
Mk chocolate mastic for covering the cake. Interesting about chocolate

chocolate honey mastic

Chocolate-honey mastic is a thick mass, similar to
on plasticine. From it you can sculpt different figures, and quite complex ones,
such as bulky flowers.
The taste of such a mass is standard chocolate.
Unlike marshmallow mastic or store-bought sugar mastic, chocolate
mastic is more natural and tasty.
Preparing chocolate mastic is very simple and fast.

Fitness and diet
This is for horses.
And my figure
The perfect ball.

100g chocolate
20~30g honey

You can take any chocolate - bitter, milk, white.
The best chocolate for mastic is bitter with cocoa content
from 70% and above.
Break the chocolate into pieces and put in a bowl.

Melt chocolate.
In no case should you overheat chocolate, otherwise mastic
it will be brittle and crumbling.
You can melt the chocolate in the microwave - first 1 minute, and then
15 seconds. After each heating, the chocolate must be stirred and monitored.
so it doesn't overheat. When the bulk of the chocolate has melted, take out the bowl.
and mix well to melt all the hard pieces.
But it is more correct to heat chocolate in a water or steam bath,
in this case, it is easier to monitor the consistency of chocolate.
Bring water to a boil in a saucepan.
Place a bowl of chocolate on a saucepan.
When the chocolate begins to melt from the bottom, start stirring it,
and turn off the fire under the saucepan.

Remove the bowl of melted chocolate from the water bath.
If you need to tint white chocolate, then mix a few drops into it.
gel fat-soluble dye.
Pour liquid honey into chocolate. If the honey is candied, it must first
warm up.
In bitter and milk chocolate, you need to add 1 tablespoon of honey -
30 grams. For white chocolate, less honey is needed - 15 ~ 20 grams.
Mix chocolate with honey.

At first, the mass will be liquid and fluid.
But very quickly, the chocolate will begin to crystallize and the mass will begin to thicken.
When the mass resembles homemade sour cream and stops blurring,
stop mixing.

If the mass does not thicken, then add an additional 1 teaspoon of honey.
Most often, you have to increase the amount of honey when working with white
It is not necessary to mix the mass for a long time, otherwise it will thicken more and more
it will start to separate oil. If this still happened, if the oils
very much, then drain it from the bowl. If the oil only slightly covers
chocolate paste, then you do not need to get rid of it.
Put the chocolate mass on the film and wrap in a bag.

If a lot of chocolate mastic is being made, then put the chocolate mass in polyethylene
package and knead it into a thin layer. From such a disc in the future there will be
It is convenient to break off small pieces of mastic.
Cool chocolate mixture to room temperature and refrigerate
for a day. During this time, the chocolate finally stabilizes.
Knead the prepared mastic with warm hands. She must be soft.
and plastic. When stretched, it does not immediately break, but stretches slightly.
Form the necessary figures and decorations from the mashed mastic.

If, when kneading, oil begins to stand out from the mastic, leave it for
half an hour at room temperature - the mastic will stand and the oil in it
If, when kneading, the mastic has no plasticity and it crumbles, then again
heat up the mass and add a little honey. Then again remove for a day
into the refrigerator.

For storage, it is necessary to wrap the mastic tightly in a plastic film.
Storage in the refrigerator - 1~2 months, in the freezer up to a year.

Recipes for mastic for a cake that always turns out!

General rules for the preparation and use of mastic cake decorations

1. Powdered sugar for mastic should be very finely ground. If sugar crystals are caught in it, then when rolling, the layer will tear. Depending on the type of candy, powdered sugar may be required much more than indicated in the recipe, so she needs to stock up in advance in large quantities. If during kneading the mastic remains sticky for a long time, then you need to stir in and mix in the powder until the desired consistency is obtained.

2. Mastic coating should NEVER be applied on a damp base - on impregnated cakes, on sour cream, etc. Mastic dissolves quickly from moisture. Therefore, there must be a "buffer layer" between the mastic and the cake. It can be marzipan or a thin layer of buttercream. If an oil cream is used, then before applying the mastic, it is necessary that the cake stand in the refrigerator until the cream hardens.

3. For gluing different parts of mastic figures or for gluing decorations on a mastic coating, the place of gluing should be slightly moistened with water.

4. With a long stay in the air, the mastic dries out. Some figurines, such as flowers, cups, spoons, plates, tables and chairs, are best made in advance and let them dry well.

5. Volumetric figures, such as flowers, need to be attached to the cake shortly before serving, otherwise, if they are attached and the cake is put in the refrigerator, they begin to absorb moisture from the environment and fall off.

6. Attention! If there is a lot of humidity in the room, then the cake covered with mastic, after being removed from the refrigerator, may become covered with condensed moisture. In this case, it is desirable to serve immediately from the refrigerator to the table. If you still need time before serving, then the moisture from the mastic can be gently blotted with a napkin. Or put the cake under a fan.

7. Marshmallow figurines can be decorated on top with food coloring.

8. If the mastic has cooled down and began to roll out poorly, then it can be slightly warmed up in the microwave or in a hot oven. It will become plastic again.

9. You can store unused mastic in the refrigerator (1~2 weeks) or in the freezer (1~2 months), after wrapping it in plastic film.

10. Ready dried mastic figures should be stored in a tightly closed box in a dry place. Such figures are stored for several months.

Marshmallows are Anglo-American sweets. They have nothing to do with our marshmallow, although the name "marshmallow" is often translated into Russian as "marshmallow".

Marshmallow - marshmallow sweets (soufflé).

Marshmallow paste is a pleasure to work with.

It easily takes the desired shape and does not stick to the hands, rolls well and evenly stained.

As a mastic, marshmallows are perfect!

When buying sweets, their name does not have to be "Marshmallows". It is enough that the name contains a combination of "..mallows.." or "..mallow..". For example, "Chamallows", "Frutmallows", "Mallow-Mix", "Mini Mallows", "Banana Mallows", etc. In Russia, marshmallows are produced by the Nestle company - "Bon Pari, Tutti-frutti soufflé" and "Bon Pari soufflé".

Two ways to make marshmallow mastic

Method 1


  • marshmallows - 90-100g (one pack of marshmallows)
  • lemon juice or water - ~1 tbsp. spoon
  • powdered sugar - ~ 1-1.5 cups


Marshmallows are most often not sold in one color.

It is best to buy white marshmallows. Divide the marshmallows by color - put the white halves in one dish, and the pink halves in another. In marshmallows of the same color, add a tablespoon of lemon juice or water and heat in the microwave (10-20 seconds) or in a water bath until double in volume.

If you want to tint the mastic with food coloring, then it is better to add it after you have taken out the swollen and melted marshmallows from the microwave. At this point, you need to add the dye and mix well with a spoon.

Then, in portions, introduce the sifted icing sugar and stir the mass with a spoon or spatula. When it becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, put the mass on a table sprinkled with powdered sugar and continue to knead with your hands until the mastic stops sticking to your hands.

Wrap the resulting mastic in cling film (the film should fit tightly on all sides to the mastic so that air does not get inside the bag) and put in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Remove the finished mastic from the refrigerator, put it on a table sprinkled with starch and roll it thinly.

From the finished mastic, you can prepare various figures, flowers, leaves, or cover the cake with a thinly rolled mastic sheet.

Method 2


  • marshmallow - 100 g
  • butter - 1 tbsp.
  • powdered sugar - 200-300 g (you may need more or less powder)
  • food colorings


Put the marshmallows in a mold, add oil, put in the microwave for 15-20 seconds.

The marshmallow should increase in volume.

Add 50-100 g of powdered sugar, mix.

If you will make colored figures, divide the resulting mass and add food coloring.

Add powdered sugar until you get a mass similar in consistency to plasticine.

The mask is ready. It can be rolled out, cut out various figures.

Finished products are dried during the day.

Finished products should not be stored in the refrigerator.

If you still have unused mastic, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

If the cake is covered with cream, then decorate it with mastic products before serving.

Chocolate mastic recipe that always turns out!

I tried many times to make ordinary mastic and all sorts of "things" from it. Yes, it worked, but.....
I don’t know, maybe my hands aren’t from there ... but I really didn’t like the process itself, because everything around is in powdered sugar, for the time being it sticks to my hands, and the finished mastic and all kinds of roses harden like a stone, and no taste.

But after all, I want to create all kinds of beauty, so that it’s simple and tasty and beautiful !!

And I found what I was looking for! Now I advise you!

Doing it is a pleasure. No dirt.
It is perfectly sculpted and takes the desired shape, and at the same time it is also very tasty (I ate a little myself while doing it)
I made these roses yesterday - now they are in my refrigerator, and even so they have not completely hardened, that is, they have not become hard stone, and if they are adapted for a cake, they will be eaten in the best possible way.

Try it too!!! You will not regret!!!

  • - 100 g
  • (color does not play a role) - 90 g
  • (30%) - 40 ml
  • - 1/2-1 tbsp. l.
  • - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • – 90-120 g
Recipe "Chocolate mastic and roses from it (it always turns out)"

Remove from fire.
While constantly stirring with a spoon, gradually add the sifted powdered sugar.
When the mass turns out to be too thick and elastic and it will no longer be convenient to interfere with a spoon, do it with your hands.

Pour powdered sugar until the mass feels like a warm, tight, elastic dough.
It does not stick to hands at all - on the contrary, hands remain clean, but greasy.

Roll the dough into a ball and line with parchment paper.

The mask is ready.
It turns out barely warm, very soft and tender.

You can store it in a tightly closed form in the refrigerator, and slightly warm it up in a micro before the next use.

That's all!!!
Roses are ready!

For those who do not like the recipe for marshmallow matiki, I can advise a very simple recipe for milk mastic

We take a glass of powdered sugar, a glass of powdered milk and a can of condensed milk. All ingredients are kneaded to a state close to soft plasticine. As the simplest dye, you can use cocoa powder, depending on its amount, you can get a more or less rich chocolate shade.

See the production of a trial rose from milk mastic from

I decided to try the mastic recipe from the magazine, I liked it, so to speak, by the "usefulness" or safety of the components for children -) Soon my son has a birthday, I would like something beautiful, and for some reason I thought about mastic, but didn't know how to cook it. The Internet is full of marshmallow recipes, but somehow I don’t appetize looking at it ...
The middle is thick, and the edges are ragged, it could be corrected. But, I was in a hurry, I wanted to see what it is like in practice -)))

And finally, take a look...

Often, when creating real confectionery masterpieces, mastic is used, from which confectioners can make a wide variety of figurines and decorations for cakes. Chocolate mastic is prepared very simply, every housewife can make it on her own at home, using a gas stove or a microwave oven, and with a minimum of effort.

Chocolate cake mastic can be prepared according to different recipes, the choice of which depends on the type of this product used - white, milky or black.

white chocolate mastic recipe

White chocolate mastic is needed by confectioners to create beautiful decorations in the form of flowers or bows. White mastic is also great for wrapping cakes, because a light cake gives ample opportunities for the confectioner's imagination. For this recipe for white chocolate mastic, you need to use the following products:

  • 300 grams of white chocolate;
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar;
  • milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter;
  • potato starch - the more the better.


1. Break the chocolate into pieces, place in a small container, add milk and the same amount of butter to it. Put this mass in a water bath and melt so that the mixture acquires a uniform consistency. It is important not to overheat the chocolate, otherwise it will simply curl up, and it will no longer be possible to make mastic from it.

2. Once the chocolate bar is melted, remove the container from the water bath and rub the mass along the walls of the dish. If at this moment you see that there are small pieces of chocolate, put the container back in a water bath for a few minutes and rub the mass again.

3. Gently pour the sifted powdered sugar into the chocolate mass and mix well until the mixture thickens.

4. Put the mastic on the table, sprinkled with powdered sugar, and knead it to an elastic consistency.

If you are preparing fondant for flowers and other decorations, they should be done 2-3 days before making the cake.

How to make dark chocolate and honey mastic

You can also make chocolate and honey mastic at home. To prepare such a mass for covering or decorations, dark chocolate is used. To make chocolate and honey mastic, use the following products:

  • - 400 grams;
  • condensed milk - 100 g;
  • 100 grams of sour cream;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • tile ;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey.

Biscuits can be bought ready-made or you can make your own. Let's start making chocolate mastic according to this recipe:

1. Turn the biscuit into small crumbs. To do this, you can first dry it slightly in the oven.

2. Beat softened butter with condensed milk and sour cream.

3. Combine this cream with biscuit crumbs, mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. It should resemble a potato cake.

4. From the resulting mass, you can mold any figures that you need to decorate the dessert. Send the figurines to the cold so that they freeze well. In the meantime, you can start preparing the mastic.

5. Break the chocolate bar into small pieces: the smaller they are, the better. All chocolate should be divided into two parts - 1/3 and 2/3. Set aside the third part of the broken chocolate, put 2/3 into a cup or small deep bowl and place in a water bath. Put the cup on the pan so that the bottom of the dish with chocolate does not touch the water.

6. Put this structure on fire and hold until the chocolate starts to melt. All this time, the chocolate mass must be continuously stirred. It is impossible to keep chocolate on fire for a long time, as at temperatures above 37 degrees it will curdle. In the chocolate mass, well heated in a water bath, pour the rest of the chopped chocolate and mix well until completely dissolved.

7. Add warmed honey to this mass, stir until completely thickened, you won’t have to wait long - no more than 2-3 minutes. Now start kneading this mass with your hands to an elastic consistency. You need to knead the mastic for a long time - 15-20 minutes. In the process of this work, cocoa butter will stand out a lot, which will flow down your hands, so you need to knead over a bowl.

From this chocolate mastic you can sculpt figures or roll it out and use it to cover cakes. During the rolling of the viscous mass, you can use special coatings that will help you get an interesting texture. For example, the texture of "wood" is used by confectioners to create trees, stumps or animal hair - a wild boar or a bear. Transfer the rolled layer of mastic to your figures, carefully wrap it with this elastic mass and decorate the cake. To prepare the mass for covering and decorating cakes, you can use not only chocolate bars, but also sweets.

Marshmallow and chocolate mastic (white, milk or black)

Marshmallow and chocolate mastic is also often used to create confectionery masterpieces. To prepare such a mass for decorating baking, you will need the following products:

  • marshmallow candies "Marshmallow" - 50 grams;
  • white, milk or - 50 g;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • powdered sugar - 100 grams.

Marshmallow and white chocolate or any other mastic always turns out to be elastic, so it is easy to form any figures from it.

Prepare the mastic in the following way:

1. Break the chocolate bar into small pieces, put in a ceramic or glass container. Add marshmallows, milk and citric acid to this. Place the container with this mixture in a water bath and melt.

2. It is impossible to bring the mass to a boil. Take it off the heat as soon as you notice that the chocolate has started to melt. Add butter to the chocolate mass, gradually pour in the powdered sugar, mix everything thoroughly to get a mixture of thick consistency.

3. Put the mastic on the table well sprinkled with powdered sugar. Knead it until the mastic acquires an elastic consistency.

If you need a dark chocolate-colored mastic to decorate pastries, you can add a tablespoon of cocoa powder to give it more saturation. The cocoa bean powder must be sifted so that lumps do not form. You need to add cocoa at the very beginning along with powdered sugar.

Creamy chocolate ganache

ganache- This is a French chocolate-based cream that is applied to the cake under the mastic, so it keeps better on pastries. In addition, ganache under chocolate mastic is applied in order to even out the surface of the confectionery product, this cream is also used for decorating and covering cakes.

To make such a cream of chocolate for mastic, you can use any kind of this sweet - milky, black or white. There are several recipes for making ganache. According to one of them, you need to use a chocolate bar and cream. Chocolate and cream should be taken in the following proportions:

  • 300 grams / 200 ml cream;
  • 400 g milk chocolate / 200 ml cream;
  • 200 g dark dark chocolate / 200 ml cream.

Chocolate must be finely chopped. Place the cream in a container, put on fire, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. The cream must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. As soon as the cream is removed from the heat, add chopped chocolate to it, stir everything with a silicone or wooden spatula until completely dissolved. The mass should acquire a homogeneous consistency.

After that, transfer the ganache to a small bowl, cover it with cling film on top, pressing it firmly against the cream to remove air, otherwise a crust will form on the surface. Wrap the top of the bowl again with cling film and refrigerate until morning. In the morning, three hours before applying the dark chocolate mastic ganache, take it out of the refrigerator so that the cream warms up to room temperature and becomes more pliable in the hands of the confectioner.

Ganache recipe for cream, butter and chocolate mastic

There are other recipes for making ganache for white chocolate, black or milk chocolate mastic. In addition to cream, butter can become an additional component of the cream. Butter and chocolate ganache for mastic is prepared from the following components:

  • 110 ml cream - 33-35% fat;
  • 100 g of chocolate - black, milk or white;
  • 35 g butter;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Prepare cream ganache in this way:

1. Break the chocolate and place in a small container- ceramic, glass or metal.

2. Pour cream into a saucepan, add powdered sugar to them, mix everything thoroughly.

3. Bring the cream to a boil over low heat., stirring them constantly, but do not boil, remove from the stove.

4. Combine hot cream with chocolate, but do not mix these components, leave it like that for a few minutes. After a while, mix using a whisk, you should get a homogeneous mass of medium consistency.

5. Add a piece of butter to this mixture and mix again.

Such a ganache for milk chocolate mastic or any other kind of it should turn out shiny and beautiful. However, after cooling, this French ganache cream loses its shine, it becomes matte.

To apply the cream under the mastic, you first need to level it with a hot knife, and then leave it to harden. Before applying it to baking, it will have to be leveled again, for this the knife is moistened in hot water, and after contact with the cream, it is wiped with a napkin. When the cream becomes perfectly even, it is applied to the cake, left for 2-3 hours, and covered with mastic on top.

Read also:

Chocolate recipes from sour cream and cocoa American Chocolate Chip Cookies: Recipe with Photos and Video Milk chocolate at home: simple recipes Recipes for chocolate bread for the oven and bread machine

I am posting this recipe because I will refer to chocolate fondant many times in my other recipes. I believe that chocolate mastic is the most successful of all mastic that can be prepared at home. In the photo, one of my first cakes and shocomastic in action. At that time, I was just getting acquainted with mastic, trying to find "my own". As a result, I still began to buy ready-made, but if I sometimes need to cover a homemade cake, then I cook mastic according to this recipe.

Ingredients for "Homemade chocolate mastic for covering cakes":

Nutritional and energy value:

Recipe "Homemade chocolate mastic for covering cakes":

Why sometimes, for the house and this particular mastic?!
Everything is simple, sometimes - because we have already eaten too much mastic;
only for myself - because any homemade mastic is not without surprises. No matter how much we cook it, at one fine moment you may come across a “special” marshmallow or powder of “that and the wrong” grinding, or one of the products is overheated ... And that's it, the mastic no longer stretches so much or simply spreads in the hands, or too porous (it looks terrible on the cake). Against the general background, shocomastic is more stable due to chocolate.
So, we must sift the powdered sugar and pour it into a bowl with a wide bottom.
Pour 2 tsp into the bottom of the container with marshmallows. water (does not stick to the dishes after melting), add 1 tsp to the chocolate. water and 1 tsp. butter.
Heating method - water bath or microwave - your choice.

It is important not to overheat the chocolate, otherwise it will curdle. As soon as the chocolate drips, remove, stir, rub the mass over the dishes. Are there pieces? again we warm it up a bit, rub it again, etc.
I first melt the chocolate in the micra, then put the marshmallows there, and I continue to rub the chocolate myself so that it does not freeze. So, the marshmallow has increased in size, it has become soft, turn it inside out on powdered sugar. Next is chocolate. We knead. I used to knead the mastic by hand, now I do it with a mixer (spiral beaters). Less nerves and waste.

Knead the mass until smooth. If you raise the spirals, then the mastic will hang with threads.
Lubricate the surface of the table (a silicone mat will greatly facilitate the task, we will also grease it with oil) and dump it out, scrape the mastic with a spoon, grease our hands with oil and knead the mastic, stretch it. Traditionally, kneading like a dough will not work, right there, an infection, will stick to your hands. By the way, I crumple the mastic with a rug (rug). And you don't have to get your hands dirty. No matter how it seems that the mass is liquid and it is necessary to roll in a portion of the powder, we DO NOT do this.
For those who knead by hand, it makes sense not to stain the bowls, but immediately grease the work surface with oil, pour out the powder in a slide, then the rest. And first with a spatula / spoon, then knead the mastic with your hands in oil.

We torture the mastic (or it is us) and stuff this sticky lump-pancake into a plastic bag, wrap it tightly (without air access) and put it in the refrigerator for 8 hours. I have everything in the “until morning” mode.
In the morning, the mastic is difficult to recognize - a tight lump, difficult to knead. Let's let him lie down (in a bag!) A little at room temperature, then, having lubricated his hands with oil, knead, roll out.
This portion of mastic is enough for a cake with a diameter of 20-21 cm, a height of 5-6 cm. Shokomastika can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks. I didn't keep it longer. Still, it contains oil, and it tends to age.

It is important not to overheat the chocolate mastic and not to roll it out in a very thin layer. I roll it out on a rug, dust it with starch, transfer it to a cake, remove the rug and spread it over the surface with slightly starchy hands.
In theory, you can do this by lubricating your hands with oil. From personal experience, I can say that if the patterned coating of the cake (printed with a special rug), it is better to powder the mastic with starch (it dries the mastic faster), if the smooth coating is oil. On a smooth surface, starch leaves modest, but traces. They are invisible on patterns. Some wipe the mastic from starch with vodka, chocolate does not always help.
And now I want to sing a little laudatory ode to silicone mats.

First, marking the diameters on the rug is a thing. We measure the height and diameter of our cake, plus - the diameter and 2 heights, and get the diameter of the piece of mastic that we have to roll out. We find it on the rug, give an allowance of 1 cm and roll it out. The question of whether the rolled mastic is enough or not enough for us to cover the cake disappears by itself.
The second plus, the rug will help us comfortably transfer the mastic to the cake.
Thirdly, while the fondant is on the mat, we can adjust the placement of the fondant in relation to the cake by checking if the edges of the fondant reach the bottom of the cake. If something is wrong, move the mat with mastic.

Another digression. If we want the mastic to lie flat on the cake, first we thoroughly level the surface of the cake itself with a coating. How I did it, you can see in my recipe http://www.povarenok.ru/recipes/show/848 88/ (remove the space in the link).

As soon as the cake is processed and packed in mastic, we send it to the refrigerator. Shokomastika will harden, weather and finally take shape. When the chocolate mastic hardens, it does not harden (you cannot knock on it) and does not become hard, thanks to the oil included in the composition. The density of the frozen choco mastic when biting will probably resemble fresh marzipan or soft marshmallow.
By the way, shokomastika normally holds prints, my cakes in the photo are an example of this. To do this, you need to roll it out on a smooth rug, put a patterned rug on top, and print it. Then turn the mats over, remove the smooth mat and use the patterned mat to transfer the mastic onto the cake.
The surface of chocolate mastic is a bit greasy, which makes it difficult to paint the surface with liquid paints. But, when the mastic on the cake hardens, it is quite possible to “powder” the cake with dry paint, or rather, to add shine with kandurin. How I did it (three-tier cake at the bottom of the recipe).
I almost forgot, white chocolate mastic is beautifully dyed with food coloring. One thing must be taken into account, the mastic itself is yellowish and, mixing with the dye, can give a shade. There was a case, I wanted blue chocolate mastic, but I got turquoise! But with painting in red, yellow, green, there were no side effects! And yet, on my own skin, I was convinced that it is better to paint any mastic with gel paints.

Confectionery mastic is a popular type of decor for cakes, pastries and desserts. The product decorated with it acquires a stylish look. These are covered cakes with cream and a smooth surface, as well as various figures that can be made from this mass. It is easy to prepare mastic even at home, there are many recipes for this. Even the chocolate look is made in several ways. Methods also differ depending on the variety of the main product: white, black or milky.

confectionery mastic

To get acquainted in detail with what mastic is in the production of confectionery products, the following description will help. This is a mass similar in structure to plasticine, from which you can sculpt various edible figures that decorate the dessert. Depending on the composition, such products can be very tasty, and also stored for a long time. For example, having made chocolate mastic, we can expect the same expiration date as that of chocolate.

How to make a similar decor at home? You need to choose your free time and study mastic recipes in practice. The resulting blanks will be useful later for the right moment. The main material - you can mix in shades, as well as add dyes of other colors.

White chocolate mastic

From mastic, which includes white chocolate, you can make flowers, bows and other similar decorations. Covering cakes is also made from this material. White chocolate mastic is prepared from the following ingredients.

  • White chocolate - 300 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g.
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk.
  • Butter.
  • Starch (potato, corn).

The following steps for preparing mastic

  1. Break the chocolate by folding it into a small bowl. Add equal amounts of milk and butter. Put everything on, melt until smooth. Don't overheat because the chocolate will curdle, making it impossible to make the mastic.
  2. Immediately after melting, remove the container from the bath, grind the mixture along its walls. If small pieces are found, again put the mass on melting, then grind it.
  3. Pour powdered sugar into the mass and mix thoroughly until thick.
  4. Sprinkle the table with powdered sugar and put the mastic on it. After thorough kneading to an elastic state, the chocolate mastic is ready.

Flowers and other decorations are made 2 or 3 days before the actual cake is made.

Dark chocolate honey mastic

You can cover the cake with the honey composition of chocolate mastic or use it to make decorations. The following products are used.

  1. 1 bar of dark chocolate.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey.

Confectionery mastic is prepared in the following steps.

  1. Break the chocolate bar finely, dividing everything into parts: 1/3 and 2/3, put the largest of them in a bowl. Put on a steam bath. The bottom of the small saucepan should not touch the water.
  2. Bring to the beginning of melting, then stir vigorously. Do not heat the product above 37 degrees C and keep it on fire for a long time, as it will curdle.
  3. Add the rest of the chocolate and stir until everything is melted.
  4. Add to the mass 2 tbsp. l. honey, stir until thickened (up to 3 minutes).
  5. Continue to stir the mass with your hands until it becomes elastic (up to 20 minutes). Liquid cocoa butter will be released, so you need to substitute a bowl and knead over it.

Decor is made from the resulting mass, cakes are covered with it. The chocolate layer of mastic is rolled out and transferred to the figure, covering it. Volumetric pieces themselves can be made from a mixture prepared according to the “potato” cake method (biscuit crumbs with butter and condensed milk).

Marshmallow mastic with chocolate

From chocolate mass with marshmallows (marshmallows) you can easily make real masterpieces. Due to the elasticity, almost any shape is obtained. White, milk or bitter (dark) chocolate is used.

Chocolate mastic with marshmallows requires the composition of the products:

  • "Marshmallow" - 50 g;
  • chocolate of any of 3 types;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • citric acid - a pinch;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g.

You can prepare the mastic in the following way.

  1. Break the chocolate bar into small pieces. Put in a bowl with marshmallow, citric acid and milk, put in a water bath, melt.
  2. In no case bring to a boil, remove the mixture from heat when the chocolate begins to melt. Add oil and powder (gradually). Mix until thick.
  3. Put the finished mastic on the table, after sprinkling it with powdered sugar. Knead until elastic structure.

To get a rich chocolate color, you can add a tablespoon of cocoa powder, after sifting it from lumps. This additive is applied at the initial stages, along with the powder.

How to make figurines, decorations

The prepared plastic mass can be used to create luxurious jewelry. The same chocolate mastic is used to cover the cake, creating a smooth surface. For example, the figures of "Roses" are made as follows.

  1. It is necessary to tear off a piece of the cooled mass and roll it into a ball, then flatten it with your fingers. Mastic, a chocolate confectionery mixture, is quite ready if the edges of the plate do not tear. To avoid leaving fingerprints, it is recommended to take rubber gloves. However, hands and equipment should be kept dry.
  2. The dough must be kneaded until it takes the desired shape. Here are rose petals.
  3. Taking a wooden stick as a rod, fashion the central part of the flower, and then apply the side petals.
  4. Removing the rod, we get a flower to place on the surface of the cake, dessert.

Chocolate mastic, used for wrapping a cake or decorative elements, resembles edible plasticine, from which you can do everything that your imagination allows. Using the composition of available products, it is quite easy to make such a home decor. What recipe to use for chocolate mastic, the situation will tell. The choice depends on preference or available ingredients.

What should be under the mask

Figures for covering with chocolate mastic can be prepared like a potato cake, from the same mass. But it is also possible to cook according to the French recipe. It is applied to the cake under a layer of mastic, and it keeps better this way, and the surface for covering is pre-levelled. Cream for mastic like "ganache" is made according to several recipes. For example, this is a composition that includes bar chocolate and cream:

  • for 300 or 400 g of milk chocolate you need 200 ml of cream;
  • or for 200 g of dark chocolate - 200 ml of cream.

We cut small tiles. We put the cream on the fire, bring to a boil, stirring. After removing them from the stove, immediately add the chocolate and stir with a wooden spatula until it dissolves. When the mass becomes homogeneous, transfer it to a bowl and cover with a film in contact with the surface so that air does not enter, forming a crust. We leave the container in the refrigerator overnight, in the morning we heat it for 3 hours at room temperature. Can be applied to, leveling with a hot knife. After 3 hours, the cake with ganache is covered, for which mastic is used, made from chocolate according to one of the methods described above.
