
How to make sushi rice at home. How to cook rice for sushi

1. Wash rice for sushi in 5 waters - so that the water becomes completely transparent.

2. Dry the sushi rice for 30 minutes in a colander or sieve.

3. For 1 glass of rice for sushi, you need one and a half glasses of water - pour rice into a saucepan and pour water over it.

4. Put a pot of water and rice on the fire and bring to a boil.

5. Cook rice for 15 minutes under the lid, without stirring, then insist for half an hour.

6. In a bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar, half a teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of sea ​​salt; mix well.

7. Add rice to the bowl and mix well.

8. Cool down boiled rice for sushi - it is ready for use in sushi and rolls.

Rice for sushi in gadgets

Cook rice for sushi in a double boiler. To do this, take 1.2 cups of water for 1 cup of rice.
Cook sushi rice in a rice cooker on the "Sushi Rice" mode for about, then, without opening the rice cooker, hold for another 30 minutes.
Cook rice for sushi in a slow cooker in the ratio of 1 rice: 1.25 water in the "Buckwheat" mode for 20 minutes; or on the "Baking" mode for 10 minutes and then "Stew" for 20 minutes.
In order to cook rice for sushi in the microwave, you need to use a ratio of 1 rice: 1.5 water. Rinse and soak the rice for 40 minutes, send it to a bowl and cook for 7 minutes at the highest microwave power (800-900 W), stirring the rice every 2 minutes.

What is the most important thing in sushi? It is difficult to answer unambiguously. The freshness of fish and seafood determines the degree of usefulness and safety of the product. Properly prepared sauce is responsible for the final taste and aftertaste. And compliance with certain rules when cooking rice guarantees the aesthetics and appetizing appearance of ready-made sushi. We can definitely say only that the basis of all sushi is rice. Therefore, if you are going to cook sushi at home, then you definitely need to know how to properly cook sushi rice and their main variety called.

How to choose and cook rice for sushi? For the preparation of sushi, only round-grain rice with high stickiness is used. It is this quality of rice that determines how neat and correct the shape of the future product will be. When choosing rice, you can stop at any variety of small round rice- all these varieties have good stickiness. But rice in a package with the inscription "For sushi" is often a banal marketing ploy designed for simpletons.

After choosing rice, decide on the amount that you will need to cook the dish. Wash it well cold water in a big bowl. Rice should be washed until the water is completely clear. Professional chefs believe that for this you need to "change the seven waters", thoroughly stirring the rice each time.

Clean rice should be dried for 30-40 minutes, laying it in a thin layer along the bottom of a wide sieve.

If you intend to properly cook sushi rice, be sure to use a deep thick-walled pan with a thick bottom. After putting rice in it, fill it with cold water at the rate of one and a half glasses of water per glass of rice. Immediately put a piece of kombu - seaweed, which will give the rice a specific flavor. Close the pot tightly with a lid and place on medium fire. When boiling, the kombu must be pulled out, again close the pan and keep it on the stove for 15 minutes. Then turn off the stove and let the rice brew for another 20 minutes.

While the rice is cooking, you need to prepare the dressing, thanks to which your rice will acquire the properties necessary for sushi. Rice vinegar, salt and sugar are usually used as the main ingredient of the dressing. If rice vinegar is not available, white vinegar can be used instead. vinegar. It doesn’t hurt to add some sake to the dressing, but you can do without this ingredient.

For two tablespoons of vinegar, you need to take a teaspoon of sugar and salt. However, the ratio of ingredients is not constant and may change depending on the preferences of sushi lovers.

The ingredients prepared for dressing should be mixed well in a small saucepan and put on medium or low heat. Constantly stirring, the pan must be kept on the stove until all the grains of sugar and salt are completely dissolved.

When the rice is ready, it is transferred from the pan to a wide bowl. Spread dressing evenly and mix quickly with a wooden spatula. This should be done with chopping movements so that the rice grains separate from each other, and do not turn into a sticky lump. Well-mixed rice will be completely soaked in dressing. You need to let the rice cool down a little, to about 35 degrees, after which you can start cooking sushi.

Well, if you manage to find the freshest fish or seafood, your sushi will deserve the highest praise.

Rice for sushi and rolls is easy to cook at home from ingredients that can be found in absolutely any store. If you do everything right, following our instructions, then your rice will be in no way inferior to restaurant rice. Try to read the recipe carefully, because how you cook rice depends on the deliciousness of your rolls.

What kind of rice for sushi and rolls is suitable

Many have seen special rice for sushi and rolls on the shelves in stores, but is it worth buying? No! It is enough to purchase ordinary small round rice (Krasnodar). It is this cereal that has a good consistency and gluten. The cost per pack can start from 30 rubles. But it is better to take a product in the price category of 80-90 rubles. Suitable firms "AgroAlliance" and "National".

How to cook rice for rolls

After the purchase, you can already start cooking. When cooking, it is very important to observe all proportions. Stock up on a timer (you can find it on any phone) and patience.

What will be required:

  • rice 500 grams (2-2.5 cups);
  • water 550 ml;
  • towel (cotton);
  • dressing for rice;
  • timer.

How to cook rice for sushi and rolls at home:

  1. Pour 500-550 grams of rice into a saucepan.
  2. Rinse 2-3 times in running water.
  3. Rice pour 550 ml of water.
  4. Put the contents on the stove and bring to a boil.
  5. When the rice boils, put it on a minimum fire.
  6. Wait exactly 15 minutes.
  7. After 15 minutes, turn off the stove, quickly remove the lid and put a towel on the pan, covering the rice.
  8. Close the pan tightly with a lid.
  9. Wait another 15 minutes and remove the towel. It absorbed all the moisture, and the right one remained inside.
  10. Season rice with vinegar, gently stir from the edges to the center.

While the cereal is cooking, in no case do you need to lift the lid.

Rice dressing

In order for the rice in the dish not to be tasteless, you need to season it with special vinegar. You can find rice vinegar in the store. The price for it starts from 50 rubles. It is enough to add a handful of salt and a little sugar to it, and then put it on water bath. After the ingredients are dissolved, it is necessary to remove the liquid from the fire. finished product can be added to Fig.

If you do not know where to find special vinegar and your city simply does not have it, then you should not be upset. Now we will tell you a recipe that can easily replace branded vinegar.

What will be required:

  • vinegar 50-55 g;
  • sugar 3 tablespoons;
  • salt 1 teaspoon.

How to make dressing for rice:

  1. Pour a glass of ordinary vinegar.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt to it.
  3. Mix contents well.
  4. The liquid can be heated in a water bath or left on the table for several minutes until completely dissolved.

Rice for sushi and rolls can also be cooked in a slow cooker on the “Cooking” mode.

I’m walking along one of the central streets of my city and involuntarily pay attention to how many different bars, restaurants, and, in general, establishments where the so-called “sushi rolls” are prepared. Of course, I went to these establishments and bought, this is unknown culinary work Japanese. To be honest, I have not been to Japan and have not tried real sushi. But I realized one thing, what is cooked in our city and called "sushi" can be cooked by almost anyone who knows how to put a pot of water on gas stove and light the burner (no offense to the real masters of Japanese cuisine). The main thing is to cook rice for sushi correctly and it can be done at home.

The main thing in sushi rolls is rice. It must be prepared and seasoned in the appropriate (Japanese...) manner. However, it is not difficult at all and I will try to describe the whole process in detail and back it up with photos.

In the article you will find:

How to cook rice for sushi

What kind of rice to take, how much and how to pre-prepare it? Now I'll tell you everything.

We will need:

  • Fine-grain rice for sushi - 250 gr.
  • Rice vinegar - 50 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 25 gr.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • Water for cooking rice - 250 ml.
  • Water for washing rice - running ....?

We will be using Japanese white polished sushi rice. Now it is not difficult to find it in stores.

1. Rice is important to rinse well. We pour it into a saucepan and fill it with water, stir the water with our hands, grind the rice with our palms (like a raccoon in a circus, we saw ...), the water becomes white - cloudy. Add more water, stir and drain.

And we do this operation 5-6 times. Look, wash until the water is almost clean.

2. Leave the rice in clean water soak for 10-20 minutes. This can be omitted if you are sure that your product is a fresh crop. But I think in our stores, such a product is not very fresh and this procedure will not be superfluous. Do not worry about the fact that the rice will get wet at all, no, it will not take excess moisture (how much it is not urine ...)

3. It's time to get wet. We drain everything into a colander, the water is gone, leave for five minutes so that all the remaining liquid drains.

4. We shift the rice into a saucepan and fill it with water. The amount of liquid should be equal to the amount of cereal. We have 250 gr. rice - equal to 250 ml. water. The observant reader will notice that only the numbers are the same, but everything is measured in different quantities. Rice - grams, water - milliliters. That's exactly how it should be (do not confuse, Kutuzov ...)

5. We don’t add anything else, cover the pan with a lid and set to boil. After boiling water, the cereal is cooked for about 12 - 13 minutes. See. as the water boils away, turn off the fire, but do not immediately remove the pan, leave to languish under the lid for another 15 minutes. Rice for sushi will be well steamed and will reach the condition.

There is also good advice: use a thick-walled pan or there are those with a double bottom. Just trust that it will get better.

While everything comes up, let's take care of one more important thing. Here is another nuance: we cooked 250 grams of cereal, and in the end we get 500 grams of cooked, boiled rice. This will be important for further preparation.

Dressing for sushi rice - recipe with photo

What does refueling mean? This will be a kind of liquid that will soak the rice, thereby giving it a special taste and aroma. I won't pretend to be some kind of masterpiece sauce, but it will be no worse than in a "sushi bar" (I think...). I read that Japanese masters add either rice, sweet wine - mirin, or sake to this sauce. We will do what is faster.

It should be noted right away that for dressing sushi rice, rice vinegar is needed. It is not advised to replace it with any other, apple, grape, etc. On sale you can find two types of rice vinegar under the same name. There is vinegar ready for processing rice, that is, this is the dressing, and there is vinegar from which you still need to make the sauce. That's the same name, but the difference is big.

How to distinguish one from the other? Read the ingredient list before buying. Ready for dressing, there will be sugar, salt, and maybe sake, it should not indicate the percentage concentration of vinegar. Finished refueling take in proportion: 150 ml. for 1 kg of rice.

We'll be making the sauce ourselves, and we'll need plain rice vinegar at about 4.2% strength. I hope on this issue, everything should be clear?

1. We have 500 grams of boiled rice, for this weight we need to mix in a container that we will heat on fire: 50 grams of vinegar, 25 gr. sugar and half a teaspoon of salt.

2. Put on fire and stir until sugar and salt are completely dissolved. In no case do not let the solution boil, the whole the aroma of rice vinegar, and this is the taste.

There is very little left. We mix sushi rice and dressing, here, as always, the cunning but wise Japanese have their own subtleties.

You need a wooden board or a wide plate for mixing. This is necessary in order to. when we water the rice, the sauce will soak into the wood and the grits will not be wet, it will remain moist and sticky, which is what we want.

3. Spread the whole rice.

4. We take a container with sauce in one hand in the other, hold a wooden or silicone spatula. Pouring a little on top of a spatula, distribute the sauce over rice, mix it all up. We do this carefully so as not to damage the rice, not to make porridge.

5. Mix well and leave to cool completely for about five minutes, the excess liquid will go away, homemade sushi rice will become what we need.

6. Everything is ready! You can put it in a bowl and if you are not going to cook the rolls right away, be sure to cover tighter lid so that it does not become weathered and in the refrigerator. How to cook the rolls themselves wrote in the next article,.

I will present for review another option in video format.

Master class: how to cook rice for sushi at home

Wishes Bon appetit, seems out of place here. since we have prepared only a blank for sushi rolls. But you must admit that this is also an important and rather painstaking process. As always, there are several good observations and advice.

Japanese cuisine - secrets and history of sushi

I think I'm not the only one who is interested in the question, but how this word is translated - "sushi", or "sushi". Oh, those Japanese, cunning. So, there is no exact translation, there is some kind of dregs, such as: "pickled fish", "preparing for the journey" or generally wish you success. And in general, sushi, perhaps, does not refer to a cooking recipe, but as a way of storing seafood.

Tips and secrets:

  • It's not right to chase fresh rice. Fresh grains will not absorb the sauce well.
  • When mixing rice with sauce, the rice should not be hot and should not be completely cold. In the first case, the dressing will evaporate; in the second case, the grains will not absorb the sauce.
  • During the preparation of the rolls, the rice should be warm, then it will be well molded.
  • If you prefer soaked rice, add more sauce, but water it very carefully, allowing it to soak well.

There is also interesting fact associated with this dish. In Japan itself, housewives also cook sushi and rolls at home, but when serving guests, they first of all apologize to them for invading the holy of holies, cooking a dish that only samurai, the upper class, could previously cook. We don’t have samurai in Russia, and that’s why in our restaurants and bars people of oriental appearance prepare sushi, they don’t look much like the Japanese (it’s like that in our city ....). And at home, you can imagine yourself as a samurai and quite successfully, cook sushi yourself.

Feel free to prepare this dish, everything will work out. Good luck and all the best!

Traditional Japanese cuisine has long ceased to be exotic. Now sushi and rolls can be enjoyed not only in sushi bars, but you can also cook this dish at home. All necessary ingredients and fixtures are sold in specialized stores or supermarkets, there are many recipes on the Internet, but the first cooking experience is rarely successful: despite all efforts, the rolls fall apart, and their taste is far from perfect. To avoid culinary failure, you need to know a few important secrets, the main of which is how to cook rice for rolls correctly.

Many Russian housewives dream of cooking the perfect Japanese rolls

What should be rice for rolls

Rice is the main component of sushi and rolls. If it is digested, the rolls will not retain their shape, but will taste like a nasty sticky porridge with a piece of vegetables and fish wrapped in nori. Undercooked, it will not stick together and ruin the dish. Unleavened, unseasoned rice will make sushi tasteless. When rice for rolls is cooked correctly, it does not contain excess moisture, does not form dense lumps, the shape of the grain is not broken, but individual rice grains are easy to glue together. To achieve the perfect result, the main thing is to choose well, and then cook the rice for the roll.

In Japan, rice varieties with short rounded grains are preferred. It absorbs moisture well and contains a lot of starch, which provides the necessary stickiness. Traditional indian rice with a long, thin grain, it is excellent for pilaf and curry, but not suitable for rolls due to friability. Parboiled rice should not be used for the same reason - it is not sticky enough. Best Choice there will be a special rice labeled "Sushi Rice" on the packaging, which is easy to get in major supermarkets.

Rice for rolls should be white, round, with a short grain

Experienced chef will be able to cook excellent sushi and rolls from ordinary Krasnodar round-grain rice, which is often used even professional chefs in restaurants and sushi bars. But it should be borne in mind that cheap cereals contain a large number of rice husks and garbage. It is necessary to wash Krasnodar rice much more thoroughly than expensive varieties specially designed for cooking Japanese cuisine. Poor-quality rice can also boil into porridge, even if you strictly followed the cooking technology. It will not soak up the rice vinegar dressing during cooking, the roll rolled out of it will not be soaked soy sauce, A taste qualities And appearance the food is disappointing. If you don't have the opportunity to buy rice specially designed for cooking Japanese dishes, don't go for cheap prices, choose more expensive varieties so as not to lose quality. Take a closer look at the color of rice grains, they should be saturated white color: whiteness speaks of high content starch, and transparency indicates a reduced amount of gluten. Pay attention to the date of manufacture. Rice keeps well experienced chefs They say that fresh rice dishes are more fragrant and juicier.

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Choosing the best varieties

Japanese rice- a rarity, and you can only buy it in Japan. Our stores sell rice grown in China, Russia, Italy and the USA. There are quite a few varieties, and they all differ in properties and price.

  • Ginshari is the most expensive variety. This is a product top quality grown in California. He is preferred true connoisseurs Japanese cuisine, willing to pay a high price to satisfy their discerning taste.

Expensive ginshari created for discerning people

  • Nishiki is also predominantly made in the USA. It is somewhat inferior to ginshari in terms of characteristics, but at the same time it is almost half the price. This variety was bred in Japan and is intended for rice cookers, which are very common among the Japanese, but conventional multicooker does a great job of preparing it. It is very hard, contains a lot of gluten and forms loose lumps, convenient for forming rolls and sushi. Nishiki grains are slightly elongated, translucent, with a white starchy coating. Those who follow the figure, nishiki will appreciate the reduced calorie content, which is only 277 kcal. For comparison, ginshari and Krasnodar round rice have a calorie content of 344 kcal per 100 g. Nishiki contains a large amount coarse fiber, which helps to remove toxins from the body, improves digestion and stimulates weight loss.

Nishiki rice is great for rice cookers and slow cookers

  • Fushigon premium, like Nishiki, was bred in Japan, but it is grown in China. This is a very common variety with neat round white grains. In Japan, this form of grain is considered perfect and is called samurai rice. The Japanese, Koreans and Chinese prefer fushigon, which speaks for itself. This rice contains many necessary for a person micro and macro elements (iron, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, potassium and calcium), vitamins of group B and PP, calorie content - 340 kcal.

Fushigon variety is very popular in East Asia

  • Okomesan - Italian variety with a high content of starch, its shortened white grains are opaque, almost round in shape. They stick together easily and absorb a lot of water, so if you miscalculate the amount of liquid, you can get a homogeneous creamy porridge instead of individual sticky rice, which is necessary for making rolls and sushi. Okomesan is valued for its balanced composition of carbohydrates and increased content protein, it is easily digested and protects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract from irritation.
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Four Ways to Cook Rice Properly

Japanese cooking school is an impeccable union of taste and aesthetic component. Any dish must be not only tasty, but also impeccably beautiful. Another feature is following the traditions. The Japanese have strictly adhered to recipes for centuries. national cuisine without improvisation. What matters is not only the quantity, quality and proportions of the ingredients, but also the sequence of actions. Japanese chefs learn how to cook rice for about three years, because cooking in Japan has been elevated to the rank of an art that can be fully appreciated true gourmet and connoisseur oriental cuisine. But it is not necessary to chase the masters and spend years on training to please your family. delicious dish. The main thing to choose good rice and observe the cooking technology, because even expensive rice can be spoiled if it is cooked incorrectly.

Properly cooked rice keeps the integrity of the grains and sticks together well.

First of all, you need to calculate the amount of cereal. Once cooked, the rice will double in volume and weight. A kilogram pack of dry rice is usually enough for 16-18 sausages - blanks for rolls. One sausage after cutting will make a serving of rolls. On average, 2-3 servings are enough for an adult, so 350 gr is enough for dinner for two people. (about a third of a pack). Having decided on the volume of products, feel free to start cooking.

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With drying

We will need: rice - 1 cup, water - 1.5 cups. Dressing: sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, rice vinegar - 50 ml, salt - 1 teaspoon. Rinse rice in cool water until completely clean, then drain through a colander. Spread a kitchen towel on the table, and only the water will drain, gently spread the rice in a thin layer over the fabric. Croup is supposed to dry for 45-50 minutes. Pour water into a saucepan, add grits and cook on medium heat. The saucepan must be closed with a lid. After boiling, reduce the temperature to the limit and hold for fifteen minutes, then remove from the stove and simmer for a quarter of an hour.

Until the rice reaches fully prepared, there is time to prepare the dressing. In a deep ladle, salt and sugar are poured into rice vinegar and heated over low heat, stirring slowly so that the grains dissolve faster.

Important! The dressing must not be boiled. Minimum heating is required: as soon as the salt and sugar dissolve, immediately remove the container from the heat.

Pour dressing into warm rice and gently mix them.

Dressing is poured into the rice on the shoulder blade in small portions.

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With kombu seaweed

We take 1 cup of cereals, rinse. Let the well-washed rice stand in clear water 45 minutes, then recline in a colander. Put wet rice in a pressure cooker or pan, add a small piece of kombu seaweed and 1.5 cups of water. Then set to cook on a strong fire, tightly closing the container. During the cooking process, the seaweed will give the rice its aroma and taste, making it piquant, but as soon as the water boils, the kombu must be pulled out so that the seaweed does not boil.

Important! If you have dry kombu in plates, be sure to wipe it with a clean cloth before adding it to get rid of plaque and dust.

After the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and keep the rice on the fire for another ten minutes, then turn it off and wait a quarter of an hour for the cereal under the closed lid to reach readiness.

Now let's prepare the dressing. Let's take 4 tbsp. spoons grape vinegar, 3 teaspoons brown sugar and 1 teaspoon coarse salt. We mix the ingredients in a small saucepan, put on the stove and stir, heating until the grains disappear.

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In a slow cooker

To find perfect recipe how to cook rice for rolls in a slow cooker, you will have to experiment, because the same mode works differently for different models. But when you find the right balance, cooking rice in a slow cooker becomes much easier than in a pressure cooker.

To prepare 200 g rice groats take water - 250 milliliters. Wash the rice until the water is completely clear. If you decide to use special rice for sushi and rolls, you need to hold it in water for about half an hour. Krasnodar round grain does not require soaking. We put the cereal in the bowl and run the "Rice" or "Buckwheat" program for 25 minutes. After turning off, let it brew for ten minutes. If such programs are not provided, set for 10 minutes. program "Baking", and then switch to the "Extinguishing" mode for twenty minutes. Add dressing to cooked rice, stirring gently, cool slightly.

Rice in a slow cooker cooks quickly and easily

Important! Stir the rice very carefully. Intensive stirring will break the integrity of the grains and turn them into a homogeneous mass.

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Recipe from the chef

Washed rice is placed in a container with a thick bottom and water is added at the rate of 1.2 liters of water per kilogram of rice. The container is put on a strong fire, they wait for active boiling, then the heat is reduced to a minimum and continue to cook for another 12 minutes. Then turn off and leave to languish under a closed lid for 25 minutes. 10-12 minutes after turning off, be sure to try the rice. If it seems dry and hard, add 15-30 ml. boiling water and close the lid. When the 25 minutes are up, transfer the rice to a large bowl, pour in the dressing in small portions, and stir until the dressing is evenly distributed throughout the rice.

Many masters add kombu seaweed to the dressing, believing that there it will reveal its qualities to the maximum. Here is a variant of the recipe from the sushi master: for 540 gr. rice vinegar take a plate of dried seaweed combo or 0.5 teaspoon Japanese seasoning ajinamoto, 180 g of salt, 420 g of sugar, everything is mixed and gradually heated. The temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. After the grains have dissolved, cool the dressing, remove the algae and use as directed. This amount is enough for 2 kg of cooked rice.

One plate of dried kombu seaweed is enough to give the dressing refined taste and the scent of the sea

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Useful tricks and secrets of a sushi master

The recipes seem very simple, but behind the apparent simplicity there are many subtleties, without which the ideal result cannot be achieved. Japanese culture teaches that simplicity is deceptive, and harmony is made up of important little things. To properly cook rice for rolls and sushi, knowledge of the recipe alone is not enough. The secrets of Japanese sushi masters will come to the rescue.

  • When washing rice, do not rub the grains with your hands. Stir the rice grains in the water in gentle circular motions, so it is good to wash out excess starch, flour residues and husk particles left after industrial processing. IN expensive rice a minimum of impurities, and cheap ones often contain not only husks and spoiled grains, sometimes sand and pebbles come across. Don't be lazy! This stage is very important - sometimes 7-8 procedures are required before the result. The cereal is washed with cold water.

Rice is washed until the water is completely clear.

  • To cook rice for rolls, you will need a pressure cooker, a pan with a thick bottom, or a cauldron. The transparent lid of the cooking container will allow you to control the process.
  • Don't salt the water! All spices and additives are put only in the dressing.
  • During the cooking process, do not stir the rice. Raising the lid is also not recommended, it will violate temperature regime.
  • Water needs to be completely absorbed into the grain. If part of the rice sticks to the sides and bottom of the pan, it is better to throw it away: the stuck rice loses its shape and spoils the taste and appearance of the dish.
  • Ready rice should be laid out on a flat plate and spread over it in an even layer. After that, pour dressing over the shoulder blade in small portions.
  • In order for the grains to retain their appearance and properties, pay attention to mixing the boiled rice. This should be done with a spatula, first from the bottom up, then with careful cutting movements, then as if distilling from one side of the bowl to the other. Repeat the cycle several times. As a result, the dressing should soak the rice evenly.

Rice is stirred carefully with a wooden spatula light movements so as not to break the consistency

  • rice vinegar in dressing gives the rolls a characteristic refined taste, but if you can’t find it, replace it with wine, balsamic, apple or any fruit. White table vinegar for rolls is not recommended due to excessive rigidity and saturation, so use it with caution and only in case of emergency. You can also use lime and lemon juice.
  • Before mixing, make sure vinegar dressing and rice were warm or slightly hot. If you pour the dressing into the cooled rice, dishes from it will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste.

Quality ingredients, compliance with technology, good mood- a brilliant result is guaranteed to you

Cooked and seasoned rice for rolls and sushi cannot be refrigerated. If you have a portion of the product left or you decide to make it in advance, lay out cooked rice in small portions for several plastic bags. A large lump can become caked, the correct consistency will be broken, inside it will become too wet, and the outer layer will dry out. Remove packages from cool place, for example, on a window. Thus, the quality of rice is preserved for two days. To prepare the next portion of the rolls, it will need to be heated in microwave oven.

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Video master class on cooking rice from the chef

How to cook rice properly Japanese dishes

cook delicious rice- a whole art, but it is quite accessible to any hostess. By choosing to your taste suitable recipe rice for rolls and sushi and learning important culinary tricks, you can safely start mastering the intricacies of the national cuisine of Japan. Strict adherence to technology, attention, accuracy - and compliments to your homemade rolls are guaranteed!
