
How to bake a wild duck in the oven. Wild duck: homemade recipes are tasty and easy

Wild duck meat is highly valued due to its usefulness and unusual taste. Wild on the table is a rare product, as it is almost impossible to buy it.

More often, wild duck is prepared by hunters or those who were able to purchase it on the market. The peculiarity of meat is its piquant taste. That is why it is so important to properly prepare the bird and marinate it. Due to the fact that wild ducks eat fish, their meat acquires a specific taste.

To make wild duck delicious, you need to use proven cooking recipes. It is not recommended to cook wild duck soups, they can be fried, stewed and baked. The broth can be cooked using duck giblets.

Like any bird, if it is not butchered, you need to pluck the feathers, remove the inside. Rinse the carcass thoroughly, both inside and out. Cut off the paws, neck,. Dry the carcass with a napkin. The final stage in the preparation of wild duck is singeing over a burner.

Soot residue may remain on the duck, it will need to be washed off. Singeing will remove the remnants of feathers from the carcass.

If the bird is purchased, these points should be skipped. The duck will need to be washed, cleaned, if there are partially remnants of feathers, singe. If it is supposed to bake the whole duck, it is simply dried and marinated. If you fry the duck in pieces, you need to cut it in portions. Rinse the pieces and dry.

There is nothing difficult in preparing the bird, it must be clean and gutted, according to the recipe. The entrails, heart, liver, navel are taken out. From them you can cook rich broths and pates.

The intestines are thrown away. The head, paws, wings are fed to animals or duck soups are cooked. The taste of the first courses is specific, you need special recipes for them.

By carving the carcass correctly, nothing is lost in the kitchen of economical housewives, even in the case of game.

How to remove a peculiar smell

Because of the specific smell, inexperienced hostesses bypass the wild duck. If you cook it without pre-treatment, the meat will taste like fish.

Someone likes it, but someone discourages the desire to cook duck meat. To avoid unpleasant taste, you must do the following procedure:

  • Lightly boil the carcass in boiling water for about 5 minutes, or place it on a baking sheet with water inside the oven. Turn on the oven for 7-10 minutes, while the duck will need to be turned over once. Under the influence of steam, part of the specific smell will disappear.
  • Residual fishy odors are masked by marinating in special spices and seasonings. As a result, the duck does not differ from poultry in taste.

Thanks to the value that lives in the natural conditions of the bird, its use will benefit the body. Adherents of hunting cuisine, having prepared their prey, will be pleased with the result. If everything is done correctly and not in a hurry, the poultry meat will be juicy, fragrant and not tough. The time spent on cooking the game justifies itself and makes the hunter very happy.

If the duck is baked, it will not lose its golden crust. When fried, it will also brown. When stewed, the duck is saturated with its own fat, the meat becomes juicy and tender. The duck boiled or aged in the oven is cooled, cut or left whole.

Having dealt with the unpleasant wild duck smell, you can start cooking according to the selected recipes.

What is the best way to marinate duck

The main ingredient in pickling is salt. She is abundantly rubbed with a whole carcass or pieces. Salt gives the meat not only taste, but also makes it soft, dries out moisture. As for spices and seasonings, they are usually chosen according to individual characteristics - someone likes it spicier. Someone is more fragrant, but for someone black and red pepper are enough.

To get rid of the fishy taste, you can add seasonings with a specific flavor - ready-made mixtures, spices for wild duck. You can take the following fragrant herbs:

  • basil
  • rosemary
  • tarragon
  • sage
  • marjoram

Juniper twigs are very well combined with a duck. If they are put in, the fishy taste will disappear, and the bird will acquire a pleasant juniper flavor. In addition to seasonings and salt, you need to add vinegar or lemon juice to the marinade.

Modern hostesses even add orange or grapefruit juice. Even if it is lime juice, it will not interfere with the duck, but on the contrary, it will add spicy notes. Before pickling a duck, you need to know that this is a long process. If the game needs to be cooked quickly, it is better to take poultry.

It will take 7-8 hours to marinate wild. For baking, the pickled carcass is placed in a sleeve or baking sheet, covered with cellophane and placed in the refrigerator. It is worth noting that you need to marinate the carcass, both outside and inside.

Sliced ​​duck is placed in a saucepan, covered with a lid and put in the refrigerator. After brewing for at least 7 hours, the bird absorbs the marinade, gives up its juice and acquires a pleasant aroma. Salted. The process can be compared with cooking, the brighter the marinade, the tastier the meat on the grill.

The smell of fish after such pickling is out of the question, the game will be unusually tasty.

Cooking poultry in the oven

The pre-marinated duck is placed in a baking sleeve or wrapped in food foil. If you intend to cook several ducks at once, they can be wrapped together in a large piece of foil. The remains of the marinade are not thrown away, it can be useful at the final stage of baking.

The roasting time of the carcass depends on the size and type of wild duck. In nature, there are more than 100 varieties of them. Larger ones will cook longer, smaller ones faster. The age of the duck affects the cooking time - a young bird cooks faster, you need to tinker with old game.

  • The standard baking option provides for holding the carcass inside the oven for 35-40 minutes.
  • After that, you will need to cut the foil from above, twist it on its sides to form a basket.
  • An open duck is cooked for another 20 minutes. Now you will need to check the readiness of the carcass.
  • If the skin is well pierced and bloody juice does not flow from it, the game is ready. Another very important point is to let the duck brown.

If a lot of juice forms in the foil, it can be removed with a spoon. Drizzle duck juice lightly and bake until golden brown. Game baked in this way is poured over with lemon juice, covered with vegetables and served on the table. According to the rules, wild duck recipes for cooking in the oven do not provide for anything complicated.

Wild duck goes very well with homemade marinades, baked potatoes or boiled rice. The duck is served whole. To serve, it is cut into portioned pieces with special scissors.

If the wild duck is well baked, the meat easily falls behind the bone and simply melts in the mouth.

Modern technologies allow you to cook hunting dishes with less time. If the usual cooking of game in a cauldron takes a lot of time.

In a slow cooker, it cooks very quickly. Prepared pieces of poultry are laid out in a multicooker bowl, where you first need to add a little vegetable oil. A lot of onions are laid out on top, it will give the bird juiciness, softness and a special aroma.

If desired, you can put pieces of carrots, sweet peppers or tomatoes. Garlic is added to the duck at the final stage, since its aroma will disappear during cooking.

Fans of spicier dishes can add a couple of pieces of chili pepper. Since the duck is marinated in the slow cooker, it is not necessary to salt it.

If the spices seem a little, you can add them a little to your liking:

  • Turn on the multicooker on the extinguishing mode and forget about it, depending on the model of the kitchen machine for 1.5-2 hours.
  • After this time, open the lid of the multicooker, assess the degree of readiness of the game, chop the pieces, if they are soft, the duck is ready.
  • If the meat is raw, turn on the stewing mode again. This happens very rarely, when the wild duck is very old. Basically, one mode of the Extinguishing program is enough.
  • Remove the finished pieces from the multicooker onto a dish or portioned plates and serve with herbs, vegetables.

If a wild duck appears in the refrigerator or after a hunt, cooking recipes in a slow cooker will help you quickly prepare a truly royal meat dinner. Game prepared according to this recipe can become your favorite dish not only for lunch, but also for a festive dinner.

Game at the feast from the multicooker will appeal to many, after tasting the dish, guests will demand a recipe.

Baked wild duck with apples

Pickled game is stuffed inside with sour apples. Apples Simirenko, White filling, Antonovka are well suited for this purpose. You can take any sour apples. For piquancy, the hostess often add a pear cut into slices:

  • Sew up the peritoneum with a thread or chip with toothpicks. Cover the bottom of the roaster with foil or grease with vegetable oil, place the stuffed game there. Send to the oven for an hour and a half.
  • Periodically water the wild duck with the juice formed in the duck.
  • Adherents of hunting cuisine with a gourmet taste can put a sprig of tarragon in the ducklings. You can also pour juice on top.

To get a fragrant side dish, 20-30 minutes before the readiness, put potato slices around the edges of the game. And you don't need to clean it. It is enough to wash, cut into 4 parts, add salt and send to bake. Potatoes will be saturated with duck juice and fat. Apples and spices will fill it with a special aroma.

Such a duck is served on a large platter, game is placed in the center, along the edges -. Slices of ripe tomato and sprigs of basil, spread out along the edges, will add bright notes to the dish.

In any serving, a freshly cooked duck will conquer everyone with its taste and aroma.

  • They pluck the duck in the yard or on the balcony. If you do this in the kitchen, you should be prepared for the fact that feathers can fly in the kitchen and there will be an unpleasant smell. You need to do this carefully, put the feathers in a bag, periodically wash your hands and duck.
  • Singe game on fire, so as not to burn the skin, it must first be rubbed with flour or coarse bran.
  • From the game brought from the hunt, when butchering, you need to remove the fraction, otherwise it will come across to someone when eating the duck. Eating duck with shot is unsafe, you can break a tooth.
  • If there is very little time for pickling, you can not marinate it for a long time, but simply remove the top layer of fat and skin from it. Aesthetically, a skinless duck may not look very attractive. But, on the other hand, this method will help to cook game without a specific smell in a short time. This tip will be very relevant when they want to cook the duck right away, directly on the hunt itself.

Thanks to the manipulations done, the hunter's prey will allow you to get enough of the wild duck cooked no worse than by professional chefs.

Cooking wild duck is presented in the video:

If the husband is a passionate hunter, then this article will be very useful for wives. You no longer need to look for information on how to prepare a bird for consumption, what can be cooked from a wild duck, and so on. Everything is here!

We will also try to consider how to cook a wild duck so that your dish becomes "number one" on the festive table.

Cooking wild duck is not easy. Its meat is tougher than that of poultry. Also, do not forget about the specific smell, which is not so easy to get rid of. But all these problems are solvable! Your dish will be remembered for a long time in the circle of your relatives or friends only with delight. So let's cook wild duck!

bird species

There are several types of these birds. Each has its own characteristics. One type is suitable for frying, the other is for stewing, the third is only for soup.

The following are the main varieties of wild ducks:

  1. Mallard. The weight of such a duck reaches from 1 to 1.5 kg. Its meat is not as tough as other species. Mallard is suitable for both stewing and frying.
  2. Teal weighs a little. Total from 300 to 500 g. Also suitable for frying and stewing.
  3. Diving duck. The most delicious of the diving species is the red-nosed pochard. This is the largest representative of this family. Its weight reaches 1.5 kg, the rest of the dives barely reach 1 kg. But the red-nosed pochard has a rather strong fishy smell. It must first be held in the marinade.

How to properly prepare game

If the bird came to your kitchen in its original form, then it must be prepared for further cooking.

First you need to free it from feathers. How to pluck a wild duck? There are two ways:

  1. Dry way. The carcass must be taken by the paws upside down. With very quick movements, pull out the feathers against growth. First of all, remove on the breast, then on the back, shoulders and neck. Wings should be plucked last. Then, with the blunt side of the knife, the remaining small feathers and hairs are removed, the carcass is carefully rolled in flour and scorched on fire. After that, all the remnants of flour and soot are washed off the carcass in running water. This method is best used outside the home, for example, if you are in nature or in the country, as a lot of feathers and down will fly from the carcass.
  2. Hot way. Pour boiling water over the carcass or hold for 5 minutes. Then take out the carcass and remove all feathers and fluff. As in the first case, roll the bird in flour and singe it over a fire to remove small hairs and feathers.

After the first preparatory step, there is another important one. It is necessary to remove all pellets from the meat. If this action is ignored, then most likely the shot will fall on one of your guests and may break his tooth.

The next step is to gut the carcass. Remove the head, legs, wingtips and the entire intestine along with the esophagus. Then make an incision on the abdomen, take out all the tripe and rinse well under the tap.

To make the game even tastier after cooking, it is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. So the taste will become even more expressive, and the “fishy smell” will disappear.


How to cook wild duck? Below are the most delicious wild duck recipes.

In the duck house

The following simple recipe will help you to cook a wild duck in a duck bowl deliciously. Here the bird is cooked whole, it is not necessary to cut it into portions.


  • 1 duck carcass;
  • 2 large green apples;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • ½ st. broth;
  • ½ st. dry red wine;
  • pepper, salt, spices;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of 10% cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub salt, spices and pepper into the bird's carcass. Fry.
  2. Prepare apples. To do this, peel them, remove the seeds, cut them into cubes or thin slices.
  3. Onion cut into rings.
  4. Put the fried carcass in the chicken dish with the back up, overlay with apples and onions. Pour the prepared sauce of red wine, cream and broth over the bird.
  5. Place the duck in the preheated oven for 2 hours.
  6. To make the bird juicy, from time to time you need to water it with the secreted fat.
  7. Dry the cooked bird before serving.

Game in the oven

Consider the recipe for cooking wild duck in the oven. This wild duck dish will take longer than the first recipe, as you need to let the bird stand in the marinade.


  • 1 carcass;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 bottle of dry white wine;
  • 1 - 2 stalks of celery;
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf, rosemary, garlic, sage;
  • olive oil.

How to cook wild duck in the oven:

  1. Peeled vegetables cut into cubes.
  2. Put the carcass in a deep saucepan, pour wine, add chopped vegetables. Add all the spices and leave it to marinate for a day in the refrigerator.
  3. After getting it out of the marinade, salt and pepper from the inside. Fry until golden brown. Then put it in a baking dish, cover with vegetables from the marinade, pour oil.
  4. Cover with foil and place in preheated oven for 50 minutes. From time to time, take out the duck and pour over the secreted juice and the remaining marinade.
  5. Divide the baked duck into parts, beat the vegetables and the remaining juice with a blender. Squeeze the duck along with the resulting sauce.


Roast wild duck is very fragrant and tasty! This preparation of wild duck will not take much time, as the bird does not have to be marinated.


  • 1 duck carcass;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 6 medium tomatoes;
  • 3 onions;
  • 150 g butter;
  • red pepper, salt, parsley, dill, cinnamon.

Cooking steps:

  1. Divide the carcass into portions, boil in salted water, where to lower the whole peeled onion and a bunch of parsley. This is necessary to eliminate the specific smell.
  2. Then drain the broth, pour fresh water and boil again for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, dip the tomatoes into the water.
  3. Cut the remaining two onions and fry in oil. Remove the tomatoes from the broth, remove the skin, chop with a blender, put the prepared tomato mass back into the broth with the duck.
  4. Also add fried onion, pepper, garlic, cinnamon to the duck. Put 1-2 tbsp. spoons of flour and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  5. After let the dish brew under a closed lid for another 10 minutes.


In another way, soup-shurpa is also called shulyum. How to cook wild duck shulum?


  • 1 wild duck carcass;
  • 2 large potatoes;
  • 1 sour green apple;
  • ½ medium carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 small tomatoes;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 1 hot pepper;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • urop, parsley;
  • pepper, salt;
  • coriander, can be replaced with suneli hops;
  • sunflower oil.

How to cook:

  1. Duck divided into parts, fry in a pan with vegetable oil. Then transfer to a pot of boiling water. Cook until tender, skimming off the foam.
  2. Chop carrots and onions, fry. Send them to a boiling soup, put potatoes cut into cubes there.
  3. After 10 minutes, add chopped peppers, tomato and apple cubes to the soup.
  4. Salt, pepper, add suneli hops or ground coriander. Keep on fire for another 10 minutes.
  5. The garlic, passed through the press, is also sent to the boiling soup. Next, add greens, mix everything thoroughly.
  6. After removing from the stove and let the soup stand for another 10-15 minutes.

Duck cooked on a fire

Cooking game at home requires a lot of effort. But if you are in nature, you can use the following recipe. How to cook a duck on a fire? Quickly and without hassle, you don't even need to pluck the duck!

Gut the carcass, coat it with wet clay, bury it under the fire and bake for 2-3 hours. After digging the duck, breaking the clay shell, all the feathers will fall off along with the shards. The bird is ready!

cooking teal

How to cook a teal? First, the bird needs to be prepared: pluck, remove the insides, etc. Take a small apple, better antonovka, place it inside the bird. Salt, pepper, wrap in foil and put in the oven for 1.5 hours. Bon appetit!

Stewed game

How to stew a wild duck? If everything is done correctly, then the stewed game turns out to be very juicy and soft enough. So, wild duck: a recipe for stewed poultry.


  • 1 carcass;
  • 200 ml of red wine;
  • 6 tbsp butter;
  • pepper, salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the carcass thoroughly and fill with cold water. Soak the bird in water for two hours.
  2. Then divide into portions, add pepper, salt, fry.
  3. Transfer the meat to a roaster, add wine, oil, simmer over high heat for about 1.5 hours, adding water from time to time.
  4. Then remove from heat and let the finished dish brew for another 20 minutes.

Stewed duck with potatoes

This wild duck recipe is very similar to the previous one. Only vegetables are added to the dish.


  • 1 duck;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 50 g mayonnaise;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • pepper, salt, herbs.

How to cook wild duck with potatoes?

  1. Prepare the bird carcass: pluck, remove the insides and rinse.
  2. Cut into pieces, rub them with pepper, garlic, salt. Coat with mayonnaise, sprinkle with dill and parsley, let the duck brew for two hours.
  3. Peel the vegetables, cut the carrots and onions into cubes and fry, add chopped tomato, simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Add marinated duck to vegetables and fry.
  5. Put everything in a duck dish, put potatoes to the duck, pour water, put salt, pepper, herbs and chopped garlic.
  6. Put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C and simmer for an hour and a half.

What to serve the bird with

If you have coped with the task of how to properly cook a wild duck, then there is still one nuance left - this is what to serve it with.

Wild bird goes especially well with rice or buckwheat porridge. Potatoes go well too. The main thing to remember is that the side dish should only emphasize the taste of the main dish, and not interrupt it in any way.

Either lingonberry or currant jam is suitable for fried poultry. But they are served separately from each other.

The following trick will help to effectively serve game to the table. First, put fruits on the dish, for example, apples, pineapples, oranges, and put portioned pieces of duck on top. Top the game with sauce and sprinkle with herbs.

Cooking Tricks

For example, how to cook an odorless wild duck? In order for the game to lose its natural smell, the easiest way is to marinate or boil it in salted water with herbs and vegetables until half cooked.

This is where the second question comes in. How to marinate wild duck?

There are many ways to marinade. The simplest is a red or white wine marinade with spices and onions. The bird needs to stand in the marinade for two hours. Some housewives leave the bird in the marinade overnight in the refrigerator.

Next moment: how to soak a wild duck? If there is no time to marinate the game, you can simply soak it. For example, in water with the addition of salt and 6% vinegar for 30 minutes. This will soften the tough poultry meat.

All of the above wild duck dishes are sure to please you and your loved ones! Now you know how to cook a wild bird. All wild duck recipes are not so difficult to execute, even a novice hostess can handle them.


In our video you will find another interesting way to cook game roast.

Following which you can please your family with a game dish, contains a number of specific details. After all, waterfowl have a special smell and unusual taste of meat, which, before cooking wild ducks, must be neutralized. First, let's figure out what types of birds you have to deal with.

How to cook wild ducks: preliminary nuances

The meat of mallards and teals is considered the best in terms of taste. These birds are all over the place. Hunting them is allowed during most of the autumn. It is better to cook the meat of these birds by frying or sufficiently long stewing. In conditions of a hike, it can be baked over a fire on a spit. Sometimes bird meat is cooked in a way or soup is cooked from it. Having studied how to cook wild ducks, it is advisable to pre-soak them in the marinade for up to a day. It should be strong, but not tart. Diving duck, in addition, it is recommended to soak in cold water and remove the skin from the carcass. this species is not brewed. It is also important to add spices to the game. But, for example, the meat of waders (harshnep, snipe) is cooked without spices. And also without the addition of onions and garlic.

Cook wild duck in the oven

This is a fast and reliable way to surprise everyone with a delicious game dish. The first steps, as we have already mentioned, should be soaking and marinating the carcass. The second is getting rid of excess fat. Almost all ducks have a high fat content - this is due to their life close to water (the subcutaneous layer protects the bird from the cold). Take a small sharp stick and a knife. When making incisions in the skin, hold it with a stick and remove the fat with a knife. Then wrap the bird in foil and place on a wire rack. The latter is needed so that air circulates around the duck better. Before wrapping in foil, rub the bird well with salt (this will make the skin crispy - do not be afraid to add salt) and black pepper. A two-kilogram one for about two hours. Three times the bird must be taken out and, turning over, pour over the resulting juice. No matter how carefully you cut off the fat from it, some of it will still stand out. It is better to collect it in a separate container and store it in the refrigerator. You can fry potatoes on it, as well as cook meat pies with duck fat. The baked bird is cut and, after letting it stand for a quarter of an hour, is served.

How to cook wild ducks with apples

For one medium-sized bird, you will need a couple of sour fruits, two onions, salt, (ground), half a glass of dry red wine and broth, a spoonful of starch and a spoonful of cream.

Finely chop the apples. Rub the duck with pepper and salt. Roast it on the stove. Then put in a duck bowl, overlay with apples, chopped onions, juniper. Pour in broth, cream and wine. Water the bird with rendered fat. Let the cooked duck cool. And add starch to the melted juice and boil - you get a good dressing. Serve the bird with the resulting sauce.

Wild duck is not as fat as poultry. Its meat is very tasty, although it is difficult to find it on sale, most often game is served in restaurants. However, today you can meet many hunters who delight their mistresses with prey. There are a lot of recipes for cooking this bird, they make roasts, soups, bake it in the oven, stew with vegetables, and more. Today we will talk about how to cook wild duck at home. Of course, not every housewife can boast of her culinary skills in cooking exactly game, but this is easily fixable, since there is nothing complicated in this, although the process itself takes a sufficient amount of time.

Bird preparation

Before you start cooking any wild duck dish, it must be pre-processed. To do this, it is plucked by one of the known methods. We chose the dry method: the carcass is taken in such a way that it hangs upside down. With quick jerks, they begin to pull out feathers against their growth. First they are removed on the chest, then they go to the back, neck and shoulders, the wings are plucked last. Further, before cooking a wild duck, the remaining hairs are removed with the blunt side of the knife, the carcass is rolled in flour and gently singeed over the burner. At the same time, the bird is well straightened so that there are no wrinkles on the skin. The scorched duck is thoroughly washed in water, removing soot and flour residues.

Now you can start cutting, if the recipe for cooking wild duck requires it. If you plan to roast the bird in the oven, you should only remove the intestines and entrails. To do this, an incision is made near the anus, through which all the intestines are removed.

Removal of specific odor

In most cases, wild duck meat has a specific smell of fish. To get rid of it, it is necessary to pour enough water on a large baking sheet so that it covers half of it, and then put the carcass there, and then send everything to a well-heated oven for five minutes. Then the bird must be turned over, again put the baking sheet in the oven for five minutes. This effective method will help get rid of the fishy smell. Now you can start cooking. Let's look at a few recipes.

Duck stewed in a pan

Ingredients: one wild duck carcass, salt and spices to taste, one lemon, two tablespoons of vinegar.


In order to cook a wild duck in the oven, it is necessary to cut the prepared carcass into portions, which are then put in a bowl. Each piece is rubbed with salt and spices. The ideal seasoning in this case is a mixture of black and red peppers, paprika, rosemary and sage, basil and cumin, marjoram and juniper. Lemon juice must be squeezed and added to the meat along with grated zest and vinegar. Everything is mixed well, covered with a lid and put in a cold place for eight hours to marinate. During this time, the bird will be saturated with the aromas of spices and become much softer.

Next, the game is laid out in a pan and poured with juice, if it is not enough, then add half a glass of water, cover with a lid and simmer for about half an hour over medium heat. Then this wild duck recipe involves frying each piece on all sides until golden brown in the fat that was rendered from the bird. The finished dish can be garnished with herbs and vegetables; it is served with lingonberry jam to give it more piquancy.

Shurpa from wild duck

Ingredients: several carcasses of a wild duck, three hundred grams of lard, one kilogram of potatoes, half a kilogram of sweet pepper, half a kilogram of carrots, half a kilogram of tomato, a head of garlic, two tablespoons of tomato paste, one bunch of parsley, dill and cilantro, as well as five peas of black pepper, each two tablespoons of spices (coriander, suneli and cumin hops), five bay leaves and salt to taste.


Today we will consider cooking wild duck in nature. So, the carcasses must be put in a cauldron and filled with water so that it completely covers them, add a whole peeled onion there. We put on fire. The duck must be boiled for four hours, periodically removing the foam, while salt is not added. To make the meat cook faster, the bird can be pre-cut into portions and fried. But then the dish will turn out a little fatter. In the meantime, prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Preparation of ingredients for shurpa

Potatoes must be peeled, washed and coarsely chopped (do not cut small ones). Do the same with carrots. Onions are cut into half rings, the same is done with bell peppers, tomatoes are cut into large slices. The greens are washed and chopped, the garlic is divided into cloves and finely chopped. Next, the fat is cut into strips and placed in a frying pan, which is placed on another small fire, previously diluted. When the fat acquires a golden hue, pour the onion into it and fry, then add the carrots and continue to fry until tender.

So, let's look at how to cook a wild duck on an open fire next. After four hours, potatoes and salt are added to the cauldron to taste, boiled for ten minutes. Then they put the prepared roast there and cook again for ten minutes. After that, bell peppers and tomatoes are added, continue to cook for twenty minutes. Five minutes before the end of cooking, put spices, tomato paste and half of the pre-cut greens, garlic. At the last moment, one hundred grams of vodka is poured into the shurpa. The dish is ready!

Wild duck Khanty-Mansiysk

Ingredients: three wild ducks, three hundred grams each, two medium apples, one eggplant, one carrot, one zucchini, half a lemon, three hundred grams of bacon, salt, as well as vinegar and spices to taste, one liter of carbonated unsalted water, one tangerine, herbs.


Wild duck dishes like this are delicious. In addition, it is very satisfying and healthy, a male hunter will undoubtedly appreciate it.

So, pre-prepared carcasses must be soaked in mineral water for two hours. Then they are taken out, wiped with napkins and rubbed with salt and spices. Apples are cut into strips, salted and peppered, poured over with lemon juice and insisted for five minutes. After that, ducks are stuffed with them and chopped tangerine, then the holes are not sewn up, but covered with lard plates, fixing it with toothpicks. Eggplants, carrots and zucchini are cut into large pieces, salted and peppered, sprinkled with vinegar, left for a few minutes. Salo is cut into slices one centimeter thick.

Wild duck in the oven

Next, prepare the baking sheet. To do this, it is covered with foil, bending the edges. A second layer of foil is placed on top (the edges are not bent), and then the third. Then put prepared ducks, each of which is covered with fat. Vegetables are laid out around the bird. Foil, where the carcasses lie, wrap them (first with the third layer, then with the second). The baking sheet is placed in a well-heated oven for twenty minutes. After that, the foil is unfolded so that a "basket" is obtained. The bird is watered with the resulting juice and put back in the oven, a bowl of water is placed next to it. Every five minutes, the carcasses must be taken out and watered with juice. Do this until they get a golden hue. The readiness of the dish is checked as follows: a duck is pierced with a toothpick, if the blood does not appear, then it is ready.

The finished dish is poured with lemon juice, decorated with herbs and baked vegetables. Such a hearty dinner will delight every member of the family.

Duck on coals with lard

Cooking wild duck on the grill does not require special skills. This dish is quite simple, but hearty and appetizing; for lovers of outdoor recreation, this is a great option for a good and tasty meal.

Ingredients: wild duck fat, three hundred grams of lard, red pepper, chicken seasoning, dried garlic, lemon and herbs.


A pre-prepared drake is placed in the dishes, spices are added to taste, lemon juice, left for an hour or two to marinate. In the meantime, cut the fat into layers one centimeter thick. The bird is cut along the breast, crushed and laid out like a tobacco chicken. Prepared lard is placed at the bottom of the pan, and a duck is placed on top, put them under pressure for half an hour.

Before you cook a wild duck, you need to kindle a fire and put on a barbecue. Then a layer of lard is placed on the grid, on top - a duck, which is also covered with a layer of lard, and put on fire. At the same time, the garlic on the bird is absorbed into the skin due to the fat, so the carcass does not burn. The dish is ready for about an hour. This makes the meat tender and tasty. Do not forget about the fire here, it must be extinguished with marinade from the bird.

So, the wild duck, whose cooking recipes are varied, is ready. First, lard is laid out on a plate, while it is recommended to hold the bird over the fire for a few more minutes to get a golden crust. The dish is served with baked lard, herbs and vegetables.

Wild duck with cinnamon and tomatoes

Ingredients: three ducks weighing three hundred grams, six hundred grams of tomatoes, one spoonful of cinnamon, one onion, one spoonful of salt, one and a half tablespoons of sugar, one bunch of basil, a mixture of ground peppers, three tablespoons of olive oil, three tablespoons of sour cream.


Consider how a wild duck is prepared in a slow cooker. First of all, it is necessary to rinse and dry the bird, then fry it in a pan on all sides so that excess liquid is gone. Then the skin is removed from the carcasses (previously scalded with boiling water), and they are finely chopped. Finely chopped onions, spices, chopped herbs, butter and sour cream are added. The dish is cooked for thirty minutes in a slow cooker. At the end of cooking, starch (a teaspoon) is added and boiled. The dish is ready! It can be garnished with basil sprigs, served with vegetables or porridge.

Duck with rice (pilaf)

Ingredients: one carcass of a wild duck, one onion, two glasses of rice, half a spoonful of savory, six cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste.


Wild duck, the recipes for which we are considering, turns out to be delicious if cooked along with peeled offal. So, together with the bird, they are cut into small pieces, poured with water and boiled until tender. The broth is poured into another bowl. The onion is chopped and added to the bird, all this is fried, the broth is poured in, the washed rice, salt and spices, and garlic are added. All ingredients are mixed, covered with a lid and cooked like pilaf. Fifteen minutes before readiness, you can add chopped apples. Serve the finished dish on a large plate, garnished with sprigs of herbs and vegetables.


Thus, wild duck dishes, the recipes of which we have reviewed, are well suited both for every day and for the festive table. Game cooked at home or outdoors will delight every hunter. The meat of this bird is not as fatty as that of a domestic duck, but contains no less nutrients. Moreover, the dishes turn out to be spicy and rather unusual, although they take a long time to cook for the reason that the muscle tissue of a bird living in the wild is quite dense. However, the time spent is fully compensated by a great lunch or dinner, as well as words of gratitude from relatives and friends. Bon appetit!

Even if your family does not have a hunter, still take note of this recipe. Suddenly, someone decides to treat you, and you refuse under the pretext that you don’t know how to cook, or you can use this wild duck recipe for home cooking.

But before we go directly to the recipe, I will tell you a little about the benefits of duck meat and some of the features of cooking wild duck at home.

  • Duck meat, unlike other poultry, has a red color, this indicates a high content of hemoglobin, iron in duck meat - 2 times more than in beef and 4 times more than in chicken and pork.
  • It has a well-balanced amino acid content, which is why duck meat is considered to contain high-quality protein. The most interesting amino acid is tryptophan, which is the precursor of the sleep hormone, melatonin. For better sleep, experts recommend eating a piece of duck in the evening, but not a big one.
  • Duck meat contains vitamin A, B vitamins and many different useful trace elements. I will not talk about everyone, but as an example - 100 grams of duck meat contains half the daily requirement of nicotinic acid (B3), and it reduces bad cholesterol. The same 100 grams contains 43% of the daily dose of selenium, a trace element of longevity, as experts call it.
  • A duck is, of course, a fatty bird, but there is a plus here, since duck fat is equated in composition more with olive oil than with animal fat, but duck meat is still considered high-calorie and the main thing here is its moderate consumption.
  • Wild duck meat differs from domestic duck only in that it is tougher, because wild ducks lead a more active lifestyle, it is considered less fat and the fat content depends on the season - spring ducks are less fat, autumn ones are fatter. Also, wild duck meat has a specific smell, but depending on the type of ducks, it can be different - there is a pronounced one, and for some it is not very noticeable.

In order for the wild duck to become soft, juicy, tasty and odorless during cooking, it is better to marinate it and keep it in the marinade longer, I usually leave no less than overnight. Preparing a wild duck takes longer, but sometimes it also depends on age. That's actually all the differences, so let's go directly to the recipe for cooking wild duck.

How to cook wild duck


  • carcasses of wild ducks
  • kefir
  • soy sauce
  • lemon
  • ground black pepper

Recipe - how to cook wild duck deliciously so that it is soft and juicy

We bring the ducks into proper form as soon as the husband brings them from the hunt - we remove feathers, fluff, gut and put clean carcasses in the freezer. Ducks vary in size depending on the species, and at the moment I have taken small ducks from our stocks, so I will cook them in the oven whole. And for starters, they need to be thawed.

Let's prepare the marinade: in what proportions I did it, I won’t say, everything is by eye. The basis of the marinade is kefir. I added soy sauce to it, squeezed the juice from half a lemon, added pepper and salt. Try the marinade, you should like it in taste, but be sourer and saltier than, for example, you make some kind of sauce for regular consumption.

Pour the marinade into the dishes where our game will be marinated and put the carcasses in it, dip each one well in the marinade and preferably coat it inside. Cover and put in a cool place. As I said, I usually leave it overnight.

The next day, marinated ducks are placed in a baking dish.

Cover with foil and put in the oven.

Wild ducks will cook for about an hour at a temperature of 180 0. But this time, as a rule, is not enough even for small ducks. We take the ducks out of the oven, during baking a lot of juice is formed and we turn the carcasses over so that the other part of them will be in this juice. Cover with foil again and put in the oven for half an hour, then check for readiness, if it is harsh, cook further, if the duck meat has already become soft, remove the foil and set it open for 10 minutes so that the game is browned, then you can turn them over and again put 10 minutes.

We take out the finished game from the oven and it is better to immediately transfer the ducks to another dish. My experience tells me that fat accumulates a specific smell in itself, and therefore they must be immediately separated from each other. By the way, if ducks, especially autumn ducks, are fatty, then you can remove some of the fat and cook without it.

I told you how to cook wild duck. Thanks to this recipe, the ducks turned out soft, juicy and tasty.

You can also make sauce for ducks. Allow the juice formed during cooking to stand for a while, then carefully remove the settled fat - we do not need it. Drain the remaining juice into a convenient bowl, add crushed garlic. And when you eat duck, you can dip the pieces in this garlic sauce. My husband loves this sauce.

Bon appetit!

P.S. If the ducks are larger than those that I told you about, then you can cook them in pieces, but I advise you to marinate in any case. As a marinade, you can use mayonnaise, sour cream, dry wine. You can cook wild duck in pieces both in the oven and fry in a pan.

I was interested in the recipe from the video, in this way I did not cook game, I took note.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.
