
How much to cook homemade dumplings. How long to cook large dumplings? General rules for cooking dumplings

To prepare the filling:

  • Minced meat - 0.7 kg,
  • Onion - 1 head,
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Cooking process:

First you need to knead unleavened dough. Many modern people often buy already ready dough, But homemade dough much tastier for dumplings shop dough, in fact, as well as the product itself, to which today's issue is dedicated. So, let's get started.

I give you a recipe for dumpling dough for a bread machine, for kneading in a bucket at a time. Just add all the products and select the desired program, in different models it is called differently (pasta, dumplings). As a rule, their duration is about 20 minutes. It doesn't matter if you knead by hand or have a machine help you, but you must know that the dumpling dough must ripen before you start working with it. Therefore, he needs to be allowed to rest for 30-40 minutes.

Another important point. Even when using flour alone trademark, its quality is not always the same. One batch has more gluten, the other less. Yes, eggs vary in size. Therefore, sometimes you have to mix a little flour into the bun when you take it out of the bucket. Everything turned out perfect today. If there is a lot of minced meat, just make a few batches. The dough according to this recipe is elastic and can be easily rolled out in a thin layer. Also, without adding vegetable oil, when frozen, it does not crack and does not burst when cooked.

How to cook dough for dumplings manually without a bread machine

To do this, add salt to cool water and drive egg(or several at once, with an increase in proportions). Shake well and then add in small portions sifted flour. In the end, you should be able to elastic dough, which must be put in a bag and let it lie down. The gluten will swell and the dough will be easy to work with.

At this time, prepare the stuffing for dumplings. Classic - chopped meat, you can use any minced meat depending on your preferences: fish, liver, vegetables, mushrooms ... Also add to minced meat onion, it will add juiciness and flavor to the filling. Don't skimp on the spice. Can be used prepared spices for dumplings in bags. The onion for the filling is best passed through a meat grinder, and can also be cut into small cubes. Then mix the minced meat with onions, add salt and spices, mix everything thoroughly.

Now out ready dough you need to roll a long tourniquet with a diameter of 1 - 1.5 cm. Then, cutting off small pieces dough from the tourniquet, roll them in flour and roll into thin cakes. If the hand is stuffed, you can get cakes of approximately the same diameter.

But there is another way: for this you need to roll out a large cake with a thickness of no more than 2 mm, then cut it out using a glass or wine glass required amount cakes. Sprinkle the work surface with flour when rolling out.

Place a teaspoon in the middle of each dough ball. meat filling for dumplings.

We begin to carefully connect the opposite ends of the cake, starting from the end closest to you. If the cake is dry or there is a large layer of flour on it, the inner contour can be lubricated with water to better glue the dough.

As a result, you should get a semicircle resembling a dumpling, the ends of which need to be connected. So you will succeed homemade dumpling in the form of an ear.

Ready dumplings should be laid out on a surface sprinkled with flour so that the dough does not stick. Modeling homemade dumplings large quantities for subsequent freezing is a very lengthy process. If you have big family, involve all family members in this process to make it more fun and, of course, faster. It is better to cook dumplings in such a volume that they will immediately eat. Fresh semi-finished products, just stuck together, are better to freeze a little, so that they do not stick together. The other part of the dumplings, those that are stuck for the future, are sent to the freezer until completely frozen. First on a plank, and then, when all the dumplings are frozen, you can pour them into a bag and store them in the freezer for a long time.

How and how long to cook dumplings

When choosing a pan, give preference not to height, but to width. In a wide bowl, it is much more convenient to mix them. Water use no more than 2/3 of the volume of the saucepan.

It is also important to know how much water is required to cook dumplings, it depends on whether they stick together or not. So, the amount of water should exceed the number of dumplings at least three times. So, for 500 g original product it is better to use 2 liters of water.

So, to cook homemade dumplings, you need to add some spices to boiling water, in particular this Bay leaf, a few peas allspice or still the same ready seasoning for dumplings. We lower the dumplings into boiling water with spices, yes, we still don’t forget to salt it until the moment we pour the dumplings. Boiling water is a must. The dumplings should float to the surface, however, this can take up to 10 minutes. Therefore, at this moment, it is better to stir the dumplings and check if they have stuck to the bottom.

Cook dumplings home modeling after they rise to the surface, it takes 7-10 minutes, depending on their size and the thickness of the dough. The dough should be saturated with water and swell, but should not boil soft.

Next, take out the finished dumplings with a slotted spoon, grease with butter and serve with sour cream, your favorite sauce or broth with onions and garlic, to which you will definitely add black ground pepper and a tablespoon of 9% vinegar.

Well, that's all to the table, until the dumplings have cooled down and exude such crazy aromas!

Anyuta wishes you bon appetit.

In the comments, as always, I look forward to your questions and suggestions on the method of preparation.

Other dumpling dough recipes can be found in one of our special editions. notebook recipes

Frozen dumplings put in a saucepan with a large amount (4 liters / 1 kilogram of dumplings) of boiling salted water.

Add spices, cook for minutes until the boiled dumplings begin to float. After that, cook for another minute.

How to cook dumplings

1. Pour water into the pan (for 1 serving 15-20 dumplings - half a liter of water), put the pan on a strong fire.

2. Add black peppercorns and salt to the water. If dumplings will be served with broth, then ground pepper can be used so that you do not have to catch peas in a cloudy broth.

3. Wait for the water to boil.

4. Put the frozen dumplings in a saucepan.

5. After the water boils again, reduce the heat and stir the dumplings so that they do not stick together and stick to the bottom and walls of the pan.
6. Boil the dumplings for 10 minutes, fish out the dumplings from the water with a skimmer or a tablespoon.
7. Serve dumplings with sour cream and dumpling broth, sprinkled with herbs to taste.

Your dumplings are cooked!

How to cook dumplings in gadgets

How to cook dumplings in a slow cooker
Put dumplings on the bottom of the multicooker, pour sour cream mixed with water in a ratio of 1:4. Cook dumplings for 20 minutes in the multicooker "baking" mode. Sprinkle dumplings with grated cheese before serving.

How to cook dumplings in a double boiler
Boil dumplings in a double boiler for 30 minutes.

How to cook dumplings in a pressure cooker
Cook dumplings in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes.

How to cook dumplings in the microwave
Put frozen dumplings (200-250 grams) in a deep dish, add a glass of water, salt, pepper and bay leaf. Close the dish with a plate and put in the microwave for minutes (at a power of 800 W). The dish is ready Bon appetit!


1. When cooking dumplings, you can add greens, black pepper, bay leaf.
2. Favorite "thrifty" and fast food for appetizers - namely dumplings served with sour cream.
3. Dumpling broth is also very tasty. Therefore, it is believed that boiled dumplings - universal dish. Suitable for lunch, if served with broth, and for dinner.
4. If you cook dumplings yourself at home, you can save up to half the cost of store-bought dumplings. :)
5. To quickly cook dumplings, you should boil water not in a saucepan, but in an electric kettle.
6. You can store already cooked dumplings in the refrigerator, after draining the broth (so that the dumplings do not fall apart) and cool. The shelf life of boiled dumplings is 2-3 days. Keep boiled dumplings should be covered with a lid.
7. Water needs 3 times more dumplings: for example, for 0.5 kg of dumplings - 1.5 liters of water.
8. Boil dumplings in a double boiler for 30 minutes.
9. Calorie content of 100 grams of dumplings - 280 kcal.
10. The cost of store dumplings is 200-800 rubles / 1 kg. (on average in Moscow as of May 2016).

About dough for dumplings
It is believed that classic pastry for dumplings prepared without eggs and milk. However, such a dough, when eaten, is dense, like pasta, and sculpting dumplings from it manually too time-consuming, while there is a risk that the dumplings will boil unevenly and fall apart during cooking. Milk will soften the taste of dumplings, but also make it less bright. A compromise option would be to split the milk and water in half, and instead of an egg, add an additional 50 milliliters of liquid.

If the dough is too dense or trimmings are used, it is recommended to mix 1 additional tablespoon of vegetable oil into the dough.

If no rolling pin, can be used for rolling dumpling dough glass beer or wine bottle. It will not be so convenient and fast, but the quality of rolling will remain good.

If when making dumplings edges are very wide You can cut them with scissors or a knife. You can do the same with a screw pinch (which holds the ends of the dumpling together).

About minced meat in dumplings
- To taste, you can add onion to minced meat fried, but then the dumplings will be less juicy. In order to cook juicy dumplings With fried onions, you should double the portion of the onion, or add water to the minced meat.
- For juiciness, you can add 3 tablespoons of water or crushed ice to the minced meat.
- Salt dumplings should be with a margin, so that there is enough salt for dumpling broth.
- Minced meat for dumplings is usually used from fatty pork and regular beef equally, but options are possible: only lean pork, only beef with the addition of lard, only beef with the addition of water.
- When preparing minced meat can add greens for meat: dill, parsley, chopped green onion stalks. You can also add chopped bouillon cubes- they will give bright taste and broth when cooking dumplings.

Dumpling arithmetic
- From the given amount of products when cooking at home, it turned out 32 dumplings medium size, weight - 850 grams.
- The cost of products for cooking 850 grams of dumplings - 115 rub.(on average in Moscow as of May 2016).
- It takes 1.5 hours to prepare 2 servings of homemade dumplings, it is recommended to cook a lot at once and freeze.

How to store dumplings
1. Can be cooked immediately a large number of dumplings and freeze them. The shelf life of frozen dumplings is 4 months.
2. In order to store dumplings in the freezer and they do not stick together, it is better to sprinkle flour on a flat surface, put the dumplings on it and send it to freezer for 1 hour.
After an hour, take out the dumplings, carefully collect them from a flat surface and put them in plastic bags. Tie the bags and put them in the freezer drawer.

Dumpling traditions

The main tradition in the modeling of dumplings is the creation of a "happy dumpling". Usually, during the modeling process, a coin, salt or pepper is placed in a randomly selected dumpling instead of the filling (it happens that the dumpling is simply left empty). It is believed that the lucky one who comes across such unusual dumpling, will be accompanied by good luck and luck.

It has become a rare tradition to cook dumplings in a close family circle. According to this tradition, each member of the family is involved in the modeling process, which performs a certain function. One rolls out the dough, the second cuts out circles from the dough, the third fills the blanks with minced meat, and the rest help to sculpt. Thus, when preparing dumplings, even the smallest will find work to do - for example, press a glass on the rolled out dough to make circles. Or putting minced meat on circles. - Making dumplings on your own is very healthy: fine motor work helps to strengthen nervous system the money saved will allow you to buy healthy vegetables or fruits, and the absence of synthetic flavor enhancers in the product will preserve freedom from food addiction.

Traditionally, dumplings are made in December-January, when it is cold outside and you want to do something without leaving your home. This is all the more relevant, since, in general, products become more expensive in winter. By the way, to cook dumplings, you can do without spending electricity at all: all products can be processed by hand.

Traditionally, minced meat for dumplings is prepared from different types meat: lamb, beef and pork. On Far East most often dumplings are prepared from minced fish. In the northern regions of Russia, elk meat dumplings are loved, and in the central regions they are more likely to cook mushroom dumplings. The south of the Urals is famous potato dumplings. Their difference from dumplings is that the stuffing is put raw in dumplings. lovers diet food dumplings from cabbage or radish, both fresh and sauerkraut, will be to your taste. Do not be surprised that during cooking, homemade dumplings turn slightly yellow - this is how eggs make themselves felt.

How to make dumplings

For 32 medium dumplings (serves 2)
Flour for dough - 300 grams (1.4-1.5 cups or 14.5 tablespoons with a slide)
Rolling flour - 2 heaping tablespoons
Chicken egg - 1 piece
Water - half a glass (100 milliliters)
Minced meat - 300 grams
Onion - 1 small head
Black pepper - 1 pinch
Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon
Salt - 2 teaspoons without a slide

How to make dumplings at home
1. Measure into a sieve over a bowl 1.25 standard 200 ml cups of flour.

2. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to the flour.

3. Lightly shaking the sieve, sift the flour into a bowl.

4. Add 1 tablespoon to flour sunflower oil.

5. Pour water into a mug and heat it in the microwave to a temperature of 40 degrees (to the touch a little warmer than body temperature).
5. Break 1 chicken egg into a bowl, add half a glass of heated water and beat with a whisk.

6. Pour in egg mixture into flour.

7. Right in the bowl, mix the food with a spoon, and then with your hands until the dough starts to stick out of your hands.

8. Because the quality of the flour may differ from the standard flour, you may need a little more flour - then add half a tablespoon of flour and continue kneading the dough, only 15 minutes.

9. Roll the dough into a ball, put it in a bag and leave it at room temperature insist on half an hour.
10. Put the minced meat in a bowl, mix with a spoon.

11. Peel onions, finely chop, you can also chop with a grater or meat grinder.

12. Add onion, salt and pepper to the minced meat, mix them into the minced meat with your hands.

13. Get the dough.
14. Pour 1 tablespoon of flour onto the work surface and smooth.
15. Lay out the dough, knead so that it becomes a little dry.

16. Roll the dough into a sausage 20 centimeters long, then cut it in half crosswise.
17. Place 1 half in a bag so that it does not dry out (the dried dough can hardly be rolled out).
18. Remain half of the dough, start rolling it out on a work surface with a rolling pin sprinkled with flour (as an option - with a bottle).

19. Roll out the dough into a layer of 2-3 millimeters, squeeze out circles with a jar or glass with a diameter of 6.5-7 centimeters.

20. Knead the scraps, roll out (it will be harder because the dough has become denser), squeeze the circles again.
21. Put the circles of dough on a plate.

22. Lay the circles one by one on the work surface, spread the minced meat on the dough with a teaspoon: for 1 dumpling you will have a small piece of minced meat about half a teaspoon.

23. Put the stuffing in the middle of the dough, then lift 1 half and cover it with 2 half.

24. Pinch the edges of the dumpling with your fingertips so that the edges are not very wide.
25. Pull the corners of the dumpling and bring it over a flat part, gently twist the dough in the same place.

26. Put dumplings on a plate and put in the freezer.

27. Similarly, make dumplings from the second part of the dough and the remaining minced meat: in total, you will get 30-35 medium-sized dumplings.
28. Remove the second plate in the freezer, constructing the structure so that the dumplings do not touch. If there are plastic plates, you can safely put on top immediately on dumplings.

29. Wait 1 hour for the dumplings to freeze.

30. Put the dumplings in a bag - they will be stored for up to six months.

31. Boil dumplings - they will not fall apart during cooking and will give the broth a bright taste.

How long to cook dumplings?

    After the dumplings float to the surface and boil, dumplings should be cooked for about 5-10 minutes (sometimes 15). In fact, it all depends on the thickness of the dough and on the minced meat (what kind of meat it is made from). Therefore, I usually taste after the dough looks soft, but not earlier than 5 minutes after surfacing. On store dumplings, they usually write the time of their preparation.

    You can cook dumplings in the old-fashioned way, and here you definitely won’t go wrong. After the dumplings boil, add a little water, the water stops boiling. We are waiting re-boiling, add water again. And we do this three times. Dumplings are ready!

    On some packs of dumplings, I even saw instructions on how much to cook dumplings. If you throw dumplings into boiling water and wait until they begin to boil, then the cooking time will be 3-5 minutes. And the control test: they should float to the surface.

    Dumplings are placed in small portions in boiling salted water, after half a minute they must be carefully mixed with a slotted spoon. You can add bay leaf.

    Dumplings made at home good stuffing(which the hostess makes herself) it is enough to cook for 5 minutes after boiling or even a little less. Store-bought dumplings should be boiled a little more for reliability.

    Fire, heating should be maximum.

    Time washes life differently: from the moment the last dumplings surface to 10-15 minutes, until the dumplings start to fall apart.

    Considering that man is an omnivore, undercooked meat can also be eaten. However, I prefer to cook the dumplings longer until the mince smell is gone.

    It is not realistic to say the exact time. Different kinds of dumplings different dough, different stuffing (minced meat), all factors affect the duration of cooking.

    But a simple grandmother's way will help you cook dumplings correctly. As soon as they surfaced after boiling, leave to boil for literally 20 seconds and you can get it. Grandmothers say if a dumpling floats, it means it is rushing out!!

    Submarine. Pomkoka enters the captain's cabin: _

    Mr. Kaperang, we need to go upstairs._

    Fucked up? During combat duty? Fuck???_

    After all, you have approved dumplings on the menu today!_

    Look, here is the recipe: Wait for it to rise, boil for a minute and a half..._

    I do not by the clock, but by the tooth I determine. As a specific aroma, I smelled one dumpling, blew it - and into the bread slicer. The tongue is not the eye, make no mistake.

    It doesn't seem to be entirely on topic. Wish -_

    royal dumplings:

    IN cast iron skillet(with removable handle) pour approx. half a glass of sunflower oil. Heat over high heat until boiling.

    Pelmeni (without defrosting!) Put in boiling sunflower oil in small portions and fry until golden brown.

    Reduce fire to minimum. Salt - to taste, pepper (black and red) - for an amateur, ground bay leaf - literally for namka. Pour dumplings with sour cream, cover the pan and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Without stirring! During this time, preheat the oven for baking.

    Open the lid, sprinkle (not very finely) chopped herbs, grated cheese (hard variety) on top - and put in the oven for five minutes.

    The front door - it is better to keep it closed with both locks, with a deadbolt, with a chain, with a latch ..._

    The cooking time of dumplings depends on their quality and size.

    If dumplings are store-bought, with a thick dough, or large, then they need to be cooked longer. While the dough is boiled, it is also necessary to prepare the minced meat, so the method surfaced and it is not good to get it here. Again - more than 4-5 minutes there is a chance that they will boil and fall apart into tatters.

    If the dumplings are small, homemade, with thin dough, then a minute after they pop up - and you're done, get it and eat it.

    First, put the saucepan cold water on the fire and wait until the water in the pan boils. Then pour dumplings into boiling water and wait until they float. When they float to the top, it remains to cook for 5 minutes.

    Cooking time for dumplings is different, depending on the thickness of the rolled out dough and the size of the dumplings themselves. Small dumplings with thinly rolled dough will cook faster than large ones, and it’s not good to digest them either - they will fall apart. Therefore, the time is marked from the moment the dumplings rise, 5 minutes is enough.

    Many people love dumplings. Of course, it is much tastier and healthier to make dumplings on your own, but most of us still buy finished semi-finished product in the shop. Usually, a caring manufacturer indicates the cooking time on the pack. Usually, total time Cooking dumplings will take about 20 minutes. As soon as the dumplings float, turn off the gas, cover the pan with a lid and cook the dumplings for about 10 minutes. It is after this period of time that dumplings are usually ready. It remains only to pull them out of the pan, add sour cream, herbs or mustard and enjoy a delicious dish.

Servings: Cooking time: 12/22/2014

One Siberian named Blinov exclaimed in his lyrical works about dumplings: “I’m ready to fall on my knees before the one who invented dumplings!”, And this work was published back in 1879. Maybe we don’t know this Blinov, but we love dumplings very much!

Approaching new year holidays, for which many of us "harvest" several hundred dumplings, this topic, oh, how relevant. Firstly, they are very convenient to cook on the first day of the New Year, when you want something hot. And secondly, the influence of eastern calendars and superstitions affects. After all, it is known that dumplings have Chinese roots, it is a symbol of family unity, harmony and happiness. And in shape, they resemble not only an "ear", but also coins, so a large number of dumplings is a symbol of wealth, prosperity and a rich family life.

We will prepare them exclusively from homemade minced meat and home test.

If in the old Siberian recipe Minced dumplings were prepared from the meat of a bear or a wild animal, but in our time, the meat filling is most often from pork, beef, chicken and lamb.

At the market, I liked beautiful pieces of fresh pork and beef of the cervico-shoulder part with a total weight of about four kilograms. From the pulp I have prepared minced dumplings, and put small fragments of bones with meat into the broth for cabbage soup.

How to make homemade dumplings? I will not say that it is fast, but I will say with confidence that it is simple. The main thing is just to start! Well, my step by step photo the recipe for young and novice housewives will be a visual aid.

In the recipe I give the average consumption of ingredients for about 1.5 kg of dumplings, it's up to you to decide how many times to increase it.

I assure you the taste homemade dish cannot be compared with purchased semi-finished products, even if the packaging indicates that they are made from 100% meat.

Treat yourself to homemade and delicious!

Homemade dumplings

To prepare dough for homemade dumplings, you will need


  • Water - 210 ml,
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece,
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • Wheat flour - 450 g.

To prepare the filling:

  • Minced meat - 0.7 kg,
  • Onion - 1 head,
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Cooking process:

First you need to knead fresh dough. Many modern people often buy ready-made dough, but homemade dough for dumplings is much tastier than store-bought dough, in fact, just like the product itself, to which today's issue is dedicated. So, let's get started.

I give you a recipe for dumpling dough for a bread machine, for kneading in a bucket at a time. Just add all the products and select the desired program, in different models it is called differently (pasta, dumplings). As a rule, their duration is about 20 minutes. It doesn't matter if you knead by hand or have a machine help you, but you must know that the dumpling dough must ripen before you start working with it. Therefore, he needs to be allowed to rest for 30-40 minutes.

Another important point. Even when using flour of the same brand, its quality is not always the same. One batch has more gluten, the other less. Yes, eggs vary in size. Therefore, sometimes you have to mix a little flour into the bun when you take it out of the bucket. Everything turned out perfect today. If there is a lot of minced meat, just make a few batches. The dough according to this recipe is elastic and can be easily rolled out in a thin layer. And yet, even without the addition of vegetable oil, when frozen, it does not crack and does not burst when cooked.

How to cook dough for dumplings manually without a bread machine

To do this, add salt to cool water and drive in a chicken egg (or several at once, with an increase in proportions). Shake everything thoroughly and then add the sifted flour in small portions. As a result, you should get an elastic dough, which you need to put in a bag and let it rest. The gluten will swell and the dough will be easy to work with.

At this time, prepare the stuffing for dumplings. The classic is minced meat, you can use any minced meat depending on your preferences: fish, liver, vegetables, mushrooms ... We also add onions to the minced meat, it will add juiciness and flavor to the filling. Don't skimp on the spice. You can use ready-made spices for dumplings in bags. The onion for the filling is best passed through a meat grinder, and can also be cut into small cubes. Then mix the minced meat with onions, add salt and spices, mix everything thoroughly.

Now, from the finished dough, you need to roll a long tourniquet with a diameter of 1 - 1.5 cm. Then, cutting off small pieces of dough from the tourniquet, roll them in flour and roll them into thin cakes. If the hand is stuffed, you can get cakes of approximately the same diameter.

But there is another way: to do this, you need to roll out a large cake with a thickness of no more than 2 mm, then cut out the required number of cakes using a glass or wine glass. Sprinkle the work surface with flour when rolling out.

In the middle of each cake of dough, lay out a teaspoon of meat filling for dumplings.

We begin to carefully connect the opposite ends of the cake, starting from the end closest to you. If the cake is dry or there is a large layer of flour on it, the inner contour can be lubricated with water to better glue the dough.

As a result, you should get a semicircle resembling a dumpling, the ends of which need to be connected. So you get a homemade dumpling in the form of an ear.

Ready dumplings should be laid out on a surface sprinkled with flour so that the dough does not stick. Modeling homemade dumplings in large quantities for subsequent freezing is a very long process. If you have a large family, involve all family members in this process to make it more fun and, of course, faster. It is better to cook dumplings in such a volume that they will immediately eat. Fresh semi-finished products, just stuck together, are better to freeze a little, so that they do not stick together. The other part of the dumplings, those that are stuck for the future, are sent to the freezer until completely frozen. First, on a plank, and then, when all the dumplings are frozen, you can pour them into a bag and store them in the freezer for a long time.

How and how long to cook dumplings

When choosing a pan, give preference not to height, but to width. In a wide bowl, it is much more convenient to mix them. Water use no more than 2/3 of the volume of the saucepan.

It is also important to know how much water is required to cook dumplings, it depends on whether they stick together or not. So, the amount of water should exceed the number of dumplings at least three times. So, for 500 g of the original product, it is better to use 2 liters of water.

So, for cooking homemade dumplings, you need to add some spices to boiling water, in particular, bay leaf, a few peas of allspice, or the same ready-made seasoning for dumplings. We lower the dumplings into boiling water with spices, yes, we still don’t forget to salt it until the moment we pour the dumplings. Boiling water is a must. The dumplings should float to the surface, however, this can take up to 10 minutes. Therefore, at this moment, it is better to stir the dumplings and check if they have stuck to the bottom.

It takes 7-10 minutes to cook home-made dumplings after they float to the surface, depending on their size and the thickness of the dough. The dough should be saturated with water and swell, but should not boil soft.

Next, take out the finished dumplings with a slotted spoon, grease with butter and serve with sour cream, your favorite sauce or broth with onions and garlic, to which you must add black ground pepper and a tablespoon of 9% vinegar.

Well, that's all to the table, until the dumplings have cooled down and exude such crazy aromas!

Anyuta wishes you bon appetit.

In the comments, as always, I look forward to your questions and suggestions on the method of preparation.

Other dumpling dough recipes can be found in one of the special editions of our Recipe Book -- RECIPES -- >>

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  • Dumplings are a versatile semi-finished product that allows you not to spend a lot of time cooking. They are traditionally made with a filling of different varieties meat - pork, beef, chicken meat and their combinations. There are even semi-finished products with fish filling. There are many ways to cook this product - boil, bake and even fry.

    How long do dumplings boil

    The process of preparing this product at first glance looks simple. But if you want to get really tasty and beautiful dish, then you should know some subtleties. The cooking time of dumplings depends on their size and the composition of the dough. After you lowered the semi-finished product into the pan, large items cook 10-12 minutes, smaller ones - 7 minutes. If you prefer to cook the semi-finished product in a different way, then remember that:

    • when using a pressure cooker, you will need to wait 20 minutes;
    • by using microwave oven the cooking process will take up to 10 minutes;
    • cooking a dish in a slow cooker - 20 minutes (do not forget to select the “Baking” or “Steaming” mode);
    • in a double boiler, the cooking time is 30 minutes.

    Usage kitchen appliances has its own subtleties and gives finished product its own characteristics. Products cooked in a double boiler remain dense and do not boil soft. When using a multicooker, each housewife needs to choose the optimal mode depending on the power of the equipment. Cooking in a microwave oven requires special dishes that can withstand heating at full power for 7-10 minutes.

    How long to cook homemade dumplings

    The dough for homemade dumplings is sometimes denser than that of store-bought ones. It can be frozen and stored for a long time. Ready-made uncooked products are also frozen, having previously sprinkled well with flour. It is better to do this immediately after sculpting. It must be borne in mind that minced meat can release juice. advantage home cooking is that housewives always know what ingredients they put in the dish. In this case, you can determine the amount of filling that can be made from:

    • pork or beef;
    • poultry meat;
    • sea ​​or river fish.

    Cooking time homemade product requires a little more. You need to pour the required amount of water into the pan and wait for it to boil. You can speed up the process by first boiling the liquid in an electric kettle. Dip the semi-finished product in boiling water and stir gently. You need to cook homemade dumplings for up to 10 minutes after boiling again. To prevent the dough from sticking together, add a little vegetable oil - about 1 teaspoon.

    How much to cook purchased dumplings

    For those who prefer shop semi-finished products, the question may arise: how to cook such a product correctly? Look at the packaging - manufacturers indicate in the instructions how many minutes to cook dumplings. On average, cooking takes about 5 minutes. The time may increase slightly if the dumplings are made from a dense dough. Some housewives determine readiness by when the semi-finished products rise to the surface. After all products have surfaced, the boiling time is 2-3 minutes.

    Delicious shop dumplings will turn out with sauces of sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup, you can sprinkle them with herbs or add a little vinegar. They are also served with soy sauce, sour cream and garlic dressing or sprinkled with grated cheese. To give extra taste add finely chopped hot red pepper - but do not overdo it with this seasoning.

    How long to cook dumplings after boiling water

    After the water or broth boils, and you put the product into the pan, you need to wait for it to boil again. Stir the products constantly so that they do not stick together, salt and season with pepper and bay leaf. Lower the heat a little and wait for the water to boil again. It is important to remember here how much to cook dumplings after surfacing - approximately 2-3 minutes. Readiness is determined by the softness of the dough.

    How to cook dumplings

    In order to cook the dish correctly, you will need to follow a few rules and adhere to simple recommendations. Before you cook dumplings in a saucepan, you need to fill the container with water and put it to boil - the fire can be made to the maximum. While the water is warming up, you can add some peppercorns and bay leaves. How much salt you need to put is a matter of your taste.

    The next step is to lower the semi-finished product into boiling water. If you are preparing a frozen product, then you do not need to defrost it. It is desirable to lower each dumpling separately, but quickly. This is necessary so that the water does not stop boiling and all products are cooked at the same time. At this stage, it is important not to forget to constantly stir the dish.

    After the first semi-finished products began to rise from the bottom of the pan to the surface, it is necessary to reduce the heat. Time to fully prepared dishes depends on what kind of dough the product is made from. On average, cooking dumplings after surfacing will take 5 minutes. Finished goods drain in a colander, let the liquid drain, then put on a plate. serve with various sauces. If you are in doubt about how to cook a dish correctly, watch the video with detailed instruction.

    How to cook dumplings in a saucepan deliciously

    The cooking process begins with the correct selection of containers. It is best to choose not very deep, wide dishes. For half a kilogram of semi-finished products, you will need about one and a half liters of water (ratio of one to three). Choose such a volume of the pan that the water does not splash out on the stove when boiling, do not pour a lot of liquid.

    If you are worried about how to weld delicious dumplings, add a bay leaf or a few peas of allspice to the water at the end of cooking. More fragrant dish you can add a clove of garlic. Don't forget about proper storage food left over from dinner. It is imperative to drain the water from the pan, cool the dish well and store in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.

    How to cook dumplings with broth in a saucepan

    Cooking dumplings with broth is a simple task, and the result will be hearty meal. This product is made from dough and minced meat, so it can replace meatballs or dumplings in the soup, making it more satisfying. For cooking, you need meat, bay leaf, dried parsley, dill. Instead of meat use and mushroom broth. You can boil any meat on the bone with the addition of spices and herbs. This soup will full-fledged first dish, if you add potatoes and fried onions with carrots to it. In this case, you need:

    • boil potatoes;
    • add vegetables from the pan to the boiled potatoes, cook everything for 4-5 minutes;
    • then lower the semi-finished product into the boiling broth, 5 minutes after surfacing, sprinkle with herbs and add seasonings;
    • cook until tender with constant stirring.

    How to cook frozen dumplings

    In order for frozen dumplings to cook deliciously and quickly, follow simple advice.

    1. When cooking, the product will not lose its shape and will not stick to the walls of the pan if you put it in boiling salted water or broth.
    2. Immediately after laying in the water, you can add spices.
    3. After the broth has boiled a second time, cook for another 4-5 minutes.
    4. Don't forget to stir the broth from time to time.
    5. TO ready meal add to taste butter, sprinkle chopped herbs on top.

    Video: How to boil dumplings
