
Roast duck simple recipe. Tips for preparing duck dishes so that it is soft and juicy. Duck with prunes baked in the oven.

A duck is an unusual bird, most often festive and elegant, it requires attention and special treatment. Dishes with it are rich in taste and elegant in appearance, they can be enriched daily menu and diversify the festive table. In this article, we will discuss recipes on how to cook a whole duck in the oven with sweet sauces for a celebration.

More than all other birds on our table, the duck loves everything sweet, spices, berries and fruits, this is probably determined by the special strong taste and aroma of duck meat, which is difficult to suppress with other ingredients. To create different shades and give exquisite notes to duck dishes, not only traditional apples and prunes, and honey, cinnamon, figs, oranges, pineapples and cherries.

  1. Commercial ducks, most often Peking ducks, Moscow whites or Mirror ducks, usually do not require any additional cleaning steps before cooking. They are slaughtered at the age of 56-60 days, this ensures that all meat, including white meat, will be soft. A bag with offal and neck is often put into the abdomen.
  2. Domestic ducks from the market, often fatter and fatter, should be examined for good plucking, soft breast, skin and webbed feet. Stiff paws indicate that the bird was "age". If there is a smell of mud or (it is better that it still does not exist), the duck will have to be kept in the oven in boiling water for several minutes, turning from one side to the other, just like its wild relative.
  3. Duck giblets are used for sauces or pâtés.
  4. Defrost the bird room temperature, just before cooking. If it is in the package, the package is cut, but not removed, thawed in it.
  5. When cooking a whole duck to get the famous crispy crust from the skin, the carcass is doused with boiling water, after which the skin is stretched and turns white, then dried and rubbed thickly with salt. Placed in the refrigerator overnight.
  6. Duck is prepared: baked, fried, stewed only on low, sometimes medium, fire. There is an opinion that for every 400 - 500 g of duck meat, at least 15 minutes are needed, i.e. for 1.5 kg - 45 min. This is debatable enough. Usually the average bird requires about 2 hours. We must not forget about the features of the oven, the size of the carcass, the filling and other nuances. The meat of the finished duck is pinkish, but without blood.
  7. To create more fine taste sage is usually added, besides duck meat likes thyme, marjoram, tarragon and rosemary.
  8. Ready duck meat is pinkish and very juicy inside, but usually "without blood", although this type of preparation is also allowed for breasts.
  9. Sharing the finished carcass of a duck, as well as a goose or, is a great art. Most often, it is cut or cut in advance, first the wings are separated with a piece of white, then the legs. The breast and back are either cut across into several pieces, depending on the size of the bird, or cut into slices, perpendicular to the bone. Then they are beautifully laid out on a dish, imitating a whole carcass, decorated with a side dish, fresh vegetables and greenery. If the pieces are not very neat, the greens will hide all the flaws.

How do you cook duck?

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Duck baked in the oven with apples

The level of development of civilization gradually erases the boundaries between countries and peoples. Infused with Indian garam masala and American Tabasco flavors, this recipe features a French-style sauce and our Antonov apples- an anthem of compatibility different traditions, tastes and techniques in world cuisine.


  • duck with giblets (including in a bag) weighing 2.5 kg
  • 1 kg sour apples antonovka
  • 2-3 heads of fresh garlic
  • 2 tsp spices garam masala
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 2-3 drops classic sauce tobasco
  • salt, black pepper

INGREDIENTS for sauce:

  • bulb
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 glass of white port


Gut the domestic duck, and remove the bag from the gutted duck. Set aside the giblets to prepare the sauce. Wash the carcass and scald. Washed but not peeled apples cut into pieces large slices, remove the core. Peel the garlic and chop coarsely, put it to the apples, season with salt and Indian seasoning garam masala, mix everything. Stuff the duck with the resulting mixture, sew up the incision. On the skin of the carcass with a fork, make several punctures to drain the fat. Drip Tabasco sauce into olive oil, season with salt and pepper, thoroughly coat the whole carcass with the resulting mixture. Put stuffed duck into the sleeve for baking, stab it with heat-resistant clips or ordinary paper clips, make a small puncture (according to the instructions on the package). Put the sleeve with the duck on a baking sheet or frying pan, put in for an hour and a half at 180-190 ° C. Then cut and unfold the sleeve and put it in the oven again for 40 minutes so that the bird reaches and browns. Around it, at this time, you can spread out the potatoes, cooked until half cooked, it will reach and absorb the duck juice and aroma.

While the duck is in the oven, prepare the sauce. Finely chop the onion and fry in a deep frying pan coated in oil. Add offal and neck to it, fry for 5 minutes. Carefully pour in the port wine (you can remove the pan from the stove at this time, just in case) and cook until all the liquid has completely evaporated. Pour half a glass of hot water, simmer for another 40 minutes, preferably under tight lid adding a little if necessary hot water. Season with salt and pepper, stir. Remove the duck neck, transfer the rest to a mixer and grind to a smooth puree. Pour into a heated gravy boat and keep warm until serving, you can wrap it in a textile heating pad.

Video recipe

Recipe for Duck in Cherry-Orange Sauce


  • duck carcass about 1.5 kg
  • carrot
  • parsley root
  • lemon
  • 3 oranges
  • salt pepper
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • chicken bouillon
  • 70 g sugar (slightly less than 3 tablespoons)
  • 400 g canned cherries
  • 4 tbsp. l. wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. l. cornmeal
  • 4 tbsp. l. orange liqueur


Wash the gutted carcass, scald and dry, rub with pepper and salt inside and out. Pour the oil into a frying pan, place the bird breast down and fry for 15 minutes. While the duck is roasting, cut the carrots and parsley into cubes. Turn the bird over, add the vegetables and fry for another 15 minutes on the other side. Pour the carcass with broth so that it covers it almost completely, put the brazier in hot oven for 25 min. It is better to close the lid, you can not tightly.

Wash thoroughly, you can use a sponge, and scald oranges and lemon with boiling water, peel them. Divide one orange into slices, remove all white fibers from them. Set aside. Squeeze juice from the remaining 2 oranges and lemon with a juicer. Partially cut off the inside of the citrus peel white layer, and finely chop the colored part. Pour into a small saucepan warm water, pour sugar, dissolve it completely, add citrus juice, peel, cherry and optionally a pinch of cinnamon. Simmer under the lid after boiling for 10-15 minutes.

Turn off the oven, remove the duck from the roaster, let it drain and transfer to a dish. Cover the duck with foil and put in the switched off oven so that it does not cool down. From the duck juice that remains in the brazier, carefully remove maximum amount fat, then add to the broiler cherry sauce, pour vinegar and liquor. If there is no liquor at hand, it can be replaced with a couple of tablespoons of vodka or cognac. Dilute corn 2 tbsp. l. water, shake well and pour into a bowl. Mix everything and bring to a boil. Take the duck out of the oven, pour over the sauce, garnish with orange slices.

Video recipe

exotic duck recipe


  • prepared duck carcass
  • 2-3 sweet and sour apples
  • 2-3 small oranges or large tangerines
  • 10 slices fresh pineapple or 10 canned rounds
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tbsp. l. purified vegetable oil
  • salt pepper


Cut the duck in the middle of the breast, rub on all sides with salt and pepper (for beauty and exquisite taste better take white pepper, it is not visible, it has a more delicate aroma and less burning taste). Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with butter, spread the duck on the back on it. Remove the core from the apples and cut into thin slices, put on the duck and around it. From above, distribute slices of citrus fruits, peeled and peeled as much as possible. The next layer is onion rings. Put a pineapple on it. Place the mold in the oven at 190-200°C for 40 minutes. Take out the form and turn the carcass upside down, put it on the fruit and put it back in the oven for 40-50 minutes, the skin of the duck should be reddened.

Carefully transfer the cooked duck to a dish. Spread a side dish nearby - boiled new potatoes, or stewed cabbage. The remaining fruits will have a very unpresentable appearance, but original taste with the aroma of duck meat and fat. Grind them in a mixer to a homogeneous state and, if large inclusions remain, wipe through a sieve, pour the resulting sauce into a gravy boat, serve hot separately. If the duck sauce is too sour from oranges or apples, add a pinch powdered sugar taste.

Video recipe

In stores, in addition to whole duck carcasses, they offer breasts and legs separately, which do not require special preparation and processing. For them, there are many "sweet", unusual and traditional recipes. In the following articles, we will tell you how to cook duck in the oven in portions, how to make appetizers and salads with it, and also present recipes with regular vegetables and condiments that are simple to make and easy to incorporate into daily menu to increase the diet of B vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. The main thing is that the duck is young and fresh, and the meat is soft and elastic.

Duck meat is quite fatty, nutritious and dense. It is best to bake or stew it, in which case it turns out to be especially fragrant and tasty. For many, Peking Duck is a classic. holiday table; you can learn how to do it from the article -. And in this article we will talk about other ways to cook duck in the oven tasty and healthy.

How to cook duck in the oven quickly and easily

Roast duck "Classic"

A duck prepared according to this recipe will not be ashamed to be served on the festive table.

So, we take a whole duck, its weight should not be more than one and a half kilograms. Rub it with salt and black ground pepper outside and inside and set aside for 20 minutes.

At this time, we prepare a mixture of olive oil, honey, grated onion and garlic, and soy sauce. We take all components in equal proportions(3 tablespoons each). With the resulting mixture, rub the duck again, wrap it in foil, place it on a baking sheet and send it to the oven for 2 hours.

Half an hour before the end of baking, the duck must be taken out and an incision made on top of the foil. You can bake without foil, but in this case it is necessary to periodically water the meat with the resulting juice.

You can improve this recipe by adding apples to it. You can read more about this in our article -.

Duck "Simple and delicious"

Duck meat can also be baked with potatoes in a special sleeve, in which case it turns out to be even more fragrant and satisfying.


  • whole duck - 1.5 kg;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

For cooking, rub the duck with salt and pepper, leave for 20 minutes. At this time, turn on the oven and leave it to heat up to 170 degrees. Peel the potatoes and cut into 1 cm thick cubes, salt and pepper and drizzle with half of the vegetable oil.

Stuff the duck with prepared potatoes, and grease it on top from all sides. vegetable oil and bake in a preheated oven for about an hour and a half.

Before serving, the potatoes should be carefully removed and placed in the middle of the dish, and the chopped meat should be placed around the edges.

Well, here classic recipe ducks with apples, lemons and Provence herbs.

Duck with apples, lemons and herbs de Provence

They make it in the oven, and it turns out very tender and pleasant to the taste. To prepare it, you need to take:

- a small carcass of a young duck;

- 300 grams of green sour apples;

- a sachet provencal herbs;

— 2 small lemon or one large

- salt and pepper to taste.

The duck must be marinated overnight in a small amount lemon juice with red chilli. Then in the morning wipe it with a towel, salt and pepper the outside, and add the filling from a mixture of lemon and apple quarters and Provence herbs inside. Put the duck on a baking sheet. Periodically, the carcass should be watered with fat so as not to overstew the meat. Serve with soy sauce and main course. Thus, the cooked duck is very tender, soft and slightly spicy due to red pepper. Apples together with lemons make the meat softer, tender, with a pleasant aroma.

WITH duck meat Champagne, white and red wine are perfectly combined. It is best served warm, so that a fresh and fragrant crust is well felt.

You are planning festive dinner and you wondered how to cook a duck in the oven? Our site has prepared for you great amount holiday recipes cooking duck, here every reader will find for himself that baked duck recipe that will suit his taste. You can make a stuffed duck for a holiday, or just a baked duck with apples.

Festive duck dishes

Duck baked with apples is a dish that has been served for hundreds of years for the holiday in various countries. Especially this dish is welcomed on the New Year's or Christmas table.

But time goes on, people's tastes change, recipes for cooking dishes, including traditional and classic ones, are improved. And today we can cook duck with apricots, oranges and tangerines, peaches and even honey. Some housewives even stuff the duck with potatoes, mushrooms, cheese, buckwheat, and olives. If you are not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, you can open unexpected taste from seemingly incompatible products.

We offer several recipes for cooking duck.

Duck stuffed with fruit mixture

The dish has absolutely unforgettable taste. Done right, it's bound to be main course holiday table.

For the dish you will need:

  • duck,
  • prunes,
  • apples,
  • raisin,
  • sugar,
  • flour,
  • brandy,
  • chicken broth,
  • cranberry juice,
  • pepper,
  • salt.

How to quickly and tasty cook duck in the oven:

Duck, as usual, should be washed and dried with paper towels. Then salt and pepper both outside and inside.

Peel and cut apples into pieces. Steam prunes and raisins well until soft in hot water. Prunes need to be additionally cut into small cubes. Then mix all the prepared fruits and fill the duck with them. Then sew up the hole in the abdomen with kitchen thread. Instead of threads, you can chop a hole with toothpicks or skewers. Pierce the skin in different places so that it does not burst when baking.

Prepare a form or baking sheet in which the duck will be baked and grease with vegetable oil. Place duck breast side down on a baking sheet. Put the mold in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Roast the duck for about an hour and a half over medium heat.

When the bird is baked, you need to lay it out of the mold, drain the resulting fat into another container. Add to the fat one tablespoon of flour, one tablespoon of brandy, one tablespoon of fruit drink, 2.5 tablespoons of sugar, half a liter chicken broth, pepper, salt and mix well. The sauce should be thick. You can decorate the duck as you wish, and serve the sauce separately. But you can cut the duck just before serving and pour the sauce over it.

Duck baked in the oven with apples and sour cream

To prepare this recipe, you will need:

  • duck,
  • 5 medium apples
  • 4 tablespoons of sour cream (if desired, you can replace with mayonnaise),
  • half a lemon
  • cinnamon,
  • Bay leaf,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt,
  • vinegar (maybe apple).

How to cook roasted duck:

Wash duck and dry. Then the duck must be marinated. It turns out soft and very gentle. Prepare a bowl in which the duck can fit freely. Pour the duck with salt water. Add vinegar, adjusting the amount to taste. The marinade should be slightly acidic. Then put bay leaf, pepper. The duck should be marinated under the lid for three to four hours.

To prepare fruit, peel apples and cut into slices, salt and pepper and sprinkle with cinnamon. Slice the lemon into slices.

Coat the inside of the marinated duck with salt and sour cream. Stuff the duck with fruit as follows: apples, one lemon wedge, apples again and another lemon wedge. Continue until all the apples are gone. After that, sew the hole of the duck with threads.

Mix mayonnaise, lemon and black pepper and coat the entire bird carcass with this mixture on top.

Prepare a baking sheet or roasting dish for the duck and place the carcass in the dish. Then put the form in an oven preheated to 190 degrees. Duck baking time this recipe- Approximately one hour or half an hour.

To serve, the duck must be cut.

Duck baked in the oven

Duck baked according to this recipe is tasty, tender and fragrant, so how to cook a duck.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • duck,
  • mayonnaise,
  • two onions,
  • one small head of garlic
  • water,
  • lime juice,
  • ground black pepper,
  • red ground pepper,
  • paprika,
  • salt.

Duck Recipe:

Wash and dry the duck known way. Then rub the duck with mayonnaise and a mixture of spices. Peel and chop the onion. Garlic is also peeled and chopped. Stir in the prepared onion and garlic.

Prepare a duck roaster. Lubricate it with vegetable oil. Fill the duck with a mixture of garlic and onions, pour over lime juice. Poke the hole with toothpicks.

Put a small amount of onion and garlic on the outside of the duck. Put the bird in the form. Pour a glass or half a glass of water so that the bird does not burn. To avoid burning the duck, the wings and ends of the legs can be wrapped in foil.

Bake the duck in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Approximate time baking one and a half or two hours.

Duck stuffed with black bread and prunes

You can also cook turkey, chicken or goose using this recipe. The combination of sour prunes and fragrant black bread achieves spicy taste the resulting duck dish. This dish can be cooked in the oven or in the microwave, which is much faster.

To prepare such a duck you will need

  • whole duck weighing about 2 kg
  • parsley.

To prepare the filling you will need :

  • half of Borodino bread,
  • half a glass of prunes
  • half a cup of raisins.

To prepare the marinade need:

  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • 4 or 5 garlic cloves
  • juice from half a lemon
  • lavrushka,
  • grill seasoning,
  • ground black or white pepper,
  • salt.

How to cook delicious marinated duck in the oven:

  1. To cook the duck in the oven, wash and dry the duck with napkins, paper towels or in the air.
  2. Grind the garlic in a garlic maker. Mix vegetable oil, chopped garlic, bay leaf, lemon juice, spices and salt in a bowl. Grate the carcass with this marinade inside and out. Place the duck in the refrigerator to marinate for about an hour and a half.
  3. Wash raisins and prunes. Free the prunes from the pits. Place dried fruit in a microwaveable bowl. Pour in about half a glass of water and close the lid. Put in the microwave for 5 minutes. The power level should be 40%. If you don't have a microwave, just steam dried fruit in hot water.
  4. Take Borodino bread and cut it into small cubes. Mix steamed dried fruits and slices of bread.
  5. Stuff the duck with the resulting mixture, and then fasten the hole with toothpicks.
  6. To prevent the wings and legs of the bird from burning, you need to wrap their tips in foil.
  7. Prepare a baking sheet or roasting dish for poultry, pour about one glass of water into the dish. Put the carcass on a baking sheet.
  8. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 230 degrees. Put the baking dish with the duck into the oven. Bake it in the oven until done. Exact time baking will depend on the type of meat.
  9. During baking, you need to periodically remove the baking sheet from the oven and carefully water the duck with the juice obtained during frying.
  10. When the duck is baked, take it out of the oven, put it on beautiful dish. Remove the toothpicks and decorate the duck as desired and possible.
  11. If you want to cook the same duck in the microwave, the preliminary cooking process is the same as for the oven. Just do not cover the wings and legs with foil.
  12. Under the microwave grate you need to put a container for dripping fat during baking. Cover the tips of the wings and legs with parchment paper and place the duck back down on the wire rack.
  13. Close the lid and cook the duck first at 100% power. Cooking time ten minutes.
  14. Now you need to open the lid of the microwave and take out the bird. Remove the parchment paper and drain the juice from the fat. Pour half a glass of water into the empty container and put it back in the microwave.
  15. Put the duck again on the microwave grate and close the lid. This time, set the microwave oven regulator to the COMBI-2 level for fifteen minutes. If you want to have golden brown, you can then turn the knob to GRILL mode for five minutes.
  16. The dish is ready. Remove the cooked duck and put it on a dish. Remove toothpicks. Decorate the bird of your choice. Can be served on the table.
  17. For a side dish for this dish, cook mashed potatoes or vegetable salad .

Duck stuffed with a mixture of buckwheat and chicken offal

The bird prepared according to this recipe is baked in parchment paper. This allows you to save ready meal juiciness, although the fat will be rendered.

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • duck about one and a half kilograms,
  • 3 tablespoons of buckwheat,
  • 300 grams chicken giblets(liver, heart, stomachs, and the proportions do not matter),
  • a few stalks of celery
  • salt,
  • ground pepper,
  • 2 bulbs
  • a few cloves of garlic
  • one egg.


  1. Wash the duck, cut off the excess skin around the neck and dry it with clean napkins or paper towels.
  2. Cut off big piece parchment, put the carcass on it and rub it liberally inside and out with salt and pepper. After that, you need to wrap it in parchment and put it in the refrigerator for one hour to soak.
  3. Boil three tablespoons of buckwheat until half cooked.
  4. Chicken giblets, cleaned onion and finely chop the garlic in a blender or in a meat grinder. The mass should be very homogeneous.
  5. Peel the celery stalks and cut into very small pieces. Add the egg, prepared buckwheat, salt, pepper and, of course, celery to the minced meat. It will give an original taste to the finished dish.
  6. Mix the minced meat well and put in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry over low heat, stirring all the time, for about five minutes, until the liquid has evaporated.
  7. Now you need to remove the duck from the parchment and stuff it very tightly with the minced meat. Then sew up the hole with thread.
  8. Wrap the bird fully prepared for baking in the first sheet of parchment. Then take the second sheet of food parchment and wet it well cold water, after which it will become soft, like a wet cloth. Wrap the duck in the second sheet. Place it back down on a baking sheet or baking dish. Put the mold in a preheated oven.
  9. Roasting time for poultry is about an hour and a half. Baking temperature - 200 degrees.
  10. In the process of baking, you need to reduce and increase the temperature in the oven from time to time so that the duck bakes evenly.
  11. About 15 minutes before the end of cooking, cut the paper so that the duck can be golden brown.
  12. Serve the stuffed duck on the table, after cutting it into pieces.

To prepare this dish you will need :

  • duck,
  • garlic,
  • pepper,
  • salt,
  • mayonnaise.


First you need to wash the duck and dry it well. After that, you can cut the duck. Separate the leg along with the thigh. Then cut off the wings. Cut the breast in half lengthwise, starting from the back. Wash all the pieces a second time and put them in such a way that the glass of water and duck dry. In the meantime, prepare the sauce with which you need to coat the duck.

Crush a few cloves of garlic in a garlic maker, mix it with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

Thoroughly coat all the pieces of duck with sauce, spread them on a wide baking sheet, cover with foil and bake for an hour at a temperature of about 200 degrees. In order for the duck to brown, after an hour remove the foil and put the duck in the oven for another 20 minutes.

Duck baked in the oven whole with apples (step by step recipe with photo)

For this dish you will need:

  • duck,
  • apples,
  • oranges,
  • prunes,
  • dried apricots,
  • nuts,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • garlic.
  • The number of ingredients is taken depending on the size of the duck.


Learn how to cook a roast duck, with apples, with prunes, baked in the oven. Wash the duck well and pat dry with paper towels. Grate with salt and pepper inside and out, and minced garlic in a garlic maker - only from the inside.

Prepare the filling. To do this, peel the apples and cut into small pieces. Peel oranges and cut into slices. Free the prunes from the pits and cut into pieces. Dried apricots and nuts (preferably walnuts, but you can take cashews or almonds) cut into pieces. Mix all the ingredients prepared for the filling.

But if you make a duck only with apples, it is advisable to take Antonovka apples.

Stuff the carcass with the prepared mixture, and then sew up the hole with a thread. Lubricate the duck skin with vegetable oil. Then it will brown during baking.

Line a baking sheet or baking dish with foil and brush with vegetable oil. Place the duck on a baking sheet with its back down. Put the apples, cut into slices, and whole around the duck. Cover everything with foil and put in the oven for baking. Baking time is approximately two or three hours. In the process of baking, the bird will secrete juice, you need to pour this juice on top of it about every half hour.

Before the end of baking, you need to remove the foil, pour out all the juice and pour orange juice over the duck.

Serve the finished duck to the table, garnishing with orange slices and apples baked with it.

As you can see, there are a huge number of ways to cook duck in the oven, try cooking it according to one of our recipes.

If you are fed up with chicken, want variety, and for once decided to cook duck in the oven, then it will be useful for you to know this recipe. The duck can be roasted whole or portioned pieces(), but we decided to stop at the first option and make it in the oven.

How to prepare duck for roasting

Doesn't matter wild duck or homemade, the first step is to prepare the carcass. Wild specifically smell. perfect bird weighs 2-2.5 kg, the meat is dark, the skin shimmers with a juicy sheen.

Frozen poultry should not be placed in hot water or thawed in the microwave, as this may affect the quality of the meat (the duck may become dry). Just put in advance on a plate or container in the refrigerator to melt. Or it will thaw faster at room temperature.

Remove feathers, if there are a lot of them, especially small ones, they should be singed with fire, for example, held over a flame gas stove. And pluck what's left of them.

Putting your hand in, remove the insides of the duck, most often the lungs remain there (if the duck was bought in a store). Nothing bad will happen if you cook duck with them, it is believed that they can give bitterness, and they just don’t look very aesthetically pleasing. Although baked giblets can be ground into a pate.

It is advisable to rinse the duck with boiling water or rinse running water, then wipe paper towel or a napkin.

I met recipes where, before baking, the duck carcass was boiled for 10-20 minutes in boiling water, until it seems to be soft and easier to bake.

Sometimes they cut off the tail - the ass according to ours, in order to avoid bad smell, and fat folds nearby, but they will come in handy if you sew up a duck

They cut off the wings, the extreme joints, so as not to burn. Or they make incisions on the skin (brisket) with a knife and tuck the wings into pockets.

Options for roasting duck in the oven

Duck, we have chosen, prepared, now we will decide how to bake it. This can be done in several ways. They are not much different from each other, but it is worth considering them. I even decided to define two groups.

Roasting in an open way on a baking sheet with high sides, in a roaster, a capacious frying pan or on a wire rack.

In these cases, it is often necessary to turn the roast duck over (especially on a baking sheet) so that it is browned on all sides, and baste with fat periodically to obtain a glaze. Pour in half a glass of water to avoid burning. It is advisable to wrap the limbs with foil so that they do not burn. If the skin suddenly began to burn, and the time for readiness has not yet passed, cover the duck with foil. 10-15 minutes before the end, you can drain the fat from the container in which you bake and brown.

If you want excess fat and juice to drain from the carcass, then the grate is your choice. A microwave grill grate is also suitable, put it in a container where you plan to collect fat, and place the prepared carcass on top.

But open way there is a minus of baking a duck, especially when you have to wash the oven after the holiday, and she spat all the fat. You can avoid this, there is another technique for this.

Use a baking bag, also called a “sleeve”, or wrap the duck carcass in foil, then place it on a baking sheet or wire rack. Cooking duck in the oven in the sleeve, in my opinion, is the most convenient way of all - clean, tasty, technologically advanced.

Duck in the oven, in foil is baked in the same way. Cover the baking sheet, put the bird and wrap it (not very tightly).
At the end of cooking, it is recommended to open the sleeve or foil from above, for browning.

By the way, I forgot to mention that it is not necessary to bake the whole duck in the oven, you can cut it into pieces. In this case, you can also stew in a pot. But that's a completely different story.

Roast duck in the oven step by step recipe

1. Preparation
2. Marinade
3. Stuffing / garnish
4. Baking

The bird is placed on its back, "filet" up on a baking sheet, or in a sleeve.

The oven is heated to 180-200 ° C, the carcass is placed and fried for about 2 hours (45-60 minutes per kilo).

Water the duck every 25-30 minutes own juice, as a result of which it will be covered with a beautiful juicy glaze.

How to get a ruddy duck? 10-20 minutes before the end of cooking, brush with honey or sugar syrup, you can marinade. Raise the temperature to 200-210 degrees.

The readiness of a baked duck in the oven can be judged by a puncture with a needle, toothpick or knife in the thickest place, breast or ham. The juice that flows out should be clear without blood.

5. They pull out the threads and garnish from the bird, with which it is served. From fat and marinade, you can make a sauce.

Marinating and seasoning

How to cook duck in the oven so that it is soft? Even if you do not use pickling, you should rub the bird with salt, spices and seasonings (the most simple mixture- salt and black pepper). But for softness, use marinades and cooking in a roaster under a lid, in a sleeve, or wrapped in foil.

Marinating is very convenient in the usual plastic bag. Regardless of how you decide to bake whole or in pieces. To do this, the whole duck is smeared with marinade inside and out, and stuffed into a bag or container, and the pieces are placed in a container with marinade. And leave for 3-12 hours, so that the carcass is soaked properly.

Duck skin is tougher than chicken skin, so they often use such a technique as “piercing”, taking a fork and “poking” the skin before rubbing. You can make cuts with a knife on the skin from above.


They rub the bird, add to the marinade and sauce.
Zira and very spicy seasonings unsuitable. Cinnamon and vanilla are suitable for fruits. In addition to those listed, cardamom, star anise, cumin, paprika, nutmeg, thyme, rosemary, bay leaf (1-2 pcs.). Basil, cilantro, Provence or Italian herbs. Add sharp and odorous 0.5 teaspoons, the rest in full.

Do not use many types of seasonings, 1-3 will be enough. Choose a bouquet of aromas to your taste.

Marinades for duck

In any reasonable combination, use the following products:

They take as a basis - sour cream or mayonnaise 2-3 tbsp; vegetable or butter(less than 100gr.); soy sauce, especially good with honey and mustard (everything is 2-3 tablespoons each) and supplement it with seasonings.

Garlic (3-4 cloves) is stuffed (punctures are made with a knife and plates or pieces of garlic are stuck into them) as in the case. Squeeze through the press and rub. Fried in oil.

Lemon 1pc. juice is used in sauces and pickling.

Often used instead of honey orange jam or marmalade, for which they melt similar products in a water bath or in the following liquids:
Wine, beer, orange juice 0.5-1 cup when soaking or preparing a sauce (except for beer, I have not yet seen sauces on beer). Smaller amounts are used for rubbing. The marinade will be fragrant, which will include cognac 2 tbsp.

Finely chopped ginger, figs, onions, any (your choice) herbs and lemon or orange zest.

Nuts: Walnut, pine nut, cashew about 50 gr. crush.

side dishes

By baking duck in the oven, you can immediately get a side dish without any problems.

Cook inside the duck (see Stuffing);
- they cook by laying it in a baking sheet, a duck dish or a sleeve from below (a duck is placed on top) or around the carcass; It might get greasy.
- do separately (I see no reason to consider);

Almost all fillings for stuffing are served as a side dish, but we'll talk about them a little lower.

For porridge take 2/3 cup of any cereal (rice, buckwheat, millet). Duck baked in the oven with rice is worth trying - all you need is until half cooked. When the middle is solid.

To cook a bird with buckwheat, you practically have to. Similarly to the situation with rice, you can not cook until the end, it will cook itself in fat.

How to cook duck in the oven with potatoes? Potatoes will need 0.7-1kg (as in last time). Cut into large rounds, cubes or slices.

Cabbage 500-1000 gr. Cut into strips, fry for 5-8 minutes and simmer for 10 minutes small fire under the lid. Sauerkraut either replaces the white head, or is taken in an arbitrary percentage. (Most often 30-50%). Especially sour cabbage should be washed and squeezed.

Any of the side dishes can be supplemented with mushrooms 300g.


They are also used to emphasize or slightly change the taste. finished meat, otherwise it good way cook at the same time also a side dish (as mentioned above).

With our hands or a spoon, we stuff the mixture for stuffing inside the carcass. At 2/3 we leave a little free space so that your duck does not burst when baking, you can pour a couple of tablespoons of marinade inside.

We sew with culinary twine, a strong thread - stitches over the edge (overlap) or simply stab the skin with toothpicks. The second option is simpler and quite effective. Sometimes they just tie the legs together, or generally leave them as they are. You should also sew the skin on the neck to the carcass (well, or pin it).

The following products are used for stuffing duck:

Duck in the oven with apples

(3-4pcs "Antonovka", stuffed as much as they like, the rest is laid out nearby) in the oven - the most popular recipe, but people cook with oranges, pears and even pineapples.

Apples should be cut out the middle, cut into cubes or slices. Pour surface lemon juice not to darken. Peel or not, from the peel, decide for yourself, prepare both options. Duck in the oven with quince (in the amount of 1-2 pieces) is prepared in the same way, and the same is done with pears.

Duck with oranges in the oven

1-2 oranges are peeled and the peel is cut into pieces. We spread the circles on the bottom and top of the carcass, mix the chopped slices with celery / apples / carrots and stuff the minced meat inside. Juice is poured over, marinated in it. Tangerines are prepared in exactly the same way.

Turnip onion, regular or red, fry 1-2 pcs. combined with grated carrots, dried fruits.

Dried fruits 100 gr. (or 1-2 handfuls). Duck baked in the oven with prunes, a very popular recipe, is also made with raisins or dried apricots. Can be soaked in cognac, water, wine or marinade. Or finely chopped.

Cereals (see side dishes)

After reading our recipe for cooking a whole duck in the oven, there should be no big problems in baking any kind of feathered, wild, domestic, musky or indo-duck. Well, at least I hope so.

Try various options find your recipe!
