
Recipe for cream for lubricating a biscuit cake. Buttercream Charlotte

Many people enjoy baking and love to try biscuit cakes. But few people know the origin of this popular dessert Nowadays.

Biscuit, translated from French, literally means "baked twice."

In the Middle Ages, the biscuit was the food of the English sailors. Since in the biscuit test there is no butter, it is perfectly stored and is not subject to mold. Sailors took biscuits with them on their voyages and for a long time they did not spoil.

One day, a courtier of Queen Elizabeth traveled on a ship and tasted the daily food of sailors. He was captivated by the unsurpassed taste of biscuit. So the biscuit hit the tables high society and his recipe began to spread all over the world.

Cream for biscuit cake - general principles of preparation

It is hard to imagine a biscuit cake without cream. It is the cream that is able to emphasize all the charm of the taste of the cake. Cream is a bulk mass that is prepared from eggs, cream, milk, butter, sour cream. They can be layered, you can decorate cakes, creating real confectionery masterpieces.

Cream is perishable product Therefore, it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 36 hours.

In the whole history of the biscuit cake traditional recipe did not change, although cream recipes were subjected to experiments and improvements.

In the process of preparing cream for cakes, you will definitely need a mixer, a whisk, a saucepan with a thick bottom, a spoon, a bowl, beaker and kitchen scales.

Can be considered standard recipes creams for biscuit cake. These creams can be taken as a basis and already personally changed or amended.

Before smearing the cakes with cream, it is better to soak them with syrup. This procedure will take approximately 15 minutes. In the preparation of syrup, the proportion of sugar and water is important. For a cake weighing 800g, you need about 500g of impregnation. The impregnation recipe is simple: you need to boil 250 ml of water and pour 250 gr. sugar, boil, add 1 teaspoon lemon juice and vanillin. Alcoholic beverages can be added to the impregnation, fruit syrups, cocoa.

When making cream for a biscuit cake, it is important to ensure that all inventory and hands are clean. For the preparation of any cream, high-quality and fresh food.

Recipe 1: Custard for Biscuit Cake

Custard is one of the most best creams for biscuit cakes, as it is very delicate and light. Due to their light texture, they will not be able to decorate the cake. This cream is smeared between the cakes.


Egg - 1 piece;

Milk - 1 glass;

Sugar - about 5 cups;

Flour - 2.5 tablespoons;

Butter - 50 grams;

Vanilla sugar - to taste

Cooking method

Pour milk into a non-stick pan, pour out sugar, flour, add vanillin and an egg.

Beat everything with a mixer for about 30 seconds, so that everything mixes well and there are no lumps of flour left.

After that, the pan must be put on the stove and on small fire cook the cream for about 5 minutes until thickened, while whisking with a mixer from time to time (so there will definitely be no lumps).

Leave the cream to cool.

When it is warm, put soft butter in it and beat well with a mixer until smooth. With the cooled cream, you can smear the cakes and decorate the cake as desired.

Recipe 2: Butter Cream for Biscuit Cake

Butter cream for a biscuit cake can serve as a decoration and emphasize it great taste. This cream is considered one of the most popular in Europe. Since the base of the cream is oil, the butter should be without additional flavors.


Oil - 350 grams;

Condensed milk - 1 can;

Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

Beat soft butter thoroughly at medium speed with a mixer until a fluffy and airy mass is formed.

pour out vanilla sugar and mix thoroughly.

Pour the condensed milk into the mass in a thin stream, while whisking with a mixer (at low speed). Then increase the speed of the mixer and beat for about 5 minutes until the cream is smooth.

The cream is ready.

Recipe 3: Chocolate Cream for Biscuit Cake

The taste of the cream is delicate, light, chocolate, with vanilla flavor, as if it was created for a biscuit cake. However, he has high calorie content.


Cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons;

Milk - 500 ml (it is better to use fatter);

Sugar - 3 tablespoons;

Butter - 1 tablespoon;

Starch - 3 tablespoons;

Vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

Pour 250 ml of milk into a saucepan, add butter, cocoa, sugar and mix everything thoroughly.

Put on a small fire, so that it boils and cook for 3 minutes while stirring continuously (it is better to do this with a wooden spoon, so the cream does not burn).

Remove from fire. At this time, add starch to the remaining milk and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Pour milk with starch into hot mix, add vanilla sugar and put on a small fire.

Cook for about 2 minutes, stirring well as the cream will thicken as it cooks. Remove from fire and cool.

You can grease the cakes with cold cream and decorate the cake.

Recipe 4: Cottage Cheese Cream for Biscuit Cake

Delicate curd cream for biscuit cake will make it perfect dessert and please unsurpassed taste. This cream is not only easy to prepare, but also low in calories. Curd cream contains a lot of B vitamins, organic acids, calcium, phosphorus and even iodine. This cream is tasty and healthy.


Cottage cheese - 500 g;

Cream 30% - 250 ml;

Powdered sugar - 200g.

Cooking method:

Grind cottage cheese with powdered sugar with a mixer or blender.

Whip cream with mixer at high speed. lush mass and then add to curd.

Mix everything thoroughly and gently until smooth.

curd cream ready and it can be used immediately to decorate and grease the cake.

Recipe 5: Protein Cream for Biscuit Cake

The lightness of the protein cream will give the biscuit cake an extraordinary tenderness and airiness. This cream will perfectly decorate the cake and emphasize the lightness of the dessert.


egg whites- 4 pieces;

Water -100 ml;

Sugar -200 g;

A pinch of salt;

Vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

Sugar should be poured into water and boiled for about 20 minutes over medium heat. It is important to check the readiness of the syrup, for this you need to drop it into a glass cold water, if a ball has formed, then it is already ready.

Next, beat the whites with a mixer at high speed with a pinch of salt. Into the lush protein mass pour the syrup in a thin stream, while continuing to beat the mass with a mixer, but already at medium speed.

The protein cream is ready and can be used immediately to decorate the cake.

Cream for biscuit cake. Tricks and helpful tips

  • when preparing butter cream, it is important to pay attention to the quality of butter, since the taste of the cream depends on it;
  • in the preparation of custard, it is important to remember: the more flour is poured, the thicker it will be;
  • making protein cream you need to pay attention to the dishes. There should not be a drop of water in it, otherwise the cream will not whip. This cream must be used immediately after preparation, as it ceases to be lush during storage;
  • the secret of making curd cream is that only fresh and homogeneous products are taken for it
  • to give the chocolate cream a more expressive taste, you need to grate the chocolate and sprinkle it on the cakes, and then grease the cakes with cream
  • so that when cooling custard did not take a crust, it must be sprinkled with sugar on top or stirred often.
  • each of these creams, you can add different fruits or berries. The same cream, but with the addition of fruits, will give its own touch of originality and originality.
  • using food colorings, creams can be given bright and extraordinary colors.
  • adding a few drops of essence to creams, you can give the cream an interesting taste.

Everyone has different tastes, so only experimentation will help determine what you like best.

Biscuit cakes are the ideal raw material for cooking homemade cake. They are baked quickly and easily, and they turn out very soft, fluffy and tasty.

What ingredients are made from biscuit cakes, we will tell in the presented article. From it you will also learn about what such a cake base is impregnated with, what creams it is lubricated with and how the dessert is formed.

Biscuit cakes: step by step recipe

There are many options for how to bake lush and soft biscuit at home. A variety of products can be used for this. However, one ingredient in it always remains the same. This chicken eggs. It is they who contribute to the production of tasty and lush cakes.

To make a standard cake, you may need 4-5 eggs. In addition to them, other products are added to the dough. Which ones, we will tell right now.

So, in order to bake lush and soft biscuit cakes at home, you need to prepare:

  • fat sour cream - about 200 g;
  • large chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • soda quenched with table vinegar - an incomplete dessert spoon;
  • white sugar - about 260 g;
  • sunflower oil - 10 ml (for lubrication of the form);
  • light flour - about 300 g

Knead the dough

The presented recipe for biscuit cake cake is considered a classic. It does not require the purchase of expensive products, and also does not take much time.

To knead the dough, chicken eggs are separated in advance into proteins and yolks. The yolks are thoroughly ground together with sugar (white), and then sour cream is added to them. Bye sweet product dissolves, proceed to the processing of proteins. They are pre-cooled and then whipped into a very strong foam. Subsequently, it is laid out to the yolks and again thoroughly mixed.

Soda, quenched with table vinegar, and light flour are added to the resulting mass. All ingredients are well mixed with a spoon and immediately proceed to heat treatment.

Baking products in the oven

Biscuit cakes, the photos of which are presented in this article, are baked quite quickly. To do this, take a deep detachable form and lubricate it sunflower oil. Then all the biscuit dough is placed in the dishes and immediately sent to the oven.

At a temperature of 198-200 degrees, the product is baked for a whole hour. After the specified time, the cake should increase in size, become fluffy, ruddy and soft.

The readiness of the biscuit can be checked as follows: a toothpick or a match is stuck into the thickness of the product. If nothing is stuck on the object ( raw dough), then the cake can be safely removed. Otherwise, it must be left in the oven for some more time.

Cutting the biscuit

Of course, biscuit cakes can be baked separately in the oven. However, we suggest putting all the dough into the mold at once.

After the product is ready, it is removed from the dish, placed on a flat surface and cooled. In the future, the biscuit is cut into several cakes 1.5 centimeters thick. To do this, use a large kitchen knife.

By the way, if the edges of the product turned out to be uneven, then they should also be cut off. To do this, put a plate of the appropriate diameter (slightly smaller than the cake) on the biscuit and cut off unnecessary parts.

In the event that you decide to bake the cakes separately, then the dough must be divided into several equal parts(4 or 5). They are alternately laid out in a greased form and baked for about 40 minutes.

The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a lot of time. In addition, baked cakes can turn out different, which will make the cake uneven and not very beautiful.

Other ways to cook cakes

Now you know how classic biscuit cakes are made. The recipe presented above is the most popular among housewives. However, it should be noted that there are other ways to prepare such a product. For example, some cooks additionally add condensed milk to the dough. Also, a biscuit is often made on kefir or yogurt. In addition, instead of slaked soda baking powder can be added to the dough.

If you decide to do original dessert, then we recommend preparing the base using candied fruits, nuts, citrus peel. Often the recipe for a biscuit cake cake includes a component such as cocoa. With it you will get very tasty chocolate treat, especially if you use the appropriate cream.

Making a sweet treat

How to soak biscuit cakes? This question is often asked by those housewives who want to get the most juicy and tender cake.

There are many options here. However, the most popular among culinary specialists is ordinary syrup. To prepare it, we need:

  • boiled water - 2 cups;
  • large white sugar - 5 large spoons.

Cooking process

To prepare sugar syrup, you just need to combine both of the mentioned components and boil them over a fire for about 6 minutes. The cakes are thoroughly impregnated with the resulting liquid, and then they are used for their intended purpose.

By the way, if you decide in advance to use sweet syrup, then it is recommended to add a little less sugar to the dough. Otherwise, the dessert may turn out cloying.

Other types of impregnations

Now you know how to soak biscuit cakes. However, it should be noted that sugar syrup is not the only way to get juicy and delicate cake. So, some cooks use store-bought liquor diluted with water as an impregnation. With it, the dessert acquires a special aroma and taste.

If you decide to make strawberry, cherry or raspberry cake, then it is recommended to soak the biscuit with syrup taken from the corresponding jam. If it is too thick and contains a lot of berries, then it must be filtered and diluted. the right amount boiling water.

Step-by-step recipe for a cake from ready-made biscuit cakes

Nowadays, it is easier to buy a cake in a store than to bake it yourself. However, no purchased dessert can be compared with homemade. Therefore, we recommend preparing such a delicacy only with my own hands.

In the event that for one reason or another you cannot bake a lush and delicious biscuit, then you can buy it at any time in the nearest store.

Of course, ready-made biscuit cakes are different from self-made ones. However, they can also be made delicious and beautiful cake which will surely be appreciated by all members of your family.

So, the recipe for a cake from ready-made biscuit cakes requires the use of:

  • unboiled condensed milk - 1 standard can;
  • butter high fat- 170 g;
  • ready-made cakes (chocolate or light) - 1 pack;
  • Yubileiny cookies, chopped roasted nuts or cocoa - use at your discretion (to decorate the dessert).

Making delicious cream

A cake made from ready-made biscuit cakes is made very quickly. Therefore, most housewives prefer to purchase such products in a store rather than bake them on their own. Moreover, the main advantage purchased cakes is that with the help of them the dessert always turns out even and surprisingly beautiful.

But before you form a cake from ready-made biscuit cakes, you still have to work a little. After all, condensed cream is not yet sold in supermarkets. For its preparation, high-fat butter is left at room temperature for a few hours. Then soft cooking oil is laid out in a deep bowl and beaten with a mixer at the highest speed. In the process of such processing, condensed milk is gradually poured into the oil. After a few minutes, a very fluffy and high-calorie cream is obtained.

How to form correctly?

The cake recipe in question from ready-made biscuit cakes requires the use of a large cake maker. We will need it not only in order to beautifully serve dessert to guests, but also in order to form it.

Thus, one of the ready-made cakes is laid out on the prepared cake dish, and then soaked with syrup (if desired) and smeared with condensed cream. Then lay out the second biscuit and do with it in exactly the same way.

After all the cakes are used up, the formed cake is completely smeared with the rest of the cream (including the side parts) and they start decorating it.

Decorate dessert

Homemade cakes can be decorated with different products. Someone uses ordinary cocoa powder for this, and someone rubs dark chocolate. Also beautiful and tasty is a dessert sprinkled with chopped roasted nuts or shortbread crumbs.

Bring to the dinner table

As mentioned above, recipes with ready-made biscuit cakes are very popular among housewives. And there is nothing surprising in this. After all, such a cake is made in just 60 minutes.

After homemade dessert will be formed and decorated properly, it is immediately sent to the refrigerator. During the stay of baking in the cold for several hours, impregnation for biscuit cakes will do its job, and you will definitely get a juicy and most tender delicacy.

After the lapse of time, the finished dessert is removed from the refrigerator and served to the table. After the guests appreciate the culinary skills of the hostess, the dessert is cut into portioned pieces, distribute them on beautiful saucers and present them to friends along with a cup of hot tea.

Making sour cream

We talked about how thickened cream for biscuit cakes is made above. However, there are other ways to prepare such a delicacy.

If you do not use impregnation for biscuit cakes, then the cream for them should not be made too thick. Otherwise, you will get dry and not very a delicious cake. The ideal option for such a dessert will serve sour cream. To make it at home, we need:

  • high-fat sour cream - about 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - about 200 g.

Cooking method

As in previous recipe, for cooking homemade cream you need some free time. High-fat sour cream is placed in a deep bowl, and then beaten strongly using a mixer. Having received a lush milk mass, granulated sugar is gradually poured into it. If desired, it can be replaced with regular powdered sugar.

Continuing to beat the ingredients for some more time, they get a very light and air cream, which is immediately used for its intended purpose.

Formation process

It doesn’t matter what cream for biscuit cakes you have taken. In any case, it should be used in exactly the same way as it was presented in the previous recipe. Sour cream is evenly applied to all cakes, which in turn are laid out in a pile.

Having formed a dessert, it is also covered with a sweet milk mass, and then decorated using berries, fruits, chocolate, whipped cream in spray cans and more.

Cooking curd cream

We talked about how sponge cake cakes are made above. If, along with sour cream and eggs, it was added to the dough a small amount of cottage cheese, then it is more expedient to make a cream with the addition of the same dairy product. So you get a tastier and more nutritious dessert that children will especially like.

Cottage cheese cream is very often used by culinary specialists to make homemade cake. It is considered not only the simplest, but also the lowest calorie.

For his fast food we will need:

  • cottage cheese of low fat content - about 400 g;
  • thick cream 30% - about 250 ml;
  • vanillin - apply to taste;
  • fine sugar - add to taste.

How to cook?

If you purchased coarse-grained cottage cheese, then it is recommended to grind it through a sieve beforehand. Only in this case you will get the most tender and tasty dessert.

After you have a homogeneous curd mass, it is placed in a deep container, and then whipped with a blender at high speed. During this mixing, dairy product gradually add granulated sugar, heavy cream and vanillin.

Whip all the ingredients until a fairly thick and fluffy mass is obtained. After tasting it, you can additionally add to it powdered sugar or any other ingredients (for example, zest, nuts, cocoa, etc.).

How to form?

Forming a biscuit cake with curd cream is easy and simple. But due to the fact that such a delicacy turns out to be too thick, it is not able to make the cakes juicy. Therefore, before applying it, the biscuits must be impregnated with some kind of impregnation. To do this, it is good to use sugar syrup or a solution made from liquor.

Using cottage cheese cream for a cake, you will make not only a very beautiful and voluminous, but also a tasty and healthy dessert.

Making delicious chocolate cream

Biscuit cake layers are a universal raw material. It is suitable for any creams, including custard, butter, oil, protein, etc.

If you decide to do chocolate dessert, then we recommend lubricating the cakes with chocolate cream. So you get a very beautiful dark product with a pronounced characteristic aroma and taste.

So, to make chocolate cream at home, we need:

  • egg yolk- from one large egg;
  • cold water - 1 large spoon;
  • condensed milk - about 120 g;
  • softened butter - about 200 g;
  • cocoa - 3 large spoons.

Cooking chocolate treat

There is nothing complicated in making chocolate cream. To do this, take 1 egg yolk, add to it big spoon cold water and mix well. Then condensed milk is added to the ingredients. Also, in a separate bowl, beat softened butter strongly.

After the described steps, all the ingredients are combined and continue to stir. Adding to dishes required amount cocoa powder, cream is whipped until a thick and lush mass of dark color is obtained.

If you decide to use this cream recipe to form the cake, then the cakes should be soaked in syrup. Otherwise, the dessert will turn out dry.

The only disadvantage of chocolate cream with condensed milk is its high calorie content.

Summing up

Using the materials of the presented article, you can not only bake lush biscuit cakes on your own, but also make impregnation, as well as cream for the cake.

If you do not have time to knead the dough with your own hands, and then subject it to heat treatment, then we recommend using already ready-made cakes, which are sold in almost every store. How exactly to use them, as well as to form homemade desserts from them, was also described in this article.

They are the basis of many amazing desserts. But far from the most important. Taste finished cake directly determined by the cream used and various fillers.

We offer recipes for making cream for biscuit cakes and, as a result, options for desserts that are completely different in taste.

Delicious cream for ready-made biscuit cakes


  • whipping cream with a high percentage of fat content - 650 g;
  • oranges;
  • any jam or jam.


To prepare such a cream, we need cream that whips well and turns into lush foam. We will beat them without adding granulated sugar.

We cut the marshmallow into circles, moistening the blade of the knife each time cold water. Oranges are peeled and also chopped into rings.

We coat each cake initially with any jam or jam, lay out a layer of marshmallow circles, coat with whipped cream on top, now a layer orange mugs and more cream. We cover with a second cake and in the same way repeat all the steps a second time. Then cover with the third cake and decorate the top of the cake to your liking.

Custard recipe for soaking biscuit cakes


  • milk - 520 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 210 g;
  • wheat flour - 65 g;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g.


Whisk the eggs with granulated sugar to pomp. Then we pour wheat flour and mix with a whisk until the flour lumps are completely dissolved. Then pour in the milk, pour in the vanilla sugar, mix and determine the dishes with the mass on the fire. We warm the contents, stirring constantly, until thickened, but do not let the cream boil.

When ready, the cream is completely cooled and used for its intended purpose, smearing them with biscuit cakes to get a cake.

How to make cream for biscuit cakes from butter and boiled condensed milk?


  • butter - 190 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 380 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g;
  • cognac or Madeira - 90 ml.


We take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance and let it soften well at room temperature. Then mix it with vanilla sugar, boiled condensed milk, add cognac or Madeira and beat everything well with a mixer or blender. Cream for biscuit cakes is ready. It can be supplemented when assembling the cake with pieces fresh fruit, dried fruits or nuts.

Sour cream for biscuit cakes with condensed milk


  • sour cream with a fat content of more than 25% - 520 g;
  • condensed milk - 420 g;
  • butter - 120 g.


In a suitable container, mix condensed milk with butter, determine by medium fire, heat, stirring, to a boil and boil for about seven minutes. Then let the mass cool completely, add sour cream whipped to a splendor and mix until a homogeneous cream is obtained. If desired, vanilla or vanilla sugar can be added to it, and also supplemented with pieces of fruit or berries when forming the cake.

Today we will get acquainted with delicious and simple cream recipes that are perfect for biscuit cakes and more. First, let's look at cream with sour cream and boiled condensed milk, which turns out to be very sweet with a slight sourness and is also suitable for honey or sour cream cakes. They can fill eclairs, nuts or baskets.

Sour cream with condensed milk for biscuit cake

Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl, blender


Sour cream500 g
Sugar100 g
boiled condensed milk250 g

Choosing the ingredients

  • Take high-quality, expensive condensed milk, which contains only natural ingredients.
  • During whipping, condensed milk and sour cream should be at the same temperature.
  • Beat the mass for 5 minutes to get a thick, elastic mixture.
  • Take sour cream with high fat content. If desired, you can first put it in gauze and leave to drain. Excess liquid will leave it, and you will get a very thick mass, which will be an excellent base for the cream.
  • You can store it in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

Step by step recipe

video recipe

And now let's watch a short video in which all the details of preparation delicious cream.

And here is another easy and delicious recipe curd cream for biscuit cake and more. Thanks to the curd, the mass is very rich and thick. We all know about the benefits of cottage cheese, but not everyone likes to eat it just like that. But in their favorite delicacy, they will not only eat it, but also ask for more.

This also applies natural yogurt. This mass is not only tasty, but also low in calories, which is important for those sweet lovers who watch their weight. Take this simple recipe to your culinary notebook and delight your loved ones with delicious desserts more often.

Cottage cheese and yogurt cream for biscuit cake

Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Servings: for 1 cake.
Calories: 139 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: blender, deep bowl


Choosing the Right Ingredients

  • Take natural yogurt, without additives and unsweetened. If you decide to take yogurt with some kind of filler, then use less sugar, otherwise the mass may turn out to be sugary-sweet.
  • Cottage cheese use 9%. To prepare such mixtures, the fat content of cottage cheese should always be high.
  • Cream is also required fat. They whip better and have rich taste, which will be perfectly combined with other ingredients of our product.

Step by step recipe

video recipe

And in this short video you will see all the details of creating a very tasty cream for sponge cake and more.

I bring to your attention a recipe for chocolate cream for biscuit cake. It is prepared very simply and consists of two ingredients, but at the same time it turns out to be unusually tender and tasty.

I myself was looking for such a recipe for a long time, and when my sister told me and I cooked it, my joy knew no bounds, because it was exactly what I was looking for. Now, when I need such a product, I only use these two ingredients to make it.

Chocolate Cream Cake

Cooking time: 15 minutes.
Servings: for 1 cake.
Calories: 337 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer, heavy-bottomed saucepan, hob.


Interesting Facts: The history of the appearance of such a cream is quite interesting. In France, a confectioner accidentally spilled cream in hot chocolate, and for this act, the boss called him the offensive word "ganache", which means "blockhead" in translation. But after tasting the resulting mixture, the chef was pleasantly surprised, because it turned out to be very tasty and quickly solidified. And so a recipe for a delicious cream appeared, which at that time sold out so quickly that they did not even have time to come up with a name for it. That's why we still call it "ganache".

Step by step recipe

For this product, you need to use the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio.

video recipe

Dear readers, let's watch a short video that shows the entire cooking process in detail butter cream with chocolate for biscuit cake.

We often use lemon cream for a biscuit cake, the recipe of which came to us from the UK. Initially, such a dish was prepared instead of jam and served with any flour products. Now it is widely used in cooking, adding to various desserts.

In its composition, it turns out unusual thanks to the lemon zest and sweet and sour taste. It is also very light, low-calorie and does not weigh down desserts, which is a huge plus. Let's take a closer look at the whole process of its preparation together with you.

lemon cream

Cooking time: 20 minutes.
Servings: for 1 cake.
Calories: 177 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan, citrus juicer, hob.


Step by step recipe

video recipe

Dear cooks, I hope you are already preparing a delicious cake with one of the creams that I offered you. Write in the comments if you liked the resulting dish. If you have any suggestions or additions to the recipes, write to me, your opinion is very important to me. And now I wish you success and bon appetit!

Biscuit is perhaps the simplest and most universal baking to create a dessert. Cakes and pastries are collected from biscuit cakes, from thin layers biscuit dough rolling rolls. Yes, and the usual, cooked on hastily, a biscuit is able to decorate any tea party.

Cream is the most delicious part of any dessert. He impregnates biscuit dough, filling it with additional sweetness and special taste. A dryish biscuit smeared with cream becomes softer and more tender, with creamy masses you can not only fill, but also decorate desserts. Often prepared according to special recipe creams prepare the surface of cakes before decorating with mastic.

The collection contains the most simple recipes creams for biscuits, using which you can quickly create your own original dessert.

General principles for making simple creams for biscuits

There are many complex and simple options biscuit cream. A well-chosen recipe is by no means everything. To make the cream tasty, lush and homogeneous, the basic requirements must be observed. All cream products must be exclusively of the first freshness, and of high quality. Strict adherence to technology and recommended temperature regime are also required.

. Protein creams. Since the creamy mass is not subjected to heat treatment, it is recommended to thoroughly wash off the dirt from the eggshell. warm water, and it is best to do this using soda. The shell should be broken carefully, trying not to damage the film holding the yolk - even a little of it, getting into the whites, will interfere with high-quality whipping.

.Custards. The basis of such cream mass you need to cook in an unenamelled pan and it is advisable to provide that the container has a double bottom. For stirring, it is recommended to use a wooden spoon with a long handle. Hot base surface or already ready cream, before cooling, sprinkle lightly with fresh powdered sugar or cover with cling film. If this is not done, the surface will become weathered and covered with a dry film (crust).

. Oil creams. Prepared with butter. It should be with the maximum available percentage of fat and High Quality. Otherwise, when whipping, it may exfoliate. Cream fat before use, be sure to keep it warm for some time to soften.

. Butter creams. Prepared by whipping cream various additives. The main requirement is the use of high-quality and fatty, 35% cream. When using the product with low fat the cream will be liquid.

. Sour Creams. The principle of preparation is similar to the technology of butter cream. The requirements for the main product are identical - freshness, quality, high percentage of fat content. The higher this indicator, the thicker and firmer cream.

. curd cream. The percentage of fat doesn't really matter. The main requirements are imposed on the quality and granularity of cottage cheese. It is advisable to take a non-dry, elastic product.

The process of whipping any cream should occur gradually. Initially using the minimum mixer speed. RPM should be increased gradually. If in the process of whipping cream-based cream or fermented milk products curdling occurs, the mass is laid out on a sieve lined with gauze. They try to beat again only when all the liquid has come down.

IN simple creams for biscuits, you can add any flavor additives. It can be vanilla, berries, chocolate, cocoa, chopped citrus peel, nuts. For tinting, you can take berry or vegetable juice, factory food coloring.

Simple custard for biscuit with condensed milk


Tile white chocolate- 100 gr.;

a teaspoon of vanilla sugar;

Two tablespoons of regular milk;

180 gr. creamy, preferably 72% butter;

300 gr. whole condensed milk.

Cooking method:

1. Break the chocolate into pieces, put in a bowl. Add a third of the butter and place on water bath. Stirring, heat until the chocolate is completely melted in the melted butter.

2. Pour into the oily mass regular milk and continue to heat, still stirring, 2 minutes. Remove from the bath, set aside for five minutes to cool.

3. In a separate bowl, beat the remaining butter with condensed milk until smooth. Add the cooled butter mass, vanilla - mix thoroughly with a mixer.

Easy Biscuit Cream: Chocolate Ganache Recipe


Cream, fat content not less than 22% - 400 ml;

Creamy natural, high-quality butter - 50 gr.;

450 grams of 96% chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. We break the chocolate bar into squares, chop them with a knife into smaller pieces and put them in a bowl.

2. Warm the cream over medium heat. Do not boil, as soon as the first bubbles rise - signs of boiling - remove the cream from the stove and pour over the chocolate. We leave for two minutes.

3. Watch the temperature of the cream. If they are not hot, chocolate lumps will appear, which is already impossible to get rid of. The ganache will have to be strained.

4. Put the softened butter to the melted chocolate in cream and mix everything thoroughly with a mixer.

5. chocolate ganache ready. It can be used immediately if you want to cover the surface of the cake. To coat the cakes, place the ganache in the refrigerator for half an hour - it will become denser and softer.

Simple cream for biscuit on cream with caramel flavor


Unrefined sugar - 200 gr.;

150 gr. hardened homemade cream or butter;

Liquid cream, fat content not lower than 22% - 300 ml;

Vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Distribute sugar evenly over the bottom of a thick-walled stewpan. We put the container on a small fire. Stirring, warm up, waiting for the crystals to completely melt, after which we boil a little more so that the syrup acquires a beautiful brownish tint.

2. In parallel, at the minimum heat, warm up the cream.

3. While actively stirring the sugar syrup, pour hot cream into it in a thin stream. Pieces of caramel may form, do not stop heating, they will dissolve on their own.

4. When creamy mass begins to thicken, remove the saucepan from the stove, pour the contents into a bowl. Cool slightly, then strain and place in the cold for a while. We take it out when the mass becomes similar in consistency to a thick sauce.

5. In a separate bowl, beat the softened butter to a shine. Then, without stopping whipping, we introduce caramel mass into it by a teaspoon.

6. Such a cream is good not only for spreading biscuit cakes, it can also be decorated with ready-made desserts. The chilled cream holds its shape well and does not flow when it is left in the room for a long time.

A simple cream for sour cream biscuit with butter


Homemade, non-thickened sour cream - 200 gr. (you can take the factory, 30%);

Half a glass of sugar;

200 gram pack of high-fat oil.

Cooking method:

1. We spread the oil from the refrigerator in advance. Warming up to room temperature, cut it into thin sticks and spread to sour cream.

2. Gradually adding sugar, beat the sour cream until smooth. The result should be a non-spreading, lush mass.

3. Before applying to the biscuit, be sure to cool the sour cream in the refrigerator.

Simple cream for biscuit on proteins under mastic


Eight proteins;

Half a kilo of sweet cream butter;

400 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Beat whites until fluffy with a small pinch of salt. In the process, gradually introduce sugar to the proteins.

2. We place the resulting air mass in a water bath. While whisking, warm slightly (up to 30 degrees). Then we remove from the stove and continue to beat for another quarter of an hour.

3. Beating the butter separately, transfer the mass to the proteins. Working with a mixer, we achieve uniformity of the protein cream.

4. The cream is well suited for smearing a dessert if it is planned to decorate it with mastic. Jewelry in contact with such a surface does not melt and does not slide on it.

Simple chocolate cream for biscuit: recipe with cocoa


Half a liter of milk;

90 grams of starch;

Two tablespoons of cocoa powder;

Half a glass of sugar;

Creamy, 72%, butter - 30 gr.;

1 gram vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 300 ml of milk into a large non-enameled saucepan and place on a small fire. Warming up, add cocoa to the milk, a pinch fine salt, sugar. Add chopped butter and mix well. Bring to a boil, then continue to cook on a lower heat for three minutes. Constantly stir the cream base - it can burn.

2. Dilute the starch in the remaining cool milk. Intensively stirring the hot mass, pour in the starch mixture in a thin stream, bring the thickening cream to a boil and immediately remove from the stove.

3. Let it cool down a little, add vanilla to the chocolate cream. Leave to cool completely, covering the surface of the creamy mass with a film.

Easy cream sponge cake with mascarpone cream


Fatty, 33%, cream - 300 ml;

250 gr. cheese, Mascarpone;

Five tablespoons of sugar (125 grams).

Cooking method:

1. For a quarter of an hour we move the package with cream from common camera refrigerator to freezer.

2. After cooling, pour the cream into a clean bowl, add sugar to them and beat.

3. We carefully monitor the process, we try to do without switching to maximum speed. With vigorous whipping, the cream can quickly churn into butter.

4. Having received a lush mass, add mascarpone and, working with a mixer, slowly mix the cheese with a creamy base.

Simple cream for dark biscuit from cottage cheese with cherry flavor


Non-grained 9% cottage cheese - 300 gr.;

Small lemon;

Half a liter of 22% cream;

20 gr. instant (granular) gelatin;

Powdered sugar - 125 gr. (5 tablespoons);

Cherry juice - 70 ml;

300 gr. pitted cherries.

Cooking method:

1. For cream, you can take fresh, frozen or canned own juice cherries. Frozen berries are thawed in air at room temperature in advance, from fresh cherries remove bones.

2. Pour gelatin with warm water so that it completely covers it, and leave it until the right moment. The granules should swell well.

3. Pour boiling water over lemon, wipe dry. fine grater scrape the zest from the citrus, then cut the fruit and squeeze the juice. We filter out the remnants of the pulp and remove the bones that have fallen into it.

4. Whip the chilled cream until fluffy.

5. We grind the cottage cheese using a rare metal sieve. Add powdered sugar and mix thoroughly.

6. Separate three spoons curd mass, mix it with gelatin and, shifting back, mix. We put lemon peel, pour Cherry juice, freshly squeezed citrus juice and interrupt until smooth with a blender. You can use a mixer.

7. In the resulting cream base, gently stir in the whipped cream. Set aside a third of the prepared cream, and mix the remaining cream mass with cherries.

8. With a cream containing berries, we coat the biscuit cakes, and with the one without cherries, we coat the sides and top of the dessert.

Tricks of making simple creams for biscuits - helpful tips

Whipping cream with a whisk is tiring. A mixer or blender will help to significantly speed up and facilitate the process.

For the preparation of the cream, do not use aluminum containers. The creamy mass may acquire a characteristic metallic taste and darken. The best dishes there will be glass containers for whipping the creamy mass.

Do not overheat the oil. It should just soften a little, not melt. If the fat has begun to shine and float, return it to the refrigerator to harden a little.

If you forgot to take the butter out of the fridge ahead of time, grate it on coarse grater. The fat will quickly soften, and literally in five minutes it will be possible to prepare a cream from it.
