Of course, now everything is on sale, and it will not be difficult to buy sugar mastic. Finished sugar paste industrial production- the easiest way to masterfully decorate cakes. No need to adjust the proportions, stand over the stove, interfere with the non-hardening mass, or try with difficulty to roll out too dense. Of course, with experience, with due diligence and patience, you will learn how to cook high-quality mastic at home, but with purchased pasta, you can skip this step and go straight to decorating the cake. With ready-made confectionery sugar paste, the main thing is to carefully roll out the composition and cut or fashion cake decor from it. The catalog of our online store contains white and colored paste various shades, packed in containers of different volumes.

If for some reason you want to make the mastic yourself, then here are the recommendations and instructions.

So, there are several recipes for sugar paste at home. Despite the fact that the basis for mastic in most cases is powdered sugar, additives can be different.

Helpful advice. To make the mastic flawless, the powdered sugar must be of the finest grinding. If sugar crystals are present in it, the layer will tear when rolling, and it will be very difficult to work with it.

We suggest you try following recipes sugar paste:

  • Sugar-gelatin mastic
  • Marshmallow sugar mastic
  • Sugar mastic from condensed milk

1. Cooking sugar-gelatin mastic

This sugar mastic recipe is one of the most popular, so we recommend that you first master it.

So, you will need:

  • Drinking water - 80 ml
  • Gelatin - 7 grams
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon
  • Glucose or fructose - 2 tablespoons
  • Powdered sugar - 1 kg

Preparation of sugar mastic:

  • Pour gelatin with water and let it brew for 40 minutes
  • Place the container with gelatin on water bath until complete dissolution

  • Add butter and glucose (fructose)
  • Mix the composition well until a homogeneous consistency
  • Cool the resulting mass, for this it is better to pour it into another container
  • To make the mastic bright and festive, add a dye

Helpful advice. If you don’t have food coloring on hand, you can make them from improvised materials: for example, rich red is obtained from beetroot juice, and brown - by adding cocoa powder.

  • After the mass has cooled, begin to gently add powdered sugar to it until a thick consistency is obtained.
  • Sprinkle the table with powdered sugar, put the resulting mass on it and start kneading

Helpful advice. We recommend stocking up in advance. enough powdered sugar - perhaps even more than indicated in the recipe. If your fondant continues to be sticky while kneading, you will have to stir in the powdered sugar until the desired consistency is reached.

Gelatin mastic is stored for a long time - you can keep a week without a refrigerator, just in a bag on a shelf. However, the taste of gelatin mastic is not always worthy of the cake that decorates, especially since when it dries, it quickly acquires significant hardness: of course, you can eat, but still this option is more intended for aesthetic purposes. For those who like to deal with cakes "to the last crumb", we offer another recipe for sugar mastic - using marshmallows.

2. How to make marshmallow sugar paste

Marshmallow is often translated as marshmallow, although this sweetness has nothing to do with our marshmallow. Today you can find such sweets in any supermarket, and you should focus on the packaging - it should have a combination with the word “mallow”.

You will need:

  • Marshmallow - 100 grams
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon
  • Powdered sugar - approximately 200-300 grams
  • Food colorings

Sugar paste preparation:

  • Put the marshmallows in the mold, add the oil and put in the microwave (15 -20 seconds)
  • Cover the enlarged sweets with powdered sugar (50-100 grams) and mix well
  • Add food coloring
  • Sprinkle powdered sugar until you get a mass comparable in consistency to plasticine.

Your mastic is ready! Now it remains to roll it out, cut out the figures and put it to dry for about a day.

The method of making sugar paste for marshmallow cake is well described in the following video:

It is very easy and pleasant to work with marshmallow mastic. Such a paste obediently takes the desired shape and does not stick to your hands - however, if you are kneading the mastic for the first time and cannot yet calculate the right amount of powder, at first it is better to work with gloves. Mastic made with adding marshmallows, as a rule, rolls out well and is evenly stained, and marshmallow figures can be coated with food coloring on top, after cooking.

3. How to make sugar mastic from condensed milk

You will need:

  • Condensed milk - 150 grams
  • Powdered sugar - about 1 cup
  • Powdered milk (powdered cream) - about 1-1.5 cups

How to make sugar paste from condensed milk:

  • Mix milk powder (cream) and powdered sugar in a deep bowl
  • Pour the condensed milk into the bowl and mix well
  • Sprinkle your work surface with powdered sugar.
  • Put the mixture on it and start kneading the " dough"Until it stops sticking to your hands.

Helpful advice. To reduce the stickiness of mastic, you can add to it potato starch. By the way, they can partially replace powdered sugar if you want the mastic to be not so sweet.

Mastic from condensed milk turns out to be very plastic, convenient and pleasant for modeling. Such a sugar paste does not dry for a long time, and if after making all necessary decorations the composition still remains, it can be wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator.

By the way, here's another one. good recipe mastics from condensed milk with the addition of dry infant formula:

If you love to create and want to find the perfect composition of mastic in terms of taste and color, there is nothing easier than starting work on a masterpiece today. In the end, you will learn how to make such beautiful and delicious roses, bows and other decorative elements, that, perhaps, even the filling of the cake will fade before it is decorated.

Modern confectioners come up with new ways to decorate their creations, one of which is mastic. The viscous composition, like plasticine, is distributed over the surface of the product, allowing you to create truly impressive pictures. cook beautiful a wedding cake or decorate a cake for guests is now within the power of every hostess. The main thing is to have theoretical knowledge regarding manufacturing technology. Follow the instructions and practical recommendations.

Mastic for the cake: a classic of the genre

The recipe is considered basic, classic. It is with him that it is worth starting the first experiments in the field of confectionery art.

  • marshmallow - 225 gr.
  • lemon juice - 25 ml.
  • powdered sugar - 335 gr.
  1. Take big dish with a high rim. Divide the marshmallow into 2 parts to get a flat side. Place the sweets on the dish, they should not overlap. Send the bowl of marshmallows to the microwave.
  2. Turn on the average power, set the timer for 25-30 seconds, depending on the performance of the device. Watch the product carefully. Once the marshmallow has melted, turn off the oven without waiting for the timer to click. It is important to remove the marshmallow from the microwave in time so that it does not begin to dry out.
  3. Next, pour a tablespoon (25 ml) of lemon juice into the soft composition, add powdered sugar and knead the mastic on the table. So that the composition does not stick to your hands, grease your palms with powder, carry out the procedure as if you were working with dough.
  4. After finishing kneading, make sure that the mastic is completely homogeneous (no lumps or spots). Wrap it in cling film, place in the refrigerator for 45-60 minutes.
  5. After the expiration date, remove the polyethylene, knead again, use as directed. Unused weight should be stored in closed(food film, container with a lid, etc.) at a temperature of 2-8 degrees.

Vanillin Cake Mastic

  • soft marshmallow - 185 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 375 gr.
  • cream (powder) - 85 gr.
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.
  • vanilla sugar - 2 sachets
  1. Take a marshmallow of any color, divide it into halves and place on a dish with a high rim. Send to the microwave for 25 seconds until the product is completely dissolved. In no case do not increase the melting time, otherwise the marshmallow will dry out.
  2. At this stage, you can add food coloring the color you want and mix the product with a spoon. If the marshmallow without this has a pleasant shade, proceed to the next step.
  3. As soon as you remove the product from the oven, sprinkle it with lemon juice. Mix powdered cream, vanillin and powdered sugar into a loose mass. Sprinkle the surface of the table with the mixture, lay out the marshmallows and knead the mastic from it according to the principle of preparing dough.
  4. The consistency will tell you about readiness: the ideal mass does not stick to your hands, stretches well, does not tear, has no lumps. As soon as you achieve a similar effect, wrap the mastic in cling film and refrigerate for 40-50 minutes.
  5. After the expiration date, you can start working with the product. If desired, the use of a high-density confectionery sleeve is allowed. Use it to squeeze out beautiful flowers or other figures.

Multi-colored mastic for marshmallow cake

  • powdered sugar - 310 gr.
  • "Marshmallow" marshmallow - 320 gr.
  • lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • butter (fat content from 70%) - 15 gr.
  • food coloring - optional
  1. Put the ingredients for future mastic on the table so that everything is at hand. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the color: if you chose marshmallow white color, buy food coloring of your favorite shades.
  2. If there are allergies in your family, adding chemical dyes undesirable, make them on your own. To get a brown tint, use cocoa. To give a redhead, pour in carrot juice, for redness - beetroot. Show imagination, experiment.
  3. In cases where purchased food colors are used, but one of the shades is not available, mix them yourself. For example, a combination of yellow, blue and red will help you get black (it is difficult to find it on store shelves).
  4. To make several colors of fondant at the same time, divide the marshmallow marshmallows into different bowls. come from the right amount specific shade. Drop 3-5 ml into each container. lemon juice, add 10 gr. butter.
  5. Send the composition to the microwave for 20 seconds, place the bowl on the edge of the turntable. Do similar manipulations with each container, heating them one by one (if the capacity of the oven does not allow you to cover everything at once). Watch the marshmallow carefully, it should not burn. Otherwise, the mastic will be hard.
  6. To understand if the product has melted, follow the heated marshmallow. It will increase by 1.5 times, become soft, swollen. It is at this stage that dyes of the shade you need are added. Once the manipulations are completed, start kneading.
  7. Pour the powdered sugar in parts, at the same time mix the composition with a fork or knife, and then immediately with a spoon. Continue kneading until the mastic becomes viscous. You can also perform the procedure on the table according to the principle of creating a test.
  8. Your mastic for the cake is ready. Pack up colorful pieces in separate plastic bags, refrigerate for half an hour. During this time, the mass will completely “reach” and become suitable for working with it.

Mastic for cake based on chewing marshmallows

  • powdered sugar - 240 gr.
  • chewing marshmallow - 215 gr.
  • filtered water - 45 ml.
  • food coloring
  1. Prepare a container for storing food in the refrigerator or a microwave container. Place marshmallows in it, pour in purified water, cover with a lid and place the bowl on the edge of a moving microwave dish. Wait about 25-30 seconds, during which time the marshmallow will melt.
  2. Dilute food coloring clean warm water V small quantities stir until the crystals dissolve. Pour the resulting composition into the melted marshmallows, start adding powdered sugar.
  3. Stir the mastic with a spoon, adding more and more sweet mixture each time. Use your hands to knead if desired, but be sure to wear gloves to avoid staining the skin.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the mass will become homogeneous, viscous and supple. Fashion a “sausage” out of it, cut it into equal pieces with a knife, roll up the balls and wrap each of them in food foil or film. Place in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
  5. After this period, knead each ball again, use the mastic for its intended purpose. If after decorating the cake you have some of the mass left, store it in plastic bag in the refrigerator door.

It is worth remembering that the prepared mastic is not laid out on a layer of jelly, sour cream or whipped cream.

Chocolate mastic for marshmallow cake

  • dark chocolate (cocoa content not less than 62%) - 100 gr.
  • liquid cream (fat content from 17%) - 35 ml.
  • butter (fat content 72%) - 20 gr.
  • marshmallow "Marshmallow" - 110 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 70 gr.
  • cognac or whiskey - 40/35 ml., respectively
  1. Prepare 2 pots - large and small. In the one that is smaller, place chocolate bar, divided into squares. into container bigger size add water and bring the liquid to a boil.
  2. When the first bubbles appear, reduce the heat, put a small saucepan so that its bottom does not touch the bottom of the second bowl (hang it on the handles).
  3. Steam the chocolate until liquid state stir constantly with a wooden spatula. Make sure that water does not get into the mass.
  4. Keep stirring while pouring marshmallows. Lay out half a pack of marshmallows (about 55 gr.), Wait for it to dissolve. Send butter to a small saucepan, pour in cognac and cream, stir again.
  5. When the mass becomes sufficiently homogeneous, pour in the second part of the marshmallows. Stir the mass until the marshmallow is completely dissolved. As soon as this happens, turn off the burner.
  6. Place a sieve over a saucepan and pass the powdered sugar through it. Move in small steps to avoid lumps. Stir the product with a fork, and then bring it to readiness with your hands (according to the principle of kneading the dough).
  7. When the mastic becomes elastic, tear it apart and fashion circles. Wrap in baking paper, foil or film, send to the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. Every 30 minutes, take out the mass and knead it.

Here are some basic tips and reveal the secrets regarding the preparation of mastic for the cake at home. Regardless of which recipe you choose, stick to the practical guidelines.

  1. After preparation, the mastic is stored exclusively in a refrigerator or freezer. Wherein total time exposure of the composition reaches about 20 days. However, if possible, you should use the product immediately, without sending it "just in case".
  2. When you decorate a cake or fashion beautiful figurines from mastic, the surface will be matte. To add gloss (shine) to the coating will help the usual filtered or boiled water room temperature. Dip a baking brush or finger into it, then walk over the product several times.
  3. In almost all recipes, dyes are added after the marshmallow has been melted. However, it is not necessary to do it in that order. Blind shapes from white mastic, then paint them in the desired shade. It should be borne in mind that the surface may be processed unevenly.
  4. If you are sculpting figurines that include a lot of small details, then they may fall off (man, car, etc.). Lubricate the joints with plain filtered water. This recommendation is also relevant in cases where the molded product is attached directly to the surface of the cake.
  5. You probably noticed that only powdered sugar is used to make mastic, and not sand. This is no accident. The fact is that large sugar does not allow the particles to fit snugly against each other, as a result of which the mass becomes loose and begins to tear.

It is easy to prepare mastic for a cake at home, the main thing is to follow the instructions. Choose your favorite recipe, cook necessary ingredients start doing miracles. Store the mass in the refrigerator or freezer, be sure to wrap it with cling film.

Video: mastic for cake
