
Pear jam - the best recipes for excellent winter sweets. Pear jam with lemon

Pear jam is another delicacy! It's just so hard to get away from it.

Hence the conclusion: you need to do a lot, a lot! It's good to have so many great recipes.

Pear jam - general principles of preparation

The most delicious marmalade with the perfect texture is made from firm and slightly underripe pears, but soft fruits can also be used. The fruits are cut into pieces, crushed with a blender or ground through a sieve after pre-cooking. Then sugar and other ingredients are added to them.

What can be added to pear jam:

Apples, citruses and other fruits;

Cinnamon, vanilla and other spices;


You can cook a treat on the stove. But more and more often you can find recipes for a slow cooker. If there is a “Jam” program, then you can use it for cooking. Or they combine baking, stewing programs. The cooking time directly depends on the juiciness of the pears and it is impossible to determine it exactly. Satisfied with the consistency - the jam is ready!

Easy pear jam recipe

A variant of the lightest and simplest pear jam with citric acid. Fruits are crushed in a meat grinder.


550 g of sugar;

1 kg of pears;

4 g lemon.


1. Cut the pears into slices, discard the cores.

2. We twist the slices through a meat grinder, combine with sugar, stir and leave for a couple of hours.

3. Put on the stove, cook for a quarter of an hour. Set aside, let stand until the mass cools down.

4. Put it on the stove again, add citric acid, boil the delicacy for about half an hour.

5. We look at the density, if the jam began to reach for the spoon, and the droplet does not spread on the saucer, then you can turn it off.

Pear jam for the winter "Lemon flavor"

The recipe for a very fragrant jam from pears for the winter with lemon. If the citrus is large, then one is enough. You can take two small lemons.


3 kg of pears;

1.5 kg of sugar;

200 ml of water.


1. Cut the washed pears into random slices, put them in a saucepan, add a glass of water to them.

2. Put the pears on the stove, cook under the lid for 10 minutes.

3. Wash the lemon, cut into slices. It is necessary to remove all the seeds from the citrus.

4. Remove the pears from the fire, they should be soft. Cool a little, add pieces of citrus to the fruit and twist everything together with a blender.

5. Add granulated sugar, stir. It is advisable to let the mass stand for a while so that the sand dissolves. Otherwise, small grains on the walls of the dishes may burn, the jam will turn out dark and will have an unpleasant aroma.

6. Put the delicacy on the stove, cook without a lid over moderate heat for about 45-50 minutes. We achieve the desired density, do not forget to stir regularly.

7. Packed in jars. Cool, remove the pear jam for storage.

Pear jam with gelatin "Velvet"

The recipe for a thick, velvety pear jam with gelatin, you can call it jam. A feature of the delicacy is an unusual, jelly-like texture. Gelatin is used ordinary powder or instant.


1 kg of pears;

0.5 kg of sugar;

0.5 lemon;

Cinnamon, vanillin;

200 ml of water;

1 st. l. gelatin.


1. Cut pear into pieces, add 100 ml of water, boil over low heat until soft. Leave to cool.

2. Soak gelatin in 100 ml of water. Let him swell well. Usually the time is indicated on the packaging.

3. Softened pears need to be rubbed through a sieve.

4. Add sugar to the puree, put on the stove.

5. After boiling, pour in the lemon juice, cook the jam for 10 minutes.

6. If the delicacy is prepared for the winter, then the jars need to be processed, put at hand. The same goes for lids.

7. Add vanilla and cinnamon to the boiling jam.

8. We introduce gelatin, stir quickly and immediately turn off. If you let the mass boil over, then the texture will not be what you want.

9. Pour jam from pears into sterile jars, constantly stir from the bottom. We close quickly.

10. We put the containers upside down, wrap them with something warm on top, hold the cans until they cool completely, then turn them over to a natural position, transfer them to storage.

A simple recipe for pear jam in a slow cooker

A wonderful way to make a sweet pear treat. It can be consumed immediately or stored away. Instead of lemon, you can take diluted acid, a third of a teaspoon and 30 ml of water are enough.


1 kg of pears;

1.5 cups of sugar;

0.5 lemon.


1. Pears for this jam can not be peeled, but without the skin, the delicacy is more tender. See by grade. If the peel is tough, then it is better to remove it.

2. Rub the pear pulp on a coarse grater, mix with sugar. Immediately put all this in a multicooker saucepan.

3. Pour it all over with lemon juice. You can add a little zest, but only well crushed, there should not be large particles in the jam. Or use an acid solution.

4. Close the multicooker. We set the extinguishing program for two hours. Periodically we look, stir.

5. If the pears are watery or just very juicy, the density of the delicacy does not suit you, you can switch to baking at the end, hold the jam in this mode for about half an hour, just do not forget to stir.

Pear jam for the winter "Vitaminka" with lingonberries

The recipe for an amazing pear jam for the winter, which differs not only in taste, but also in its vitamin composition. It is best to use fresh lingonberries for him. But if this is not possible, then a frozen product will do.


1 kg pear;

0.5 kg lingonberries;

1 kg of sugar;

2 star anise;

130 ml of water.


1. Cut the pears into slices, just wash the lingonberries, let the water drain, it is not necessary to dry the berries.

2. Mix a glass of sugar with water, put it on the stove, cook the syrup. Add star anise stars, which will give the delicacy a special zest.

3. Mix the rest of the sugar with pears and lingonberries.

4. Add the prepared pieces with sugar to the syrup, stir.

5. Squeeze out the lemon juice. But you can grind the whole citrus by removing the seeds and add to the total mass.

6. Cook jam for 45 minutes.

7. Remove from fire. Puree the mass with a blender.

8. Again we put the lingonberry-pear delicacy on the stove, cook until the desired density.

9. If the consistency suits, then just let the mass boil well, boil for one minute and can be laid out in jars.

Pear jam with apples

Another popular addition to pear jam is apples! We choose sour varieties. They ideally dilute sweet pears, add sourness, and make the taste more interesting.


1 kg of apples;

1 kg of pears;

0.8 kg of sugar.


1. Cook fruit. To do this, cut the apples together with pears into pieces, do not remove the skin.

2. Throw everything into a saucepan, pour a glass of water, boil until soft. Be sure to cover.

3. Remove from heat, let cool slightly so as not to burn your hands. But the mass should not be cold. We wipe the fruit through a sieve to obtain a gentle and homogeneous puree.

4. Mix the fruit with sugar, let the grains dissolve a little, send the jam to the stove.

5. Cook jam for 30-35 minutes. After cooling, the mass will become thicker due to the pectin in apples.

A simple recipe for pear jam with oranges (in a slow cooker)

Another version of pear jam, designed for a multi-cooker saucepan. The amount of vanilla and cinnamon can be adjusted, if you don't like something, then don't add it.


2 kg of pears;

2 oranges;

1 sachet of vanilla;

1 tsp cinnamon powder;

1.2 kg of sugar;

Juice from 1 lemon.


1. We twist the pears through a meat grinder along with the peel, add sand to them, stir. We leave for half an hour.

2. Remove the zest from the oranges, peel the pulp, discard the seeds and white skins. Twist the citrus pulp and zest, send to the pears.

3. Squeeze the lemon juice into the total mass.

4. Add vanillin along with cinnamon powder, stir.

5. Turn on baking, cook jam for exactly thirty minutes.

6. Switch to the extinguishing mode, cook for another 1.5 hours.

7. Pour the pear and orange delicacy into jars, roll it up. Or just let it cool down and put it in the fridge.

Pear jam for the winter with pieces

If there are both soft and hard pears, then you can cook a treat according to this recipe. Jam turns out interesting and very tasty.


1 kg soft pears;

0.5 kg of hard pears;

1 kg of sugar;


1. Cut hard pears into centimeter cubes, pour over lemon juice, set aside for a while.

2. We cut soft pears, get rid of the cores. We twist with a blender, mix with sugar.

3. We put the pear mass on the stove, let it boil.

4. Add the pears cut into pieces, cook everything together for about 45 minutes.

5. We determine readiness in pieces. They should boil and not remain raw.

6. We lay out the jam with pieces in jars, remove the pear blank for storage.

Everyone knows that jam should be laid out in sterile jars. But you can do it in another way: put the delicacy in clean and dry jars, put it in the oven, warm it up until a baked crust appears on top, but make sure that the delicacy does not start to burn. Take out, close with lids or roll up.

Sugar is added to jam at least 50%. The calculation is based on peeled fruit without cores.

In jam, you can replace part of the sugar with honey, which goes well with pears. The delicacy will turn out unusually fragrant. By the way, this is a great way to use up candied honey.

Pear jam is another delicacy! It's just so hard to get away from it.

Hence the conclusion: you need to do a lot, a lot! It's good to have so many great recipes.

Pear jam - general principles of preparation

The most delicious marmalade with the perfect texture is made from firm and slightly underripe pears, but soft fruits can also be used. The fruits are cut into pieces, crushed with a blender or ground through a sieve after pre-cooking. Then sugar and other ingredients are added to them.

What can be added to pear jam:

Apples, citruses and other fruits;

Cinnamon, vanilla and other spices;


You can cook a treat on the stove. But more and more often you can find recipes for a slow cooker. If there is a “Jam” program, then you can use it for cooking. Or they combine baking, stewing programs. The cooking time directly depends on the juiciness of the pears and it is impossible to determine it exactly. Satisfied with the consistency - the jam is ready!

Easy pear jam recipe

A variant of the lightest and simplest pear jam with citric acid. Fruits are crushed in a meat grinder.


550 g of sugar;

1 kg of pears;

4 g lemon.


1. Cut the pears into slices, discard the cores.

2. We twist the slices through a meat grinder, combine with sugar, stir and leave for a couple of hours.

3. Put on the stove, cook for a quarter of an hour. Set aside, let stand until the mass cools down.

4. Put it on the stove again, add citric acid, boil the delicacy for about half an hour.

5. We look at the density, if the jam began to reach for the spoon, and the droplet does not spread on the saucer, then you can turn it off.

Pear jam for the winter "Lemon flavor"

The recipe for a very fragrant jam from pears for the winter with lemon. If the citrus is large, then one is enough. You can take two small lemons.


3 kg of pears;

1.5 kg of sugar;

200 ml of water.


1. Cut the washed pears into random slices, put them in a saucepan, add a glass of water to them.

2. Put the pears on the stove, cook under the lid for 10 minutes.

3. Wash the lemon, cut into slices. It is necessary to remove all the seeds from the citrus.

4. Remove the pears from the fire, they should be soft. Cool a little, add pieces of citrus to the fruit and twist everything together with a blender.

5. Add granulated sugar, stir. It is advisable to let the mass stand for a while so that the sand dissolves. Otherwise, small grains on the walls of the dishes may burn, the jam will turn out dark and will have an unpleasant aroma.

6. Put the delicacy on the stove, cook without a lid over moderate heat for about 45-50 minutes. We achieve the desired density, do not forget to stir regularly.

7. Packed in jars. Cool, remove the pear jam for storage.

Pear jam with gelatin "Velvet"

The recipe for a thick, velvety pear jam with gelatin, you can call it jam. A feature of the delicacy is an unusual, jelly-like texture. Gelatin is used ordinary powder or instant.


1 kg of pears;

0.5 kg of sugar;

0.5 lemon;

Cinnamon, vanillin;

200 ml of water;

1 st. l. gelatin.


1. Cut pear into pieces, add 100 ml of water, boil over low heat until soft. Leave to cool.

2. Soak gelatin in 100 ml of water. Let him swell well. Usually the time is indicated on the packaging.

3. Softened pears need to be rubbed through a sieve.

4. Add sugar to the puree, put on the stove.

5. After boiling, pour in the lemon juice, cook the jam for 10 minutes.

6. If the delicacy is prepared for the winter, then the jars need to be processed, put at hand. The same goes for lids.

7. Add vanilla and cinnamon to the boiling jam.

8. We introduce gelatin, stir quickly and immediately turn off. If you let the mass boil over, then the texture will not be what you want.

9. Pour jam from pears into sterile jars, constantly stir from the bottom. We close quickly.

10. We put the containers upside down, wrap them with something warm on top, hold the cans until they cool completely, then turn them over to a natural position, transfer them to storage.

A simple recipe for pear jam in a slow cooker

A wonderful way to make a sweet pear treat. It can be consumed immediately or stored away. Instead of lemon, you can take diluted acid, a third of a teaspoon and 30 ml of water are enough.


1 kg of pears;

1.5 cups of sugar;

0.5 lemon.


1. Pears for this jam can not be peeled, but without the skin, the delicacy is more tender. See by grade. If the peel is tough, then it is better to remove it.

2. Rub the pear pulp on a coarse grater, mix with sugar. Immediately put all this in a multicooker saucepan.

3. Pour it all over with lemon juice. You can add a little zest, but only well crushed, there should not be large particles in the jam. Or use an acid solution.

4. Close the multicooker. We set the extinguishing program for two hours. Periodically we look, stir.

5. If the pears are watery or just very juicy, the density of the delicacy does not suit you, you can switch to baking at the end, hold the jam in this mode for about half an hour, just do not forget to stir.

Pear jam for the winter "Vitaminka" with lingonberries

The recipe for an amazing pear jam for the winter, which differs not only in taste, but also in its vitamin composition. It is best to use fresh lingonberries for him. But if this is not possible, then a frozen product will do.


1 kg pear;

0.5 kg lingonberries;

1 kg of sugar;

2 star anise;

130 ml of water.


1. Cut the pears into slices, just wash the lingonberries, let the water drain, it is not necessary to dry the berries.

2. Mix a glass of sugar with water, put it on the stove, cook the syrup. Add star anise stars, which will give the delicacy a special zest.

3. Mix the rest of the sugar with pears and lingonberries.

4. Add the prepared pieces with sugar to the syrup, stir.

5. Squeeze out the lemon juice. But you can grind the whole citrus by removing the seeds and add to the total mass.

6. Cook jam for 45 minutes.

7. Remove from fire. Puree the mass with a blender.

8. Again we put the lingonberry-pear delicacy on the stove, cook until the desired density.

9. If the consistency suits, then just let the mass boil well, boil for one minute and can be laid out in jars.

Pear jam with apples

Another popular addition to pear jam is apples! We choose sour varieties. They ideally dilute sweet pears, add sourness, and make the taste more interesting.


1 kg of apples;

1 kg of pears;

0.8 kg of sugar.


1. Cook fruit. To do this, cut the apples together with pears into pieces, do not remove the skin.

2. Throw everything into a saucepan, pour a glass of water, boil until soft. Be sure to cover.

3. Remove from heat, let cool slightly so as not to burn your hands. But the mass should not be cold. We wipe the fruit through a sieve to obtain a gentle and homogeneous puree.

4. Mix the fruit with sugar, let the grains dissolve a little, send the jam to the stove.

5. Cook jam for 30-35 minutes. After cooling, the mass will become thicker due to the pectin in apples.

A simple recipe for pear jam with oranges (in a slow cooker)

Another version of pear jam, designed for a multi-cooker saucepan. The amount of vanilla and cinnamon can be adjusted, if you don't like something, then don't add it.


2 kg of pears;

2 oranges;

1 sachet of vanilla;

1 tsp cinnamon powder;

1.2 kg of sugar;

Juice from 1 lemon.


1. We twist the pears through a meat grinder along with the peel, add sand to them, stir. We leave for half an hour.

2. Remove the zest from the oranges, peel the pulp, discard the seeds and white skins. Twist the citrus pulp and zest, send to the pears.

3. Squeeze the lemon juice into the total mass.

4. Add vanillin along with cinnamon powder, stir.

5. Turn on baking, cook jam for exactly thirty minutes.

6. Switch to the extinguishing mode, cook for another 1.5 hours.

7. Pour the pear and orange delicacy into jars, roll it up. Or just let it cool down and put it in the fridge.

Pear jam for the winter with pieces

If there are both soft and hard pears, then you can cook a treat according to this recipe. Jam turns out interesting and very tasty.


1 kg soft pears;

0.5 kg of hard pears;

1 kg of sugar;


1. Cut hard pears into centimeter cubes, pour over lemon juice, set aside for a while.

2. We cut soft pears, get rid of the cores. We twist with a blender, mix with sugar.

3. We put the pear mass on the stove, let it boil.

4. Add the pears cut into pieces, cook everything together for about 45 minutes.

5. We determine readiness in pieces. They should boil and not remain raw.

6. We lay out the jam with pieces in jars, remove the pear blank for storage.

Pear Jam - Useful Tips and Tricks

Everyone knows that jam should be laid out in sterile jars. But you can do it in another way: put the delicacy in clean and dry jars, put it in the oven, warm it up until a baked crust appears on top, but make sure that the delicacy does not start to burn. Take out, close with lids or roll up.

Sugar is added to jam at least 50%. The calculation is based on peeled fruit without cores.

In jam, you can replace part of the sugar with honey, which goes well with pears. The delicacy will turn out unusually fragrant. By the way, this is a great way to use up candied honey.

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Homemade jam is an indispensable preparation for the winter. It is perfect for making pancakes and pies, as well as rolls. Thanks to this filling, your pastries will be very tasty and fragrant. Pear jam turns out to be tender and thick, so it is suitable for making any type of pastry. Prepare such a wonderful sweet for the winter and delight your family and guests with various delicacies using it.

Features and properties of pears Our

Here are some features of this plant and some tips for preparing delicious recipes with our pears, its fruits. Small acid, juicy, with compact flesh and mildly flavored aroma, fresh and refreshing, often also used in salads and Macedonia. These fruits are low in calories but rich in mineral salts. A good source of antioxidants, B vitamins and vitamin C contains minerals such as iron and potassium and fiber, which are valuable for the digestive system.

It is not necessary to put too much sugar in this jam, as its taste should be sweet and sour. Adding spices to it will help enrich its taste, make it refined and rich. Cinnamon, as well as cloves, can act as spices.

pear jam recipe


  • 3-3.2 kg of pears;
  • 400-420 ml of water;
  • 750-780 g of sugar.

Preparation of pear jam:

A selection we know gives the farmer fresh fruit in abundance, more authentic and always in season. These fruits are especially collected from the end of winter. The secret of our formation? Dilute and pop the plant a month after it blooms. Cut a kilogram of Our sadness into cubes. Add two small apples for a thicker consistency. Cook them together with sugar in a large and large pot, stirring until desired creaminess is reached. A touch of grated ginger will add a fresh and slightly spicy flavor.

Our pears and chocolate

Keep the mash inside pre-dried and sterilized glass jars. Allow the jar to cool in the jars to create a vacuum. Their delicacy goes well with dark chocolate and spices like cinnamon. Cut four pears our pears in lemon juice and add a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon. Make a simple cut with about 300 g flour, 150 g sugar, 120 cream, whole egg plus yolk, grated lemon peel and a pinch of salt; then put it in the refrigerator.

  1. The sorted pears should be thoroughly washed, and then the seeds, along with the peel, should be removed from each fruit.
  2. Peeled pears must be transferred to a deep saucepan and pour the required amount of water.
  3. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and cook the pears until soft.
  4. When the fruits are soft enough, they must be thrown into a colander.
  5. Give the pears a little time to cool, and then chop them with a meat grinder.
  6. A syrup should be prepared from water, as well as granulated sugar and added to pear puree.
  7. Boil the pear mass to the desired consistency. During the boiling process, it should be noted that the jam will still thicken when cooling, so you do not need to bring it to a very thick state. If desired, you can add a "zest" to the jam - put a little vanilla or cinnamon.
  8. Pour still hot pear jam into previously washed and sterilized jars and cork them.
  9. After corking the cans, you need to turn them over and put them on an old blanket. And after a day, transfer to a place for storing blanks.

Pear jam is cooked quickly and there will be no difficulties with its preparation, so you can cook it in large volumes. In the autumn-winter period, such a preparation is consumed very quickly, especially if there are children at home. Delight your loved ones with pies with wonderful pear jam, its unforgettable taste will be appreciated by everyone without exception. In the apple-pear season, do not forget to prepare such a yummy, as pear jam is simply irreplaceable for delicious pastries!

To get a "Parisian" cream, boil a pack of fresh cream with a teaspoon of butter. Then sprinkle it over two dark chopped chocolate chips, stirring gently. Place the slice in a round baking dish and bake at 180° for a quarter of an hour. Cook another 20 minutes. Wash 150g fresh spinach, removing the stem from each leaf. Mix two Ours cut into cubes and a handful of nuts. Season with an emulsion of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, pepper and salt, finishing with the cereal of your choice.

They are perfect to bring the sweetness of summer fruits even in autumn. The most correct term to define it would be "jam", since corks, by definition, were prepared exclusively. It should be said that in the common language, all fruit compositions are defined as corks. Here are a lot of recipes to prepare.

The pear is a highly nutritious, sugary fruit that is high in pectin and fiber. From this product you can prepare a fruit salad, various sauces or just eat fresh. Perhaps the most excellent pear dish is jam. It turns out very sweet, tasty and will be able to please your family even on cold winter days. Today we will show several recipes for making pear jam in a slow cooker.

Jam from pears and plums in a slow cooker

Watermelon Sea Jam Watermelon is the fried princess of summer, but why can't you try it with an early cold? The reason for such a refusal does not exist since the time when you can make delicious watermelon jam. Remove the seeds from the watermelon pulp and cut into small pieces, then put it in a weighted colander so it can lose some of its natural water. Put 500 g of watermelon in a blender, add lemon juice and 100 g of sugar. Mix everything and then transfer the mixture to a saucepan. Soak the watermelon jam until it thickens and then move it while still warm inside sterilized glass jars.

To prepare pear jam in a slow cooker, it is best to choose sweet types of pears, which are soft and juicy. Such varieties as "Duchess", "Etude Kiev", "Bare Ardanpon" or "Favorite" are perfect for jam. Pears need to be chosen ripe, poured by the sun, but not affected by rot. With these recommendations in mind, your jam will be incredibly tasty, tender and will be loved by all your household members.

Peach Summer Marmalade Peel 2 kg of peaches and cut into small jars. Place the peach pulp in a saucepan, add the juice of 2 lemons and 200 g of sugar. Stir well, then turn on the heat and simmer for about 2 hours until the peaches have lost most of their vegetable water. Stir occasionally during cooking. After thickening, transfer the peach to sterilized jars.

Plumping Summer Jam Even for a homemade plum cork, the process is very simple. Wash 1 kg drain, peel and clean the core. Cut the plums into pieces and season with lemon juice and 100 g of sugar. To ensure more consistency with plum jam, we advise you to add 2 peeled apples and chop them. Transfer everything to the pot and let it cook for at least an hour and a half. When the jam is thick and cooked, transfer it to sterilized glass jars.

List of products for making jam from pears in a slow cooker according to the classic recipe:

  • ripe pears - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 700 gr;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • boiled water - ½ multi-glass.
  • vanillin - 1 tsp

We cook jam from pears in a slow cooker according to the classic recipe, following these steps.

Smoky Marmalade To prepare the melon gap, the procedure described below is the same as for the watermelon jam. Peel the lemon, peel it well and cut it into pieces. Place the melon in a blender, half of the lemon juice, peeled apple and cut into pieces and 50 g of sugar. Mix well and transfer the mixture to a saucepan. Cook the melon until firm and then transfer it to sterilized glass jars.

Ingredients to cook pear jam

And, let's put it this way, until recently there were very few of us, maybe even less. The years have gone, not so many, and we have moved from the era of food, where it was “frozen and ready” to the next. Today, we feel the need to prepare a whole set of recipes that, fortunately, we managed to get in the attic, grandmother, friend, just in time before they were declared extinct! 🤓.

  1. Pears wash, peel. Remove the core from the fruit, and cut the pulp into pieces of arbitrary shape.
  2. Put the prepared pieces of pears in a slow cooker, add sugar, citric acid and vanillin to the container. It is worth noting that vanillin can be put a little less than the indicated dose, most importantly, do not overdo it, otherwise the finished jam will be bitter.
  3. Set the slow cooker to the heating mode and wait until the sugar melts, stirring the contents periodically. On average, this process will take you 15-20 minutes.
  4. Add water to the bowl of the appliance. Its amount can also be reduced or increased, depending on the juiciness of the pears.
  5. Set the slow cooker to the stewing mode and cook jam for 30-40 minutes under a closed lid. The contents of the device should be stirred periodically.
  6. After the time has elapsed, transfer the pear mass from the multicooker to a separate container, beat with an immersion blender or rub through a sieve. If the pear is well boiled and breaks up when exposed to it, then you can bring the mass to a homogeneous consistency using a conventional potato masher.
  7. When your pear mass reaches a homogeneous consistency, send it back to the multicooker container.
  8. Set the appliance to the extinguishing mode and cook the jam, stirring constantly with a spatula until thickened, about 20-25 minutes.
  9. Sterilize the jars, pour the finished jam and close the lid.
  10. Wrap the jars in a thick blanket and leave it until it cools completely. Then send the finished jam to the refrigerator or any other dark cool place.

Ready jam can be served with pancakes, pancakes or any other baked goods.

In June, fruit and vegetable trees are lush and rich like never before. Many fruits and vegetables reach their ideal moment between June and September. This is the right time to take out pots, ladles and jars. Each season has its own jams: there are spring-summer ones: strawberries, rhubarb, cherries, apricots, peaches, figs, pears. Autumn leaves: apples, more pears, grape jelly, brown; and those still hibernate apples and pears, and then all citrus fruits.

Banks make breakfast a must visit, and they are also gifts for many occasions: not just at Christmas! Pretty labeled, small gifts that we can give out on birthdays or bring with us when invited to dinner.

Jam from pears and plums in a slow cooker

Pears and plums go great in ready meals. This is especially true for jam, because sweet, juicy pears and plums, which give sourness to a sweet treat, are the best match for each other. Read below to learn how to properly cook jam from pears and plums in a slow cooker.

🍓 Do you know the difference between jam and jam?

Don't have a lot of experience but want to do the same with your products? Are you a homemade jams black belt? Using lemon juice in your jar doesn't make it mash. As a result, they can be pears, strawberries, apricots, etc. it's ready like jam.

🍌 What is the best time to make jams?

In fact, it's best to wait until the season of the selected fruit is over. The first fruits cost a lot, and often they are still tasteless. At the end of the season, the fruits are sweeter and sweeter, and also cheaper!

🍒 Use pectin to thicken jams

You and only you decide how much of your mess should be. Then make it boil a lot. It's only been an hour and a half. The amount of sugar is directly proportional to the gelation of the jam. The less sugar we use and the less our jam will be dense.

To prepare pear-plum jam, you will need the following products:

  • ripe pears - 1 kg;
  • ripe plums - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - ½ multi-glass.

Note. It is worth using only dessert varieties of plums for making jam. The Hungarian is perfect.

🍋 Lemon juice, you or not?

For example, adding agar-agar during the last minutes of the boil. Or we use one or two apples cut into small small pieces and mixed together with fruit before boiling. A lot of people don't like the bitterness that lemon gives, which, by the way, partially covers the flavor of the jam. It is better to use one or a couple of apples. Or special jam sugar that already contains lemon juice.

🍉 What is the most useful object to create jams?

There is a little precious object like no other! These are small funnel plug funnels, there are different sizes and the cost is very low. Place hot jam in clean pots, seal tightly with a cap and turn the pot. Leave it like this until the fruit inside is completely cool. The cover slightly concave in the center is a clear sign that the vacuum evacuation has taken place correctly.

Cooking jam from pears and plums in a slow cooker.

  1. Wash the pears, remove the skin and remove the core. Cut fruit into pieces of arbitrary shape.
  2. Wash plums. Release them from the pedicels and remove the bones. Cut plums into small pieces.
  3. Put the prepared fruit in a slow cooker, send the rest of the ingredients there.
  4. Set the appliance to the heating mode and simmer the products, constantly stirring with a spatula, until the sugar dissolves.
  5. Then close the slow cooker, set the stew mode and cook jam for 40 minutes.
  6. At the end of the cooking program, transfer the jam to a separate container and grind with an immersion blender.
  7. Send a homogeneous mass of pears and plums into the multicooker bowl.
  8. Boil the jam in the stewing mode until thickened, about 25-30 minutes. Stir constantly with a spatula.
  9. Sterilize the jars, pour the finished jam into them.
  10. Close the jars with lids, wrap in a blanket and do not touch the sweet treat until it cools completely.
  11. The cooled jam is sent for storage in the refrigerator or any other dark cool place.

This jam is sure to be loved by your kids. By the way, it can be given as complementary foods even to babies from 1 year old.

Or let the jar cool in the pan. Whisk and then boil the pots in a large pot of water covered with a lid. The change in boiling depends on the size of the jar. Therefore, if you are using small pots, the operation does not offer large pots that need to be boiled for several days, as it once did. To prevent the jars from evaporating while boiling, wrap them in awnings. Let the pots cool in the water. Boiling is faster, but above all avoided huge pots left in the fridge for months.

🌶 Is there investment in glass caps and jars?

And then small jars are better as gifts. Let's start by getting the glass jars of the products we use. Here they stock up because cans can always be recycled, but tapes are better than not. Especially if it is peeled fruit that ends up in the bank. In this case, always choose biofruits. Not here on the dignity of the possible or not.

Jam from pears and apples in a slow cooker

Pears and apples are a classic combination. They make an incredibly tasty puree or jam. Today we present to your attention a recipe for jam from pears and apples in a slow cooker. It turns out incredibly tender and fragrant.

Jars that properly evacuate the vacuum can last up to a year. The quince is a very healthy fruit that is not to be eaten raw due to its taste. The fact that quince contains a very high amount of organic acids and has a much stronger effect on taste. But quince in winter, as well as many details, is not only tasty, but also very healthy.

For example, in the UK, harvesting from winter quince is very popular - in every store you can easily buy delicious jams and jams in winter. In addition, many fine wines are made from this fruit, and for those who do not finish the wine, we recommend quince compost in winter. But first, let's learn a little about the functions of the unusual fruit.

In order to cook jam from pears and apples in a slow cooker, you need the following ingredients:

  • apples - 700 gr;
  • pears - 700 gr;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Note. Jam apples are best to take soft varieties. For example, "White pouring" is perfect. In addition, you should choose fruits that are already fully ripe, but not affected by rot.

Quince for winter - marinated with pepper

If you want to make sweet gelling properties, choose to follow and very mature - the pectin content is higher. If you are ready to cook more healthy jam or quince, be sure to do it with seeds, they contain a large amount of mineral elements. If you have a large crop of quince and some of the fruits are dented, bumped, or darkened, start making corks for the winter with them. All quince fruits are stored in the refrigerator for more than 2 months, but the broken fruits are literally robbed for 2 days. You may be surprised, but quince doesn't just get sweet treats.

How to cook jam from pears and apples in a slow cooker.

  1. Wash the pears, peel them, remove the core and cut into small pieces.
  2. Wash the apples, peel and cut out the core. Cut the pulp into small pieces of arbitrary shape.
  3. Wash the lemon, cut into small slices.
  4. Send fruits to the multicooker bowl. Add sugar there.
  5. Mix the contents of the device and leave for 15 minutes in the heating mode.
  6. After the time has elapsed, mix the fruit again.
  7. Set the slow cooker to the stew mode and leave the sweet dish to cook under the closed lid for 1.5 hours.
  8. Transfer the boiled fruits to a separate container, beat with a blender.
  9. Send the homogeneous mass of pears, apples and lemon back to the slow cooker and bring to a boil in the cooking mode.
  10. Sterilize jars.
  11. Pour the finished jam into jars, close the lid and wrap in a blanket.
  12. When the jam has completely cooled down, send it to the refrigerator or any other dark cool place for storage.

Jam from pears and apples is perfect for tea drinking, eating with pastries or as an independent dessert.

Very interesting and tasty homemade quince and pepper. The following products must be accepted for it. Cinnamon - a small amount on the tip of a knife. First you have to choose fruits that are ripe enough, and then you have to wash them, it is best to do this with a brush, so it is easy to remove the quince. If your quince is not too ripe, it is recommended to first remove your bark, otherwise you will get a tart taste empty with pepper. Some people like it though, so if you want something fancy and spicy, you can leave it like that.

Then you need to clean the peppers from the seeds, and then cut into cubes. Then you need to mix the quince so that you cut into small cubes, sweet pepper. Lettuce should be distributed on the banks of half a liter, and then put a sprig, bay leaf and a little cloves. Now we need the contents of the containers to fill with boiling water.

Jam from pears and peaches in a slow cooker

Do you want to make an incredibly fragrant jam that will remind you of sunny summer days even in severe frost? We suggest you cook jam from pears and peaches in a slow cooker. The taste of this fruity treat will make you plunge into moments of pleasure and bliss.

To prepare pear-peach jam in a slow cooker, you need the following products:

  • pears - 500 gr;
  • peaches - 500 gr;
  • sugar - 500 gr.

How to cook jam from pears and peaches in a slow cooker.

  1. Wash the pears, peel them from the peel and core. Cut the pulp of the fruit into small pieces of arbitrary shape.
  2. Wash the peaches, remove the pits from them and tear off the peduncle.
  3. Send prepared fruits to the multicooker bowl, add sugar.
  4. Set the device to the heating mode and wait for the sugar to dissolve, stirring the mass with a spatula all the time.
  5. Set the slow cooker to the stewing mode and cook jam for 40 minutes under a closed lid.
  6. At the end of the cooking time, transfer the mass to a separate container, beat with a blender until a homogeneous consistency.
  7. Send the jam back to the slow cooker, set the “cooking” mode and bring the contents to a boil.
  8. Sterilize the jars, pour the finished jam into a container and close the lid.
  9. Wrap the jars with a thick blanket and wait for the jam to cool completely.
  10. Store the finished treat in the refrigerator or any other cool dark place.

Jam from pears and peaches is perfect for tea drinking, baking or as an independent dessert. Such a dish, for sure, will fall in love with all members of your family for its delicate taste and unsurpassed aroma.


In summer and autumn, when nature gives us its fruits, every housewife seeks to make preparations for the winter. How nice it is to open a jar of jam on a cold frosty evening! Today we cook jam in a slow cooker. Plum, pear, apple - choose any to your taste!

  • When preparing apple jam, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to taste. It will not only give the delicacy a pleasant sourness, but also retain a beautiful color. Otherwise, the jam will turn out to be dark in color.
  • You can add more granulated sugar to any jam than recommended in the recipe. But you should not reduce its amount, otherwise your workpiece will quickly turn sour.
  • To prevent mold from forming in an open jar of jam, sprinkle it with powdered sugar on top.
  • Cinnamon powder, cloves and other spices can not be added to the jam itself. Put them in a special bag and boil lightly. And then pour this water over the fruit.
  • Only crushed citrus zest is added to jam. It can be replaced with dried or ground product.

In various ways, experienced hostesses prepare apple jam in a slow cooker for the winter. What is added to it! The taste of such a delicacy can be supplemented with plums, citrus fruits, pumpkin pulp and spices. But jam with lemon, ginger and cinnamon is especially tasty and fragrant.


  • 2 kg of apples;
  • lemon;
  • granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp crushed ginger root;
  • 1 st. l. cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp gelatin.

On a note! Determine the amount of granulated sugar depending on the variety of apples. Approximate proportions are as follows: for 2 kg of sour apples there is 1 kg of sugar, for sweet and sour fruits - 0.5 kg, and for sweet ones - 0.3 kg.


On a note! Gelatin can not be added to jam. However, then it will turn out to be more liquid, so it cannot be used as a filling for baking.

Greek jam

Incredible delicate taste is distinguished by pear jam in a slow cooker in Greek. Its peculiarity is that apples and cinnamon are added. This jam will appeal to everyone without exception.


  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 2 apples;
  • 220 g of granulated sugar;
  • 20 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 120 ml filtered water;
  • 7 g cinnamon.


On a note! Turn jars of hot jam upside down and wrap. When the blanks have cooled, you can move them to the pantry for storage.

"Sunny" jam

It will not cause trouble and cooking plum jam in a slow cooker. For this delicacy, you need yellow plums. This jam will remind you of sunny summer days on a winter evening.


  • 1.5 kg of yellow plums;
  • 1.5 st. granulated sugar;
  • vanilla stick;
  • lemon.


On a note! If you want jam of a homogeneous structure, grind it through a sieve.

Unusual jam

Cook plum jam in a slow cooker with cocoa and walnuts. It is tasty and healthy!


  • 1 kg plums;
  • 0.6 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 0.1 kg of peeled walnuts;
  • 1 st. l. cocoa.


On a note! The choice of option for making jam depends on the model of your device. So, jam in the Redmond multicooker is prepared in the “Extinguishing” mode. You can use the options "Soups", as well as "Multipovar".

Summer day feeds winter! That's for sure! It is good in those countries where fresh fruits and vegetables are in abundance all year round, and in our winter cold a jar of summer jam or marmalade is like a sip of fragrant and warm summer sun. To have something to enjoy in the winter, we will cook goodies in the sunny summer.

With the advent of the slow cooker, making jam or marmalade has become so easy that even the most inexperienced hostess can handle this task! After all, it is not necessary, as before (our mothers and grandmothers remember this!), Stand at the hot stove, stirring constantly, boil the jam to the desired consistency. It is enough to set the desired mode and go for a walk with your beloved child, returned - everything is ready !!

1. To prepare pear jam with citrus fruits in a slow cooker, take ripe, sweet and very juicy pears. They should be washed and the core and possible browning removed.

2. We cut the pear into pieces convenient for your electric meat grinder or food processor.

3. Cut the lemon with zest into several parts. You can, if you wish, remove the seeds, but if you do not, the taste of the finished jam will not deteriorate at all, but will only be supplemented with a very light and pleasant bitterness.

4. For color and flavor, add a ripe orange to our jam. We also rinse it under a stream of thermal water and cut it into the desired slices.

5. Grind pears, lemon and orange in an electric meat grinder using the smallest attachment. We put the resulting mass in the multicooker bowl.

6. Pour the fruit mass with sugar and mix thoroughly.

7. We set the "Extinguishing" mode in the multicooker for 2-2.5 hours. Depending on how juicy the pear was, you will need more or less time. But from experience I will say that the optimal consistency is achieved when stewing for 2 or more hours.

8. Pear jam with citrus, cooked in a slow cooker, is ready. We shift the jam into previously prepared sterilized glass jars and close with metal lids.

9. The rest of the jam can be tasted with aromatic tea and fresh crackers.

10. Have a nice day! And happy drinking!
