
New Year's table in different countries of the world. New Year's menus from different countries

Decorate the New Year's menu 2012 with dishes from France, Poland, England, Germany and the Czech Republic.

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Prepare for the New Year's table a colorful meat, fish dish or dessert from the New Year's menu around the world. Choose a New Year's recipe

New Year's recipes from around the world


Turkey is the main dish of the New Year's table in France. The French joke: “If there is no turkey, then New Year may not come."

New Year's Recipes 2017 with photo © Shutterstock

French turkey


0.5 kg turkey fillet, 5 small onions, 2 tomatoes, 300 g cheese, mayonnaise, spices, salt to taste.


Cut the turkey fillet into thin layers and place in a bowl, sprinkling with spices and salt. Cover with a lid, put a load on top and leave for 20-30 minutes to marinate in its own juice.

Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices, cut the onion into rings. Sodium cheese on coarse grater. Lay a sheet of foil on a baking sheet, tuck the edges. Spread the turkey layers evenly in one layer, lightly spread mayonnaise on top. Then put a layer of onions and a layer of tomatoes. Top everything with cheese.

Bake in the oven for about an hour. First on high heat, then on low heat. Serve the dish hot, garnished with greens.

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On New Year's table In Poland, there is always fish, which is considered a symbol of well-being and family happiness.

Fish in Polish


300 g pike perch fillet with skin, 1 carrot, 4 g parsley root, 2-3 boiled eggs, 20 g butter, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, parsley, salt - to taste.


Cut the fish fillet portioned pieces, boil in salted water with the addition of carrots and parsley root.

For the sauce, combine the melted butter with chopped eggs, lemon juice, chopped herbs and 2 tbsp. l. fish broth.

When serving, put the fish on a dish, pour the prepared sauce. Alternatively, garnish with mashed potatoes and carrots.

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3. Czech Republic and Slovakia

In these countries, the New Year's table is not complete without fragrant national dessert- apple strudel.

Apple strudel


250 g flour, 1 egg, 150 g butter, 1 tsp. vinegar, 1 kg of apples, 80 g of sugar, 30 g of raisins, 100 g of bread crumbs, ground cinnamon, lemon zest - to taste.


Sift flour, then pour in beaten with 6 tbsp. l. warm water egg, 1 tbsp. l. melted butter, vinegar, salt and knead into a soft, shiny dough. Roll into a ball and leave for 30 minutes, covered with a damp cloth.

Cut the dough in half, roll each half on a linen towel dusted with flour. Stretch the dough from the center in all directions, trying not to tear, sprinkle with melted butter, lay a layer of peeled and chopped apples on it, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, washed raisins, chopped zest and bread crumbs fried in 30 g of butter.

Lifting the edge of the towel, roll the dough into a roll. Transfer to a baking sheet and bake in a moderately heated oven for 30 minutes, brushing with oil from time to time. Ready strudel cool and cut into slices. Serve to the table, decorate to taste. For example, nuts, sprigs of mint, cinnamon or powdered sugar.

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In this country, pies and other dishes with raisins, apples and nuts are always served on the New Year's table. And each ingredient has its own meaning. For example, nuts are the ability to learn secrets and overcome the difficulties of life, and raisins are a symbol of abundance.

Cakes with nuts - a recipe from Germany


2 eggs, 2 egg yolks, 200 g sugar, 6 tbsp. l. crackers, a pinch of salt, 2 tsp. dry yeast, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 0.5 tbsp. chopped raisins, 1 tbsp. nuts, 200 g butter, 0.5 tbsp. milk.


Beat eggs and sugar, add salt, crackers, yeast mixed with flour, raisins and 0.5 tbsp. nuts. Knead the dough, roll it into a layer 0.7 cm thick, put it on a baking sheet covered with oiled paper and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at medium heat.

For cream, beat the yolks with sugar, pour in, stirring, hot milk. Heat, whisking continuously, in a water bath until thickened. Cool the resulting mass, combine with whipped butter and beat everything together until fluffy. Add 0.5 tbsp. chopped nuts and mix.

Immediately cut the baked cake into rectangular cakes, let them cool, then cover with cream and decorate to taste.

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A traditional dessert on the New Year's table in this country is pudding. Before serving holiday pudding doused with rum and set on fire. Very spectacular decoration New Year's table, especially in the Year of the Dragon 2012!

Even despite the fact that our favorite holiday has already passed, I think it will be interesting for many people to find out with “what do they eat” people from different countries of the world.

France. The French serve on New Year's Eve roast turkey in white wine, goose pate, snails, cheeses and delicious desserts - christmas log, strawberry merenta and croquembush.

Germany. The German New Year's menu usually consists of fried carp with lemon slices, salmon in dough, mustard potatoes. This splendor is complemented by marzipan sweets and nut pies.

England. Not a single New Year's table in England is complete without a traditional dish for this holiday - plum pudding, consisting of bacon, fried bread, eggs, raisins, candied almonds, apples and spices. Before serving the dish, plum pudding is poured with rum and set on fire. Another traditional dish is stuffed turkey with vegetables.

Italy. New Year's table in Italy is almost impossible to imagine without kotekino - pork sausage, zampon (baked in pork leg meat) and seafood - perch, cod and baked eel, served with traditional spaghetti.

Norway. In this northern country New Year's dishes do not differ in special variety and originality. In Norway, they serve creamy soup with salmon mashed potatoes, different sauces and ribbe ( pork belly on the ribs).

Ribbe - pork belly with ribs

Finland. center dish The Finnish New Year's table is a ham in mustard. Fish dishes are also served: fish soaked in alkali (lutefisk) or salted salmon (gravlax). From drinks - mulled wine.

Bulgaria. Bulgarians decorate their festive table with dishes such as banitsa ( layered cake from cheese) sweet potato with apples and moussaka (Bulgarian meat dish). For dessert, zavivanets (lemon roll) is served.

USA. The main dish of the New Year's table for conservative Americans is traditionally stuffed turkey. Unlike the British, the Americans stuff the turkey with almost everything they find in their refrigerator. As a rule, these products are: mushrooms, cheese, apples, beans, prunes, garlic, cabbage and spices.

Sweden. The Swedes prepare their traditional dish for the holiday - Kropkakor. Cropcacore is similar to Belarusian sorcerers; from a mixture of lard, ham and boiled potatoes, roll up the balls and boil in salted water. And of course, Buffet definitely decorates another dish - lutefisk - a fish dish from dried cod, which is pre-soaked in alkali.

If you love oriental cuisine, then I got to the address:) The cuisines of different countries are very different from each other. For example, a French meal starts with appetizers (lunch), then soup, main course and cheese. The end of the meal is the use of dessert or fruit. For Italians, eating is almost a sacred ritual, they never "intercept on the fly", but start the meal strictly at a certain time, and slowly. In addition to lasagna, pizza, pasta, they love meat dishes. Talk about different cultures and their cuisine can be very long, but back to our recipes. In this article, you can choose holiday food recipes different cuisines peace, and cook it for your New Year's table.


Having prepared this dish, you will plunge into the secrets of the unknown Asian cuisine and love her forever.

Try Italian sliced ​​steak.

Appetizing recipe french cuisine with vegetables and olives.

Delicious and low calorie dish.


The dish is perfect for serving guests. Delicate, original in taste, seductively tantalizing with the aroma and extraordinary softness of delicacy salmon.

Lasagna with salmon is a wonderful festive Italian dish.

Tender and juicy Irish salmon.


Spanish cuisine is one of the healthiest and most interesting in the world. And the cuisine of Valencia is considered one of the most wonderful in all of Spain. We have found a very special for you good recipe the famous paella in the version as it is prepared in Valencia.

Make Irish stew.

Risotto with mushrooms is one of the most popular recipes Italian cuisine. Cooking it is much easier than it might seem at first glance.


Greek salad is a simple yet classic dish.

Winter salad based on German cuisine.

If you are planning to celebrate the New Year in home comfort, having gathered guests at a large festive table, this article will help you prepare for the celebration and prepare treats that will not leave guests indifferent. Given that the coming year is the year of the horse according to the eastern calendar, let's remember the magnificent tradition of cooking dishes that this symbol likes. The horse is not a picky animal, herbivore, but treat guests light salads and vegetables with fruits - a little. Let's keep in mind that the presence of such treats must be present on the table in order for the year to be successful. Let's see what is traditionally served on the New Year's table in different countries peace. in variety traditional dishes you are sure to find something to your liking.


None of the traditional new year holidays England cannot do without plumpuding, which consists of bacon, bread crumbs, flour, raisins, eggs and spices. Before serving, the pudding is sprinkled with rum and set on fire, which makes the holiday even brighter. Also traditionally served on the table stuffed turkey with vegetables in gooseberry sauce. Turkey with vegetables is considered a traditional dish and pleases guests at any holiday.


Traditional american dish an idea is also considered, however, unlike the English, the American turkey is prepared differently. Speaking at all plain language, the turkey is stuffed with all the products that are “littered” in the refrigerator. Usually it is cheese, garlic, prunes, apples, cabbage, beans, mushrooms, spices.

Austria, Hungary

In these countries, serving a bird to the festive table is a bad sign. Superstitious inhabitants of these countries believe that if you serve a bird to the festive table, then happiness can fly away. Traditional Austrian cuisine is rich in its delights. So, you can serve schnitzel, strudel to the festive table, you can also cook traditional fish salad in Austrian. In Hungary, it is customary to serve traditional bagels - poppy seeds and nut rolls who migrated from Jewish cuisine.

Denmark, Sweden

New Year's Eve festive dish Danes considered cod. This dish symbolizes happiness and wealth. Lutefix, a fish dish made from dried cod, is always served on the festive table of the Swedes.


Herring is considered an integral and symbolic dish of the festive table in Germany. It is believed that herring will definitely bring happiness in the coming year. Traditional and nothing less important meals on holiday table considered Sauerkraut - stew sauerkraut with sausages, Eisbein - pork boiled knuckle and of course many types of German sausage products. (each region has its own varieties).


It is important to note that in Israel the New Year is celebrated in September. The New Year's festive table of the inhabitants of Israel has a number of its own rules. The main rule is that bitter, sour and salty dishes are removed away. The table is covered with sweet dishes. Also on the table are usually present honey, dates, pomegranates and apples. halu - holiday baking- dipped in honey This tradition is followed by many people. In this way, the Israelis “sweeten” the coming year. Boiled fish is also served on the festive table, baked apples, cabbage, beets.

Holland, France

On the festive table of the Dutch, you will definitely find deep-fried donuts and salted beans - one of the main national dishes- Just for the New Year. In France, the traditional New Year's table is not complete without roasted chestnuts, oysters, beautifully decorated sandwiches with goose pate, cheeses and of course French wine.


The traditional Polish New Year's table has 12 dishes. An old Polish tradition is to eat a piece of herring to the sound of the chimes. It is believed that the sharper the herring. The better the year will be. Mandatory dish fish is considered, especially carp - a symbol of family happiness.

Romania, Australia, Bulgaria

Among the many traditional dishes presented on the festive New Year's tables, you will definitely try a special pie. Its peculiarity is that one of the guests in a piece of cake will surely come across a coin, or a nut, or a peppercorn. The happy owner of the find will start a family next year.


On December 30, mochi are always present on the pre-holiday table - small cakes made from boiled rice that are made with fruit and sprinkled with sesame seeds. Long noodles must be present on the New Year's holiday table. The longer it is, the longer the life of the participants in the feast will be. Often present on tables sea ​​kale, roasted chestnuts, peas, beans, boiled fish, these components are the key to happiness, success in business, health, peace of mind.

Australia Traditional cuisine came to Australia from the UK with the first colonists, but over time acquired a local flavor thanks to unusual animals living there - for example, excellent steaks are made from kangaroo meat. However, meat pies turned out to be the main thing in the Australian culinary culture - they were easy to prepare from products available to the settlers. traditional decoration New Year's table in Australia has become the most unusual of pies - floating. It's called Pie Floater. The first mention of it dates back to 1890, when The Melbourne Argus newspaper published an article about a cook who dropped ready-made meat pie. At first, such pies, immersed in pea soup, sold street vendors on mobile carts - it was hearty lunch for ordinary people. Then float pies began to be served in pubs and restaurants. In 2003, Pie Floater was recognized as a national heritage of South Australia. Floating cake was a favorite dish of the famous bluesman Joe Cocker, rock band AC / DC and actor Hugh Jackman. What do you need to make a piroc float? First to do pea puree soup- from meat broth, with onions and garlic. Then prepare the filling for the pie - finely chop beef steak, fry it in a hot frying pan in a small amount oils. Saute onion and garlic in a large skillet. Add flour and pieces of fried beef. Salt and pepper a little, add tomato paste and Worcestershire sauce Bay leaf. Then mix everything and simmer over low heat for about an hour. Ready stuffing put in the refrigerator. The Australians make the pie itself from two types of dough: the lower part is made of shortbread, and the round lid is made of puff pastry without yeast. The size of such a share is obtained with a palm (10-12 cm in diameter). Chilled filling is placed in the prepared pies, pea soup is poured into a plate and the pie is placed in it, decorating with tomato sauce. Africa Depending on the country, African cuisine may be dominated by meat, fruit, and vegetable dishes. Moreover, combinations of products can be the most unexpected, unusual for us. In general, Africans eat simple food without much frills. crown number culinary arts in Africa - fufu. Without it, it is difficult to imagine any holiday table somewhere in Ghana or Cameroon. Fufu is like ours mashed potatoes, only African is prepared from everything that is tucked under the arm or can be found in a nearby shop. We bought, for example, cassava, rice, corn or some completely exotic inyam or yam - finely cut it and boil it. Then the boiled must be crushed for a long time, adding water, bringing the resulting substance to the state light air mass, from which large balls are then molded. These balls are called fufu. But this is only a prelude to the dish. And the main theme is sauces, seasonings, meat, vegetables. Usually for fu-fu they cook spicy meat sauces or stewed beef with vegetables. Fufu is usually eaten with the hands, pinching off a piece and dipping it into the sauce. Fufu on the New Year's table is a sign that there is prosperity and prosperity in the house.

What holiday table is complete without salads? In Morocco, for example, bulgur salad is very popular - wheat groats. First brew vegetable broth, then pour them with bulgur and keep on low heat for about ten minutes. Then pour boiling water for five minutes green pea and while it stands, finely chop garlic, onions, capers, crush olives and pitted olives. Then, on medium heat, fry the onion and add shrimp to it. 3-4 minutes, a little garlic - and the shrimp are ready to decorate the salad. Finely chopped parsley is mixed with ready-made bulgur. All this is laid out on a dish, shrimp and fresh herbs are placed on top. America What is put on the festive table in North America? Of course, a giant turkey, pumpkin soup, Apple pie. All this is well known, so it’s better to talk about what the Brazilians like for the New Year, for example. On the festive table in Brazil there will always be a dish with cochinea - chicken pieces baked with cheese and spices. Koshinha is quite simple to prepare, and most importantly in it - choux pastry made with chicken broth. First, the hostess roasts in the oven chicken thighs with salt and pepper - no longer than twenty minutes, so that the meat does not become dry. The meat is then cut into small pieces, put in a pan along with onions, garlic and fried for about ten minutes. Having cooled down a bit, the meat is sent for mixing with grated cheese and parsley.

The next step is preparing the dough. In boiling chicken bouillon flour is poured and, with stirring, brought to a homogeneous mass. Then the dough is rolled out and koshinos are molded from it in the form chicken leg or truffle. The result is smeared egg yolk and rolled in breadcrumbs. Deep-fried koshinha for 2-3 minutes. Europe Most Europeans celebrate Christmas as family celebration, leaving new year's eve only fireworks and festivities in the squares. Christmas dinner is the main event of the year, and they prepare for it thoroughly. In the Czech Republic, for example, it is impossible to imagine Christmas without carp dishes. They began to breed fish in monasteries - the monks understood food and wine perfectly, they knew how to cook, and they loved to eat deliciously. IN early XIX centuries, throughout the Czech Republic, they began to breed carp in ponds and cook Christmas soup from it. On December 25, huge cauldrons of free soup were rolled out on the Old Town Square in Prague, and the mayor treated them to the townspeople. This tradition still exists today. On Christmas Eve, on the eve, the Czech family gathers at home and eats fish soup And fried carp. There is such a sign - you need to put a scale of a Christmas carp under a bowl of soup, and then in next year you will be fine. Czechs buy live carps right on the street - before Christmas, almost on every corner there are large vats in which hefty fish are splashing. The purchased carp must be carefully gutted, and then the head, bones and fins should be put in pots along with vegetables (carrots, onions, parsley, celery, etc.). Pour a lot of water into the pan and bring it to a boil, remembering to collect the foam with a slotted spoon. You need to cook for about an hour, then throw into the pan for two large pieces fish and cook for another ten minutes. Then it is better to pass the broth through a sieve so that the bones do not get into it. Then boil all this again, and pull out the meat from the broth and cut it, removing the bones.

After that, you need to cut the vegetables, fry them for butter and add some flour. Pour the broth into the pan and keep on fire for 2-3 minutes, stirring. And then pour it all into a bowl with ready-made broth. The soup should turn out like heavy cream. You need to cook it for about ten minutes, then add croutons and serve.
