
What can be prepared from dumplings. What to cook from dumplings dough: ideas, recipes, recommendations

Often, after making dumplings, the housewives have a certain amount of unused dough left. It’s a pity to throw it away, but what can be done from dumpling dough? It would seem that a simple composition does not allow much to roam in the culinary open spaces. But in reality, this is not the case: many different delicacies can be made from dumpling dough that will delight you with the speed of preparation, taste and satiety. Let's take a closer look at what can be made from dumpling dough.

Option one: crispy dumplings

This recipe can rightfully be called universal, as it is suitable for snacks and a sweet addition to tea. Cooked shortbreads can be used as a base for canapes, cheese and mushroom pastes. In addition, sweet delicacies such as condensed milk, jam, powdered sugar, jam or jam go well with this dish.

Cookies are prepared as follows:

  • We break a piece of dumpling dough into several small balls (the size of a quail egg).
  • Next, roll out these balls with a rolling pin. The resulting pancakes should be about 2-3 mm thick. When rolling out the dough, do not forget to add flour.
  • Heat the pan and add oil (as for frying potatoes).
  • Put pancakes on hot oil. After about five minutes, as the shortcakes have acquired a golden hue, they must be turned over.
  • Put the cooked cakes on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Option two: lazy dumplings

If you do not know what can be prepared from dumplings as a second course, then we have a great idea - lazy dumplings. The name really justifies itself, as preparing this dish is easy and fast. As a filling, you can use mashed potatoes, curd mass and other fillers. The cooking method is as follows:

  • We disassemble the dough into several small sausages (approximate length 20 cm, diameter 3-4 cm).
  • Roll out sausages into rectangular layers. The width of the layers should be about 2-3 mm.
  • Put the filling in the middle of the dough plates. Make sure that the amount of filling allows you to make a fixing seam.
  • Gently with your fingers, we begin to heal the side parts firmly.
  • Cut sausages into small pieces.
  • We throw lazy dumplings into boiling salted water and cook for 15-20 minutes until fully cooked.

Ready-made lazy dumplings can be served with a delicious tomato sauce or creamy dressing.

Option three: fried sausages in dough

This dish turns out not only tasty, but also looks appetizing, so it can be safely served on even a festive table. The cooking technology is simple:

Knowing these recipes, you can not only delight your family with mouth-watering goodies, but also find a use for food surpluses.

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    It can simply be rolled out into not very thin cakes and fried on both sides. You can use vegetable oil, and even tastier on creamy, until golden brown on both sides. We used to always do this when there was dough left from dumplings. These hot cakes are good to eat immediately, when they are still hot, with sweet tea. When they cool down, they won't taste as good anymore.

    My grandmother cooked for me from the remnants of dumplings dough - ears. That is, I rolled it into pieces in circles and connected them in the middle, they turned out in the form of a bow. Boiled in salted water, and served with sour cream, sugar or butter with sugar. In principle, the same noodles were obtained, only of a different shape)))

    Try Kystybay

    cut the dough into pieces slightly smaller than the egg, roll it thinly and fry in a dry frying pan on both sides. Place mashed potatoes on one half of the finished tortilla and cover with the other half. brush the top of the cake with butter.

    The remaining dough for dumplings can be rolled out thinly, greased with mayonnaise or Philadelphia, lay out the filling (what is rich, like for pizza).

    my mother also made ears from dough, and I roll out the remaining dumpling dough into a thin layer, cut it like brushwood and fry it in a pan. tasty, crunchy little things are obtained. I love them with soup instead of bread. and my baby crunches them so with great pleasure)))

    I’m looking at how much, it turns out, you can cook all kinds of interesting things from the dough left over from dumplings. I tried to cook noodles several times, but since the dough is still different for noodles and dumplings, I won’t recommend it. Now I try to follow the proportions in the dough and meat, so that there is no excess in either one or the other.

    The best and most economical is to roll out the dough left over from cooking dumplings on a board into a large pancake and cut noodles out of it, which can be slightly dried and then used as a side dish for second courses.

    If there is leftover dough after making dumplings, you can put it in the refrigerator. It can keep for three days. During these days, you will definitely have a side dish like crushed potatoes. You can make dumplings. I keep fried mushrooms in the freezer, when I need to do something quickly, I add. They will go very well in mashed potatoes, and the dumplings will be noble. Or add fresh herbs instead of mushrooms.

    But making dumplings is not always in terms of the hostess, and it’s a pity to quit the dough. Then you can roll out thinly, sprinkle well with flour and cut the noodles. Then dry it and use it for making soup or a second course.

    It is also easy and simple to cook from the rest of the dumpling dough lazy dumplings, for example, with potatoes.

    To do this, take the remaining dough and roll it into a sausage. Straighten it with your hands to make a rectangular shape of small height. Take scissors and cut into strips. Boil these strips in salted water.

    Separately, boil the large potatoes cut into squares. Onion (chopped as desired) fried in butter. Mix everything while hot. For lovers, you can add additional sour cream and dill. Bon appetit!

    I usually roll out the remaining dough for dumplings into a large thin circle, roll it up and thinly slice the noodles, boil the chicken, add onions, you can add 2 potatoes to the broth and add noodles, pepper, salt, greens to taste, and serve to the table with sour cream. And you can also cook beshbarmak from this dough by boiling beef separately, fry onions, beshbarmak, I throw it through a colander and onto a large dish, sprinkle meat, fried onions, cut into pieces on top, pour over the broth in which they cooked meat, herbs, sour cream (koumiss unfortunately we don't). Everything is not so difficult, but delicious.

    Everything is useful in the household, the dough too. If there is dough for dumplings left, you can roll it into a thin cake, coat the whole cake with oil, twist it with a roll, then with a snail. Put in the refrigerator for an hour. Roll out again and repeat everything three times (that is, make puff pastry). After the last rolling, cut into rectangles and fry in vegetable oil in a pan. Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. You will get wonderful layers.

Cooking dumplings dough at home: on water, milk, with or without an egg. The best dumpling dough recipes - for you!

A recipe for a universal dough that is perfect for both dumplings and dumplings.

  • Water 1 cup (250 ml)
  • Flour 550-600 grams
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Egg 1 piece

We cover the dough with a damp towel and you can make any filling. All is ready.

I recommend this recipe to everyone who makes dumplings and dumplings at home, it’s a very good dough, it’s nice to work with it, it doesn’t tear or boil soft. Bon appetit.

Recipe 2: dough for homemade dumplings on the water (step by step)

The dough on the water turns out to be very soft, elastic, easy to mold, does not tear, dumplings do not stick out and do not become limp in water during cooking. From the specified amount of ingredients, about 100 small dumplings are obtained.

For test:

  • 250 ml of cold water;
  • 1 egg C0;
  • 500 g flour;
  • a pinch of salt.

For dumplings:

  • minced pork and beef with onions.

Recipe 3, simple: dough for dumplings at home

Delicious dumpling dough! Yes, it's delicious! And it also turns out to be very plastic, unusually obedient, does not tear and is remarkably molded. Exactly what you need to make delicious homemade dumplings.

Regarding flour: the amount of this product (as in the preparation of absolutely any type of dough) can vary up or down. The thing is that the moisture content of wheat flour can be different, so for certain proportions of liquid according to a single recipe, someone may need 3 cups, while someone needs only 2.5. That is why always focus on your feelings and experience.

The dough for dumplings according to this recipe should be soft immediately after kneading and gather well into a ball. After resting, it will become smooth and completely uniform. It can be stored for about a day in the refrigerator if you do not have time to immediately stick dumplings.

  • water - 50 ml
  • milk - 130 ml
  • wheat flour - 3 cups
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.

First of all, be sure to sift the flour. This will not only help to get rid of possible impurities, but also further enrich the flour with oxygen, making it more airy.

We make a slide out of flour, and then a recess in it, where we pour in water and milk at room temperature. Break in the egg and sprinkle with salt.

With movements on the edges of the bowl to its center, we connect the products, kneading the dough for dumplings. Then we make a small depression in the center of the dough, into which we pour the oil.

Now mix the sunflower oil well into the dough so that it becomes homogeneous. We collect it to the ball, cover the bowl with a towel (you can tighten it with a film so that it does not wind up) and let it rest for 40 minutes.

Recipe 4: how easy it is to make dough for homemade dumplings

Such a dough recipe for homemade dumplings never fails, and even after freezing it rolls out beautifully and dumplings are molded so wonderfully. Preparing the dough ahead of time will help you save time in the kitchen.

  • water - 150 grams,
  • wheat flour - 600 grams,
  • fine salt - 1 tsp. l.,
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.

I sift the flour (so far only half the norm) into a bowl, enrich it with oxygen. Also, this procedure helps to get rid of possible lumps. Sometimes in the flour there are incomprehensible small dry lumps. I use regular wheat flour. Add a little salt to the flour, mix the flour with salt to make the dough tastier.

I drive in chicken eggs, I start stirring the dough with a spoon.

I pour in water, start kneading the dough, again mix it with a spoon.

It turns out a watery dough, but it is without lumps and this is very good.

I pour all the rest of the flour into the dough, now I start working with clean hands, knead the dough thoroughly until a tight ball forms. The dough turns out to be tight, but at the same time it is easy to roll out and lends itself to modeling.

I use the finished dough to make many delicious dumplings.

Recipe 5: delicious milk dough for homemade dumplings

  • milk - 0.5 tbsp.
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • wheat flour - 400 g
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp

Sift the flour through a sieve into a bowl or onto a work surface. Make a small indentation in the center of the hill and crack in the egg. Add salt and stir the egg with a fork.

Add milk and start kneading the dough. Knead with your hands, gradually adding cold water - literally 1 teaspoon each. Depending on the quality of the flour, it may take from 20 to 50 ml of water until the dough becomes steep and stops sticking to your hands.

Pelmeni dough is a versatile ingredient that can be used to prepare many delicious dishes. From such a preparation, magnificent pasties, rolls, flat cakes, shortbreads, dumplings, manti and even samsa are obtained. But when sculpting dumplings, a situation often arises when the minced meat is over, but the dough is left. Many housewives ruthlessly throw away such a useful product, others put it in the refrigerator until better times. A selection of wonderful and very simple recipes will answer the question, the test. All dishes are tested and very tasty!

Classic dumpling recipe

For those who are faced with the preparation of a universal preparation for the first time, a quick and easy way to create a useful ingredient will surely come in handy. The easiest and most affordable, but no less tasty dough is made on the basis of four components that any housewife will always have in the kitchen.

To prepare a blank according to the classic recipe, you will need:

  • half a liter of chilled boiled water;
  • one and a half kilograms of premium wheat flour;
  • a teaspoon of table salt (with a slide);
  • 50 milliliters of vegetable oil.

A guide to making simple dumplings

Pour a kilogram of sifted flour into a large deep bowl. Add a teaspoon of salt and pour in water, the temperature of which is 20-25 degrees.

Mix all ingredients with a spoon. Pour the remaining flour onto the work surface (table) and put the resulting mass into it. Start kneading the dough with your hands. Dumplings love to be well mashed. Due to the fact that the dough is kneaded on a flour table, it takes exactly as much flour as it needs to achieve elasticity and softness.

As soon as the workpiece has acquired the necessary structure, you should coat it and your hands with vegetable oil. It remains to knead the dough again for a few minutes. The dumpling preparation turns out to be soft and tender, and most importantly, it does not stick to hands at all.

Gather the finished dough into a single lump and place in a bag to be tied. Leave the workpiece for half an hour in a warm place. During this time, the flour will release a sufficient amount of gluten, and the mass will become elastic, pliable and durable.

OK it's all over Now! Excellent dumplings dough according to the classic recipe is completely ready.

Delicious chebureks

This crispy, ruddy, juicy and simply delicious dish is loved by everyone. Neither a woman, nor a man, nor a child will refuse an appetizing cheburek. If the question arose of what to cook from dumplings dough, then the answer to it suggests itself ... Of course, pasties! This classic recipe is perfect for creating this delicious dish. The recipe for pasties from dumplings dough will surely be included in the cookbook of every far-sighted housewife!


To create fried cakes you will need:

  • 300 grams of dumpling dough;
  • 600 grams of minced meat;
  • 300 grams of onion;
  • a glass of purified water;
  • 2 teaspoons ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • 200 grams of hard cheese (optional);
  • about 500 milliliters of refined oil;
  • 50 grams of flour for dusting the baking sheet;
  • fresh parsley (optional)

To create crispy chebureks, you will need to use the dumplings dough recipe. Incredibly tasty, ruddy and thin fried products come out of it. Since the dough is probably already ready, you can start by preparing the filling for future pasties. Its basis is meat. You can use absolutely any minced meat that you like: chicken, turkey, pork, beef, lamb. For those who prefer to reduce the number of calories, poultry meat is suitable. But if you want to cook real pasties, which should be quite fatty, juicy and satisfying, mixed minced pork and beef will do.

Detailed description of the process

It is necessary to place the meat ingredient in a deep bowl. Add to it crushed on a large one (optional) and mix. There should be a lot of onions. After all, it is he who gives the chebureks a piquant note and preserves their juiciness. Peel the onion from the husk, rinse, and then cut into small cubes. If desired, the ingredient can be chopped with a medium grater. In this case, it will practically not be felt in the finished dish, but it will perform its functions perfectly. Add onion to meat and cheese.

Finely chop the pure parsley and also send to a bowl with minced meat. Add ground pepper. In real chebureks, there should be a lot of it, so the amount can be safely increased. Salt the filling to taste, then mix thoroughly.

And now you need to pour water. The liquid is required, it will make the filling very juicy. Mix the meat mixture well again.

Pinch off small pieces from the dough and roll them into balls (about the size of an average chicken egg). Turn each resulting bun with a rolling pin into a thin round layer. Its thickness should not exceed two millimeters.

Place the filling on one side of each layer. Cover with the second half of the pancake. Pinch the edges with your fingers or a fork, then place the cheburek blank on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour. Do this with all dough and stuffing.

We fry pasties

When all pasties are ready, you can start frying them. Pour enough refined oil into a large frying pan. There should be a lot of fat, because real pasties are deep-fried. Send the pan with oil to medium heat and heat well. When the fat is very hot (a characteristic crackling testifies to this), put a few chebureks into it. Fry the products over medium heat for 2.5-3 minutes on each side. Ready pasties should have a pleasant light brown color.

Fry in this way all the blanks that have turned out. You can eat immediately, but it is better to cool a little (literally 2-3 minutes).

Classic roll

What to cook from dumplings dough to spend a minimum of time and effort? Of course, roll! By the way, the dish has another name - lazy dumplings. It really is very similar to these small meat products, but it is much easier to prepare. A dumpling dough roll will become a real lifesaver in those moments when there is no time at all, and unexpected guests are on the threshold or a hungry family demands dinner.

Ingredients for a lazy meal:

  • half a kilogram of dumpling dough;
  • 400 grams of any minced meat;
  • three large onions;
  • two medium carrots;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • a piece of butter (about 50 grams);
  • a mixture of peppers, salt;
  • 30 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • 100 milliliters of drinking water.

To prepare a creamy sauce that perfectly complements lazy dumplings, you will need:

  • 150 milliliters of fat sour cream;
  • salt, suneli hops;
  • 75 milliliters of water.

Creating an original dish

The recipe consists of dumplings dough, which is already cooked. Therefore, you can start the process of creating an unusual dish with the filling. Any stuffing that you like more, put in a deep bowl. Add to it pre-peeled and chopped onion (2 heads), as well as garlic passed through a press. Season it all with a mixture of peppers and salt to taste, and then pour in the water. Thoroughly mix all the filling ingredients.

Now you need to make a vegetable pillow, which will prevent lazy dumplings from burning, and at the same time make their taste brighter. Peel the remaining onion and two carrots, rinse, and then chop in any convenient way. For example, chop the first into thin half rings, and grate the second on a coarse grater.

Prepare cream sauce ingredients. Combine sour cream with water, hops-suneli seasoning and salt to taste. Mix well, achieving a homogeneous state of the mass.

It's time to form the roll. Remove the dough from the bag or refrigerator, knead again, and then roll into a large layer, about 3 millimeters thick.

Lubricate the workpiece with pre-melted butter, and then lay out the prepared filling. Minced meat should be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the formation. Carefully roll the workpiece into a roll, then pinch the edges.

Now you need to divide the sausage into portioned lazy dumplings. To do this, it is enough to arm yourself with a sharp knife and cut the roll into pieces of approximately the same width (about 5 centimeters).

Pour vegetable oil into a large frying pan, and then lay out a vegetable pillow of onions and carrots. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Place the rosettes obtained from the roll on the vegetable pillow so that the filling is on the top and bottom. Pour a dish of dumplings dough with a creamy sauce prepared in advance. Cover the pan with a lid and place over moderate heat. Simmer for 35-40 minutes.

The finished dish is served hot, pouring with melted butter.

lazy pies

Probably, few people know that it is very simple to bake a delicious snack from dumplings dough. Lazy savory pies from such a blank turn out to be very tasty, and most importantly - fast. Cooking them is as easy as making dumplings from a roll. The dough should be rolled out into a layer about 3-4 millimeters wide. On top of the workpiece, evenly distribute any filling (mashed potatoes with herbs, chicken with mushrooms, ham with cheese, etc.), then roll it into a roll. Cut it into pieces about 1.5 centimeters wide. Lightly roll out each resulting part on a table sprinkled with flour to make a kind of cheesecake. Fry lazy pies in vegetable oil on both sides. The appetizer is especially tasty with warm sour cream sauce.

Quick cheese cakes

Another way that tells what to cook from dumplings. Making this dish is easy. Cheese appetizer will not only be an excellent addition to the main dishes, but will also make a great company with a cup of aromatic tea or coffee. Pelmeni dough can be cooked with any filling, be it cottage cheese, boiled meat, fried mushrooms or sausage.

The workpiece must be rolled out with a rolling pin, turning it into a layer about 0.5 cm wide. Put grated cheese (or any other filling that does not require long-term heat treatment) in the center of the cake, and place a few good pieces of butter on it. Wrap the workpiece with an envelope, pinching its edges, and then sprinkle a little flour (on both sides) and roll it out lightly with a rolling pin. Fry the cake in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cool the finished pastry a little and serve.

Appetizing dumplings

Well, of course, if dumplings can be sculpted from such a dough, then their large-sized relatives will turn out to be excellent. For their preparation, you can use the filling that you like: cherries, cottage cheese with raisins or herbs, potatoes with mushrooms, onions, liver, and cabbage. Dumplings from dumplings are prepared very simply. The workpiece should be thinly rolled out (1-2 millimeters), and then cut out circles in it with a glass. Put your favorite filling in the center of each of them and pinch the edges, giving the shape of a dumpling. Finished products can be immediately cooked or frozen in case there is no time at all, but you want to eat.

Bon appetit and the most delicious "dumplings" dishes!

Often, after making dumplings, the housewives have a certain amount of unused dough left. It’s a pity to throw it away, but what can be done from dumpling dough? It would seem that a simple composition does not allow much to roam in the culinary open spaces. But in reality, this is not the case: many different delicacies can be made from dumpling dough that will delight you with the speed of preparation, taste and satiety. Let's take a closer look at what can be made from dumpling dough.

Option one: crispy dumplings

This recipe can rightfully be called universal, as it is suitable for snacks and a sweet addition to tea. Cooked shortbreads can be used as a base for canapes, cheese and mushroom pastes. In addition, sweet delicacies such as condensed milk, jam, powdered sugar, jam or jam go well with this dish.
Cookies are prepared as follows:
We break a piece of dumpling dough into several small balls (the size of a quail egg).
Next, roll out these balls with a rolling pin. The resulting pancakes should be about 2-3 mm thick. When rolling out the dough, do not forget to add flour.
Heat the pan and add oil (as for frying potatoes).
Put pancakes on hot oil. After about five minutes, as the shortcakes have acquired a golden hue, they must be turned over.
Put the cooked cakes on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Option two: lazy dumplings

If you do not know what can be prepared from dumplings as a second course, then we have a great idea - lazy dumplings. The name really justifies itself, as preparing this dish is easy and fast. As a filling, you can use mashed potatoes, curd mass and other fillers.
The cooking method is as follows:
We disassemble the dough into several small sausages (approximate length 20 cm, diameter 3-4 cm).
Roll out sausages into rectangular layers. The width of the layers should be about 2-3 mm.
Put the filling in the middle of the dough plates. Make sure that the amount of filling allows you to make a fixing seam.
Gently with your fingers, we begin to heal the side parts firmly.
Cut sausages into small pieces.
We throw lazy dumplings into boiling salted water and cook for 15-20 minutes until fully cooked.
Ready-made lazy dumplings can be served with a delicious tomato sauce or creamy dressing.

Option three: fried sausages in dough

This dish turns out not only tasty, but also looks appetizing, so it can be safely served on even a festive table.
The cooking technology is simple:
Roll out the dumpling dough into several thin strips.
We wrap halal sausages with these strips (you can cook it yourself or use those bought in halal departments), so that the ends are open.
We spread the workpiece in a pan with hot vegetable oil.
Fry until all sides are golden brown.
Knowing these recipes, you can not only delight your family with mouth-watering goodies, but also find a use for food surpluses.
