
Recipe for homemade orange marmalade. Marmalade sweets "Summer"

lovers healthy eating afraid to eat foods containing sugar. But every person sometimes wants to treat himself to something delicious.

How to make marmalade without sugar

Healthy eaters are wary of eating foods containing sugar. But every person sometimes wants to treat himself to something delicious.

Fortunately, today there are various sugar substitutes that do not harm the body. Any dessert, including everyone's favorite marmalade, can be prepared without sugar. Even those who are on diets may not limit themselves to treats. Let's get acquainted with some recipes for healthy marmalade.

Sugar Free Pear Marmalade Recipe


    1 kilogram of pears,

    30 grams of gelatin,

    any sugar substitute - to taste,


How to cook:

1. Take pears, peel them, remove the core and put to boil.

2. Pour gelatin with water, leaving to swell.

3. Make a puree of boiled pears, add sweetener and gelatin to it. Cook until gelatin dissolves.

4. Pour marmalade into molds and cool. Delicious low-calorie marmalade is ready.

Marmalade recipe according to Dukan

This low calorie treat can be made at home.

How to cook:

To do this, brew two hundred grams of hibiscus tea, only without sugar (if desired, you can use a little sweetener).

In another bowl, dilute 2 teaspoons of agar-agar.

Ready-made delicacy pour into molds, cool and carefully remove.

Such marmalade will not harm the figure and is allowed by the rules of nutrition, according to the Dukan diet.

Marmalade recipe on pectin with stevia

Stevia is a natural sugar substitute. Marmalade with stevia will be a great analogue of a dessert made with refined sugar.

How to cook:

Take a kilogram of apples (it is better to use sour varieties).

Cut the apples, removing the core from them.

Apples should be boiled a small amount water.

Puree the boiled apples, add stevia to taste and put the mixture on the fire until the marmalade thickens.

hot dessert pour into molds, cool and carefully remove.

Secrets and recipe for marmalade on pectin without sugar

To prepare marmalade on pectin, you need to choose fruits and berries that contain a lot of pectin- apples, apricots, quince, gooseberries.

Such marmalade will take shape without the addition of thickeners. The treat on pectin dries from 1 to 2 days in cool place. This is more than marmalade on gelatin or agar-agar. Instead of sugar, you can put any sweetener or honey.This marmalade is suitable for those who are on a diet and follow the figure.

Bon appetit. Cook with love!

How to make marmalade without sugarHealthy eaters are afraid to eat foods containing sugar. But every person sometimes wants to treat himself to something tasty. Fortunately, today there are various sugar substitutes that do not ...
Marmalade for weight loss recipe


ZEFIR WITHOUT SUGAR - marshmallow recipe - apple sambuc - how to make marshmallows at home

Homemade marmalade - 5 recipes

Marmalade - tasty, healthy fruit dessert and fragrant oriental sweetness. In the east and in the Mediterranean, sweetness was prepared from fruit purees, boiled heavily and dried in the sun. In Portugal, sheet marmalade was boiled from quince fruit and cut with a knife. In Germany, this is called any fruit jam. True connoisseurs marmalade - the British.

Marmalade - low-calorie product, it does not contain fat. If you are on a diet, you can cook diet marmalade without sugar - fruits contain required amount fructose. The sweetness is rolled in sugar to reduce moisture. finished product and that it does not stick together during storage.

Marmalade at home can be prepared from any fruit, juice or compote, from jam or fruit puree.

Fruit platter marmalade with pectin

For the preparation of marmalade-fruit platter you will need silicone molds with notches in the form of slices, but you can use ordinary shallow containers, and then cut the finished marmalade into cubes.

Pectin is a natural thickener plant origin. It is produced in the form of a grayish-white powder. It is activated when heat treatment, therefore, in the manufacture of marmalade on pectin, the solution should be heated. It can be bought at any store.

In the human body, pectin works as a soft sorbent, normalizes metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

The thicker fruit puree the less time it takes to warm it up.

Cooking time - 1 hour + 2 hours for solidification.

  • fresh oranges - 2 pcs;

  • kiwi - 2 pcs;

  • strawberries (fresh or frozen) - 400 gr;

  • sugar - 9-10 tbsp;

  • pectin - 5-6 tbsp.

  1. Peel the oranges, squeeze out the juice, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of pectin. Stir so that there are no lumps.

  2. Pour into a heated saucepan orange mix. Stirring, heat until thick for 15 minutes, but do not boil. Cool down.

  3. Peel and chop the kiwi in a blender, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1.5 tablespoons of pectin to the resulting mass. Heat the resulting mass in separate saucepan, stirring constantly, until thick 10 minutes.

  4. Strawberries mash with a fork or in a blender until smooth, add 4-5 tablespoons of sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of pectin. cook strawberry puree like orange.

  5. You should have three bowls of warm fruit puree with the consistency thick sour cream. Grease marmalade molds butter, Silicone forms lubrication is not required. Pour the marmalade mass into molds and place in a cold place to harden for 2-4 hours.

  6. When the marmalade hardens, remove it from the molds and roll in sugar. Share on flat dish and serve to the table.

Cherry homemade marmalade

This gelatin recipe is easy to prepare and set the ingredients. You can prepare such marmalade from compotes or juices, both freshly squeezed and canned. Store gummies in the refrigerator.

Cooking time - 30 minutes + 2 hours for solidification.

  • cherry juice - 300 ml;

  • regular gelatin - 30 gr.;

  • sugar - 6 tbsp. + for sprinkling 2 tablespoons;

  • juice of half a lemon.

  1. Dissolve gelatin in 150 ml. cherry juice room temperature, stir and leave to swell for 30 minutes.

  2. Pour the sugar with the remaining cherry juice, bring to a boil, stirring. Cool the syrup a little, and add lemon juice to it.

  3. Pour the gelatin into the syrup, mix until smooth.

  4. Fill the molds with liquid marmalade and place in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours to harden.

  5. Remove the finished marmalade from the molds and sprinkle with sugar.

Fruit marmalade with agar-agar

Agar-agar is obtained from seaweed. Produce it in the form of a yellowish powder or plates.

The gelling ability of agar-agar is higher than that of gelatin, as is the melting point. Dishes cooked on agar-agar will thicken faster and will not melt when room temperature.

Cooking time - 30 minutes + freezing time 1 hour.

  1. Pour agar-agar with water, mix and leave for 1 hour.

  2. Pour the agar-agar into a heavy bottomed saucepan, place over low heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

  3. As soon as the agar-agar boils, pour sugar into it. Boil over low heat for 1-2 minutes.

  4. Remove the pan from the stove and add the fruit puree to the agar-agar, stirring the mixture thoroughly so that there are no lumps, cool slightly.

  5. Pour the finished marmalade into silicone molds different sizes Leave to set at room temperature or refrigerate for 1 hour.

  6. Marmalade is ready. Cut it randomly or in different shapes, sprinkle with sugar or powdered sugar.

Sheet marmalade from apples or quince

The composition of this dish does not include gelling substances, since natural pectin found in apples and quince in sufficient quantities.

If you want to cook a denser marmalade, then add pectin to the fruit puree - 100 gr. puree - 1 tablespoon of pectin. For apple and quince puree, pectin is needed two times less than for fruit juices. The dish can be prepared only from apples or quince, or you can take it in equal parts.

Such marmalade can be served with tea sprinkled with powdered sugar or used as a filling for buns, pies and pancakes.

This recipe will come in handy in the fall, at the time of preparations for the winter, since such a dessert is stored for a very long time.

  1. Rinse apples and quince, cut into slices and remove the seeds.

  2. Place the apples in a deep saucepan, add water and cook, stirring, until softened.

  3. Cool and chop the apples with a blender or rub through a sieve. Add sugar to the puree and cook again, stirring, over low heat for 30 minutes. Cook the puree in several batches until thick.

  4. Cover the baking sheet parchment paper spread on it in a thin layer applesauce and put in the oven.

  5. Dry the marmalade for 2 hours at a temperature of 100°C, turn off the oven and leave the marmalade overnight. Do this procedure again.

  6. Cut the finished layer of marmalade into strips, wrap with parchment paper and store in the refrigerator.

Marmalade sweets "Summer"

For such sweets, any fresh berries, if desired, can be prepared from frozen fruit.

For sweets, any shape is suitable, like silicone, plastic, and ceramic.

Cooking time - 30 minutes + 1 hour for freezing.

  • any seasonal berries- 500 gr;

  • sugar - 200 gr;

  • water - 300 ml;

  • agar-agar - 2-3 teaspoons.

  1. Wash the berries, mash with a fork or chop in a blender, add sugar and mix.

  2. Pour agar-agar into a saucepan, pour cold water let stand 15-30 minutes.

  3. Place the pot of agar-agar on slow fire, stirring, bring to a boil, and cook for 2 minutes.

  4. mix berry puree with agar-agar, cool slightly and pour into molds.

  5. Leave the sweets to harden at room temperature or in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours.

We hope you, the kids and your guests enjoy these treats.

Marmalade WITHOUT sugar: cooking recipes

Healthy eaters are wary of eating foods containing sugar. But every person sometimes wants to treat himself to something tasty. Fortunately, today there are various sugar substitutes that do not harm the body. Any dessert including everyone's favorite marmalade can be made without sugar. Even those who are on diets may not limit themselves to treats. Let's get acquainted with some recipes for healthy marmalade.

marmalade recipe according to Dukan

This low calorie treat can be made at home. To do this, brew two hundred grams of hibiscus tea, only without sugar (if desired, you can use a little sweetener). In another bowl, dilute 2 teaspoons of agar-agar. Next, combine the mixtures, put on fire and wait until the agar-agar disperses. Pour the finished delicacy into molds, cool and carefully remove. Such marmalade will not harm the figure and is allowed by the rules of nutrition, according to the Dukan diet.

Marmalade recipe on pectin with stevia

Stevia is a natural sugar substitute. Marmalade with stevia will be a great analogue of a dessert made with refined sugar.

Take a kilogram of apples (it is better to use sour varieties). Cut the apples, removing the core from them. Apples should be boiled in a small amount of water. Make a puree of boiled apples, add to taste stevia and put the mixture on fire until the marmalade thickens. Pour the hot dessert into molds, cool and carefully remove.

Sugar Free Pear Marmalade Recipe

For sugar-free pear marmalade, you will need:

1 kilogram of pears,

30 grams of gelatin,

any sugar substitute - to taste,

Preparation and recipe for low-calorie sugar-free marmalade

1. Take pears, peel them, remove the core and put to boil.

2. Pour gelatin with water, leaving to swell.

3. Make a puree of boiled pears, add sweetener and gelatin to it. Cook until gelatin dissolves.

4. Pour marmalade into molds and cool. Delicious low-calorie marmalade is ready.

Secrets and recipe for marmalade on pectin without sugar

To prepare marmalade on pectin, you need to choose fruits and berries, which contain a lot of pectin - apples, apricots, quince, gooseberries. Such marmalade will take shape without the addition of thickeners. The treat on pectin dries from 1 to 2 days in a cool place. This is more than marmalade on gelatin or agar-agar. Instead of sugar, you can put any sweetener or honey. This marmalade is suitable for those who are on a diet and follow the figure.

The material was prepared specifically for the website frufru.ru of the group of companies "Sladkaya Skazka"

Marmalade without sugar

I share my idea: very good recipe marmalade at home. Preparing jelly from agar agar and without sugar. These two facts indicate that this recipe homemade marmalade dietary, nowhere else.

Dieting is not a reason to deny yourself something tasty. On the contrary, to avoid breakdowns and desires to finish the diet ahead of time you should treat yourself to desserts regularly (a low-calorie treat option is diet cake from cottage cheese).

One of delicious delicacies is homemade marmalade on agar-agar. For super cooking dietary option We use a sweetener. The most popular sugar substitute is stevia, but other sweeteners can also be used.

To get the most dietary marmalade at home, we use agar-agar. This algae powder has a mild laxative effect, perfectly helps fight hunger and satiates well. Also, this substance has an important dietary quality, unlike gelatin, it does not contain calories.

Cooking jelly, as well as others diet desserts on agar, we get a dish with the same calorie content as the main product used to prepare it.

The basis for sugar-free marmalade is puree, berry or fruit. In the summer it can be any seasonal products, and in winter you can cook from frozen strawberries and cherries, currants. Therefore, the sweeter the raw materials for making dessert, the less sakhzam is needed and the tastier and nicer jelly will taste.

Homemade jelly can be either single-component or multi-component, made from different berries and fruits. You can make homemade marmalade not only from puree, but also from juice, you can also find this recipe on the website.

The site also has other interesting recipes healthy desserts. Do not miss:

Sugar free marmalade recipe at home


  • 350 gr. cherries (cherries, strawberries, currants and other berries, you can use frozen ones)

  • 3 sachets of stevia, or other sweetener, in the amount necessary to make crushed fruit sweet. The sweetness of the semi-finished product should be much more than desired, as it is reduced as a result of the reaction with agar-agar.

  • 1 gram or 0.5 tsp agar-agar (you can buy on the iHerb website, this recipe uses this agar)

Homemade marmalade calories per 100 g - 52 kcal

Diet jelly on agar-agar with stevia

  1. If you use fresh berries and fruits, then they must be freed from petioles, sepals and seeds. Frozen foods should be thawed before making homemade marmalade. Puree fruit or berry raw materials with a blender. Transfer one third of the resulting slurry to a saucepan, add the sweetener and bring to a boil.

  2. Put the entire amount of agar-agar into a boiling liquid and mix thoroughly. Boil berry puree with agar for 2-3 minutes. Unlike gelatin, it must be boiled for a while in order to activate the gelling properties.

  3. Boiled marmalade with agar and stevia is combined with the rest of the berry puree and mixed thoroughly. ready mix must be quickly poured into molds, as agar-based jelly hardens in a short time. We clean the completely cooled forms in the refrigerator, and after 30-40 minutes. jelly will be ready.

Marmalade prepared according to this recipe at home will have a calorie content of about 50 kcal per 100 g. Don't even eat diet jelly V large quantities, but treat yourself to a few things for afternoon tea not only possible, but necessary.

With the use of agar-agar, you can cook and savory dishes, try aspic out chicken hearts and see how delicious it is.

The wonderful gelling powder can also be used in cosmetic purposes. Great popularity in Lately use masks to restore hair ends with agar-agar.

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  • Marmalade is a favorite delicacy not only for pps. But finding a quality and useful product in stores is very difficult. Where is the exit? Prepare your own dietary marmalade at home with agar-agar!

    This low calorie dessert can afford even those who monitor their figure and health, eating right.

    How to make a healthy dessert

    Have you ever made such a yummy and have no idea how to make marmalade with agar-agar at home? Believe me, nothing complicated!

    In order to have only healthy products in homemade marmalade, we take juices or purees from fresh or frozen berries, fruits, natural ingredients and gelling agent.

    In these recipes, it will be agar-agar, which is industrially extracted from algae (brown and red).

    In our pp-marmalade there will be no dyes, flavors.

    We will not add sugar to it.

    Why will we make marmalade on agar: what are its benefits and is there any harm? Why not gelatin? Yes, because although agar costs more than gelatin or pectin, it is much more convenient to work with:

    • freezes faster, moreover, even just on the table;
    • gives a denser consistency to marmalade;
    • no calories at all.

    Agar enhances intestinal motility, gently cleanses it, helps the liver and enriches the diet with iodine. But to overeat this delicious, seductive dessert not worth it either. Everything is good in moderation!

    Universal recipe for fruit and berry pp marmalade

    You can make marmalade using the juice of only one type of berry or fruit. And you can cook fruit and berry platter.

    The juice can be filtered, the dessert will turn out transparent. But is it worth giving up healthy pulp?

    Calorie content of 100 g - 53 kcal, bzhu - 1.1 g of protein, 0 g of fat, 12.1 g of carbohydrates.


    • agar-agar - 1-1.5 tsp
    • fruity or berry juice/ puree - 150 ml
    • orange juice - 50-70 ml
    • stevia (natural sugar substitute) or honey - to taste.


    1. Put fruit juice or puree on a slow fire, add stevia and honey to taste and, stirring constantly, boil (if necessary, remove the foam that forms).
    2. Pour agar with orange juice and stir. Heat the mixture to 60-70 degrees, stirring until the lumps disappear completely.
    3. Connect agar with fruit juice, mix thoroughly.
    4. Pour into moulds. Put in the refrigerator or just on the table until completely solidified. Remove the figures from the molds - they are ready! Roll in coconut if desired.
    5. You can make "striped" marmalade using juice different colors. Pour the prepared mixture alternately in layers (wait for the previous layer to harden before adding a new one).

    Kiwi and banana recipe

    This is kiwi banana puree marmalade.

    Exotic, dietary and not only without sugar, but without it at all!

    Calorie content 100 g - 56 kcal, bju - 0.9 g of protein, 0 g of fat, 13.2 g of carbohydrates.


    • agar - 10 g
    • bananas - 2 pcs. (ripe, sweet)
    • kiwi - 2 pcs.
    • water - 100 ml.


    1. Pour agar-agar with water and stir.
    2. In a blender, grind the peeled fruits to a smooth puree.
    3. Bring agar to a boil, mix with fruit mix. Let's boil again.
    4. Distribute the mass according to glass form. Let's put it in the refrigerator until it hardens.
    5. Cut marmalade into cubes.
    6. Bon appetit!

    Marmalade "Coffee with cream"

    This recipe is for those who like to tinker for the sake of aesthetics.

    And of course it will be appreciated by its coffee lovers.

    By the way, it is precisely because of coffee that such marmalade cannot be called ideally pp-shny, but we will take high-quality ones - brewed in an espresso machine or a Turk.

    Calorie content 100 g - 26 kcal, bju - 1.3 g of protein, 0 g of fat, 4.3 g of carbohydrates.

    What we need:

    • 200 ml brewed coffee
    • stevia - 0.5 tsp
    • skimmed milk - 200 ml
    • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
    • agar - 1.5 tsp

    How to do:

    1. In hot coffee, dissolve half the stevia and half the agar-agar. We also do with milk, adding vanillin there.
    2. Now the most difficult thing, if we want to get marmalade as in the photo, is not to let the liquids freeze ahead of time. Agar becomes a gel at a temperature of 35-40 degrees (more precisely, 38 degrees Celsius), so we figure out how to keep the temperature constantly a little higher. You can cool a little and pour into thermoses, you can just leave it in containers with hot water.
    3. Now, one by one, we pour layers into any glass wide dish and wait for each one to solidify, add the next one and wait again.
    4. Or you can just mix everything or make a two-layer marmalade by first preparing coffee, waiting for it to solidify and preparing the dairy part.

    To make marmalade at home with agar-agar always turn out, as in the photo from magazines or from websites, no matter which recipe you choose, follow the advice of experienced chefs:

    • Read carefully the instructions on the agar pack. The proportions of water and substance from different manufacturers will be different.
    • Dissolving the gelling agent in water, bring the mixture to a boil. If instead of water juice, you can just warm up to 60-70 degrees.
    • IN sour juices it is necessary to add a little more agar than to water.
    • Agar-agar is sold in the form of powder, plates, flakes. High quality, high cleaning has no smell. Agar, which is slightly cheaper, can smell like algae.
    • When preparing marmalade, cooks recommend diluting the gelling powder in orange juice in order to beat off the smell of iodine, algae. Juices fragrant berries: strawberries, cherries, raspberries cope with this problem on their own. If you are making marmalade from apples or pears, it is better to use orange juice.
    • Ready marmalade is best stored in the refrigerator, in a container with a lid. IN homemade dessert There are no preservatives, which means that the product is perishable.

    Video recipe for marmalade without calories

    And here is an idea for those sweet tooth who are now losing weight. In such a marmalade, let not exactly 0 calories, but definitely not more than 4-5 in one candy! Just a miracle find, to be honest! Proportions - for 200 ml of liquid 1 tsp. agar-agar:


    Marmalade is one of the most the best sweets who can afford a sweet tooth without fear of gaining extra pounds weight. This delicacy is very popular, loved by both children and adults. It can serve great replacement chewing gum or sweets, unlike which will bring great benefit. So, let's find out what calorie content marmalade has, what are the benefits of marmalade and whether this product has any dietary properties.

    Marmalade, benefits and dietary properties:

    Let's start with the fact that marmalade is a sweet made from fruits. It must include next row components - agar-agar, pectin, sometimes gelatin, sugar syrup, natural and artificial dyes, juices from various fruits, flavors, granulated sugar.

    Marmalade can be of three types:

    - fruit and berry

    - jelly

    - fruit jelly

    Due to its above composition marmalade, calories which we are considering, has a number of useful properties. Let's take a look at each of its ingredients individually and find out what its value is.

    Pectin - this ingredient is obtained from fruits - fruits, berries. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and radionuclides, normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood. By the way, pectin can remove dangerous toxins, heavy metals, urea, decay products from the body. harmful substances formed during the course of metabolism.

    Agar-agar is natural substance extracted from algae. It helps to improve the functions of the thyroid gland and liver, frees our body from toxins, promotes natural process bowel emptying. In addition, agar-agar is a rich source of vitamins E, B5, K, and minerals - iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium.

    Gelatin is a viscous substance that is extracted from bones, tendons, and other things by prolonged boiling in water. It is of animal origin and has the property of hardening. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. As can be seen from all that has been said, this is not at all a useless sweetness.

    Marmalade, calories:

    As we have already said, marmalade is a low-calorie treat that does not contain fat, which, of course, makes marmalade preferable to chocolate, sweets and cookies. Now let's clarify what energy value has marmalade.

    The calorie content of marmalade, on average, is 300-350 kcal per 100 grams of product

    And what is the calorie content of marmalade cooked different ways? But this one:

    Marmalade calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

    And the nutritional value of marmalade prepared in different ways is as follows:

    Table of nutritional value of marmalade (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

    Is it possible to cook this product yourself, at home? Can! Here is one of the recipes:

    Marmalade on lemonade:


    • Lemonade - 500 ml.
    • Gelatin - 50 gr.
    • Sugar - 1 kg.
    • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon
    • fruit essence

    Gelatin is poured into 100 ml. lemonade and let it brew (2 hours). Sugar is added to the remaining lemonade, citric acid, fruit essence. If oranges are available, you can add the peel of 1 orange, crushed on the most fine grater. The mixture is put on a slow fire, stir so that the sugar dissolves. Then hot syrup remove from heat, put the swollen gelatin into it and mix thoroughly until the gelatin is completely dissolved. You can color the dish food coloring(or use colored gelatin). Marmalade is poured into a flat dish and left in the cold (for 6 hours). And that's it! Eat for health, only in moderation, since marmalade is still sweet and the calorie content of marmalade is not so small.

    Marmalade for weight loss

    The main advantage of marmalade over other sweets is its low calorie which makes it safe for weight loss. However, it contains sugar, although in small quantities, so you should not abuse this delicacy.

    In addition, the ability of marmalade to cleanse the body of harmful substances, including salts and toxins, cannot but affect the functioning of the body and cleaning digestive system, which will start working normally and will get rid of decay products much faster, preventing them from turning into body fat.

    Given the diuretic properties of marmalade, using it, you can avoid the formation of puffiness and prevent the accumulation of excess fluid in the body. A nutrients and vitamins will establish metabolic processes, which will also contribute to weight loss.

    Healthy eaters are wary of eating foods containing sugar. But every person sometimes wants to treat himself to something tasty. Fortunately, today there are various sugar substitutes that do not harm the body. Any dessert including everyone's favorite marmalade can be made without sugar. Even those who are on diets may not limit themselves to treats. Let's get acquainted with some recipes for healthy marmalade.

    marmalade recipe according to Dukan

    This low calorie treat can be made at home. To do this, brew two hundred grams of hibiscus tea, only without sugar (if desired, you can use a little sweetener). In another bowl, dilute 2 teaspoons of agar-agar. Next, combine the mixtures, put on fire and wait until the agar-agar disperses. Pour the finished delicacy into molds, cool and carefully remove. Such marmalade will not harm the figure and is allowed by the rules of nutrition, according to the Dukan diet.

    Marmalade recipe on pectin with stevia

    Stevia is a natural sugar substitute. Marmalade with stevia will be a great analogue of a dessert made with refined sugar.

    Take a kilogram of apples (it is better to use sour varieties). Cut the apples, removing the core from them. Apples should be boiled in a small amount of water. Make a puree of boiled apples, add to taste stevia and put the mixture on fire until the marmalade thickens. Pour the hot dessert into molds, cool and carefully remove.

    Sugar Free Pear Marmalade Recipe

    For sugar-free pear marmalade, you will need:

    1 kilogram of pears,

    30 grams of gelatin,

    any sugar substitute - to taste,


    Preparation and recipe for low-calorie sugar-free marmalade

    1. Take pears, peel them, remove the core and put to boil.

    2. Pour gelatin with water, leaving to swell.

    3. Make a puree of boiled pears, add sweetener and gelatin to it. Cook until gelatin dissolves.

    4. Pour marmalade into molds and cool. Delicious low-calorie marmalade is ready.

    Secrets and recipe for marmalade on pectin without sugar

    To prepare marmalade on pectin, you need to choose fruits and berries, which contain a lot of pectin - apples, apricots, quince, gooseberries. Such marmalade will take shape without the addition of thickeners. The treat on pectin dries from 1 to 2 days in a cool place. This is more than marmalade on gelatin or agar-agar. Instead of sugar, you can put any sweetener or honey. This marmalade is suitable for those who are on a diet and follow the figure.
