
We use linden tea correctly. Benefits of linden tea

Linden always pleases the eye, it is really very beautiful, but not everyone knows that the flowers of this tree are widely used in informal medicine.

It is consumed in the form of infusions and teas, in such a drink there are many useful micronutrients and vitamins that the body needs.

The benefits and properties of linden tea

  1. If provide correct brewing of this tea, the drink is able to saturate the body with tannic components, ascorbic acid, essential oils, flavonoids, antioxidant components, carotene, glycosides, which provide the drink with an expectorant pathogenic effect.
  1. The tool is able to help well with temperature, it helps to reduce fever, and it also has anti-inflammatory properties. For example, a cup this drink with the addition of honey, it can eliminate the first cold symptoms, remove harmful toxins from the body, reduce the temperature, and improve the condition in general.
  1. The flavonoids present in the composition have a positive effect on human body on the condition of the vessels, they have protection against damage of sclerotic etiology. in addition, these nutrients are also able to control the process of permeability of the vascular walls, and also make them much more elastic.
  1. Often linden tea can be useful in the presence of a variety of digestive disorders. as well as processes of inflammatory etiology of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that linden tea is able to provide improved bile production, and also affects the work of digestive enzymes, making them much more active.
  1. A strong infusion can be taken to eliminate insomnia. In this case, you need to use the remedy immediately before going to bed. This very well eliminates the tension of the NA and makes it possible to relax. For women, the infusion also has invaluable benefit especially in menopause. This has a completely logical explanation - there are phytohormones in the composition, in their action and structure they are similar to the sex hormones of a woman.
  1. With regular use of this tea, your immunity will be significantly strengthened, making the body much more resistant to colds. The body becomes strong, its tone improves. It is useful to drink tea from linden in the cold seasons, as it is able to warm well.
  1. The benefits of linden are used in case of dizziness, soreness of the head.
  1. Besides given tea provides a decrease in blood pressure to the desired level.
  1. A decoction of flowers is used to treat the throat, rinsing from time to time.
  1. If there are inflammatory processes on the skin, then a decoction from the agent in question will come to the rescue. It is excellent to get rid of swelling and inflammation, while providing accelerated tissue recovery.

Contraindications and harm of linden tea

Lime tea is completely natural, and of course, its benefits are invaluable. But despite all these advantages, even this drink has certain contraindications.

Potential harm may occur in individuals suffering from diseases of the heart muscle or impaired activity of the National Assembly. This is provoked by the fact that the drink can provide activation of protective functions in the body, as a result of which there is an overload on the heart muscle.

Linden tea during pregnancy

For women who are expecting a baby, this tea is a valuable treasure, since it is not capable of bringing any harm, but its benefits are great.

A woman who drinks a lime drink will be able to provide her own body with many vitamins, which are very necessary during pregnancy.

Future mothers in some cases can drink sticky instead of the usual tea. Once again, he will note that linden contains ascorbic acid, which makes the immune system much stronger and helps to eliminate the cold that has arisen much faster.

How to brew linden tea?

In order to get the maximum benefit from taking this drink, you need to brew it correctly. You need to use the flowers in a crushed and dried state.

Bracts are also suitable. Tea is brewed with high temperature water, but steep boiling water should not be used. For brewing, the best utensils are a kettle and made of ceramics. After the flood of flowers hot water you need to let the tea brew for about five minutes. Tea should be consumed without adding sugar, since linden already contains sugar of natural origin. To get a drink ready to drink, you need to take water in the amount of 200 ml and a spoonful of linden flowers (one tablespoon).

The taste is astringent, very mild. The aroma is quite pleasant, with slight hints of honey. When brewed, the color can get different shades - from light yellow and red, it depends on the type of flowers used.

By the way, if you do not finish drinking linden tea, then you should not immediately pour it out. take the remaining liquid and freeze. Once frozen, you can use the cubes to wipe your face. This excellent tool with a tonic effect.

Linden tea for children

Any mother should know that linden tea will also be very useful for her child. Moreover, its use is allowed already from the age of six months, but it is important to first consult with a pediatrician.

For children, this remedy will become a replacement for drugs with antipyretic properties, which contain various chemicals. in addition, the remedy will become an assistant in eliminating digestive disorders that occur especially often in the first year of a baby's life. Linden tea has a positive effect on the NA, as a result of which the baby will sleep soundly.

Linden tea for weight loss

The drink obtained from linden copes very well with the task that many women often set for themselves - with weight loss.

When drinking this tea, the balance of water in the body will be adjusted, and toxins will be immediately removed from the body. As a result, metabolic processes in the body begin to proceed more actively and excess fat slowly disappears.

If your goal is to get rid of extra and annoying kilograms, then you should follow this recommendation - take lime flowers (one tablespoon) and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 10 minutes to brew, take half an hour before meals.

In addition, it is allowed to combine this remedy with other herbs that promote weight loss. It can be mint, St. John's wort, elderberry.

Where can you buy linden tea?

Of course, it is recommended to collect the color yourself. After all, it is very simple. But if for some reason you didn’t manage to collect linden, then it’s not problematic to purchase it at any pharmacy. It is best to drink the dried flowers, and not the product offered in bags.

Always look at the information listed on the composition before buying.

See that one of the components is not, for example, a flavor similar to natural, because in this case you will not get any benefit.

Anyone who has tried linden tea at least once in their life will never forget its fragrant aroma. It's sweet and very delicious drink which is made from linden blossom. Many people like its honey aftertaste, while others appreciate it for its wide range of health benefits.

Since ancient times, linden has been considered a holy tree among the Slavic peoples. They made amulets out of it. This plant can usually be seen near temples and churches. It was believed that it brings happiness, so it was often planted near the house. He is revered as the tree of the Virgin. There was a belief that lightning did not strike a linden, so in the old days, in a strong thunderstorm, people were not afraid to hide under it.

Lime blossom composition

The color of the linden is rich in essential oils, and due to the content of farnesol in it, the tree exudes such bright aroma during flowering. Linden flower tea contains antioxidants, phytoncides, flavonoids, vitamin C, carotene, amino acids, phytohormones, minerals and other useful ingredients:

  • saponins;
  • hesperidin glycoside;
  • glycoside tiliacin;
  • sugar;
  • tannins.

This composition determines the beneficial properties of tea:

  • thanks to flavonoids, the vessels become more elastic, this prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • tannins help with inflammatory processes;
  • glycosides provoke a diaphoretic effect, it can be used for colds;
  • lime color helps to remove excess fluid from the body, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic disorders, and also contributes to weight loss;
  • thanks to the aroma, linden tea has a calming effect on stress and neuroses;
  • phytohormones promote rejuvenation - you can slow down the aging process.

Indications for use

Thanks to healing composition linden tea has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, diaphoretic effect. It has antiseptic and bactericidal properties.

  • Tea is useful in the fight against colds - it helps to reduce temperature, and also removes toxins. In addition, it enhances the protective properties of the body. You can give to drink to children as a prophylactic against colds.
  • good to drink with insomnia, it helps to calm down and fall asleep. It is used for migraine, headaches, neuralgia.
  • It is useful for women with menopause - it will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms during the period of hormonal changes in the body.
  • With tonsillitis, pharyngitis is used for gargling. In addition, it is useful to drink it for the treatment of cough in bronchitis, tracheitis as an expectorant.
  • Linden flower tea will also help normalize blood pressure and fight arrhythmia.
  • Drink linden tea if you have problems with gallbladder, stomach, constipation or diarrhea. Linden color also regulates the secretion of gastric juice, bile formation.
  • Its effect on the skin is favorable: it relieves inflammation, fights boils, reduces swelling, and promotes skin regeneration. (To relieve swelling during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor about the presence of contraindications).
  • Linden tea can be used by women to normalize the menstrual cycle.
  • Get rid of excess weight Linden tea will also help to normalize metabolism and remove excess fluid from the body.

Application restrictions

Despite the fact that linden tea has unique healing properties, he also has contraindications, of which there are not so many.

First of all, lime blossom tea is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance and allergic reactions to this plant.

There are contraindications for use. Linden tea is medicine, so they can not replace the usual drink. If you drink it often and in large quantities, this can adversely affect the functioning of the heart, the nervous system, and also vision.

photo: depositphotos.com/teresaterra, belchonock

Linden flowers are used to prepare delicious and healthy drink. He has characteristics- pleasant honey aroma and sweet aftertaste. Herb tea will not only bring pleasure from the very process of drinking, but will also bring a lot of benefits to the body. The drink has antipyretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects.

Medicinal properties

Drinking a drink from linden flowers is useful in such cases:

  • a glass of linden tea at the first sign of a cold helps to cope with it faster;
  • in diseases respiratory system accompanied by cough (bronchitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, etc.);
  • strengthens blood vessels, carrying out the prevention of sclerotic lesions;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • normalizes the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, increases the level of their elasticity;
  • increases bile production;
  • activates digestive enzymes;
  • diuretic effect (the remedy is used for cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis);
  • decline blood pressure to normal levels;
  • the beneficial properties of the drink help to cope with headaches and swelling;
  • relieves nervous tension, calms, relaxes - this allows a person to bounce back after stress, as well as cope with insomnia;
  • for women, the drink is useful for the content of phytohormones, which helps maintain the condition during menopause and normalizes the disturbed menstrual cycle. Linden tea with sage is widely used for myoma and for the treatment of mastopathy in the form of compresses;
  • children are recommended to give tea from the age of six months to normalize digestion and as an antipyretic;
  • the properties of linden have a positive effect on the sexual function of men. A decoction is recommended for the prevention of prostatitis and hemorrhoids.

Vitamin composition of linden tea

main ingredient healing tea- lime color, which determines its composition. Among the components:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin A;
  • phytoncides, known for their antiseptic properties;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oil, which gives a characteristic aroma and stickiness;
  • tannin components;
  • glycosides.

Methods of application for various diseases

For getting maximum benefit from a drink, it is necessary to brew it correctly. You will need the following Ingredients:

  • linden flowers, collected in dry weather in the morning or already dried;
  • pure water.

The inflorescences are sent to a brewing container (it is better if it is a teapot with thick walls) in the amount of a quarter cup and poured with a liter hot water but not boiling water. The container is covered with a lid and infused for a third of an hour, and the drink is ready to drink. If you have free time, the product can be prepared in a water bath.

From cholesterol

Elevated cholesterol is a danger to the body, and you can fight it with the help of linden flowers. It is recommended to take tea standard recipe- 2 teaspoons in a glass of hot water, optionally with honey or sugar. Drink 1-2 glasses of the drink per day. The course of therapy should not exceed three weeks, followed by a mandatory break for 10 days. A decoction is also taken for pancreatitis, gastritis and diabetes.

For amplification useful effect it is allowed to combine lime color:

  • with blackberry leaves;
  • birch buds;
  • mint leaves;
  • fennel pieces.

To lower the temperature

At a temperature lime drink allows you to reduce the thermometer readings, affecting the inflammatory process, the infectious agent and causing sweating. Tea should be drunk with the addition of honey in a warm glass, as far as possible until the temperature drops. During treatment, you should stay in bed and not take active steps.

The effect is enhanced by adding additional ingredients in a drink: linden flowers are mixed in equal proportions with chamomile and thyme. The resulting mixture is brewed in the proportion of a teaspoon per glass of water and drunk several times a day.

Cold treatment

The benefits of a drink for colds are complex - it lowers the temperature, has a diaphoretic effect, reduces the intensity of pain, supports immunity, inhibits inflammatory processes, which speeds up recovery. If you get sick, you can drink pure linden tea, the recipe of which is described above, with the addition of honey - all day, as often as possible. To enhance the effect, you can use combined recipes:

  • before brewing, linden flowers are mixed with dried raspberries in equal proportions. per tablespoon ready mix you need a glass of boiling water - everything is boiled together over low heat for 10 minutes and infused under the lid until a comfortable temperature is reached. The drink is taken in a glass 3-4 times a day until the condition improves;
  • you can brew tea from linden and elderberry flowers in equal amounts. It is required to drink two glasses a day - in the morning and in the evening;
  • with a sore throat, you can enrich tea with chamomile (in a ratio of 1 to 1);
  • when coughing, mixing with dried raspberries, elder flowers and raspberry leaves in equal amounts is allowed.

To normalize pressure

Lowering blood pressure is achieved by calming the nervous system and positive impact on the condition of the vessels. Make your own tea simple recipe without additives, and consume 100 ml three times a day.

Use for weight loss

Linden drink can be effectively used in the fight against overweight. By recovery water balance, normalization of digestive processes and acceleration of metabolism tea allows you to achieve positive results in losing weight. To reduce appetite, you will need to prepare a drink according to a standard recipe - take 100-150 ml before meals.

It will be effective to combine lime blossom when brewed with herbs that also contribute to weight loss, in equal proportions - mint, lemon balm, elderberry, chamomile, etc.

Linden tea during pregnancy and lactation

Linden tea is a source of vitamins, strengthening immunity, which is especially important during childbearing, both in the early and later dates. The drink will help to cope with a cold on early stages without allowing it to develop. Benefits during pregnancy include: fighting puffiness, improving work digestive tract, normalization of sleep.

Before drinking a drink during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should consult with your doctor and get his permission. Moderation in use is of great importance - 1 cup a day, passion for the drink can take Negative consequences(increased uterine tone and inhibition of lactation).

Who can harm?

Harm from any herbal remedy is possible, so experts do not recommend drinking linden tea continuously. Large volumes of drink consumption, especially strong ones, can overload the cardiovascular and urinary system, and cause malfunctions. For prevention purposes, no more than three glasses a day are allowed for three weeks, then a week break is required - this is a safe norm.

When taking into account contraindications that limit the use of the drink:

  • severe stages of heart failure;
  • heart failure during menopause;
  • low pressure;
  • individual intolerance to linden;
  • children's age up to six months.

Linden - very common in temperate latitudes. Her medicinal properties known since ancient times. Many peoples knew and used the beneficial properties of this plant. Healing qualities lindens are so well known and verified that today, despite the abundance of all kinds medicines, many use linden in the fight against various ailments.

Speaking of linden, the first thing that comes to mind is honey. It is rightfully considered one of the most fragrant, tasty and healthy. But many are well acquainted with fragrant linden tea, the taste of which cannot be confused with any other.

Beneficial features

Fragrant linden tea is brewed by many for colds. A warming golden drink will restore vigor in the autumn-winter period, when the weather outside is damp and dank. A spoonful of honey will make it more fragrant, tastier and healthier. Linden tea is the first remedy for the initial symptoms of a cold.

With their unique properties due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition:

This composition allows you to have the following effects;

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • calming;
  • antipyretic;
  • bactericidal action, etc.

So, linden tea is an excellent cold remedy, it also has other amazing and useful properties:

  1. An excellent anti-aging agent, if in the morning you use linden infusion for washing, then the skin for a long time will not lose elasticity and velvety.
  2. It has been proven that the composition contains phytoestrogens, close to female hormones, due to which the drink is excellent remedy to maintain women's health. With menstrual pain and violations of the monthly cycle, it will have the most beneficial effect.
  3. Drinking a cup of linden tea before going to bed will help to cope with insomnia.

With a cold

Linden tea has long been drunk for colds, coughs, used as an antipyretic. Possessing excellent diaphoretic properties, linden becomes a powerful helper in colds and in the fight against infections.

It is good to use it for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and for rinsing with tonsillitis, bronchitis, diseases of the oral cavity. For colds, they drink only warm, it will warm and have a diaphoretic effect.

Important! If you add viburnum fruits to the linden blossom, then the diaphoretic and anti-cold effect of tea will increase. Drink it before going to bed hot for 1-2 cups.

For children, in season colds, golden tea will be an excellent strengthening and healing agent, but it should be more diluted with water or simply added not a large number of in children's teas, compotes.

And if the drink remains and has cooled down, then you can freeze the “elixir” and after recovery use ice lime cubes when washing, this procedure will help the skin remain young and elastic.

At a temperature

Rich in vitamin C, the drink is a good antipyretic. With a strong diaphoretic effect, tea will help reduce the high temperature during a cold. They drink it at night, then wrap themselves in a blanket in order to “sweat”.

Not being a chemical drug, linden tea is the first fever remedy for pregnant women that does not harm either the baby or the mother. At the same time, it will help strengthen the immunity of the expectant mother.

Also, tea to lower the temperature can be given to babies from the age of six months. In addition, children suffering from digestive problems will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Apply means traditional medicine for the treatment of children, it is worth only after consultation with the attending physician.

In intense heat

If the symptom of a cold is heat, then you can brew such tea:

  • Linden blossom;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme.

Take all the ingredients in equal parts. 1 tsp pour the herbal mixture into a glass and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 5 min. Drink warm several times a day. In combination, these herbs will have a diaphoretic, antiseptic effect and reduce inflammation.

Tea made only from linden flowers is good on its own. You should brew 1 teaspoon of flowers in a glass of boiling water and drink as often as possible.

How to make linden tea

This golden healthy drink is also good because it is very easy to prepare.

  1. Take 15 g (1 tablespoon) lime flowers and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let stand for 15-20 minutes and drink.

This basic recipe. If desired, add other herbs or honey.

It is best to brew in ceramic teapot, after dousing it with boiling water to warm it. And it is better to avoid adding sugar, because tea has a sweetish taste. delicate taste. Its color ranges from golden to reddish. You can simply add a little lime blossom to regular black tea to get a drink that is reminiscent of the warmth of the sun and summer.

But it should be remembered that drinking linden tea instead of regular tea is not worth it, because it can increase the load on the heart and kidneys. It is used as a drug, therefore, as with conventional drugs, the frequency and duration of use should be observed. Otherwise, there is a risk of harm to vision and the nervous system.

Important! Remember, everything is good in moderation!

When coughing

As already mentioned, tea is good for colds. It is also good because it is an expectorant and helps with bronchitis, tonsillitis.

And with a dry cough, brewed linden flowers will have a softening and enveloping effect:

  • 1 st. l. linden flowers;
  • a glass of boiling water.

Pour over the flowers and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. The infusion is drunk before meals several times a day. The infusion will relieve dry cough.

They drink lime infusion for bronchitis and tracheitis. A rich decoction should be prepared and used for rinsing. And also drink hot 4 times a day.

To prepare an expectorant, you need to take in equal proportions:

  • linden flowers;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • dried raspberries;
  • elderberry leaves.

Pour two tablespoons of the mixture boiling water and insist 1 hour. Take before bed.

It is very good to use "golden" tea for cough treatment for pregnant women. He won't hurt and help expectant mother cope with illness. And as nice addition relieve headaches and help with nervous disorders.

Attention! Linden teas and decoctions should be drunk fresh. And you need to be very careful when adding various components, because they can cause allergies.

Harvesting linden flowers

To cold winter and raw autumn to be able to brew delicious, healthy tea, during the flowering period in dry weather, tender linden flowers are collected. You need to collect healthy flowers without dark spots. Inflorescences are laid out in a thin layer on a flat surface, dried in a shaded, well-ventilated place.

Direct Sun rays should not fall on linden, they destroy the beneficial properties of flowers. Store raw materials in cloth bags in a dark place. The ability to independently prepare a linden is not always the case. Don't despair linden flowers popular widely used remedy, and it will not be difficult to find them in a pharmacy.

Hello everyone! The beneficial properties of the linden tree came to us from ancient times. Previously, these trees could always be found near temples or monasteries, because the linden was recognized as sacred and at the same time healing tree. There was even a belief that at the birth of a child, a father should plant a linden tree in his garden, as it will protect the newborn from all troubles throughout his life. Today we’ll talk about useful properties ah linden tea and contraindications, under which linden tea is forbidden to take.

Linden tea is made from linden flowers, which contain all the benefits of this tree. You can read and find out in a recent article. It blooms every summer. Therefore, they need to be collected in July, early August, when the buds are fully opened and have not yet withered. Store them dried in cloth bags. However, today dry linden inflorescences can be freely bought at a pharmacy.

Lime tea. Compound

The whole benefit of linden tea lies in its unique composition, which includes a large amount of vitamin C. That is why tea perfectly helps the body fight colds and restore strength after a hard day's work.

And thanks to the essential oil, which is also present in the composition of tea, we feel the pleasant sweetish aroma of linden, and it cannot be confused with anything else. In my humble opinion, there is even a slight sweetness to the brewed tea, so sugar can be omitted. These essential oils not only make us happy pleasant aroma but also soothe nervous system give us natural peace and serenity. During relaxation, linden tea will become great addition for the main holiday.

Lime tea. Benefit

The anti-cold properties of tea are not all. He renders positive influence on blood vessels, strengthening their walls, making them more elastic and flexible, and therefore healthy and strong.

In case of disruption of the normal functioning of the intestines and pain in the stomach, linden tea will certainly ambulance. Because it contains special enzymes that stimulate the digestion process and help the stomach to process incoming food faster, as well as strengthen the intestinal walls, thereby reducing the likelihood of constipation or diarrhea.

Linden tea helps with insomnia because it has a calming effect. To do this, before going to bed, brew yourself a small mug of linden flowers and drink it slowly, without rushing anywhere. Honey can be added for taste and enjoyment.

Lime tea. Benefits for women. Recipes

Since ancient times, linden has been considered a truly “female tree”, even ancient Christians believed that the Holy Mother of God, descending from heaven, rests on this tree. From a scientific point of view, linden tea is excellent for women's health, thanks to great content so-called phytohormones. With a lack of hormones in a woman's body, various problems arise, and linden tea helps to restore the balance of female hormones and normalize all body functions.

Traditional healers confidently assert that linden tea is able to fight even with tumor diseases of the female genital organs, if taken systematically.

In addition, the rejuvenating effect of linden tea is not forgotten. It also helps get rid of extra pounds which are so disturbing to most women of all ages. Because it improves metabolism and helps fats break down faster.

Linden tea for menopause

At the onset of menopause or its first symptoms, most women feel discomfort, as a hormonal upheaval occurs. In order to alleviate unpleasant symptoms and remain the same cheerful person as before, you can try to combine business with pleasure and help your body survive this restructuring with the least moral loss.

After 45 years, take linden tea in the morning for 1 month, taking a break for six months. With such a preventive effect, menopause will come later, and its symptoms will not be so unpleasant. Since the phytohormones of linden tea will be able to maintain the balance of hormones in a woman's body.

With menopause, it is recommended to take linden tea during the year every second month. Then you can prevent the appearance of hormonal storms, and survive menopause more comfortably. Take care of yourself and your health, it's not difficult at all.

Linden tea for menstrual irregularities

Violation of the course of menstruation in girls or women is primarily caused by a violation hormonal balance. But before you run to the pharmacy and buy potent hormonal drugs there, which, if used incorrectly, can only harm the female body and aggravate the situation. Try a softer solution to your problems folk remedies that have been tried and tested by time.

Herbalists advise in this case to take double-infusion linden tea or in another way it can be called a decoction of linden flowers.

Brewed linden tea, after 15 minutes, put on a small fire and boil for half an hour. With this method of brewing, linden flowers will give much more useful substances. With the systematic use of such tea during menstruation and a week before it, the menstrual cycle is normalized, and the symptoms in the form of acute pain will disappear.

Linden tea during pregnancy. Benefit and harm

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of every woman, which often requires female body great endurance and strength. All the forces of a woman's body are used to bear a healthy child, so its protective functions are weakened, and a woman's health is at great risk.

As a preventive measure for colds, taking linden tea for pregnant women is not only possible, but even necessary. It will increase natural immunity, strengthen the body's resistance and colds will pass by.

However, if future mommy still caught a cold, then linden tea in the fight against poor health - best helper. It will lower the fever, ease the cough and saturate the body with vitamins.

Due to the diuretic effect, linden tea will relieve pregnant women of excessive puffiness harmlessly and gently. This problem is familiar to almost all expectant mothers.

Well, there is nothing to say about mood swings. Every pregnant woman is stressed, and hormones are in constant motion. Therefore, in order to strengthen the nervous system and not worry about trifles, take linden tea before bedtime, in addition, it will help to cope with insomnia, therefore healthy and deep sleep will be provided.

However, taking linden tea as a panacea for all diseases is not recommended in any case. Before taking it, be sure to consult with your doctor, because during this period you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the health and development of your baby.

Is it possible to give linden tea to children and in what quantity

Linden tea is so versatile that it can be included in the diet of a child from 6 months. For problems with the tummy or strong excitability of young children, give the baby 2-3 tablespoons of linden tea. And then the tummy will calm down, and the child will fall asleep sweetly, and will see fabulous dreams.

With a cold, linden tea is one of the safest antipyretic drugs for children, so offer the village to your baby warm drink with honey or sugar. A small mug will be quite enough to improve the child's condition, relieve fever and replenish the missing vitamins.

How to brew linden tea

Linden tea does not require any special arrangements and does not hide certain tricks. As with any tea, you need to use a clean teapot, which must first be doused with boiling water. Then pour 2-3 tablespoons of dried linden flowers into it. Linden can also be combined with other herbs, such as sage, or with the addition of black (green) tea. You need to brew with boiling water from a freshly boiled kettle, and then close the lid and cover with a towel.

It is necessary to infuse tea for about half an hour, the longer it is infused, the more tasty and strong it becomes, the aroma will manifest itself most fully, and the beneficial properties will increase.

Pour the brewed tea into cups and dilute it with boiling water, it is very tasty to drink it with the addition of a drop of honey. Immediately you start thinking about summer, fields of flowers and bees.

Lime tea. Harm. Contraindications

So many useful properties of linden tea will not hide its contraindications. First of all, they appear with an overdose, that is, with the use of linden tea for a very long time. Still, linden tea is a popular remedy, so do not use it constantly, be sure to take breaks. Otherwise, minor problems with the kidneys and the cardiovascular system may occur.
