
Vareniki with raw potatoes and meat. Vareniki with potatoes and meat recipe with photo

Everyone loves homemade dumplings! Someone prefers dumplings with unsweetened filling, and someone likes dumplings with cottage cheese, fruits and berries - everyone will find the filling to their liking. In my opinion, the filling of boiled beef, mashed potatoes and fried onions is ideal for enclosing it in the arms of dough :) Vareniki according to this recipe are very tasty, and I like the dough, and they are easy to freeze! Try it too :)

For the dough, prepare flour, water, eggs and salt. For the filling, boil the beef, boil the potatoes and mash them, fry the onion (in cubes) in vegetable oil, prepare more salt and ground pepper. Also, for boiling dumplings and serving them, we need water, salt and butter.

First, prepare the dough: sift the flour into a bowl, stir two eggs with salt in water (85 ml) and pour this liquid into the flour.

Knead the dough by adding the remaining water (another 85 ml). Gather the dough into a ball and leave in a bowl covered with a tea towel for at least 30 minutes. Then punch down the dough with 1 tbsp. flour.

While the dough is resting, prepare the stuffing for the dumplings. Combine boiled and already cooled beef twisted in a meat grinder, mashed potatoes without any additives, fried onions, salt and black pepper.

Stir the filling.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut out round blanks with a glass or a cookie cutter, on which spread the filling and make dumplings. There were 24 dumplings in total.

Boil dumplings in salted water until the dough is ready (all ingredients of the filling are already prepared) and serve with butter. You can also freeze dumplings if you don't plan to serve them right away.

Enjoy your meal!!!

First, we will tell you how to prepare the filling for dumplings from potatoes and meat. First you need to prepare the filling, and then the dough. Boil the chicken fillet for 30 minutes in boiling water, salt and pepper the water. We still need the broth, the fillet needs to be pulled out and cooled.

Boil the potatoes until cooked, ceiling. To make mashed potatoes, add chicken broth, but there should not be liquid mashed potatoes.

Add your chicken spices to taste.
Chicken fillet cut into pieces and mixed with potatoes. You should get a homogeneous filling without lumps and thoroughly mixed.

Now let's prepare the dough. Beat the eggs well so that foam appears. Salt and pour kefir, room temperature. Mix and add vinegar. Now pour the flour in portions, gradually kneading the dough with your hands. It should be fluffy and not stick to your hands. Let the finished dough stand for 10 minutes and rest.

We begin to sculpt dumplings with potatoes and meat.
We pinch off a piece of dough and make a sausage with our hands.

Cut the sausage into slices 1 cm wide, dip them in flour. We make dough circles with our hands. And put the filling, pinch. You can make circles with a rolling pin instead of your hands.

That's how many dumplings we got and the same number in the freezer, for tomorrow.

We put a large pot of water on the stove, salt the water. The water boils, throw our dumplings, after they float, cook for 3 minutes.

I put the finished dumplings in another pan, add a piece of butter and immediately cover with a lid so that they do not cool down. Onion must be cut and fried in vegetable oil until a beautiful golden color. Now put this onion in a saucepan with ready-made dumplings and carefully shake the saucepan so that everything is mixed.
We spread dumplings with potatoes on a plate and pour sour cream, preferably homemade.
You can prepare sour cream sauce, add garlic, dill or any fresh herbs to it.

Such a dish as dumplings has been around for many years, but it still remains a favorite for many of us. There are many delicious toppings, sweet and savory, and they are all delicious in their own way. In this recipe, I suggest you cook equally delicious dumplings with mashed potatoes and minced meat, and also try making dough with sour cream and milk. It will turn out very tasty.

Dough Ingredients:

  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 3 cups
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp

Filling Ingredients:

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Minced meat - 450 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • Parsley greens optional
  • Vegetable oil for frying onions

Test preparation:

Beat the eggs into the mixer bowl and add sour cream, salt,

mix until smooth, pour in the milk and gradually add the sifted flour. Knead a tight dough.

Cover with cling film and leave to rest for 30 minutes, then the dough will be more elastic and good for making dumplings. While the dough is resting, there is time to work on the filling.

Filling preparation:

Boil potatoes ahead of time. Everything is simple here, clean, wash, cut into cubes, place in a saucepan, add water, add salt and cook for 20 minutes. Drain the water and crush with a crush. That's it, mashed potatoes are ready.

You can buy minced meat ready-made or buy meat and twist it through a meat grinder.

Peel the onion and chop finely. Leave part of the onion for frying, which will go for ready-made, boiled dumplings.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the minced meat,

add onion, salt and black pepper.

Pass the prepared minced meat with onions through a meat grinder into a fine mesh.

Minced meat mix well with mashed potatoes,

Taste and add spices as needed.

Transfer to a bowl to cool the filling.

Let's start making dumplings:

Still knead with your hands with the addition of a small amount of flour, divide into parts, roll each part into a thin layer with a rolling pin, squeeze out the circles.

In the middle of each circle, spread the cooled filling with a teaspoon, carefully pinch the edges, make sure that all the edges are really stuck together, otherwise, when cooking, all the filling will float in the water, and you will have to eat one dough or even throw away all your work.

And of course, the beloved family will remain hungry. So try to stick dumplings with minced meat and potatoes well, with high quality.

Well, all the dumplings are stuck on, you can freeze them for good or cook them right away.

Take a deep saucepan, 2.5 - 3 liters, pour more than half a saucepan of water, add salt, put on fire, wait for the water to boil and carefully lower one dumpling into the water. Only all the dumplings do not need to be cooked at a time, cook in small portions. As soon as the dumplings float, reduce the heat and cook for about 7 minutes, I personally don’t need to look at the clock, I determine their readiness by their appearance, they become snow-white, and this indicates that the dough has already been cooked and can be laid out with a slotted spoon on a large plate. When all the dumplings are boiled, then they can be sprinkled with fried onions. Or any other sauce you like. And serve quickly before they get cold.

Bon appetit!!!

Peel the onion, cut into cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, 5-7 minutes.

Meat (I cooked from chicken fillet) wash and dip in boiling salted water. Wait until the water boils again, remove the foam, reduce and cook until the meat is ready (cook the chicken meat for 25-30 minutes from the moment of boiling). Pass boiled meat through a meat grinder.

Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water until tender.

When the potatoes are cooked, you need to drain the water (we will not need it), and mash the potatoes until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Add fried onion to mashed potatoes

and twisted meat, salt and pepper to taste, mix. The filling for dumplings with meat and potatoes is ready, let it cool down a bit.

To prepare the dough for dumplings, you need to pour water into a bowl, add salt and vegetable oil, mix. Pour the sifted flour in parts and knead a soft, elastic dough.

On a table sprinkled with flour, thinly roll out the dough (1-2 mm thick), then cut circles out of it with a glass.

Put 1.5 teaspoons of filling on each circle.

Next, you need to roll the edges of the dough together and pinch the edges tightly with your fingers.

Thus, blind all the dumplings with meat and potatoes. If desired, you can close up the edges of the dumpling in the form of a pigtail.

Pour water into a saucepan, salt it. Bring water to a boil and lower dumplings. Stirring occasionally, wait for the dumplings to float to the top. Then boil for another 2-3 minutes and remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon.

Delicious and satisfying dumplings with meat and potatoes are ready. Arrange them on plates, add butter and dill to taste.

Serve hot dumplings with sour cream.

Bon appetit!


  • Dough:
  • vegetable oil 150 ml
  • water 300 ml
  • flour 1000 ml
  • spices
  • Filling:
  • meat 500 g
  • bulb onions 2-3 pcs.
  • mashed potatoes 1-2 glasses
  • spices

Description: Dough:
Quickly stir boiling water with butter and add flour. First, knead in a bowl with a spoon, add enough flour to make a soft, elastic dough, but so that it does not tear during modeling. Then we knead on the table or board with no need to add flour. Let's rest for 20 minutes.

Onion cut into cubes and stew in sunflower oil. Cut the meat into very small pieces and also stew until tender. Combine, mix, add mashed potatoes and spices, mix, the filling is ready.

Roll out the dough, squeeze circles with a glass or make circles in your favorite way. We put the filling on each circle, make a dumpling. Boil water, cook dumplings, they cook very quickly. Literally boiled and you can try for readiness. I wish you all bon appetit!!!
I love this dough very much, it is so pleasant to work with it, you don’t need to add flour at all during kneading and rolling out the dough, therefore the kitchen remains clean.
In photo No. 6, you can clearly see a pile of dumplings that do not stick together. From the leftovers, I made varenichki - bows, photo No. 8. It turns out very tasty and tender.
Try it, I'm sure you'll like it.

How do you like to eat dumplings? With potatoes, with mushrooms, with cabbage, with cottage cheese, even with berries, have you ever tried dumplings with beans?

No? Then it's time to cook dumplings with mushrooms and beans.


    • 1.5 kg flour
    • 6 tbsp water
    • 5 eggs
    • 4 tbsp. butter spoons
  • dry beans, 300 gr
  • champignon mushrooms, dried can be used

Making the dough: Mix flour, butter, eggs, salt and water, and knead the dough. Let's rest.

Before preparing the filling for dumplings, you need to soak the beans, boil and twist in a meat grinder. Finely chop the mushrooms and fry in a pan. Mushrooms sue and add to the beans. Mix everything.

It remains to do small things, stick dumplings and sit down at the table.
