
Teapot for brewing herbs. Ceramic herbalist - authentic utensils for brewing healing drinks


What is herbal tea?

To begin with, we will decide what should be considered exactly herbal tea. Herbal tea is a drink made from various parts of one or more plants that does not contain a tea leaf as such. It is, so to speak, tea without tea. Such teas are called the French word "tisane". Herbal teas are medicinal (they are often called herbal teas) and flavoring. Popular herbal teas in Russia contain mint, St. cardamom, star anise. South African rooibos (rooibos), Egyptian hibiscus or South American mate are also herbal teas (tisanes).

Herbal tea brewing methods:

Water infusion.

Water infusion is the brewing of plants with hot water, without exposing them to boiling. In this way, it is recommended to brew herbal teas, which include delicate components - plant flowers, small leaves of herbaceous plants. The optimal temperature for brewing such herbal tea is water at a temperature that the Chinese call "white key". Boiling water goes through three stages:

  1. At the bottom of the teapot, air bubbles begin to form, which one by one come off and tend to the surface.
  2. The separation of bubbles becomes massive, the water becomes cloudy and whitens like a mountain river flow. This is the "white key" stage - the ideal temperature for brewing herbal (and not only) tea.
  3. Active boiling and seething with the formation of large bubbles on the surface and the release of steam. At this moment, the electric kettle is turned off. Such water contains little oxygen and is too hot, so the taste of the drink may not change for the better.

Brewing herbal tea with boiling water can spoil the taste and reduce the beneficial properties of the drink.


If high temperature is harmful with the delicate components of herbal tea, then with more "strong" plants it is necessary. Hard and large parts of plants need to be boiled over low heat. This applies to the roots, shoots and bark of shrubs and trees, chaga, badan leaves (chigir tea). However, it is worth remembering that boiling should not be light, without splashes, foam and bubbles. If the collection includes flowers, leaves and roots of the plant at the same time, then it is better to brew it without boiling, but at the same time increase the brewing time.

Herbal tea brew time.

As a rule, herbal teas and fees are brewed longer than black or green tea. This is due to the size of the fraction in herbal tea and the lack of fermentation. The larger the parts of the plants included in the tea, the longer it is brewed. Herbs in filter bags are quickly brewed, but they certainly lose in taste and aroma to whole herbs, due to the fine fraction, essential oils are lost faster. Ideally, you need to chop the herbs immediately before brewing - break them with your hands or cut them with scissors. The recommended time for brewing herbal tea is at least 5-10 minutes. If the composition includes roots, then it is better to increase this time to 15-20 minutes. The same applies to blends that include dried berries, citrus peel or candied fruits. They also take longer than herbs. This will allow you to fully reveal the taste and beneficial properties of the drink. Having tasted tea three minutes after brewing, you run the risk of getting a colorless and tasteless "water" and being disappointed in herbal teas, while completely in vain.

At the same time, a long brewing process is also not good. As soon as the tea is brewed, it is better to pour it into cups or pour into a thermos and do not leave the plants to float in the water for a long time.

Utensils for brewing herbal tea.

To brew herbal tea, it is recommended to use dishes made of natural materials that can keep heat for a long time. Porcelain and clay teapots are ideal for these purposes. You can also use siphons for making tea or coffee, they have the effect of a water bath and the brewing process is gentle, which allows you to carefully reveal the taste of plants. Great for making herbal tea thermos. Be sure to remember to warm the kettle or thermos with boiling water before brewing, so that the heat of the drink does not go to warm the vessel! To separate the drink from parts of the plant, you can use stainless steel tea strainers or disposable filter bags.

We hope that our tips have helped you learn more about the secrets of brewing herbal tea. In our store you can find a wide selection of herbal teas and herbal teas and choose the one that you really like. Happy tea!

To prepare fragrant and tasty tea, you need to choose the right teapot. Given the huge range of such products, it is not so easy to do this. Our article will help you figure out what teapots exist for brewing different types of tea, as well as consider the main selection criteria.

Long-term traditions associated with the preparation of this popular drink made it possible to choose several suitable teapot material options at once. Porcelain or ceramic dishes are traditionally used. It warms up well and keeps warm for a long time. It is in this teapot that the whole fragrant bouquet of the tea mixture is revealed. In addition, glass options are popular, as well as combined ones like a French press.

In addition, other parameters should be taken into account:

  • Capacity volume. For a large family, you need to purchase a teapot from 1 liter or more.
  • The shape of the teapot. Traditional "teapots" with a curved spout help better brewing, but are more difficult to maintain. Simple geometry will help you wash the teapot faster and easier.
  • configuration and design. Round or pear-shaped teapots are considered classic, and the design style and colors are best chosen for the interior of the kitchen.
  • Cover tightness. An important point in the preparation of the drink. The inner edges of the lid should provide maximum tightness.
  • Symmetry of dishes. A simple visual inspection of the teapot before purchase will avoid spilling the tea leaves during further use. To do this, the spout, handle and neck must be at the same level.
  • The presence of a filter (sieve). In most glass and ceramic products, there is a special sieve at the base of the spout. It prevents tea leaves from getting into the cup. If your model does not have one, it is easier to buy a special metal sieve that can be attached to the end of the spout.

The teapot should be not only convenient and functional, but also bring aesthetic pleasure. One of the most important selection criteria will be the material, the main varieties of which are discussed below.

Porcelain teapots

Traditional tea brewing involves the use of this particular teapot material. In China, there are many gradations in terms of configuration and volume of containers; in our country, it is preferable to use round or egg-shaped porcelain teapots.

The main advantages of the material:

  • Optimal heating of tea leaves.
  • Preservation of taste and aroma.
  • Attractive aesthetic appearance.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the high cost of products, as well as the risk of breaking with careless movement. Despite this, a porcelain tea set is always in trend and is rightfully considered the best option.

Ceramic tableware

It is a more affordable replacement for porcelain with the same benefits. Ceramic teapots also come in a variety of colors and shapes. Thick walls allow you to brew a drink that tastes great, and the range of modern stores allows you to choose the most attractive and satisfying product for your tastes.

glass tea pot

Transparent products are the best suited for brewing a unique bound tea. In them, you can observe the whole process of opening the petals, while also receiving aesthetic pleasure from the process of tea drinking. A significant drawback is the relative fragility of the material, because even in conditions of careful treatment, glass teapots have a relatively short service life. In such dishes, it is better not to brew tea only with boiled water, because there is a high risk that even sealed glass can burst.

When buying a glass teapot, you need to pay special attention to the size and shape of the handle, because the glass heats up very quickly. In order not to accidentally burn yourself, it is better to choose models that minimize accidental contact with the teapot flask itself. It is also worth considering that glass gets dirty faster, so such dishes will be more capricious in care. The quality of the model will also depend on the cost. The manufacturer can use various additives and inclusions that reduce production costs. When in contact with hot water, low-quality models can emit foreign odors, which negatively affects the taste and aroma of the finished drink.

Metal combined teapots

Products made of pure metal are rarely found on store shelves. Despite the practicality of this option, it also has a lot of disadvantages. It heats up quickly, so it can cause burns, and its heat transfer rate is also high, which will not allow you to brew really tasty tea. When buying, you should pay attention to the teapots, the state of the glass flask and metal elements. It can be a handle or a sieve inserted inside, which makes it easier to serve the drink. Probably, true connoisseurs of tea rarely use such dishes, but for daily use this option is not so bad.

French presses

A separate word must be said about these convenient devices. They are a glass flask with a special press that filters the tea leaves and does not allow it to get into the cup. Previously, such presses were used exclusively for brewing in them, it turns out to be quite good. In terms of functionality, French presses are the most convenient, because they are the easiest to care for. This is a great "office" option, often used at home.

An additional advantage of the purchase is a large selection and variety of models that allow you to choose a product to your taste. A significant disadvantage is the risk of acquiring low-quality models that can burst during the first brewing. To avoid this, it is necessary to give preference to trusted manufacturers.

Features of brewing tea with a French press are discussed in our video.

Plastic teapots

The only reasonable criterion for choosing such models can be called low cost. On this, the advantages of plastic dishes are exhausted, because it is simply dangerous to constantly use tea from such models. This material can release toxic compounds when heated, and does not retain enough heat to allow the tea leaves to fully open. A plastic teapot can still be considered a travel option, but for permanent use it is better to purchase a ceramic or glass model.

Of course, you can keep several types of suitable teapots in your arsenal at once. In this case, the choice problem will be solved. For a quick snack, you can brew tea in a French press, and for friendly gatherings, purchase a roomy ceramic model.

A teapot for making tea leaves must be chosen wisely, otherwise a healthy and tasty drink will not work in it. The modern assortment offers many types of dishes suitable for this, from different materials, original shapes and colors. When choosing a teapot, you should pay attention to additional features such as a built-in sieve. The tips of our article will help you evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of popular models of tea brewers.

An original porcelain product that maintains the optimum temperature necessary for high-quality brewing of tea and infusion of medicinal herbs.

LLC "Keramos-style"
Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion

Double Wall Kettle

Original porcelain piece thermo kettle It has double walls of both body and cover. It is designed for quality brewing. tea, as well as for the preparation of infusions, decoctions from medicinal and spicy-aromatic herbs. It is recommended to brew green tea.

According to the conclusion of the Institute of Phytotherapy and Natural Medicine, the thermal kettle maintains the temperature of the steam bath for 40 minutes.

The effectiveness of using the kettle is confirmed by studies conducted at the Institute of Phytotherapy and Natural Medicine.

Characteristics of thermoporcelain

  • Two-foot porcelain handmade;
  • keeps the temperature regime from 87 degrees to 63 degrees for 1 hour;
  • designed for high-quality brewing tea, as well as for the effective extraction of biologically active substances from medicinal and aromatic herbs.

Instructions for use

Rinse the thermo-teapot with hot water, put tea leaves (vegetable raw materials) into it and pour boiling water over it. Close the thermo kettle with a lid, while turning the holes in the lid towards the handle. If you use a tea containing leaves, flowers, grass, then stand for 15-20 minutes, if the fruits, stems, roots, tubers of plants - 30-40 minutes. It is advisable to use the amount of tea leaves at the rate of a teaspoon per 200 ml of boiling water. After the specified time, the holes on the kettle lid should be aligned with the spout of the thermo kettle. Fill a cup with hot tea. Do not contain tea (infusion, decoction) for more than 24 hours.


When brewing tea, you should drink it without diluting boiling water, while retaining all aromatic and taste qualities.
Brewing tea in a thermal kettle save tea leaves more than in twice.

In Russia, the tea ceremony came into vogue in 1778 with the invention of the samovar. However, long before the arrival of the tea leaf in the country, fragrant healing herbal infusions were drunk here with might and main. For each case, there was a herbal collection that retained all the benefits of natural ingredients in tea. The fact is that the drink was brewed in a special container - a clay teapot-herbalist.

3 key differences between a clay herbalist and a teapot:

1. The herbalist is equipped with a lid that fits snugly to its neck.

2. The herbs in the container were not brewed, but steamed in the oven.

3. The herbalist should have an elongated or rounded shape so that the heat is evenly distributed throughout the vessel.

How to prepare herbal tea in earthenware?

Using k ceramic herbalist, you can make tea from the leaves of blueberries or lingonberries. It is suitable for making fruit drinks, linden and raspberry decoctions, chamomile, mint teas. Preparing the infusion is easy. Pour the herb into a brewing flask, fill it with hot water and put the container in the oven for a while. Hot steam mixed with herbal essence will penetrate through the clay pores of the vessel, saturate the water with taste, saturate it with useful substances.

Herbalist, made by hand using technologies known for hundreds of years, you can buy in our store. Suchceramic teapot for tearetain the benefits and warmth of infusions. There is an opinion that boiling water destroys in herbs tea collection healing micronutrients. Do you want to get a fragrant and healthy herbal drink? Worth buyingclay teapot in the online storeand brew fragrant herbs in the oven.

Some herbalists come with a special flask for brewing. The clay herbalist can also be used as a regular ceramic teapot for black, white, green tea. The lid of the product fits snugly to the vessel, the clay retains heat for a long time. That's why tea collection in such a container it is perfectly brewed and cools slowly.

5 benefits of pottery for tea drinking

    Due to the heat capacity of clay, the drink does not cool for a long time, but is stored in a vessel, like in a thermos.

    A ceramic teapot with a strainer preserves useful properties and vitamins in tea.

    The shape of the product makes it possible to infuse the drink with uniform heating. Tea acquires an unusual taste and aroma.

    The dishes look beautiful. In addition to ceramic cups, a butter bowl, a sugar bowl with themed patterns, a clay herbalist adds a special authentic flavor to the tea ceremony.
