
Correctly pickling cucumbers for the winter are important little things. How to pickle cucumbers in a cold way for the winter: recipes

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Of course, everything can be bought in the store. And pickles are no exception. But, if you are a good hostess or want to become one, then you will have to learn how to pickle cucumbers.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter is a special ritual, and there are so many recipes! Read this article: how to pickle cucumbers in cold and hot ways, my original recipes for pickling cucumbers. Read on.

Here's what the pros advise.

Salt crispy cucumbers for the winter

For salting, you need to prepare.

Start with containers and dishes in which you are going to roll cucumbers.

  • Suitable jars with a capacity of 1.5 liters to 3. I prefer three liter jars.

Take care of the lids too.

  • For salting in a cold way, you will need plastic hard lids, those that need to be preheated.
  • For hot salting, metal lids and a good seamer key are needed.


Of course, the cucumbers themselves.

  • Medium-sized cucumbers, of the same shape and color, with small pimples, are best suited for pickling.
  • Before pickling, cucumbers must be soaked for at least 2 hours in cold water.
  • Many recipes recommend cutting off the tips of cucumbers, I never do this, but cucumbers are salted and stored perfectly. So, to trim or not to trim is a matter of taste and aesthetics.

Salt and spices.

  • Salt for pickling cucumbers is suitable for the most common table salt, the one in a simple paper pack, without iodine and all kinds of additives.
  • For a cold method of pickling cucumbers, you will need dill sprigs, or rather umbrellas with seeds, currant leaves, cherries and plums. Also, garlic cloves and horseradish root will not be superfluous. Nothing else.
  • For hot salting, you need bay leaves, peppercorns and citric acid as a preservative. No herbs and leaves are needed in the hot brine; cucumbers turn out fragrant and crispy even without them.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter - delicious and easy! Or how to pickle cucumbers

Cold method - the easiest and most affordable


  • cucumbers
  • currant, cherry and plum leaves
  • dill umbrellas
  • garlic cloves

Cooking method:

  1. Soak cucumbers in cold water for 2 hours. Place 2-3 teeth in clean 3-liter jars. garlic, dill umbels and leaves. Lay cucumbers very tightly on them, try to press them very tightly. In the process of pickling, cucumbers decrease and you will not get a full jar, but microbes easily penetrate into the empty space.
  2. After laying the cucumbers, pour 1 tbsp into each jar. l. coarse salt with top.
  3. Then pour cold boiled water and close with tight plastic lids.
  4. Turn the jar upside down several times to disperse the salt.
  5. Put the jars in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. At first, the brine will be cloudy, then it will begin to lighten. Fluid may leak from under the cap, it is unnecessary to open and top up. Better notice this jar and eat it first. Cucumbers in this way are ready in 2-3 weeks, and are stored for almost a year.

By the way, cucumbers in the cold way are my favorite. They really remind me of my grandmother's cucumbers from a large oak barrel. Try it, you won't regret it!

Video recipe "Hurry pickled cucumbers"

Hot method of pickling cucumbers

By salting cucumbers in this way, you are preparing homemade canned food for the future. They do not require storage in a cool place, but the salting process is quite laborious and even dangerous.

You will have to tinker with boiling water, hot jars and pour cucumbers with brine 3-4 times. Stock up on patience and strength, the result is worth it!


  • cucumbers
  • sugar
  • Bay leaf
  • peppercorns
  • lemon acid

Cooking method:

  1. Soak cucumbers, put tightly in 3-liter sterilized jars. In this recipe, cucumbers are reduced and even boiled down, so the denser the cucumbers are packed, the less fuss with half-empty jars.
  2. Boil water and carefully pour over the cucumbers. Cover jars with lids and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water. Boil another water and again pour cucumbers with it. Leave for the same time. Drain the water into a large saucepan, add sugar and salt at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. salt and 3-4 tbsp. l. sugar per jar. Sugar retains color and crunchiness in cucumbers, but does not add sweetness to the brine. Boil the brine.
  4. Pour 0.5 tsp into each jar. citric acid, pour boiling brine and roll up with metal lids.

Banks can be removed to cool in a buffet or in a far corner. After rolling up my cucumbers, I wrap them in a warm blanket for a day. As my mother taught, I think they are warmer there and so they become tastier.

Any housewife has her favorite pickle recipes for the winter. At the height of the vegetable season, the coveted notebook is taken, and hot but creative work begins to supply your family with goodies and pleasant additions to the main menu. However, a real culinary specialist will never refuse to try out a new recipe, at least on one jar - in case the result does not inspire. Especially popular salting on this topic is very diverse. Vinegar, aspirin, and citric acid are used as a preservative ... And there are more intriguing options.

for the winter: recipes. Crispy cucumbers

But let's start with the traditional way. In the end, not all housewives had time to become adept at spinning. And some of the recipes for pickles for the winter in the piggy bank are not very satisfying. Or the resulting product is not crunchy enough. We encourage you to try the new one.

The calculation is given for a three-liter cylinder - it is in these that cucumbers are most often pickled for the winter. Recipes with vinegar (and ours is one of those) usually involve sterilization, but here it will not be needed. Vegetables are washed, lids are boiled, jars are kept in the oven for sterilization. Three garlic cloves, a dill umbrella, a middle horseradish leaf, five cherry and currant leaves, three each of amaranth and basil, a sprig of tarragon, several peas of allspice and half a small spicy pod are placed on the bottom of each. Cucumbers are placed on top tightly, but without tamping, and boiled water is poured for a quarter of an hour. Then the water is drained, boiled again and returned to the cylinders. The third approach is the same, only before pouring, a spoonful of sugar and two salts are poured, as well as three tablespoons of table vinegar. Banks are rolled up and turned over until they cool.

"Real jam"

And it is true! No other salting recipes for the winter in jars will give such an amazing result. However, you will have to be patient.

It will take four kilograms of small cucumbers without "ass" and tops. If these were not obtained, large vegetables are cut lengthwise and put into a large pot or basin. A weighty bunch of parsley (chopped) is also poured there, a glass of vinegar and the same amount of vegetable oil are poured. Next, 100 grams of salt with sugar, a dessert spoon of ground pepper and garlic cloves (large head) are added. Now you need to wait from 4 to 6 hours for the cucumbers to give juice. Then they are vertically laid out in half-liter jars and sterilized for about 20 minutes. We seal, turn over, wrap. And enjoy the winter!

cold cucumbers

Pickle recipes for the winter usually list the spices, herbs and other ingredients in the jar in detail. This is not needed here. You can compose a “Broom” to your liking, only peppercorns and garlic are important from other investments. The trick is in the filling.

Cucumbers are laid in a container, interspersed with herbs and garlic. Then a little water is heated up - just enough to dissolve two tablespoons of salt per liter. When the salt dissolves, the rest of the liquid is poured into the solution very chilled, just ice cold. Next, the brine is filtered, poured into jars. It is added to each for a bright color of cucumbers. The necks are tied with gauze for a day, then the cylinders are closed with tight lids, and the blank is hidden for two weeks in the basement. Only when the fermentation is over can the jars be corked.

Cucumbers in currant juice

Traditionally rolled vegetables can get boring over time. And not everyone loves pickle with vinegar. We offer the original recipe. Cucumbers are washed, scalded with boiling water and immediately doused with cold water. Then they are packaged in a vertical position in cans. Dill, blackcurrant leaves, mint, cloves and black peppercorns are used as seasonings. Spices can be put between the cucumbers, or can be placed on top.

Now brine. For him, you need to squeeze the juice from the blackcurrant and strain well through a strainer or gauze. For every liter of water, you should get a quarter liter of juice. Liquids drain. This amount should be enough to preserve two kilograms of cucumbers. The brine is boiled with the addition of an incomplete spoonful of sugar and two - salt. When hot, it is poured into dishes, and they are immediately (this is important!) Hermetically sealed. Only after that, the twist is sterilized for eight minutes, turned over and closed with rags until it cools.

Cucumbers in ... cucumbers

At the height of the season, cucumbers are in bulk, and they are quite affordable. Especially if you buy overripe "freaks" - they ask for a penny at all. At the same time, there are very curious recipes for pickles for the winter, in which just “substandard” is required. You buy three kilograms of overripe vegetables and two normal ones. The latter are washed, deprived of tops and bases, and tightly packed in containers. There are no spices in the original recipe at all, but if you like fragrant twists, you can put your favorite set.

For brine, overripe cucumbers are scalded to soften the rough skin and rubbed on a coarse grater. Then juice is squeezed out of them through a couple of layers of gauze. It dissolves two incomplete spoons of sugar and salt and a three-gram sachet of citric acid. The brine is boiled and poured into cucumbers. This must be done three times. The last time the cylinders are rolled up and left to cool.

Cucumbers with sorrel

Those who want to do without artificial preservatives can resort to sorrel. It perfectly prevents unnecessary fermentation and gives cucumbers a delicate and original flavor.

Prepared vegetables are laid out in jars vertically, with layers of fresh dill between them. For brine, a third of a kilogram of oxal leaves, sorted and well washed, is poured only with boiled water (about 700 ml) and boiled for 5-7 minutes until completely softened. The broth is rubbed through a fine sieve and additionally filtered. Two tablespoons of salt and half a glass of sugar are added to it, after which the liquid is again placed on the stove until it boils. Three times filling with boiling brine - and the jars are hermetically twisted.

Assorted Olivier

In winter, there are a lot of reasons to cook Olivier. You should not spoil the taste of your favorite salad with store-bought ingredients, as you can easily twist them yourself. Peas are cleaned. Without the pods, it should be a glass. Then the peas are cooked (no longer than seven minutes). A bunch of dill is placed in a three-liter balloon, a couple of cherry and blackcurrant leaves and garlic - as you like, but two cloves are enough according to the recipe.

Pre-treated cucumbers are pushed into a jar and filled with peas. The workpiece is poured with boiling water for a third of an hour. After draining, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of salt in it and boil again. Two tablespoons of sugar are poured into the balloon, and a spoonful of vinegar is poured. After refilling, the jar is sterilized for five minutes, corked, placed upside down and wrapped.

Do not be lazy to roll pickles for the winter. Recipes with photos convincingly demonstrate that it is not only delicious, but also very beautiful!

It was the Slavs who learned to prepare the most delicious pickles for the winter in jars and other containers. To date, there is a wide variety of different recipes for the methods of canning and salting this vegetable. You can salt cucumbers in a hot, cold way, under a nylon or metal lid - the main thing is that these vegetables are fresh and elastic.

There are quite unusual ways of preparing cucumbers for the winter, and the most ancient and one of the first was the preparation of delicious cucumbers in a pumpkin. Today, almost every housewife prepares crispy cucumbers. Pickles allow you to diversify the diet and complement other dishes in the winter, when there are not enough fresh vegetables on the menu. They are used as independent dishes, added to pickle, salads, and pickle is perfectly used as a separate drink.

In order to pickle vegetables, you need to know the basic rules and methods of cooking.

There are many ways to preserve vegetables. Recipes have their own secrets of pickling cucumbers and differences from each other, but there are a few basic rules that are followed in order to prepare delicious preservation.

To begin with, it is worth choosing the right vegetables for pickling. It plays a role in how the fruit will be prepared. For example, pickling cucumbers for the winter in liter jars requires the selection of small and approximately the same size vegetables, which will allow them to be carefully laid out in containers without violating integrity. There are recipes where the fruits must be cut into rings - for this you can use larger and uneven cucumbers. It is also worth paying attention to their density, color and the presence of damage.

Strong and unripe fruits with a pimply skin are ideal for preservation. After the product is selected, it is soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours. There is one secret in order for the cucumbers to be well salted and soaked in brine: their tails are cut off a little on both sides and several punctures are made at this place with a fork.

The utensils in which the vegetables will be cooked play an important role: they must be perfectly clean. The banks themselves must be subjected to thermal sterilization. Many housewives still prefer soda and soap solutions for washing jars and tubs. Lids, depending on the material from which they are made, are also subjected to steam or boiling water treatment. Neglecting the elementary rules for preparing containers can lead to the formation of souring in the future and lead to spoilage of the dish.

The water from which the brine for cucumbers will be prepared is also important: it must be clean, without impurities. Store-bought distilled water can be used.

Without fail, salt is used for pickling cucumbers - it is she who gives the necessary taste. Different recipes require a certain amount, but the invariant is that only rock salt is used. Experienced housewives warn that the use of fine and especially sea salt will make vegetables soft and not crispy.

You can not miss such an important point as spices and spices. They allow you to cook the most delicious and fragrant pickles. For example, in order to achieve crispy cucumbers, you need to put peeled oak bark in a jar or tub. The classic recipe for pickles for the winter in jars includes the following set of spices and spices:

  • sprigs of dill along with inflorescences (umbrellas);
  • horseradish and currant leaves;
  • pepper, salt, garlic.

Other recipes may contain completely different ingredients in the form of spices and herbs.

Salting methods

There are many recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter, but all of them, without exception, are divided into 2 different cooking methods: cold and hot.

In a cold way, you can quickly and easily prepare vegetables for future use. The recipe for pickling cucumbers is as follows. To begin with, fruits are laid out in a pre-prepared container, poured with cold brine and closed with a nylon lid. The brine is prepared quickly: salt is added to the water and stirred well, you can also add garlic or spices at your discretion. This is the fastest way to pickle. The container with vegetables is stored in the refrigerator or cellar - it is important not to leave the workpiece warm, otherwise it will deteriorate.

Even for pickles, the recipe is as follows: the hot method involves cooking the brine itself on fire and rolling the jars with metal lids. It is in this way that pickled crispy cucumbers in jars are most often prepared. This method allows you to achieve a unique aroma and taste due to hot processing. In the classical form, the preservation of cucumbers by this method is carried out as follows:

  1. The brine is being prepared. The necessary spices and spices are added to boiling water, they are allowed to boil for some time.
  2. Pour jars with cucumbers up to half with prepared brine and leave them in this form for a while.
  3. After the aging time, the brine is added and the jars are rolled up with tin lids.

Pickles in jars are stored for some time at room temperature, after which they are sent to a cool place for a long time. There are subtleties for preparing this kind of pickles: experienced housewives recommend adding mustard seeds to containers so that the brine does not ferment, and horseradish leaves will help to avoid mold.

Other pickled cucumber recipes

For longer-term storage of pickles, hot cooking is best, and cold pickling can prepare vegetables quickly, but they do not last that long.

Quick Recipe

For cooking, you will need 2 kg of vegetables, 3 dill inflorescences, 1 clove of garlic, 5 currant and cherry leaves, 8-10 peppercorns, horseradish leaves and root, 1.5 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of vodka, ¼ stacks of salt.

Before quickly pickling cucumbers, it is necessary to select vegetables and pour boiling water over them, then immerse them in ice water. It is this fact that will preserve the density. The fruits are placed in a 3-liter jar, with each layer sprinkled with spices, herbs, garlic and horseradish. The brine is prepared separately (salt and alcohol are poured into the water), after which jars are poured into them. In this way, crispy, moderately spicy and very tasty cucumbers are prepared without vinegar.

spicy cucumbers

For the preparation of fragrant and spicy pickles, the following recipe is suitable. The fruits are soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours, after which they are placed in jars. At the bottom of the container you need to put garlic, pepper, dill and horseradish root. Salt is put at the rate of 1 tbsp per 3 liters of water. The jars are covered with a nylon lid and put in a cool place - initially the brine will be cloudy, but then it will gradually brighten. You can use this pickle in 2-3 weeks.

These recipes show how to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars quickly and easily. It is worth remembering that the taste and quality of pickles will depend on the amount of salt and spices.

If we preserve vegetables for the purpose of long-term storage, then it is best to use the hot cooking method.

Recipe for fragrant cucumbers

From the ingredients you will need:

  • cucumbers;
  • salt, sugar;
  • garlic;
  • horseradish;
  • Bay leaf;
  • lemon acid;
  • water;
  • dill.

Cucumbers should already be selected and soaked in cold water. Banks, meanwhile, are being sterilized. Boil water in a separate bowl. The fruits are laid out in glass containers and poured with boiling water - so they stand for 15-20 minutes, after which the water is drained.

For brine, boil water and pour it over vegetables again, then drain it again and add spices and spices to it. Pour citric acid into each jar and then fill with brine. It is customary to keep jars of pickles warm for several days, while they are turned upside down and wrapped in a thick blanket. After they are lowered into the cellar or put in the pantry.

Recipe for spicy and crunchy pickles

This method will tell you how to pickle cucumbers in jars with the addition of oak bark, which gives the pickles a special piquant taste and crunchiness. For salting, it is necessary to prepare cucumbers, cherry leaves, currants, dill, horseradish root, salt, garlic and oak bark. The latter can be purchased at pharmacies. All spices, twigs, leaves and 1 tsp are placed at the bottom of sterilized jars. shredded bark. Jars with fruits are poured with cold brine and closed with nylon lids. Containers with pickles are placed in a dark and cool place.

Recipe "cucumbers in cucumbers"

Many people liked this method, as it is quite simple, and the cucumbers turn out to be unusually tasty. Vegetables must be carefully selected: one part for the preparation of the cucumber mass, and the second for whole salting. Ingredients for fermenting vegetables:

  • salt;
  • garlic;
  • dill;
  • horseradish, cherry, apple, raspberry and grape leaves.

To prepare the “cucumber sauce”, you need to grate fresh cucumbers on a coarse grater, then add salt and spices to the mass. At the bottom of the jars we put the leaves and the root of horseradish, lay out the cucumbers and pour over the mass. We finish the styling with horseradish leaves and garlic, after which we cover with nylon lids and put in the refrigerator. After 2 weeks, “cucumbers in cucumbers” can be put on the table and enjoy their taste.

Experienced chefs recommend taking beautiful and dense vegetables for pickling. Recipes for cucumbers for the winter in jars should be chosen to your taste and based on what dishes they will be added to. For example, it is better to use pickled vegetables for pickle, and hard and crispy pickles are more suitable for salads. You can add from herbs not only traditional dill and horseradish, but also tarragon, celery, basil, parsley, mustard and saffron.

Pickles cooked in tomato juice also have a special taste. Do not be afraid to experiment with different canning recipes, because only through your own experience can you select the most delicious canning methods.

Pickled cucumbers are rightfully considered an integral part of the menu in the winter season. Preservation of vegetables in this way helps to preserve their beneficial properties, due to which the product has a high value. Let's consider the important aspects in order.

  1. In order for the pickles to turn out to be of high quality, use only young fruits. The so-called “piculi” are considered smaller in size - green cucumbers about 5 cm long. They are followed by gherkins, their length is about 7 cm. Fruits 10-12 cm long will be the best option for pickling. , but they take up a lot of space, and cutting them lengthwise is not supposed to.
  2. Often you can find canned cucumbers that can be salted together with oak, blackcurrant or cherry leaves. Due to the content of tannins in these plants, cucumbers retain their structure, remaining crisp and dense throughout the entire shelf life.
  3. If you are focusing on a variety of pickling cucumbers, give preference to Ryabchik, Vyaznikovsky, Dolzhik, Nezhinsky, Borshchagovsky. In cases where it is decided to preserve vegetables for the future, choose only those fruits that grow in the open field. Greenhouse cucumbers, in turn, are tasteless and watery, they are categorically not suitable for pickling.
  4. In cases where, after sorting through the fruits, you did not weed out the extra ones (withered, large in size), add granulated sugar to the brine at the rate of 1.5-2% for the entire jar. Such a move must be made in order to speed up the fermentation process, which will not allow the cucumbers to “turn sour”. As a rule, small vegetables (5-10 cm) are salted in a 6-7% solution, while larger fruits are preserved in an 8-9% solution.
  5. Since cucumbers do not have a pronounced aroma and taste, they must be salted in combination with seasonings and herbs. Such a move will add saturation to the fruits, due to which the latter will not seem insipid. Depending on personal preferences, choose a bouquet of spices yourself, focusing on the taste preferences of household members. The most popular and proven seasonings are coriander, garlic, parsley, allspice (peas), dill, celery, tarragon, horseradish, savory.
  6. The taste of canned cucumbers is directly dependent on salt. If you use old or stale products, the granules may not dissolve in water. Crystals, in turn, will begin to squeak on the teeth, spoiling the impression of using the product. Cucumbers will be covered with a white coating similar in consistency to mold.

  • cucumbers (length 5-7 cm) - 2.3 kg.
  • crushed sea salt - 160 gr.
  • sugar (preferably beetroot) - 155 gr.
  • citric acid - 2 sachets (about 22-25 gr.)
  • purified drinking water - 3.2 liters.
  • allspice - 8 peas
  • garlic - 8 teeth
  • horseradish leaves, currant leaves
  • parsley dill
  1. Sort the cucumbers, sort them by size and degree of ripeness, wash thoroughly with a foam sponge. Type cold running water into a large basin, place the fruits there for 3-4 hours. After that, collect ice (preferably melted) water in another container, move the cucumbers into it.
  2. At this time, start processing the greens. Wash dill, parsley, currant and horseradish leaves to remove all dust and foreign microorganisms. Place the listed ingredients on a towel or paper towel and dry thoroughly.
  3. Sterilize jars of soda by boiling them in a saucepan for 5-7 minutes. At the end of the period, dry and leave to air at room temperature so that excess moisture evaporates.
  4. Put the washed greens on the bottom of the sterilized jar, start preparing the brine. Mix sea salt, granulated sugar (both beetroot and cane sugar are allowed), citric acid powder in one loose composition. Pour filtered water into the mixture, put the pot on the stove and bring to a boil.
  5. When the granules are completely dissolved, turn off the burner, wait 10 minutes, then turn it on again. Boil for another quarter of an hour, then remove from the stove and cool slightly. Put chopped parsley and dill on the bottom of the jar, send currant and oak leaves here. Peel the garlic and cut the cloves into 2 equal parts, send to the container.
  6. Lay out the cucumbers, arranging them in a convenient way (vertically, horizontally, diagonally), pour the fruits with the resulting brine, let it brew for 10 minutes with the lid open, then roll up and turn the jars upside down. Cover with a towel, cool to room temperature. Take it to the cellar or basement for at least 1 month.

  • fresh cucumbers (length about 7-10 cm) - 1.7 kg.
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch
  • dill (seeds) - 35 gr.
  • horseradish root - 4-6 gr.
  • wild garlic - 2 stalks
  • hot pepper - 3 gr.
  • fine food salt - 155 gr.
  • purified water - 2 liters.
  1. Sort the cucumbers by size, shape and variety, wash them under cold water, put them on a towel to dry completely. Pour running water into a bowl, add ice cubes, place the fruits there for 6 hours.
  2. While soaking is in progress, proceed to sterilize the jars. First, put each of them in a saucepan, pour water and boil. After that, wipe dry, leave until the moisture evaporates. When the soaking time is up, remove the fruit and cut off the “butts”, wash them well with a kitchen sponge to remove bacteria.
  3. Take an enamel pan, pour salt (food, not sea) into it, add filtered water. Put on the stove, boil so that the granules dissolve completely. After that, pass the pre-chilled brine through 3 layers of gauze.
  4. Peel the horseradish root, wash and chop the dill. Place cucumbers on the bottom of the jar, alternately shift them with spices (ramson, pepper, horseradish, seeds and a bunch of dill).
  5. Pour the brine into the container, put the pressing circle and oppression. Take the jar to a warm place for 1 week to start and mark lactic acid fermentation. After the specified period, remove the resulting foam, film and mold, add more brine.
  6. After updating the composition, take the container to a dark and cold place, the fruits should be thoroughly salted. At the same time, do not forget to remove moldy formations every day and wash the oppression.
  7. After about 1 week of salting, remove the cucumbers from the jar, wash them in cold filtered (!) Water. Now place in new (sterile) containers, fill with the brine in which the preliminary preservation was made (first it must be passed through a cotton-gauze filter).
  8. When all the cucumbers and spices are stacked, close the jars with clean lids. Pour water at room temperature into a wide saucepan, put a jar / jars there, send it to the stove. To prevent the glass container from cracking, it is recommended to put a block of wood or a piece of cloth on the bottom of the pan.
  9. When the composition begins to boil, note the time, after half an hour, remove the cucumbers from the stove, cork the jars with tin lids. Turn the containers upside down, cool, then take to a cool place for long-term storage.

  • short-fruited cucumbers - 1.8 kg.
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch
  • garlic - 5 teeth
  • red pepper (ground) - 2 gr.
  • horseradish root - 5 gr.
  • blackcurrant (leaves or fruits) - 5/10 gr., respectively
  • tarragon (leaves) - 4 gr.
  • fine sea salt - 160 gr.
  • drinking water - 2.3-2.5 liters.
  1. Pour sea salt into a thick-walled saucepan, add water, put the container on medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. When the first bubbles appear, turn down the power, simmer the composition until the crystals are completely dissolved, then remove from the stove and cool. Pass the resulting brine through a gauze fabric folded in several layers, wait 1 hour.
  2. Sort the cucumbers, leave specimens about 9-10 cm long for conservation. Wash them under the tap, then send them to the basin and soak in ice water (the holding time is about 3-5 hours). After the specified period, wash the fruits again, cut off the “butts”.
  3. Peel and chop the dill into medium sprigs, cut the garlic cloves into 2 equal parts. Place the spices on the bottom of the container, add red ground pepper, currant berries or leaves, horseradish, tarragon here.
  4. Lay the cucumbers in a vertical way over the entire cavity of the jar, pour in the saline solution, close the nylon lid. Take the containers to a warm place for 2 weeks, wait for the end of fermentation.
  5. Remove the film and mold, add the brine to the top, step back from the neck by 3-4 cm. Put the jars in a saucepan, add water, boil for about a quarter of an hour with the lid open. After that, immediately roll up, turn the vessel upside down, cool. Take it to the basement or cellar for 2 months.

  • tomatoes - 10 pcs. medium size
  • cucumbers - 0.7 kg.
  • ground salt - 40 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 110 gr.
  • horseradish leaves - 5 pcs.
  • dill - 0.5 bunch
  • parsley - 0.5 bunch
  • hot pepper - 1 pod
  • garlic - 0.5 heads
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • currant leaf - 5 pcs.
  • fragrant cloves - 4 stars
  • black pepper (peas) - 5 pcs.
  1. Wash the tomatoes with cold water, wipe them with a kitchen sponge, dry with a towel. Pass through a meat grinder, after removing the peel. Send the resulting porridge to a thick-bottomed pan, put on the stove, simmer (do not boil) over low heat for about half an hour.
  2. Prepare jars: wash them with soda, then boil for 7 minutes, dry. Soak cucumbers in a bowl of ice, preferably melted water, leave for 5 hours. After this period, cut off the ends, wipe with a towel.
  3. Wash the dill, parsley, horseradish and currant leaves, peel and chop the garlic into slices. Send the greens to the bottom of a sterile jar, add cloves, peas and hot peppers, bay leaf.
  4. Mix tomato juice with sugar and salt, wait for the crystals to dissolve completely. Pour the cucumbers with the resulting mixture mixed with boiling water in a ratio of 2: 1. Send the jars to the pan and put on the stove, boil for 10 minutes. Next, screw the containers with a tin lid, cool and transfer for long-term storage.

Like any other business, the preservation of cucumbers has a number of features that must be taken into account without fail. The main rule that you should pay attention to is the correct preparation of the brine, which sets the tone for the whole dish.

Video: a step-by-step recipe for pickled cucumbers for the winter

People who have not encountered salting cucumbers for the winter believe that it is very simple. But to prepare this snack, you need special talent and flair. You need to choose the right cucumbers, pick the right proportions spices. And the main secret of obtaining crispy cucumbers is that before the seaming process, you need to place the fruits for several hours in water. Cucumbers will get rid of nitrates and be saturated with water, as if refreshing, they will get crunchy properties. Learning and following these tricks will allow you to get a delicious product. And crispy pickles will delight you on the table throughout the winter.

1) How to pickle cucumbers to be crispy - mom's recipe

For a brine for a bottle with a capacity of 3 liters, you need 1 liter of water, one and a half tablespoons of salt, a few pieces of garlic, which are put on the very bottom.

First you need to prepare cucumbers, for this you need to leave them in water for several hours. Then put the product in a container, pour the brine prepared in advance, into which you need to add dill, currant leaves, horseradish and cherries, then close the jar and set it aside.
After a few days, the fermentation process will begin, this can be seen from the swollen plastic lids. To get crispy cucumbers, you need to let the collected air out. Then after a day, close the lid again and place the jar in the cellar or refrigerator. This recipe will keep the cucumbers crispy.

2) Cold method of pickling cucumbers in a bag with the addition of aspirin

Pickling in a bag with aspirin is the fastest way to prepare. After 8 hours, cucumbers can be use, but received fruits are not intended for long-term storage.
Before cooking, you need to cut 1.5 kg of cucumbers into halves. Put them in a plastic bag and add 2 tablespoons of salt, herbs, horseradish leaves, a tablespoon of mustard seeds, 8 peas of allspice, a few leaves of sorrel and currants. All this is thoroughly mixed and add crushed aspirin. Seal the bag and shake again. Remove the package from the refrigerator. Thanks to aspirin, the cooking time is very short. For salting, it is recommended to use only ordinary salt. Instead of a bag, you can use a plastic container.

3) Dry pickling of cucumbers in their own juice

For cooking, you will need 1.5 kg of cucumbers, which must be placed in a jar. Also send there 2 tablespoons of salt, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of mustard powder, herbs. You need to add cucumbers until the fruits give juice. The taste of dry salting is similar to those marinated in a bag. But due to tightness, such fruits can be stored throughout the winter. For more juice, you can rub a couple of cucumbers on a grater. Adjika will add flavor, and chili pepper will give bitterness.

4) Cucumbers in Bulgarian

The salting method is suitable for lovers of crispy and spicy snacks. For many years this recipe has been a favorite delicacy of many gourmets. In a liter jar, add 4 onion rings, half a teaspoon of mustard and peppercorns. Then pour a spoonful of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 5 tablespoons of vinegar. Then tightly lay the cucumbers in a jar and put dill on top. After that, pour brine, cover the lid and put in a deep container, which must be filled with cold water so that they are covered. Put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, let the banks cool by turning them over.

5) pickled cucumbers

Consider the oldest recipe for crispy cucumbers - this is pickling in a barrel. This will also require apples. Spicy herbs and different leaves are laid out in 3 layers in an oak barrel. This is the bottom of the barrel, the middle and on top of the vegetables. For 10 liters of water you need 800 g of salt. You need to spread cucumbers in turn with apples. Then pour brine and cover with gauze , put under oppression . Positive temperature leads to the fermentation process. The ideal temperature is considered to be between 0 and +6 ° С.

You can add any vegetables to the barrel, such as cabbage, zucchini and squash. You can eliminate the likelihood of mold if you fill it with mustard powder. The taste of barrel cucumbers will not be too vigorous, this way of cooking vegetables does not irritate the digestive system.

All the above methods will allow young housewives to pickle cucumbers so that they remain crispy and fragrant. Now the fruits will crunch in your mouth and bring a lot of positive emotions.
